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AppDirector Installation and Maintenance GuideDocument ID: RDWR_APD_IG_1312December, 2013AppDirector Installation and Maintenance Guide2Document ID: RDWR_APD_IG_1312AppDirector Installation and Maintenance GuideDocument ID: RDWR_APD_IG_13043Important NoticesThe following important notices are presented in English, French, and German.Important NoticesThis guide is delivered subject to the following conditions and restrictions:The AppShape++ Script Files provided by Radware Ltd. are subject to the Special License Terms included in each of the electronic AppShape++ Script Files and are also subject to Radware's End User License Agreement, a copy of which (as may be amended from time to time) can be found at the end of this document or at note that if you create your own scripts using any AppShape++ Scripts provided by Radware, such self-created scripts are not controlled by Radware and therefore Radware will not be liable for any malfunctions resulting from such self-created scripts.Copyright Radware Ltd. 2013. All rights reserved.The copyright and all other intellectual property rights and trade secrets included in this guide are owned by Radware Ltd.The guide is provided to Radware customers for the sole purpose of obtaining information with respect to the installation and use of the Radware products described in this document, and may not be used for any other purpose.The information contained in this guide is proprietary to Radware and must be kept in strict confidence.It is strictly forbidden to copy, duplicate, reproduce or disclose this guide or any part thereof without the prior written consent of Radware.Notice importanteCe guide est sujet aux conditions et restrictions suivantes:Les applications AppShape++ Script Files fournies par Radware Ltd. sont soumises aux termes de la Licence Spciale (Special License Terms) incluse dans chaque fichier lectronique AppShape++ Script Files mais aussi au Contrat de Licence d'Utilisateur Final de Radware qui peut tre modifi de temps en temps et dont une copie est disponible la fin du prsent document ou l'adresse suivante: attirons votre attention sur le fait que si vous crez vos propres fichiers de commande (fichiers script) en utilisant l'application AppShape++ Script Files fournie par Radware, ces fichiers script ne sont pas contrls par Radware et Radware ne pourra en aucun cas tre tenue responsable des dysfonctionnements rsultant des fichiers script ainsi crs.Copyright Radware Ltd. 2013. Tous droits rservs.Le copyright ainsi que tout autre droit li la proprit intellectuelle et aux secrets industriels contenus dans ce guide sont la proprit de Radware Ltd.Ce guide dinformations est fourni nos clients dans le cadre de linstallation et de lusage des produits de Radware dcrits dans ce document et ne pourra tre utilis dans un but autre que celui pour lequel il a t conu.Les informations rpertories dans ce document restent la proprit de Radware et doivent tre conserves de manire confidentielle.Il est strictement interdit de copier, reproduire ou divulguer des informations contenues dans ce manuel sans avoir obtenu le consentement pralable crit de Radware.AppDirector Installation and Maintenance Guide4Document ID: RDWR_APD_IG_1304Wichtige AnmerkungDieses Handbuch wird vorbehaltlich folgender Bedingungen und Einschrnkungen ausgeliefert:Die von Radware Ltd bereitgestellten AppShape++ Scriptdateien unterliegen den in jeder elektronischen AppShape++ Scriptdatei enthalten besonderen Lizenzbedingungen sowie Radware's Endbenutzer-Lizenzvertrag (von welchem eine Kopie in der jeweils geltenden Fassung am Ende dieses Dokuments oder unter erhltlich ist). Bitte beachten Sie, dass wenn Sie Ihre eigenen Skripte mit Hilfe eines von Radware bereitgestellten AppShape++ Skripts erstellen, diese selbsterstellten Skripte nicht von Radware kontrolliert werden und Radware daher keine Haftung fr Funktionsfehler bernimmt, welche von diesen selbsterstellten Skripten verursacht werden. Copyright Radware Ltd. 2013. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.Das Urheberrecht und alle anderen in diesem Handbuch enthaltenen Eigentumsrechte und Geschftsgeheimnisse sind Eigentum von Radware Ltd.Dieses Handbuch wird Kunden von Radware mit dem ausschlielichen Zweck ausgehndigt, Informationen zu Montage und Benutzung der in diesem Dokument beschriebene Produkte von Radware bereitzustellen. Es darf fr keinen anderen Zweck verwendet werden.Die in diesem Handbuch enthaltenen Informationen sind Eigentum von Radware und mssen streng vertraulich behandelt werden.Es ist streng verboten, dieses Handbuch oder Teile daraus ohne vorherige schriftliche Zustimmung von Radware zu kopieren, vervielfltigen, reproduzieren oder offen zu legen.Copyright Notices The following copyright notices are presented in English, French, and German.Copyright NoticesThe programs included in this product are subject to a restricted use license and can only be used in conjunction with this application.This product contains code developed by the OpenSSL Project.This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project. For use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. ( (c) 1998-2005 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved.This product contains the Rijndael cipher The Rijndael implementation by Vincent Rijmen, Antoon Bosselaers and Paulo Barreto is in the public domain and distributed with the following license: @version 3.0 (December 2000)Optimized ANSI C code for the Rijndael cipher (now AES)@author Vincent Rijmen @author Antoon Bosselaers @author Paulo Barreto The OnDemand Switch may use software components licensed under the GNU General Public License Agreement Version 2 (GPL v.2) including LinuxBios and Filo open source projects. The source code of the LinuxBios and Filo is available from Radware upon request. A copy of the license can be viewed at: code is hereby placed in the public domain.This product contains code developed by the OpenBSD ProjectCopyright (c) 1983, 1990, 1992, 1993, 1995AppDirector Installation and Maintenance GuideDocument ID: RDWR_APD_IG_13045The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.This product includes software developed by Markus FriedlThis product includes software developed by Theo de RaadtThis product includes software developed by Niels ProvosThis product includes software developed by Dug SongThis product includes software developed by Aaron CampbellThis product includes software developed by Damien MillerThis product includes software developed by Kevin StevesThis product includes software developed by Daniel KourilThis product includes software developed by Wesley GriffinThis product includes software developed by Per AllanssonThis product includes software developed by Nils NordmanThis product includes software developed by Simon WilkinsonRedistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.This product contains work derived from the RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm. RSA Data Security, Inc. makes no representations concerning either the merchantability of the MD5 Message - Digest Algorithm or the suitability of the MD5 Message - Digest Algorithm for any particular purpose. It is provided as is without express or implied warranty of any kind.Notice traitant du copyrightLes programmes intgrs dans ce produit sont soumis une licence d'utilisation limite et ne peuvent tre utiliss qu'en lien avec cette application.Ce produit renferme des codes dvelopps dans le cadre du projet OpenSSL.Ce produit inclut un logiciel dvelopp dans le cadre du projet OpenSSL. Pour un usage dans la bote outils OpenSSL ( (c) 1998-2005 Le projet OpenSSL. Tous droits rservs. Ce produit inclut la catgorie de chiffre Rijndael. Limplmentation de Rijindael par Vincent Rijmen, Antoon Bosselaers et Paulo Barreto est du domaine public et distribue sous les termes de la licence suivante:@version 3.0 (Dcembre 2000)Code ANSI C code pour Rijndael (actuellement AES)@author Vincent Rijmen @author Antoon Bosselaers AppDirector Installation and Maintenance Guide6Document ID: RDWR_APD_IG_1304@author Paulo Barreto .Le commutateur OnDemand peut utiliser les composants logiciels sous licence, en vertu des termes de la licence GNU General Public License Agreement Version 2 (GPL v.2), y compris les projets source ouverte LinuxBios et Filo. Le code source de LinuxBios et Filo est disponible sur demande auprs de Radware. Une copie de la licence est rpertorie sur: code est galement plac dans le domaine public.Ce produit renferme des codes dvelopps dans le cadre du projet OpenSSL.Copyright (c) 1983, 1990, 1992, 1993, 1995Les membres du conseil de lUniversit de Californie. Tous droits rservs.La distribution et lusage sous une forme source et binaire, avec ou sans modifications, est autorise pour autant que les conditions suivantes soient remplies:1. La distribution dun code source doit inclure la notice de copyright mentionne ci-dessus, cette liste de conditions et lavis de non-responsabilit suivant.2. La distribution, sous une forme binaire, doit reproduire dans la documentation et/ou dans tout autre matriel fourni la notice de copyright mentionne ci-dessus, cette liste de conditions et lavis de non-responsabilit suivant.3. Le nom de luniversit, ainsi que le nom des contributeurs ne seront en aucun cas utiliss pour approuver ou promouvoir un produit driv de ce programme sans lobtention pralable dune autorisation crite.Ce produit inclut un logiciel dvelopp par Markus Friedl Ce produit inclut un logiciel dvelopp par Theo de Raadt Ce produit inclut un logiciel dvelopp par Niels Provos Ce produit inclut un logiciel dvelopp par Dug SongCe produit inclut un logiciel dvelopp par Aaron Campbell Ce produit inclut un logiciel dvelopp par Damien Miller Ce produit inclut un logiciel dvelopp par Kevin Steves Ce produit inclut un logiciel dvelopp par Daniel Kouril Ce produit inclut un logiciel dvelopp par Wesley Griffin Ce produit inclut un logiciel dvelopp par Per Allansson Ce produit inclut un logiciel dvelopp par Nils NordmanCe produit inclut un logiciel dvelopp par Simon Wilkinson.La distribution et lusage sous une forme source et binaire, avec ou sans modifications, est autorise pour autant que les conditions suivantes soient remplies:1. La distribution dun code source doit inclure la notice de copyright mentionne ci-dessus, cette liste de conditions et lavis de non-responsabilit suivant.2. La distribution, sous une forme binaire, doit reproduire dans la documentation et/ou dans tout autre matriel fourni la notice de copyright mentionne ci-dessus, cette liste de conditions et lavis de non-responsabilit suivant.LE LOGICIEL MENTIONN CI-DESSUS EST FOURNI TEL QUEL PAR LE DVELOPPEUR ET TOUTE GARANTIE, EXPLICITE OU IMPLICITE, Y COMPRIS, MAIS SANS SY LIMITER, TOUTE GARANTIE IMPLICITE DE QUALIT MARCHANDE ET DADQUATION UN USAGE PARTICULIER EST EXCLUE.EN AUCUN CAS LAUTEUR NE POURRA TRE TENU RESPONSABLE DES DOMMAGES DIRECTS, INDIRECTS, ACCESSOIRES, SPCIAUX, EXEMPLAIRES OU CONSCUTIFS (Y COMPRIS, MAIS SANS SY LIMITER, LACQUISITION DE BIENS OU DE SERVICES DE REMPLACEMENT, LA PERTE DUSAGE, DE DONNES OU DE PROFITS OU LINTERRUPTION DES AFFAIRES), QUELLE QUEN SOIT LA CAUSE ET LA THORIE DE RESPONSABILIT, QUIL SAGISSE DUN CONTRAT, DE RESPONSABILIT STRICTE OU DUN ACTE DOMMAGEABLE (Y COMPRIS LA NGLIGENCE OU AUTRE), DCOULANT DE QUELLE QUE FAON QUE CE SOIT DE LUSAGE DE CE LOGICIEL, MME SIL A T AVERTI DE LA POSSIBILIT DUN TEL DOMMAGE.AppDirector Installation and Maintenance GuideDocument ID: RDWR_APD_IG_13047CopyrightvermerkeDie in diesem Produkt enthalten Programme unterliegen einer eingeschrnkten Nutzungslizenz und knnen nur in Verbindung mit dieser Anwendung benutzt werden.Dieses Produkt enthlt einen vom OpenSSL-Projekt entwickelten Code.Dieses Produkt enthlt vom OpenSSL-Projekt entwickelte Software. Zur Verwendung im OpenSSL Toolkit. ( (c) 1998-2005 The OpenSSL Project. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Dieses Produkt enthlt die Rijndael cipherDie Rijndael-Implementierung von Vincent Rijndael, Anton Bosselaers und Paulo Barreto ist ffentlich zugnglich und wird unter folgender Lizenz vertrieben:@version 3.0 (December 2000)Optimierter ANSI C Code fr den Rijndael cipher (jetzt AES)@author Vincent Rijmen @author Antoon Bosselaers @author Paulo Barreto Der OnDemand Switch verwendet mglicherweise Software, die im Rahmen der DNU Allgemeine ffentliche Lizenzvereinbarung Version 2 (GPL v.2) lizensiert sind, einschlielich LinuxBios und Filo Open Source-Projekte. Der Quellcode von LinuxBios und Filo ist bei Radware auf Anfrage erhltlich. Eine Kopie dieser Lizenz kann eingesehen werden unter: Code wird hiermit allgemein zugnglich gemacht.Dieses Produkt enthlt einen vom OpenBSD-Projekt entwickelten CodeCopyright (c) 1983, 1990, 1992, 1993, 1995The Regents of the University of California. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.Die Verbreitung und Verwendung in Quell- und binrem Format, mit oder ohne Vernderungen, sind unter folgenden Bedingungen erlaubt:1. Die Verbreitung von Quellcodes muss den voranstehenden Copyrightvermerk, diese Liste von Bedingungen und den folgenden Haftungsausschluss beibehalten.2. Die Verbreitung in binrem Format muss den voranstehenden Copyrightvermerk, diese Liste von Bedingungen und den folgenden Haftungsausschluss in der Dokumentation und/oder andere Materialien, die mit verteilt werden, reproduzieren.3. Weder der Name der Universitt noch die Namen der Beitragenden drfen ohne ausdrckliche vorherige schriftliche Genehmigung verwendet werden, um von dieser Software abgeleitete Produkte zu empfehlen oder zu bewerben.Dieses Produkt enthlt von Markus Friedl entwickelte Software Dieses Produkt enthlt von Theo de Raadt entwickelte Software Dieses Produkt enthlt von Niels Provos entwickelte Software Dieses Produkt enthlt von Dug Song entwickelte Software Dieses Produkt enthlt von Aaron Campbell entwickelte Software Dieses Produkt enthlt von Damien Miller entwickelte Software Dieses Produkt enthlt von Kevin Steves entwickelte Software Dieses Produkt enthlt von Daniel Kouril entwickelte Software Dieses Produkt enthlt von Wesley Griffin entwickelte Software Dieses Produkt enthlt von Per Allansson entwickelte Software Dieses Produkt enthlt von Nils Nordman entwickelte SoftwareDieses Produkt enthlt von Simon Wilkinson entwickelte SoftwareAppDirector Installation and Maintenance Guide8Document ID: RDWR_APD_IG_1304Die Verbreitung und Verwendung in Quell- und binrem Format, mit oder ohne Vernderungen, sind unter folgenden Bedingungen erlaubt:1. Die Verbreitung von Quellcodes muss den voranstehenden Copyrightvermerk, diese Liste von Bedingungen und den folgenden Haftungsausschluss beibehalten.2. Die Verbreitung in binrem Format muss den voranstehenden Copyrightvermerk, diese Liste von Bedingungen und den folgenden Haftungsausschluss in der Dokumentation und/oder andere Materialien, die mit verteilt werden, reproduzieren.SMTLICHE VORGENANNTE SOFTWARE WIRD VOM AUTOR IM IST-ZUSTAND (AS IS) BEREITGESTELLT. JEGLICHE AUSDRCKLICHEN ODER IMPLIZITEN GARANTIEN, EINSCHLIESSLICH, DOCH NICHT BESCHRNKT AUF DIE IMPLIZIERTEN GARANTIEN DER MARKTGNGIGKEIT UND DER ANWENDBARKEIT FR EINEN BESTIMMTEN ZWECK, SIND AUSGESCHLOSSEN.UNTER KEINEN UMSTNDEN HAFTET DER AUTOR FR DIREKTE ODER INDIREKTE SCHDEN, FR BEI VERTRAGSERFLLUNG ENTSTANDENE SCHDEN, FR BESONDERE SCHDEN, FR SCHADENSERSATZ MIT STRAFCHARAKTER, ODER FR FOLGESCHDEN EINSCHLIESSLICH, DOCH NICHT BESCHRNKT AUF, ERWERB VON ERSATZGTERN ODER ERSATZLEISTUNGEN; VERLUST AN NUTZUNG, DATEN ODER GEWINN; ODER GESCHFTSUNTERBRECHUNGEN) GLEICH, WIE SIE ENTSTANDEN SIND, UND FR JEGLICHE ART VON HAFTUNG, SEI ES VERTRGE, GEFHRDUNGSHAFTUNG, ODER DELIKTISCHE HAFTUNG (EINSCHLIESSLICH FAHRLSSIGKEIT ODER ANDERE), DIE IN JEGLICHER FORM FOLGE DER BENUTZUNG DIESER SOFTWARE IST, SELBST WENN AUF DIE MGLICHKEIT EINES SOLCHEN SCHADENS HINGEWIESEN WURDE.Standard WarrantyThe following standard warranty is presented in English, French, and German.Standard Warranty Radware offers a limited warranty for all its products (Products). Radware hardware products are warranted against defects in material and workmanship for a period of one year from date of shipment. Radware software carries a standard warranty that provides bug fixes for up to 90 days after date of purchase. Should a Product unit fail anytime during the said period(s), Radware will, at its discretion, repair or replace the Product.For hardware warranty service or repair, the product must be returned to a service facility designated by Radware. Customer shall pay the shipping charges to Radware and Radware shall pay the shipping charges in returning the product to the customer. Please see specific details outlined in the Standard Warranty section of the customer's purchase order.Radware shall be released from all obligations under its Standard Warranty in the event that the Product and/or the defective component has been subjected to misuse, neglect, accident or improper installation, or if repairs or modifications were made by persons other than Radware authorized service personnel, unless such repairs by others were made with the written consent of Radware.EXCEPT AS SET FORTH ABOVE, ALL RADWARE PRODUCTS (HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE) ARE PROVIDED BY AS IS AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED.Garantie standardRadware octroie une garantie limite pour l'ensemble de ses produits (" Produits "). Le matriel informatique (hardware) Radware est garanti contre tout dfaut matriel et de fabrication pendant une dure d'un an compter de la date d'expdition. Les logiciels (software) Radware sont fournis avec une garantie standard consistant en la fourniture de correctifs des dysfonctionnements du AppDirector Installation and Maintenance GuideDocument ID: RDWR_APD_IG_13049logiciels (bugs) pendant une dure maximum de 90 jours compter de la date d'achat. Dans l'hypothse o un Produit prsenterait un dfaut pendant ladite(lesdites) priode(s), Radware procdera, sa discrtion, la rparation ou l'change du Produit.S'agissant de la garantie d'change ou de rparation du matriel informatique, le Produit doit tre retourn chez un rparateur dsign par Radware. Le Client aura sa charge les frais d'envoi du Produit Radware et Radware supportera les frais de retour du Produit au client. Veuillez consulter les conditions spcifiques dcrites dans la partie " Garantie Standard " du bon de commande client.Radware est libre de toutes obligations lies la Garantie Standard dans l'hypothse o le Produit et/ou le composant dfectueux a fait l'objet d'un mauvais usage, d'une ngligence, d'un accident ou d'une installation non conforme, ou si les rparations ou les modifications qu'il a subi ont t effectues par d'autres personnes que le personnel de maintenance autoris par Radware, sauf si Radware a donn son consentement crit ce que de telles rparations soient effectues par ces personnes.SAUF DANS LES CAS PREVUS CI-DESSUS, L'ENSEMBLE DES PRODUITS RADWARE (MATERIELS ET LOGICIELS) SONT FOURNIS " TELS QUELS " ET TOUTES GARANTIES EXPRESSES OU IMPLICITES SONT EXCLUES, EN CE COMPRIS, MAIS SANS S'Y RESTREINDRE, LES GARANTIES IMPLICITES DE QUALITE MARCHANDE ET D'ADEQUATION A UNE UTILISATION PARTICULIERE.Standard GarantieRadware bietet eine begrenzte Garantie fr alle seine Produkte ("Produkte") an. Hardware Produkte von Radware haben eine Garantie gegen Material- und Verarbeitungsfehler fr einen Zeitraum von einem Jahr ab Lieferdatum. Radware Software verfgt ber eine Standard Garantie zur Fehlerbereinigung fr einen Zeitraum von bis zu 90 Tagen nach Erwerbsdatum. Sollte ein Produkt innerhalb des angegebenen Garantiezeitraumes einen Defekt aufweisen, wird Radware das Produkt nach eigenem Ermessen entweder reparieren oder ersetzen.Fr den Hardware Garantieservice oder die Reparatur ist das Produkt an eine von Radware bezeichnete Serviceeinrichtung zurckzugeben. Der Kunde hat die Versandkosten fr den Transport des Produktes zu Radware zu tragen, Radware bernimmt die Kosten der Rckversendung des Produktes an den Kunden. Genauere Angaben entnehmen Sie bitte dem Abschnitt zur Standard Garantie im Bestellformular fr Kunden.Radware ist von smtlichen Verpflichtungen unter seiner Standard Garantie befreit, sofern das Produkt oder der fehlerhafte Teil zweckentfremdet genutzt, in der Pflege vernachlssigt, einem Unfall ausgesetzt oder unsachgem installiert wurde oder sofern Reparaturen oder Modifikationen von anderen Personen als durch Radware autorisierten Kundendienstmitarbeitern vorgenommen wurden, es sei denn, diese Reparatur durch besagte andere Personen wurden mit schriftlicher Genehmigung seitens Radware durchgefhrt.MIT AUSNAHME DES OBEN DARGESTELLTEN, SIND ALLE RADWARE PRODUKTE (HARDWARE UND SOFTWARE) GELIEFERT "WIE GESEHEN" UND JEGLICHE AUSDRCKLICHEN ODER STILLSCHWEIGENDEN GARANTIEN, EINSCHLIESSLICH ABER NICHT BEGRENZT AUF STILLSCHWEIGENDE GEWHRLEISTUNG DER MARKTFHIGKEIT UND EIGNUNG FR EINEN BESTIMMTEN ZWECK AUSGESCHLOSSEN.Limitations on Warranty and LiabilityThe following limitations on warranty and liability are presented in English, French, and German.Limitations on Warranty and LiabilityIN NO EVENT SHALL RADWARE LTD. OR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATED ENTITIES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES INCURRED BY THE USE OF THE PRODUCTS (INCLUDING BOTH HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE) DESCRIBED IN THIS USER GUIDE, OR BY ANY DEFECT OR INACCURACY IN THIS USER GUIDE ITSELF. THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR AppDirector Installation and Maintenance Guide10Document ID: RDWR_APD_IG_1304BUSINESS INTERRUPTION). THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS WILL APPLY EVEN IF RADWARE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.Limitations de la Garantie et ResponsabilitRADWARE LTD. OU SES ENTITIES AFFILIES NE POURRONT EN AUCUN CAS ETRE TENUES RESPONSABLES DES DOMMAGES SUBIS DU FAIT DE L'UTILISATION DES PRODUITS (EN CE COMPRIS LES MATERIELS ET LES LOGICIELS) DECRITS DANS CE MANUEL D'UTILISATION, OU DU FAIT DE DEFAUT OU D'IMPRECISIONS DANS CE MANUEL D'UTILISATION, EN CE COMPRIS, SANS TOUTEFOIS QUE CETTE ENUMERATION SOIT CONSIDEREE COMME LIMITATIVE, TOUS DOMMAGES DIRECTS, INDIRECTS, ACCIDENTELS, SPECIAUX, EXEMPLAIRES, OU ACCESSOIRES (INCLUANT, MAIS SANS S'Y RESTREINDRE, LA FOURNITURE DE PRODUITS OU DE SERVICES DE REMPLACEMENT; LA PERTE D'UTILISATION, DE DONNEES OU DE PROFITS; OU L'INTERRUPTION DES AFFAIRES). LES LIMITATIONS CI-DESSUS S'APPLIQUERONT QUAND BIEN MEME RADWARE A ETE INFORMEE DE LA POSSIBLE EXISTENCE DE CES DOMMAGES. CERTAINES JURIDICTIONS N'ADMETTANT PAS LES EXCLUSIONS OU LIMITATIONS DE GARANTIES IMPLICITES OU DE RESPONSABILITE EN CAS DE DOMMAGES ACCESSOIRES OU INDIRECTS, LESDITES LIMITATIONS OU EXCLUSIONSPOURRAIENT NE PAS ETRE APPLICABLE DANS VOTRE CAS.Haftungs- und GewhrleistungsausschlussIN KEINEM FALL IST RADWARE LTD. ODER EIN IHR VERBUNDENES UNTERNEHMEN HAFTBAR FR SCHDEN, WELCHE BEIM GEBRAUCH DES PRODUKTES (HARDWARE UND SOFTWARE) WIE IM BENUTZERHANDBUCH BESCHRIEBEN, ODER AUFGRUND EINES FEHLERS ODER EINER UNGENAUIGKEIT IN DIESEM BENUTZERHANDBUCH SELBST ENTSTANDEN SIND. DAZU GEHREN UNTER ANDEREM (OHNE DARAUF BEGRENZT ZU SEIN) JEGLICHE DIREKTEN; IDIREKTEN; NEBEN; SPEZIELLEN, BELEGTEN ODER FOLGESCHDEN (EINSCHLIESSLICH ABER NICHT BEGRENZT AUF BESCHAFFUNG ODER ERSATZ VON WAREN ODER DIENSTEN, NUTZUNGSAUSFALL, DATEN- ODER GEWINNVERLUST ODER BETRIEBSUNTERBRECHUNGEN). DIE OBEN GENANNTEN BEGRENZUNGEN GREIFEN AUCH, SOFERN RADWARE AUF DIE MGLICHKEIT EINES SOLCHEN SCHADENS HINGEWIESEN WORDEN SEIN SOLLTE. EINIGE RECHTSORDNUNGEN LASSEN EINEN AUSSCHLUSS ODER EINE BEGRENZUNG STILLSCHWEIGENDER GARANTIEN ODER HAFTUNGEN BEZGLICH NEBEN- ODER FOLGESCHDEN NICHT ZU, SO DASS DIE OBEN DARGESTELLTE BEGRENZUNG ODER DER AUSSCHLUSS SIE UNTER UMSTNDEN NICHT BETREFFEN WIRD.Safety InstructionsThe following safety instructions are presented in English, French, and German.Safety InstructionsCAUTION A readily accessible disconnect device shall be incorporated in the building installation wiring. Due to the risks of electrical shock, and energy, mechanical, and fire hazards, any procedures that involve opening panels or changing components must be performed by qualified service personnel only.To reduce the risk of fire and electrical shock, disconnect the device from the power line before removing cover or panels. AppDirector Installation and Maintenance GuideDocument ID: RDWR_APD_IG_130411The following figure shows the caution label that is attached to Radware platforms with dual power supplies. Figure 1:Electrical Shock Hazard LabelDUAL-POWER-SUPPLY-SYSTEM SAFETY WARNING IN CHINESEThe following figure is the warning for Radware platforms with dual power supplies. Figure 2:Dual-Power-Supply-System Safety Warning in ChineseTranslation of Dual-Power-Supply-System Safety Warning in Chinese:This unit has more than one power supply. Disconnect all power supplies before maintenance to avoid electric shock. SERVICING Do not perform any servicing other than that contained in the operating instructions unless you are qualified to do so. There are no serviceable parts inside the unit. HIGH VOLTAGEAny adjustment, maintenance, and repair of the opened instrument under voltage must be avoided as much as possible and, when inevitable, must be carried out only by a skilled person who is aware of the hazard involved.Capacitors inside the instrument may still be charged even if the instrument has been disconnected from its source of supply. GROUNDINGBefore connecting this device to the power line, the protective earth terminal screws of this device must be connected to the protective earth in the building installation.LASERThis equipment is a Class 1 Laser Product in accordance with IEC60825 - 1: 1993 + A1:1997 + A2:2001 Standard.FUSESMake sure that only fuses with the required rated current and of the specified type are used for replacement. The use of repaired fuses and the short-circuiting of fuse holders must be avoided. Whenever it is likely that the protection offered by fuses has been impaired, the instrument must be made inoperative and be secured against any unintended operation. AppDirector Installation and Maintenance Guide12Document ID: RDWR_APD_IG_1304LINE VOLTAGE Before connecting this instrument to the power line, make sure the voltage of the power source matches the requirements of the instrument. Refer to the Specifications for information about the correct power rating for the device. 48V DC-powered platforms have an input tolerance of 36-72V DC.SPECIFICATION CHANGES Specifications are subject to change without notice.Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device pursuant to Part 15B of the FCC Rules and EN55022 Class A, EN 55024; EN 61000-3-2; EN 61000-3-3; IEC 61000 4-2 to 4-6, IEC 61000 4-8 and IEC 61000-4-11For CE MARK Compliance. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user is required to correct the interference at his own expense.VCCI ELECTROMAGNETIC-INTERFERENCE STATEMENTSFigure 3:Statement for Class A VCCI-certified EquipmentTranslation of Statement for Class A VCCI-certified Equipment:This is a Class A product based on the standard of the Voluntary Control Council for Interference by Information Technology Equipment (VCCI). If this equipment is used in a domestic environment, radio disturbance may occur, in which case, the user may be required to take corrective action.Figure 4:Statement for Class B VCCI-certified Equipment Translation of Statement for Class B VCCI-certified Equipment:This is a Class B product based on the standard of the Voluntary Control Council for Interference by Information Technology Equipment (VCCI). If this is used near a radio or television receiver in a domestic environment, it may cause radio interference. Install and use the equipment according to the instruction manual.AppDirector Installation and Maintenance GuideDocument ID: RDWR_APD_IG_130413KCC KOREAFigure 5:KCCKorea Communications Commission Certificate of Broadcasting and Communication EquipmentFigure 6:Statement For Class A KCC-certified Equipment in KoreanTranslation of Statement For Class A KCC-certified Equipment in Korean:This equipment is Industrial (Class A) electromagnetic wave suitability equipment and seller or user should take notice of it, and this equipment is to be used in the places except for home.SPECIAL NOTICE FOR NORTH AMERICAN USERSFor North American power connection, select a power supply cord that is UL Listed and CSA Certified 3 - conductor, [18 AWG], terminated in a molded on plug cap rated 125 V, [10 A], with a minimum length of 1.5m [six feet] but no longer than 4.5m...For European connection, select a power supply cord that is internationally harmonized and marked , 3 - conductor, 0,75 mm2 minimum mm2 wire, rated 300 V, with a PVC insulated jacket. The cord must have a molded on plug cap rated 250 V, 3 A.RESTRICT AREA ACCESSThe DC powered equipment should only be installed in a Restricted Access Area. INSTALLATION CODESThis device must be installed according to country national electrical codes. For North America, equipment must be installed in accordance with the US National Electrical Code, Articles 110 - 16, 110 -17, and 110 -18 and the Canadian Electrical Code, Section 12.INTERCONNECTION OF UNITS Cables for connecting to the unit RS232 and Ethernet Interfaces must be UL certified type DP-1 or DP-2. (Note- when residing in non LPS circuit)OVERCURRENT PROTECTION A readily accessible listed branch-circuit over current protective device rated 15 A must be incorporated in the building wiring for each power input.REPLACEABLE BATTERIESIf equipment is provided with a replaceable battery, and is replaced by an incorrect battery type, then an explosion may occur. This is the case for some Lithium batteries and the following is applicable: If the battery is placed in an Operator Access Area, there is a marking close to the battery or a statement in both the operating and service instructions. If the battery is placed elsewhere in the equipment, there is a marking close to the battery or a statement in the service instructions.AppDirector Installation and Maintenance Guide14Document ID: RDWR_APD_IG_1304This marking or statement includes the following text warning:CAUTIONRISK OF EXPLOSION IF BATTERY IS REPLACED BY AN INCORRECT BATTERY TYPE. DISPOSE OF USED BATTERIES ACCORDING TO THE INSTRUCTIONS.Caution To Reduce the Risk of Electrical Shock and Fire 1. This equipment is designed to permit connection between the earthed conductor of the DC supply circuit and the earthing conductor equipment. See Installation Instructions.2. All servicing must be undertaken only by qualified service personnel. There are not user serviceable parts inside the unit.3. DO NOT plug in, turn on or attempt to operate an obviously damaged unit.4. Ensure that the chassis ventilation openings in the unit are NOT BLOCKED.5. Replace a blown fuse ONLY with the same type and rating as is marked on the safety label adjacent to the power inlet, housing the fuse. 6. Do not operate the device in a location where the maximum ambient temperature exceeds 40C/104F.7. Be sure to unplug the power supply cord from the wall socket BEFORE attempting to remove and/or check the main power fuse. CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT AND REFERENCE TO THE MOST RECENT LASER STANDARDS IEC 60 825-1:1993 + A1:1997 + A2:2001 AND EN 60825-1:1994+A1:1996+ A2:2001AC units for Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden (marked on product): Denmark - Unit is class I - unit to be used with an AC cord set suitable with Denmark deviations. The cord includes an earthing conductor. The Unit is to be plugged into a wall socket outlet which is connected to a protective earth. Socket outlets which are not connected to earth are not to be used! Finland - (Marking label and in manual) - Laite on liitettv suojamaadoituskoskettimilla varustettuun pistorasiaan Norway (Marking label and in manual) - Apparatet m tilkoples jordet stikkontakt Unit is intended for connection to IT power systems for Norway only. Sweden (Marking label and in manual) - Apparaten skall anslutas till jordat uttag.To connect the power connection:1. Connect the power cable to the main socket, located on the rear panel of the device.2. Connect the power cable to the grounded AC outlet.CAUTIONRisk of electric shock and energy hazard. Disconnecting one power supply disconnects only one power supply module. To isolate the unit completely, disconnect all power supplies.Instructions de scuritAVERTISSEMENTUn dispositif de dconnexion facilement accessible sera incorpor au cblage du btiment.En raison des risques de chocs lectriques et des dangers nergtiques, mcaniques et dincendie, chaque procdure impliquant louverture des panneaux ou le remplacement de composants sera excute par du personnel qualifi.Pour rduire les risques dincendie et de chocs lectriques, dconnectez le dispositif du bloc dalimentation avant de retirer le couvercle ou les panneaux.AppDirector Installation and Maintenance GuideDocument ID: RDWR_APD_IG_130415La figure suivante montre ltiquette davertissement appose sur les plateformes Radware dotes de plus dune source dalimentation lectrique.Figure 7:tiquette davertissement de danger de chocs lectriquesAVERTISSEMENT DE SCURIT POUR LES SYSTMES DOTS DE DEUX SOURCES DALIMENTATION LECTRIQUE (EN CHINOIS)La figure suivante reprsente ltiquette davertissement pour les plateformes Radware dotes de deux sources dalimentation lectrique.Figure 8:Avertissement de scurit pour les systmes dotes de deux sources dalimentation lectrique (en chinois)Traduction de la Avertissement de scurit pour les systmes dotes de deux sources dalimentation lectrique (en chinois):Cette unit est dote de plus dune source dalimentation lectrique. Dconnectez toutes les sources dalimentation lectrique avant dentretenir lappareil ceci pour viter tout choc lectrique.ENTRETIENNeffectuez aucun entretien autre que ceux rpertoris dans le manuel dinstructions, moins dtre qualifi en la matire. Aucune pice lintrieur de lunit ne peut tre remplace ou rpare.HAUTE TENSIONTout rglage, opration dentretien et rparation de linstrument ouvert sous tension doit tre vit. Si cela savre indispensable, confiez cette opration une personne qualifie et consciente des dangers impliqus.Les condensateurs au sein de lunit risquent dtre chargs mme si lunit a t dconnecte de la source dalimentation lectrique.MISE A LA TERREAvant de connecter ce dispositif la ligne lectrique, les vis de protection de la borne de terre de cette unit doivent tre relies au systme de mise la terre du btiment.LASERCet quipement est un produit laser de classe 1, conforme la norme IEC60825 - 1: 1993 + A1: 1997 + A2: 2001.AppDirector Installation and Maintenance Guide16Document ID: RDWR_APD_IG_1304FUSIBLESAssurez-vous que, seuls les fusibles courant nominal requis et de type spcifi sont utiliss en remplacement. Lusage de fusibles rpars et le court-circuitage des porte-fusibles doivent tre vits. Lorsquil est pratiquement certain que la protection offerte par les fusibles a t dtriore, linstrument doit tre dsactiv et scuris contre toute opration involontaire.TENSION DE LIGNEAvant de connecter cet instrument la ligne lectrique, vrifiez que la tension de la source dalimentation correspond aux exigences de linstrument. Consultez les spcifications propres lalimentation nominale correcte du dispositif.Les plateformes alimentes en 48 CC ont une tolrance dentre comprise entre 36 et 72 V CC. MODIFICATIONS DES SPCIFICATIONSLes spcifications sont sujettes changement sans notice pralable.Remarque:Cet quipement a t test et dclar conforme aux limites dfinies pour un appareil numrique de classe A, conformment au paragraphe 15B de la rglementation FCC et EN55022 Classe A, EN 55024, EN 61000-3-2; EN 61000-3-3; IEC 61000 4-2 to 4-6, IEC 61000 4-8, et IEC 61000-4-11, pour la marque de conformit de la CE. Ces limites sont fixes pour fournir une protection raisonnable contre les interfrences nuisibles, lorsque lquipement est utilis dans un environnement commercial. Cet quipement gnre, utilise et peut mettre des frquences radio et, sil nest pas install et utilis conformment au manuel dinstructions, peut entraner des interfrences nuisibles aux communications radio. Le fonctionnement de cet quipement dans une zone rsidentielle est susceptible de provoquer des interfrences nuisibles, auquel cas lutilisateur devra corriger le problme ses propres frais.DCLARATIONS SUR LES INTERFRENCES LECTROMAGNTIQUES VCCIFigure 9:Dclaration pour lquipement de classe A certifi VCCITraduction de la Dclaration pour lquipement de classe A certifi VCCI:Il sagit dun produit de classe A, bas sur la norme du Voluntary Control Council for Interference by Information Technology Equipment (VCCI). Si cet quipement est utilis dans un environnement domestique, des perturbations radiolectriques sont susceptibles dapparatre. Si tel est le cas, lutilisateur sera tenu de prendre des mesures correctives.Figure 10:Dclaration pour lquipement de classe B certifi VCCITraduction de la Dclaration pour lquipement de classe B certifi VCCI:Il sagit dun produit de classe B, bas sur la norme du Voluntary Control Council for Interference by Information Technology Equipment (VCCI). Sil est utilis proximit dun poste de radio ou dune tlvision dans un environnement domestique, il peut entraner des interfrences radio.Installez et utilisez lquipement selon le manuel dinstructions.AppDirector Installation and Maintenance GuideDocument ID: RDWR_APD_IG_130417KCC CoreFigure 11:KCCCertificat de la commission des communications de Core pour les equipements de radiodiffusion et communication.Figure 12:Dclaration pour lquipement de classe A certifi KCC en langue corenneTranslation de la Dclaration pour lquipement de classe A certifi KCC en langue corenne:Cet quipement est un matriel (classe A) en adquation aux ondes lectromagntiques et le vendeur ou lutilisateur doit prendre cela en compte. Ce matriel est donc fait pour tre utilis ailleurs qu la maison.NOTICE SPCIALE POUR LES UTILISATEURS NORD-AMRICAINSPour un raccordement lectrique en Amrique du Nord, slectionnez un cordon dalimentation homologu UL et certifi CSA 3 - conducteur, [18 AWG], muni dune prise moule son extrmit, de 125 V, [10 A], dune longueur minimale de 1,5 m [six pieds] et maximale de 4,5m...Pour la connexion europenne, choisissez un cordon dalimentation mondialement homologu et marqu , 3 - conducteur, cble de 0,75 mm2 minimum, de 300 V, avec une gaine en PVC isole. La prise lextrmit du cordon, sera dote dun sceau moul indiquant: 250 V, 3 A.ZONE A ACCS RESTREINTLquipement aliment en CC ne pourra tre install que dans une zone accs restreint. CODES DINSTALLATIONCe dispositif doit tre install en conformit avec les codes lectriques nationaux. En Amrique du Nord, lquipement sera install en conformit avec le code lectrique national amricain, articles 110-16, 110 -17, et 110 -18 et le code lectrique canadien, Section 12. INTERCONNEXION DES UNTES.Les cbles de connexion lunit RS232 et aux interfaces Ethernet seront certifis UL, type DP-1 ou DP-2. (Remarque- sils ne rsident pas dans un circuit LPS) PROTECTION CONTRE LES SURCHARGES.Un circuit de drivation, facilement accessible, sur le dispositif de protection du courant de 15 A doit tre intgr au cblage du btiment pour chaque puissance consomme.BATTERIES REMPLAABLESSi lquipement est fourni avec une batterie, et quelle est remplace par un type de batterie incorrect, elle est susceptible dexploser. Cest le cas pour certaines batteries au lithium, les lments suivants sont donc applicables: Si la batterie est place dans une zone daccs oprateur, une marque est indique sur la batterie ou une remarque est insre, aussi bien dans les instructions dexploitation que dentretien. Si la batterie est place ailleurs dans lquipement, une marque est indique sur la batterie ou une remarque est insre dans les instructions dentretien.Cette marque ou remarque inclut lavertissement textuel suivant: AppDirector Installation and Maintenance Guide18Document ID: RDWR_APD_IG_1304AVERTISSEMENTRISQUE DEXPLOSION SI LA BATTERIE EST REMPLACE PAR UN MODLE INCORRECT. METTRE AU REBUT LES BATTERIES CONFORMMENT AUX INSTRUCTIONS.Attention - Pour rduire les risques de chocs lectriques et dincendie1. Cet quipement est conu pour permettre la connexion entre le conducteur de mise la terre du circuit lectrique CC et lquipement de mise la terre. Voir les instructions dinstallation.2. Tout entretien sera entrepris par du personnel qualifi. Aucune pice lintrieur de lunit ne peut tre remplace ou rpare.3. NE branchez pas, nallumez pas ou nessayez pas dutiliser une unit manifestement endommage.4. Vrifiez que lorifice de ventilation du chssis dans lunit nest PAS OBSTRUE.5. Remplacez le fusible endommag par un modle similaire de mme puissance, tel quindiqu sur ltiquette de scurit adjacente larrive lectrique hbergeant le fusible.6. Ne faites pas fonctionner lappareil dans un endroit, o la temprature ambiante dpasse la valeur maximale autorise. 40C/104F.7. Dbranchez le cordon lectrique de la prise murale AVANT dessayer de retirer et/ou de vrifier le fusible dalimentation principal.PRODUIT LASER DE CLASSE 1 ET RFRENCE AUX NORMES LASER LES PLUS RCENTES: IEC 60825-1: 1993 + A1: 1997 + A2: 2001 ET EN 60825-1: 1994+A1: 1996+ A2: 2001Units CA pour le Danemark, la Finlande, la Norvge, la Sude (indiqu sur le produit): Danemark - Unit de classe 1 - qui doit tre utilise avec un cordon CA compatible avec les dviations du Danemark. Le cordon inclut un conducteur de mise la terre. Lunit sera branche une prise murale, mise la terre. Les prises non-mises la terre ne seront pas utilises! Finlande (tiquette et inscription dans le manuel) - Laite on liitettv suojamaadoituskoskettimilla varustettuun pistorasiaan Norvge (tiquette et inscription dans le manuel) - Apparatet m tilkoples jordet stikkontakt Lunit peut tre connecte un systme lectrique IT (en Norvge uniquement). Sude (tiquette et inscription dans le manuel) - Apparaten skall anslutas till jordat uttag.Pour brancher lalimentation lectrique:1. Branchez le cble dalimentation la prise principale, situe sur le panneau arrire de lunit.2. Connectez le cble dalimentation la prise CA mise la terre. AVERTISSEMENTRisque de choc lectrique et danger nergtique. La dconnexion dune source dalimentation lectrique ne dbranche quun seul module lectrique. Pour isoler compltement lunit, dbranchez toutes les sources dalimentation lectrique.ATTENTIONRisque de choc et de danger lectriques. Le dbranchement dune seule alimentation stabilise ne dbranche quun module Alimentation Stabilise. Pour Isoler compltement le module en cause, il faut dbrancher toutes les alimentations stabilises.Attention: Pour Rduire Les Risques dlectrocution et dIncendie1. Toutes les oprations dentretien seront effectues UNIQUEMENT par du personnel dentretien qualifi. Aucun composant ne peut tre entretenu ou remplace par lutilisateur.2. NE PAS connecter, mettre sous tension ou essayer dutiliser une unit visiblement dfectueuse.3. Assurez-vous que les ouvertures de ventilation du chssis NE SONT PAS OBSTRUES.AppDirector Installation and Maintenance GuideDocument ID: RDWR_APD_IG_1304194. Remplacez un fusible qui a saut SEULEMENT par un fusible du mme type et de mme capacit, comme indiqu sur ltiquette de scurit proche de lentre de lalimentation qui contient le fusible.5. NE PAS UTILISER lquipement dans des locaux dont la temprature maximale dpasse 40 degrs Centigrades.6. Assurez vous que le cordon dalimentation a t dconnect AVANT dessayer de lenlever et/ou vrifier le fusible de lalimentation gnrale.SicherheitsanweisungenVORSICHTDie Elektroinstallation des Gebudes muss ein unverzglich zugngliches Stromunterbrechungsgert integrieren.Aufgrund des Stromschlagrisikos und der Energie-, mechanische und Feuergefahr drfen Vorgnge, in deren Verlauf Abdeckungen entfernt oder Elemente ausgetauscht werden, ausschlielich von qualifiziertem Servicepersonal durchgefhrt werden.Zur Reduzierung der Feuer- und Stromschlaggefahr muss das Gert vor der Entfernung der Abdeckung oder der Paneele von der Stromversorgung getrennt werden.Folgende Abbildung zeigt das VORSICHT-Etikett, das auf die Radware-Plattformen mit Doppelspeisung angebracht ist.Figure 13:Warnetikett StromschlaggefahrSICHERHEITSHINWEIS IN CHINESISCHER SPRACHE FR SYSTEME MIT DOPPELSPEISUNGDie folgende Abbildung ist die Warnung fr Radware-Plattformen mit Doppelspeisung.Figure 14:Sicherheitshinweis in chinesischer Sprache fr Systeme mit Doppelspeisungbersetzung von Sicherheitshinweis in chinesischer Sprache fr Systeme mit Doppelspeisung:Die Einheit verfgt ber mehr als eine Stromversorgungsquelle. Ziehen Sie zur Verhinderung von Stromschlag vor Wartungsarbeiten smtliche Stromversorgungsleitungen ab.WARTUNGFhren Sie keinerlei Wartungsarbeiten aus, die nicht in der Betriebsanleitung angefhrt sind, es sei denn, Sie sind dafr qualifiziert. Es gibt innerhalb des Gertes keine wartungsfhigen Teile.AppDirector Installation and Maintenance Guide20Document ID: RDWR_APD_IG_1304HOCHSPANNUNGJegliche Einstellungs-, Instandhaltungs- und Reparaturarbeiten am geffneten Gert unter Spannung mssen so weit wie mglich vermieden werden. Sind sie nicht vermeidbar, drfen sie ausschlielich von qualifizierten Personen ausgefhrt werden, die sich der Gefahr bewusst sind.Innerhalb des Gertes befindliche Kondensatoren knnen auch dann noch Ladung enthalten, wenn das Gert von der Stromversorgung abgeschnitten wurde.ERDUNGBevor das Gert an die Stromversorgung angeschlossen wird, mssen die Schrauben der Erdungsleitung des Gertes an die Erdung der Gebudeverkabelung angeschlossen werden.LASERDieses Gert ist ein Laser-Produkt der Klasse 1 in bereinstimmung mit IEC60825 - 1: 1993 + A1:1997 + A2:2001 Standard.SICHERUNGENVergewissern Sie sich, dass nur Sicherungen mit der erforderlichen Stromstrke und der angefhrten Art verwendet werden. Die Verwendung reparierter Sicherungen sowie die Kurzschlieung von Sicherungsfassungen muss vermieden werden. In Fllen, in denen wahrscheinlich ist, dass der von den Sicherungen gebotene Schutz beeintrchtigt ist, muss das Gert abgeschaltet und gegen unbeabsichtigten Betrieb gesichert werden.LEITUNGSSPANNUNGVor Anschluss dieses Gertes an die Stromversorgung ist zu gewhrleisten, dass die Spannung der Stromquelle den Anforderungen des Gertes entspricht. Beachten Sie die technischen Angaben bezglich der korrekten elektrischen Werte des Gertes.Plattformen mit 48 V DC verfgen ber eine Eingangstoleranz von 36-72 V DC. NDERUNGEN DER TECHNISCHEN ANGABENnderungen der technischen Spezifikationen bleiben vorbehalten.Hinweis: Dieses Gert wurde geprft und entspricht den Beschrnkungen von digitalen Gerten der Klasse 1 gem Teil 15B FCC-Vorschriften und EN55022 Klasse A, EN55024; EN 61000-3-2; EN; IEC 61000 4-2 to 4-6, IEC 61000 4-8 und IEC 61000-4- 11 fr Konformitt mit der CE-Bezeichnung. Diese Beschrnkungen dienen dem angemessenen Schutz vor schdlichen Interferenzen bei Betrieb des Gertes in kommerziellem Umfeld. Dieses Gert erzeugt, verwendet und strahlt elektromagnetische Hochfrequenzstrahlung aus. Wird es nicht entsprechend den Anweisungen im Handbuch montiert und benutzt, knnte es mit dem Funkverkehr interferieren und ihn beeintrchtigen. Der Betrieb dieses Gertes in Wohnbereichen wird hchstwahrscheinlich zu schdlichen Interferenzen fhren. In einem solchen Fall wre der Benutzer verpflichtet, diese Interferenzen auf eigene Kosten zu korrigieren.ERKLRUNG DER VCCI ZU ELEKTROMAGNETISCHER INTERFERENZFigure 15:Erklrung zu VCCI-zertifizierten Gerten der Klasse Abersetzung von Erklrung zu VCCI-zertifizierten Gerten der Klasse A:Dies ist ein Produkt der Klasse A gem den Normen des Voluntary Control Council for Interference by Information Technology Equipment (VCCI). Wird dieses Gert in einem Wohnbereich benutzt, knnen elektromagnetische Strungen auftreten. In einem solchen Fall wre der Benutzer verpflichtet, korrigierend einzugreifen.AppDirector Installation and Maintenance GuideDocument ID: RDWR_APD_IG_130421Figure 16:Erklrung zu VCCI-zertifizierten Gerten der Klasse Bbersetzung von Erklrung zu VCCI-zertifizierten Gerten der Klasse B:Dies ist ein Produkt der Klasse B gem den Normen des Voluntary Control Council for Interference by Information Technology Equipment (VCCI). Wird dieses Gert in einem Wohnbereich benutzt, knnen elektromagnetische Strungen auftreten.Montieren und benutzen Sie das Gert laut Anweisungen im Benutzerhandbuch.KCC KOREAFigure 17:KCCKorea Communications Commission Zertifikat fr Rundfunk-und NachrichtentechnikFigure 18:Erklrung zu KCC-zertifizierten Gerten der Klasse Abersetzung von Erklrung zu KCC-zertifizierten Gerten der Klasse A:Verkufer oder Nutzer sollten davon Kenntnis nehmen, da dieses Gert der Klasse A fr industriell elektromagnetische Wellen geeignete Gerten angehrt und dass diese Gerte nicht fr den heimischen Gebrauch bestimmt sind.BESONDERER HINWEIS FR BENUTZER IN NORDAMERIKAWhlen Sie fr den Netzstromanschluss in Nordamerika ein Stromkabel, das in der UL aufgefhrt und CSA-zertifiziert ist 3 Leiter, [18 AWG], endend in einem gegossenen Stecker, fr 125 V, [10 A], mit einer Mindestlnge von 1,5 m [sechs Fu], doch nicht lnger als 4,5 m. Fr europische Anschlsse verwenden Sie ein international harmonisiertes, mit markiertes Stromkabel, mit 3 Leitern von mindestens 0,75 mm2, fr 300 V, mit PVC-Umkleidung. Das Kabel muss in einem gegossenen Stecker fr 250 V, 3 A enden.BEREICH MIT EINGESCHRNKTEM ZUGANGDas mit Gleichstrom betriebene Gert darf nur in einem Bereich mit eingeschrnktem Zugang montiert werden.INSTALLATIONSCODESDieses Gert muss gem der landesspezifischen elektrischen Codes montiert werden. In Nordamerika mssen Gerte entsprechend dem US National Electrical Code, Artikel 110 - 16, 110 - 17 und 110 - 18, sowie dem Canadian Electrical Code, Abschnitt 12, montiert werden. AppDirector Installation and Maintenance Guide22Document ID: RDWR_APD_IG_1304VERKOPPLUNG VON GERTEN Kabel fr die Verbindung des Gertes mit RS232- und Ethernet-mssen UL-zertifiziert und vom Typ DP-1 oder DP-2 sein. (Anmerkung: bei Aufenthalt in einem nicht-LPS-Stromkreis)BERSTROMSCHUTZEin gut zugnglicher aufgefhrter berstromschutz mit Abzweigstromkreis und 15 A Strke muss fr jede Stromeingabe in der Gebudeverkabelung integriert sein.AUSTAUSCHBARE BATTERIENWird ein Gert mit einer austauschbaren Batterie geliefert und fr diese Batterie durch einen falschen Batterietyp ersetzt, knnte dies zu einer Explosion fhren. Dies trifft zu fr manche Arten von Lithiumsbatterien zu, und das folgende gilt es zu beachten: Wird die Batterie in einem Bereich fr Bediener eingesetzt, findet sich in der Nhe der Batterie eine Markierung oder Erklrung sowohl im Betriebshandbuch als auch in der Wartungsanleitung. Ist die Batterie an einer anderen Stelle im Gert eingesetzt, findet sich in der Nhe der Batterie eine Markierung oder einer Erklrung in der Wartungsanleitung.Diese Markierung oder Erklrung enthlt den folgenden Warntext: VORSICHTEXPLOSIONSGEFAHR, FALLS BATTERIE DURCH EINEN FALSCHEN BATTERIETYP ERSETZT WIRD. GEBRAUCHTE BATTERIEN DEN ANWEISUNGEN ENTSPRECHEND ENTSORGEN. Denmark - Unit is class I - mit Wechselstromkabel benutzen, dass fr die Abweichungen in Dnemark eingestellt ist. Das Kabel ist mit einem Erdungsdraht versehen. Das Kabel wird in eine geerdete Wandsteckdose angeschlossen. Keine Steckdosen ohne Erdungsleitung verwenden! Finland - (Markierungsetikett und im Handbuch) - Laite on liitettv suojamaadoituskoskettimilla varustettuun pistorasiaan Norway - (Markierungsetikett und im Handbuch) - Apparatet m tilkoples jordet stikkontakt Ausschlielich fr Anschluss an IT-Netzstromsysteme in Norwegen vorgesehen Sweden - (Markierungsetikett und im Handbuch) - Apparaten skall anslutas till jordat uttag.Anschluss des Stromkabels:1. Schlieen Sie das Stromkabel an den Hauptanschluss auf der Rckseite des Gertes an.2. Schlieen Sie das Stromkabel an den geerdeten Wechselstromanschluss an. VORSICHTStromschlag- und Energiegefahr Die Trennung einer Stromquelle trennt nur ein Stromversorgungsmodul von der Stromversorgung. Um das Gert komplett zu isolieren, muss es von der gesamten Stromversorgung getrennt werden. Vorsicht - Zur Reduzierung der Stromschlag- und Feuergefahr1. Dieses Gert ist dazu ausgelegt, die Verbindung zwischen der geerdeten Leitung des Gleichstromkreises und dem Erdungsleiter des Gertes zu ermglichen. Siehe Montageanleitung.2. Wartungsarbeiten jeglicher Art drfen nur von qualifiziertem Servicepersonal ausgefhrt werden. Es gibt innerhalb des Gertes keine vom Benutzer zu wartenden Teile.3. Versuchen Sie nicht, ein offensichtlich beschdigtes Gert an den Stromkreis anzuschlieen, einzuschalten oder zu betreiben.4. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass sie Lftungsffnungen im Gehuse des Gertes NICHT BLOCKIERT SIND.5. Ersetzen Sie eine durchgebrannte Sicherung ausschlielich mit dem selben Typ und von der selben Strke, die auf dem Sicherheitsetikett angefhrt sind, das sich neben dem Stromkabelanschluss, am Sicherungsgehuse.6. Betreiben Sie das Gert nicht an einem Standort, an dem die Hchsttemperatur der Umgebung 40C berschreitet.7. Vergewissern Sie sich, das Stromkabel aus dem Wandstecker zu ziehen, BEVOR Sie die Hauptsicherung entfernen und/oder prfen.AppDirector Installation and Maintenance GuideDocument ID: RDWR_APD_IG_130423Altitude and Climate Warning Note: This warning only applies to The Peoples Republic of China.1. 7]]|)|@[T,Tma,]]))@7f[,OT,25C,)[T@7T,2. 33|j|2000mOT]])]])@,|J@33|j|2000m @)]])@,;|5)9@]|[J\OT3])@|j.OT||DD @|j,)3|j|2000m@]]),3]])]])@,;|5)9@]|[J\@|j)]])]]),||DD|3)|j@[,DD.1 3||j |j@|||2000mJ@3|(,[H))||,93|j|2000m@]]),)#||,DD.2 ]|j|j@|||[]|,[H))||,9]])]]),)#||,AppDirector Installation and Maintenance Guide24Document ID: RDWR_APD_IG_1304Document ConventionsThe following describes the conventions and symbols that this guide uses:Item Description Description (French) Beschreibung (German)Example An example scenario Un scnario dexemple Ein BeispielszenariumCaution:Possible damage to equipment, software, or dataEndommagement possible de lquipement, des donnes ou du logicielMgliche Schden an Gert, Software oder DatenNote:Additional information Informations complmentairesZustzliche InformationenTo A statement and instructionsRfrences et instructionsEine Erklrung und AnweisungenTip: A suggestion or workaroundUne suggestion ou solutionEin Vorschlag oder eine UmgehungWarning: Possible physical harm to the operatorBlessure possible de loprateur Verletzungsgefahr des BedienersIPv6 Ready Can use IPv6 (128-bit addresses) as well as IPv4 (32-bit addresses)Peut utiliser IPv6 (adresses 128-bit,) ainsi que IPv4 (adresses 32-bit )Kann sowohl IPv6 (128-Bit Adressen) als auch IPv4 (32-Bit Adressen) verwendenDocument ID: RDWR_APD_IG_130425Table of ContentsImportant Notices.......................................................................................................... 3Copyright Notices.......................................................................................................... 4Standard Warranty........................................................................................................ 8Limitations on Warranty and Liability ............................................................................. 9Safety Instructions....................................................................................................... 10Altitude and Climate Warning...................................................................................... 23Document Conventions............................................................................................... 24Chapter 1 Platforms............................................................................................27OnDemand Switch VL................................................................................................. 27OnDemand Switch 1 .................................................................................................... 28OnDemand Switch 2 .................................................................................................... 30OnDemand Switch 3 .................................................................................................... 32 DC Power Supply Connectors .................................................................................... 34The LCD Module......................................................................................................... 36LCD Display ......................................................................................................................... 36The LCD Menu.................................................................................................................... 36Chapter 2 Pre-Installation....................................................................................39Unpacking Instructions................................................................................................ 39Unpacking the Platform....................................................................................................... 39Checking the Contents........................................................................................................ 40NEBS Requirements................................................................................................... 40Rack and Radware Platform ................................................................................................ 40Grounding............................................................................................................................ 40Port Cables.......................................................................................................................... 41Specifications ....................................................................................................................... 41Mounting the Platform................................................................................................. 41Connecting Cables to a Platform ................................................................................. 42OnDemand Switch Boot Commands ........................................................................... 43Chapter 3 Platform Installation...........................................................................45Configuring Management Ports ................................................................................... 45Initial Configuration of Management Port Using the LCD Module............................... 48Chapter 4 Initial Configuration and Connections .............................................49Connecting to AppDirectorUsing APSolute Vision.................................................... 49Connecting via the Web Interface............................................................................... 49AppDirector Installation and Maintenance GuideTable of Contents26Document ID: RDWR_APD_IG_1304Connecting via the Command Line Interface.............................................................50Chapter 5 Maintenance and Upgrade.................................................................51Shutting Down and Rebooting....................................................................................51Managing Configuration Files.....................................................................................51Configuration File Format ....................................................................................................52Configuration File Content..................................................................................................52Downloading and Saving Configuration Files ......................................................................52Uploading Configuration Files.............................................................................................54Log Files.....................................................................................................................56Upgrading the Platform ...............................................................................................57Upgrading Licenses....................................................................................................58Chapter 6 Troubleshooting and Recovery ........................................................59Troubleshooting Table for Hardware Platforms..........................................................59Troubleshooting Fan Failure .......................................................................................59Software Recovery.....................................................................................................60Recovery with Bootable USB Mass Storage Device...........................................................60Recovery with Non-bootable USB or Compact Flash Device.............................................61Chapter 7 Hardware Component Replacement.................................................63Replacing a Power Supply.........................................................................................63Replacing a Power Supply on an OnDemand Switch VL Platform.....................................63Replacing a Compact Flash.......................................................................................64Fan Filter Replacement on NEBS-certified Platforms................................................64Appendix A Specifications..................................................................................67OnDemand Switch VL Platform Specifications ...........................................................67OnDemand Switch 1 Platform Specifications.............................................................70OnDemand Switch 2 Platform Specifications.............................................................71OnDemand Switch 3 Platform Specifications.............................................................74AC Power Factor........................................................................................................76Serial Cable Pin Assignment......................................................................................76Transceiver-Module Specifications .............................................................................77Radware Ltd. End User License Agreement ........................................................79Document ID: RDWR_APD_IG_130427Chapter 1 PlatformsThis chapter describes the physical platform. It includes the following topics: OnDemand Switch VL, page 27 OnDemand Switch 1, page 28 OnDemand Switch 2, page 30 OnDemand Switch 3, page 32 DC Power Supply Connectors, page 34 The LCD Module, page 36OnDemand Switch VLNote: The OnDemand Switch VL XL model is supported by AppDirector version 2.11.20 and later.Figure 19:OnDemand Switch VL Front PanelTable 1:OnDemand Switch VL Front Panel Connectors and IndicatorsFeature Label/DescriptionPower button. Pressing the button for 1 to 4 seconds causes a graceful shutdown of the system, thus preserving system integrity. Pressing the button for more than 4 seconds causes the hardware to power down.Reset button. Resets the platform.Serial RJ-45 port for out-of-band management.Note: Radware supplies a RJ-45toDE-9 adapter cable to connect the console port of the platform to a console PC.USB port for recovery and file transfer. Six RJ-45 GbE ports for traffic or in-band management. You can manually configure the last RJ-45 GbE port, labeled 6/MNG 1, to be a dedicated, out-of-band management port. ACTFlashing indicates activity. LINKGreen indicates 1000 Mbit/s. Yellow indicates 10 or 100 Mbit/s.AppDirector Installation and Maintenance GuidePlatforms28Document ID: RDWR_APD_IG_1304Figure 20:OnDemand Switch VL Back PanelOnDemand Switch 1This section is applicable for the OnDemand Switch 1 and 1 XL models.Figure 21:OnDemand Switch 1 Front PanelTwo SFP GbE ports for traffic. ACTFlashing indicates activity. LINKGreen indicates 1000 Mbit/s. Status LEDs: PWR OKGreen indicates normal power supply operation. SYS OKGreen indicates normal operation. Red indicates that the platform is booting. Red or alternating red and green indicates a warning. Blinking red-green indicates a failure in one of the dual power supplies or power supply cables or power source. Table 2:OnDemand Switch VL Back Panel FeatureDescriptionGround screws Screws to ground the platform chassis to the rack. 1U units have one ground screw. Typically, 2U units have two ground screws.Power supply socket(s) The socket to which the power cable is connected.Table 1:OnDemand Switch VL Front Panel Connectors and IndicatorsFeature Label/DescriptionAppDirector Installation and Maintenance GuidePlatformsDocument ID: RDWR_APD_IG_130429Figure 22:OnDemand Switch 1 (with Single Power Supply) Back PanelTable 3:OnDemand Switch 1 Front Panel Connectors and IndicatorsFeature Label/DescriptionFour dual (SFP or RJ-45) GbE ports for traffic or management. Only one side of a dual port can be active at the same time. LEDs: SFP-port ACTFlashing indicates activity. RJ-45port ACTFlashing indicates activity.Note: RJ-45port LINKGreen indicates 1000 Mbit/s. Yellow indicates 10 or 100 Mbit/s.Power button. Turns power on and off. Pressing the button for 1 to 4 seconds causes a graceful shutdown of the system, thus preserving system integrity. Pressing the button for more than four (4) seconds causes the hardware to power down. Reset button. Resets the platform.USB port for recovery and file transfer. Management ports. The platform supports two RJ-45 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports, which are for management only. LEDs: ACTFlashing indicates activity. LINKGreen indicates 1000 Mbit/s. Yellow indicates 10/100 Mbit/s.RS-232 DE-9 port for out-of-band management.Status LEDs: PWRGreen indicates proper power supply operation. Red indicates a power supply failure or a failure in one of the dual power supplies or power supply cables or power source. FANGreen indicates normal operation. Red indicates that one or more fans are not operating. SYS OKGreen indicates normal operation. Red indicates that the platform is booting. Red or alternating red and green indicates a warning (for example, the temperature is high, but still in the allowed range). OnDemand Switch 1 XL supports an LCD module, which consists of the LCD screen and LCD menu buttons. AppDirector Installation and Maintenance GuidePlatforms30Document ID: RDWR_APD_IG_1304Figure 23:OnDemand Switch 1 (with Dual Power Supply) Back PanelOnDemand Switch 2Note: The OnDemand Switch 2 platform is also available with NEBS certification.Figure 24:OnDemand Switch 2 Front PanelFigure 25:OnDemand Switch 2 NEBS Front PanelTable 4:OnDemand Switch 1 Back PanelFeatureDescriptionPower supply socket(s)The socket to which the power cable is connected.CompactFlash Insertion point for compact flash card.Ground screws Screws to ground the platform chassis to the rack. 1U units have one ground screw. Typically, 2U units have two ground screws.AppDirector Installation and Maintenance GuidePlatformsDocument ID: RDWR_APD_IG_130431Figure 26:OnDemand Switch 2 Front PanelFigure 27:OnDemand Switch 2 (with Single Power Supply) Back PanelTable 5:OnDemand Switch 2 Front Panel Connectors and IndicatorsFeature Label/DescriptionSFP GbE ports for traffic or management. The platform supports four (4) SFP ports. LEDs: ACTFlashing indicates activity. LINKGreen indicates 1000 Mbit/s.RJ-45 GbE ports for traffic or management. The platform supports twelve (12) GbE ports. LEDs: ACTFlashing indicates activity. LINKGreen indicates 1000 Mbit/s. Yellow indicates 10 or 100 Mbit/s.Power button. Turns power on and off. Pressing the button for 1 to 4 seconds causes a graceful shutdown of the system, thus preserving system integrity. Pressing the button for more than four (4) seconds causes the hardware to power down. Reset button. Resets the platform.USB port for recovery and file transfer. Management ports. The platform supports two RJ-45 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports, which are for management only. LEDs: ACTFlashing indicates activity. LINKGreen indicates 1000 Mbit/s. Yellow indicates 10 or 100 Mbit/s.RS-232 DE-9 port for out-of-band management.Status LEDs: PWRGreen indicates proper power supply operation. Red indicates a power supply failure or a failure in one of the dual power supplies or power supply cables or power source. FANGreen indicates normal operation. Red indicates that one or more fans are not operating. SYS OKGreen indicates normal operation. Red indicates that the platform is booting. Red or alternating red and green indicates a warning (for example, the temperature is high, but still in the allowed range). AppDirector Installation and Maintenance GuidePlatforms32Document ID: RDWR_APD_IG_1304Figure 28:OnDemand Switch 2 (with Dual Power Supply) Back PanelFigure 29:OnDemand Switch 2 NEBS Back PanelOnDemand Switch 3 Notes The OnDemand Switch 3 model is supported by AppDirector version 10.07.10 only. The OnDemand Switch 3 V2 and 3 XL models are supported by AppDirector version 2.13 only.Figure 30:OnDemand Switch 3 Front PanelTable 6:OnDemand Switch 2 Back PanelFeatureDescriptionPower supply socket(s)The socket to which the power cable is connected.CompactFlash Insertion point for compact flash card.Ground screws Screws to ground the platform chassis to the rack. 1U units have one ground screw. Typically, 2U units have two ground screws.AppDirector Installation and Maintenance GuidePlatformsDocument ID: RDWR_APD_IG_130433Table 7:OnDemand Switch 3 Front Panel Feature Label/Description10 Gigabit Ethernet (10GbE) ports for traffic or management. The platform supports four XFP ports. LEDs: ACTFlashing indicates activity. LINKGreen indicates 10GbE.SFP GbE ports for traffic or management. The platform supports four SFP ports. LEDs: ACTFlashing indicates activity. LINKGreen indicates 1000 Mbit/s.RJ-45 GbE ports for traffic or management. The platform supports eight GbE ports. LEDs: ACTFlashing indicates activity. LINKGreen indicates 1000 Mbit/s. Yellow indicates 10 or 100 Mbit/s.Power button. Turns power on and off. Pressing the button for 1 to 4 seconds causes a graceful shutdown of the system, thus preserving system integrity. Pressing the button for more than four (4) seconds causes the hardware to power down. Reset button. Resets the platform.USB port for recovery and file transfer. Management ports. The platform supports two RJ-45 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports, which are for management only. LEDs: ACTFlashing indicates activity. LINKGreen indicates 1000 Mbit/s. Yellow indicates 10 or 100 Mbit/s.RS-232 DE-9 port for out-of-band management.Status LEDs: PWRGreen indicates proper power supply operation. Red indicates a power supply failure or a failure in one of the dual power supplies or power supply cables or power source. FANGreen indicates normal operation. Red indicates that one or more fans are not operating. SYS OKGreen indicates normal operation. Red indicates that the platform is booting. Red or alternating red and green indicates a warning (for example, the temperature is high, but still in the allowed range). AppDirector Installation and Maintenance GuidePlatforms34Document ID: RDWR_APD_IG_1304Figure 31:OnDemand Switch 3 Back Panel DC Power Supply Connectors Use a 12-gauge insulated copper DC-input cable for the connection to each DC power supply.Note: The DC connection cable should have a ring terminal (lug) type RV5-6 or equivalent (for M6 or 1/4 stud size) at one end and a ring terminal (lug) type RVS5-4 or equivalent (for M4 or #8 stud size) at the other end.Figure 32shows the DC connector for the following platforms: OnDemand Switch VL single and dual DC power supply platform OnDemand Switch 1 single DC power supply platform OnDemand Switch 2 single DC power supply platformTable 8:OnDemand Switch 3 Back PanelFeatureDescriptionDual power supply socketsThe socket to which the power cable is connected.CompactFlash Insertion point for compact flash card.Ground screws Screws to ground the platform chassis to the rack. Typically, 2U units have two ground screws.AppDirector Installation and Maintenance GuidePlatformsDocument ID: RDWR_APD_IG_130435Figure 32:DC Power Supply Connector 1U-size platformsFigure 33shows the DC connector for the following platforms: OnDemand Switch 2 2U-size platform OnDemand Switch 3 platformFigure 33:DC Power Supply Connector 2U-size platformsTable 9:DC Power Supply Connector 2U-size platforms Pin Number Functionality1 RTN 4 48V 12345648V 0VBlue wireBlack wireAppDirector Installation and Maintenance GuidePlatforms36Document ID: RDWR_APD_IG_1304The LCD Module Some OnDemand Switch platforms support an LCD module, which consists of the LCD display window and menu buttons.Figure 34:OnDemand Switch LCDUse the LCD module for monitoring and for the initial configuration of the management port. Note: On OnDemand Switch 1 and OnDemand Switch 2 running AppDirector 1.06, you can use the LCD module for basic monitoring only; and the LCD menu buttons are nonfunctional. Basic monitoring comprises the display of product and product version, CPU utilization in percent, and input and output (in megabytes, for each port whose status is up).LCD Display When you turn on an OnDemand Switch, the LCD displays the following:oo oODSoLoading During the boot process, the third line, Loading, changes to Loaded Boot .After the initial configuration, when the platform completes bootingor after 30 minutes without any activity, the LCD displays the following:oo RadwareoooTime: The LCD Menu There are six functional LCD menu buttons: up arrow, down arrow, left arrow, right arrow, Enter (), and Escape (x). Press the up or down buttons to select different menus within the menu hierarchies. Press the right button to choose the selected menu. Press the left button to return to the previous level in the hierarchy. Note: If you are configuring the OnDemand Switch for the first time, the buttons have additional functionality.AppDirector Installation and Maintenance GuidePlatformsDocument ID: RDWR_APD_IG_130437After the platform boots, press any of the LCD buttons to access the LCD menus.Table 10:LCD MenuSubmenu Sub-submenu RemarkDevice Information Platform Platform type and version.Product Product.Version Version of product.MAC MAC address of the platform.SerialThe serial number of the platform. Power supplySingle power supply or dual power supply.Number of CPUs Number of CPUs.Number of cores Number of CPU cores.CPU utilCPU utilization in percent.CPU temp CPU temperature in Centigrade.Memory RAM in megabytes.Statistics1 1 TheLCDdisplaysstatisticsperportandrefreshesthemeverysecond.Thus,thepackets-in, packets-out, megabytes-in, and megabytes-out values are per second. Port statistics Port Port identifier, for example G-1.Port status Either up or down.Pkt: in/outK Second Out is uppercase,Number of input and output packets in thousands per second.Displayed only when Port status is up.Byt: in/OutMBAmount of input and output megabytes per second.Displayed only when Port status is up.Settings LCD Contrast Contrast Increase or decrease LCD contrast using the right and left arrow buttons. LCD Backlight Backlight Increase or decrease LCD backlight intensity using the right and left arrow buttons. Serial Baud Rate Serial baud rateThe selected rate is enclosed in asterisks, for example *19200*. Press the down and up arrow buttons to scroll between the values.Shutdown Shutdown Shutdown Enter = YesEscape = NoReboot Reboot Enter = YesEscape = NoAppDirector Installation and Maintenance GuidePlatforms38Document ID: RDWR_APD_IG_1304Document ID: RDWR_APD_IG_130439Chapter 2 Pre-InstallationThis chapter includes the following sections: Unpacking Instructions, page 39 NEBS Requirements, page 40 Mounting the Platform, page 41 Connecting Cables to a Platform, page 42 OnDemand Switch Boot Commands, page 43Note: For information on integrating the platform into your network topology, refer to the products User Guide.Unpacking InstructionsThe shipping package is engineered to reduce potential product damage caused by handling during shipment. To avoid potential damage to the platform, transport it in its provided packaging. Failure to use the provided packaging may damage the platform or degrade its performance. Do not remove the platform from its shipping container until you are ready to install it. Caution: When handling the platform, always wear an ESD-preventive strap and it is recommended to use an antistatic mat to avoid possible ESD damage.Unpacking the PlatformTo unpack the platform from the shipping container:1. Carefully remove or cut (with a short blunt knife) the tape that seals the shipping container and open the top of the outer shipping container.Note: Care should be used when cutting the tape not to insert the knife too deep into the box where it could damage the platform. 2. Locate, remove, and set aside the accessories box.3. Verify the contents of the accessories box with the packing list. Immediately report any missing item to your Radware representative.Notes The accessories box contains all cables, power cords, mounting kits, a product CD with a user guide, and all other accessories required for the particular platform model and version. Verify that the AC power cord (if relevant) matches your countrys electric outlets.4. Carefully lift the platform from the shipping container and remove the foam braces.AppDirector Installation and Maintenance GuidePre-Installation40Document ID: RDWR_APD_IG_13045. Slide the ESD plastic bag off the platform and place it on an antistatic mat.Note: Save the braces with the plastic bag and other packaging material. You will need these if you need to repackage the platform later.Checking the ContentsBefore beginning the installation, verify that all components required for the installation, as listed in the packing list document attached to the box, is at hand. If you are missing any of the components, contact Radware Technical Support.NEBS RequirementsThis section provides the Network Equipment-Building System (NEBS) requirements for installation of the NEBS-certified Radware platform and rack in which the platform is mounted. Note: For the availability status of Radware's OnDemand Switch NEBS-compliant platforms, please contact Radware Operations.Rack and Radware PlatformThe rack in which a Radware platform is mounted must be in a Network Telecommunication Facility only. The NEBS-certified Radware platform and rack in which the platform is mounted must be installed in a restricted access location.GroundingThe NEBS-certified Radware platform and rack in which the platform is mounted must be grounded to a Common Bonding Network.Warning:The intrabuilding port(s) of the equipment or subassembly is suitable for connection to intrabuilding or unexposed wiring or cabling only. The intra-building port(s) of the equipment or subassembly MUST NOT be metallically connected to interfaces that connect to the OSP or its wiring. These interfaces are designed for use as intra-building interfaces only (Type 2 or Type 4 ports as described in GR-1089-CORE, Issue 4) and require isolation from the exposed OSP cabling. The addition of Primary Protectors is not sufficient protection in order to connect these interfaces metallically to OSP wiring.Only copper cables, 18 AWG or larger, must be used for grounding purposes. AppDirector Installation and Maintenance GuidePre-InstallationDocument ID: RDWR_APD_IG_130441When mounting a Radware platform with a DC power supply, battery return terminals must be in the configuration of an Isolated DC Return (DC-I) or Common DC Return (DC-C).The following diagram shows the proper grounding connection to a Radware platform.Figure 35:Proper GroundingThe Radware platform must be connected to the grounding wire by means of the grounding screw using the listed lug.Bare conductors must be coated with antioxidant before making crimp connections.A star washer (tooth washer) must be used next to opposite sides of the grounding lug or terminal. This provides the proper locking mechanism. The internal tooth washer removes paint from the chassis to establish a metal-to-metal contact to the unplated surface.Port CablesEthernet port cables should be shielded and grounded at both ends.Specifications See Specifications, page 67 and AC Power Factor, page 76 for the steady-state voltage levels of the relevant Radware platform and the NEBS-certified Radware OnDemand Switch platforms.Mounting the PlatformThe platform can be either rack-mounted or mounted on a tabletop. The package includes brackets to enable rack-mounting of the platform. Rubber feet are attached to the bottom of the platform to enable tabletop mounting.Note: After you mount the platform, ensure that there is adequate airflow surrounding it.To rack-mount the platform1. Attach one bracket to each side of the platform, using the screws provided.2. Attach the platform to the rack with the mounting screws.Lug or terminalScrewToothed washerChasisAppDirector Installation and Maintenance GuidePre-Installation42Document ID: RDWR_APD_IG_13043. Connect at least one ground wire from the platform chassis to the rack. Typically, the platform has one or two, special, ground screws on the back panel near the screws that secure the power supply.Warning:Reliable grounding of rack-mounted equipment should be maintained. Particular attention should be given to supply connections other than direct connections to the branch circuit (for example, use of power strips). The rack must be properly grounded. Warning:Installation of the equipment in a rack should be such that the amount of air flow required for safe operation of the equipment is not compromised.Warning:Mounting of the equipment in the rack should be such that a hazardous condition is not achieved due to uneven mechanical loading.Warning:Consideration should be given to the connection of the equipment to the supply circuit and the effect that overloading of the circuits might have on overcurrent protection and supply wiring. Appropriate consideration of equipment nameplate ratings should be used when addressing this concern.Caution: If installed in a closed or multi-unit rack assembly, the operating ambient temperature of the rack environment may be greater than room ambient. Therefore, consideration should be given to installing the equipment in an environment compatible with the maximum ambient temperature (Tma) specified in Specifications, page 67.Notes If the platform is equipped with an AC power supply, connecting a ground wire is not required, but is recommended. If the power is disconnected and reconnected (for example, after the power cord is removed and replaced, or after a power failure), the platform returns to its previous state. For example, if the platform was running before disconnecting the power cord, when you reconnect the power cord, the platform automatically switches on. Likewise, if the platform was not running before disconnecting and reconnecting the power cord, the platform stays powered off until you press the power button. Connecting Cables to a PlatformIn general, cables should be connected to a platform in the following order: 1. Power cable 2. Console cableAppDirector Installation and Maintenance GuidePre-InstallationDocument ID: RDWR_APD_IG_1304433. Management cable4. Traffic cablesThere are many differences in the cabling for the various platforms and products. The following cabling procedure is for all OnDemand Switch platforms and products when not indicated otherwise.To connect cables to an OnDemand Switch platform1. Connect the power cable from the power socket located on the rear panel of the platform to the power outlet.2. Connect the console cable: Connect the serial, RS-232, cable from the platform to your console For an OnDemand Switch VL platform: Connect the 8P8C connector of the RJ-45toDE-9 adapter cable to the port labeled CONSOLE. Insert the DE-9 connector of the RJ-45toDE-9 adapter cable to the console PC.Note: Radware supplies a RJ-45toDE-9 adapter cable to connect the console port of the platform to a console PC.3. Connect the management cable (Ethernet 10/100/1000). Connect the management cable to the MNG 1 port.For an OnDemand Switch VL platform: If you are using port 6/MNG 1 for out-of-band management, connect a cable to the port labeled 6/MNG 1.4. Connect the traffic port cables to the appropriate port.OnDemand Switch Boot CommandsOn boot sequence, during the countdown from 5 to 1, press any key to display the boot commands menu.The following table lists the boot commands that the OnDemand Switch platforms support and which you may use. Caution: Some boot commands are intended only for use by Radware Technical Support.Table 11:Boot CommandsCommand Description? Print this list.@ Boot (load and go).a Print installed applications list.e Print fatal exception.AppDirector Installation and Maintenance GuidePre-Installation44Document ID: RDWR_APD_IG_1304Document ID: RDWR_APD_IG_130445Chapter 3 Platform InstallationThis chapter describes the installation procedure for the AppDirector platform.This chapter includes the following: Configuring Management Ports, page 45 Initial Configuration of Management Port Using the LCD Module, page 48Configuring Management PortsNote: Radware management interfaces communicate with various UDP/TCP ports using HTTPS, HTTP, Telnet, and SSH. If you intend to use these interfaces, ensure they are accessible and not blocked by your firewall.To manage the platform, you need to configure a management port using an IP address. You can then manage the platform (depending on the particular product) with SSH, Telnet, HTTPS, HTTP SOAP, APSolute Vision, or Web Based Management (WBM). For details on the management interfaces that a product supports, see the relevant user guide.To configure the management port for the first time1. Ensure that an ASCII console is connected to the platform through the serial cable and that console computer is turned on.The following procedure uses HyperTerminal (recommended) as the console application.2. From the HyperTerminal open window, select File > Properties, or click the Properties icon in the toolbar. The New Connection Properties dialog box is displayed.3. In the New Connection Properties dialog box, select Configure. The Properties window is displayed with the Port Settings pane.4. In the Port Settings pane, set the following parameters: Bits per second: 19200 Data bits: 8 Parity: None Stop bits: 1 Flow control: NoneAppDirector Installation and Maintenance GuidePlatform Installation46Document ID: RDWR_APD_IG_13045. Power on the platform. The PWR and SYS or SYS OK LED indicators on the front panel light up. The platform starts up. After approximately a minute, the Startup Configuration window is displayed.6. In the Startup Configuration window, provide the required information for the IP address, IP subnet mask, Port Number, for the management port, and Default router IP address parameters, and press Enter for each of the remaining settings. The platform reboots after the last parameter is defined. Press Enter to accept default values. If no configuration is entered within 30 seconds, the platform applies the following default configuration: IP Address: IP subnet mask: Port number for management. The port number depends on the platform. For OnDemand Switch platforms, the default is G-1. 7. If the start-up configuration screen does not appear, do the following:a. Wait for the prompt >.b. Type login and press Enter.c. Enter the username and password.Note: Contact your Radware support representative for the default user name and password.d. To view the current IP interface setting, enter the following:net ip-interface

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