Page 1: IGNOU Question Paper Pattern >> MAPC >> MPCE013 - Psychotherapeutic Methods

IGNOU MAPC material © 2016, M S Ahluwalia Psychology Learners


IGNOU Question Paper Pattern

Page 2: IGNOU Question Paper Pattern >> MAPC >> MPCE013 - Psychotherapeutic Methods

IGNOU MAPC material © 2016, M S Ahluwalia Psychology Learners

Psychotherapeutic Methods

Examination Pattern - MAPC

Page 3: IGNOU Question Paper Pattern >> MAPC >> MPCE013 - Psychotherapeutic Methods

IGNOU MAPC material © 2016, M S Ahluwalia Psychology Learners




If you are a student of IGNOU preparing for the Term End Examinations, this document maybe just what you are looking for. IGNOU has a vast syllabus, and the exams are as tough as regular programs even though the programs are mostly open/distance learning with minimal support from the faculty and study centers. In such a situation students, who are usually working don’t get sufficient support for their exams. This document is created with the objective of helping the students with their theory examinations. It was created by analyzing the question papers of all the exams right from the beginning of the course up to 2015. Using the analysis, the entire syllabus was structured in terms of its importance for exams. You can use this to help you get maximum marks with minimum effort. While this would be a great help, do remember exams are both a test of your knowledge and your ability to present the answers in a manner that the examiner is inclined to give you marks. So work on these aspects as well, especially on the presentation of your answers. Good luck for your exams!

Disclaimer: This analysis was conducted by an individual with the intention of helping fellow students. Students are advised to be careful while using this. The author does not hold any responsibility of any unwanted/undesirable impact that using this document may have for the student. There may be errors in the analysis/ document considering it has not undergone any quality review.

Page 4: IGNOU Question Paper Pattern >> MAPC >> MPCE013 - Psychotherapeutic Methods

IGNOU MAPC material © 2016, M S Ahluwalia Psychology Learners




Time: 2 hours Maximum Marks: 50 Instructions till Dec 2014: 1. All questions carry equal marks. 2. Answer any five questions. 3. Use of simple calculator is permitted. Instructions for Jun and Dec 2015 exams: Three sections: 1. Section A: Answer any two of the following questions in about 500 words each : 2x10=20 2. Section B: Answer any four of the following questions in about 300 words each : 4x6=24 3. Section C: Write short notes on any two of the following in about 100 words each : 2x3=6 Please note: The pattern may deviate considerably from this. 1. In June 2015, the pattern changed. 2. In June 2011, for one of the subjects the word limit for answers was 400 words

Page 5: IGNOU Question Paper Pattern >> MAPC >> MPCE013 - Psychotherapeutic Methods

IGNOU MAPC material © 2016, M S Ahluwalia Psychology Learners

Block level: Blocks 1 and 2 are most important



Name Total

Questions Total Marks

1_Psychological Treatment of Mental Disorders: Major modalities 50 279

2_Cognitive and Behaviour Therapies 34 214

3_Other Therapies for Psychological Interventions 24 150

4_Psychotherapy Across Life Cycle 16 115

Grand Total 124 758

Page 6: IGNOU Question Paper Pattern >> MAPC >> MPCE013 - Psychotherapeutic Methods

IGNOU MAPC material © 2016, M S Ahluwalia Psychology Learners

Chapter level: Chapters 1.1 and 2.2 are most important



Name Total Questions Total Marks

1_Psychological Treatment of Mental Disorders: Major modalities 50 279

1.1_Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic Theory 25 144

1.2_Insight Psychotherapy, Interpersonal Psychotherapy 11 64

1.4_Methods of Child Psychotherapy 8 42

1.3_Short Term Psychotherapies 6 29

2_Cognitive and Behaviour Therapies 34 214

2.2_Cognitive Behaviour Therapies (Including Rational Emotive Therapy) 15 90

2.1_Behavior Modification Techniques 9 64

2.4_Integrative and Multimodal Therapies 7 39

2.3_Solution Focused Therapy 3 21

3_Other Therapies for Psychological Interventions 24 150

3.1_Roger's Client Centered Therapy 10 73

3.2_Family and Group Psychotherapy 9 47

3.4_Psychotherapy Integration 4 20

3.3_Psychodynamic Couple Therapy 1 10

4_Psychotherapy Across Life Cycle 16 115

4.4_Psychotherapy in Terminal Illnesses (AIDS, Cancer) 7 45

4.1_Psychotherapy with Children and Adults 5 40

4.3_Psychotherapy with Older Adults 3 20

4.2_Psychotherapy with Adults and Middle Aged Persons 1 10

Grand Total 124 758

Page 7: IGNOU Question Paper Pattern >> MAPC >> MPCE013 - Psychotherapeutic Methods

IGNOU MAPC material © 2016, M S Ahluwalia Psychology Learners

Topic level (1/6)



Name Total Questions Total Marks 1_Psychological Treatment of Mental Disorders: Major modalities 50 279 1.1_Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic Theory 25 144 Give a brief account of the four major techniques used in psychoanalytic therapy. 1 10 Discuss the various modalities of psychological treatment of mental disorders. 1 10 Write an essay on the basic tenets and concepts of psychodynamic psychotherapy. 1 10 Write an essay on object relation theory 1 10 The Unconscious 2 8 Discuss various types of defense mechanisms. 1 8 different stages of psychosexual development 1 7 What do you understand by object relations theory ? 1 7 Discuss major tenets of Freudian psychoanalysis as a therapeutic procedure. 1 7 Elaborate Freudian Psychoanalytic theory. 1 7 basic tenets and concepts of psychodynamic psychotherapy 1 6 Discuss briefly the merits and demerits of traditional psychotherapeutic methods. 1 5 application in psychotherapeutic process 1 5 object relations theory 1 5 Discuss reaction formation regression and rationalisation on defense mechanism. 1 5 Attachment Theory (John Bowlby) 1 5 Throw light on the emerging trends in psychotherapy. 1 5 The role of unconscious in psychotherapy 1 5 Define the concept of ego defense mechanisms. 1 5 Discuss the principles of psychoanalysis. 1 3 What is psychoanalysis ? 1 3 Discuss its application in psychotherapeutic process. 1 3 Freud's topographical model of personality 1 3 Define the concept of Defense Mechanisms. 1 2

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IGNOU MAPC material © 2016, M S Ahluwalia Psychology Learners

Topic level (2/6)



Name Total Questions Total Marks 1.2_Insight Psychotherapy, Interpersonal Psychotherapy 11 64 Write an essay on the characteristics and techniques of interpersonal psychotherapy 1 10 What do you understand by interpersonal psychotherapy? Discuss its techniques. 1 10 Existential therapy 2 8 techniques of interpersonal psychotherapy 1 6 What is analytical psychology 1 5 and interpersonal psychotherapy. 1 5 Give a detailed account of interpersonal psychotherapy. 1 5 basic concepts of analytical psychology that distinguish it from Freudian Psychoanalysis 1 5 insight psychotherapy 1 5 Interpersonal therapy 1 5 1.4_Methods of Child Psychotherapy 8 42 Play therapy 2 10 Discuss the most suitable therapeutic method for the treatment of phobias in children. 1 10 parent-child interaction therapy 1 6 Discuss two theoretical techniques of attachment based interventions. 1 5 Discuss the distinctive features of psychotherapies for children. 1 5 dyadic developmental psychotherapy 1 3 attachment based interventions 1 3 1.3_Short Term Psychotherapies 6 29 David Malan's therapy and Triangle of insight 1 6 What is meant by eclectic approach in therapy ? Give suitable examples. 1 5 Discuss the assumption and importance of short term psychotherapy. 1 5 Eclecticism in psychotherapy 1 5 Psychosomatic Disorders 1 5 Motivational Interviewing 1 3

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IGNOU MAPC material © 2016, M S Ahluwalia Psychology Learners

Topic level (3/6)



Name Total Questions Total Marks 2_Cognitive and Behaviour Therapies 34 214 2.2_Cognitive Behaviour Therapies (Including Rational Emotive Therapy) 15 90 Discuss Beck's cognitive behavioural approach 1 10 How does cognitive behavioural approach differ from psychoanalytic and client centered therapy ? 1 10 Describe the steps and techniques cognitive behaviour therapy. 1 10 techniques of CBT. 1 7 Explain the cognitive technique and Imagery technique of CBT. 1 6 historical overview of the development of cognitive behaviour therapy 1 5 basic assumptions of cognitive behaviour therapy 1 5 Give a brief overview of historical developments in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. 1 5 cognitive behaviour therapy giving suitable examples - limitations 1 5 process of cognitive behaviour therapy 1 5 present the ABC model 1 5 cognitive behaviour therapy giving suitable examples - applications 1 5 Differentiate CBT with behavioural therapy techniques. 5+5 1 5 Discuss the model of human thinking and causation with reference to Cognitive Behavior theory 1 4 Discuss the basic assumptions of cognitive behaviour therapy. 1 3 2.1_Behavior Modification Techniques 9 64 different operant conditioning procedures 1 10 What do you understand by Behaviour Modification ? Discuss Desensitization as a type of Behaviour Modification Technique. 1 10 How does operant conditioning procedure function as a technique of behaviour modification.Discuss with suitable examples. 1 10 Elucidate the concept and techniques of respondent conditioning as a method of behaviour modification. 1 10 Discuss the following with reference to behaviour modification : Shaping Reinforcement Stimulus control 1 7

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Topic level (4/6)



Name Total Questions Total Marks 2_Cognitive and Behaviour Therapies 34 214 2.1_Behavior Modification Techniques 9 64 behaviour modification methods used to decrease undesired behaviours 1 6 Behaviour Modification 1 5 Token Economies 1 3 Define the concept of operant conditioning. 1 3 2.4_Integrative and Multimodal Therapies 7 39 Define the term integrative psychotherapy. Trace the historical development of integrative psychotherapy movement. 1 10 What is integrative psychotherapy? Highlight its techniques. 1 10 development and basic concepts. 1 8 Goals of Multimodal Therapy 1 3 various factors responsible for the growth of psychotherapy integration 1 3 psychotherapy integration 1 3 What is multimodal therapy ? 1 2 2.3_Solution Focused Therapy 3 21 Discuss the application of solution focused therapy. 1 10 nature and process of solution focused therapy 1 6 Solution focussed therapy 1 5

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IGNOU MAPC material © 2016, M S Ahluwalia Psychology Learners

Topic level (5/6)



Name Total Questions Total Marks 3_Other Therapies for Psychological Interventions 24 150 3.1_Roger's Client Centered Therapy 10 73 Write an essay on the counselling process of Roger's client centered therapy 1 10 Discuss the strategies used in Carl Rogus' client centered therapy. 1 10 Discuss the following with reference to Roger's client centred therapy : Unconditional Positive Regard Empathic Understanding Transparency 1 10 What are the basic assumptions of Carl Rogers'. client centered therapy ? Discuss the process of client centered therapy. 1 10 Explain the following concepts with reference to Roger's client centered therapy: Empathy Self Disclosure Unconditional Positive regard Immediacy 1 10 Elaborate the strategies used in client centered therapy. 1 8 core conditions for client-centred therapy 1 6 goals of client-centered therapy 1 4 Unconditional Positive Regard 1 3 What is the role of cultural awareness of therapist in this therapy ? 1 2 3.2_Family and Group Psychotherapy 9 47 family psychotherapeutic approach 1 6 Discuss the techniques of family therapy. 1 6 therapeutic principles of group psychotherapy 1 6 Explain the principles of group psychotherapy. 1 5 Differentiate between group psychotherapy and individual psychotherapy. 1 5 Describe Group Psychotherapy. 1 5 Family Psychotherapy 1 5 Group Psychotherapy 1 5 Give an account of historical development of family therapy. 1 4

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IGNOU MAPC material © 2016, M S Ahluwalia Psychology Learners

Topic level (6/6)



Name Total Questions Total Marks 3.4_Psychotherapy Integration 4 20 Discuss various methods of psychotherapy integration. 1 7 Give a brief account of historical developments of integration therapy movement. 1 5 variables responsible for the growth of psychotherapy integration ? 1 5 Explain the concept of psychotherapy integration. 1 3 3.3_Psychodynamic Couple Therapy 1 10 Discuss the psychodynamic approach to couple therapy and its limitations. 1 10 4_Psychotherapy Across Life Cycle 16 115 4.4_Psychotherapy in Terminal Illnesses (AIDS, Cancer) 7 45 Discuss humanistic approach and behavioral psychotherapy with dying persons. 1 10 Why do we need psychotherapy for the persons with AIDS ? What are the typical psychotherapy techniques that you would recommend for them ? 1 10 Describe psychotherapies used for cancer patients. 1 7 Terminal illness and psychotherapy 1 5 Psychotherapy for cancer patients. 1 5 Terminal illness 1 5 What is the importance of integrative psychotherapy in cancer. 1 3 4.1_Psychotherapy with Children and Adults 5 40 Describe psychotherapeutic approaches used for treating depression in adolescents. 1 10 Discuss the age specific problems of adolescents and middle adulthood. 1 10 What are the ways in which anxiety could be treated in adolescents? Discuss. 1 10 Applications of Narrative therapy 1 5 Narrative therapy 1 5 4.3_Psychotherapy with Older Adults 3 20 differences between the therapies used for older persons and other age group persons 1 10 Psychotherapy with older adults 1 5 Psychotherapy in dementia 1 5 4.2_Psychotherapy with Adults and Middle Aged Persons 1 10 Discuss specific psychotherapeutic approaches used with problems in middle adulthood. 1 10

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IGNOU MAPC material © 2016, M S Ahluwalia Psychology Learners

Question-wise marks



The question wise structure has been as follows:

To summarize, the questions have mostly comprised of 10 mark and combination of 5 marks short notes. However, the latest pattern introduced 6 marks and 3 marks short notes which form a considerable number of the questions. The total number of questions was also increased from 10 to 12.

Q# Jun-12 Dec-12 Jun-13 Dec-13 Jun-14 Dec-14 Jun-15 Dec-15

1 10 10 3+7 5+5 3+7 2+8 5+5 3+7

2 10 10 5+5 5+5 3+7 5+5 5+5 10

3 10 10 5+5 4+6 10 3+7 5+5 5+5

4 10 10 2+8 10 5+5 3+7 10 4+6

5 10 10 10 4+6 10 5+5 6 6

6 10 10 5+5 5+5 5+5 10 6 6

7 10 5+5 10 10 3+7 5+5 6 6

8 10 10 5+5 5+5 2+8 5+5 6 3+3

9 5+5 10 10 3+7 10 10 3+3 6

10 10 5+5 10 5+5 5+5 5+5 3 3

11 - - - - - - 3 3

12 - - - - - - 3 3

2+3+5 0

2+4 0

2+4+4 0

2+8 3

3 6

3+3 2

3+3+4 0

3+7 8

4+6 3

5+5 24

6 8

10 30

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