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FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What is a summer extravaganza? That sounds a bit like you are a liar and it is really some kind of homework.


You are giving us a summer extravaganza!? What? Why? The summer extravaganza is given for several reasons. First, it is designed to keep your brains sharp and active during the summer months. I will be expecting a lot from them in August. It will not only cover material from freshman/ sophomore Biology, but also will require you to explore new content and vocabulary.

Do I have to do it? How much is it worth? Yes. The entirety of the assignment is worth 240 points.

Will it be accepted late? Can we do it last minute? No. No, you should be working throughout the summer. Procrastination will make your grade suffer!! Get off to a good start!

ABOUT THE COURSE AP Biology is an exciting, challenging, and rigorous course, with a great deal of independent work. The majority of outside work entails reading, note taking, and studying. There will be some essay writing assignments along with lab work assignments. Be prepared to work hard, but most importantly to learn Biology in much greater detail than in your first course. The most important qualities you must possess and utilize to be successful are diligence and organization (especially of your time). You will be well prepared for the AP Biology Exam in May if you thoroughly do the work asked of you. Enjoy your summer, and good luck with your assignment. Do not wait until the week before school begins to start your summer work. I will check my school e-mail periodically throughout the summer if you have questions. I can be reached at: [email protected] FOUR BIG IDEAS

� Big Idea 1 – The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life. � Big Idea 2 – Biological Systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce,

and to maintain homeostasis. � Big Idea 3 – Living systems store, retrieve, transmit and respond to information essential to life processes. � Big Idea 4 – Biological systems interact, and these systems are their interactions possess complex properties

Exams: You will all be required to take the AP Biology Exam in May of 2014; I also highly recommend taking the Biology SAT Test near the end of the course if you are a junior, and somewhere in the middle of the course if you are a senior. You should take the “M” version. RESOURCES - TEXTBOOKS and WEB ACCESS:

• Summer/Online - Biology, 9th Edition (AP Edition), Urry and Reece, Pearson Education, 2011. ISBN#: 0-13-137504-0 • School Year - Biology, 9th Edition, Raven, MacGraw Hill, 2011. ISBN#: 978-0-07-893649 • Classroom Website:

Optional: If you want to write/highlight in your text book you may want to buy an extra copy to keep at home for studying and to write/highlight in. Relatively inexpensive used copies of the textbook can be found on the internet. Recommended to purchase: Princeton Review, Cracking the AP Biology Exam 2013 version Campbell Web Site: LOG INTO THIS SITE BEFORE SCHOOL ENDS. LET ME KNOW IF YOU HAVE ANY TROUBLE BEFORE JUNE 3 rd, 2013.



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a. Campbell, Biology 9e AP® Edition MasteringBiology

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8. Confirmation & Summary

****TO access your online book in the future to complete your guided reading, go to, and click on the text book cover seen above. Use your login

information you just created to access the ebook.****

ASSIGNMENT PART I - Reading, Note taking, Study Guide Workbook and Test (Study Guide 80 points, Test 100 points) You will find all of the information for this section on your online text book. (Instructions for access listed above.) Read the specific chapters and pages listed below. On the 2nd day of class there will be a 100 point test on this information. The test will include information from chapters 1-6. The test will be multiple choice and possibly 1 essay response. You will be allowed to use notes but they must fit on ONE 3-1/2 x 5 note card. You may use both sides of the note card and it must be handwritten. You must make your own individual study cards. No photocopies. You must complete in writing each corresponding chapter in the study guide as well. I will check your work from your study guides on the first day of school for chapters 1-6. YOU CAN FIND THE STUDY GUIDE ON MY WEBSITE UNDER TH E SUMMER ASSIGNMENT TAB!! PRINT IT OUT!! START WORKING ON IT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!! While reading throughout the text this year remember that diagrams are your friend! Do not skip over the diagrams and captions. You need to be able to understand and interpret the diagrams throughout the text. Complete the Guided Reading Packet for the corresponding chapters. Be sure to complete your own work and do not copy someone else’s! Use the packet, page references, and diagrams in the textbook to study for your test on the 2nd day of class. There are also lots of good videos and other resources available on the online textbook. Chap 1 Introduction: Ten Themes in the Study of Life

• Focus on: -Hypothesis formulation and scientific inquiry -Be able to identify the 11 unifying themes of Biology and relate them to the rest of the chapters assigned. -Most of this is review and you should be very familiar with this material

Chapter 2 The Chemical Context of Life

• Focus on: – Chemical elements and element properties (stop after isotopes on these pages) – this should be review from chem. or bio – - being able to calculate numbers of subatomic particles, atomic number and mass number

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-4 essential elements -isotopes. • Chemical bonding and chemical reactions Focus on: -polar and non-polar covalent bonds, ionic bonds and weak chemical bonds -note the relationship between the shape of a molecule and its function -making and breaking of chemical bonds

Chapter 3 Water and the Fitness of the Environment • Read pgs 47-53 – Water’s Polarity and Four Emergent Properties Focus on -The properties of water that contribute to life processes on Earth • Read pgs 53-55 – The dissociation of water molecules (Acids and Bases) Focus on: -What an acid is and what a base is in relation to H+ and OH- ions. -pH scale and buffers

Chapter 4 – Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life

• Focus on: -chemical characteristics of carbon including:

-tetravalence -bond angles, tetrahedron for single bonds, flat for double bonds -covalent bonding -carbon chains (skeletons)

� variations in chains � hydrocarbons

-Isomers-3 types and diagrams -Functional groups-be able to identify the various types in diagrams

Chap 5 – Macromolecules

• Focus on: -structure, function, synthesis and breakdown of polymers, be able to give an example of each molecule and be able to identify the structures of the following:

-carbohydrates – mono, di and polysaccharides (starch, glycogen, cellulose) -lipids – saturated fats, unsaturated fats, phospholipids, steroids -proteins – versatility, general formula and structure of amino acids (you do not need to know the specific formula of each amino acid), role of conformation (shape) in function and examples of proteins in these conformations -nucleic acids – nucleotide structure for DNA and RNA, purines and pyrimidines, role in inheritance and evolution

Chap 6 – A Tour of the Cell

• Focus on: -Major microscope types and their uses -Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes: major similarities and differences, general characteristics -Eukaryotic Cells: Plants and Animals, know their structures and how it relates to their functions, be able to compare and contrast the 2 cell types, identify the structures in a diagram -In the extracellular components section, understand the outer layers of cells and how they connect and communicate to other cell

Part II – Address Big Idea #1 on the PPHS AP Biology Blog on (40 points) Due date: Sunday, July 29th Big Idea 1 – The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” – Charles Darwin

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"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution." - Theodosius Dobzhansky

I would like you to dissect Big Idea # 1 along with the Charles Darwin & Dobzhansky quotes above in a post on the PPHS AP Biology Blog. What do you think is meant by big idea # 1 and the quotes? Think about what is meant by these quotes by recalling what you have learned about in past life science courses and by doing some research on the subject. Be sure to include specific examples that show that you have done research. Think outside the box! A topic does not have to specifically be in the evolution chapter to summarize the Big Idea! (Must be a minimum of 10 sentences) After you post your ideas you must then respond to TWO (2) other students’ responses. These MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 5 SENTENCES EACH. A response can include, you agreeing with something they wrote or disagreeing. You can offer questions to this person about their thoughts. All responses should be respectful and thoughtful. Part III- LETTER OF INTRODUCTION (20 points) Welcome to AP Biology! We are going to spend a lot of time together next year, so it’s best if we get a head start on learning a bit about you. Also we will use the Internet and the Web a lot next year for this course, so let’s get you used to communicating with us via e-mail. Your first digital assignment is to successfully send an e-mail to your AP Biology teacher. Due date: Sunday, July 29th Draft an e-mail to us following these rules: a. Use clearly written, full sentences. Do not abbreviate words like you are on the Twitter Machine or Myface with a friend. Use spell check! This is a professional communication like you would have with a college professor. My email: [email protected] b. Make the Subject: “AP Bio: Introduction to <Insert Your Name Here>” (Do not include the quote marks or the brackets, just the words) c. Begin the e-mail with a formal salutation, like “Miss Hanna,” d. Now introduce yourself (your name) and tell me a little bit about yourself, like:

•What do you like to do (hobbies, sports, music, interests, etc.)?, Do you have a job?, Tell me a little bit about what is important to you- friends, family, pets, etc., What do your parents do for a living?, Was there anything that you liked about your earlier biology class?, What was the last book you read for fun?, How do you learn (hands on, visual, verbal)?, What are you looking forward to the most in AP Biology?, What are you most anxious about in AP Biology? You do not have to address all of these questions, just giving you some ideas.

Due Dates Thursday, May 22nd • Give Miss Hanna your email address and pick up your information packet


• Ask any questions and address any concerns about the course now! • Join Remind 101 for text updates

o o Or o Text @apbiopphs to the number (754) 201-2505

Sunday, July 29th • Sign up to be a contributor to the AP Biology Blog: (you will receive an email from me before the end of the school year inviting you to join.)

• Read the Introduction and Summer Assignment posts • Addressing Big Idea #1 on the PPHS AP Biology Blog response (Part II DUE) • Send Introduction Email (Part III DUE)

1st Day of Class • Hand Written Reading Guides due on first day of class (optional index card for test tomorrow)

2nd Day of Class • 100 point Introduction Test on Chapters 1-6

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