
Transport for NSW

Heather Warton Director Industry, Key Sites and Social Projects Planning and Infrastructure GPO Box 39 Sydney NSW 2001

Attention: Simon Truong

III 111111 2111 III


Dear Ms Warton,

Thank you for your letter dated 23 September 2013 inviting Roads & Maritime Services (RMS), to provide comments on the subject proposal. The RMS has requested a joint Transport for NSW (TfNSW), and RMS response due to the proximity of the CBD and South East Light Rail project to the subject proposal.

TfNSW and RMS have reviewed the response to the Submissions Addendum Report and provide the following comments:

1. RMS does not support the proposed right turn movement from Alison Road into the roadway (Randwick Racecourse) at the Darley Street intersection. This right turn movement requires this signalised intersection to operate with split approach phasing, which will result in unacceptable delays and additional queuing for motorists and buses on Alison Road and Darley Street.

2. The vehicular queuing on the Racecourse roadway approach to the signalisation of Alison Road/Darley Street intersection likely to extend past the proposed internal exit driveways from the proposed development in the peak periods, which may block vehicles exiting these driveways. Further, vehicles turning right out of the proposed exit driveways onto the internal road network onto the access roadway may queue across the southbound lane (entry to racecourse) and potentially block vehicles entering the racecourse from Alison Road. The applicant should investigate suitable measures to mitigate this conflict and improve the efficiency for vehicles exiting the proposed exit driveways. Any identified measures should be referred to RMS for review and comment, prior to the Construction Certificate.

3. The hotel development and associated infrastructure must not encroach on or affect the NSW Government proposal for the CBD and South East Light Rail

18 Lee Street Chippendale NSW 2008 PO Box K659 Haymarket NSW 1240

T 8202 2200 F 8202 2209

ABN 18 804 239 602

Department of Planning

24 APR 2014

Scanning Room

Project and adjacent shared footpath/cycleway as determined by Transport for NSW or its agent.

4. The design and construction of off-street parking shall be in accordance with AS2890.1 —2004 and AS 2890.2 — 2002.

5. The swept path of the longest vehicle entering and exiting the subject site, as well as manoeuvrability through the subject site shall be in accordance with AUSTROADS.

6. The applicant should be made aware of the potential for road traffic noise to impact on future development of the site. In this regard, the applicant, not the RMS, is responsible for providing noise attenuation measures in accordance with the Environmental Protection Authority's Environmental Criteria for Road Traffic noise.

7. Discharged stormwater from the development shall not exceed the capacity of the Alison Road stormwater drainage system.

Detailed design plans and hydraulic calculations of any changes to the stormwater drainage system are to be submitted to the RMS for approval, prior to the commencement of any works.

Details to be forwarded to:

Sydney Asset Management Roads & Maritime Services PO Box 973 Parramatta CBD NSW 2124

A plan checking fee will be payable and a performance bond may be required before the RMS approval is issued. With regard to the Civil Works requirement please contact the RMS Project Engineer, External Works Ph: 8849 2114 or Fax: 8849 2766.

8. A detailed Construction Traffic Management Plan shall be undertaken by a certified practitioner and referred to the RMS for review, prior to the release of any Construction Certificate for the proposed development.

9. Any temporary lane or shoulder closure on Alison Road for construction purposes requires a Road Occupancy Licence from the Transport Management Centre (TMC). For further information, please contact the TMC on 8396-1513.

10.A11 road work/regulatory signposting associated with the proposed development shall be at no cost to RMS and TfNSW.


Thank you again for the opportunity to provide advice for the subject proposal. If you require further clarification of any issues raised, please don't hesitate to contact Mark Ozinga on 8202 2198 or email on [email protected]

Yours Sincerely

Mark-0 Manager, nd Use Planning & Development Plan ing d Programs




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