  • Internet Society IGF Ambassadors Programme 2009 Year in Review

    A new wave of Internet leaders traveled from 18 countries to help influence and shape Internet policy at the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt in November 2009. The 17 Internet Society (ISOC) Ambassadors and three Returning Ambassadors were selected by ISOC as part of its IGF Ambassadors Programme.

    The Ambassadors Programme is a key component of ISOCs Next Generation Leaders Programme, through which our Members engage in global engagement activities while providing valuable expertise and know-how to the IGF. Ambassadors contribute their unique perspectives, insights, and local and regional experiences to discussions and interventions during IGF sessions and workshops. Following the meetings, the Ambassadors report back to their communities in an effort to ensure a genuine sense of inclusion in the ongoing policy dialogue.

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    Internet Governance Forum and the Internet SocietyThe IGF embodies a multistakeholder approach to Internet governance, bringing together government, industry, and civil society to discuss issues at a series of annual meetings planned for 20062010. The United Nations created the IGF to continue the work of the World Summit on the Infor-mation Society (WSIS), which was convened in two phases for the purpose of developing a common vision and under-standing of the information society, and the adoption of a declaration and plan of action for implementation by Gov-ernments, international institutions and all sectors of civil society. The rst phase of the WSIS convened on 10 12 December 2003 in Geneva, Switzerland, and was hosted by the Government of Switzerland; the second phase convened on 1618 November 2005 in Tunis and was hosted by the Government of Tunisia.

    The Internet Society participated in both phases of the WSIS and has been a regular participant in the IGF. In the process we have gained considerable recognition for our positions,

    all of which support an open and globally accessible Internet. Much of this has been achieved through coop-eration with ISOC Chapters, Members, and partner organi-zations from around the world. We believe the IGF provides a useful platform for engaging in open dialogue on the chal-lenges and opportunities that face the Internet, its gov-ernance, and the role it will play in empowering individuals and contributing to social and economic development around the globe.

    IGF AmbassadorsFollowing on the success of the WSIS Ambassadors pro-gramme in 2005 and the IGF Ambassadors programmes that ran in 2007 and 2008, the Internet Society put out a call for participation in the programme planned for 2009 in Egypt. The programme underwent a number of upgrades in 2009, including the addition of mentorships, a post-IGF community-building project, a Returning Ambassadors pro-gramme, and the presence of IGF Ambassadors alumni.

    The theme of the 2009 IGF meeting was Internet Gov-ernance: Creating Opportunities for All. IGF Ambassadors helped explain and promote ISOCs positions on public policy issues related to the themes of the IGF.

    The IGF is by far the most important forum for Internet professionals and serves as a non-binding platform for dialogue related to various fields of the governance of the Internet. This IGF in particular gave me the opportunity to meet new people and exchange points of view regarding the concerns and future challenges of the Internet and its policy making process.

    Cristos Velasco (Spain), Returning Ambassador

    The most important benefit of the Ambas-sadorship was the contact I was able to make with people who share my interest in the Internet and how we can make it an accessible and safe conduit for communication, learning, and infor-mation sharing for all its users.

    Maureen Hilyard (ISOC Pacific Islands Chapter)

    Sha Zukang, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations

    Returning Ambassador Cristos Velasco (Spain)

    Ambassador Anupam Agrawal (India)

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    Details about the Next Generation Leaders programme and its associated Ambassadors programme, the Internet Gov-ernance Forum, and ISOCs involvement in the Sharm El Sheikh meeting are available at:

    IGF Ambassadors Programme Objectives

    Give voice to local and regional stakeholders in order to localize high-level discussions on Internet policy issues.

    Identify regional challenges and explore local solutions to the main Internet-related policy issues.

    Bring selected high-level individuals to the IGF with the express purpose of moving forward ISOCs mission and goals both at the meeting and subsequently in their home countries.

    Gather intelligence on the status of Internet governance awareness and issues in a range of locales.

    Engage local and regional stakeholders in the local promotion of ISOC policy positions following the IGF.

    Targeting Qualied Individuals As a prerequisite, a successful candidate for the Ambassa-dorship must be an ISOC Member, show a demonstrated

    Ambassador Gerard Dantec (France), President of Internet Society France Chapter

    interest in and expertise on issues included in the IGF meeting agenda, demonstrate a familiarity with and under-standing of the debate around Internet governance at national and international levels, and have a desire to help further ISOCs mission through outreach efforts in their home countries upon the conclusion of the IGF meeting.

    IGF Sharm El Sheikh Ambassador applicants completed an online application that required submitting a curriculum vitae and a two-page brief on a local Internet governance-related issue of relevance to the IGF meeting agenda.

    A committee of eight ISOC staff members familiar with the IGF and its processes evaluated the applications based on the following selection criteria:

    ISOC Membership

    Demonstration of interest/expertise in issues on the IGF Sharm El Sheikh agenda

    Demonstration of experience in leading Inter- net governance discussions at the interna-tional level and in multicultural environments

    The Ambassadors programme has become a familiar feature of each annual IGF meeting. The Ambassadors bring fresh voices into the multistakeholder policy dialogue of the IGF and they are committed to sharing their experiences with their respective local communities. This is what the IGF is all about: engaging in dialogue with people you would not otherwise meet and taking home and applying what you learned.

    Markus Kummer, Executive Coordinator,

    Secretariat of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF)

  • Capacity to appropriately represent ISOC and its views/policies as an Ambassador during the IGF

    Capacity to continue to work with ISOC on the local level following the IGF

    Professional, geographical, and gender diversity

    New to the ISOC Ambassador programme

    The 2009 ISOC Internet Governance Forum Ambassadors (First-Time)The following candidates were selected to represent ISOC at the Sharm El Sheikh IGF meeting:

    Anupam Agrawal (India)Chair, Internet Society, Kolkata Chapter

    Godfred Ahuma (Ghana)Data Services Engineer, MTN, Ghana; ISOC Ghana Chapter

    Fouad Bajwa (Pakistan)Member MAG, IGF Multistakeholder Advisory Group

    Baasansuren Burmaa (Mongolia)Director of .MN Registry, Datacom

    Olga Cavalli (Argentina)Regional Director, South School on Internet Governance

    Ni Chenying (Hong Kong)Student, City University of Hong Kong; ISOC Hong Kong Chapter

    Jorge Contreras (United States)Deputy Director, Intellectual Property Program, and Senior Lecturer in Law, Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri

    Olivier Crepin-Leblond (United Kingdom)Managing Director, Global Information Highway Ltd; ISOC England Chapter

    Gerard Dantec (France)President, ISOC France Chapter

    Rafid Fatani (Saudi Arabia)Internet Governance Researcher, University of Exeter

    Charity Gamboa-Embley (United States)Faculty, Internet Governance Capacity Building Pro-gramme; Tutor, Student Alternatives Program, Inc., South Plains Academy/Diplo Foundation; ISOC Philippines Chapter

    Tracy Hackshaw (Trinidad and Tobago)Senior Manager, Ministry of Public Administration

    Naveed Haq (Pakistan)Assistant Director (ICT), Pakistan Telecommunication Authority

    Maureen Hilyard (Cook Islands)eGovernment Project Manager, Office of the Prime Minister; ISOC Pacific Islands Chapter

    John Kabogo Njoroge (Kenya)ICT Officer: Web Governance and e-Applications, Directorate of e-Government

    Hempal Shrestha (Nepal)Programme Officer, South Asia Partnership International; Bellanet Asia

    Rudi Vansnick (Belgium)Chair, ISOC Belgium Chapter; TIK

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    I participated in a 30-minute radio pro-gramme that was podcast in February 2010 on Open Radio Hong Kong. We discussed what the IGF was in terms understandable to the diverse audience. We helped to promote a local pro-gramme that is focusing on online child protection in Hong Kong named the Netwise programme.

    Ni Chenying (ISOC Hong Kong Chapter)

    IGF 2009 Ambassadors and Internet Society programme staff in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt

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    An IGF participant joins Ambassadors Ni Chenying (Hong Kong) and Tracy Hackshaw (Trinidad and Tobago)

    New to 2009: The Returning Ambassadorship ProgrammeThrough the generous support of the Nominet Trust, the Internet Society was able to provide a second opportunity for select Ambassador alumni to attend the IGF 2009 pro-ceedings. Going forward, alumni who wish to actively par ticipate in and contribute to the work of the IGF, and who have demonstrated a high level of commitment and engagement since their rst IGF meeting experience, are invited to submit an application.

    The results of the Returning IGF Ambassadors Programme, which began at the IGF in 2009, have been exceptional. Not only did Returning Ambassadors demonstrate a deeper level of engagement in the work of the IGF while at the meeting, many initiated Internet governance discussions within their local communities, which helps alumni build strong, ongoing personal and professional relationships with local government, technical, and policy experts.

    The following candidates were selected to represent ISOC as Returning Ambassadors at the Sharm El Sheikh IGF meeting in 2009:

    Julin Casasbuenas (Colombia)Director, Colnodo

    Charles Mok (Hong Kong)Chairman, Internet Society Hong Kong Chapter

    Cristos Velasco (Spain)

    Director General, NACPEC.ORG

    Expressing my views as an ISOC Chapter leader and as an Internet Society IGF Ambassador in front of Under-Secretary-General of the U.N. during the Taking Stock and Looking Forward session was the most important thing I could single out among a host of others.

    Anupam Agrawal (ISOC India Kolkata Chapter)

    Returning Ambassador Charles Mok (Hong Kong)

    Participation Before and After the Meeting ISOCs IGF Ambassadors Programme in Sharm El Sheikh operated in three chronological stages:

    Stage 1. Preparing for the IGF Sharm El Sheikh

    Main Objectives

    Introduce the Ambassadors to the Internet Governance Forum and explain the back-ground of the event.

    Build capacity among the participants on the main issues of Internet governance.

    Create team spirit among the Ambassadors.

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    Internet Society president and CEO Lynn St. Amour addresses the IGF meeting in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, in November 2009


    Prepare a brief on the status of Internet governance discussions in the participants home locales of relevance to the Sharm El Sheikh agenda.

    Pursue speaking opportunities at IGF workshops (as possible).

    Participate in two preparatory conference calls with ISOC staff.

    Stage 2. During the IGF Sharm El Sheikh

    Main objectives

    Leverage ISOCs presence and promote ISOCs messages within the forum.

    Give voice to local and regional sensitivities in order to localize high-level discussions.


    Attend brieng session a day prior to the IGF.

    Present at IGF workshops (as appropriate).

    Contribute daily to ISOCs IGF blog at

    Represent ISOC at the ISOC booth.

    Stage 3. After the IGF Sharm El Sheikh

    Main Objectives

    Help further ISOCs mission through input on its Public Policy materials.

    Help further ISOCs mission through outreach efforts in Ambassadors home countries upon the conclusion of the Sharm El Sheikh meeting.


    Report on the Post-IGF Information Sharing and Community Building Project.

    Engage in local initiatives through ISOC Chapters.

    Attending the IGF in person gave me a new appreciation for the unique human dynamics that shape Internet policy globally.

    Jorge Contreras (United States)

    I have been to a number of local and inter-national meetings pertaining to the Internet but the IGF meeting was quite unique with respect to stakeholders presence, involvement, and topics being discussed. Coupled with the cordial hospi-tality of the Egyptian ministry and the professional participation environment provided by ISOC, the IGF meeting was an outstanding learning and networking experience.

    Naveed Haq (Pakistan)Ambassador Hempal Shrestha (Nepal)

    IGF Ambassador Jorge Contreras (United States)

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    Engaging Local Communities in the IGF ExperienceAn important part of the programme is for Ambassadors to create and report on a Post-IGF Information Sharing and Community Building Project, which will help them share the knowledge they gained at the IGF with others in their regions. The objective is to drive local ISOC activities, par-ticularly as they relate to Internet governance issues. The challenge for each Ambassador is to leverage the expe-rience and expertise gained at the IGF by stimulating interest in their community.

    This can be done, for example, by making a presentation at a relevant professional, academic, or technical meeting, or by speaking at an association meeting or writing an article for a relevant local publication. These activities are done on behalf of ISOC. When possible, Ambassadors who are members of Chapters are required to implement those activities in association with their Chapters.

    Ambassador Baasansuren Burmaa (Mongolia)

    Ambassador Olivier Crepin-Leblond (United Kingdom)

    [Attending the IGF has] helped me very much personally but I hope it has also benefited the Chapter as a whole. Several of the IGF themes are key to the themes we are developing at ISOC England, which are fully in line with ISOCs plans for the Chapter of the future. I am hoping that my attendance at IGF has acted as a catalyst for some of the Chapters plans.

    Olivier Crepin-Leblond (ISOC England Chapter)

    As an IGF Ambassador, I was able to witness the work we spent months preparing for, including the remote participation platform for the IGF and the online education panel that my copresenters have been discussing online. As for [acting as a mentor], I learned the importance of being a leader and sharing knowledge and experience with others.

    Charity Gamboa-Embley (ISOC Philippines Chapter)

    Egyptian Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif at IGF in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt

    Carmen DellErba of the Internet Society and Ambassador John Kabogo Njoroge (Kenya)

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    1775 Wiehle Avenue, Suite 201 Reston, VA 20190-5108, U.S.A. +1 703 439 2120

    Galerie Jean-Malbuisson 15 CH-1204 Genve, Suisse +41 22 807 1444

    A nonprofit organization, the Internet Society was founded in 1992 as a leader in promoting the evolution and growth of the Internet. Through our members, chapters, and partners, we are the hub of the largest international network of people and organisations that work with the Internet. We work on many levels to address the development, availability, and technology of the Internet.

    The Internet is critical to advancing economic growth, community self-reliance, and social justice throughout the world. Become a member of the Internet Society and share this vision. For more information, visit


    The Internet Society Next Generation Leaders ProgrammeThe Internet Society IGF Ambassador Programme is an activity of ISOCs Next Generation Leaders programme. The pro-gramme is a unique blend of coursework and practical experience that helps prepare young professionals from around the world to become the next generation of Internet technology, policy, and business leaders. For more information about the programme, please visit or e-mail [email protected].

    Become an Internet Society Next Generation Leaders PartnerThe Internet Society is pleased to extend an invitation to partner in the Next Generation Leaders programme. In addition to demonstrating your organizations commitment to capacity and leadership development at the local level, partnership will afford your organization a range of additional benets. We work with each partner to customize a relationship that links mean-ingful program support with organizational objectives to deliver maximum value. For more information on how to become a partner and to learn more about how support can benet your organization, visit or e-mail [email protected].

    The Internet Society is pleased to recognize Nominet Trust as a programme partner in 2009.

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