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IGD-TP Pilot Project on Operational and Construction Safety


May 2014

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Some introductory remarks

Construction & operational safety is highly relevant Operational safety belongs to “vision” of IGD-TP key topic in SRA

(critical for implementation of repository) Broad experience with operational safety analyses of nuclear

facilities available (NPPs, storage, …) But: for repositories, there are differences (deep underground

(mining regulations), parallel operation/construction, constraints by post-closure safety, …)

Operational safety analyses of deep geological repositories are on “international level” not yet as mature as post-closure safety case (no established “broad standard” available)

Aim of pilot study: check, if comparison of methods/approaches, tools, data, … would be useful / necessary

Based on pilot study: “IGD-TP – activity conceivable?”


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IGD-TP: plans & documents

Safety of construction and operations identified as a topic of importanceSchnj/27.05.2014

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Possibilities for future activities (see DP 2013)

Organizational Working Group (ORWG)Working group to develop a scientific or technical Topic, carry out preparatory work on a Topic to generate a Technical Project. Focus on strategic or practical organisational approaches, not on detailing technical matters

Technical/Scientific Working Group (TSWG)Working group to develop scientific or technical Topic to generate a possible Technical Project. Details for preparing a project plan and launching a joint project will be developed. This includes, for example, a more detailed scoping of a scientific or technical issue or the preparation of state-of-the-art reports for a focused identification of needs prior to the development of a technical project plan.

Information Exchange Platform (IEP)Provide organised forums of exchange between IGD-TP members and other participants. Discussion on programmatic choices around technical options, in order to highlight differences and to learn from the experience of others

Technical Project (TEP)Technical or scientific work on specific Topic. Needs detailed project plan and project agreement between project parties

Technological Transfer (TT) Activity concerns actors with some possessing knowledge that the others are ready to acquire. Can be based on agreements of transfer of previously acquired results or knowledge on commercial basis


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Where do we stand? A common interest in operational and construction safety was

identified as a key topic within the “Strategic Research Agenda 2011” (Key Topic 5) of the IGD-TP

Consequently an IGD-TP Pilot Project was initiated with the aim of evaluating- what information is available on operational and construction safety from

the participating organisations,- whether there is a common ground regarding waste categories and

repository types analysed and approaches, methods, tools and data used in the analyses,

- whether there are (enough) topics of common interest that would make it worth while to start an EU Project on Operational and Construction Safety.

Preliminary questionnaire sent out to member organizations ofIGD-TP executive group who had expressed an interest in this topic and who are working actively on operational and construction safety issues (2012); replies received by 9 organisations


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Workshop 13-14 Nov. 2013, Zürich, Switzerland

Aims- Identify commonalities and differences in the approaches to dealing with

operational and construction safety issues by the different organisations- For topics of common interest: Identify issues that could usefully be further

developed within a follow-on EU Project (technical and/or scientific working group (TSWG), information exchange platform (IEP), technical project (TEP), etc.) considering other ongoing projects on the same topic (e.g. by OECD-NEA)

- Compile a list of reference reports that could be used by the project- Prepare input for the final report of the IGD-TP Pilot Project on Operational

& Construction Safety (see following slide for contents)


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Workshop: List of questions to be addressed (1)

Operation and construction safety: Purpose & scope of project conducted / under way / planned

System definition for project considered- repository type (geological, near-surface, surface)- waste type(s)- transport of waste to the repository- surface facilities- access underground (shafts / ramps; transportation system, …)- underground facilities (incl. emplacement rooms; transportation / handling

system, ….)

List of incidents / accidents- definitions- categorisations (e.g. according to initiating event (external event, internal

event, sabotage, …), type / severity of consequences, …)- frequency / plausibility of occurrence- "ensuring completeness"


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Workshop: List of questions to be addressed (2)

Safety concept- safety goals (hierarchy)- measures to avoid event / mitigate consequences of identified incidents /

accidents Operational safety case

- implementation of safety concept- arguments that the required level(s) of safety can be achieved- treatment of specific incidents / accidents (airplane crash, criticality,…) in

operational safety analysis- quantitative radiological operational safety analysis (methods,

parameters, data, results) Construction safety case (if available) Are there other nuclear facilities in operation in your country that

have been / could be used as "analoga" for (parts of) the disposal system under consideration (e.g. interim storage facilities)? If so, are the corresponding operational safety reports (and authority reviews) available?


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Workshop: Potential common interests (1)

Safety concepts- Short descriptions of the safety concepts considered in different

disposal projects - Development of a list of competing requirements and ways to

manage them

Methodologies for evaluation of safety- Regarding construction safety and its analysis, the view of the workshop

participants was that broad experience is available in various organisations and that a high degree of maturity is already achieved; no common interest was therefore identified for future collaboration in this area.

Types of consequences analysed- Regarding the types of consequences to be analysed, it was decided at

the workshop that the main focus of future collaboration should be on nuclear safety / radiation protection and conventional safety.


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Workshop: Potential common interests (2)

Internal and external hazards (initiating events) - Compilation of a list of internal and external hazards, including those

hazards included in design basis accidents

Hazard states- Compilation of a list of detailed hazard states (and how they are

derived e.g. by fault/event trees)

Damage states- Compilation of a list of detailed damage states (and how they are

derived e.g. by fault/event trees)- Compilation of a list of relevant performance tests for waste

packages and transport containers, as well as a list of measures aimed at preventing or reducing damage to waste packages and transport containers as a result of various loads

Consequence analyses and overview of results- Compilation of a list of reports available (incl. input data used in the

consequence analyses)


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Contents of final report1

Findings from the preliminary questionnaire Findings from the workshop A conclusion whether a follow-on EU Project (including indication on

type of project) is considered worthwhile by the participants If the conclusion is positive, an outline of the follow-on EU Project

(incl. differences /synergies with respect to other projects on operational and construction safety, in particular NEA EG-OS and IAEA GEOSAF II)


1 Draft distributed to WS participants together with questionnaire to elicit expression of interest in12 specific potential future activities; some responses still pending

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