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This meeting will be audio cast on the Internet at:

May 20, 2020 10:00 a.m.

1. Roll Call/Pledge of Allegiance

A. Consideration of and Possible Actions on Any Requests for Participation in Meeting by Other Means

2. Public Participation

A. Public Participation will be completed using an online form that can be found

at and will open on May 20

at 8:30 a.m. and close at 9:30 a.m. Participants will be able to review the participation guidelines and

indicate if they wish to speak. For Public Participation, please join the link below by computer or

phone: Dial in: (786) 535-3211 Access Code: 708-


3. Presentations

A. Strategic Plan

4. Closed Session

A. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific

employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a

complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to

determine its validity. However, a meeting to consider an increase in compensation to a specific

employee of a public body that is subject to the Local Government Wage Increase Transparency Act

may not be closed and shall be open to the public and posted and held in accordance with this Act. 5

ILCS 120/2(c)(1)

B. Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and

is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is

probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the

minutes of the closed meeting. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11)

5. Superintendent’s Report – Consent Agenda

*All action consideration items listed with an asterisk (*) below are considered to be routine and will be enacted in one motion and vote. Any board member who wishes separate discussion on any item listed on the consent agenda may remove that item from the consent agenda, in which event, the item will be considered in its normal sequence.

A. *Approval of Minutes – Plenary Minutes: March 18, 2020 (pp. 3-10)

B. *Rules for Adoption -- Part 235 (Early Childhood Block Grant) Chronic Absenteeism (pp. 11-15)

C. *Rules for Adoption – Part 375 (Student Records) Parental Notification Changes (pp. 16-25)

D. *Rules for Adoption – Part 650 (Charter Schools) Charter School Commission Abolish (pp. 26-79)

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E. *Contracts and Grants Over $1 Million - Approval of the Notice of Funding Opportunity/Request for

Proposals for E-rate State Matching Grant Program (pp. 80-83)

F. *Contracts and Grants Over $1 Million - Approval of the Release and Award of the Competitive Grant from

the SEA Set-Aside Portion of the CARES Act Funding (pp. 84-85)

G. *Approval of Complaints Against Charter School Authorizers Under Section 650.65 of the Administrative

Code (pp. 86-87)

H. *Approval of Revised FY20 Board Meeting Dates (pp. 88-89)

I. *Approval of Revised FY21 Board Meeting Dates (pp.90-91)

End of Consent Agenda

6. Rules for Initial Review – Part 1 (Public Schools Evaluation, Recognition and Supervision) Climate

Survey Change (pp. 92-101) 7. Discussion Items

A. Legislative Update (pp. 102-103)

B. Illinois CARES Federal Stimulus Funding (pp. 104-114)

8. Upcoming Board Actions

A. Part 226 (Special Education) Bilingual Interpreter (pp. 115-133)

B. Approval of Learning Technology Center Intergovernmental Agreement Renewal (pp. 134-144)

C. Approval of Discretionary Grant to Illinois Association of School Administrators for New Superintendent

Mentoring (pp. 141-144)

D. Approval of Cut Score Recommendations for Redeveloped Licensure Tests – Phase V (pp. 145-159)

E. Approval of IDEA Part D Discretionary Grant: State Personnel Development Grant (pp. 157-159)

F. Approval of additional funding for College Board to support the administration of the SAT being

administered in the Fall of School Year 2020-2021 for grade 12 students (pp. 160-161)

G. Approval of a three-year sole source contract with New Meridian to license Oklahoma science assessment

items to support the Illinois Science Assessment (ISA). (pp. 162-163)

9. Public Participation (as needed)

10. Announcements & Reports

A. Superintendent’s/Senior Staff Announcements

B. Chair of the Board’s Report

C. Member Reports

11. Information Items

A. ISBE Fiscal & Administrative Monthly Reports (pp. 164-223)

B. FOIA Monthly Report (pp. 224-240)

12. Adjourn

This meeting will be accessible to persons with disabilities. Persons planning to attend who need special accommodations should contact the Board office no later than the date prior to the meeting. Contact the Superintendent's office at the State Board of Education. Phone: 217-782-2221; TTY/TDD: 217-782-1900; Fax: 217-785-3972.

NOTE: The Chair of the Board may call for a break in the meeting as necessary in order for the Board to go into closed session.

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Illinois State Board of Education Meeting March 18, 2020

100 N. First St, Springfield, IL 100 W. Randolph St., Suite 14-300, Chicago, IL

ROLL CALL Mr. Darren Reisberg, Chair of the Board, called the meeting to order at 9:20 a.m.

Chair of the Board Reisberg announced that the Board meeting was being audio-cast live over the internet and video recorded.

Chair of the Board Reisberg asked the clerk to call the roll. A quorum was present with nine members. State Superintendent Dr. Carmen I. Ayala was also in attendance.

Members Present: Mr. Darren Reisberg, Chair of the Board (Chicago Office) Dr. Donna Leak, Vice Chair (Chicago Office) Dr. Cristina Pacione-Zayas, Secretary (via phone) Dr. Christine Benson (Springfield Office) Ms. Cynthia Latimer (via phone) Dr. David Lett (Springfield Office) Ms. Susie Morrison (Springfield Office) Ms. Jacqueline Robbins (via phone) Ms. Jane Quinlan (Springfield Office)

Chair of the Board Reisberg introduced Kirsten Parr, Board Services coordinator, and recognized Kim Clarke for her service as the interim Board Services coordinator while simultaneously serving as the executive assistant to the State Superintendent.

Chair of the Board Reisberg made a statement recognizing the Governor’s Office for its decisive action and commending educators, students, and families across Illinois for their efforts in light of the COVID-19 crisis.

Dr. Ayala thanked the agency for its seamless transition to remote work. She also thanked all the educators and administrators that have worked tirelessly to support students and families in light of the COVID-19 crisis.

The Board recognized Dr. Ayala and the agency, as well as their colleagues in the field, for their work in serving students during this trying time.


Chair of the Board Reisberg reminded those in attendance of the updated public participation policy. He outlined the telephonic public participation procedures in light of the Governor’s Emergency Proclamation.

Vikki Stokes asked the Board to render a favorable decision regarding the appeal for Chicago Virtual Charter School (CVCS).

Dianne Garratt shared her perspective as a Chicago Virtual Charter School parent and asked the Board to vote in favor of CVCS.

David Garratt shared his perspective as a student of CVCS and asked the Board to grant the appeal for CVCS.

Susan Stanton from ACT Now implored the agency to provide more communication about how school closures impact recipients of the 21st Century Learning Centers grants.

Draft—Pending Approval

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Tanya Selders shared her perspective as a CVCS parent and asked the Board to vote in favor of CVCS.

Adriana Simeran spoke about the benefits of CVCS and asked the Board to grant its appeal.

LaShaun Bryant shared her experience as a CVCS parent and asked the Board to vote in favor of CVCS.

Alexander Van Beek spoke about his experience as a teacher at CVCS and asked the Board to render a favorable decision regarding its appeal.

Tina Os encouraged the Board that CVCS should remain open.

Donna Coaxum asked the Board to consider the change in leadership at CVCS and encouraged the Board to grant its appeal.

Hal Woods from Chicago Public Schools (CPS) outlined the requirements that CPS sets forth for charter schools, which CVCS and Frazier Preparatory Academy Charter School did not meet. Thus, he encouraged the Board to deny both appeals.

Denise McNamara gave her perspective as a CVCS teacher and asked the Board to consider the uniqueness of CVCS compared to the CPS School Quality Rating Policy. She requested that CVCS be granted its appeal.

Jonathan VanderBrug from Arts Alliance Illinois spoke strongly in support of Dr. Ayala’s recommendation regarding the Fine Arts indicator.

Ashley Stiver highlighted concerns from the field about student teaching program requirements and the edTPA in light of school closures.

Dr. Ayala noted that the agency is coordinating with the Illinois Board of Higher Education regarding this issue and that she supports a town hall meeting with student teachers to address their concerns.


The Board recognized the students who won the 38th annual Illinois Arts Education Week arts poster contest in their respective divisions: Matthew Seiya Abe-Bell, Springfield High School (High School Division) Alexandra Bravo, Westchester Middle School (Middle School Division) Michael J. Golminas, St. Joseph School (Elementary Division)


Dr. Benson read the Board’s Resolution to Recognize April 1 as National Census Day and moved that the State Board of Education hereby approve the resolution. Ms. Latimer seconded the motion, and it passed by unanimous voice vote.


Jen Saba, executive director of Regional Services, introduced the members of the Student Advisory Council (SAC). The SAC members presented their recommendations to the Board on student safety, student success, equity, and ways to ensure a complete count in the 2020 Census. Dr. Ayala and the Board thanked the SAC for its work and praised the quality of the research and the presentation. They also reflected on the ways that the SAC’s recommendations can be operationalized and explored how the recommendations align to the Strategic Plan.

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CONSENT AGENDA Dr. Ayala reviewed the items under the consent agenda.

Ms. Morrison moved that the State Board of Education approve the consent agenda with the exception of following items, which were taken separately:

E. Approval of Ed360 AND Illinois Longitudinal Data Systems Project RSFP F. Decision on Frazier Prep Charter Academy Appeal G. Decision on Chicago Virtual Charter School Appeal

Dr. Leak seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously with a roll call vote. The following motions were approved by action taken in the consent agenda motion:

Approval of Minutes Plenary Minutes: February 18, 2020

The Illinois State Board of Education hereby approves the Feb. 18, 2020, meeting minutes with corrections to Elliot Regenstein’s name.

Rules for Initial Review Part 75 (Agricultural Education Pre-Service Teacher Internship Program)

Agricultural Education Pre-Service Teacher Internship Program

The State Board of Education hereby authorizes solicitation of public comment on the proposed rulemaking for Part 75 (Agricultural Education Program), including publication of the proposed rules in the Illinois Register to elicit public comment.

Rules for Adoption Part 1 (Public Schools Evaluation, Recognition and Supervision) and Part 680

(New) State Seal of Biliteracy

The State Board of Education hereby authorizes the State Superintendent to submit the proposed rulemaking for Part 1 (Public Schools Evaluation, Recognition and Supervision) and Part 680 (State Seal of Biliteracy) to the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR) for second notice. Further, the Board authorizes the State Superintendent of Education to make such technical and non-substantive changes as the State Superintendent may deem necessary in response to suggestions or objections of JCAR.

Contracts and Grants Over $1 Million Approval of Truants’ Alternative and Optional Education Program Grant Notice

of Funding Opportunities/Request for Proposals

The State Board of Education hereby authorizes the State Superintendent to release the Truants’ Alternative and Optional Education Programs (TAOEP) Fiscal Year 2021 NOFO/RFP and award funds to successful applicants. The initial term of the grant will begin July 1, 2020, and extend through June 30, 2021. There will be two one-year renewals contingent upon a sufficient appropriation and satisfactory performance in each preceding grant year. The estimated total cost, including cohort renewals, will not exceed $11.5 million in FY 2021. The State Board of Education further authorizes the State Superintendent to execute grant agreements within defined parameters to any entity eligible to receive more than $1 million for a single award or over the life of the grant. Education Officer Dr. Ernesto Matias reported on agency discussions regarding how to measure the effectiveness of grants, including the TAOEP grant.

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Dr. Pacione-Zayas expressed concern about the use of the term “dropout.” She encouraged the agency to examine the language used in order to acknowledge circumstances outside of the student’s control that my force them from educational spaces. Approval of Cut Score Recommendations for Redesigned Licensure Test:

Elementary Education (1-6) The State Board of Education hereby authorizes the State Superintendent to approve the panel-recommended cut scores for the redesigned Elementary Education content test.

Approval of Fine Arts Indicator The State Board of Education hereby approves the Superintendent’s recommendation for the Fine Arts indicator. Ms. Latimer expressed concerns about the possible impact on a school’s accountability designation and asked what types of supports will the agency provide to districts and schools that might not be able to succeed under the Fine Arts indicator. She also asked whether adjustments could be made in the future if the TAC held concerns about data quality. She requested these concerns be recorded explicitly in the minutes. Dr. Ayala clarified that the indicator will not go into effect until the 2022-23 school year. Before that point, data will be collected to help finalize the indicator and to analyze impact on schools. She also emphasized that there is amendment process available for all indicators Dr. Jason Helfer, deputy officer of Instructional Education, stated that this time prior to implementation would also be used to update school course catalogs, ensuring that course offerings are correctly organized. He also stated that the agency is working with schools and districts to ensure that fine arts courses are identified in an equitable manner.

Approval of Spring 2020 Waiver Report The State Board of Education hereby approves all waiver requests.

Approval of FY 2021, FY 2022 and FY 2023 Board Meeting Dates The State Board of Education hereby approves the FY 2021, FY 2022, and FY 2023 dates for State Board of Education meetings.

Acceptance of the School Financial Profile

The State Board of Education hereby accepts the 2020 Financial Profile based upon the FY 2019 audited financial statements presented by school districts.

Approval of the Contract with New Meridian Corporation for Content Licensing and Development for the Illinois Assessment of Readiness

The State Board of Education hereby authorizes the State Superintendent to enter into a new three-year contract with New Meridian Corporation for customized content development and content licensing for the Illinois Assessment of Readiness starting July 1, 2020, in an amount not to exceed $23,089,656.

Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement with the University of Kansas Center for Research (KUCR)-Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM-AA)

The State Board of Education hereby authorizes the State Superintendent to enter into a new five-year contract with the University of Kansas for the administration of the state alternate accountability assessment starting July 1, 2020. Dr. Dixon reported that no specific feedback was given on this assessment during the assessment review.

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Approval of Renewal of Intergovernmental Agreement for Illinois Interactive Report Card

The State Board of Education hereby authorizes the State Superintendent to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with Northern Illinois University for the continued hosting, development, enhancement, maintenance, and support of the Illinois Report Card and the My Illinois Interactive Report Card for FY 2021 in an amount not to exceed $1.75 million. Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement with the Illinois Board of Higher

Education The State Board of Education hereby authorizes the State Superintendent to enter into an FY 2020 intergovernmental agreement with the Illinois Board of Higher Education for the purposes of carrying out activities under the Federal Preschool Development Grant Birth to Five. The initial term of the agreement will be upon execution through Dec. 30, 2020.


Dr. Lett made a motion that the Software Solutions Department requests that the State Board of Education authorize the State Superintendent to release a Request for Sealed Proposals (RFSP) and award to the successful offeror(s) to procure the services of one Project Manager, one Business Analyst, one Data Analyst, and two Developers to assist in the development and maintenance of extant and future data systems as they pertain to the Ed360 and Illinois Longitudinal Data System data projects. The total award over a five-year period will not exceed $6 million. This award will not be utilized for data projects to enhance Ed360 until the State Superintendent has completed a review of the Ed360 platform and determines that enhancements are appropriate. (This RFSP is a replacement for current contractual resources that are expiring.) Ms. Morrison seconded the motion, and it passed by unanimous roll call vote. Dr. Pacione-Zayas clarified that the agency will require bidders to disclose their plans to maintain student data privacy, as well as their holdings in private prisons, private detention centers, and practices harmful to the environment. Legal Officer Trisha Olson confirmed that the RFSP will include these provisions. Chair of the Board Reisberg noted that Financial Officer Robert Wolfe had sent communications about how this request could be folded in to the RFP process. Ms. Quinlan requested that the agency provide more data on how Ed360 is utilized by the field. Chair of the Board Reisberg agreed and asked that, in addition to quantitative data, qualitative data also be supplied.


Chair of the Board Reisberg noted that this is not a decision that the Board makes lightly. The Board is dedicated to monitoring and tracking the placement of the affected students to ensure actions are taken in their best interests. Ms. Quinlan made a motion that the State Board of Education hereby adopts the hearing officer’s Recommendation and Proposed Order in full and with no modifications. The State Board of Education hereby denies Frazier Preparatory Academy Charter School’s appeal of the decision by the Chicago Board of Education to revoke Frazier Prep’s charter and charter school agreement. Dr. Lett seconded the motion, and it passed by unanimous roll call vote.


Chair of the Board Reisberg read comments submitted by Julia Roody, a social worker at CVCS, who was earlier unable to get through during public comment. She spoke in support of CVCS remaining open. The Board discussed the placements of students affected by the closures. Dr. Leak stated for the record that she was chiefly concerned with ensuring that students and their families are cared for. Ms. Saba recommended courses of action that the State Board could take to follow up with CPS regarding student

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placements. Chair of the Board Reisberg requested monthly updates on the progress of placing students. Dr. Pacione-Zayas highlighted that in a study by the UChicago Consortium of Research examining student outcomes for students affected by the CPS closures of 49 schools, there was no clear evidence that a substantial number of students were placed in higher-performing schools. She questioned whether CPS would be able to carry out placements to higher-performing schools. Dr. Pacione-Zayas also expressed concerns about the timeline of the appeals process, considering the change of school administration. Ms. Saba highlighted that in their briefing statements, CPS will work with students to create flexibility with virtual versus brick-and-mortar instruction. Ms. Olson stated that any affected special education students have an obligation to be served on the appropriate continual placement options. Ms. Saba gave an overview of charter schools in Illinois and what the Board may see in the future with respect to charter appeals. The Board discussed the concern that that the State Board has the final authority to revoke charters, though it does not give input into the opening of charters. The agency must still certify that the charter is operating within the law. Dr. Benson made a motion that the State Board of Education hereby adopts the hearing officer’s Recommendation and Proposed Order in full and with no modifications. The State Board of Education hereby denies Chicago Virtual Charter School’s appeal of the decision by the Chicago Board of Education to revoke CVCS’ charter and charter school agreement. Ms. Morrison seconded the motion, and it passed by unanimous roll call vote.


Ms. Robbins made a motion that the State Board of Education hereby authorizes the State Superintendent to submit the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century (Perkins V) Illinois State Plan to the U.S. Department of Education by April 15, 2020. Dr. Leak seconded the motion, and it passed by roll call vote with eight votes in favor. Dr. Lett abstained from this vote.

CLOSED SESSION Dr. Leak moved that the Board enter into closed session under the exceptions set forth in the Open Meetings Act of the State of Illinois as follows:

A. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. However, a meeting to consider an increase in compensation to a specific employee of a public body that is subject to the Local Government Wage Increase Transparency Act may not be closed and shall be open to the public and posted and held in accordance with this Act. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)

B. Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting. 5 ILSCS 120/2(c)(11)

C. Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act, whether

for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21).

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She further moved that Board members may invite anyone they wish to be included in this closed session.

Dr. Benson seconded the motion, and it passed with a unanimous roll call vote. The open meeting recessed at 12:51 p.m. and the Board went into closed session at 12:56 p.m. The open meeting reconvened at 2:32 p.m.


Ms. Quinlan made a motion that, pursuant to Section 2.06(d) of the Open Meetings Act, the State Board of Education has reviewed the minutes of its closed sessions for August 14, 2019; September 18, 2019; October 16, 2019; November 22, 2019; December 18, 2019; and January 15, 2020. Therefore, Ms. Quinlan moved that the State Board of Education certifies that the closed session minutes for August 14, 2019, and September 18, 2019, to be approved and become open. She also moved that the State Board of Education certifies that the need for confidentiality still exists for the closed session minutes for the October 16, 2019; November 22, 2019; December 18, 2019; and January 15, 2020, to be approved and remain closed. Further, the State Board of Education approves the destruction of all closed session verbatim recordings from September 2017 and prior. Dr. Benson seconded the motion, and it passed by unanimous roll call vote.


Part 1 (Public Schools Evaluation, Recognition and Supervision) Climate Survey Change

There were no questions from the Board on this item.

Approval of Statewide Evaluation of 21st Century Community Learning Centers There were no questions from the Board on this item.

Approval of the Notice of Funding Opportunity/Request for Proposals for E-rate State Matching Grant Program

There were no questions from the Board on this item.


Amanda Elliott, executive director of Legislative Affairs, provided the Board with a legislative update. The House budget hearing was canceled due to the COVID-19 crisis. Ms. Elliott also discussed the possibility of the legislative session extending in light of the time lost to the COVID-19 crisis. Ms. Elliott reported on the positive feedback received from the legislative call held previously. Dr. Ayala reported that another legislative call, in addition to town hall meetings and focused stakeholder meetings, are all in the process of being planned. The Board discussed the ongoing school closures and messaging from the Governor’s Office.


Superintendent/Senior Staff Announcements There were no announcements at this time.

Chair of the Board’s Report

There were no announcements at this time.

Member Reports There were no announcements at this time.

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ISBE Fiscal & Administrative Monthly Reports Freedom of Information Act Monthly Report


Dr. Lett moved that the meeting be adjourned. Ms. Morrison seconded the motion, and it passed with a unanimous voice vote. The meeting adjourned at 2:44 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted, Dr. Cristina Pacione-Zayas Darren Reisberg Board Secretary Chair of the Board

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TO: Illinois State Board of Education FROM: Dr. Carmen I. Ayala, State Superintendent of Education Dr. Ernesto Matias, Education Officer Irma Snopek, Policy and Communications Officer Agenda Topic: Part 235 (Early Childhood Block Grant) Expected Outcome: Approval to submit Part 235 (Early Childhood Block Grant) proposed rules

to JCAR for second notice Materials: Appendix A: Part 235 (Early Childhood Block Grant) Proposed Rules Staff Contact(s): Jason Helfer, Deputy Officer, Instructional Education Carisa Hurley, Director, Early Childhood Amanda Elliott, Executive Director, Legislative Affairs Azita Kakvand, Agency Rules Coordinator, Legislative Affairs Purpose of Agenda Item The Center for Teaching and Learning requests the Board to authorize the State Superintendent to submit the proposed rulemaking to the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR) for second notice. Background Information/History This Part is being modified to align with the enactment of Public Act 100-0819, effective July 1, 2019. This Act requires each publicly funded early childhood program receiving State funds under the Early Childhood Block Grant (ECBG) program to collect and review its chronic absence data and determine what supports and resources are needed to positively engage chronically absent students and their families to encourage the habit of daily attendance and promote success. On or before July 1, 2020, and annually thereafter, these programs must report this data to the agency. The agency must make the report publicly available via the Illinois Early Childhood Asset Map internet website and the Preschool for All program or Preschool for All Expansion program triennial report. Part 235 establishes a requirement that specifies that grants support early childhood education for children ages 0-5 years old who are determined via a screening process to be at risk of academic failure. The programs address parent education, preschool education, and staff development for teachers and others working in the programs. Over the last decade or so, the State Board has funded various other initiatives to assist recipients of ECBG funding and other early childhood stakeholders in providing high-quality programming in areas of the State where families and children most in need of services live. Grants require that the agency articulate in administrative rules the entities eligible to apply for funding, required content of the application, criteria for review of the applications, and terms and conditions of any grants awarded. Staff have determined that, going forward, a rules change is necessary since programs now are required to collect chronic absenteeism data and report it to the State Board. The public comment period for these rules ended on March 2, 2020; the agency did not receive any letters of public comment. Analysis and Implications for Policy, Budget, Legislative Action, and Communications Policy Implications: Please see “Background Information/History” on previous page. Budget Implications: None. Legislative Action: Bill sponsors will be notified of pending rulemaking.

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Communications: Rule changes will be communicated with stakeholders and published in the Illinois Register and on the ISBE website. Pros and Cons of Various Actions Pros: The proposed changes incorporate agency policy and practices, as required under the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act (IAPA). Cons: Not proceeding with this rulemaking will cause the agency’s rules to conflict with the provisions of the IAPA, which requires that a standards and policies of State agencies be set forth in administrative rules. Board Member(s) Who Will Abstain: Unknown. Superintendent’s Recommendation I recommend that the following motion be adopted:

The State Board of Education hereby authorizes the State Superintendent to submit the proposed rulemaking for Part 235 (Early Childhood Block Grant) to JCAR for second notice.

Further, the Board authorizes the State Superintendent of Education to make such technical and non-substantive changes as the State Superintendent may deem necessary in response to suggestions or objections of the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules.

Next Steps Upon Board authorization, agency staff will submit the proposed rulemaking to the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules for a second notice hearing and, upon issuance of a Certification of No Objection, will submit the proposed rulemaking to the Administrative Code Division for publication in the Illinois Register. Date of Board Action: May 20, 2020

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Section 235.10 Purpose; Eligible Applicants 235.20 Application Procedure and Content for New or Expanding Programs 235.30 Additional Program Components for Preschool Education Proposals 235.40 Additional Program Components for Prevention Initiative Proposals 235.50 Proposal Review and Approval for New or Expanding Programs 235.55 Proposal Review Process and Additional Funding Priorities for Preschool Education

Programs 235.60 Application Content and Approval for Continuation Programs 235.65 ExceleRate Illinois: Quality Rating and Improvement System 235.67 Program Monitoring 235.70 Terms of the Grant 235.75 Chronic Absenteeism Data Report and Support


Section 235.100 Purpose 235.105 Eligible Applicants 235.110 Application Procedure and Content for New Programs 235.120 Proposal Review and Approval for New Programs 235.130 Application Content and Approval for Continuation Programs 235.140 Terms of the Grant

SUBPART C: SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL CONSULTATION SERVICES Section 235.200 Implementation and Purpose; Eligible Applicants

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235.210 Application Procedure and Content 235.220 Proposal Review and Approval of Proposals 235.APPENDIX A Illinois Early Learning and Development Standards − Children Age 3 to

Kindergarten Enrollment Age 235.APPENDIX B Illinois Birth to Five Program Standards 235.APPENDIX C Illinois Early Learning Guidelines − Children from Birth to Age 3

AUTHORITY: Authorized by Section 1C-2 of the School Code [105 ILCS 5/1C-2] and implementing Sections 2-3.71 and 2-3.89 of the School Code [105 ILCS 5/2-3.71 and 2-3.89].

SOURCE: Adopted at 16 Ill. Reg. 10181, effective June 10, 1992; expedited correction at 16 Ill. Reg. 15186, effective June 10, 1992; amended at 26 Ill. Reg. 903, effective January 15, 2002; old Part repealed at 30 Ill. Reg. 4618 and new Part adopted at 30 Ill. Reg. 4620, effective February 28, 2006; emergency amendment adopted at 30 Ill. Reg. 11793, effective June 26, 2006, for a maximum of 150 days; emergency expired November 22, 2006; amended at 30 Ill. Reg. 19383, effective November 28, 2006; amended at 32 Ill. Reg. 13357, effective July 25, 2008; amended at 33 Ill. Reg. 4027, effective February 23, 2009; amended at 34 Ill. Reg. 11615, effective July 26, 2010; amended at 35 Ill. Reg. 3742, effective February 17, 2011; amended at 36 Ill. Reg. 6827, effective April 18, 2012; amended at 39 Ill. Reg. 6674, effective April 27, 2015; amended at 40 Ill. Reg. 15168, effective October 24, 2016; amended at 44 Ill. Reg. __________, effective _________.

Section 235.75 Chronic Absenteeism Data Report and Support

a) In this Section, “chronic absence” means absences that total 10% or more of school days of the most recent academic school year, including absences with and without valid cause, as defined in Section 26-2a of the School Code, and out-of-school suspensions for an enrolled student.

b) Each grantee that operates a preschool education program funded under this Part

must collect and review its chronic absence data and determine what support and resources are needed to positively engage chronically absent students and their families to encourage the habit of daily attendance and promote success.

c) Each preschool education program must annually report all data collected under

subsection (b) to the State Board of Education no later than July 1 of each year. The State Board must make this report publicly available via the Illinois Early

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Childhood Asset Map Internet website and the Preschool for All Program or Preschool for All Expansion Program triennial report.

(Source: Added at 44 Ill. Reg. ______, effective ________)

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TO: Illinois State Board of Education FROM: Dr. Carmen I. Ayala, State Superintendent of Education Dr. Ernesto Matias, Education Officer Irma Snopek, Policy and Communications Officer Agenda Topic: Part 375 (Student Records) Expected Outcome: Approval to submit Part 375 (Student Records) proposed rules to JCAR for

second notice Materials: Appendix A: Part 375 (Student Records) Proposed Rules Staff Contacts: Jeffrey Aranowski, Executive Director, Safe and Healthy Climate Cara Wiley, Director, Wellness Department Amanda Elliott, Executive Director, Legislative Affairs Azita Kakvand, Agency Rules Coordinator, Legislative Affairs Purpose of Agenda Item The Wellness Department requests the Board to authorize the State Superintendent to submit the proposed rulemaking to the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR) for second notice. Background Information/History This Part is being modified to align with the enactment of Public Act 101-0515, effective August 23, 2019, and Public Act 101-0161, effective January 1, 2020. PA 101-0515 modifies the definition of “Student Temporary Record” to include information contained in service logs maintained by a Local Education Agency under Section 14-8.02f(d) of the School Code. PA 101-0161 provides for different methods a school district may use to notify a parent or student before any school student record is destroyed or information is deleted from that record. This Part must be amended to conform with the changes made by these Public Acts. Other cleanup changes, including School Code and administrative rule references, are made as well. The public comment period for these rules ended on March 30, 2020; the agency did not receive any letters of public comment. Analysis and Implications for Policy, Budget, Legislative Action, and Communications Policy Implications: Please see “Background Information/History” above. Budget Implications: None. Legislative Action: Bill sponsors will be notified of pending rulemaking. Communications: Upon approval, rule changes will be communicated with stakeholders and published in the Illinois Register and on the ISBE website. Pros and Cons of Various Actions Pros: The proposed changes incorporate agency policy and practices, as required under the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act (IAPA). Cons: Not proceeding with this rulemaking will cause the agency’s rules to conflict with the provisions of the IAPA, which requires that standards and policies of state agencies be set forth in administrative rules. Board Member(s) Who Will Abstain: Unknown.

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Superintendent’s Recommendation I recommend that the following motion be adopted:

The State Board of Education hereby authorizes the State Superintendent to submit the proposed rulemaking for Part 375 (Student Records) to JCAR for second notice.

Further, the Board authorizes the State Superintendent of Education to make such technical and non-substantive changes as the State Superintendent may deem necessary in response to suggestions or objections of the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules.

Next Steps Upon Board authorization, agency staff will submit the proposed rulemaking to the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules for a second notice hearing and, upon issuance of a Certification of No Objection, will submit the proposed rulemaking to the Administrative Code Division for publication in the Illinois Register. Date of Board Action: May 20, 2020

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PART 375

STUDENT RECORDS Section 375.10 Definitions 375.20 Rights of Students 375.30 Notification 375.40 Maintenance and Destruction of School Student Records 375.50 Cost for Copies of Records 375.60 Emergency Release of Information 375.70 Release of Information 375.75 Public and Nonpublic Schools: Transmission of Records for Transfer Students 375.80 Directory Information 375.90 Challenge Procedures 375.100 Implementation 375.110 Enforcement AUTHORITY: Implementing and authorized by the Illinois School Student Records Act [105 ILCS 10] and Sections 2-3.13a and 2-3.64a-5 of the School Code [105 ILCS 5/2-3.13a and 2-3.64a-5]. SOURCE: Emergency rule adopted March 24, 1976; codified at 7 Ill. Reg. 12864; amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 12602, effective July 9, 1986; amended at 12 Ill. Reg. 4818, effective February 25, 1988; amended at 20 Ill. Reg. 15304, effective November 18, 1996; amended at 23 Ill. Reg. 13843, effective November 8, 1999; amended at 26 Ill. Reg. 16202, effective October 21, 2002; amended at 29 Ill. Reg. 5467, effective March 29, 2005; amended at 32 Ill. Reg. 7143, effective April 17, 2008; amended at 32 Ill. Reg. 16475, effective September 29, 2008; amended at 36 Ill. Reg. 2220, effective January 24, 2012; amended at 37 Ill. Reg. 9479, effective June 19, 2013; amended at 39 Ill. Reg. 2449, effective February 2, 2015; amended at 40 Ill. Reg. 2287, effective January 13, 2016; amended at 42 Ill. Reg. 5899, effective March 15, 2018; amended at 44 Ill. Reg. _______, effective __________. Section 375.10 Definitions

"Accident Report" means documentation of any reportable student accident that results in an injury to a student, occurring on the way to or from school or on

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school grounds, at a school athletic event, or when a student is participating in a school program or school-sponsored activity or on a school bus and that is severe enough to cause the student not to be in attendance for one-half day or more or requires medical treatment other than first aid. The accident report shall include identifying information, nature of injury, days lost, cause of injury, location of accident, medical treatment given to the student at the time of the accident, or if whether the school nurse has referred the student for a medical evaluation, regardless of whether the parent or, guardian, or student (if 18 years or older), or an unaccompanied homeless youth (as defined by 42 USC 11434a) has followed through on that request.

"Act" means the Illinois School Student Records Act [105 ILCS 10].

"Health Record" means medical documentation necessary for enrollment and proof of having certain examinations, as may be required under Section 27-8.1 of the School Code. "Health-related Information" means current documentation of a student's health information, not otherwise governed by the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Confidentiality Act [740 ILCS 110] or other privacy laws, that which includes identifying information, health history, results of mandated testing and screenings, medication dispensation records and logs (e.g., glucose readings), long-term medications administered during school hours, documentation regarding a student athlete's and his or her parent’s or guardian’s parents' acknowledgement of the district's concussion policy adopted under Section 22-80 pursuant to Sections 10-20.53 and 34-18.45 of the School Code, and other health-related information that is relevant to school participation (e.g., nursing services plan, failed screenings, yearly sports physical exams, interim health histories for sports). "Official Records Custodian" means the individual appointed in each school in accordance with Section 4 of the Act who has responsibility for the maintenance, care and security of all school student records, whether or not such the records are in his or her personal custody or control. "School Code" or “Code” means 105 ILCS 5. "School Student Record" has the meaning given to that term shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2(d) of the Act, except that school student records shall not include:

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Video or other electronic recordings created and maintained by law enforcement professionals working in the school or for security or safety reasons or purposes, provided the information was created at least in part for law enforcement or security or safety reasons or purposes;

Electronic recordings made on school buses, as described defined in Section 14-3(m) of the Criminal Code of 2012 1961 [720 ILCS 5/14-3]; and Any information, either written or oral, received pursuant to Section 22-20 of the School Code and Sections 1-7 and 5-905 of the Juvenile Court Act of 1987 [705 ILCS 405/1-7 and 5-905].

The content of a video or other electronic recording may become part of a student's school student record to the extent school officials use and maintain this content for a particular reason (e.g., disciplinary action or , compliance with a student's Individualized Education Program) regarding that specific student. Video or other electronic recordings that become part of a student's school record shall not be a public record and shall be released only in conformance with Section 6(a) of the Act and the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 USC 1232g).

"Special Education Records" means school records that relate to identification, evaluation, or placement of, or the provision of a free and appropriate public education to, students with disabilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 USC 1400 et seq.) and Article 14 of the School Code, to include the report of the multidisciplinary staffing conference on which placement or nonplacement was based, and all records and audio recordings in any format relating to special education placement hearings and appeals.

"Student Permanent Record" means and shall consist of the following, as limited by Section 2(d) of the Act:

Basic identifying information, including the student's name and address, birth date and place, and gender, and the names and addresses of the student's parents; Evidence required under Section 5(b)(1) (5)(b)(1) of the Missing Children Children's Records Act [325 ILCS 50/5(b)(1)]; Academic transcript, including:

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grades, graduation date, and grade level achieved; as applicable, and if allowed by district policy, scores received on college entrance examinations if that inclusion is requested in writing by a student, parent, or person who enrolled the student; the unique student identifier assigned and used by the Student Information System established pursuant to 23 Ill. Adm. Code 1.75 (Student Information System);

as applicable, designation of an Advanced Placement computer science course as a mathematics-based, quantitative course for purposes of meeting State graduation requirements set forth in Section 27-22 of the School Code; as applicable, designation of the student's achievement of the State Seal of Biliteracy, awarded in accordance with Section 2-3.159 2-3.157 of the School Code and 23 Ill. Adm. Code 680 1.442 (State Seal of Biliteracy);

as applicable, designation of the student's achievement of the State Commendation Toward Biliteracy, awarded in accordance with 23 Ill. Adm. Code 680 1.442 (State Seal of Biliteracy); and

as applicable, designation of the student's achievement of the Global Scholar Certification, awarded in accordance Section 2-3.169 2-3.167 of the School Code and 23 Ill. Adm. Code 1.443 (Illinois Global Scholar Certificate);

Attendance record; Health record; Record of release of permanent record information in accordance with Section 6(c) of the Act; Scores received on all State assessment tests administered at the high school level (i.e., grades 9 through 12) (see 105 ILCS 5/2-3.64a-5); and

If not maintained in the temporary record, may also consist of:

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Honors and awards received; and

Information concerning participation in school-sponsored activities or athletics, or offices held in school-sponsored organizations.

No other information shall be placed in the student permanent record.

"Student Temporary Record" means all information not required to be in the student permanent record and shall consist of the following, as limited by Section 2(d) of the Act:

A record of release of temporary record information in accordance with Section 6(c) of the Act; Scores received on the State assessment tests administered in the elementary grade levels (i.e., kindergarten through grade 8) (see 105 ILCS 5/2-3.64a-5); The completed home language survey form (see 23 Ill. Adm. Code 228.15 (Identification of Eligible Students)); Information regarding serious disciplinary infractions (i.e., those involving drugs, weapons, or bodily harm to another) that resulted in expulsion, suspension, or the imposition of punishment or sanction; Information provided under Section 8.6 of the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act [325 ILCS 5/8.6] and information contained in service logs maintained by a local education agency under Section 14-8.02f(d) of the Code (see 105 ILCS 10/2(f)); Any biometric information that is collected in accordance with Section 10-20.40 or 34-18.34 of the School Code; Health-related information; and Accident Reports; and

May also consist of:

Family background information;

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Intelligence test scores, group and individual;

Aptitude test scores;

Reports of psychological evaluations, including information on intelligence, personality, and academic information obtained through test administration, observation, or interviews; Elementary and secondary achievement level test results;

Participation in extracurricular activities, including any offices held in school-sponsored clubs or organizations; Honors and awards received;

Teacher anecdotal records;

Other disciplinary information; or

Special education records; Records associated with plans developed under section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 USC 701 et seq.); and

Any verified reports or information from non-educational persons, agencies, or organizations of clear relevance to the education of the student.

(Source: Amended at 44 Ill. Reg. ________, effective________)

Section 375.40 Maintenance and Destruction of School Student Records

a) The provisions within the Act and this Part requiring the official records custodian to separate school student records into permanent and temporary categories shall apply only to records of students who are enrolled in the school on or after the effective date of this Part. Records of students who have graduated or permanently withdrawn prior to the effective date of this Part are not subject to these classifications except: 1) In compliance with the request of a parent or eligible student that this

categorization occur; and

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2) The official records custodian shall ensure that information characterized

by the Act and this Part as "temporary" shall not be disclosed except as provided by Section 5 or 6 of the Act or by court order [see 105 ILCS 10/4(f)]. For the purposes of this Part, a court order is a document signed by a judge. A subpoena signed by a court clerk, an attorney, or an administrative agency official shall not be considered a court order unless signed by a judge.

b) Pursuant to Section 4(g) of the Act [105 ILCS 10/4(g)], student temporary records

shall be reviewed every four years or upon a student's change in attendance centers, whichever occurs first, to verify entries and to eliminate or correct all out-of-date, misleading, inaccurate, unnecessary, or irrelevant information pursuant to Section 375.10 of this Part. The records review is required in any given school year at the time a student first changes attendance centers within a district, but it does not need to be conducted if the student enrolls in a different attendance center later in that same school year.

c) Upon graduation, transfer, or permanent withdrawal of a student from a school,

the school shall notify the parents and the student of the destruction schedule for the student permanent record and the student temporary record and of the right to request a copy of the student's records at any time prior to their destruction. Notification shall consist of the following: date of notification, name of parent, name of official records custodian, name of student, and the scheduled destruction date of temporary and permanent records. A school may provide reasonable prior notice to a parent or student through notice in the school’s parent or student handbook, publication in a newspaper published in the school district, or, if no newspaper is published in the school district, in a newspaper of general circulation within the school district, U.S. mail delivered to the last known address of the parent or student, or other means provided the notice is confirmed to have been received (see Section 4(h) of the Act). Biometric information collected pursuant to the district's policy, if any, shall not be subject to the retention requirements applicable to the remainder of students' temporary records under Section 4(f) of the Act, and its destruction shall not be subject to authorization by the appropriate Local Records Commission under Section 7 of the Local Records Act [50 ILCS 205/7]. Instead, the destruction of students' biometric information shall conform to the requirements of Section 10-20.40 or 34-18.34 34-34.18 of the School Code, as applicable.

d) Upon graduation or permanent withdrawal of a student with a disability, as

defined in Article 14 of the School Code [105 ILCS 5/Art. 14] and 23 Ill. Adm.

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Code 226: Subpart A (Special Education), special education records, and other information contained in the student temporary record that may be of continued assistance to the student may, after five years, be transferred to the custody of the parent or to the student if the student has succeeded to the rights of the parents. The school shall explain to the student and the parent the future usefulness of these records.

e) If a certified copy of an order of protection has been filed with a school district,

then the district shall notify its school employees that the student records or information in those records of a protected child identified in the order shall not be released to the person against whom the order was issued (see Section 222(f) of the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986 [750 ILCS 60/222(f)]).

f) Any final finding report required by Section 8.6 of the Abused and Neglected

Child Reporting Act that has been filed in a student's temporary record shall be removed from the student's record and returned to the Department of Children and Family Services (Department) upon written request made by the Department pursuant to Section 8.6 of the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act. If a school that receives a request from the Department has transferred the report to another school as part of the transfer of the student's records, the sending school shall forward a copy of the Department's request to the receiving school, which shall comply with this subsection (f). No report other than what is required under Section 8.6 of the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act shall be placed in the school student record.

g) School student records shall be maintained for at least the period of time set forth

in Section 4 of the Act.

1) The official records custodian shall take all reasonable measures to protect school student records through administrative, technical, and security safeguards against risks, such as unauthorized access, release, or use.

2) With the exception of material eliminated in accordance with subsections

(b), (d), and (f) of this Section, the destruction or disposal of any records or information contained in those records shall be subject to the provisions of the Act and authorization by the appropriate Local Records Commission (see Section 7 of the Local Records Act).

(Source: Amended at 44 Ill. Reg. _______, effective __________)

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May 20, 2020

TO: Illinois State Board of Education FROM: Dr. Carmen I. Ayala, State Superintendent of Education Ernesto Matias, Education Officer Irma Snopek, Policy and Communications Officer Agenda Topic: Part 650 (Charter Schools) Expected Outcome: Approval to submit Part 650 (Charter Schools) proposed rules to JCAR for

second notice Materials: Appendix A: Part 650 (Charter Schools) Proposed Rules Appendix B: Summary and Analysis of Public Comments Staff Contact(s): Krish Mohip, Deputy Officer, Operational Education Jennifer Saba, Executive Director, Regional Services David Turovetz, Director, Charter Schools Amanda Elliott, Executive Director, Legislative Affairs Azita Kakvand, Agency Rules Coordinator, Legislative Affairs Purpose of Agenda Item The Charter Schools Department requests the Board to authorize the State Superintendent to submit the proposed rulemaking to the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR) for second notice. Background Information/History Each state’s charter school law empowers different entities to “authorize” charter schools (i.e., approve, oversee, and determine whether a charter should remain open or close at the end of its contract). Since its inception in 1996, the Illinois Charter Schools Law [105 ILCS 5/Art. 27A] has identified local school districts as the primary authorizer of charter schools. It also allows for a state appeal route when the local school board denies a charter school proposal or closes an existing charter school through revocation or non-renewal of the charter contract. ISBE was responsible for deciding charter school appeals from 1996 through 2011.1 The Illinois General Assembly passed legislation in 2011 creating the Illinois State Charter School Commission (the Commission), an independent state agency with statewide chartering jurisdiction and authority. The passage of this legislation resulted in the Commission taking over ISBE’s responsibilities to hear, investigate, and decide charter school appeals and to oversee and make renewal decisions for charter schools approved through the state appeal process.2 The legislation that created the Commission empowered it to propose administrative rules to the State Board for matters falling within the responsibility of the Commission. ISBE retained ultimate rulemaking authority for the Commission, but the legislation required ISBE to grant all Commission-requested rule changes that were deemed consistent with the intent of the legislation. These Commission-initiated rules dictate a timeline for processing appeals that is no longer required by statute. The legislation that created the Commission also established new ISBE responsibilities to monitor charter school authorizers. ISBE adopted Section 650.65 of the Part 650 rules to

1 ISBE overturned local school board decisions in three cases within this timeframe, leading to the opening of Prairie Crossing Charter School (Grayslake), Southland College Prep Charter High School (Richton Park), and the now closed Thomas Jefferson High School (Des Plaines). Each of these charter schools opened as an independent Local Education Agency authorized by the Board. 2 Authorization of Prairie Crossing and Southland also transferred to the Commission. The Commission is currently the authorizer of 11 charter schools (12 charter school campuses) that serve students from six different school districts.

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implement this new responsibility. This Section includes language that allows ISBE to transfer charter schools under the authority of local school boards to the Commission in certain circumstances.3 Public Act 101-0543, signed by Governor Pritzker on Aug. 23, 2019, abolishes the Commission effective July 1, 2020. This change will mean that most of the key duties of the Commission revert back to ISBE, including the responsibility to hear and decide appeals of local school board decisions to close existing charter schools.4 Those charter schools authorized by the Commission will become the responsibility of ISBE, which must thereafter perform all functions under the Charter Schools Law otherwise performed by the Commission, including making decisions on whether each school should have its charter contract renewed at the end of its current contract term. Moreover, the new legislation requires ISBE to appoint and utilize a hearing officer for charter appeals, which is not addressed in the current Part 650 rules. ISBE staff is recommending that the Part 650 rules be updated to remove all obsolete references to the Commission. The proposed rules also define the process and timeline that must be followed to appeal a local school board’s decision to revoke or not renew a charter school’s contract and ISBE’s procedures for processing such appeals. Finally, the proposed rules clarify the circumstances under which charter schools authorized by a local school board may have their authorization transferred to the Board. Current Status: The Board first reviewed the draft Part 650 rules at its November 2019 meeting. Staff subsequently sent the draft rules to a select group of stakeholders to allow them to provide feedback prior to the rules getting posted in the Illinois Register for official comment. ISBE staff then updated the rules, with most of the changes being made in accordance with stakeholder feedback. Staff presented the revised rules to the Board at its January 2020 meeting for approval to file in the Illinois Register to elicit public comment. The public comment period for these rules ended on March 30, 2020. The agency received two letters of public comments, of which a summary and analysis is attached. See Attachment B. The changes staff accepted are reflected in the revised draft rules. See Attachment A. Relevant Data: N/A Financial Background N/A Business Enterprise Program N/A Analysis and Implications for Policy, Budget, Legislative Action, and Communications Policy Implications: Effective July 1, 2020, ISBE will be the authorizer of 11 charter schools (12 charter school campuses). ISBE will be responsible for defining performance expectations, annual monitoring and interventions, determining whether these schools should be awarded new charter agreements at the end of their contract terms, and hearing and deciding appeals when a charter school contract is not renewed by its local school district. ISBE may eventually want to update the Part 650 rules to incorporate a performance framework for any charter schools under its jurisdiction. Based on stakeholder feedback, ISBE may also want to consider future rulemaking to define a process by which a charter school authorized by ISBE can return to its local district. In addition, ISBE became responsible on Aug. 23, 2019, for hearing and deciding appeals of local school board revocation decisions. These appeals are resource intensive, and final decisions of the Board will be subject to administrative review. Budget Implications: PA 101-0543 authorizes ISBE to collect an administrative fee from the charter schools it oversees. This oversight will include at least the Commission’s existing schools beginning July

3 These rules went into effect Nov. 3, 2014. 4 The new law specifies that local school board decisions to deny an application for a new charter school can only be appealed in circuit court.

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1, 2020.5 ISBE can also access any money remaining in the State Charter School Commission Fund beginning July 1, 2020. Both funding sources (i.e., the administrative fee collected from currently authorized charter schools and leftover money in the State Charter School Commission Fund) can be leveraged to support the agency’s new authorization responsibilities. Legislative Action: Bill sponsors will be informed of pending rulemaking. Communication: Stakeholders and individuals will have the opportunity to submit public comment on the rules directly through JCAR prior to the rules’ adoption. Pros and Cons of Various Actions Pros: The proposed changes incorporate agency policy and practices, as required under the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act (IAPA). Cons: If the Board does not proceed with this rulemaking, the agency will maintain charter school rules that do not reflect current statutory requirements and that include obsolete references to the Illinois State Charter School Commission, an agency that will be abolished effective July 1, 2020. This will lead to confusion in the field on the expectations for charter school appeals and other charter school processes. Board Member(s) Who Will Abstain: None. Superintendent’s Recommendation I recommend that the following motion be adopted:

The State Board of Education hereby authorizes the State Superintendent to submit the proposed rulemaking for Part 650 (Charter Schools) to JCAR for second notice.

Further, the Board authorizes the State Superintendent of Education to make such technical and non-substantive changes as the State Superintendent may deem necessary in response to suggestions or objections of the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules.

Next Steps Upon Board authorization, agency staff will submit the proposed rulemaking to the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules for a second notice hearing and, upon issuance of a Certification of No Objection, will submit the proposed rulemaking to the Administrative Code Division for publication in the Illinois Register. Date of Board Action: May 20, 2020

5 The Commission currently has the same authority. It budgeted approximately $1.2 million in administrative fee revenue in fiscal year 2020.

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PART 650


SUBPART A: GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 650.10 Definitions 650.20 Purpose


Section 650.30 Submission to the State Board of Education: Local Boards of Education 650.35 Submission to the State Board of Education: Commission (Repealed) 650.40 Review of Local Approvals by the State Superintendent of Education of Local or

Commission Approvals 650.50 Revision of Certified Charters 650.55 Biennial Reporting Requirements 650.60 Appeal of Local School Board Decisions (Repealed) 650.63 Appeal of Local School Board Decisions 650.65 Monitoring of Charter Authorizers by the State Board of Education; Corrective

Action 650.70 Procedures for Closing a Charter School


Section 650.100 Appeals to, and Requests for Consideration by, the Commission (Repealed) 650.110 Review of Appeals and Requests for Consideration; Decision (Repealed)


Section 650.200 Purpose 650.210 Use of Funds

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NOTICE OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS 650.220 Maximum Amount of Loan 650.230 Application Procedures 650.240 Review of Application and Notification of Loan Award 650.250 Repayment Procedures 650.260 Terms and Conditions of Loan Agreement 650.APPENDIX A Principles and Standards for Authorizing Charter Schools AUTHORITY: Implementing and authorized by Article 27A of the School Code [105 ILCS 5/Art. 27A]. SOURCE: Emergency rules adopted at 20 Ill. Reg. 6329, effective April 23, 1996, for a maximum of 150 days; emergency expired; emergency amendment at 20 Ill. Reg. 8677, effective June 25, 1996, for a maximum of 150 days; new Part adopted at 20 Ill. Reg. 15284, effective November 15, 1996; emergency amendments at 22 Ill. Reg. 1479, effective January 1, 1998, for a maximum of 150 days; emergency expired; emergency amendment at 22 Ill. Reg. 5104, effective February 27, 1998, for a maximum of 150 days; emergency expired; amended at 22 Ill. Reg. 16455, effective September 3, 1998; amended at 36 Ill. Reg. 14801, effective September 20, 2012; amended at 38 Ill. Reg. 21916, effective November 3, 2014; amended at 39 Ill. Reg. 8298, effective May 26, 2015; amended at 41 Ill. Reg. 136, effective December 27, 2016; amended at 42 Ill. Reg. 3182, effective January 31, 2018; amended at 44 Ill. Reg. ________, effective _________.


Section 650.10 Definitions

"Article 27A of the School Code" or the "Charter Schools Law" means 105 ILCS 5/Art. 27A.

"Authorizer" has the meaning set forth in Section 27A-3 of the School Code and includes the Commission.

"Commission" means the State Charter School Commission (see Section 27A-7.5 of the School Code). "Day" means calendar day, unless otherwise specified in this Part. The time within which any action required under this Part must occur shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of Section 1.11 of the Statute on Statutes [5 ILCS 70/1.11].

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"School Code" means 105 ILCS 5. “State Superintendent” means the State Superintendent of Education.

(Source: Amended at 44 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ________)

Section 650.20 Purpose Article 27A of the School Code sets forth the requirements for a charter school and the procedure for consideration of a charter school proposal by a local board of education or, by two or more local boards of education pursuant to Section 27A-4(e) of the School Code, or by the Commission.

a) This Part sets forth the procedures applicable to reporting to the State Board of Education by local school boards and the Commission of the submission of charter school proposals, as required by Sections 27A-8(f) and 27A-9(e) and (f) of the School Code, and of reporting of data regarding the charter schools under the authorizer, as required by Section 27A-12 of the School Code.

b) This Part further sets forth procedures for appeals to the State Board of Education

Commission of local board of education decisions under Section 27A-9 of the School Code and for the orderly closing of charter schools.

c) This Part also sets forth the procedures for the State Board of Education to

remove the power of authorizers to authorize charter schools as provided under Section 27A-12 of the School Code.

(Source: Amended at 44 Ill. Reg. _________, effective __________)


Section 650.30 Submission to the State Board of Education: Local Boards of Education Local boards of education shall submit a final report to the State Board of Education as to the action by the local boards of education with regard to an application for, renewal of, or revocation of a charter. A copy of the report shall be provided to the applicant or charter holder at the same time that the report is submitted to the State Board of Education. Reports shall be submitted as follows.

a) The local board of education shall submit the report to the State Board of Education either by electronic mail or U.S. mail to the address in subsection (f) no

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(e) not later than seven days after the date of the public meeting at which the board acted on the charter request.

1) For reports submitted by U.S. mail, the report must bear a postmark date

of no not later than seven days following the meeting date.

2) In the case of separate public meetings by each school board involved, the seven days shall begin when the last school board votes on the matter.

b) Section 27A-6 of the School Code provides that a proposed contract to open a

new charter school or to renew the charter of an existing charter school must be submitted to and certified by the State Board before it can take effect.

1) Reports of approved applications or renewals shall consist of the charter

school proposal voted upon by each of the local boards of education authorizing the charter school and the contractual agreement.

2) The report also shall be accompanied by each of the forms, to be supplied

by the State Superintendent of Education, listed in this subsection (b)(2). Reports lacking one or more of these documents shall be considered incomplete and shall not be reviewed for certification until all required items have been submitted.

A) A form attesting to the local board of education's compliance with

all of the procedural requirements and application components set forth in Article 27A of the School Code. The form and the proposed contractual agreement shall be signed by the president of each local school board that is a party to the application and the appropriate officers of the charter school governing body.

B) A budget narrative and financial schedule for the term of the


C) A plan for the provision of special education services to students with disabilities enrolled in the charter school that aligns to the requirements of Article 14 of the School Code [105 ILCS 5/Art. 14] and 23 Ill. Adm. Code 226 (Special Education), and which, for approved applications, shall at least include, but not be limited to, an explanation of how parents of students with disabilities will be informed of their students' eligibility to participate in the charter school lottery held pursuant to Section 27A-4(h) of the School

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Code and how the charter school will identify students who may be eligible to receive special education services at the charter school.

D) A plan for the provision of educational services for English

learners that aligns to the requirements of Article 14C of the School Code [105 ILCS 5/Art. 14C] and 23 Ill. Adm. Code 228 (Transitional Bilingual Education).

c) Reports of denials, revocations, or non-renewals shall consist of all of the


1) The the charter proposal or current charter contract voted upon by each of the local boards of education.;

2) A a copy of each board's resolution setting forth the board's action and its

reasons for the action.; 3) Any other documents upon which each board relied in denying the current

proposal or revoking or not renewing the contract. d) Reports of revocations or non-renewals must also contain a notice to the applicant

or charter holder to the effect that a denial, revocation or non-renewal of a charter school application or contract may be appealed to the State Board of Education Commission within 21 30 days from the date that the school board voted to deny the application or revoke or not renew a contract. ; and any other documents upon which the board relied in denying the current proposal or revoking or not renewing the contract.

e) d) Each submission under subsection (b) or (c) also shall include a certification of

publication and a copy of the printed notice of the public meeting for each local board of education involved, as required by Section 27A-8(d) of the School Code.

f) e) Reports shall be submitted via electronic submission to [email protected] or by

certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to:

Illinois State Board of Education Charter Schools 100 West Randolph Street Suite 14-300 Chicago, Illinois 60601

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f) Reports and other documentation pertaining to denials, revocations or non-renewals also shall be submitted to the Commission within the timeframe set forth in subsection (a) via electronic submission to [email protected] or by certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to:

State Charter School Commission Michael A. Bilandic Building 160 North LaSalle Street, 6th Floor Chicago, Illinois 60601

(Source: Amended at 44 Ill. Reg. _______, effective ________)

Section 650.35 Submission to the State Board of Education: Commission (Repealed)

a) Section 27A-9(f) of the School Code provides that, in the event that the Commission on appeal reverses a local board's decision or if a charter school is approved by referendum, the Commission shall act as the authorized chartering entity for the charter school. The State Board shall determine whether the charter proposal approved by the Commission is consistent with the provisions of Article 27A of the School Code and, if the approved proposal complies, certify the proposal.

1) The Commission shall submit a final report to the State Board of

Education, in the manner set forth in Section 650.30(a), as to any decision to reverse, on appeal, a local school board's determination with respect to a charter application or renewal, or to approve a charter school proposal established by referendum.

2) Reports of a reversal on appeal or approval of charters established by

referendum shall contain the charter school proposal and the contractual agreement. The report also shall be accompanied by each of the forms listed in Section 650.30(b). Forms that require signature shall be signed by the executive director of the Commission and the appropriate officers of the charter school governing body.

b) The Commission also shall submit reports of renewal of its charters in the manner

set forth in Section 650.30(a). The report shall be accompanied by each of the forms listed in Section 650.30(b). Forms that require signature shall be signed by the executive director of the Commission and the appropriate officers of the charter school governing body.

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c) Reports of denials, revocations or non-renewals shall consist of the charter

proposal or current charter contract voted upon by the Commission; a copy of the Commission's resolution setting forth its action and the reasons for the action; and any other documents upon which the Commission relied in denying the current proposal or revoking or not renewing the contract.

(Source: Repealed at 44 Ill. Reg. _______, effective ________)

Section 650.40 Review of Local Approvals by the State Superintendent of Education of Local or Commission Approvals

a) The State Superintendent shall review each report of an approved application or renewal to determine whether the statutory requirements have been followed and the proposed contractual agreement is complete and compliant with the provisions of Article 27A of the School Code. Proposed contractual agreements that are complete and compliant with the provisions of Article 27A of the School Code shall be certified by the State Superintendent until the maximum authorized numbers of charter schools have been reached. The State Superintendent shall send a certification of the charter to each local school board that is a party to the application or the Commission, as applicable, and the charter school governing body.

b) If a report is incomplete or a proposed contractual agreement fails to comply with

any applicable law, the State Superintendent shall so notify each submitting school board or the Commission, as applicable, and the applicant or charter holder, identifying the areas of deficiency that must be remedied before the proposal can be considered for certification.

c) The State Superintendent shall notify each local school board that is a party to the

application or the Commission, as applicable, and the applicant or charter holder as to a determination made with respect to a report of an approved application or renewal by certified mail within 30 days after receipt of the report (Section 27A-8(f) of the School Code).

(Source: Amended at 44 Ill. Reg. _______, effective ___________)

Section 650.50 Revision of Certified Charters

a) A material revision to a previously certified contract may go into effect immediately upon approval of both the authorizer and the governing body of the

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charter school. Should either the authorizer or the governing body of the charter school request in writing that the State Superintendent certify the material revision as being consistent with the provisions of Article 27A, the material revision shall not take effect unless and until the State Superintendent so certifies. (Section 27A-6(e) of the School Code)

1) A request for the State Superintendent to certify a material revision shall

consist of the revised contractual agreement, any other materials that describe the need for the material revision, and an explanation from the local authorizer or and/or charter school governing body as to any legal concerns raised by the material revision.

2) The request also shall be accompanied by the forms specified in Section

650.30(b)(2)(A) and may include the forms specified in Section 650.30(b)(2)(B), (b)(2)(C) or (b)(2)(D), as applicable to the proposed revision.

b) A request for certification of a proposed revision shall be submitted to the State

Board of Education in the manner set forth in Section 650.30(f) 650.30(e). Within 30 days after receiving the request for certification, the State Superintendent shall either:

1) Certify that the proposed revision is consistent with the provisions of

Article 27A of the School Code; or

2) Request additional information as may be needed to render a decision.

c) The following revisions to a certified contract or a renewal are considered material for purposes of this Section. Any proposed revision not listed in this subsection (c), except those set forth in subsection (d), should be presumed material and shall be subject to the requirements of this Section.

1) Enrollment growth beyond 20 percent or expansion beyond the grade

levels listed in the certified charter.

2) Transferring the charter to another non-profit entity.

3) Altering the mission of the charter or the targeted student population.

4) Employing or terminating a management company.

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5) Any change to the charter with respect to the National School Lunch Program (7 CFR 210 210.10 (2012)).

6) Any change to the charter with respect to the provision of student


d) The following revisions to a certified contract are not considered material for purposes of this Section.

1) Bylaws.

2) Relocation.

3) The name of the charter school.

4) The articles of incorporation.

5) Class sizes as stated in the application.

6) Length of school day or and/or academic year.

7) Curriculum changes.

(Source: Amended at 44 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ________)

Section 650.63 Appeal of Local School Board Decisions

a) A charter holder may appeal to the State Board of Education a local school board report that revokes or refuses to renew a charter. Any appeal must be submitted to the State Superintendent no later than 21 days after the local school board voted on the charter revocation or non-renewal.

1) The appeal must be submitted electronically to the State Superintendent at

[email protected], with a copy sent by certified mail or electronic mail to the local school board.

2) Based on the information available to the charter holder, the appeal

submitted by the charter holder must state the reason why the decision of the local school board should be overturned.

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3) Any appeal not submitted within the deadline specified in this subsection shall not be considered by the State Superintendent, and the State Superintendent must notify the applicant that the appeal will not be considered.

b) The State Superintendent must conduct a documentary review of the materials

submitted with any appeal that is filed within the deadline specified in subsection (a), which may, at the State Superintendent’s discretion, be conducted by State Board of Education personnel or independent evaluators. The parties must submit any additional information that the State Superintendent determines is necessary to consider the appeal.

c) Hearings on Charter Appeals

1) Within 7 days of receipt of any appeal that is timely filed under subsection (a), the State Superintendent must select a hearing officer and must issue a written Notice of Opportunity for Hearing, which shall be served upon the local school board and the charter holder.

A) The Notice of Opportunity for Hearing must include a copy of the

appeal and the electronic or mailing address to which the recipient of the Notice must send the request for hearing.

B) A request for hearing must be submitted to the State

Superintendent within 10 days after receipt of the Notice of Opportunity for Hearing.

2) If no hearing is requested in accordance with this subsection, the hearing

officer shall issue an order finding that no hearing has been requested and that a proposed order will be generated in accordance with subsection (d)(3).

3) No later than 10 days following the receipt of a request for a hearing, the

hearing officer must issue to the parties a Notice of Hearing. The Notice of Hearing must include the date, time, and location of the hearing, with such hearing convened and conducted no later than 45 days after receipt of a timely filed appeal under subsection (a), unless otherwise agreed to by all parties to the matter. The hearing must be conducted at either the State Board of Education’s Springfield office or Chicago office, unless the State Superintendent, local school board, and charter holder all agree on an alternative location. No less than 48 hours before the hearing, the Notice

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of the Hearing must be posted on the State Board’s website and at the principal office holding the meeting.

4) A local school board may submit to the State Superintendent a formal

response to the appeal.

A) The response must be submitted electronically to the State Superintendent at [email protected], with a copy sent by certified mail or electronic mail to the charter holder.

B) The response must address the reasons for the local school board’s decision to revoke or not renew the charter of the charter holder, to the extent not already addressed in the local school board’s final report submitted under Section 650.30 of this Part. In accordance with Section 27A-9(c) of the School Code, no local school board may arbitrarily or capriciously revoke or not renew a charter. The response must also detail how the local school board will ensure that all students who are currently enrolled in the charter school will be offered placement in a higher performing school, as defined in the State’s Every Student Succeeds Act accountability plan. If the local school board is unable to offer all students placement in a higher performing school, the response must detail, by clear and convincing evidence, that factors unrelated to the charter school's accountability designation outweigh the charter school's academic performance.

C) If the hearing officer receives this response before the date of the

hearing, he or she must consider it as part of his or her proposed order under subsection (d)(2).

5) The following shall be the order of proceedings for all hearings

concerning a local school board’s decision to revoke or not renew a charter school, subject to modification by the hearing officer for good cause:

A) Oral presentation by the charter holder of up to 45 minutes to

address the reasons why the decision of the local school board should be overturned. The charter holder may cede any part of its time to any member of the public who wishes to speak on the charter holder’s behalf.

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B) Oral presentation by the local school board or boards of up to 45 minutes each to address the reasons why the local school board’s decision was proper under Article 27A of the School Code. The local board may cede any part of its time to any member of the public who wishes to speak on the local board’s behalf.

C) Questions to the charter holder to clarify any questions or address

any deficiencies noted by State Board of Education personnel or independent evaluators through the documentary review conducted under subsection (b).

D) Questions to the local school board to clarify any questions or

address any deficiencies noted by State Board of Education personnel or independent evaluators through the documentary review conducted under subsection (b).

6) A hearing conducted under this subsection must be open to the public.

d) Proposed Orders

1) In reviewing appeals, the State Board must consider if the charter school subject to closure is in compliance with Article 27A of the School Code and is in the best interests of the students the charter school is designed to serve. (Section 27A-9(e) of the School Code.)

2) No later than 14 days after the close of a hearing, the hearing officer must

issue proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law and make recommendations by way of a proposed order that complies with Section 10-45 of the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act [5 ILCS 100]. These recommendations must be made upon consideration of the record as a whole or any portion of the record as may be supported by competent, material, and substantial evidence. After the hearing officer issues his or her proposed order to the State Superintendent, the State Superintendent must review the record and the hearing officer’s findings of fact, conclusions of law, and recommendations and may accept, reject, or modify the hearing officer’s recommendation.

3) If no hearing is conducted under this Section, the State Superintendent

must review any appeal materials submitted by the parties and any additional analysis conducted by State Board of Education personnel or independent evaluators under subsection (b), and must make a

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recommendation by way of a proposed order that complies with Section 10-45 of the Illinois Administrative Procedures Act [5 ILCS 100].

4) The State Superintendent must forward a copy of the proposed findings of

fact, conclusions of law, and recommendations to both the charter holder and the local school board or boards.

e) Final Decision

1) The State Superintendent must submit his or her findings and recommendation, together with any exceptions or briefs, to the State Board of Education for a final decision.

2) A copy of the final decision must be sent by certified mail to each party no

later than 60 days after receipt of the appeal, after receipt of any additional information requested under subsection (b), after the date of the hearing conducted under this Section, or after receipt of any exceptions or briefs filed in accordance with Section 10-45 of the Illinois Administrative Procedures Act [5 ILCS 100], whichever occurs last. The State Board’s failure to strictly comply to the time constraints under this paragraph does not invalidate the State Board’s final decision.

3) The decision of the State Board of Education is final unless reviewed

under the Administrative Review Law [735 ILCS 5/Art. III], as provided in Section 27A-9(e) of the School Code.

f) Any appeals validly-filed with the State Charter School Commission under

Section 27A-9(e) of the School Code that are still pending on June 30, 2020, must be determined by the State Board in accordance with this Section. The State Superintendent may extend the time for review as necessary for thorough review, but in no case may the extension exceed the time that would have been available had the appeal been submitted to the State Board on July 1, 2020.

(Source: Added at 44 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______)

Section 650.65 Monitoring of Charter Authorizers by the State Board of Education; Corrective Action In accordance with Section 27A-12 of the School Code, the State Board of Education shall rely on information reported by authorizers pursuant to Section 650.55 and ongoing monitoring of both charter schools and authorizers to determine whether to remove the power to authorize

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NOTICE OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS from any authorizer in this State if the authorizer does not demonstrate a commitment to high-quality authorization practices and, if necessary, revoke the charters of the chronically low-performing charters authorized by the authorizer at the time the power to authorize is removed. [105 ILCS 5/27A-12]

a) A charter school authorizer may be subject to corrective action, including, but not limited to, removal of chartering authority, in the following circumstances:

1) Failure to develop chartering policies and practices consistent with the

principles and standards set forth in Appendix A (see Section 27A-7.10(e) of the School Code);

2) Failure to comply with any State or federal statutory or regulatory

requirement for charter authorization;

3) Failure to require a plan of remediation pursuant to Section 27A-9(c) of the School Code for, and/or close, charter schools that:

A) committed a material violation of any of the conditions, standards,

or procedures set forth in the charter; and/or

B) violated any provision of law from which the charter school was not exempted under Article 27A of the School Code;

4) Failure to require a plan of remediation pursuant to Section 27A-9(c) of

the School Code for, and/or close, charter schools that:

A) have exhibited low student performance as evidenced by:

i) a school's student achievement being among the lowest 5 percent of schools in the State, as determined by a three-year average of State assessment results for all students in reading and mathematics;

ii) if the charter school is a high school, an average graduation

rate of less than 60 percent over the three school years immediately preceding the year in which corrective action is being considered; or

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iii) receipt of a school improvement grant under Section 1003(g) of Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 USC 6301 et seq.); and/or

B) fail to meet performance targets and standards established by the

authorizer in a charter school performance plan by the timelines specified in the plan;

5) Failure to require a plan of remediation pursuant to Section 27A-9(c) for,

and/or close, charter schools for financial mismanagement or failure to meet generally accepted standards of fiscal management; and/or

6) A pattern of evidence-based complaints about the authorizer or any of its

public charter schools, filed with the State Superintendent of Education in accordance with subsection (b).

b) A complaint alleging that an authorizer has violated a requirement of Article 27A

of the School Code or this Part may be submitted in writing to the State Superintendent of Education no later than one calendar year from the date of the alleged violations.

1) The written complaint shall include:

A) A statement as to which provision of law or rules has been


B) The date or dates upon which the violation occurred;

C) The facts on which the statement is based; and

D) The signature and contact information for the complainant.

2) A complaint submitted in accordance with subsection (b)(1) shall be considered by the State Superintendent of Education unless:

A) It clearly appears on its face to be frivolous, trivial, or designed or

intended primarily to harass the authorizer;

B) The State Superintendent of Education has documentation that the authorizer already is satisfactorily addressing issues that are substantially the same as those raised in the complaint;

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C) Prior to any action by the State Superintendent of Education, the complainant withdraws the complaint; or

D) The alleged violation occurred more than one calendar year after

the complaint was submitted to the State Superintendent of Education.

3) At the conclusion of any complaint investigation, the State Board shall

provide to the complainant a written decision that addresses each allegation in the complaint and contains:

A) Findings of fact and conclusions with respect to those allegations;

B) The reasons for the State Board of Education's final decision; and

C) Orders for any actions or sanctions, including, without limitation,

technical assistance activities and negotiation, imposed against the authorizer and/or any charter schools under its jurisdiction.

c) When the State Superintendent of Education has information that the authorizer

may meet one or more of the conditions specified in subsection (a), or upon a determination that a complaint submitted pursuant to subsection (b) is within the State Board of Education's jurisdiction (i.e., alleges a violation of Article 27A of the School Code or this Part) and merits consideration (e.g., subsection (b)(2)), the State Superintendent shall provide written notification to the authorizer enumerating the deficiencies found or the particulars of the complaint filed against the authorizer and providing a copy of the complaint, redacting any information that is protected from disclosure under one or more exemptions enumerated in the Illinois Freedom of Information Act [5 ILCS 140].

1) The written notification shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt

requested, to the authorizer, and a copy of the notification shall be provided by regular U.S. mail to the complainant.

2) Upon receipt of the notification, the authorizer shall have no more than 15

days to provide a written response to the State Board of Education. The authorizer and the State Superintendent of Education may mutually agree to a longer time for response, but in no case shall the response time exceed 45 days. The written response shall be addressed to the General Counsel,

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Illinois State Board of Education, 100 West Randolph Street, Suite 14-300, Chicago, Illinois 60601.

3) The authorizer's written response shall include a statement addressing any

of the deficiencies cited by the State Superintendent of Education or the issues raised in a complaint, as well as any documentation requested by the State Superintendent.

4) The authorizer shall provide a copy of the written response and any

supporting documentation to the complainant within the timelines established pursuant to subsection (c)(2).

d) Reasonable Inquiry

1) The State Superintendent of Education may conduct a reasonable inquiry

to determine if the authorizer has violated any of the provisions of Article 27A of the School Code or this Part if:

A) The authorizer fails to respond to the complaint within the

timeframe specified in subsection (c);

B) The authorizer denies the allegations in the complaint;

C) It cannot otherwise be determined on the face of the complaint and the authorizer's response as to whether the authorizer has violated any Section of the Charter Schools Law or this Part; or

D) In the authorizer's initial response, the authorizer concedes

noncompliance and agrees to take appropriate remedial action, but:

i) The complainant submits additional documentation, either orally or in writing, alleging that no remedial action has occurred or that remediation was not completed within the timeframe committed to by the authorizer; or

ii) The State Superintendent of Education finds that no

remedial action has occurred or remediation was not completed within the timeframe committed to by the authorizer.

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2) The reasonable inquiry may include one or more of the following steps, which may be conducted by State Board of Education personnel, or an outside entity, at the State Superintendent of Education's discretion. The State Superintendent shall notify the authorizer in advance of commencing the reasonable inquiry of the identity of any outside entity to be used to conduct the inquiry.

A) Review of all or selected portions of the authorizer's policies,

practices, education records or curriculum;

B) Contact with individuals from the authorizer or any charter school under the authorizer's jurisdiction who might reasonably be expected to have information relevant to identified deficiencies or the allegations of the complaint;

C) Desk audit, whereby the State Superintendent of Education would

require submission or complete access to materials or data from the authorizer or any charter school under the authorizer's jurisdiction that the State Superintendent of Education determines will assist him or her in responding to the identified deficiencies or the allegations in the complaint; and/or

D) Technical assistance as needed to attempt to bring the authorizer

into compliance.

e) If the reasonable inquiry results in a determination of noncompliance, the State Superintendent shall provide a written notification of noncompliance to the authorizer by certified mail, return receipt requested. The notification of noncompliance shall specify the following:

1) All formal findings of noncompliance specific to the statutory or

regulatory violations that led to the finding of noncompliance, to include any new allegations raised during the reasonable inquiry conducted pursuant to subsection (d);

2) The timeframe within which the areas of noncompliance must be cured;

3) The technical assistance available to the authorizer, if applicable;

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4) The consequences that may be imposed by the State Board of Education should the authorizer fail to address the areas of noncompliance (see subsection (i)); and

5) A statement informing the authorizer that it may seek a conference with

representatives of the State Board of Education to dispute the findings of noncompliance, including those resulting from any new allegations raised during the reasonable inquiry conducted pursuant to subsection (d), by submitting a written request to the address specified in subsection (c)(2) within 15 days after receiving the notification of noncompliance.

f) Within 60 days after the date of receipt of notification of noncompliance issued

under subsection (e), or within 60 days after the date of any conference scheduled pursuant to subsection (e)(5), whichever is later, the authorizer shall submit to the State Superintendent a corrective action plan that conforms to the requirements of subsection (g). The authorizer and State Superintendent of Education may mutually agree to a longer time for response, but in no case shall the response time exceed 90 days. The plan must be signed by the president and secretary of the local board of education pursuant to Section 10-7 of the School Code, as evidence that the board adopted a resolution authorizing its submission.

1) If the authorizer is a local school board, the plan shall be signed by the

president and secretary of the local board of education pursuant to Section 10-7 of the School Code, as evidence that the board adopted a resolution authorizing its submission.

2) If the authorizer is the Commission, the plan shall be signed by the

chairman of the Commission as evidence that the Commission adopted a resolution authorizing its submission.

g) The State Superintendent of Education shall approve or disapprove a corrective

action plan no later than 30 days after its receipt from the authorizer and shall notify the authorizer in writing of that decision.

1) The State Superintendent shall approve a plan if it:

A) Specifies the steps to be taken by the authorizer that are directly

related to the area or areas of noncompliance cited;

B) Provides evidence that the authorizer has the resources and ability to take the steps described without giving rise to other issues of

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compliance that would subject the authorizer to corrective action; and

C) Specifies a timeline for correction of the cited deficiencies that is

demonstrably linked to the factors leading to noncompliance and is no longer than needed to correct the identified problems.

2) If no plan is submitted, or if no approvable plan is received within the

timeframe required under subsection (f), the State Board of Education may impose sanctions against the authorizer in accordance with subsection (i).

h) If, at any time while a plan for corrective action is in effect, the State Board of

Education determines that the agreed-upon actions are not being implemented in accordance with the plan or the underlying areas of noncompliance are not being remedied, the State Board of Education may impose sanctions in accordance with subsection (i).

i) Sanctions Against an Authorizer

In accordance with Section 27A-12 of the School Code, the State Board of Education may remove an authorizer's power to authorize charter schools. For the purposes of this Section, "removal of the power to authorize" means shall mean removal of an authorizer's power to approve and oversee any new charter schools, and/or removal of an authorizer's power to oversee charter schools already operating that are under the jurisdiction of the authorizer.

1) An authorizer that is subject to sanctions pursuant to this Section may

make an oral presentation to the State Board. A request to make an oral presentation must be submitted in writing and postmarked no later than 30 days from the date of receipt of notice that sanctions may be imposed, and must identify the specific agency findings with which the authorizer disagrees. The State Board shall consider oral presentations and written documents presented by staff and interested parties prior to rendering a final decision.

2) In the event that chartering authorization is removed, the State Board of

Education shall determine the status of each charter school within the authorizer's portfolio. With respect to each charter school, the State Board may:

A) Allow the charter school to continue operating under the

jurisdiction of the authorizer;

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B) Terminate the existing charter agreement between the authorizer and the governing board of the charter school and transfer the charter school to the State Board of Education another authorizer in accordance with subsection (j); or

C) Terminate the existing charter agreement between the authorizer

and the governing board of the charter school and close the charter school in accordance with subsection (k).

j) Transfer of Charter Schools

1) Based upon a recommendation of the State Superintendent of Education,

the State Board of Education may order that the authorization for any charter school a change in authorizer for charter schools under the jurisdiction of a local school board an authorizer that has had its power to authorize charter schools removed under this Section be transferred to the State Board. Unless compelling reasons justify a different recommendation:

A) The State Superintendent shall recommend a transfer to the

Commission in the case of sanctions against a local school board authorizer; or

B) The State Superintendent shall recommend a transfer to the school

board for the district or districts of student residency in the case of sanctions against the Commission.

2) The State Superintendent of Education shall provide written notification of

the transfer recommendation by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the governing bodies of any charter school subject to transfer. If the charter school does not consent to the transfer, it must provide written notification to the State Superintendent no later than 14 days after receipt of the transfer recommendation. If the State Superintendent does not receive this notification, he or she must present the transfer recommendation at a meeting of the State Board of Education and the State Board must vote on whether to enter into a charter agreement with the charter school. and the entity recommended to become the authorizer.

3) The governing bodies of any charter school that is subject to the transfer

recommendation and the entity recommended to become the authorizer

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shall follow the same process and be subject to the same timelines for review as set forth in Section 27A-8 of the School Code to determine whether to enter into a contractual agreement for authorization. Until the process is complete, the charter school shall remain open under its current authorizer.

A) The If the charter school does not consent to the transfer, the State

Board of Education shall order a the charter school that does not consent to a transfer under this subsection to close. Prior to this direction, the State Board of Education shall permit members of the governing board of the charter school subject to closure to present written and oral comments to the State Board of Education.

B) Any closure of a charter school pursuant to this subsection (j)(3)(A) shall follow the procedures set forth in Section 650.70 (Procedures for Closing a Charter School).

B) If the entity recommended to become the authorizer does not

consent to the transfer, the State Board of Education shall direct the State Superintendent of Education to either recommend an alternative authorizer to which the charter school will be transferred in accordance with the requirements of this Section or to close the charter school by following the procedures set forth in Section 650.70.

3) 4) Except in the case of an emergency that places the health, safety, or

education of the charter school's students at risk, the transfer of the charter school to the State Board of Education its new authorizer shall occur at the end of the school year.

4) 5) The term of the contract with the State Board of Education a new

authorizer after a transfer of authorizers may be for a period not to exceed five years following the date that the State Board of Education voted to assume jurisdiction over the transferred charter school. effective date of the certification of the new charter school in accordance with Article 27A of the School Code and this Part.

k) Closure of Charter Schools

1) The State Board of Education may order any charter school under the

jurisdiction of the authorizer that has had its power to authorize charter

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schools removed under this Section to close if the State Board of Education clearly demonstrates that the charter school did any of the following or otherwise failed to comply with the requirements of Article 27A of the School Code:

A) Exhibited low student performance, as defined in subsection

(a)(4)(A), and/or failed to meet performance targets and standards established by the charter school's authorizer in a charter school performance plan within the timelines specified in the plan;

B) Mismanaged its finances or failed to meet generally accepted

standards of fiscal management;

C) Violated any provision of law from which the charter school was not exempted pursuant to Section 27A-5 of the School Code; and/or

D) Committed a material violation of any of the conditions, standards,

or procedures set forth in the charter.

2) Prior to the State Board of Education's ordering any charter school to close under this subsection (k), the State Superintendent of Education shall provide written notification by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the governing board of the charter school subject to closure. The notice shall summarize the reasons for the closure recommendation and provide, as applicable, the formal opinion pertaining to the recommendation.

3) The governing board of the charter school subject to closure shall have

seven days from the date of receipt of the State Superintendent's notice to request the opportunity to present written and oral comments to the State Board of Education about the closure recommendation.

4) Any closure of a charter school pursuant to this subsection (k) shall follow

the procedures set forth in Section 650.70.

l) An authorizer that has had its power to authorize charter schools removed pursuant to this Section may petition the State Board of Education for a return of authorizing powers. The State Board of Education shall reinstate the power to authorize to an authorizer if the authorizer clearly demonstrates that:

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1) Any noncompliance matters that resulted in the sanctions have been resolved;

2) The authorizer has developed systems and processes to ensure that the

noncompliance issues that resulted in the sanctions will not recur; and

3) The authorizer has participated in a State-level or national-level training program designed to develop the capacity and effectiveness of charter school authorizers, including but not limited to any training programs offered by the Commission, provided that the Commission is not the sanctioned authorizer submitting the petition for reinstatement.

(Source: Amended at 44 Ill. Reg. _______, effective _________)

Section 650.70 Procedures for Closing a Charter School The governing body of a charter school that is closing, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, shall be subject to the requirements of this Section.

a) Required Notices

1) Except in the case of an emergency, when the health, safety, or education of the charter school's students is at risk, any notice of a charter school's closing required under subsection (a)(2) shall be provided:

A) at least 60 days before the end of the school year in which the

closure will take place for a charter school that is closing involuntarily (i.e., has had its charter revoked or not renewed); or

B) at least 60 days before the scheduled closing date for a charter

school that is voluntarily closing.

2) The governing body or its designee shall provide notice of the charter school's closure:

A) to the charter school's employees, including the date of closure;

B) to the parents or guardians of the students attending the school and

to the superintendent of each school district in which any of the charter school's students reside, including:

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i) the date of closure; and

ii) the procedures the parents or guardians should follow in order to continue their children's education within the public schools;

C) to the entity that authorized the charter school and to the State

Superintendent of Education, submitted by certified mail, return receipt requested, and including:

i) the date of closure;

ii) the name, address, and telephone number of the person who

will be responsible for making arrangements for the closure; and

iii) copies of the notices required by subsections (a)(2)(A) and

(a)(2)(B) of this Section.

b) Disposition of Assets Any unspent public funds and other property and assets of the charter school shall be disposed of in the manner set forth in Section 27A-10.10 of the School Code.

c) Student Records

The governing body or its designee shall transfer its students' permanent and temporary records, as defined in (see 23 Ill. Adm. Code 375.10,; Definitions) to the school's chartering entity or entities, as set forth in 23 Ill. Adm. Code 375.75 (Public and Nonpublic Schools: Transmission of Records for Transfer Students), except that, if the State Board Commission is the chartering entity, each student's permanent record shall be transferred to his or her district of residence.

d) Other Records

The governing body or its designee shall prepare all the school's records for transfer to the chartering entity or entities. These records shall include, but need not be limited to:

1) the minutes of the meetings of the governing body;

2) the school's policy manual;

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3) the manuals setting forth the school's administrative, accounting, and personnel-related procedures;

4) all personnel files, including service records and information regarding

teachers' licensure;

5) all teachers' schedules;

6) all inventory records for fixed assets (i.e., tangible property used in operating the charter school);

7) bank statements, including any canceled checks returned by the financial


8) corporate credit card statements and invoices;

9) accounting reports, budgets, journals, ledgers, and registers;

10) annual financial reports prepared by independent auditors;

11) all agreements, contracts, and records of arrangements, including any exhibits, amendments, or other supporting documentation;

12) all Internal Revenue Service forms used and any supporting


13) all Teachers' Retirement System forms used and any supporting documentation;

14) purchase requisitions and purchase vouchers, including supporting

documentation such as vendors' invoices, store receipts, or travel itineraries;

15) vouchers for reimbursement of staff expenses, including travel, with any

supporting documentation; and

16) all electronic files containing financial records pertaining to the school.

e) Requirements for Inventory Records

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For each fixed asset of the charter school (i.e., land, buildings, machinery, equipment, furniture, and fixtures), the inventory record shall include the following information:

1) a description of the fixed asset;

2) a manufacturer's serial number, model number, federal or national stock

number, or other identifying number, if applicable;

3) an indication as to whether local, State, and/or federal funds were used to acquire the asset, along with information from which the percentage of State and/or federal participation can be calculated;

4) whether title to the asset vests in the charter school, an agency of State

government, or the federal government;

5) the acquisition date (or the date received, if the asset was furnished by a donor) and cost;

6) the location and condition of the fixed asset and the date as of which this

information was last reported (e.g., the date of the last physical inventory taken by representatives of the charter school);

7) information as to the ultimate disposition of the fixed asset, including the

date of disposal and sale price, or, when the charter school has compensated a State or federal agency for its share in the asset, the method used to determine the current fair market value.

f) Final Financial Accountability

1) The governing body or its designee shall cause a final audit of the charter

school to be performed by an independent auditor after all the school's assets have been liquidated and its accounts payable have been settled. The governing body or its designee shall provide a copy of the audit report to the chartering entity.

2) If the governing body has been unable to liquidate all the school's

accounts payable, the governing body or its designee shall inform the chartering entity or entities of any outstanding obligations. The chartering entity shall not, however, be responsible for any obligation of a charter school not specified in the charter agreement.

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3) The governing body shall designate an individual who will complete any expenditure reports or other fiscal documentation that may be required by the State Board of Education.

(Source: Amended at 44 Ill. Reg. ______, effective __________)


Section 650.100 Appeals to, and Requests for Consideration by, the Commission (Repealed)

a) An applicant for a charter or a charter holder may appeal to the Commission a local school board report that denies, revokes or refuses to renew a charter. An applicant for a charter also may submit its proposal to the Commission for consideration in situations in which the local school board fails to act on the proposal within a timely manner. (See Section 27A-8(d) and (e) of the School Code.) Any appeal or request for consideration shall be submitted to the Commission no later than 30 days after:

1) the date that the school board voted to deny the application; or

2) the date by which the school board was to, but did not, hold a public

meeting (see Section 27A-8(d) of the School Code); or

3) the date by which the school board was to, but did not, vote on the charter request (see Section 27A-8(e) of the School Code).

b) The appeal or request for consideration must be submitted electronically to the

Commission at [email protected], with a copy sent by certified mail or electronic mail to the school board.

c) Appeals of School Board Decisions to Deny, Revoke or not Renew a Charter

The applicant, to the extent possible, must state the reasons why the decision of the school board should be reversed.

d) Consideration of Requests Due to Local Inaction

1) The applicant shall state the reasons why the proposal should be granted.

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2) The applicant shall list the date the charter school proposal was submitted to the school board for consideration and, if a public meeting was held in accordance with Section 27A-8(c) of the School Code, the date of the public meeting and a statement that the school board failed to vote on the request within 30 days after the meeting being held.

e) The parties shall submit to the Commission any additional information that the

Commission determines is necessary to decide the appeal or consider a request submitted due to the local board's inaction.

f) Any appeal or request for consideration not submitted within the applicable

deadline specified in subsection (a) shall not be considered, and the Commission shall provide notification to the applicant to this effect.

(Source: Repealed at 44 Ill. Reg. _______, effective _____________)

Section 650.110 Review of Appeals and Requests for Consideration; Decision (Repealed) a) Within seven days after receiving an appeal or a request to consider due to a

school board's inaction, the Commission shall inform each party (i.e., charter school applicant and school district) of the following:

1) the time, date and location of the public meeting to hear the appeal or

consider the request that is scheduled no later than 45 days after the Commission received the appeal or request for consideration;

2) a notice provided to both parties that either party may provide a written

request for an opportunity to make an oral presentation before the Commission during the public meeting at which the Commission shall hear the appeal or consider the request. This request shall be submitted no later than seven days prior to the date set for the meeting; and

3) the time, date and location of any interviews the Commission may wish to

schedule with the parties in advance of the public meeting. b) When practicable, the Commission's designees (e.g., Commission staff,

independent evaluators assigned by the Commission) shall conduct any interviews in the presence of both parties. Unless otherwise required by Illinois law, the interviews shall not be open to the public.

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c) In addition to the timeline provided under subsection (a) of this Section, the Commission shall provide each party with a reminder notice at least five days in advance of the public meeting to be held to hear the appeal or consider the request. A public meeting conducted under this subsection (c) shall comply with the Open Meetings Act [5 ILCS 120].

1) If either party has requested an oral presentation, the Commission shall

provide each party with an equal amount of time to make the oral presentation to the body and to respond to the Commission's questions.

2) The Commission shall reserve time at the public meeting to take testimony

or comments from the public. 3) In so far as possible, the Commission shall hold the public meeting at or

near the school district involved in the appeal or request for consideration.

d) The Commission shall render a decision no later than 30 days after the conclusion of the public meeting and shall announce that decision either during the public meeting held to consider the appeal or request for consideration or during another publicly scheduled meeting held within the required 30-day timeline. 1) In reviewing appeals or whether to grant a charter due to a school district's

inaction, the Commission shall consider whether the charter proposal is in compliance with Article 27A of the School Code and is in the best interests of the students the charter school is designed to serve. (Section 27A-8(h) of the School Code) In order to determine whether a proposal satisfies both prongs under Section 27A-8(h), the Commission shall conduct a de novo review of the proposal and the district's response. Pursuant to this review, the Commission shall not give deference to any finding of fact or conclusion of law made by the local board of education with respect to the proposal or any information provided by the charter school applicant.

2) If the appeal or request for consideration, as a matter of law, does not

comply with the Charter Schools Law, or if the charter proposal is not in the best interest of the students, the Commission shall issue a final decision to the parties containing the Commission's reasons for denying the appeal or request for consideration.

3) If the Commission finds that the charter school proposal complies with

Article 27A of the School Code and is in the best interest of the students to be served, it shall issue a final decision to the parties containing the

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Commission's reasons for approving the appeal or request for consideration.

4) A copy of any decision rendered pursuant to subsection (d)(2) or (d)(3) of

this Section shall be provided to each party by certified mail within the timeline set forth in this subsection (d).

e) The decision of the Commission is final unless reviewed under the Administrative

Review Law [735 ILCS 5/Art. III], as provided in Section 27A-8(h) of the School Code.

(Source: Repealed at 44 Ill. Reg. __________, effective _________)

Section 650.APPENDIX A Principles and Standards for Authorizing Charter Schools The following principles and standards for charter school authorizers align to Article 27A of the School Code and are based on the "Principles and Standards of Quality Charter School Authorizing" (2012), published by the National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA), 105 West Adams Street, Suite 3500, Chicago IL 60603-6253 and posted at No later amendments to or editions of these standards are incorporated. A small number of standards are identified as "advanced" (recommended); all others are considered "essential" (required).

PRINCIPLES A high-quality authorizer engages in responsible oversight of charter schools by ensuring that schools have both the autonomy to which they are entitled and the public accountability for which they are responsible. The following three principles lie at the heart of the authorizing endeavor, and authorizers should be guided by and fulfill these principles in all aspects of their work. Principle 1: Maintain High Standards

Sets high standards for approving charter applicants.

Maintains high standards for the schools it oversees.

Effectively cultivates high-quality charter schools that meet identified educational needs.

Oversees charter schools that meet over time the performance standards and targets on a range of measures and metrics set forth in the charter contracts.

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NOTICE OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS Principle 2: Uphold School Autonomy

Honors and preserves core autonomies crucial to school success, including:

Governing board independent from the authorizer;


School vision and culture;

Instructional programming, design and use of time; and


Minimizes administrative and compliance burdens on schools.

Focuses on holding schools accountable for outcomes rather than processes, while at all times strictly enforcing all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements for charter schools.

Principle 3: Protect Student and Public Interests

Makes the well-being and interests of students the fundamental value informing all the authorizer's actions and decisions.

Holds schools accountable for fulfilling fundamental public education obligations to all students, which includes providing:

Nonselective, nondiscriminatory access to all eligible students;

Fair treatment in admissions and disciplinary actions for all students; and

Appropriate services for all students, including those with disabilities and who are English learners, in accordance with applicable laws.

Holds schools accountable for fulfilling fundamental obligations to the public, which includes providing:

Sound governance, management and stewardship of public funds;

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Public information and operational transparency in accordance with applicable State and federal laws; and

Compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Ensures in its own work:

Ethical conduct;

Focus on the mission of chartering high-quality schools;

Clarity, consistency and public transparency in authorizing policies, practices and decisions;

Effective and efficient public stewardship; and

Compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.


Standard 1: Agency Commitment and Capacity A high-quality authorizer engages in chartering as a means to foster excellent schools that meet identified needs; clearly prioritizes a commitment to excellence in education and in authorizing practices; and creates organizational structures and commits human and financial resources necessary to conduct its authorizing duties effectively and efficiently.

1.1 Standards for Planning and Commitment to Excellence

Supports and advances the purposes of Article 27A of the School Code.

Ensures that the authorizer's governing board, leadership and staff understand and are committed to the principles articulated in this Appendix A.

Defines external relationships and lines of authority to protect the authorizing functions from conflicts of interest and political influence.

Implements policies, processes, and practices that streamline and organize its work toward State goals, and executes its duties efficiently while minimizing administrative burdens on schools.

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Evaluates its work regularly against national standards for high-quality authorizing and recognized effective practices and develops and implements timely plans for improvement if these standards and practices are not achieved.

States a clear mission for high-quality authorizing (advanced).

Articulates and implements an intentional strategic vision and plan for chartering, including clear priorities, goals, and timeframes for achievement (advanced).

Evaluates its work regularly against its chartering mission and strategic plan goals, and implements plans for improvement when the mission and strategic plan goals are not achieved (advanced).

Conforms to reporting requirements about its progress and performance in meeting its strategic plan goals, as required by Section 27A-12 of the School Code and Section 650.55 of this Part.

1.2 Standards for Human Resources

Enlists expertise and competent leadership for all areas essential to charter school oversight, including, but not limited to, educational leadership; curriculum, instruction, and assessment; special education; English learners and other diverse learning needs; performance management and accountability; law; finance; facilities; and nonprofit governance and management through the use of staff, contractual relationships, and/or intra-agency or inter-agency collaborations.

Employs competent personnel at a staffing level that is appropriate and sufficient, commensurate with the size of the charter school portfolio, to carry out all authorizing responsibilities in accordance with the principles and standards set forth in this Appendix A.

Provides for regular professional development for the authorizer's leadership and staff to achieve and maintain high standards of professional authorizing practice and to enable continual improvement.

1.3 Standards for Financial Resources

Determines the financial needs of the authorizing office and devotes sufficient financial resources to fulfill its authorizing responsibilities in accordance with the principles and standards set forth in this Appendix A and commensurate with the scale of the charter school portfolio.

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Tracks operating costs and expenses associated with the performance of the powers and duties enumerated in Section 27A-7.10(a) of the School Code and any additional duties set forth in the terms of each charter contract.

When making decisions pertaining to approving or renewing a charter school, considers whether the terms of the charter, as proposed, are economically sound for both the charter school and the school district. (See Section 27A-7(a) of the School Code.)

Provides funding to all charter schools in compliance with the requirements of Article 27A of the School Code and submits to the State Board of Education information about the budget and financial schedule as may be required.

Structures funding in such a way as to avoid conflicts of interest, inducements, incentives or disincentives that might compromise its judgment in charter approval and accountability decision-making.

Deploys funds effectively and efficiently and maintains the public's interests when doing so.

Standard 2: Application Process and Decision-Making A high-quality authorizer implements a comprehensive application process that includes clear application questions and guidance; follows fair, transparent procedures and rigorous criteria; and grants charters only to applicants who demonstrate a strong capacity to establish and operate a high-quality charter school.

2.1 Standards for Proposal Information, Questions, and Guidance

Maintains a charter application information packet or, if actively soliciting proposals, issues a request for proposals (RFP) that:

States any chartering priorities the authorizer may have established;

Articulates comprehensive application questions to elicit the information needed for a rigorous evaluation of the applicant's plans and capacities; and

Provides clear guidance and requirements for the content and format of the application and the evaluation criteria that will be used when considering the application.

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Welcomes proposals from first-time charter applicants, as well as existing school operators or replicators, and appropriately distinguishes between the two types of developers in proposal requirements and evaluation criteria.

To the extent it is determined to be economically sound for the district and the charter school, encourages expansion and replication of charter schools that demonstrate success and capacity for growth.

Is open to considering diverse educational philosophies and approaches, and expresses a commitment to serve students with diverse needs.

To the extent it is determined to be economically sound for the district and the charter school, broadly invites and solicits charter applications, while publicizing the authorizer's strategic vision and chartering priorities without restricting or refusing to review applications that propose to fulfill other goals (advanced).

2.2 Standards for Fair, Transparent, Quality-Focused Procedures

Implements a charter application process that is open, well-publicized, and transparent, and is organized around timelines that are clear, realistic, and compliant with the timelines for review of charter proposals set forth in Section 27A-8 of the School Code.

Allows sufficient time in the application process so that each stage of the application review and school pre-opening processes are carried out with integrity and attention to high quality.

Explains how each stage of the application process is conducted and evaluated.

Informs applicants of their rights and responsibilities and promptly notifies applicants in writing of approval or denial, while explaining the factors that determined the decision.

In compliance with Sections 27A-8(f) and 27A-9(e) of the School Code and Section 650.30 of this Part (Submission to the State Board of Education), submits all required documentation pertaining to charter school approvals, denials, revocations, or non-renewals to the State Board of Education, and all required documentation pertaining to denials, revocations or non-renewals to the State Board of Education and the Commission.

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2.3 Standards for Rigorous Approval Criteria

Requires all applicants to submit a charter school proposal that is complete and fully addresses all required elements under Section 27A-7(a) of the School Code, including, but not limited to, a clear and compelling mission; a high-quality educational program; a solid business plan; a transportation plan to meet the needs of low-income and at-risk students; effective governance and management structures and systems; founding team members who demonstrate diverse and necessary capabilities; and clear evidence of the applicant's capacity to execute its plan successfully.

Establishes distinct requirements and criteria for applicants that are existing school operators and those that are replicators.

Establishes distinct requirements and criteria for applicants proposing to contract with education service or management providers.

To the extent that these schools are permitted under Article 27A of the School Code, establishes distinct requirements for applicants proposing to operate schools devoted exclusively to students from low-performing or overcrowded schools.

To the extent that these schools are permitted under Article 27A of the School Code, establishes distinct requirements for applicants proposing to operate schools devoted exclusively to re-enrolled high school dropouts and/or students 16 or 15 years old who are at risk of dropping out.

To the extent that these schools are permitted under Article 27A of the School Code, establishes distinct requirements and criteria for applicants proposing to operate virtual or online charter schools.

2.4 Standards for Rigorous Decision-Making

Grants charters only to applicants that have demonstrated competence and capacity to succeed in all aspects of the school, consistent with the stated approval criteria.

Rigorously evaluates each application through the use of knowledgeable and competent evaluators who employ some combination of a thorough review of the written proposal, a substantive in-person interview with the applicant group, the public meeting required under Section 27A-8(c) of the School Code for gathering

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more information to assist in determining whether to grant or deny the charter school proposal, and other due diligence to examine the applicant's experience and capacity.

Engages, for both written application reviews and any applicant interviews, highly competent teams of internal and external evaluators with relevant educational, organizational (governance and management), financial, and legal expertise, as well as thorough understanding of the provisions of Article 27A of the School Code and the essential principles of charter school autonomy and accountability.

Provides orientation or training to application evaluators (including interviewers) to ensure the use of consistent evaluation standards and practices, observance of essential protocols, and fair treatment of applicants.

Ensures that the application review process and decision-making are free of conflicts of interest, and requires full disclosure of any potential or perceived conflicts of interest between reviewers or decision-makers and applicants.

Standard 3: Performance Contracting A high-quality authorizer executes contracts with charter schools that articulate the rights and responsibilities of each party regarding school autonomy, funding, administration and oversight, outcomes, measures for evaluating success or failure, performance consequences and other material terms. The contract is an essential document, separate from the charter application, that establishes the legally binding agreement and terms under which the school will operate and be held accountable.

3.1 Standards for Contract Term, Negotiation, and Execution

Executes a contract with a legally incorporated governing board of a nonprofit corporation or other discrete, legal, nonprofit entity authorized under the laws of the State of Illinois that is completely independent of the authorizer.

Executes all charter agreements within 120 days after the charter's approval and at least 30 days before the start of school, whichever date comes first.

Ensures that all charter school agreements have been certified by the State Board of Education in accordance with Section 650.40 prior to the date on which the charter school opens or begins its renewal term.

Defines material terms of the contract.

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Ensures mutual understanding and acceptance of the contract by the school's governing board prior to authorization or charter granting by the authorizing board.

Allows, and requires contract amendments for, occasional material changes to the school's plan, but does not require amending the contract for non-material modifications.

3.2 Standards for Rights and Responsibilities

Executes charter school contracts that clearly:

State the rights and responsibilities of the school and the authorizer;

State and respect the autonomies to which charter schools are entitled, based on statute, waiver, or authorizer policy, including those relating to the school's authority over educational programming, staffing, budgeting, and scheduling;

Define performance standards, criteria, and conditions for renewal, intervention, revocation, and non-renewal, while establishing the consequences for meeting or not meeting standards or conditions;

State the statutory, regulatory, and procedural terms and conditions for the school's operation, including a clearly defined list of all health and safety requirements applicable to all public schools under the laws of the State of Illinois;

State reasonable pre-opening requirements or conditions for new schools to ensure that they meet all health, safety, and other legal requirements prior to opening and are prepared to open smoothly;

State the responsibility and commitment of the school to adhere to essential public education obligations, including admitting and serving all eligible students so long as space is available, and not expelling or counseling out students except pursuant to a discipline policy approved by the authorizer; and

State the responsibilities of the school and the authorizer in the event of school closures.

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Ensures that any fee-based services that the authorizer provides are set forth in a services agreement that respects charter school autonomy and treats the charter school equitably compared to district schools, if applicable; and ensures that purchasing these services is explicitly not a condition of charter approval, continuation, or renewal.

3.3 Standards for Charter Performance Standards

Executes charter contracts that plainly:

Establish the performance standards under which schools will be evaluated, using objective and verifiable measures of student achievement as the primary measure of school quality;

Include expectations for appropriate access, education, support services, and outcomes for students with disabilities;

Define clear, measurable, and attainable academic, financial, and organizational performance standards and targets that the school must meet as a condition of renewal, including, but not limited to required State and federal measures;

Make increases in student academic achievement for all groups of students described in section 6311(b)(2)(C)(v) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (20 USC 6301 et seq.) the most important factor to be considered for charter renewal or revocation decision-making;

Define the sources of academic data that will form the evidence base for ongoing and renewal evaluation, including State-mandated and other standardized assessments, student academic growth measures, internal assessments, qualitative reviews, and performance comparisons with other comparable public schools in the district and State;

Define the sources of financial data that will form the evidence base for ongoing and renewal evaluation, grounded in professional standards for sound financial operations and sustainability;

Define the sources of organizational data that will form the evidence base for ongoing and renewal evaluation, focusing on fulfillment of legal obligations, fiduciary duties, and sound public stewardship; and

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Include clear, measurable performance standards to judge the effectiveness of alternative schools, if applicable, requiring and appropriately weighting rigorous mission-specific performance measures and metrics that credibly demonstrate each school's success in fulfilling its mission and serving its special population.

3.4 Standards for Education Service or Management Contracts (if applicable)

For any school that contracts with an external (third-party) provider for education design and operation or management, includes additional contractual provisions that ensure rigorous, independent contract oversight by the charter school governing board and the school's financial independence from the external provider. In determining whether a charter school is independent of the external provider, the authorizer shall consider the criteria listed in Q & A (B-13) of the U.S. Department of Education, Charter Schools Program, Title V, Part B of the ESEA, Nonregulatory Guidance (Published January 2014 April 2011) and posted at

Reviews the proposed third-party contract as a condition of charter approval to ensure that it is consistent with applicable laws, authorizer policy, and the public interest.

Standard 4: Ongoing Oversight and Evaluation A high-quality authorizer conducts contract oversight that competently evaluates performance and monitors compliance; ensures schools' legally entitled autonomy; protects student rights; informs intervention, revocation, and renewal decisions; and provides regular public reports on school performance.

4.1 Standards for Performance Evaluation and Compliance Monitoring

Implements a comprehensive performance accountability and compliance monitoring system that is defined by the charter contract and provides the information necessary to make rigorous and standards-based renewal, revocation, and intervention decisions.

Defines and communicates to schools the process, methods, and timing of gathering and reporting school performance and compliance data.

Implements an accountability system that effectively streamlines local, State, and federal performance expectations and compliance requirements, while protecting

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schools' legally entitled autonomy and minimizing schools' administrative and reporting burdens.

Provides clear technical guidance to schools, as needed, to ensure timely compliance with applicable regulations.

Visits each school as appropriate and necessary for collecting data that cannot be obtained otherwise and in accordance with the contract, while ensuring that the frequency, purposes, and methods of these visits respect school autonomy and avoid operational interference.

Evaluates each school annually on its performance and progress toward meeting the standards and targets stated in the charter contract, including essential compliance requirements, and clearly communicates evaluation results to the school's governing body and leadership.

In accordance with Section 27A-5(f) of the School Code, requires and reviews annual financial audits of schools conducted by a qualified independent auditor.

Communicates regularly with schools as needed, including both the school leaders and governing boards, and provides timely notice of contract violations or performance deficiencies.

Provides an annual written report to each school, summarizing its performance and compliance to date and identifying areas of strength and areas needing improvement.

Articulates and enforces stated consequences for failing to meet performance expectations or compliance requirements.

4.2 Standards for Respecting School Autonomy

Respects the school's authority over its day-to-day operations.

Collects information from the school in a manner that minimizes administrative burdens on the school, while ensuring that performance and compliance information is sufficiently detailed and timely to protect student and public interests.

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Periodically reviews compliance requirements and evaluates the potential to increase school autonomy based on flexibility in the law, streamlining requirements, demonstrated school performance, or other considerations.

Refrains from directing or participating in the educational decisions or choices that are appropriately within a school's purview under Article 27A of the School Code or the contract.

4.3 Standards for Protecting Student Rights

In accordance with Section 27A-4(d) and (h) of the School Code, ensures that schools admit students through a random selection that is open to all students who reside within the geographic boundaries of the areas served by the local school board, is publicly verifiable, and does not establish undue barriers to application (such as mandatory information meetings, mandated volunteer service, or parent contracts) that exclude students based on socioeconomic, family, or language background; prior academic performance; special education status; or parental involvement.

Ensures that schools provide access and services to students with disabilities, as required by applicable State and federal laws, including compliance with individualized education programs and section 504 plans, access to facilities, and educational opportunities.

Ensures clarity in the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved in serving students with disabilities.

Ensures that schools provide access to and appropriately serve other special populations of students, including English learners, homeless students, and gifted students, as required by State and federal law.

Ensures that schools' student discipline policies and actions comply with applicable State and federal laws regarding discipline, are fair, and ensure that no student is expelled or counseled out of a school outside of the process set forth in those policies.

4.4 Standards for Intervention

Establishes, and makes available to schools as they are chartered, an intervention policy that states the general conditions that may trigger intervention and the types of actions and consequences that may ensue.

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Gives schools clear, adequate, evidence-based, and timely notice of contract violations or performance deficiencies.

Allows schools reasonable time and opportunity for remediation in non-emergency situations.

When intervention is needed, engages in intervention strategies that clearly preserve school autonomy and responsibility (identifying what the school must remedy without prescribing solutions).

4.5 Standards for Public Reporting

Produces regular public reports that provide clear, accurate performance data for the charter schools overseen by the authorizer, reporting on individual school and overall portfolio performance according to the framework set forth in the charter contract. (Also see Section 650.55.)

Standard 5: Revocation and Renewal Decision-Making A high-quality authorizer designs and implements a transparent and rigorous process that uses comprehensive academic, financial, and operational performance data to make merit-based renewal decisions and revokes charters when necessary to protect student and public interests.

5.1 Standards for Revocation

Adheres to all notice and corrective action requirements for revocation of a charter school, as set forth in Section 27A-9 of the School Code.

5.2 Standards for Renewal Decisions Based on Merit and Inclusive Evidence

Bases the renewal process and renewal decisions on thorough analyses of a comprehensive body of objective evidence defined by the performance framework in the charter contract.

Grants renewal only to schools that have achieved the standards and targets stated in the charter contract, are organizationally and fiscally viable, and have been faithful to the terms of the contract and applicable law.

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Does not make renewal decisions, including granting probationary or short-term renewals, on the basis of political or community pressure or solely on promises of future improvement.

5.3 Standards for Cumulative Report and Renewal Application

Provides to each school, in advance of the renewal decision, a cumulative performance report that:

Summarizes the school's performance record over the charter term; and

States the authorizer's summative findings concerning the school's performance and its prospects for renewal.

Requires any school seeking renewal to apply through the use of a renewal application, which should provide the school with a meaningful opportunity and reasonable time to respond to the cumulative performance report, to correct the record, if needed, and to present additional evidence regarding its performance.

5.4 Standards for Fair, Transparent Process

Clearly communicates to schools the criteria for charter revocation, renewal and non-renewal decisions that are consistent with the charter contract and Article 27A of the School Code.

Promptly notifies each school of its renewal (or, if applicable, revocation) decision, including a written explanation of the reasons for the decision.

Promptly communicates renewal or revocation decisions to the school community and public within a timeframe that allows parents and students to exercise choices for the coming school year.

Explains in writing any available rights of legal or administrative appeal through which a school may challenge the authorizer's decision.

In compliance with Sections 27A-8(f) and 27A-9(e) of the School Code and Section 650.30 of this Part, submits all required documentation pertaining to charter school renewals, revocations, or non-renewals to the State Board of Education, and all required documentation pertaining to revocations or non-renewals to the State Board of Education and the Commission.

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Regularly updates and publishes the process for renewal decision-making, including guidance regarding required content and format for renewal applications.

5.5 Standards for Closure

In the event of a school closure, oversees and works with the school's governing board and leadership in carrying out a detailed closure protocol that complies with Section 650.70 and all applicable State laws.

(Source: Amended at 44 Ill. Reg. _______, effective _________)

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The agency received two letters of public comment. A summary and analysis of the comments are below. Comment: The Illinois State Charter School Commission, submitted by Shenita Johnson, expressed that the agency should use a de novo standard of review when reviewing charter school appeals because it would give the agency “a fresh look at the charter school proposal and give the parties an opportunity to submit new or additional information so that the agency could definitively assess whether the proposal complied with the Charter Law.” Analysis: The agency believes that a de novo standard of review is not appropriate for appeals of a local school board’s decision to close an existing charter school through non-renewal or revocation of the school’s charter agreement. Removing this standard of review does not equate to “blind deference to a district’s decision”, as suggested by the commenter. Recommendation: No changes will be made in response to this comment. Comment: The Illinois State Charter School Commission notes that the agency’s proposed timeframe of 14 days (changed from 30 days) for appeals to the State Board does not permit sufficient time for a charter holder to “convene and notice a special Board Meeting (subject to OMA) to decide on whether to file an appeal, retain an attorney, financial consultant or additional support to prepare and submit an appeal, prepare necessary documentation (which is not defined in 650.63) to submit an appeal, or identify a new building if necessary.” The Chicago Public School District, submitted by Jennifer L. Chan, supports the 14-day timeline because it is “meant to ensure that a final decision from ISBE will be timely.” Analysis: The agency appreciates the commenters’ input on this issue. The agency agrees that a 14-day timeframe may be too narrow for sufficient preparation of these appeals and feels that 21 days is a more appropriate timeframe. Giving a charter holder 21 days from the date of the board decision to file an appeal will allow the charter holder to adequately prepare for the appeal while also promoting timely and efficient processing of appeals so that students and families have finality and adequate time to make enrollment decisions for the next school year. We also note that 21 days is consistent with the Agency’s appeal timeline prior to the creation of the Illinois State Charter School Commission. Recommendation: In Section 650.30(d), “14 30 days” will be changed to “21 30 days”. In Section 650.63(a), “14 days” will be changed to “21 days”. Comment: The Chicago Public School District expressed that, under Section 650.63(b), the definition and purpose of a documentary review is unclear. The commenter recommends clarifying if the State Superintendent can deny an appeal based on a documentary review and notes that it is also unclear as to the timeframe the State Superintendent must conduct a documentary review. Analysis: The agency appreciates the commenter’s concern on this issue. Other sections of the proposed rules make clear that if there is a hearing, the hearing officer will utilize the results of the documentary review to generate questions and raise concerns. If no hearing is requested, the documentary review will be used by

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the Superintendent to develop a proposed order and recommendation for the State Board’s consideration. The timeframe for receiving input from the documentary review will be determined by the hearing officer in conjunction with ISBE staff. If no hearing is requested, the State Superintendent will determine a timeframe for completing the documentary review that ensures the Board will have the information it needs to vote on the appeal within the timelines dictated by rule. Recommendation: No changes will be made in response to this comment. Comment: The Illinois State Charter School Commission and the Chicago Public School District note that there are provisions in the proposed rules that do not provide a clear timeframe for action. These provisions include Section 650.63(c)(1) [with reference to the State Superintendent issuing a Notice of Opportunity for Hearing] and Section 650.63(c)(4) [with reference to timeframe or Notice to the Public that an appeal has been filed, hearing officer selected, and if a public hearing will occur]. Analysis: With regard to the commenters’ first concern, the agency agrees that more clarification is needed for when the State Superintendent must issue a Notice of Opportunity for Hearing. As to the second concern, the proposed rules comply with the notice standards under the Open Meetings Act [5 ILCS 120] and any requirement that is not explicit in the rules is governed by the Charter Schools Law [105 ILCS 5/27A]. Recommendation: Section 650.63(c)(1) will read as: “Within 7 days of receipt of any appeal that is timely filed under subsection (a), the State Superintendent must select a hearing officer and must issue a written Notice of Opportunity for Hearing, which shall be served upon the local school board and the charter holder.” Comment: The Chicago Public School District notes that it is unclear what the purpose of a pre-hearing conference is and why there is a lengthy period of time for conducting a pre-hearing conference. Analysis: The agency agrees that a pre-hearing conference can be convened at the hearing officer’s discretion and a requirement to hold such a conference is not necessary. Recommendation: The pre-hearing conference requirement in Section 650.63(c)(3) will be removed and the following language will be added to conform with the removal: “No later than 10 days following the receipt of a request for a hearing, the hearing officer must issue to the parties a Notice of Hearing. The Notice of Hearing must include the date, time, and location of the hearing, with such hearing convened and conducted no later than 45 days after receipt of a timely filed appeal under subsection (a), unless otherwise agreed to by all parties to the matter.” Comment: The Illinois Charter School Commission strongly urges the agency to reconsider setting the State Board office as the default location for all public hearings because it will “place an undue burden on the impacted school community (students and parents) to attend the hearing, regardless of whether it is Chicago or Springfield. An agreed location in/near the school or the office of the local school board should be the default location, unless an agreement cannot be reached then the State Board Office in Chicago or Springfield should be the hearing location.”

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Analysis: The State Board routinely holds public meetings at its principal offices in Chicago and Springfield and these offices meet all public accessibility requirements. If necessary, the parties of the hearing can agree to an alternative location on a case-by-case basis if compelling reasons justify moving the public hearing. Recommendation: No changes will be made in response to this comment. Comment: The Illinois State Charter School Commission suggests that, in Section 650.63(c)(5), ISBE should require that any documentation submitted by the local school board be provided to the charter holder in the same manner an appeal is provided to the school board, per Section 650.63(c)(1)(A). The Chicago Public School District expressed that it is unclear how much weight should be given to the local board's decision or its appeal response. Analysis: The agency agrees with the commenter that documentation from the local school board should be provided to the charter holder in the same manner the appeal is provided to the school board because both parties should have access to the same information being considered by the decision-maker. The agency feels that it’s best practice for the hearing officer to exercise discretion over how much weight should be given to the local board’s decision or its appeal response. Recommendation: Section 650.63(c) will include: “The response must be submitted electronically to the State Superintendent at [email protected], with a copy sent by certified mail or electronic mail to the charter holder.” Comment: The Chicago Public School District supports the agency’s hearing procedures under Section 650.63(c)(6) because it “allows the district and the charter school sufficient time to present their arguments and allows for time to respond to questions from the hearing officer.” Analysis: The agency appreciates the commenter’s support on this issue. Recommendation: No changes will be made in response to this comment. Comment: The Illinois State Charter School Commission notes that Section 650.63(c)(6)(C) is not clear with regard to the process for the public hearing. The commenter also strongly recommends that each public hearing be transcribed by a stenographer to preserve the record. Analysis: The agency believes that all details with regard to the process of a public hearing should be determined at the discretion of the hearing officer and communicated through routine correspondence with the parties. Recommendation: No changes will be made in response to this comment.

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Comment: The Illinois State Charter School Commission expressed that Section 650.63(d)(1) does not appear to be consistent with the current requirements under the Charter Schools Law. Specifically, the elements listed do not completely articulate the Law’s current standard for revocation. The commenter notes that this language must be reflected in the rules as it sets out the standard that any district decision to revoke a charter must correctly apply. Analysis: The agency believes that the commenter is mistaken that the bases upon which a local school board can revoke or non-renew a charter—as set forth in Section 27A-9(c) of the School Code—should also be applied by the agency in deciding appeals of a local school board’s charter revocation decision. The Charter Schools Law requires in Section 27A-9(e) that the agency apply a two-prong test when deciding charter appeals (compliance with Article 27A and best interests of the students). The agency agrees with the commenter that an “arbitrary and capricious” standard should be added to the portion of the rules permitting a formal district response to appeal. The agency also agrees that the rules should have language on ensuring students can be placed in better-performing schools. Recommendation: Section 650.63 will include this language: “The response must address the reasons for the local school board’s decision to revoke or not renew the charter of the charter holder, to the extent not already addressed in the local school board’s final report submitted under Section 650.30 of this Part. In accordance with Section 27A-9(c) of the School Code, no local school board may arbitrarily or capriciously revoke or not renew a charter. The response must also detail how the local school board will ensure that all students who are currently enrolled in the charter school will be offered placement in a higher performing school, as defined in the State’s Every Student Succeeds Act accountability plan. If the local school board is unable to offer all students placement in a higher performing school, the response must detail, by clear and convincing evidence, that factors unrelated to the charter school's accountability designation outweigh the charter school's academic performance.” Comment: The Illinois State Charter School Commission commented that Section 650.63 contains language that is not clear and may lead to confusion among charter schools and districts. Specifically, the commenter noted that under Section 650.63(d)(3), the language indicates that an appeal may be decided upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, without a public hearing. The commenter expressed that this would be inconsistent with the Charter Schools Law and should be clarified what is meant by “If no hearing is conducted under this Section.” Additionally, the commenter noted that the language under Section 650.63(f) [“Any appeal decision not finalized by the State Charter School Commission”] is “somewhat vague and clarity is needed with regard to the meaning of finalized.” Analysis: Under the Charter Schools Law, there is a requirement for a hearing officer but not for a hearing. If no hearing is requested, the only role for a hearing officer would be to certify that fact. Therefore, the agency believes the rules are properly drafted concerning that matter. With regard to Section 650.63(f), the agency agrees with the commenter that the language can be redrafted to better conform to prior statutory language regarding appeals still pending before the agency when the Charter School Commission was created. Recommendation: The beginning of Section 650.63(f) will read as: “Any appeals validly-filed with the State Charter School Commission under Section 27A-9(e) of the School Code that are still pending on June 30, 2020, must be determined by the State Board in accordance with this Section.”

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Comment: The Illinois State Charter School Commission recommends that the standards for closure of a charter school under the jurisdiction of an authorizer that has had its power to authorize charter schools removed by ISBE be replaced with a direct reference to the language set forth in Section 27A-9 of the School Code. Analysis: ISBE appreciates the commenter’s recommendation on this matter. As this issue is not addressed in this particular rulemaking, the agency will take the commenter’s recommendation into account in a possible future rulemaking. Recommendation: No changes will be made in response to this comment. Comment: The Illinois State Charter School Commission notes that Section 650.65(k)(1) and (3) appear to provide limited notice and opportunity for a hearing to charter schools prior to closure. The commenter encourages ISBE to ensure that a charter school being closed be given the opportunity to present its views on the decision at a public hearing so that information and feedback can be received from the public as well as the charter school, its community, and stakeholders. Analysis: ISBE appreciates the commenter’s recommendation on this matter. As this issue is not addressed in this particular rulemaking, the agency will take the commenter’s recommendation into account in a possible future rulemaking. ISBE also notes that meetings of the State Board of Education are open to the public and reserve time for public comment. Recommendation: No changes will be made in response to this comment. Comment: The Illinois State Charter School Commission suggests that ISBE include a definitive timeline for the completion of any investigation initiated under Section 650.65. Analysis: ISBE appreciates the commenter’s recommendation on this matter. As this issue is not addressed in this particular rulemaking, the agency will take the commenter’s recommendation into account in a possible future rulemaking. Recommendation: No changes will be made in response to this comment.

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May 20, 2020

To: Illinois State Board of Education From: Dr. Carmen I. Ayala, State Superintendent of Education

Dr. Ernesto Matias, Education Officer Agenda Topic: Approval of the Notices of Funding Opportunity/Requests for Proposals for

E-rate State Matching Grant Program Expected Outcome: Approval to release Notices of Funding Opportunity/Requests for

Proposals for E-rate State Matching Grant Program in FY 2021 Materials: None Staff Contact(s): Dr. Jennifer Kirmes, Executive Director, Teaching and Learning Brandi Bruley, Director, Curriculum and Instruction Purpose of Agenda Item The Center for Teaching and Learning requests the Board to authorize the State Superintendent to release and award Notice of Funding Opportunities/Request for Proposals (NOFO/RFP) for the E-rate State Matching Grant Program in fiscal year 2021. This program will provide districts with reimbursement of special construction costs for E-rate-eligible entities to capture matching federal funding that will enable expansion of educational opportunities and student achievement in FY 2021. Background Information/History Fiber is the only technology that affordably delivers fast network speeds to most schools and the ability to scale up for growing bandwidth needs in the future. Yet an estimated 83 schools across the state are making do with low-bandwidth connections. The monthly recurring costs of network/internet services delivered over fiber lines dramatically decreased over the last few years, but the costs to install fiber lines still can be a barrier to many schools. Factors such as geographic distance from a provider facility, terrain, and the number of facilities within a district needing a connection can lead to high initial construction costs. E-rate modernization creates an opportunity for states to assist schools that need fiber construction. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) established a state matching fund provision as part of E-rate modernization in 2014 to ensure that all schools and libraries can access high-speed broadband. This program invests in capital, targeting one-time fiber construction costs that are often too high for many districts and service providers. The FCC will match up to 10 percent of the total construction cost. At least 24 states, among them New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Massachusetts, and Florida, are working to take advantage of this program. This is a program that provides state matching funds to federal E-Rate program funds, so school districts must submit the required federal application forms by the federal due dates in order to access federal funding for this program. The Illinois E-rate State Matching Program The Learning Technology Center staff and staff from the national nonprofit EducationSuperHighway (ESH) continue to provide technical assistance to school districts. ESH assists with data collection for this program. ESH estimated that Illinois was at 96 percent for connectivity and fiber in schools in 2018 and estimated the need at $16.3 million for the state matching fund in FY 2019 to ensure equitable access to high-speed broadband. This was expected to cover the state and local shares for special construction projects. Approximately 83 schools still need to be upgraded to scalable infrastructure, according to the latest updates from EducationSuperHighway. Approximately 71 percent of schools had fiber internet connections in 2015 that met the FCC network speed target of 100 kilobits per second speed per student. An initial state match program was launched in 2017 with an appropriation of $700,000 and a second program launched in 2018 with an appropriation of $16.3 million to assist schools with the costs of installing fiber lines. As of 2019, 99 percent of schools in Illinois

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meet the FCC speed target set in 2015.1 The reporting of 99 percent of districts meeting speed targets would seem to indicate that the goals of the program have been accomplished, but the same report indicates only 17 percent of schools meet the newer 1,000 kilobit (or 1 megabit) speed target. Schools will continue to need federal and state support for broadband as implementation of newer technologies and more ubiquitous use in classrooms will require increasing amounts of bandwidth. In January 2017, the Board included in its FY 2018 budget request a new fund of $5 million to create a state match that would provide a competitive program for eligible districts for special construction costs of expanded broadband capabilities. A NOFO/RFP was released in January 2017. A supplemental state appropriation of $700,000 was provided for this program late in FY 2018, and 12 districts received awards. An appropriation of $16.3 million was made in FY 2019 for this program (Public Act 100-0586) from the School Infrastructure Fund to the State Board of Education for school district broadband expansion with the goal that all school districts achieve broadband capability by the beginning of the 2020-21 school year.2 Four rounds of applications were made available to districts. Thirty-six districts applied, with 34 districts receiving federal approval. The FY 2019 awards total $2,357,459. The $15.9 million from FY 2019 that remained unexpended was reappropriated in FY 2020. The need to match to the federal E-rate program means that federal funding decisions can take some time; due to this, notice of federal award may occur after the expiration of the current state fiscal year. Reappropriation of funds is needed to make sure state funds for approved grant applications are available for applicants whose federal approval process timeline crosses the end of the state fiscal year. Statute prevents ISBE from awarding districts state funds until a federal funding commitment is secured. Further supporting this work, Governor Pritzker launched a statewide initiative, Connect Illinois, in August 2019 to expand broadband access across the entire state. Connect Illinois includes a capital investment from Rebuild Illinois, the creation of a Broadband Advisory Council and Broadband Office, and a new program that will provide all Illinois public K-12 students access to high-speed broadband at no charge. The initiative also includes a $400 million broadband grant program and a $20 million capital program for the Illinois Century Network, a high-speed broadband network serving K-12 and higher education institutions, among others. It is anticipated that awareness of Connect Illinois may generate additional interest in the ISBE E-rate State Matching Grant Program to assist districts with special construction costs and leverage support by the Illinois Century Network. Releasing new rounds of this NOFO/RFP in FY 2021 and, possibly, subsequent years (provided there is a remaining balance from the appropriated amount from FY 2017 and a corresponding federal E-rate program match each year) will provide opportunities for districts to build fiber lines or upgrade existing connections, with the costs of construction covered between the federal and state programs. An initial release occurred in late fall 2019 and was due in late January 2020, but additional rounds of NOFOs/RFPs in 2020 can capture additional districts.3 Current Status: Active grant. Relevant Data: FY 2019 Awards by Evidence-Based Funding Tier

EBF Tier Number of Districts Approved Total Award Amount Tier 1 12 $1,433,494 Tier 2 15 $781,438 Tier 3 4 $331,386 Tier 4 2 $78,644 TOTALS 36 $2,625,402

1 2 Those districts that did not apply were contacted by ESH and the Learning Technology Center to educate them about the process and how they can take advantage of our program as well as the Illinois Department of Innovation & Technology K-12 Broadband Initiative. 3 The Universal Service Administrative Company may review and approve projects in this cycle that could begin in state FY 2021 or may not finalize approvals until state FY 2022. If the review process extends into state FY 2022, funding would be dependent upon a reappropriation of remaining dollars and would be noted in the NOFO/RFP and award notices

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Demographics of Students Served by Broadband Upgrades

FY18 FY19 TOTAL White 16,101 71,961 88,062 Black or African American

724 134,650 135,374

Hispanic 1,874 171,889 173,763 Two or More Races 593 9,407 10,000 Asian 533 16,117 16,710 American Indian or Alaskan Native

49 1,083 1,132

Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

10 643 653

Total Students Served 19,884 405,810 425,694

Financial Background The financial background of this contract/grant is illustrated in the table below:

Current Contract State Funding

Current Contract Federal Funding

Requested Additional State Funding

Requested Additional Federal Funding

Total Contract per Fiscal Year

FY16 $ $ FY17 $ $ FY18 $700,000 $700,000 FY19 $16,300,000 $16,300,000 FY20 $13,674,598 $13,674,598 FY21 * Total $17,000,000 $13,674,598

*Contingent upon reappropriation of remaining FY 2020 funds into FY 2021. Business Enterprise Program (BEP) This NOFO/RFP is exempt from the agency’s BEP goal. Analysis and Implications for Policy, Budget, Legislative Action, and Communications Policy Implications: Approval of the grant will allow districts to apply for funds for the construction of scalable fiber optic network cables. Budget Implications: Release of the FY 2021 NOFO/RFP will create opportunities for eligible districts to access funding for special construction costs and federal matching funds. Legislative Action: Dedicated state appropriations are needed to access the federal match. A re-appropriation would be needed for FY 2022. Communication: None. Pros and Cons of Various Actions Pros: Authorization to release the NOFO/RFP will create opportunities to invest in capital, targeting one-time fiber construction costs that are often too high for many districts and service providers. Cons: If this NOFO/RFP is not released in late fall, districts will miss -- assuming state appropriation -- the window of opportunity to access federal matching funds. Board Member(s) Who Will Abstain: None. Superintendent’s Recommendation I recommend that the following motion be adopted:

The State Board of Education hereby authorizes the State Superintendent to release Notices of Funding Opportunities/Requests for Proposals and award grants to eligible school districts for the

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E-rate State Matching Grant Program in FY 2021. The estimated cost of the grants will not exceed the appropriation for the program.

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To: Illinois State Board of Education From: Dr. Carmen I. Ayala, State Superintendent of Education

Dr. Ernesto Matias, Education Officer Agenda Topic: Approval of the Release and Award of the Competitive Grant from the SEA

Set Aside Portion of the CARES Act Funding Expected Outcome: The Board will approve the release and award of the Competitive Grant

from the SEA Set Aside Portion of the CARES Act Funding (e.g., Digital Equity Grant)

Materials: None Staff Contact(s): Dr. Jen Kirmes, Executive Director, Teaching and Learning Purpose of Agenda Item The Center for Teaching and Learning requests that the board approve the Superintendent to release and award the Digital Equity Grant. Background Information/History The President signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act into law on March 27, 2020. The purpose of the CARES Act is to provide states with funding to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus threat. The CARES Act includes $30.75 billion toward relief for the K-12 and postsecondary education systems.1 In particular, the Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund identified in the CARES Act provides State Education Agencies (SEAs) with funding to meet the purposes of the Act. The CARES Act requires that a SEA must allocate no less than 90 percent of its award to Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and charter schools that are LEAs. Eligible LEAs for ESSER funds received a Title I allocation in fiscal year 2020.2 ESSER allocations for eligible LEAs are based upon the Title I award in FY 2020.3 A SEA may reserve no more than 9.5 percent for specific purposes identified by the SEA and .5 percent may be used for administrative costs. On May 14, 2020, Illinois received approval of its ESSER application from the U.S. Department of Education. The award for Illinois is $569 million. Of this amount, $512 million is for subgrants to eligible LEAs and charter schools that are LEAs. A total of $2.8 million will be used for administrative costs. The remining $54 million will be used for virtual coaching, devices (e.g., laptops and tablets), connectivity, professional development, and funding for non-eligible entities. The ESSER application for LEAs was released on May 18, 2020. ESSER funds, in addition to supporting virtual coaching to newly licensed teachers working in Illinois schools and providing an allocation to non-eligible entities, focus on decreasing the digital divide across Illinois. This will occur through a competitive grant for the purchase of devices, connectivity, and supporting access through the delivery of professional development for educators and parents in working with their student(s) in remote learning environments. More specifically, ESSER funds will support the Digital Equity Grant. The Digital Equity Grant will assist school districts in closing the digital divide and enabling digital-age teaching and learning. School districts may use funds to provide students with technology tools and internet access necessary for technology-rich remote learning experiences, and to provide educators with

1 In addition to the fund supporting K-12 LEAs and charter schools that are LEAs, there are two additional emergency relief funds, one for governors and the other for higher education. 2 If an LEA was eligible but did not apply for Title I funds in FY 2020, it cannot receive funding from the 90 percent set-aside. ISBE is providing funding for these LEAs, as well as area vocational centers, alternative schools run through ROEs, and special education cooperatives under the 9.5 percent set-aside. 3 For instance, Rockford 205 received a Title I award that was 2.3 percent of the total Title I, Part A dollars distributed by ISBE in FY 2020. Thus, the ESSER estimated allocation for Rockford 205 is 2.3 percent of the $512 million set aside for LEA grants, or $11.7 million.

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professional learning opportunities that drives digital-age learning, integrates technology across subject areas, and develops digital citizenship. The Digital Divide Equity Grant is a competitive grant.

In order to best ensure that these resources are available to those LEAs with the greatest need, Illinois LEAs that received an allocation under Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 in FY 2020 and received an Evidence-Based Funding Final Percent of Adequacy level of 70 percent or lower are eligible to apply.

Current Status: A Request for Proposals (RFP) is being finalized for release.

Relevant Data: At the outset of the school closures, ISBE issued a Remote Learning Survey in which it asked districts for information on how they intended to deliver remote instruction. Of the 655 districts that responded, 9 percent deliver remote instruction via digital means only and 9 percent do not currently possess the ability to deliver any remote instructions via digital means. The remaining 82 percent of respondents use a combination of digital and other non-digital means to deliver remote learning. Of significance, however, is that 81 percent of respondents reported that remote learning is delivered through the sharing and completion of worksheets and paper packets. So, too, 87 percent of respondents indicated that the most frequent identified means of communicating with students using technology is email, while 81 percent identified that they communicate using another platform, such as Blackboard or Class Dojo.

These data suggest two things. First, while many respondents utilize digital means for the purposes of remote learning, generally, the central way in which digital means are used is for communicating with students. Second, that over 90 percent of respondents reported that remote learning consists in whole or part through the delivery of worksheets and paper packets suggests that there are confluent challenges in a majority of districts with school/district access to devices to deliver instruction, student access to devices, and/or connectivity.

Financial Background The program will be funded by a portion of the 9.5 percent SEA set aside in ESSER. As this is a comparative grant, albeit limited to those districts with an adequacy rate of 70 percent or lower, there may be one or more grants that exceed $1 million.

Business Enterprise Program N/A

Analysis and Implications for Policy, Budget, Legislative Action, and Communications Policy Implications: Decreasing the digital divide across Illinois aligns with the priorities identified in the Illinois’ ESSER Application and draft strategic plan. Budget Implications: The funding for the Digital Divide Equity Grant is one-time funding that expires on Sept. 30, 2021. Legislative Action: N/A Communication: Upon Board approval, the release of the RFP will be communicated to districts.

Pros and Cons of Various Actions Pros: Approving this grant opportunity, while not completely eradicating the digital divide in Illinois, provides an opportunity for relief for districts with the greatest identified needs regarding the digital divide. Cons: Not approving this grant opportunity will potentially further entrench the extant inequities for children and families in those districts with the greatest need regarding the digital divide. Board Member(s) Who Will Abstain: None.

Superintendent’s Recommendation I recommend that the following motion be adopted:

The State Board of Education hereby authorizes the State Superintendent to release Notices of Funding Opportunities/Requests for Proposals and award grants to eligible school districts for the Digital Divide Equity Grant in FY 2021.

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To: Illinois State Board of Education From: Dr. Carmen I. Ayala, State Superintendent of Education Dr. Ernesto Matias, Chief Education Officer Agenda Topic: Approval of Complaints Against Charter School Authorizers Under Section

650.65 of the Administrative Code Expected Outcome: Delegation of authority to the State Superintendent to issue final written

decisions in response to complaints against authorizers Materials: None Staff Contact(s): Krish Mohip, Deputy Officer, Operational Education Jennifer Saba, Executive Director, Regional Services David Turovetz, Director, Charter Schools Purpose of Agenda Item The Charter Schools Department requests that the State Board delegate authority to the State Superintendent to issue final written decisions in response to complaints against charter school authorizers submitted pursuant to Section 650.65 of the Part 650 rules. Background Information/History Public Act 97-0152, effective July 20, 2011, made a number of changes to the Illinois Charter Schools Law [105 ILCS 5/Art. 27A]. Most notably, the legislation created the Illinois State Charter School Commission (“the Commission”), an independent state agency with statewide chartering jurisdiction and authority.1 It also established new ISBE responsibilities to monitor charter school authorizers (i.e., local school boards with at least one charter school and the newly created Commission). The legislation gave ISBE the authority to remove an authorizer’s power to authorize charter schools if the authorizer had not demonstrated a commitment to high-quality authorization practices and, if necessary, revoke the charters of chronically low-performing charter schools at the time of the removal. ISBE adopted Section 650.65 of the Part 650 rules to implement this new responsibility.2 Under the rules codified in Section 650.65, any entity can file an administrative complaint with ISBE against a charter school authorizer alleging that the authorizer has failed to comply with requirements of the Charter Schools Law and/or the Part 650 rules. At the conclusion of the complaint investigation, the rules provide that “the State Board shall provide to the complainant a written decision that addresses each allegation in the complaint” [23 Ill. Admin. Code 650.65(b)(3)]. The State Board’s response must include findings of fact and conclusions with respect to each allegation, the reasons for the State Board’s final decision, and orders for any actions or sanctions. ISBE staff is requesting that the Board delegate authority for responding to Section 650.65 complaints to the State Superintendent. Current Status: As stated above, any entity can file an administrative complaint under Section 650.65 with ISBE against a charter school authorizer alleging that the authorizer has failed to comply with requirements of the Charter Schools Law and/or the Part 650 rules. At the conclusion of the complaint investigation, the rules provide that “the State Board shall provide to the complainant a written decision that addresses each allegation in the complaint” [23 Ill. Admin. Code 650.65(b)(3)]. The response must include findings of fact and conclusions with respect to each allegation, the reasons for the final decision, and orders for any actions or sanctions.

1 The passage of this legislation resulted in the Commission taking over ISBE’s responsibilities to hear, investigate, and decide charter school appeals and to oversee and make renewal decisions for charter schools approved through the state appeal process. 2 These rules went into effect Nov. 3, 2014.

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Generally speaking, the State Superintendent already has explicit authority under Section 650.65 of the Part 650 rules to conduct a “reasonable inquiry” process to determine if an authorizer has violated any of the provisions of Article 27A of the School Code or the Part 650 administrative rules, provide a written notice of noncompliance to an authorizer based on the findings of the reasonable inquiry, and approve or disapprove of corrective action plans. On the other hand, the State Board’s authority includes issuing any formal sanctions, which may include removal of an authorizer’s power to approve and oversee any new charter schools and/or removal of an authorizer’s power to oversee charter schools already operating under the jurisdiction of the authorizer. The State Board can also order charter schools under the jurisdiction of an authorizer that has had its authorizing power removed to close or transfer authorizers. Importantly, the request for delegation of authority set forth in this agenda item does not extend to the State Board’s power to issue sanctions against authorizers and their low-performing charter schools. Relevant Data: N/A Financial Background N/A Business Enterprise Program N/A Analysis and Implications for Policy, Budget, Legislative Action, and Communications Policy Implications: Approval of this request will authorize the State Superintendent to issue written responses to complaints against authorizers under Section 650.65 of the Part 650 rules without first seeking Board ratification of the response. Budget Implications: None. Legislative Action: None required. Communication: N/A Pros and Cons of Various Actions Pros: Delegating authority to the State Superintendent to issue written responses to complaints against authorizers will help ensure expedited responses to such complaints. Cons: This delegation of authority will mean that responses to complaints against authorizers will not be discussed in a public forum with opportunity for public comment. Board Member(s) Who Will Abstain: None. Superintendent’s Recommendation I recommend that the following motion be adopted:

The State Board of Education hereby delegates authority to the State Superintendent to issue final written decisions in response to any complaints against charter school authorizers that are submitted to the agency in accordance with Section 650.65 of the Part 650 rules.

Next Steps Upon authorization, the State Superintendent will issue final decisions for any complaint against a charter school authorizer that is submitted to the agency in accordance with Section 650.65 of the Part 650 rules. Agency staff will inform the State Board on 650.65 complaints in future State Board meetings or through other communication channels, as appropriate. Date of Board Action: May 20, 2020

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TO: Illinois State Board of Education FROM: Dr. Carmen I. Ayala, State Superintendent of Education Agenda Topic: Approval of the Revised FY 2020 Board Meeting Dates Expected Outcome: Approval of the Revised FY 2020 Board Meeting Dates Materials: Revised FY 2020 Board Meeting Calendar

Staff Contact(s): Kirsten Parr, Board Services Coordinator Purpose of Agenda Item The purpose of this agenda item is for the Board to review revised meeting date for fiscal year 2020. Background Information/History The date and location for the June meeting needs to be changed because there are travel restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are proposing a meeting date of June 17 in Springfield. Relationship to/Implications for the State Board’s Strategic Plan Action at meetings of the State Board of Education allows for the implementation of all aspects of the Board’s Strategic Plan. Financial Background Not applicable. Business Enterprise Program Not applicable. Analysis and Implications for Policy, Budget, Legislative Action and Communications Policy Implications: None. Budget Implications: None. Legislative Action: None. Communication: Staff will make arrangements, be in communication with Board members, and post the information on the ISBE website. Pros and Cons of Various Actions Pros: The approval of the revised calendar will allow staff to plan for a Board meeting on June 17 in Springfield. Cons: None. Board Member(s) Who Will Abstain: None. Superintendent’s Recommendation I recommend that the motion be adopted:

The State Board of Education approves the revised FY 2020 Board meeting schedule.

Date of Board Action: May 20, 2020

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NOTE: Please check the final meeting postings for a possible change in the start time of these regular meetings.

FY 2020 Board of Education Meeting Schedule

Please check for final meeting postings. Date Description

July 2019 No Board Meeting

August 14, 2019 Springfield

September 17-18, 2019 Springfield, Board Retreat and Meeting (2-day meeting)

October 15-16, 2019 East St. Louis (2-day meeting)

November 22, 2019 Chicago

December 18, 2019 Springfield

January 15, 2020 Springfield

February 18, 2020 Springfield

March 18, 2020 Springfield

April 15, 2020 No Board Meeting

May 20, 2020 Springfield

June 17, 2020 Springfield

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TO: Illinois State Board of Education

FROM: Dr. Carmen I. Ayala, State Superintendent of Education Agenda Topic: Approval of the Revised FY 2021 Board Meeting Dates Expected Outcome: Approval of the Revised FY 2021 Board Meeting Dates Materials: Revised FY 2021 Calendar

Staff Contact(s): Kirsten Parr, Board Services Coordinator Purpose of Agenda Item The purpose of this agenda item is for Board members to review and approve revised meeting dates and locations for fiscal year 2021. The April 2020 Board meeting that was scheduled to be held in Rockford was canceled and is being rescheduled to be held there in FY 2021. Background Information Board members were unable to hold their scheduled April meeting in Rockford due the COVID-19 pandemic. Plans are to hold a Board meeting in Rockford in FY 2021. Relationship to the State Board’s Strategic Plan and Implications for the Agency and School Districts: The Board will be holding meetings in different locations throughout Illinois in FY 2021, which helps build relationships between the Illinois State Board of Education and districts. Analysis and Implications for Policy, Budget, Legislative Action and Communications Policy Implications: None. Budget Implications: None. Legislative Action: None. Communication: Staff will make logistical arrangements and be in communication with the Board. Pros and Cons of Various Actions Pros: The approval of the revised calendar will allow staff to plan accordingly for the FY 2021 Board meeting dates and locations. Cons: None. Board Member Who Will Abstain: None. Superintendent’s Recommendation I recommend that the motion be adopted:

The State Board of Education hereby approves the revised FY 2021 dates for State Board of Education meetings.

Next Steps Staff will make logistical arrangements for meetings of the Illinois State Board of Education in FY 2021. Date of Board Action: May 20, 2020

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NOTE: Please check the final meeting postings for a possible change in the start time of these regular meetings.

FY 2021 Board of Education Meeting Schedule

Please check for final meeting postings. Date Description

July 2020 No Board Meeting

August 19, 2020 Springfield

September 16-17, 2020 (Wed/Thurs) Springfield, Board Retreat and Meeting (2-day meeting)

October 20-21, 2020 Macomb (2-day meeting)

November 19, 2020 (Thurs) Chicago

December 16, 2020 Springfield

January 20, 2021 Chicago

February 18, 2021 (Thurs) Springfield

March 16-17, 2021 Rockford (2-day meeting)

April 21, 2021 Springfield

May 19, 2021 Springfield

June 15-16, 2021 Elgin (2-day meeting)

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TO: Illinois State Board of Education FROM: Dr. Carmen I. Ayala, State Superintendent of Education Dr. Ernesto Matias, Education Officer Irma Snopek, Policy and Communications Officer Agenda Topic: Part 1 (Public Schools Evaluation, Recognition and Supervision) Expected Outcome: Approval to file Part 1 (Public Schools Evaluation, Recognition and

Supervision) proposed rules in the Illinois Register to elicit public comment Materials: Appendix A: Part 1 (Public Schools Evaluation, Recognition and

Supervision) Proposed Rules Staff Contact(s): Jeffrey Aranowski, Executive Director, Safe and Healthy Climate Cara Wiley, Director, Wellness Department Amanda Elliott, Executive Director, Legislative Affairs Azita Kakvand, Agency Rules Coordinator, Legislative Affairs Purpose of Agenda Item The Wellness Department requests the Board to authorize the State Superintendent to adopt a motion authorizing solicitation of public comment on the proposed amendments. Background Information/History This Part is being modified to align with the enactment of Public Act 100-1046, effective Aug. 23, 2018, which made changes to the survey of learning conditions (105 ILCS 5/2-3.153). This rulemaking adheres to those changes, expanding the applicability of the survey to students in grades 4 through 12 (rather than students in grades 6 through 12) and enhancing the statewide reporting requirements. The survey is administered across the State as a result of a contract awarded to UChicago Impact, a nonprofit organization within the University of Chicago’s Urban Education Institute. UChicago Impact was selected via a Request for Sealed Proposals bid process. That contract provides the supports and services to administer a Statewide Survey of Learning Conditions, as required by 105 ILCS 5/2-3.153. The survey is administered to students, teachers, and parents across the State of Illinois. Deliverables include software licensing and set-up for survey administration, survey communications, help desk support, online and in-person professional learning modules on data interpretation, survey scoring and an online reporting tool, professional learning and development regarding data usage and school improvement, and additional survey elements. The development of the survey, also known as the 5Essentials Survey, was supported by 20-plus years of research that found that schools strong on at least three of the five areas of the survey were 10 times more likely to show substantial gains in student learning over time than schools weak on three or more of the five essentials, which are effective leaders, collaborative teachers, involved families, a supportive environment, and ambitious instruction. Analysis and Implications for Policy, Budget, Legislative Action, and Communications Policy Implications: Please see “Background Information/History” above. Budget Implications: None. Legislative Action: Bill sponsors will be notified of pending rulemaking. Communications: Upon approval, rule changes will be communicated with stakeholders and published in the Illinois Register and on the ISBE website.

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Pros and Cons of Various Actions Pros: The proposed changes incorporate agency policy and practices, as required under the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act (IAPA). Cons: Not proceeding with this rulemaking will cause the agency’s rules to conflict with the provisions of the IAPA, which requires that a standards and policies of state agencies be set forth in administrative rules. Board Member(s) Who Will Abstain: Darren Reisberg Superintendent’s Recommendation I recommend that the following motion be adopted:

The State Board of Education hereby authorizes solicitation of public comment on the proposed rulemaking for:

Part 1 (Public Schools Evaluation, Recognition and Supervision) Including publication of the proposed rules in the Illinois Register to elicit public comment.

Next Steps Upon Board authorization, agency staff will submit the proposed rules to the Administrative Code Division for publication in the Illinois Register to elicit public comment. Additional means, such as ISBE’s Weekly Message and the agency’s website, will be used to inform interested parties of the opportunity to comment on this rulemaking. Agency staff will inform bill sponsors of pending rulemaking. Date of Board Action: May 20, 2020

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Section 1.10 Public School Accountability Framework 1.20 Operational Requirements 1.30 State Assessment 1.40 Adequate Yearly Progress 1.50 Calculation of Participation Rate 1.60 Subgroups of Students; Inclusion of Relevant Scores 1.70 Additional Indicators for Adequate Yearly Progress 1.75 Student Information System 1.77 Educator Licensure Information System (ELIS) 1.79 School Report Card 1.80 Academic Early Warning and Watch Status 1.85 School and District Improvement Plans; Restructuring Plans 1.88 Additional Accountability Requirements for Districts Serving Students of Limited

English Proficiency under Title III 1.90 System of Rewards and Recognition − The Illinois Honor Roll 1.95 Appeals Procedure 1.97 Survey of Learning Conditions 1.100 Waiver and Modification of State Board Rules and School Code Mandates 1.110 Appeal Process under Section 22-60 of the School Code


Section 1.210 Approval of Providers of Training for School Board Members under Section 10-

16a of the School Code 1.220 Duties of Superintendent (Repealed) 1.230 Board of Education and the School Code (Repealed) 1.240 Equal Opportunities for all Students 1.242 Temporary Exclusion for Failure to Meet Minimum Academic or Attendance


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NOTICE OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT 1.245 Waiver of School Fees 1.250 District to Comply with 23 Ill. Adm. Code 180 (Repealed) 1.260 Commemorative Holidays to be Observed by Public Schools (Repealed) 1.270 Book and Material Selection (Repealed) 1.280 Discipline 1.285 Requirements for the Use of Isolated Time Out and Physical Restraint 1.290 Absenteeism and Truancy Policies


Section 1.310 Administrative Qualifications and Responsibilities 1.320 Evaluation of Licensed Educators 1.330 Toxic Materials Training


Section 1.410 Determination of the Instructional Program 1.420 Basic Standards 1.422 Electronic Learning (E-Learning) Days Pilot Program 1.423 Competency-Based High School Graduation Requirements Pilot Program 1.425 Additional Criteria for Physical Education 1.430 Additional Criteria for Elementary Schools 1.440 Additional Criteria for High Schools 1.442 State Seal of Biliteracy 1.443 Illinois Global Scholar Certificate 1.445 Required Course Substitute 1.450 Special Programs (Repealed) 1.460 Credit Earned Through Proficiency Examinations 1.462 Uniform Annual Consumer Education Proficiency Test (Repealed) 1.465 Ethnic School Foreign Language Credit and Program Approval 1.470 Adult and Continuing Education 1.480 Correctional Institution Educational Programs


Section 1.510 Transportation 1.515 Training of School Bus Driver Instructors 1.520 Home and Hospital Instruction

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NOTICE OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT 1.530 Health Services 1.540 Undesignated Emergency Medications in Schools: Epinephrine; Opioid

Antagonists; Asthma Medication


Section 1.610 Personnel Required to be Qualified 1.620 Accreditation of Staff (Repealed) 1.630 Paraprofessionals; Other Unlicensed Personnel 1.640 Requirements for Different Certificates (Repealed) 1.650 Transcripts of Credits 1.660 Records of Professional Personnel


Section 1.700 Requirements for Staff Providing Professional Development 1.705 Requirements for Supervisory and Administrative Staff 1.710 Requirements for Elementary Teachers 1.720 Requirements for Teachers of Middle Grades 1.730 Minimum Requirements for Secondary Teachers and Specified Subject Area

Teachers in Grades 6 and Above through June 30, 2004 1.735 Requirements to Take Effect from July 1, 1991, through June 30, 2004 1.736 Requirements to Take Effect from July 1, 1994, through June 30, 2004 1.737 Minimum Requirements for the Assignment of Teachers in Grades 9 through 12

Beginning July 1, 2004 1.740 Standards for Reading through June 30, 2004 1.745 Requirements for Reading Teachers and Reading Specialists at all Levels as of

July 1, 2004 1.750 Standards for Media Services through June 30, 2004 1.755 Requirements for Library Information Specialists Beginning July 1, 2004 1.760 Standards for School Support Personnel Services 1.762 Supervision of Speech-Language Pathology Assistants 1.770 Standards for Special Education Personnel 1.780 Standards for Teachers in Bilingual Education Programs 1.781 Requirements for Bilingual Education Teachers in Prekindergarten, Kindergarten

and any of Grades 1-12 1.782 Requirements for Teachers of English as a Second Language in Prekindergarten,

Kindergarten and any of Grades 1-12 1.783 Requirements for Administrators of Bilingual Education Programs

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NOTICE OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT 1.790 Substitute Teacher 1.792 Short-Term Substitute Teacher 1.794 Substitute Teachers; Recruiting Firms 1.APPENDIX A Professional Staff Educator Licensure 1.APPENDIX B Competency-Based High School Graduation Requirements Pilot Program

Criteria for Review 1.APPENDIX C Glossary of Terms (Repealed) 1.APPENDIX D State Goals for Learning 1.APPENDIX E Evaluation Criteria – Student Performance and School Improvement

Determination (Repealed) 1.APPENDIX F Criteria for Determination – Student Performance and School Improvement (Repealed) 1.APPENDIX G Criteria for Determination – State Assessment (Repealed) 1.APPENDIX H Guidance and Procedures for School Districts Implementing the Illinois

Global Scholar Certificate AUTHORITY: Implementing Sections 2-3.25, 2-3.25g, 2-3.44, 2-3.96, 2-3.159, 10-17a, 10-20.14, 10-21.4a,10-22.43a, 21B-5, 21B-20, 22-30, 22-60, 24-24, 26-13, 27-3.5, 27-6, 27-12.1, 27-13.1, 27-20.3, 27-20.4, 27-20.5, 27-22, 27-23.3 and 27-23.8 and authorized by Section 2-3.6 of the School Code [105 ILCS 5]. SOURCE: Adopted September 21, 1977; codified at 7 Ill. Reg. 16022; amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 8608, effective May 28, 1985; amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 17766, effective November 5, 1985; emergency amendment at 10 Ill. Reg. 14314, effective August 18, 1986, for a maximum of 150 days; amended at 11 Ill. Reg. 3073, effective February 2, 1987; amended at 12 Ill. Reg. 4800, effective February 26, 1988; amended at 14 Ill. Reg. 12457, effective July 24, 1990; amended at 15 Ill. Reg. 2692, effective February 1, 1991; amended at 16 Ill. Reg. 18010, effective November 17, 1992; expedited correction at 17 Ill. Reg. 3553, effective November 17, 1992; amended at 18 Ill. Reg. 1171, effective January 10, 1994; emergency amendment at 19 Ill. Reg. 5137, effective March 17, 1995, for a maximum of 150 days; amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 6530, effective May 1, 1995; amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 11813, effective August 4, 1995; amended at 20 Ill. Reg. 6255, effective April 17, 1996; amended at 20 Ill. Reg. 15290, effective November 18, 1996; amended at 22 Ill. Reg. 22233, effective December 8, 1998; emergency amendment at 24 Ill. Reg. 6111, effective March 21, 2000, for a maximum of 150 days; amended at 24 Ill. Reg. 12985, effective August 14, 2000; amended at 25 Ill. Reg. 8159, effective June 21, 2001; amended at 25 Ill. Reg. 16073, effective November 28, 2001; amended at 26 Ill. Reg. 1157, effective January 16, 2002; amended at 26 Ill. Reg. 16160, effective October 21, 2002; amended at 28 Ill. Reg. 8486, effective June 1, 2004; emergency amendment at 28 Ill. Reg. 13637, effective September 27, 2004, for a maximum of 150 days; amended at 29 Ill. Reg. 1891, effective January 24, 2005; amended at 29 Ill. Reg. 11811, effective July 13, 2005; amended at 29 Ill. Reg. 12351, effective

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NOTICE OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT July 28, 2005; amended at 29 Ill. Reg. 15789, effective October 3, 2005; amended at 29 Ill. Reg. 19891, effective November 23, 2005; amended at 30 Ill. Reg. 8480, effective April 21, 2006; amended at 30 Ill. Reg. 16338, effective September 26, 2006; amended at 30 Ill. Reg. 17416, effective October 23, 2006; amended at 31 Ill. Reg. 5116, effective March 16, 2007; amended at 31 Ill. Reg. 7135, effective April 25, 2007; amended at 31 Ill. Reg. 9897, effective June 26, 2007; amended at 32 Ill. Reg. 10229, effective June 30, 2008; amended at 33 Ill. Reg. 5448, effective March 24, 2009; amended at 33 Ill. Reg. 15193, effective October 20, 2009; amended at 34 Ill. Reg. 2959, effective February 18, 2010; emergency amendment at 34 Ill. Reg. 9533, effective June 24, 2010, for a maximum of 150 days; amended at 34 Ill. Reg. 17411, effective October 28, 2010; amended at 35 Ill. Reg. 1056, effective January 3, 2011; amended at 35 Ill. Reg. 2230, effective January 20, 2011; amended at 35 Ill. Reg. 12328, effective July 6, 2011; amended at 35 Ill. Reg. 16743, effective September 29, 2011; amended at 36 Ill. Reg. 5580, effective March 20, 2012; amended at 36 Ill. Reg. 8303, effective May 21, 2012; amended at 38 Ill. Reg. 6127, effective February 27, 2014; amended at 38 Ill. Reg. 11203, effective May 6, 2014; amended at 39 Ill. Reg. 2773, effective February 9, 2015; emergency amendment at 39 Ill. Reg. 12369, effective August 20, 2015, for a maximum of 150 days; amended at 39 Ill. Reg. 13411, effective September 24, 2015; amended at 40 Ill. Reg. 1900, effective January 6, 2016; amended at 40 Ill. Reg. 2990, effective January 27, 2016; amended at 40 Ill. Reg. 4929, effective March 2, 2016; amended at 40 Ill. Reg. 12276, effective August 9, 2016; emergency amendment at 40 Ill. Reg. 15957, effective November 18, 2016, for a maximum of 150 days; amended at 41 Ill. Reg. 126, effective December 27, 2016; amended at 41 Ill. Reg. 4430, effective April 5, 2017; amended at 41 Ill. Reg. 6924, effective June 2, 2017; emergency amendment at 41 Ill. Reg. 8932, effective June 28, 2017, for a maximum of 150 days; amended at 41 Ill. Reg. 14044, effective November 3, 2017; amended at 42 Ill. Reg. 11512, effective June 8, 2018; amended at 43 Ill. Reg. 3792, effective February 28, 2019; amended at 43 Ill. Reg. 10213, effective August 30, 2019; amended at 43 Ill. Reg. 10718, effective September 11, 2019; amended at 43 Ill. Reg. 13324, effective October 29, 2019; emergency amendment at 43 Ill. Reg. 14305, effective November 20, 2019, for a maximum of 150 days; emergency amendment to emergency rule at 43 Ill. Reg. 14941, effective December 4, 2019, for the remainder of the 150 days; amended at 44 Ill. Reg. 1929, effective January 13, 2020; amended at 44 Ill. Reg.______, effective _______.

SUBPART A: RECOGNITION REQUIREMENTS Section 1.97 Survey of Learning Conditions In accordance with Section 2-3.153 of the School Code [105 ILCS 5/2-3.153], each school district shall administer a climate survey, identified and paid for by the State Board of Education, to provide feedback from, at a minimum, students in grades 4 through 12 and teachers on the instructional environment within a school. Each school district shall annually administer the climate survey in every public school attendance center by a date specified by the State Superintendent of Education, and data resulting from the instrument's administration must

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1.App.H be provided to the State Board of Education. The survey component that requires completion by teachers must be administered during teacher meetings or professional development days or at other times that would not interfere with the teachers' regular duties or classroom instructional duties. The State Superintendent shall publicly report on the survey indicators of learning conditions resulting from administration of the instrument at the individual school, district, and State levels and shall identify whether the indicators result from an anonymous administration of the instrument. administer, at least biennially, a survey instrument in every public school attendance center by a date specified by the State Superintendent of Education, and data resulting from the instrument's administration must be provided to the State Board of Education. The purpose of the survey is to publicly report on selected indicators of learning conditions in Illinois schools. The State Superintendent of Education shall identify the survey to be used for statewide administration according to the requirements set forth in Section 2-3.153 of the School Code. A regional-based program, special education cooperative, district-based alternative site or program, community-based early childhood center or program, State-authorized laboratory school, or any other site or program deemed appropriate and applicable by the State Board of Education may, but is not required to, participate in the survey established under this Section.

a) Each school with students in any of grades 4 6 through 12 shall administer the a survey to teachers and students in those grade levels no sooner than 100 days from the start of the school year and no January 1 nor later than March 31, according to the schedule established under subsection (b). The State Superintendent of Education shall annually identify the survey to be used and post the specific dates of the survey's administration by July September 1 annually at The Survey administration window may not last longer than 75 days or fewer than 14 days. For the purposes of this Section:

1) "Teacher" means any individual who holds an educator license issued

pursuant to Article 21B of the School Code [105 ILCS 5/Art. 21B] and whose primary responsibility is to provide instruction to students at any grade level of prekindergarten through grade 12 for more than 50 percent of the school day or school year. "Teacher" does not include paraprofessional educators, substitute teachers, tutors, instructional coaches who do not meet the criteria specified in this subsection (a)(1), or student teachers.

2) "School" includes any alternative school established by the school district,

including Alternative Learning Opportunity Programs authorized under Article 13B of the School Code [105 ILCS 5/Art. 13B] operated at a location other than one of the district's schools.

b) The State Superintendent shall identify the school districts required to administer

the survey in any given year to ensure that none is required to participate more

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than once every other year; however, school districts may choose to administer the survey annually.

b)c) A school district shall not require a student or teacher to participate in the survey

nor respond to each question on the survey; however, at least 50 percent of the teachers in a school must submit a survey in order for the school district to receive results.

c) The climate survey’s ethical code of conduct may be found at

d) Schools with fewer than eight teachers shall administer the survey to their student

population only.

e) Survey results shall be used to meet the requirements of Section 10-17a(2)(E) of the School Code [105 ILCS 5/10-17a(2)(E)] regarding reporting, on the State and district school report cards, 2 or more indicators from any school climate survey. School districts using a survey instrument identified under subsection (g), or those districts choosing to survey parents, shall submit the results to the State Superintendent of Education no later than May August 1 for inclusion on the school report cards.

f) For purposes of Section 24A-20 of the School Code, the survey required under

Section 2-3.153 of the School Code and this Section shall be the instrument to be used to provide feedback to principals on the instructional environment within a school (Section 24A-20 of the School Code). A school district may incorporate results from the survey into the principal evaluation rubric or instrument required under 23 Ill. Adm. Code 50.320 (Professional Practice Components for Principals and Assistant Principals).

g) A school district may elect to use, on a district-wide basis and at the school

district's sole cost and expense, an alternate survey of learning conditions instrument pre-approved by the State Superintendent. (Section 2-3.153(b) of the School Code)

1) The State Superintendent shall post annually the survey instruments

authorized under this subsection (g) no later than July 1 at

2) Any school district wishing to use a survey instrument authorized under

this subsection (g) shall annually submit a form developed for this purpose and posted at to the State Superintendent no later than September 15 August 1. The form shall state,

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at a minimum, the requirements for and conditions of administering a survey instrument authorized under this subsection (g) that are stipulated at Section 2-3.153(b) of the School Code. A school district approved under this subsection (g)(2) to administer an alternate survey must submit to the State Board of Education the appropriate survey data no later than May 31. The data submitted by the school district will be used to meet the requirements of subsection (f) and for calculating a summative designation for school accountability.

3) A school district's failure to annually submit the form required under

subsection (g)(2) shall result in the district's being required to use the survey identified for statewide administration and posted at

h) If in any year the appropriation to the State Board of Education is insufficient for

the State's costs associated with statewide administration of the instrument, the State Board of Education shall give priority to districts with low-performing schools and a representative sample of other districts. (Section 2-3.153 of the School Code) For the purposes of this subsection (h), "low-performing schools" are those school districts that meet the criteria set forth at Section 2-3.25d-5 of the School Code. The State Superintendent of Education shall identify additional school districts for purposes of administering the survey based upon factors such as demographics, economics and geographic location.

1) Not later than July 1, the State Superintendent of Education shall notify

each low-performing school and each other school district selected as part of the "representative sample" of the requirement to administer the survey.

2) Within 15 calendar days after receiving the notification required under

subsection (h)(1), a school district selected as part of the representative sample may petition the State Superintendent to be excused from the survey administration. The written petition shall state the reasons why the school district believes it lacks the capacity to administer the survey. The State Superintendent shall notify the school district of his or her acceptance or rejection of the petition no later than 15 calendar days after it is received.

(Source: Amended at 44 Ill. Reg. ______, effective ______)

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TO: Illinois State Board of Education FROM: Dr. Carmen I. Ayala, State Superintendent of Education Irma Snopek, Policy and Communications Officer Agenda Topic: Legislative Update Expected Outcome: For the Board to be informed regarding the agency’s legislative response

to the global pandemic. Materials: ISBE Legislative Priorities Staff Contact(s): Amanda Elliott, Executive Director, Legislative Affairs Azita Kakvand, Rules Coordinator Hector Rodriguez, Director, Government Relations Purpose of Agenda Item The purpose of this agenda item is for the Board to be informed about the agency’s legislative priorities relative to the COVID-19 pandemic and rulemaking associated with the response to it. Background Information Prior committee and floor deadlines for the spring legislative session have been postponed due to the Governor’s “stay-at-home” order. The agency is expecting that there will be a short time frame and that limitations may be placed on the type of legislation that can advance, so it is prioritizing items pertaining to the effects the order has had and will have on schools and districts. It is unknown at this time if, when, and how the General Assembly will reconvene.

Legislative Priorities Relative to COVID-19 Some of these issues have been addressed via executive orders (indicated below), but ISBE believes legislative changes are important to ensure relief extends beyond the duration of executive orders and emergency rules. ISBE’s top legislative priorities relative to COVID-19 are below. Additional changes may also be requested.

• Remote Learning Days -- Executive Order 2020-15 created Remote Learning Days and Remote Learning Planning Days. Part 5 emergency rules were subsequently filed. Remote Learning and Remote Learning Planning Days are to be used when a Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamation has been issued or when any other exigent circumstance exists. The legislative change we are seeking would give ISBE the authority to create and declare these days beyond the duration of the current disaster declaration.

• Educator Licensure -- Executive Order 2020-31 addresses educator renewal, initial licensure, and subsequent endorsement requirements. Part 25 emergency rules were subsequently filed. The legislative change we are seeking would enable ISBE to waive licensure requirements beyond the duration of the current disaster declaration.

• Graduation and Coursework Requirements -- Executive Order 2020-31 addresses graduation and coursework requirements. Part 1 emergency rules were subsequently filed. The legislative change we are seeking would enable ISBE and school districts to waive graduation and coursework requirements beyond the duration of the current disaster declaration, so no student is harmed by the suspension of in-person instruction.

Emergency Rulemaking Relative to COVID-19 ISBE has filed emergency rules listed below. Agency staff are also drafting companion permanent rules for each emergency rule that has been filed in the event the changes are needed beyond the duration of the emergency rules (150 days from filing).

• Emergency Amendment to Part 1, filed April 27, 2020, waives certain graduation requirements for students who are in 12th grade during the mandated in-person instruction pursuant to Executive Order 2020-05 and for the duration of the Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamations.

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• Emergency Amendment to Part 25, filed April 27, 2020, takes various measures for those seeking

an educator license for the duration of the mandated in-person instruction and the Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamations, including extending the validity of a Professional Educator License (PEL) that expires on June 30, 2020, giving short-term approval for school support personnel and paraprofessionals, and waiving student teaching for applicants who have completed all other preparation program requirement for a PEL.

• Emergency Amendment to Part 120, filed March 30, 2020, requires all transportation costs incurred between March 17, 2020, and the end of the 2019-2020 school year that are beyond transporting students to be allowable and reimbursed by the formula under Section 29-5 of the School Code. An emergency amendment was filed on April 9, 2020, to ensure that contracts related to the provision of transportation or a transportation provider under a written agreement, regardless of any service that may be provided, are allowable and reimbursed.

• Emergency Amendment to Part 5, filed March 27, 2020, allows the State Superintendent to declare a requirement to use Remote Learning Days for a district, multiple districts, a region, or the entire state. Schools must conduct instruction remotely during the Remote Learning Days.

• Emergency Amendment to Part 235, filed on March 27, 2020, allows currently funded Early Childhood Block Grant programs that voluntarily choose to provide care for children of essential workers to use funds in excess of what is necessary for the program to provide at-home materials for children in the program and to purchase supplies and equipment while caring for children of essential workers.

• Emergency Amendment to Part 226, filed March 25, 2020, allows all approved special education private facilities to continue to invoice school districts and requires school districts to continue to pay the per diem approved by the Illinois Purchased Care Review Board under Section 14-7.02 of the School Code. An emergency amendment filed on April 9, 2020, provides that school districts will be reimbursed for special education private facility tuition expenditures per the statutory formula under Section 14-7.02 of the School Code and also notes that school districts will be reimbursed for special education room-and-board expenditures under Part B of the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

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CARES Act and ISBE Response

ISBE Board MeetingMay 20, 2020

Equity ● Quality ● Collaboration ● Community

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Key Points for Informationand Discussion

• CARES Act• CARES Act for Illinois schools• ISBE response to CARES Act

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CARES Act• Signed into law March 27, 2020• Designed to provide states with funding to prevent, prepare

for, and respond to the coronavirus threat, including:

Equity ● Quality ● Collaboration ● Community

Education Stabilization Fund

Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund

Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief


Higher Education Emergency Relief


$569 million to ISBE$108 million

to IL Governor

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Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund: Summary

Governor applies for relief funds to provide support to:• LEAs and higher education institutions deemed by the SEA

and the Governor (respectively) to have been most significantly impacted by COVID– Funds distributed through grants– Designed to support entities’ ability to continue to provide

educational services to their students, and to support their ongoing functionality

• Any education-related entity (including LEAs) deemed essential by the Governor for carrying out emergency educational services

Estimated Illinois award: $108 million

Equity ● Quality ● Collaboration ● Community

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Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund: Summary

State applies for relief funds to provide support to LEAs through grants. Estimated Illinois award: $569 million.

Equity ● Quality ● Collaboration ● Community




SEA Administration

Emergency GrantsDetermined by SEA

Grants Based On Title IEligibility

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Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund: Allocations

• $512.5 million (90%) awarded directly to LEAs • Awarded per statute according to the proportion of total

Illinois Title I, Part A dollars that the LEA received. Ex. -– Rockford SD 205 received 2.3% of all the Title I, Part A dollars

distributed by ISBE for FY20– 2.3% of $512.5 million total = $11.7 million– Rockford is preliminarily estimated to receive $11.7 million

• Awarded to 847 LEAs: 836 school districts + 11 state-authorized charter schools– Not included: 15 school districts that did not receive a Title I

application because they did not meet the minimum threshold (at least 10 formula/poverty students, exceeding 2% of the LEA’s school-age population)

Equity ● Quality ● Collaboration ● Community

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Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund: Authorized Activities

LEAs receiving grant funds may use them for:

Equity ● Quality ● Collaboration ● Community

Any activity authorized in ESSA, IDEA, Perkins or McKinney-Vento

Coordination or preparedness and response with local units of government

Providing principals with resources to address the needs of their schools

Activities to address the unique needs of: • Low-income• English Learners• Racial and ethnic minorities

Training and professional development on and supplies for sanitation


Developing and implementing procedures for preparedness and response efforts

Summer and extended learning opportunities

Planning for and coordinating long-term closures including providing:• Meals• Technology• Guidance for carrying out IDEA• Consistent educational services

Mental health services and supports

“Other activities” necessary to maintain the operation of and continuity of services and continue to employ staff

• Homeless• Foster care youth

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Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund: Other Notes

• No indication of a “supplement not supplant” requirement for spending CARES funds

• LEAs must provide equitable services to students and teachers in non-public schools – Each LEA must conduct a timely and meaningful

consultation with private school officials– ISBE will calculate the non-public proportionate $

share• End date: Sept. 30, 2021

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Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund: ISBE Application

• Describes the process through which LEAs will apply for subgrants (totaling $512.5 million) from ISBE: – Rationale for most important educational needs, including intended

assessment of student learning gaps as a result of educational services disruption

– Proposed timeline for providing services and assistance – Intent to spend funds, including to promote remote learning– Alignment between proposed activities and allowable expenses– Proposed budget including expenditure code reporting– Data on the estimated number of jobs created and any subcontractors used

as a result of subgrant funding – Information on required non-public consultation– Federal and state assurances

• Describes that LEA subgrant applications will undergo ISBE programmatic and quality assurance reviews

Equity ● Quality ● Collaboration ● Community

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Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund: ISBE Application

• Describes that ISBE emergency grants will support:

• Describes that ISBE will reserve the final 0.5% ($2.8 million) for administration, including supports for the agency’s remote operation

Equity ● Quality ● Collaboration ● Community

Program Amount1. Virtual Coaching $6,500,0002. Devices (e.g., laptops and tablets) $32,952,7703. Connectivity $7,139,9074. Professional Development $6,454,9095. Funding for non-Title I eligible entities $1,051,800Total $54,099,386

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Other ISBE Actions in Response to CARES Act

• US Dept of Ed Approval received on May 14th• May 19th released CARES Act summaries to the field• Set up [email protected] for questions/concerns• Completed, published, and communicated preliminary

estimates for initial CARES funding distribution ($512 million)

• Modeled distributions to the 186 entities not eligible for Title I, included in application as “Funding for non-Title I eligible entities” – 186 entities include school districts, special education

cooperatives, ROEs, EFEs, area and regional career centersEquity ● Quality ● Collaboration ● Community

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TO: Illinois State Board of Education FROM: Dr. Carmen I. Ayala, State Superintendent of Education Dr. Ernesto Matias, Education Officer Irma Snopek, Policy and Communications Officer Agenda Topic: Part 226 (Special Education) Expected Outcome: Board will be informed of upcoming rulemaking Materials: Appendix A: Part 226 (Special Education) Proposed Rules Staff Contact(s): Heather Calomese, Executive Director, Programs Joanne Clyde, Director, Multilingual Amanda Elliott, Executive Director, Legislative Affairs Azita Kakvand, Agency Rules Coordinator, Legislative Affairs Purpose of Agenda Item This item is to inform the Board of upcoming rulemaking. Background Information/History This Part is being modified to align with the enactment of Public Act 101-0124, effective January 1, 2020. This PA requires the State Board to adopt rules to establish criteria, standards, and competencies for bilingual interpreters who attend Individual Education Program (IEP) meetings to assist a parent who has limited English proficiency. This rulemaking creates a “qualified interpreter” position for this purpose and sets the standards for what an individual must complete to be eligible as a qualified interpreter. Other cleanup changes are made as well. Current Status: Awaiting initial review. Analysis and Implications for Policy, Budget, Legislative Action, and Communications Policy Implications: Please see “Background Information/History” above. Budget Implications: ISBE has earmarked a total of $2.5 million in Individuals with Disabilities Education Act funds from fiscal years 2020-22 to pay for the development of the “qualified interpreter” certification process. Districts will be required to pay for a qualified interpreter for IEP meetings if they do not have a staff member who is able to fulfill that role on hand. Legislative Action: Bill sponsors will be notified of pending rulemaking. Communications: Upon approval, rule changes will be communicated with stakeholders and published in the Illinois Register and on the ISBE website. Pros and Cons of Various Actions Pros: The proposed changes incorporate agency policy and practices, as required under the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act (IAPA). Cons: Not proceeding with this rulemaking will cause the agency’s rules to conflict with the provisions of the IAPA, which requires that a standards and policies of state agencies be set forth in administrative rules. Next Steps Agency staff will ask the Board at one of its future meetings to approve publication of the proposed rules in the Illinois Register to elicit public comment.

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Section 226.10 Purpose 226.50 Requirements for a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) 226.60 Charter Schools 226.75 Definitions


Section 226.100 Child Find Responsibility 226.110 Evaluation Procedures 226.120 Reevaluations 226.125 Specific Learning Disability: Dyslexia 226.130 Additional Procedures for Students Suspected of or Having a Specific Learning

Disability 226.135 Additional Procedures for Students Suspected of or Having an Intellectual

Disability 226.140 Modes of Communication and Cultural Identification 226.150 Evaluation to be Nondiscriminatory 226.160 Medical Review 226.170 Criteria for Determining the Existence of a Specific Learning Disability

(Repealed) 226.180 Independent Educational Evaluation 226.190 Reevaluation (Repealed)


Section 226.200 General Requirements 226.210 IEP Team 226.220 Development, Review, and Revision of the IEP

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226.230 Content of the IEP 226.240 Determination of Placement 226.250 Child Aged Three Through Five 226.260 Child Reaching Age Three


Section 226.300 Continuum of Alternative Placement Options 226.310 Related Services 226.320 Service to Students Living in Residential Care Facilities 226.330 Placement by School District in State-Operated or Nonpublic Special Education

Facilities 226.340 Nonpublic Placements by Parents Where FAPE is at Issue 226.350 Service to Parentally-Placed Private School Students 226.360 Placement by School Districts in Remote Educational Programs


Section 226.400 Disciplinary Actions 226.410 Manifestation Determination Review (Repealed) 226.420 Appeals (Repealed) 226.430 Protection for Children Not Yet Eligible for Special Education (Repealed) 226.440 Referral to and Action by Law Enforcement and Judicial Authorities (Repealed)


Section 226.500 Language of Notifications 226.510 Notification of Parents' Rights 226.520 Notification of District's Proposal 226.530 Parents' Participation 226.540 Consent 226.550 Surrogate Parents 226.560 Mediation 226.570 State Complaint Procedures



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NOTICE OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS 226.600 Calculation of Timelines 226.605 Request for Hearing; Basis (Repealed) 226.610 Information to Parents Concerning Right to Hearing 226.615 Procedure for Request 226.620 Denial of Hearing Request (Repealed) 226.625 Rights of the Parties Related to Hearings 226.630 Qualifications, Training, and Service of Impartial Due Process Hearing Officers 226.635 Appointment, Recusal, and Substitution of Impartial Due Process Hearing

Officers 226.640 Scheduling the Hearing and Pre-Hearing Conference 226.645 Conducting the Pre-Hearing Conference 226.650 Child's Status During Due Process Hearing (Repealed) 226.655 Expedited Due Process Hearing 226.660 Powers and Duties of Hearing Officer 226.665 Record of Proceedings 226.670 Decision of Hearing Officer; Clarification 226.675 Monitoring and Enforcement of Decisions; Notice of Ineligibility for Funding 226.680 Reporting of Decisions (Repealed) 226.690 Transfer of Parental Rights


Section 226.700 General 226.710 Policies and Procedures 226.720 Facilities and Classes 226.730 Class Size for 2009-10 and Beyond 226.731 Class Size Provisions for 2007-08 and 2008-09 (Repealed) 226.735 Work Load for Special Educators 226.740 Records; Confidentiality 226.750 Additional Services 226.760 Evaluation of Special Education 226.770 Fiscal Provisions 226.780 Procedures for Withdrawal Hearings before the Regional Board of School



Section 226.800 Personnel Required to be Qualified 226.810 Special Education Teaching Approval

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NOTICE OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS 226.820 Authorization for Assignment 226.830 List of Independent Evaluators 226.840 Qualifications of Evaluators 226.850 List of Qualified Workers 226.860 List of Other Employees Qualifying for Reimbursement AUTHORITY: Implementing Article 14 and authorized by Section 2-3.6 of the School Code [105 ILCS 5/Art.14 and 2-3.6]. SOURCE: Adopted August 12, 1976; rules repealed and new emergency rules adopted at 2 Ill. Reg. 37, p. 29, effective September 1, 1978, for a maximum of 150 days; rules repealed and new rules adopted at 3 Ill. Reg. 5, p. 932, effective February 1, 1979; emergency amendment at 4 Ill. Reg. 38, p. 328, effective September 15, 1980, for a maximum of 150 days; amended at 5 Ill. Reg. 8021, effective July 22, 1981; amended at 6 Ill. Reg. 558, effective December 23, 1981; emergency amendment at 7 Ill. Reg. 6511, effective May 6, 1983, for a maximum of 150 days; emergency amendment at 7 Ill. Reg. 8949, effective July 15, 1983, for a maximum of 150 days; codified at 8 Ill. Reg. 6669; amended at 8 Ill. Reg. 7617, effective May 17, 1984; emergency amendment at 10 Ill. Reg. 3292, effective January 27, 1986, for a maximum of 150 days; emergency expired June 24, 1986; amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 18743, effective October 22, 1986; amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 19411, effective October 31, 1986; amended at 13 Ill. Reg. 15388, effective September 14, 1989; emergency amendment at 14 Ill. Reg. 11364, effective June 26, 1990, for a maximum of 150 days; emergency expired November 23, 1990; amended at 15 Ill. Reg. 40, effective December 24, 1990; amended at 16 Ill. Reg. 12868, effective August 10, 1992; emergency amendment at 17 Ill. Reg. 13622, effective August 3, 1993, for a maximum of 150 days; emergency expired December 31, 1993; amended at 18 Ill. Reg. 1930, effective January 24, 1994; amended at 18 Ill. Reg. 4685, effective March 11, 1994; amended at 18 Ill. Reg. 16318, effective October 25, 1994; amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 7207, effective May 10, 1995; amended at 20 Ill. Reg. 10908, effective August 5, 1996; amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 7655, effective July 1, 1997; Part repealed, new Part adopted at 24 Ill. Reg. 13884, effective August 25, 2000; amended at 27 Ill. Reg. 8126, effective April 28, 2003; amended at 31 Ill. Reg. 9915, effective June 28, 2007; amended at 32 Ill. Reg. 4828, effective March 21, 2008; amended at 34 Ill. Reg. 17433, effective October 28, 2010; amended at 35 Ill. Reg. 8836, effective May 26, 2011; peremptory amendment, pursuant to PA 97-461, at 35 Ill. Reg. 14836, effective August 22, 2011; amended at 36 Ill. Reg. 12648, effective July 18, 2012; amended at 36 Ill. Reg. 12870, effective July 24, 2012; amended at 37 Ill. Reg. 16788, effective October 2, 2013; amended at 40 Ill. Reg. 2220, effective January 13, 2016; amended at 44 Ill. Reg. ________, effective _______.

SUBPART A: GENERAL Section 226.75 Definitions

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Assistive Technology Device: See 34 CFR 300.5.

“Behavioral intervention” means an Intervention: An intervention based on the methods and empirical findings of behavioral science and that is designed to positively influence a child's actions or behaviors positively. “Business day” means Monday through Friday, except for federal and State holidays. “Day” means a calendar day.

Case Study Evaluation: See "Evaluation".

Day; Business Day; School Day: See 34 CFR 300.11.

Developmental Delay: See 34 CFR 300.8 and 300.111(b). Delay in physical development, cognitive development, communication development, social or emotional development, or adaptive development (may include children from three through nine years of age).

“Disability” means the 13 disabilities identified in the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Disability: IDEA identifies 13 disabilities as the basis for students' eligibility for special education and related services. These disabilities (autism, deaf-blindness, deafness, emotional disability, hearing impairment, intellectual disability, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment, specific learning disability, speech or language impairment, traumatic brain injury, and visual impairment) shall be defined as set forth in 34 CFR 300.8(c). In addition, for purposes of this Part, "autism" shall include, but not be limited to, any Autism Spectrum Disorder that adversely affects a child's educational performance.

“Domain” means an Domain: An aspect of a child's functioning or performance that must be considered in the course of designing an evaluation. The domains are health, vision, hearing, social and emotional status, general intelligence, academic performance, communication status, and motor abilities.

“Equipment” has the meaning given to that term under Equipment (a programmatic definition, not intended to coincide with the definition of "equipment" given in the Requirements for Accounting, Budgeting, Financial Reporting, and Auditing at 23 Ill. Adm. Code 100.20): See 34 CFR 300.14.

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“Evaluation” has the meaning given to that term under Evaluation: See 34 CFR 300.15.

“Extended school year services” has the meaning given to that term under Extended School Year Services: See 34 CFR 300.106(b).

“Functional behavioral assessment” means an Behavioral Assessment: An assessment process for gathering information regarding the target behavior, its antecedents and consequences, controlling variables, the student's strengths, and the communicative and functional intent of the behavior, for use in developing behavioral interventions.

“General curriculum” means the Curriculum: The curriculum adopted and/or used by a local school district or by the schools within a district for nondisabled students; the content of the program, as opposed to the setting in which it is offered.

“Individualized education program team” or “IEP team” has the meaning given to that term under IEP Team: See 34 CFR 300.23.

“Independent educational evaluation” has the meaning given to that term under Educational Evaluation: See 34 CFR 300.502(a)(3)(i).

“Individualized education program Education Program or IEP” has the meaning given to that term under: See 34 CFR 300.22. An IEP shall be considered "linguistically and culturally appropriate" if it addresses the language and communication needs of a student as a foundation for learning, as well as any cultural factors that may affect the student's education.

Individualized Family Service Plan or IFSP: See 34 CFR 300.24. “Interpreter” means a person fluent in English and in the necessary language of the parent and who can accurately speak, read, and readily interpret the necessary second language, or a person who can accurately sign and read sign language. “Interpretation services” means the verbal interpretation of English into another language and of the other language into English. “Interpretation services” may also include sight translations of written text into spoken word.

Least Restrictive Environment (LRE): See 34 CFR 300.114.

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“Limited English proficient” has the meaning given to that term under Proficient: See 34 CFR 300.27. “Native language” has the meaning given to that term under Language: See 34 CFR 300.29.

“Parent” has the meaning given to that term under: See 34 CFR 300.30. “Preferred language” means a parent’s or guardian’s native language or any other language with which the parent or guardian requests interpretation services. “Preferred language” does not include artificial or constructed languages, including, but not limited to, Klingon, Dothraki, Elvish, or Esperanto.

“Personally identifiable” has the meaning given to that term Identifiable (with reference to information): See 34 CFR 300.32.

“Qualified bilingual specialist” means an Bilingual Specialist: An individual who holds the qualifications described in Section 226.800(f). “Qualified interpreter” means a school staff member or other personnel who is:

i) bilingual and demonstrably qualified and competent to interpret;

ii) trained in providing the interpretations requested and sufficiently knowledgeable in both languages and of any specialized terminology needed; and

iii) trained in ethics of interpretation.

“Qualified personnel” means staff Personnel: Staff members or other individuals who hold the certificate, educator or professional license, registration, or credential that is required for the performance of a particular task.

“Qualified specialist” means an Specialist: An individual who holds the applicable qualifications described in Subpart I. “Related services” has the meaning given to that term under Services: See 34 CFR 300.34. “School Code” or “Code” means 105 ILCS 5.

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“School day” means any day, including a partial day, that children are in attendance at school for instructional purposes.

“School district” means a District: A public school district established under Article 10 or Article 34 of the School Code [105 ILCS 5/Art. 10 or 34] or a charter school established under Article 27A of the School Code [105 ILCS 5/Art. 27A].

“Special education” has the meaning given to that term under Education: See 34 CFR 300.39.

Student Record: See Section 2 of the Illinois School Student Records Act [105 ILCS 10/2] and 23 Ill. Adm. Code 375.10 (Student Records).

“Supplementary aids and services” has the meaning given to that term under Aids and Services: See 34 CFR 300.42.

“Transition services” has the meaning given to that term under Services: See 34 CFR 300.43.

(Source: Amended at 44 Ill. Reg. _______, effective _______)


Section 226.530 Parents' Participation With respect to parents' participation in meetings, school districts shall conform to the requirements of 34 CFR 300.322 and 300.501. For purposes of 34 CFR 300.322(a)(1), "notifying parents of the meeting early enough to ensure that they will have an opportunity to attend" means the district shall provide written notification no later than ten days prior to the proposed date of the meeting. In addition, the district shall take whatever action is necessary to facilitate the parent's understanding of and participation in the proceedings at a meeting, including arranging for and covering the expense of a qualified an interpreter, as described in Section 226.800(l), for parents whose native language is other than English or for an interpreter licensed pursuant to the Interpreter for the Deaf Licensure Act of 2007 [225 ILCS 443] for parents who are deaf.

(Source: Amended at 44 Ill. Reg. _______, effective ________)


Section 226.800 Personnel Required to be Qualified

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a) General 1) Each school district, or the special education cooperative of which it is a

member, shall employ sufficient professional personnel and personnel not holding Illinois educator licensure to deliver and supervise the full continuum of special education and related services needed by the eligible students who reside in the district or districts served by the cooperative. The number and types of personnel employed shall be based on students' need rather than administrative convenience.

2) Each school district or special education cooperative shall periodically

submit to the State Board of Education, on forms supplied by the State Board, the roster of the individuals who will be or are providing special education or related services. The State Board may request any additional documentation needed in order to verify that each individual holds the qualifications that are required for his or her assignments.

3) Reimbursement for personnel expenditures shall be made by the State

Board with respect to only those individuals who are qualified, pursuant to this Subpart I, to deliver services to students with IEPs [105 ILCS 5/14-1.10 and 14-13.01] and whose positions are listed either in Section 226.850 or 226.860 of this Part, or pursuant to 23 Ill. Adm. Code 25.48 (Short-Term Emergency Approval in Special Education) when applicable.

4) Each school district or special education cooperative shall develop and

implement a comprehensive personnel development program for all personnel involved with the education of children with disabilities.

b) Professional Instructional Personnel

Each individual employed in a professional instructional capacity shall: 1) hold a valid professional educator license endorsed for special preschool-

age 21 and meet the qualifications required for the teaching area pursuant to 23 Ill. Adm. Code 25.43; or

2) hold a valid professional educator license endorsed in another teaching

area and approval issued by the State Board of Education specific to the area of responsibility (see Section 226.810); or

3) be employed pursuant to an authorization for assignment issued to the

employing entity under Section 226.820; or

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4) hold short-term emergency approval issued pursuant to 23 Ill. Adm. Code 25.48.

c) An individual assigned as a career and technical coordinator shall be required to

hold approval for this position, which shall be granted provided that the individual submits an application demonstrating that he or she: 1) has two years' teaching experience; 2) holds a valid professional educator license with either a special preschool-

age 21 endorsement or a secondary endorsement; and 3) has completed at least 16 semester hours of college coursework, which

shall at least include each of the areas identified in subsections (c)(3)(A) through (D) and may include one or more of the areas identified in subsections (c)(3)(E) through (H): A) Survey of the exceptional child; B) Diagnosis of, and characteristics of the student with, all the

disabilities encompassed by the Learning Behavior Specialist I (LBS I) credential;

C) Adaptations or modifications of the general curriculum to meet the

needs of students with the disabilities encompassed by the LBS I credential;

D) Career and technical programming for students with disabilities; E) Methods appropriate for teaching children with all the disabilities

encompassed by the LBS I credential; F) Guidance and counseling; G) Educational and psychological diagnosis; H) Career and technical education.

d) An individual assigned as a teacher coordinator shall be required to hold approval

for this position, which shall be granted provided that the individual submits an application demonstrating that he or she: 1) holds a valid professional educator license with either a special preschool-

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age 21 endorsement for the disability area of assignment issued pursuant to 23 Ill. Adm. Code 25.43 or a secondary endorsement with special education approval in the applicable disability area issued pursuant to Section 226.810;

2) has completed a course in career and technical programming for students

with disabilities; and 3) has at least one year's work experience outside the field of education or

has completed at least one course in either guidance and counseling or career and technical education.

e) An individual assigned as a business manager's assistant shall hold a valid

professional educator license endorsed for chief school business official pursuant to 23 Ill. Adm. Code 25.345.

f) Qualified Bilingual Specialists

Professional staff otherwise qualified pursuant to this Section shall be considered "qualified bilingual specialists" if they submit the required application and meet the applicable requirements set forth in this subsection (f). 1) A holder of a valid professional educator license with a special preschool-

age 21 endorsement in the area of responsibility issued pursuant to 23 Ill. Adm. Code 25.43 shall successfully complete a language examination in the non-English language of instruction and shall have completed coursework covering: A) Psychological/educational assessment of students with disabilities

who have limited English proficiency; B) Theoretical foundations of bilingual education and English as a

second language, including the study of first and second language acquisition; and

C) Methods and materials for teaching students of limited English

proficiency or students with disabilities who have limited English proficiency.

2) A holder of a valid professional educator license with an early childhood,

elementary, secondary, or special preschool-age 21 endorsement who also holds special education approval in the area of responsibility (see Section 226.810) shall successfully complete a language examination in the non-English language of instruction and shall have completed the coursework

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listed in subsections (f)(1)(A), (B), and (C). 3) A holder of a valid professional educator license with an early childhood,

elementary, secondary, or special kindergarten-grade 12 or preschool-age 21 endorsement who also holds an endorsement to teach bilingual education or English as a second language shall have completed coursework covering: A) Methods for teaching in the special education area of assignment; B) Psychological/educational assessment of students with disabilities

who have limited English proficiency, or psychological diagnosis for children with all types of disabilities; and

C) Characteristics of students, or characteristics of students with

limited English proficiency specifically, in the special education area of assignment.

4) A holder of a valid educator license with stipulations endorsed for

transitional bilingual educator issued pursuant to 23 Ill. Adm. Code 25.90 and endorsed for the language of assignment shall have completed two years of successful teaching experience and have completed coursework covering: A) Survey of children with all types of disabilities; B) Assessment of the bilingual student, or psychological/educational

assessment of the student with disabilities who has limited English proficiency;

C) Theoretical foundations of bilingual education and English as a

second language, including the study of first and second language acquisition;

D) Methods for teaching in the special education area of assignment;

and E) Characteristics of students, or characteristics of students with

limited English proficiency specifically, in the special education area of assignment.

5) A holder of a valid professional educator license with a school support

personnel endorsement for school counselor, school social worker, school

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psychologist, or speech and language pathologist shall successfully complete an examination in the non-English language and shall have completed coursework in assessment of the bilingual student or psychological/educational assessment of the student with disabilities who has limited English proficiency.

g) Directors and Assistant Directors of Special Education

Each school district, or the special education cooperative of which it is a member, shall employ a full-time director of special education, who shall be the chief administrative officer of the special education programs and services of the district or cooperative entity. 1) Each director or assistant director of special education shall hold a valid

professional educator license endorsed for director of special education issued pursuant to 23 Ill. Adm. Code 25.365 and a master's degree, including 30 semester hours of coursework distributed among all the areas specified in 23 Ill. Adm. Code 25.365(b). Beginning July 1, 2005, directors and assistant directors of special education shall be subject to the requirements of 23 Ill. Adm. Code 29.140 (Director of Special Education).

2) Each school district or the special education cooperative of which it is a

member, shall submit to the State Board of Education a letter identifying the individual employed as the director of special education by his or her full name and Illinois Educator Identification Number. If the individual is qualified as required, the State Board shall confirm that the individual is the State-approved director of special education for the school district or special education cooperative.

h) Supervisors

1) Each school district or special education cooperative shall employ

sufficient supervisory personnel to provide consultation to and coordination of special education services.

2) Each individual performing a supervisory function shall hold one of the

following: A) a valid professional educator license with a special preschool-age

21 endorsement in the area to be supervised, and a supervisory endorsement issued pursuant to 23 Ill. Adm. Code 25.497, with two years' teaching experience in that area; or

B) a valid professional educator license with a school support

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personnel endorsement, and a supervisory endorsement issued, with two years' experience in the area to be supervised; or

C) a valid professional educator license with an administrative

endorsement issued under 23 Ill. Adm. Code 25.Subpart E and either a special preschool-age 21 endorsement for the area to be supervised or special education approval in that area.

i) Chief Administrator of Special School

The chief administrator of a special school shall hold a valid professional educator license with a general administrative, principal or director of special education endorsement issued pursuant to 23 Ill. Adm. Code 25.335, 25.337, or 25.365 and either: 1) an endorsement or approval that is specific to at least one of the

disabilities prevalent in the students served by the school, if the school serves students who are deaf or hard of hearing, blind or visually impaired, or speech- and language-impaired; or

2) an endorsement as Learning Behavior Specialist I that either is unlimited

or specific to one of the disabilities prevalent in the students served by the school (see 23 Ill. Adm. Code 25.46); or

3) approval as an LBS I issued by the State Board of Education pursuant to

Section 226.810 and 23 Ill. Adm. Code 25.47 (Special Provisions for the Learning Behavior Specialist I Approval) that either is unlimited or specific to one of the disabilities prevalent in the students served by the school.

j) Other Professional Personnel

Each individual employed in a professional capacity not specified in subsections (a) through (i) shall, as appropriate to his or her assignment, hold: 1) a valid professional educator license endorsed for school support

personnel appropriate to the area of responsibility (see 23 Ill. Adm. Code 25, Subpart D); or

2) a valid professional license or permission to practice, if the individual's

profession is governed by such a requirement and either no educational credential in the same or a related field is issued by the State Board of Education (e.g., for a physical therapist) or the School Code permits the individual to perform the functions assigned; or

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3) a credential, regardless of title, issued by a professional association or organization in the relevant field, when no educational credential in the same or a related field is issued by the State Board of Education and no license or permission to practice is required by the State (e.g., for a music therapist or a daily living skills specialist). Evidence of the individual's credential shall be kept on file by the school district or special education cooperative and presented to the State Board of Education upon request.

k) Personnel Not Holding Educator Licensure

1) Each professional individual not holding educator licensure issued under

Article 21B of the School Code [105 ILCS 5/Art. 21B] employed in a special education class, program, or service, and each individual providing assistance at a work site, shall function under the general direction of a professional staff member.

2) Each program assistant or aide, whether providing instructional or

noninstructional services, as well as each nonemployee providing any service in the context of special education, shall function under the direct supervision of a professional staff member.

A) Nothing in this subsection (k) authorizes individual student aides

or others who do not hold an appropriate professional license to perform any nursing activity, as nursing activity may be defined in the Nurse Practice Act [225 ILCS 65] and rules governing that Act (68 Ill. Adm. Code 1300), including any procedures and duties requiring a medical order (e.g., tube feedings, catheterizations, administration of medications, tracheal suctioning, tube insertions, blood draws, dressing changes), except as may be otherwise authorized under State law.

B) The provisions of this subsection (k) do not apply to

paraprofessional educators licensed under Section 21B-20 of the School Code [105 ILCS 5/21B-20] nor to educational interpreters approved pursuant to 23 Ill. Adm. Code 25.550 (Approval of Educational Interpreters).

3) Each school district shall provide training experiences appropriate to the

nature of their responsibilities to the individuals discussed in subsections (k)(1) and (2). Training shall be in lieu of the requirements for personnel not holding educator licensure set forth in 23 Ill. Adm. Code 1, Subpart F.

l) Qualified Interpreters

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1) A qualified interpreter must:

A) Be at least 18 years of age and not a current high school student.

B) Be legally eligible to work in the United States.

C) Pass a criminal background check.

D) Demonstrate proficiency in English and the target language by passing State-approved language proficiency tests. A State-approved language proficiency test may include the following domains: listening, speaking, and reading (if the language exists in written form). An individual is exempt from the testing requirements under this paragraph if he or she meets any of the following:

i) For an English language proficiency test exemption, the

individual possesses a post-secondary degree in which the official language of instruction, as documented, is English.

ii) For a target language proficiency test exemption, the individual:

• possesses a post-secondary degree in which the

official language of instruction, as documented, is the target language;

• possesses the State Seal of Biliteracy with a minimum score of Advanced Low in the target language;

• receives a score of 4 or higher on the AP language

test in the target language;

• currently possesses or used to possess an educator license with stipulations endorsed for transitional bilingual educator or a professional educator license endorsed in LBSII/Bilingual Special Education Specialist; or

• currently possesses an Administrative Office of the

Illinois Courts Court Interpreter Certification, a Certified Medical Interpreter Certification, or an

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Advanced Proficiency Level Interpreter License under 68 Ill. Adm. Code 1515, and the individual has completed additional coursework on special education terminology, as referenced in subparagraph (E).

In an instance of a target language for which an exam does not yet exist, a reliable alternative assessment or documentation of proficiency in that language shall be established by the State Board if it is not be feasible for the State Board to otherwise offer a test in that language within a reasonable amount of time.

E) Complete at least three hours of training on special education terminology and protocol.

F) Complete at least nine hours of training on interpreting in and out

of English, interpretation standards of practice, ethics, and confidentiality, the role of the interpreter and role boundaries, respect, impartiality, professionalism, cultural awareness, and advocacy for communication and cultural needs. This training must include videos demonstrating proper and improper interpretation techniques.

G) After completing the required training, successfully complete with

a score of 80% or higher a written examination to demonstrate knowledge of special education terminology and protocol, interpretation standards and techniques, and interpretation ethics, and successfully complete an oral examination with a score of 70% or higher to demonstrate proficiency to interpret in and out of English, through consecutive or simultaneous interpreting, and sight translation.

2) To maintain the designation of “Qualified Interpreter”, an individual must,

at least once every two years, participate in at least six hours of ongoing professional development related to interpretation in the following categories:

A) Confidentiality.

B) Accuracy.

C) Impartiality.

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D) Interpreter ethics and professionalism.

E) Cultural awareness.

F) Special Education processes.

G) Special Education vocabulary.

H) Language acquisition.

(Source: Amended at 44 Ill. Reg. _________, effective _________)

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To: Illinois State Board of Education From: Dr. Carmen I. Ayala, State Superintendent of Education Dr. Ernesto Matias, Chief Education Officer Agenda Topic: Approval of Learning Technology Center Intergovernmental Agreement

Renewal Expected Outcome: This is discussion item; no action will occur at the May 2020 Board meeting Materials: None Staff Contact(s): Dr. Jennifer Kirmes, Executive Director, Teaching and Learning Brandi Bruley, Director, Curriculum and Instruction Purpose of Agenda Item The Center for Teaching and Learning will request at the June 2020 Board meeting that the Board authorize the State Superintendent to enter into a renewal of the intergovernmental agreement (IGA) with Champaign and Ford Counties Regional Office of Education 9 (ROE 9) to administer the Learning Technology Center for fiscal year 2021 for an amount not to exceed $1.4 million. Background Information/History Learning Technology Hubs were established in 1996 as seven regional centers and charged with the mission of proactively supporting Illinois public schools by integrating technology and telecommunications in their School Improvement Plans; helping districts with long-range technology plans; and providing professional development in instructional technology, telecommunications, networking, and distance learning. Additionally, they were charged with helping districts remain current with technology by linking them with initiatives in higher education, libraries, museums, and business. They also helped districts expand their internet connectivity. The name of the hubs changed to Learning Technology Centers (LTCs) in 2001 and seven additional centers were added. The funding for the LTCs was decreased in FY 2014 and the number of centers was reduced to seven. The LTCs were reorganized in FY 2018 to provide services statewide. A statewide director and staff members were hired to fulfill the deliverables identified in the IGA. The FY 2018 reorganization resulted in the determination that four regional staff members are required to be within one of four areas identified using the criteria of the number of districts and square mileage. All other staff can be located anywhere in the state. Appendix A provides information on the Role, Location, Area(s) of Responsibility, and Duties of LTC staff. A website ( was created that provides resources to support all public K-12 districts, schools, and educators through technology initiatives, services, and professional learning opportunities that further seven focus areas:

1. Digital teaching, learning, and leadership 2. Network and technology infrastructure 3. Student data security and safety 4. Equity and access. 5. Data privacy and security 6. Purchasing 7. Community engagement

Administration of this grant by one ROE provides equitable distribution of technology support services statewide and ensures the most efficient operation. FY 2021 projects conducted by the LTC include:

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Regional and Onsite Professional Learning – The LTC is a state leader offering in-person and online professional learning. Professional learning opportunities are frequently provided in partnership with ROEs/Intermediate Service Centers and school districts. The primary target audience is educators, administrators, instructional technology coaches, and IT staff. Illinois School District Technology Survey – A survey was sent to school districts statewide to provide a snapshot of each school district and program in regard to integrating instructional technology and the infrastructure required to support it. More than 350 school districts responded. The data was used to drive planning on how the LTC can best support districts based on needs identified from the survey data. Leadership in Personalized and Digital Learning – Leadership in Personalized and Digital Learning is a capacity-building program designed to meet the professional learning needs of principals and district leaders as they transition to personalized and digital learning. District leaders are engaged in real-world, value-added activities that are part of a proven cycle of capacity building for their students, teachers, and communities — activities that are essential to the school’s transformation. Webinar Series – The LTC facilitates weekly webinars by partnering with local, state, and national experts. Topics focus on technology integration, data security, networks, and technology infrastructure. Presenter Bureau – The LTC developed a directory of local, state, and national speakers to provide school districts and educational service agencies with high-quality, experienced presenters to deliver professional learning activities in a variety of ed tech topics and formats. Networking Meetings –There were 36 regional networking meetings for technology staff and instructional technology coaches delivered throughout Illinois in FY 2019. Forty-eight regional networking meetings have occurred or are currently planned for the remainder of FY 2020. Technology Consulting and Assistance – The LTC provides district-level IT consulting and assistance to support districts’ network operating systems; technical processes; solutions; and management, including software, web services, data security, and statewide technology initiatives (e.g., online assessments, etc.). As of February, the LTC has completed 83 requests for technical assistance or consulting. Digital Learning Consultation and Assistance – The LTC consults with school districts as they plan, adopt, and evaluate innovative uses of technology within the classroom. . Examples include supporting 1:1 implementations (i.e., each child receives a tablet or laptop); consulting with staff developers to identify needs, develop long-term plans, and implement meaningful staff professional development; working with administrators to understand the role and evaluation of technology in student learning; and developing or sharing research-based resources on policies and laws, technology frameworks, online and blended learning, digital citizenship, emerging technologies, and instructional technology coaching. Data Privacy and Cyber Security – The LTC provides support, guidance, and resource identification related to data security and practices. This includes hosting the securED conference, a two-day event attended by approximately 350 people that examines the legal and technical requirements and strategies for protecting student data and preventing cybersecurity incidents. Student Data Privacy Consortium – The Student Data Privacy Consortium (SDPC) is a nationwide consortium with 25-plus State Alliance member organizations as well as individual entities that develop tools and resources to protect student information. The SDPC’s vision is to develop common activities, artifacts, templates, tools, and effective practices that can be leveraged through a unique collaborative of end users and marketplace providers working together. LTC Illinois is an Alliance member. This information is shared with districts through in-person meetings, online forums, regional workshops, direct emails, and their website. E-Rate Access and Funding Support – The LTC works with districts to obtain access to broadband connectivity to devices, resources, and funding. A large portion of the assistance focuses on E-rate consultation, training, and advocacy. The LTC facilitates two dozen workshops through the fall and the

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spring throughout the state to advise districts on the application process, review of vendor proposals, and the choosing of these vendors in compliance with the E-rate rules. Illinois Learning Technology Purchase Program – The Illinois Learning Technology Purchase Program (ILTPP) is a statewide cooperative of Illinois K-12 educational entities that increases the buying power and expertise to procure technology products and services at better prices than is available to an individual organization. LTC Online Community – The LTC facilitates an online community open to all educators, coaches, administrators, technology staff, and educational leaders. At least one representative from 812 school districts are part of the online professional learning community. Participants discuss educational technology issues, share resources, and identify solutions on topics, such as research-based strategies for teaching with technology; create digital formative and summative assessments integrate technology standards into the curriculum; work with parents and community partners to discuss the role of technology in student learning; develop e-learning plans for inclement weather; and collaborate on technology-rich educational opportunities that encourage student creation, digital citizenship, computational thinking, communication, and collaboration. Current Status: Active IGA Relevant Data: FY20 Events by Type

Type of Events Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4* Type Total Regional Workshops 41 46 57 65 209 Networking Meetings 3 20 34 17 74 Statewide Conferences 1 1 7 3 12 Webinars 3 11 13 16 43 Online Courses 4 10 4 10 28 Administrator Academies 2 0 2 2 6 Sessions at Conferences 2 23 10 0 35 Onsite/Virtual District PD 20 5 11 7 43 Total 76 116 138 120 450

* Anticipated events in Q4 based on current plans/agreements. FY20 Events by District Demographic of Attendees

White 579,597 Black or African American 243,831 Asian 66,653 Hispanic or Latino 350,682 American Indian 3,285 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 1,478 Two or More Races 48,104 TOTAL 1,293,630

Financial Background It is expected that $1.4 million will be released via an IGA to facilitate distribution of services statewide by the LTC beginning on July 1, 2021. There is no federal funding for this program. The financial background of this contract/grant is illustrated in the table below:

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Current Contract State Funding

Current Contract Federal Funding

Requested Additional State Funding

Requested Additional Federal Funding

Total Contract per Fiscal Year

FY18 $579,333 $ 579,333 FY19 $1,283,682 $1,283,682 FY20 $1,400,000 $1,400,000 FY21

$1,400,000 $1,400,000

Total $4,633,015

Business Enterprise Program (BEP) The IGA is exempt from the agency BEP goal. Analysis and Implications for Policy, Budget, Legislative Action, and Communications Policy Implications: Approval of the IGA renewal will allow the LTC to continue to provide technology services (both instructional technology and technology support) to schools, teachers, and administrators throughout Illinois Budget Implications: State funding sources contingent upon FY 2021 appropriation. Legislative Action: None. Communication: None. Pros and Cons of Various Actions Pros: Approval of the IGA with ROE 9 will enable LTC services to be delivered to schools throughout Illinois. Cons: The LTC works closely with district and regional staff and technology coordinators to support technology integration, infrastructure, and online assessment administration. Without LTC, districts would be responsible to develop their own educational technology professional learning experiences. Also, districts would have to pay for E-rate consulting services. Board Member(s) Who Will Abstain: Jane Quinlan

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Appendix A:

Role ROE Office Location

Area of Responsibility

Duties and Responsibilities

Director of the Learning Technology Center

ROE 9 – Champaign and Ford Counties

Statewide Leads the development, implementation, and support of the LTC program and staff, statewide educational technology initiatives, technology services, and professional learning experiences.

Establishes and fosters partnerships. Leads continuing improvement processes. Coordinates the Digital Learning Advisory


Regional Educational Technology Coordinator

DuPage ROE NE Illinois, including Chicago and its suburbs

• Facilitates in-person and online professional learning events regionally and statewide.

• Facilitates regional meetings for technology staff, technology coaches/specialists, and teachers.

• Provides consultation and support to districts and schools related to digital learning, technology integration, and technology infrastructure.

• Develops, identifies, and shares instructional materials, resources, and best practices.

Regional Educational Technology Coordinator

ROE 47 – Lee, Ogle, Whiteside Counties

NW Illinois, including Rockford and Quad Cities

• Facilitates in-person and online professional learning events regionally and statewide.

• Facilitates regional meetings for technology staff, technology coaches/specialists, and teachers.

• Provides consultation and support to districts and schools related to digital learning, technology integration, and technology infrastructure.

• Develops, identifies, and shares instructional materials, resources, and best practices.

Regional Educational Technology Coordinator

ROE 1 – Adams, Brown, Cass, Morgan, Pike, Scott Counties

Central Illinois, including Quincy, Springfield, Decatur

• Facilitates in-person and online professional learning events regionally and statewide.

• Facilitates regional meetings for technology staff, technology coaches/specialists, and teachers.

• Provides consultation and support to districts and schools related to digital learning, technology integration, and technology infrastructure.

• Develops, identifies, and shares instructional materials, resources, and best practices.

Regional Educational Technology Coordinator

ROE 41 – Madison County

Southern Illinois, including Metro East area, Carbondale, Marion, Mount Vernon

• Facilitates in-person and online professional learning events regionally and statewide.

• Facilitates regional meetings for technology staff, technology coaches/specialists, and teachers.

• Provides consultation and support to districts and schools related to digital learning, technology integration, and technology infrastructure.

• Develops, identifies, and shares instructional materials, resources, and best practices.

Digital Learning Coordinator

ROE 33 – Henderson, Knox, Mercer,

Statewide • Leads and develops events, programs, and resources in support of digital learning, digital citizenship, emerging technologies, instructional

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Warren Counties

issues and trends, technology Integration, and teacher practices.

• Coordinates all technology-related professional learning experiences. Identifies needs, develops and implements plans.

• Develops instructional materials and resources. • Coordinates Monthly Webinar Series. • Manages Speakers Bureau. • Manages Instructional Technology Coach


Network and Technology Coordinator

Roe 51 – Sangamon and Menard Counties

Statewide Develops and identifies services and resources to support districts’ network operating systems; technical processes; solutions; and management, including software, web services, data security; and statewide technology initiatives.

Provides technical consultation and support to districts and schools.

Leads and facilitates professional learning events related to technology and network services.

Facilitates Data Security Working Group. Manages Technology Coordinator Network.

Digital Access Coordinator

ROE 12 – Clay, Crawford, Jasper, Lawrence, and Richland Counties

Statewide Serves as state E-rate coordinator. Supports districts in obtaining foundational

access to broadband, equipment, systems, and infrastructure needed for digital learning.

Assist districts in identifying viable funding sources for short and long-term technology purchases.

Leads and facilitates professional learning events related to funding, access, and digital learning.

Manages E-Rate Consultant Network.

Online Learning Specialist

ROE 26 –Fulton, Hancock, McDonough, and Schuyler Counties

Statewide • Leads and develops courses, programs, and resources in support of online learning, remote learning, and e-learning.

• Manages online learning management system.

Project Manager

ROE 9 – Champaign and Ford Counties

Statewide Provide programmatic and operational support to LTC staff.

Manages internal data systems, processes, and audits.

Manages event registration system. Coordinates LTC website development. Manages LTC financial processes. Develops newsletter campaigns.

* ILTPP Program Manager

ROE 9 – Champaign and Ford Counties

Statewide Leads the development, implementation, evaluation, and support of the ILTPP program.

Leads the continuing improvement process for the program.

Lead and develop strategic business relationships with industry partners and external stakeholders, including school districts, nonprofit

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organizations, state agencies, ROEs, education associations, and postsecondary education institutions.

Negotiates contractual agreements with industry partners.

Provides support to districts and schools in the use of the program.

Facilitates the ILTPP Advisory Council.

* ILTPP Marketing Coordinator

ROE 9 – Champaign and Ford Counties

Statewide Executes the day-to-day delivery of email marketing campaigns, product literature, monthly newsletters, event materials, etc.

Plans and executes marketing initiatives to reach the target audience through appropriate channels.

Acts as liaison with external vendors to execute promotional events and campaigns.

Enters, maintains, and analyzes data to expand program effectiveness.

Maintains ILTPP website.

* ILTPP Cooperative Purchasing Coordinator

ROE 9 – Champaign and Ford Counties

Statewide Provides operational support for cooperative purchasing.

* Positions that are funded through Illinois Technology Purchase Program funds.

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To: Illinois State Board of Education

From: Dr. Carmen I. Ayala, State Superintendent of Education Dr. Ernesto Matias, Chief Education Officer

Agenda Topic: Approval of Discretionary Grant to Illinois Association of School Administrators for New Superintendent Mentoring

Expected Outcome: This item is for preview/discussion only

Materials: None

Staff Contact(s): Dr. Jennifer Kirmes, Executive Director, Teaching and Learning Brandi Bruley, Director of Curriculum and Instruction

Purpose of Agenda Item The Center for Teaching and Learning Curriculum will request at the June 2020 Board Meeting that the Board authorize the State Superintendent to renew a $250,000 grant with Illinois Association of School Administrators (IASA) in fiscal year 2021. Renewal will support new district superintendents by providing mentoring and will also support aspiring superintendents with an emphasis on the recruitment of women and people of color.

Background Information/History Since its inception in 2016, the grant to IASA provided support for initial training and mentoring/coaching for new superintendents. The annual program begins with a New Superintendents Conference and individuated professional support throughout the school year follows. Past conference topics have included: school law, budgeting, best practices for working with school boards, entry planning, effective professional learning, and communications strategies. The mentoring and coaching that follows is conducted by practicing or recently retired Illinois superintendents and supports new superintendents in applying their learning to their own unique district context.

More specifically, IASA and the mentors/coaches provided the following opportunities since July 1, 2019: • Held annual IASA New Superintendents Conference in July in Springfield• Conducted regular, job-embedded mentoring sessions for 126 first, second, and third year

superintendents across Illinois

Beginning in FY 2020, the grant also funded scholarships for women and persons of color to attend the IASA Aspiring Superintendents Academy.

The FY 2021 grant will require IASA to provide detailed, disaggregated outcome data to ISBE regarding the impact and effectiveness of this program. Specifically, IASA will report to ISBE the number of first-, second-, and third-year superintendents receiving mentoring; the frequency, duration, and content of the mentoring interactions; and the impact of the mentoring on district-level leadership development and student achievement.

Current Status: Active grant. Relevant Data: 2019 New Superintendents Conference Data Feedback survey results from 2019 indicated that participants found 98.3 percent of the content from the conference sessions to be extremely useful, very useful, useful, or somewhat useful; only 1.7 percent rated as “will not use or don’t do in 2020.”

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2019 New Superintendents Mentoring Program Data IASA MENTORING PROGRAM SURVEY 2019

Overall Average (45 responses)

PARTICIPANT RATINGS I was an active participant in the IASA Mentoring Program 4.4 I fully understood the goals and purpose of the IASA Mentoring Program 4.6

Participation in the program assisted me in making the transition into the Supt. position


Participation in the Mentor Program enhanced my confidence as a school superintendent.


The Mentor meetings were beneficial and worth the investment of my time.


The Mentor meetings provided me with information that kept me informed of critical issues.


The Mentor Facilitator provided a professional and efficient forum for the program.


The Mentor Facilitator was available when I needed assistance. 4.8 I would encourage new superintendents to participate in the Mentoring Program.


The Mentoring Program supported me in my role as a new superintendent.


Average Rating 4.7

KEY TO RATINGS: 5 = Strongly Agree, 4 = Agree, 3 = Neither Agree nor Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 1 = Strongly Disagree


Building a network of support 5.1 Discussion and clarifications of policies, procedures, mandates, new initiatives, and new laws


Learning new leadership practices/strategies from an experienced instructional leader


Receiving constructive criticism on my ideas and practices 4.9 Receiving guidance on key performance areas, i.e., Finance, Personnel, Facilities, etc.


Guidance in working with the school board 5.2 Assistance in dealing with legal and liability issues in the district 5.0

Guidance in building relationships with teacher and support staff organizations


Assistance with balancing the management and instructional leadership duties of my position


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Average Rating 5.1

KEY TO RATINGS: 6 = Most Beneficial, 5 = Very Beneficial, 4 = Beneficial, 3 = Neutral, 2 = Sorry I didn't experience, 1 = Detrimental


In your opinion, what has been the impact on your District--goals, operation, performance, reputation, etc.--of your participation in the IASA Mentoring Program?


In your opinion, does or will your participation in the IASA Mentoring Program have any impact on your District's progress towards the State of Illinois' educational goals for children?


KEY TO RATINGS: 5 = High impact this year, 4 = Some impact this year, 3 = High impact expected later, 2 = Some impact expected later, 1 = No impact expected, 0 = Negative impact

Financial Background ISBE entered into a grant with IASA in 2016 to support new and aspiring superintendents statewide. This discretionary grant was awarded annually over the last five years to IASA and funded with federal dollars (Title IIa).. ISBE requests renewal of this grant agreement with IASA for up to, but not to exceed, $250,000 in FY 2021. Renewal will bring the total amount of funding since inception to $1,146,599. The financial background of this contract/grant is illustrated in the table below:

Current Contract State Funding

Current Contract Federal Funding

Current Contract Total State & Federal

Requested Additional State Funding

Requested Additional Federal Funding

Total Contract per Fiscal Year

FY16 $99,008.00 $99,008.00 $99,008.00 FY17 $112,341.00 $112,341.00 $112,341.00 FY18 $185,125.00 $185,125.00 $185,125.00 FY19 $250,125.00 $250,125.00 $250,125.00

FY20 $250,000.00

$250,000.00 $250,000.00 $896,599.00 $896,599.00 $896,599.00

Current Contract State Funding

Current Contract Federal Funding

Current Contract Total State & Federal

Requested Additional State Funding

Requested Additional Federal Funding

Total Contract per Fiscal Year

FY21 $250,000.00 $250,000.00 FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 Total $250,000.00 $1,146,599.00

Business Enterprise Program N/A Analysis and Implications for Policy, Budget, Legislative Action, and Communications

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Policy Implications: ISBE will develop and implement clear protocols for review of interim and summative program performance data. ISBE will determine the effectiveness of this program based on outcome data provided by IASA. Budget Implications: The proposed activities will be funded by federal Title IIA dollars. Legislative Action: None. Communication: IASA will communicate with new and aspiring superintendents about the program and will communicate with ISBE regarding accomplishment of program objectives and outcomes Pros and Cons of Various Actions Pros: Approval to renew will provide funding for continued mentoring and professional learning for new and aspiring superintendents. Cons: Failure to renew will limit mentoring opportunities for new superintendents. Board Member(s) Who Will Abstain: None.

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May 20, 2020

TO: Illinois State Board of Education FROM: Dr. Carmen I. Ayala, State Superintendent of Education Dr. Ernesto Matias, Education Officer Agenda Topic: Approval of Cut Score Recommendations for Redeveloped Licensure Tests

– Phase V Expected Outcome: This in an information item. Materials: Appendix A, B, C, and D Staff Contact(s): Dr. Jennifer Kirmes, Executive Director, Teaching and Learning Emily Fox, Director, Educator Effectiveness Purpose of Agenda Item The Center for Teaching and Learning requests that Board members review cut score recommendations for the Phase V Groups 6-9 field content exams. The Board will be asked to take action to approve specific cut score recommendations at its June 16, 2020, meeting. Background Information/History Teacher candidates in Illinois must successfully complete an exam in their respective content area prior to receiving a teaching license, among other requirements (e.g., student teaching, successful completion of an approved program). The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) contracts with Evaluation Systems Group of Pearson to develop and deliver various content exams required for licensure. Evaluation Systems Group of Pearson worked with ISBE to redevelop licensure tests since 2016. The work is divided into nine phases and the recommended cut scores presented in this memo are from Phase V. Development of the revised tests in the Illinois Licensure Testing System (ILTS) program ensures alignment to relevant state and national standards and the inclusion of content-specific pedagogy and reading literacy in the content areas. The last major redevelopment of tests in the ILTS program prior to the current work occurred during 2001-05. A standard-setting panel, which consists of higher education faculty and teachers with expertise in the content-specific fields, was established for each of the 10 revised tests as the final step in the redevelopment process (See Appendix A for the test development process.)1 The standard-setting conferences for the Phase V tests, held in February and March 2020, resulted in cut score recommendations for each test. The panels, which were recruited on the basis of diversity in terms of ethnicity, gender, and school setting (e.g., urban, rural, small, large), were composed of practicing Illinois educators who hold endorsements in the respective areas and educator preparation faculty who are preparing future Illinois teachers in the 10 fields. (See Appendix B for the composition of each panel.) In the next few paragraphs, find a detailed description of the standard setting process that leads to the cut score recommendation. Round 1 and Round 2 Standard Setting: Multiple Choice, Item-by-Item Ratings Evaluation Systems Group of Pearson provided training in the passing score recommendation process. Panelists were first instructed on the expectations of the Just Acceptably Qualified Candidate (JAQC). A modified Angoff standard-setting model was used for establishing the recommended raw passing scores

1 Program planning and advisory committees are established prior to standard setting. ISBE then organizes framework review, content validation, and item review conferences. Additionally, bias review committees are formed, and conferences are held for these committees to review each item for any biases. Field testing and job analysis among experts in the field occur.

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for each subtest. This standard-setting model conforms to accepted industry practice and is used by the State Board of Education in establishing passing scores for all licensure tests. The method relies on raters estimating the difficulty of each item for a hypothetical group of minimally competent or (just acceptably qualified) examinees. Raters were asked to estimate the percentage of just acceptably qualified examinees that would get each item correct. Panelists were provided with detailed descriptors of JAQC and were asked to refer to the descriptors several times throughout the conference. Using the test frameworks, panel members discussed the level of professional knowledge and skills this group of candidates would need to perform the job of entry-level educators in these fields in Illinois public schools. The discussion included a focus on the level of knowledge and skills required to be an effective educator in Illinois and fulfill the requirements of the respective Illinois license/endorsement. The discussion also considered differentiating those who are just above the “qualified” line separating qualified and unqualified candidates (the JAQC) and those who are much higher above the line separating qualified and unqualified candidates. Facilitators reminded panel members in these discussions that JAQCs, while ready to enter their roles as entry-level educators, will gain more experience, knowledge, and skills as their careers develop over time. Panelists then began item-rating activities following the JAQC discussions. This work occurred through multiple rounds. Each round resulted in a more refined judgment on test questions. Committee members were provided training in Rounds 1 and 2 on how to make judgments for each scorable multiple choice question considering the expected performance level of “just acceptably qualified” entry-level candidates in Illinois. These JAQCs are those candidates who are just above the boundary line between qualified and unqualified candidates. Specifically, when thinking about the expected performance level of the JAQC in Illinois, panelists were asked to rate how this hypothetical group of individuals would perform on each scorable multiple choice item on the first test form.2 Once the Round 1 ratings were complete, Evaluation Systems analyzed the data and provided panelists with summaries of their Round 1 results for their respective content exam. After discussing the rating summaries, panel members could revise their Round 1 item level judgments during Round 2, based upon additional instructions and training provided by the facilitators. Round 3 Standard Setting: Multiple Choice, Confirmatory Ratings In Round 3, the results of the Round 2 ratings were provided to each panelist. The facilitators explained how to read and interpret the Round 2 Multiple Choice Item-Based Passing Score Summaries. The Round 2 individual item ratings were calculated and a test-based passing score for each test was provided. The passing scores were described and discussed in preparation for a final Round 3 test-level rating. Based on

2 Imagine a hypothetical group of individuals who are just at the level of professional knowledge and skills required to perform the job of an entry-level educator in this field in Illinois public schools. What percentage of this group would answer the item correctly? 0% – 10% = 1 51% – 60% = 6 11% – 20% = 2 61% – 70% = 7 21% – 30% = 3 71% – 80% = 8 31% – 40% = 4 81% – 90% = 9 41% – 50% = 5 91% – 100% = 10

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the information provided in Round 3, panel members were then asked to provide Round 3 multiple choice passing score judgments.3 Rounds 1, 2, and 3 Standard Setting: Constructed-Response Ratings (foreign languages only) There are two constructed-response items on each of the two foreign language tests. The first is a presentational speaking assignment that consists of a two-minute (maximum) recorded oral response. The second is a presentational writing assignment with a suggested length of 300-400 words. In Round 1, the facilitator reviewed the performance characteristics, the score scale, and the scoring process for each of the foreign language assignments with the panelists. Panelists were provided with actual representative responses (based upon the pilot test) at each of the four score points for each assignment. They were then asked to estimate the score that a JAQC would achieve on each assignment by asking themselves the following question and selecting one of the sample responses. Specifically, “[i]magine a hypothetical group of individuals who are just at the level of knowledge and skills required to perform the job of an entry-level educator in this field in Illinois public schools. Which of the points on the score scale represents the level of response that would be achieved by this group?” Panelists were then asked to double the score associated with the response they selected and enter a number between two and eight that represented the total score each panelist thought the JAQC would achieve. In Round 2, panelists were provided with the results of their Round 1 selections. The panelists were then asked once again to select a response that represents how a JAQC would perform. This activity was completed for each constructed-response assignment. In Round 3, the Round 2 results were reviewed and discussed. In Round 3, panelists could provide a more precise rating by predicting that the JAQC would receive one score by one reviewer and a different score by the second reviewer. The recommended cut scores will be shared with the State Educator Preparation and Licensure Board at its June meeting for review and approval of the panel-recommended cut scores. The panel-recommended cut scores are listed in Appendix C.

Current Status: Review and redevelopment of most of the existing ILTS tests began in 2016 to ensure alignment to relevant content standards and national standards and to include content-specific pedagogy and reading literacy in the content areas, where applicable. This redevelopment is divided into nine phases, with Phase III tests going live starting in 2018 and tests included in the later phases going live starting in 2019, 2020, and 2021. These Phase V tests are redeveloped to align to relevant national content standards that are required for licensure. Additionally, allowances were made in spring 2019 to provide for both versions of tests to remain “live” concurrently for one year. This allows candidates the opportunity to take either version and to give leeway to programs updating their curricula to the new tests. Test frameworks are also being made available to institutions of higher learning about a year prior to launch, which is an extension of three-four months from previous practice.

3 Individuals responded to the following: Imagine a hypothetical individual who is just at the level of knowledge and skills required to perform the job of an entry-level educator in this field in Illinois public schools. What is the number of multiple choice items on the test that would be answered correctly by this individual?

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Relevant Data: These tests are new and no data exists for them.

Financial Background Not applicable. Business Enterprise Program Not applicable. Analysis and Implications for Policy, Budget, Legislative Action, and Communications Policy Implications: Approving cut scores will ensure that candidates are able to complete most current tests aligned to most current standards outlined in 23 Illinois Administrative Code. Budget Implications: This is a no-cost contract. ILTS content tests are between $99 and $162 per test. Pearson’s revenue from test administration and support totaled $2.3 million (21,397 tests) in 2019. Legislative Action: Not applicable. Communication: Communication to the field will occur after cut scores are approved and will include information regarding the redevelopment of the exams and dates as to when the tests become operational. Pros and Cons of Various Actions Pros: Approving the cut score recommendations will allow educators who take the exam to obtain a score to satisfy a licensure requirement. Cons: Educators who take the exam will not be able to use their results until cut score recommendations are approved. Board Member(s) Who Will Abstain: None.

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Appendix A

Illinois Licensure Testing System Test Development Process

Program Planning and Advisory Committees Evaluation Systems staff meets with ISBE representatives to discuss and formulate plans for the development and administration components of Illinois Licensure Testing System (ILTS) redevelopment. A management planning document is developed by Evaluation Systems and serves as the basis for the discussions for each test development cycle. A Content Advisory Committee (CAC) is established for each field to review test materials primarily from the standpoint of content accuracy and appropriateness. A Bias Review Committee (BRC) is established to review test materials for issues of potential bias and diversity. Develop Test Frameworks The content of each test is documented in the test frameworks. The test frameworks define the content eligible for testing. Appropriate state and/or national standards, as indicated by ISBE, form the basis of each test framework. Each framework is divided into sub-areas (content domains). Each sub-area contains objectives aligned to the standards, and each objective is further defined by a set of descriptive statements that further delineate the content within each objective. Framework Review Illinois teachers and teacher educators are recruited to serve on the BRC and CAC. These committees meet with Pearson facilitators/trainers to review the test frameworks and revise them according to ILTS CAC and BRC review criteria. Job Analysis Study A three-part job analysis study is conducted after a content validation survey is compiled. First, a list of educator tasks is developed and subsequently reviewed by Illinois educators and college faculty. Second, a sample of Illinois educators participates in a task survey rating the importance of and time spent on each task. Third, members of the CAC participate in a "linking study" to establish a formal link between the educator tasks and the objectives in the test framework. Content Validation Survey A content validation survey of the objectives within the test framework is conducted after the test framework review. This is an important step in the validation of those objectives. A sample of Illinois educators and college faculty are asked to rate the importance of each objective to the job of an entry level educator in Illinois. The test frameworks are finalized based upon the results of the content validation survey and scheduled to be posted to the ILTS website. Item Development A set of draft test items is developed to assess the content defined by the validated test objectives. Content specialists, item development specialists, content and bias reviewers, and psychometricians are involved in developing test items for the ILTS to align the validated test objectives within each test framework. Item Review Conference The Illinois BRC and CAC meet to review the test items and revise them according to ILTS review criteria. Field Testing Reviewed and validated test items are field-tested by a number of Illinois educator preparation candidates to collect item performance data to determine if the items have acceptable statistical and qualitative characteristics and can be included on operational test forms. Marker Response Selection (constructed response fields only) A panel of CAC members reviews and selects marker responses from the field tests. The panel selects a set of responses that represents each score point description for each type of constructed-response assignment. This set of responses is used as “marker” responses in scorer training and calibration activities.

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Standard Setting/Passing Score Review The last step in the test development process calls for members of the CAC to be trained to provide standard-setting judgments that will result in a passing score recommendation for each field. These recommendations are used by the Illinois State Board of Education to set the passing score for each test.

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Appendix B

Faculty/Public School Educator Composition of Content Committees

Test Field


Public School






Business, Marketing, and Computer Education (216)



Black/African American= 2


F=8 M=1

E. Central=1

W. Central=1 S.W.=3 S.E.=1

Chicago=1 Blank=2


Computer Science (205)




White=4 Not


F=5 M=6


Chicago=5 Blank=5


Director of Special Education (234)



Black/African American= 2

White=6 Not


F=6 M=3

E. Central=1 W. Central=3

S.W.=2 Chicago=2



Drama/Theatre Arts (210)



White=8 Not


F=8 M=3

N.E.=1 N.W.=3

Chicago=5 Blank=2


Foreign Language: Arabic (262)



White=2 Other=1

Not Reported=4


N.W=1 S.E.=1

S.W.=1 Chicago=1 Blank=3


Foreign Language: Chinese-Mandarin (251)






Chicago=5 Blank=1


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Test Field


Public School






Foreign Language: Korean (257)




Not Reported=2


E. Central=1



Foreign Language: Latin (258)




F=2 M=1

W. Central=1 Chicago=2


Physical Education (213)



Black/ African American= 1 Hispanic=1

White=8 Not


F=6 M=6

W. Central=1 E. Central=1

N.E.=2 S.W.=3

Chicago=4 Blank=1


School Social Worker (238)



Black/African American= 1 Hispanic=1

White=7 2 or more=1


E. Central=2 N.W.=2 S.W.=2 S.E.=1



Science: Biology (239)



Black/African American= 2 Hispanic=2

White=6 2 or more=1

Not Reported=3

F=12 M=2

W. Central=4 N.W.=1 S.W.=1 S.E.=2

Chicago=4 Blank=2


Science: Chemistry (240)



Black/African American= 2 Hispanic=1

White=7 Not


F=10 M=3

W. Central=1 E. Central=1

N.W.=1 N.E.=1 S.E.=2

Chicago=6 Blank=1


Science: Earth and Space Science (241)



Black/African American= 1

White=7 Not


F=6 M=3

W. Central=1 E. Central=1

N.W.=1 Chicago=2



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Test Field


Public School






Science: Environmental Science (242)



Black/African American= 1 Hispanic=1

Asian=1 White=4

Not Reported=3

F=7 M=3

N.W.=1 S.E.=1

Chicago=2 Blank=6


Science: Physics (243)



Black/African American= 1

White=6 Not


F=4 M=6

N.E.=1 S.W.=1

Chicago=5 Blank=3


Speech Language Pathologist-Non Teaching (232)



Black/African American= 1

White=7 Not



E. Central=1 N.W.=2 S.W.=2

Chicago=3 Blank=1


Visual Arts (214)



Asian=1 White=14

2 or more=1 Not


F=15 M=2

W. Central=1 E. Central=2

N.W.=1 N.E.=3

Chicago=6 Blank=4


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Appendix C

Panel-Recommended Cut Scores with Standard Error of Measurement (SEM) Adjustments

multiple choice-only fields


-2 SEM

-1 SEM

Panel-Recommended Cut Score

+1 SEM

+2 SEM

Business, Marketing, and Computer Education (216)






Computer Science (205) 48





Director of Special Education (234) 52





Drama/Theatre Arts (210)






Physical Education (213)






School Social Worker (238)






Science: Biology (239)






Science: Chemistry (240)






Science: Earth and Space Science (241)






Science: Environmental Science (242)






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Science: Physics (243)






Speech Language Pathologist-Non Teaching (232)






Visual Arts (214)






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Appendix D

World Languages (Arabic, Chinese-Mandarin, Korean, Latin) Panel-Recommended Cut Scores (PRC) with SEM


Field -2 SEM -1 SEM PRC +1 SEM +2 SEM Foreign Language: Arabic (262) 33 36 39/52 42 45

Constructed-Response 1 Presentational Speaking






Constructed-Response 2 Presentational Writing






Foreign Language: Chinese-Mandarin (251)






Constructed-Response 1 Presentational Speaking






Constructed-Response 2 Presentational Writing






Foreign Language: Korean (257)

27 31 34/52 38 41

Constructed-Response 1 Presentational Speaking

4 5 6/8 7 8

Constructed-Response 2 Presentational Writing

4 5 6/8 7 8

Foreign Language: Latin (258) 16 19 23/52 27 30

Constructed-Response 1 Presentational Speaking

2 3 4/8 5 6

Constructed-Response 2 Presentational Writing

3 4 5/8 6 7

4 Constructed-Response Score scale is 1-4. Responses are scored by two independent reviewers. A candidate’s final score for each constructed-response assignment is the sum of the two scores received from the reviewers.

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To: Illinois State Board of Education From: Dr. Carmen I. Ayala, State Superintendent of Education Dr. Ernesto Matias, Education Officer Agenda Topic: Approval of IDEA Part D Discretionary Grant: State Personnel

Development Grant Expected Outcome: Memo is for information only. No action will occur at May meeting. Materials: None Staff Contact(s): Barbara Moore, Director of Special Education Heather Calomese, Executive Director of Programs Purpose of Agenda Item Special Education Services requests the Board to authorize the State Superintendent to approve the transfer of the remaining administrative funds under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part D - State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) – Illinois Multi-tiered System of Supports Network (IL MTSS-N) to the grant award for Regional Office of Education 47. Background Information/History The U.S. Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) offers a competitive application process for states to receive an IDEA Part D discretionary SPDG. The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) received SPDG awards in 2010 and 2015. The purpose of the SPDG funding is to support states in developing a coordinated, statewide system of personnel development designed to increase the capacity of school systems to improve the progress and performance of all students, including those with disabilities. SPDG funding supports the use of a multi-tiered model that includes scientific, research-based instruction, intervention, and assessment. The SPDG award in 2010 funded the development and implementation of the Illinois Response to Intervention Network (I-RtI Network). The I-RtI Network was coordinated with the IDEA Part B discretionary-funded Illinois Statewide Technical Assistance Collaborative (ISTAC) grant. ISTAC included the Illinois Autism Training and Technical Assistance Project, Parent and Educator Partnership, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, Project CHOICES (a least restrictive environment initiative), and transition consultation. Upon receipt of the 2015 award, I-RTI Network and ISTAC formed the IL MTSS-N. The purpose of this coordination was to align and leverage service delivery to Illinois schools and districts; improve outcomes for all students, including students with disabilities; and increase the sustainability of improved outcomes. More specifically, IL MTSS-N provides professional learning to implement a systemic, prevention-focused and data-informed framework for continuous improvement that provides a continuum of supports for all learners. In addition, the award requires a partnership with institutions of higher education and parent training and information centers to support project objectives. Supports for schools and districts with indicated needs aligned to the State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report as required by OSEP are provided through the IL MTSS-N, including implementation of the State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP). A series of coherent improvement strategies was developed in collaboration by ISBE and Illinois stakeholders. These strategies enabled a district implementing the SSIP to establish a multi-tiered system of supports framework across its governance and management, climate and culture, and curriculum and instruction to improve student outcomes. The state-identified measurable outcome for the SSIP is to increase the percentage of third-grade students with disabilities who are proficient or above on the statewide English language arts (ELA) assessment. A three-year cohort of districts was formed in FY 2017 and a second three-year cohort was formed in FY 2018. ISBE authorized the Superintendent in FY 2017 to continue the IL MTSS-N grant with ROE 47.

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FY 2020 is the last year of the current SPDG award, so the Special Education Services is requesting to transfer all remaining administrative funds to ROE 47 to ensure sufficient coaching supports remain available to adequately assist districts in sustainability efforts in their final year of the project. Current Status ROE 47 is the current SPDG recipient of the IL MTSS-N grant and will remain so for its final year of the grant cycle. Relevant Data Evaluation of implementation progress and results are examined and documented each year in the State Systemic Improvement Plan. The IL MTSS-N continued its work with the two Cohort 1 districts and the nine Cohort 2 districts in FY 2019 to implement and sustain systems, data, and practices. In addition, the IL MTSS-N continues to work on the goal of district sustainability through utilization of its gradual release model. Many professional learning opportunities were provided to the districts in the areas of systems, data, and practices. Evaluation data suggest that trainings were of high quality, carried out as intended, and aligned to participant needs. Outcome data documented that participants’ knowledge, skills, and confidence improved after the trainings were provided. Now that systems are in place, the IL MTSS-N and the districts can further emphasize the implementation and sustainability of evidence-based practices in early literacy and climate and culture with the goal of improved reading performance for students with disabilities.

Overall, Illinois Assessment of Readiness data for the Cohort 1 and Cohort 2 districts show an increase in the percentage of third-grade students with Individual Education Programs who met/exceeded as compared to the previous year. Two Cohort 2 districts exceeded the target of 13.7 percent with percentages of 21.21 percent and 17.24 percent. In both Cohort 1 districts and in seven of the nine Cohort 2 districts, the percentage of third-grade students with disabilities who met/exceeded on the statewide ELA assessment increased from FY 2018 to FY 2019.

Financial Background The 2015 application for the SPDG outlined many of the partnerships and contracts, such as project evaluations and higher education partnerships, that were paid for through administrative funds. These contracts and partnerships were covered through administrative funds through the original 2010 SPDG grant and FY 2015. These contracts were absorbed by IL MTSS-N beginning in 2016 and thereby paid with grant funds. There is $254,682 in administrative funds available in the final year (FY 2020) of the grant. These funds could be used to cover the costs of the required contracts currently paid for out of general grant funds, as well as contribute to additional professional development opportunities throughout the state. Transferring the administrative dollars would increase the grant award to ROE 47 in FY 2020 from $2,570,900 to $2,825,582. The financial background of this contract/grant is illustrated in the table below:

Current Contract State Funding

Current Contract Federal Funding

Requested Additional State Funding

Requested Additional Federal Funding

Total Contract per Fiscal Year

FY17 $ $1,700,000 $ $ $ FY18 $ $2,452,580 $ $ $ FY19 $ $2,570,900 $ $ $ FY20 $ $2,570,900 $ $254,682 $2,825,582

Total $ $9,294,380 $

Business Enterprise Program Not applicable. Analysis and Implications for Policy, Budget, Legislative Action, and Communications Policy Implications: None.

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Budget Implications: The increase in funding provided to ROE 47 is for a transfer of $254,682.12 in administrative funds to grant funds. Legislative Action: None. Communication: None. Pros and Cons of Various Actions Pros: All FY 2020 administrative funds that might not otherwise expended will be utilized by ROE 47 to provide additional statewide services. Cons: None. Board Member(s) Who Will Abstain: None.

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TO: Illinois State Board of Education FROM: Dr. Carmen I. Ayala, State Superintendent of Education Dr. Brenda M. Dixon, Research and Evaluation Officer Agenda Topic: Approval of additional FY21 funding for College Board to support the

administration of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) being administered in Fall 2020

Expected Outcome: Approval for an increase in funding to support SAT Fall testing for current

eleventh graders Materials: None Required Staff Contact(s): Dr. Sean Clayton, Director of Assessment Purpose of Agenda Item The Assessment Department requests the Board to authorize the approval of an increase in fiscal year 2021 funding with the College Board in an amount not to exceed $6.578 million. This request is necessary because it was not possible for students to be assessed in spring 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this increase in funding is for developing, administering, scoring, and reporting results of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) for school year 2020-21 11th-graders who now will be scheduled to be assessed in the fall. Background Information/History Students were not provided the opportunity to be assessed during spring 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which did not permit students to take the state’s accountability assessments. ISBE proceeded to apply for a federal waiver that will allow the state to not administer assessments due to schools not being is session. Furthermore, Executive Order 2020-15, which stated that testing was suspended and that schools will continue remote learning until the end of the school year, was issued by the Governor on March 27. Current 11th-grade students will be assessed in the fall on the SAT so they can earn a college reportable score and meet graduation requirements. The projected number of current 11th-graders who will take the SAT in the fall is approximately 143,000 students, assuming all students who were pre-ID’d for spring testing take it in the fall. The primary Test Day Option #1 will be Wednesday, September 23, 2020 with an accommodated testing window from September 23rd through October 6th. The primary Test Day Option #2 will be Wednesday, October 14, 2020 with an accommodated testing window from October 14th through October 27th. The makeup test date is scheduled on October 28, 2020. Current Status: The College Board contract is effective until June 30, 2021. Financial Background The Assessment Department would request the Board to approve additional FY 2021 funding with the College Board for the administration of the SAT. The assessment will be testing students in five general subject areas: English, history, languages, mathematics, and science. The cost of the assessment will be $46 per student, with an understanding that the budgeted amount could go slightly up or down depending on the number of students who actually test. Analysis and Implications for Policy, Budget, Legislative Action, and Communications Policy Implications: There are no policy implications.

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Budget Implications: There are no direct costs to districts to implement the SAT assessments. Legislative Action: No legislative action is required by state or federal law. Communication: The Assessment Department and College Board will collaborate and communicate to the field about the implementation and support of the SAT assessment in the fall. Pros and Cons of Various Actions Pros: Approval will allow the SAT to be administered to the current 11th-grade students in the fall so they can meet graduation requirements and generate a college reportable score and pursue postsecondary opportunities. Cons: Students who cannot take the SAT potentially might not meet graduation requirements for SY 2021. Recommendations: I recommend that the following motion be adopted:

The State Board of Education hereby authorizes the State Superintendent to enter into an agreement with College Board for additional FY2021 funding for the administration of the Scholastic Aptitude Test in the fall for current 11th-grade students so they can meet graduation requirements and pursue postsecondary opportunities.

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TO: Illinois State Board of Education FROM: Dr. Carmen I. Ayala, State Superintendent of Education Dr. Brenda M. Dixon, Research and Evaluation Officer Agenda Topic: Approval of a three-year sole source contract with New Meridian to license

Oklahoma science assessment items to support the Illinois Science Assessment (ISA).

Expected Outcome: Approval for a New Contract for Licensing Science Content for the Illinois

Science Assessment Materials: None Required Staff Contact(s): Dr. Sean Clayton, Director of Assessment Purpose of Agenda Item The Assessment Department requests the Board to authorize ISBE to enter into a three-year agreement with no renewals with the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) via its content vendor, New Meridian. The purpose of the agreement is for licensing Oklahoma science content used in the Illinois Science Assessment (ISA). Background Information/History ISBE began administering the ISA during the 2016-17 school year in order to satisfy the requirements in the Every Student Succeeds Act, which states that students must be assessed in science once in each of the following grade cycles: 3-5, 6-9, and 10-12. The ISA underwent extensive blueprint expansion for the spring 2020 assessment cycle. ISBE procured science content from the OSDE. ISBE entered into a one-year agreement with New Meridian in February 2020 to handle the transfer of item packages and assist ISBE’s technology vendor with ingestion and rendering of item clusters. ISBE recently contacted OSDE about a potential intergovernmental agreement between the two states to license its science content. The OSDE informed ISBE that New Meridian now has exclusive rights to license the Oklahoma science content used by ISBE. The ISBE-owned science content will replace the OSDE science content over the next three years—leading to an ISA that is 100 percent ISBE-owned. Current Status: The New Meridian science contract is effective until June 30, 2020.

Financial Background In June, the Assessment Department will request the Board to approve a three-year contract with the OSDE via its content vendor, New Meridian, for licensing of the OSDE science content for the ISA. The financial background of this contract/grant is illustrated in the table below:

Requested Additional Funding Total Contract per Fiscal Year

FY21 $889,782.00 $889,782.00 FY22 $889,782.00 $889,782.00 FY23 $889,782.00 $889,782.00

Total $2,669,346.00 $2,669,346.00

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Analysis and Implications for Policy, Budget, Legislative Action, and Communications Policy Implications: Approval provides access to the item content used in the 2020 ISA. Budget Implications: There are no direct costs to districts that pertain to the proposed agreement. Legislative Action: No legislative action is needed. Communication: The Assessment Department will communicate to the field about the implementation and support of the ISA. Pros and Cons of Various Actions Pros: Approval will allow ISBE to secure test content for the ISA to meet federal requirements regarding an annual science assessment. Continued use of the OSDE content allows ISBE to meet federal requirements while building an ISBE-owned science item bank. Cons: A decision to not enter into an agreement would jeopardize the ISA program as ISBE would have to find another item bank of operational content to administer the ISA in school year 2021. Recommendations: I recommend that the following motion be adopted:

The State Board of Education hereby authorizes the State Superintendent to enter into a three-year sole source agreement with New Meridian to license Oklahoma science assessment items, in order to support the Illinois Science Assessment.

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May 20, 2020

TO: Illinois State Board of Education FROM: Dr. Carmen I. Ayala, State Superintendent of Education Robert Wolfe, Financial Officer Agenda Topic: ISBE Fiscal & Administrative Monthly Reports Materials: Financial Status Report – (Summary & Contract Detail) – FY20 Comparative Statement of Expenditures to Date– FY20 Appropriation and Spending by Program – FY20 Contract & Grant Awards Under $1 million - FY20 10-yr Headcount History Graph, Monthly Headcount Graph, Staff Detail Staff Contact(s): Scott Harry, Director, Budget Purpose of Agenda Item The purpose of this agenda item is to provide the Board standard reports with key information on fiscal and administrative activities of the Illinois State Board of Education. Background Information/History In June 2002, the State Board adopted bylaws outlining a new committee structure under which fiscal, audit, and operations issues will be handled by the Finance and Audit Committee. The Superintendent requested that the agency organize and standardize the financial and headcount data provided to the Board for its future policy work and decision-making. The monthly or quarterly fiscal and headcount reports were first provided to the Board in August 2002. These reports provide information regarding staffing and funding as well as details of contracts over $50,000 and grants the agency is processing. At the request of the Board at the December 2011 meeting, a Contract & Grant Awards Under $1 Million Report has been added to the SBE fiscal and administrative monthly reports package. On January 28, 2020, the Finance and Audit Committee approved to streamline the fiscal and administrative monthly reports package to discontinue duplicative reporting. The following reports will be provided going forward:

1. Budget (annually in January) 2. Financial Status Report – Summary & Contract Detail (monthly) 3. Comparative Statement of Expenditures to Date (monthly) 4. Appropriation and Expenditure (monthly) 5. Contract & Grant Awards Under $1 Million (monthly) 6. Headcount Reports (monthly) 7. Headcount History Graph, Monthly Headcount Graph, & Staff Detail by Division

Relationship to the State Board’s Strategic Plan and Implications for the Agency and School Districts The fiscal and administrative reports are for informational purposes only. State and federal funding supports critical school functions to uphold efforts toward obtaining the board’s goals. This funding provides the most support to the Illinois’ communities most in need. Recommendations: The fiscal and administrative reports are for informational purposes only and do not require board action.

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Expended % Spent

Appropriation Year to Year to April

Amount Date Date Expenditures Description

Personal Services and Related 41,822.4 32,414.8 77.5% 3,402.2 Salaries & Benefits

Contractual Services 184,643.1 70,179.2 38.0% 14,380.2 Agency Contracts (see below); Non-Employee Travel; Conferences; Registration Fees

Travel 1,630.8 587.1 36.0% 5.9 Staff Travel

Commodities 271.3 82.7 30.5% 1.6 Supplies; Books

Printing 122.6 5.2 4.2% 1.9 Agency Printing

Equipment 505.4 205.5 40.7% 17.2 Computers; Printers; Furniture

Telecommunications 697.0 426.5 61.2% 12.7 Telecommunications Expenses

Auto Operations 25.0 16.6 66.4% 0.6 Operation of Agency Autos

Prompt Payment Act 701.9 15.4 2.2% 0.0 Prompt Payment

Refunds 10.5 3.4 40.0% 0.0 Refunds

Grants 12,346,131.8 8,604,454.4 69.7% 966,157.7 Awards and Grants

School Capital Grants 285,319.6 1,052.1 0.4% 34.3 School Construction, Maintenance, and Broadband Grants

TOTAL 12,861,881.4 8,709,442.9 67.7% 984,014.3




5/4/2020 1 1. FY20 Financial Status Report 4-30-20

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%

ACCOUNTABILITYFederal $331,500.00 21.9% - $72,659.73 THE NATL CTR FOR THE IMPROVEMENT

Will provide research on accountability best practices, evaluate the functionality of Illinois accountability system

and provide opportunities for state agency and staff to collaborate with the other state technical experts to

refine and improve the States accountability system and assessments.

ASSESSMENTFederal $67,500.00 100.0% - $67,500.00 BREAKTHROUGH TECHNOLOGIES LLC

Breakthrough Technologies will transfer ownership of the AWS account it currently administers on ISBEs behalf

for the Illinois Science Assessement to ISBE.

GRF $2,964,230.00 73.4% - $2,175,000.00 BREAKTHROUGH TECHNOLOGIES LLC

Will provide technology services related to the development, delivery and maintenance of an end-to-end

assessment system that utilizes ISBEs existing ISA system.

GRF $9,663,200.99 49.4% - $4,770,500.00 COLLEGE ENTRANCE EXAM BOARD

Will administer, score and report the assessments of state and federal accountability in grades 9 through 11.

Federal $4,027,572.24 100.0% - $4,027,572.24 NCS PEARSON INC

GRF $18,347,829.12 77.2%$5,474,100.00 $14,169,887.76

Contractor will provide test administration services for the 3-8 assessment.

GRF $801,146.00 100.0% - $801,145.08 NEW MERIDIAN CORPORATION

Will license testing content for the 2020 lL Science Assessment to Breakthrough Technologies.

GRF $6,362,600.00 82.3%$1,544,747.49 $5,237,577.68 NEW MERIDIAN CORPORATION

Will provide high quality, Illinois standards-aligned assessment content and forms to ISBE that meet all state

and federal requirements for the operational summative accountability assessments in reading/language arts

and mathematics for grades 3-8.

Federal $4,032,989.02 0.0% - - SOUTHERN ILL UNIV-CARBONDALE

GRF $467,010.98 98.1% - $458,040.00

Will form a partnership with SIU to fulfill requirements under ESSA for the Illinois Science Assessment (ISA).

Will provide a cadre of Illinois teachers, teacher retirees and graduate students to score ISA contracted

response terms.

Federal $2,558,000.00 82.6%$321,650.00 $2,112,250.00 STATE OF KANSAS

Provide assessments aligned to the Common Core Essential Elements for students with the most significant

cognitive disabilities.

Federal $3,290,526.62 40.0%$6.00 $1,316,217.00 UNIV OF WISCONSIN-MADISON

GRF $3,290,526.62 100.0%$3,290,521.00 $3,290,521.00

Evaluation services designed to assess the progress of children in attaining English proficiency as required by

Title I of the No Child Left behind Act of 2001.

CTE & INNOVATIONFederal $259,870.00 48.3%$48,465.46 $125,485.12 ILLINOIS STATE UNIV

Will support ISBE with the Method of Administration (MOA), which is a requirement under the Office of Civil

Rights for school districts who have Career and Technical Education Programs .

CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTIONOther State $117,100.00 100.0% - $117,100.00 CASEY-WESTFIELD CUSD 4C

School Technology Loan Agreement - Casey Westfield CUSD #C-4

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%

CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTIONOther State $192,100.00 100.0% - $192,100.00 COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DIST 2

School Technology Loan Agreement - Robinson CUSD #2

Federal $200,000.00 67.7% - $135,478.84 ILLINOIS MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE

Will develop resources for teachers to use with students in the classroom aligned to NGSS Science Standards

and connected to STEM across the State of Illinois.

Federal $1,740,013.75 50.0%$123,025.57 $869,947.94 ILLINOIS STATE UNIV

GRF $225,000.00 69.8%$20,365.07 $157,081.53

Will convene and facilitate the work of multi-state teams to support common core statewide implementation

planning. Provide leadership and coordination of the Partnership for the Assessment Readiness for College

and Career (PARCC) Educator Leader Core.

GRF $79,192.00 65.2%$14,603.50 $51,641.50 MEASUREMENT INCORPORATED

Will provide an independent evaluation to determine the degree and debt to which dissemination of best

practices and effective innovation have occurred at existing charter schools and each awarded site and to

determine what differences these activities have made.

Other State $172,580.00 100.0% - $172,580.00 SALEM SD 111

School Technology Loan Agreement - Salem ESD #111


Purchase of National Clearinghouse Data which will report the enrollment and progress of Illinois high school

graduates who have matriculated to post secondary institutions within the United States.

Federal $597,270.00 29.3% - $175,000.00 NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY

GRF $1,110,938.00 73.6%$103,293.24 $817,450.91

Will revamp and update the My IIRC. Will develop a new continuous improvement planning document. New

individual Student Data in a new district/admin/teacher dashboard which will be attached to ISBEs data system

and update the 21st CCLC benchmarking tool.

EARLY CHILDHOODFederal $184,253.13 99.2% - $182,759.23 AMERICAN INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH

Will conduct a statewide birth to five early childhood needs assessment of the availability and quality of existing

early childhood programs in Illinois.

Federal $243,799.83 100.0% - $243,797.83 AMERICAN INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH

Will develop a statewide, birth to five Strategic Plan as described in the PreSchool Development Grant. Birth -5

federal grant award.

Federal $148,499.15 97.9% - $145,320.00 AMERICAN INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH

Will study and develop recommendations on best practice based models of early childhood care and education

governance to inform potential future reorganization of Illinois early childhood services and programs.

Federal $252,945.62 38.9% - $98,497.83 IL DEPT OF CHILDREN

Will support two activities; DCFS Early Childhood Home Visiting Specialist and enhancement to the DCFS

Sunshine website.

GRF $1,200,000.00 57.8%$89,086.54 $693,477.71 ILLINOIS ACTION FOR CHILDREN

A system of statewide supports for early childhood community systems (ECCS) development: training,

technical assistance and coaching to community collaborations.

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%

EARLY CHILDHOODFederal $297,306.00 86.6% - $257,416.00 ILLINOIS ACTION FOR CHILDREN

Will enhance family, friend and neighbor (FFN) provider trainings by providing engaging and targeted supports

to FFN early childhood services providers.

Federal $72,500.00 100.0% - $72,500.00 ILLINOIS NETWORK OF CHILD CARE

Credentialing and related fees and tuition reimbursement for the PDG B-5 Grant.

GRF $500,000.00 100.0% - $500,000.00 ILLINOIS NETWORK OF CHILD CARE

Will provide individual based scholarship opportunities for practioners working in the field of Early Care and


GRF $1,569,844.74 75.0%$392,461.18 $1,177,383.55 NATIONAL LOUIS UNIVERSITY

Will conduct program assessments of Preschool for All Children/Preschool Expansion programs using the

Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-Revised.

Federal $139,186.90 100.0%$1,025.95 $139,186.90 NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY

Will complete an analysis of the cost of providing high quality early care and education services to all families

as well as an analysis of unduplicated count to inform the overall needs of assessment.

Federal $71,500.00 100.0% - $71,500.00 NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY

Will conduct a mulit-dimensional evaluation of the Preschool Expansion Grant Program.

Federal $274,661.53 100.0% - $274,661.53 PYRAMID MODEL CONSORTIUM

Will provide services for the implementation of the States Preschool Expansion Grant.

GRF $122,000.00 54.8%$11,041.25 $66,863.38 PYRAMID MODEL CONSORTIUM

Will provide services for the implementation of the States Preschool for All Expansion Grant.

GRF $500,761.00 83.3%$166,920.32 $417,300.80 REGENTS OF THE UNV OF CALIFORNIA

Will provide KidsTech software access and support and upgrade IL to an IL -K version of California's current, based on the multidimensional analysis of 5 essential domains using IL data, and including 14

measure flat file exports.

GRF $1,002,161.00 46.8%$77,719.35 $469,370.12 SANGAMON COUNTY ROE

Will provide approximately 16 part time KIDS Professional Development Consultants located throughout the

state and one KIDS Professional Development Coordinator. Consultants will provide yearly KIDS teacher and

administrator trainings to new staff, as well as personalized coaching to kindergarten classes located within

their designated areas of service.

Federal $66,000.00 79.7% - $52,615.00 SCHOOL ASSN FOR SPECIAL EDUC

Will provide a summary of recommendations on inclusion of 0-5 year olds with disabilities in community based

early childhood programs included in strategic plan use the surveys results of school districts and community

based early childhood programs to identify how children with disabilities are supported within the community

based early childhood programs, the barriers and what would be helpful to alleviate those barriers.

Federal $67,369.00 100.0% - $67,369.00 SCHOOL READINESS CONSULTING LLC

Will implement a demonstration project providing racial equity training to Preschool Development

Grant-Expansion Grant (PEG) program administrators, adapting existing resources on racial equity in early

childhood setting to fit the responsibilities of program administrators.

GRF $750,000.00 57.3%$45,447.09 $429,826.19 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS

The U of I has established a secure website to house the Illinois Early Childhood Asset Map (IECAM) project.

Will develop all aspects of website and update continually as new data becomes available. Will provide

technical support to ISBE and other stakeholders.

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%

EARLY CHILDHOODGRF $350,000.00 53.5%$29,037.18 $187,347.63 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS

Will provide the Early Learning Project Website which is a source of evidenced based , reliable information on

early care and education for parents, caregivers, and teachers of young children in Illinois.

GRF $1,391,486.00 44.6%$245,679.00 $621,146.14 VANDER WEELE GROUP LLC

Will conduct Prevention Initiative Program monitoring, by implmenting as applicable a version of the Home Visit

Rating Scales and a version of the Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scales.

Federal $56,997.00 100.0% - $56,997.00 YWCA OF METROPOLITAN CHICAGO

Will conduct a completed review of the KTAC recommended practices and policy changes.


Will support the work of the Performance Evaluation Advisory Council (PEAC) which helps guide Illinois public

school districts on the Performance Evaluation Reform Act.

Federal $298,000.00 23.5% - $70,000.00 ILLINOIS STATE UNIV

Provide services in support of NBPTS.

Federal $69,000.00 51.9% - $35,791.75 WESTAT INC

Will provide facilitation, content area and expertise and research best practice in the design and development

of culturally responsive teaching standards.

ESSA/IL-EMPOWERFederal $171,702.00 48.6% - $83,403.00 MEASUREMENT INCORPORATED

Will evaluate ISBEs statewide system of support; IL-EMPOWER. Will collect, analyze and report to ISBE

annually on implementation progress, impact on school continuous improvement and effectiveness for

improving opportunity and outcomes for students.

Federal $946,181.36 71.4%$149,596.87 $675,542.48 SANGAMON COUNTY ROE

Will provide content expertise based on the New Illinois Learning Standards incorporating the Common Core to

ISBE staff.

FACILITY MANAGEMENTFederal $516,410.13 78.1%$40,278.09 $403,062.18 ALZINA BUILDING II LLC

GRF $1,106,227.08 78.0%$86,593.28 $862,541.92

Other State $407,639.86 78.3%$31,491.26 $319,019.19

Lease of Springfield office space.

Other State $50,000.00 38.9% - $19,425.17 SICILIANO, INC

Carpentry for ISBE Springfield office.


Contract will cover monitoring of federal grants provided to CPS. Including a monitoring plan, work papers

documenting testing activities and results subject to review and acceptance by ISBE periodically throughout

fieldwork and a final report describing activities the activities performed and findings noted subject to review

and acceptance by ISBE.

Federal $72,066.08 0.0% - - VANDER WEELE GROUP LLC

Will conduct monitoring activities according to agreed upon procedures related to federal and state education

grants passed though ISBE to nine selected finacially material grant recipients (excluding City of Chicago



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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%


Assist staff in extracting and compiling data from the Agency's Internal Accounting System.

FUNDING AND DISBURSEMENTSOther State $99,000.00 47.5%$18,128.98 $47,040.55 MTW SOLUTIONS LLC

Develop mechanism for extracting data from electronic E-Grants Management System.

LEGALGRF $148,500.00 81.4%$21,817.50 $120,830.00 LANER MUCHIN DOMBROW BECKER LTD

In anticipation of litigation will serve as legal representative of the State Superintendent of ISBE. All

pre-hearing, hearing and post hearing matters with respect to teachers certification.

MULTILINGUALFederal $573,610.00 66.7% - $382,406.68 NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY

Will provide support to the state migrant education program local projects in the areas of identification and

recruitment, professional development, curriculum, data collection and needs assessment. Also, inter and

intra-state coordination, parent involvement, updating the state plan and outreach to out of school youth.

GRF $499,997.00 75.0%$41,666.41 $374,997.69 THE CENTER RESOURCES FOR

Will design and implement a system of targeted technical assistance primarily for schools and districts focused

on school and districts focused on improvement to meet the needs of English Learners.

GRF $1,199,947.00 59.8%$248,423.70 $717,082.63 THE CENTER RESOURCES FOR

Will develop and deliver high quality, ongoing professional development to support English learners, biliteracy,

and bilingual family engagement.

Federal $100,000.00 52.0% - $52,000.00 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO

Literacy Squared to provide extensive professional development and technical assistance to districts

implementing transitional bilingual and dual language programs.

NUTRITIONFederal $125,000.00 92.3% - $115,350.00 CHICAGO CITY OF

Will provide health/food inspections for the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) and the Child and Adult

Food Care Program (CAFCP) At-Risk program in the City of Chicago.

Federal $450,000.00 0.0% - - CN RESOURCE LLC

Conduct a complete NLSP admin review, school breakfast program review and menu certification review for

the USDA 3 year NSLP review requirements.

Federal $108,250.00 0.0% - - DUPAGE COUNTY HEALTH DEPT

Will conduct health/food safety inspections for the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) and the Child and

Adult Food Care Program (CACFP). At-Risk programs in the counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Kendall, Lake,

McHenry and Will.

Federal $500,000.00 0.0% - - HAMBRICK & ASSOCIATES INC

Will provide selection and placement services for Summer Meal ads and announcements in various modes of

transportation media.

Federal $2,500,000.00 90.6%$189,826.78 $2,265,384.65 LANTER DISTRIBUTING LLC

Will provide warehousing and delivery services for USDA foods used in the operation of the National School

Lunch Program for School Food Authorities (SFAs) in Illinois.

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%

NUTRITIONFederal $95,000.00 17.3%$2,992.00 $16,456.00 PRECISION BUSINESS SOLUTIONS INC

Will provide individual(s) to conduct Administrative Reviews for appeals on an as-needed basis for the Child

Nutrition Programs. Federal regulations require that ISBE provide appeal rights whenever fiscal action from

reviews, denial of applications and revisions of claims.

Federal $56,475.00 100.0% - $56,475.00 PREMIER STAFFING SOURCE INC

10 temporary Field Monitors to conduct on-site monitoring visits to ensure ISBE meets the number of reviews

required by Federal Regulations. Using Master Contract # CMS805912E.

Federal $281,250.00 100.0% - $281,250.00 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS

Mentors used to help with the Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time based (SMART) goals

concept to assist schools in implementing the new USDA requirements .

PROJECT MANAGEMENTOther State $1,059,150.00 99.2%$78,992.50 $1,050,542.00 MARUCCO STODDARD FERENBACH AND

Will design, develop and implement web-based applications to become a "one-stop shop" for Illinois School

Districts and ISBE.

REGULATORY SERVICESGRF $1,400,000.00 51.2%$118,358.00 $717,178.00 EDUCATIONAL SVC REGION OFF

Statewide support technology system to provide professional development, technical assistance, network

design consultation, leadership, technology planning consultation and information exchange.


A project between IBSE and IDES to securely connect Illinois public high school student data and employment


GRF $475,000.00 83.3% - $395,833.35 PEORIA COUNTY REGIONAL OFF OF ED

Will administer, plan and implement the Illinois Virtual School. Will include management and delivery of on-line

courses for students as well professional development for educators.

RESEARCH AND EVALUATIONFederal $53,000.00 78.2% - $41,450.00 OER ASSOCIATES

Will establish an equitable Pre-K through Grade 12 student achievement assessment system tied to Illinois

State Standards that offers educators quick and frequent access to results that can be used to target

instruction to student needs during the same year of testing.

SCHOOL BUSINESS SERVICESOther State $50,000.00 0.0% - - A-C CENTRAL CUSD 262

AC Central CUSD 262/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - AKIN CCSD 91

Akin CCSD 91/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - ALBERS SD 63

Albers SD 63/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - ALDEN HEBRON SD 19

Alden Hebron SD 19/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - ALSIP-HAZLGRN-OAKLWN SD 126

Alsip Hazlgrn Oaklwn SD 126/Maintenance Grant

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%

SCHOOL BUSINESS SERVICESOther State $50,000.00 0.0% - - ALTON CUSD 11

Alton CUSD 11/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - ALWOOD CUSD 225

Alwood CUSD 225/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - AMBOY CUSD 272

Amboy CUSD 272/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - ANNA JONESBORO CHSD 81

Anna-Jonesboro CHSD 81/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - ANNA SD 37

Anna CCSD 37/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - ANNAWAN CUSD 226

Annawan CUSD 226/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - APTAKISIC-TRIPP CCSD 102

Aptakisic Tripp CCSD 102/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - ARBOR PARK SD 145

Arbor Park SD 145/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - ARCOLA CUSD 306

Arcola CUSD 306/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - ARGENTA-OREANA CUSD 1

Argenta-Oreana CUSD 1/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - ASTORIA CUSD 1

Astoria CUSD 1/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - ATHENS CUSD 213

Athens CUSD 213/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - AUBURN CUSD 10

Auburn CUSD 10/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - AURORA WEST SCHOOL DIST 129

Aurora West USD 129/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - AVOCA SCHOOL DIST 37

Avoca SD 37/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - BARTELSO SD 57

Bartelso SD 57/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - BARTONVILLE SD 66

Bartonville SD 66/Maintenance Grant

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%

SCHOOL BUSINESS SERVICESOther State $50,000.00 0.0% - - BEECHER CUSD 200U

Beecher CUSD 200U/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - BELVIDERE CUSD 100

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - BEMENT CUSD 5

Bement CUSD 5/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - BENTON CCSD 47

Benton CCSD 47/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - BENTON CHSD 103

Benton CHSD 103/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - BLOOM TWP HSD 206

Bloom Twp HSD 206/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - BLOOMINGDALE SD 13

Bloomingdale SD 13/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - BLUE RIDGE CUSD 18

Blue Ridge CUSD 18/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - BLUFORD UNIT SCHOOL DSTRCT 318

School Maintenance Grant Agreement/Blueford Unit SD 318

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - BOARD OF EDUCATION DISTRICT 41

Glen Ellyn SD 41/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - BOARD OF EDUCATION SD 100

Berwyn South SD 100/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - BOARD OF EDUCATION SD 189

East St. Louis SD 189/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - BOARD OF EDUCATION

Evanston CCSD 65/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - BOURBONNAIS ESD 53

Bourbonnais SD 53/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - BRADLEY BOURBONNAIS CHSD 307

Bradley Bourbonnais CHSD 307/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - BRADLEY SD 61

Bradley SD 61/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - BROOKWOOD SD 167

Brookwood SD 167/Maintenance Grant

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%


Bunker Hill CUSD 8/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - BUTLER SD 53

Butler SD 53/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - BYRON COMMUNITY UNIT SD 226

Byron CUSD 226/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - CAHOKIA CUSD 187

Cahokia USD 187/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - CAIRO SD 1

Cairo USD 1/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - CALHOUN CUSD 40

Calhoun CUSD 40/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - CALUMET CITY SD 155

Calumet City SD 155/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - CAMBRIDGE CUSD 227

Cambridge CUSD 227/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - CANTON UNION SD 66

Canton Union SD 66/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - CARBONDALE CHSD 165

Carbondale CHSD 165/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - CARBONDALE ELEMENTARY SD 95

Carbondale Elem SD/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - CARROLLTON CUSD 1

Carrollton CUSD 1/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - CARTHAGE ELEMENTARY DISTRICT 317

School Maintenance Grant Agreement/Carthage ESD 317

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - CARY CCSD 26

Cary CCSD 26/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - CASEY-WESTFIELD CUSD 4C

Casey-Westfield CUSD 4C/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - CENTRAL CUSD 301

Central CUSD 301/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - CENTRAL CUSD 4

Central CUSD 4/Maintenance Grant

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%


Central Stickney SD 110/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - CENTRALIA SD 135

Centralia SD 135/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - CHESTER CUSD 139

Chester CUSD 139/Maintenance Gran

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - CHESTER-EAST LINCOLN CCSD 61

New Holland-Middletown ED 88 Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - CHICAGO RIDGE SD 1275

Chicago Ridge SD 127-5/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - CLAY CITY CUSD 10

Clay City CUSD 10/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - CLINTON CUSD 15

Clinton CUSD 15/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COAL CITY CUSD 1

Coal City CUSD 1/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COBDEN UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT 17

Cobden SUD 17/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COLLINSVILLE CUSD 10

Collinsville CUSD 10/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COLONA SD 190

Colona SD 190/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COMM CONS SCH DIST 180

CCSD Burr Ridge 180/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COMM CONS SCH DIST 181

Hinsdale CCSD 181/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COMM CONS SCHOOL DISTRICT NO 15

Palatine CCSD 15/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COMM UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT 271

Paris-Union SD 95/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COMMUNITY CONS SCH DIST 146

Tinley Park CCSD 146/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COMMUNITY CONS SCH DIST 89

CCSD 89/Maintenance Grant

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%


Comm Cons SD 93/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COMMUNITY CONSOLIDATED DIST 6

New Hope CCSD 6/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COMMUNITY CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL

Grayslake CCSD 46/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COMMUNITY CONSOLIDATED SD 17

Jasper CCSD 17/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COMMUNITY CONSOLIDATED SD 59

Arlington Heights Comm Cons SD 59/Maintenace Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL DIST 128

CHSD 128/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL DIST 99

CHSD 99/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COMMUNITY U S D 3

Donovan CUSD 3/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COMMUNITY UNIT DIST 425

Indian Creek CUSD 425/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COMMUNITY UNIT DISTRICT 3

School Maintenance Grant Agreement/Kansas CUSD 3

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COMMUNITY UNIT DISTRICT NO 16

New Berlin CUSD 16/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COMMUNITY UNIT DISTRICT NO 3

Crab Orchard CUSD 3/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COMMUNITY UNIT SCH DIST 220

Barrington CUSD 220/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COMMUNITY UNIT SCH DIST 7

Tolono CUSD 7/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COMMUNITY UNIT SCH DIST NO 1

Payson CUSD 1/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DIST 200

Comm USD 200 - Wheaton/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DIST 200

Woodstock CUSD 200/Maintenance Grant

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%


CUSD 201/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DIST 2

Robinson CUSD 2/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DIST 300

CUSD 300/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DIST 3

Central CUSD 3/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DIST 3

Mahomet-Seymour CUSD 3/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DIST 50

Teutopolis CUSD 50/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DIST 60

Waukegan CUSD 60/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DIST 95

Lake Zurich CUSD 95/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT

Sterling CUSD 5/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL NO 2

Serena CUSD 2/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - CONS HIGH SCH DIST 125

Adlai E Stevenson Dist 125/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCH DIST 230

CHSD Orland Park 230/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COOK CNTY BD EDUCATION 083

Manheim SD 83/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COOK CO SCHOOL DIST 102

LaGrange SD 102/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COOK COUNTY HSD 201

J S Morton HSD 201/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COOK COUNTY SCHOOL DIST 151

South Holland SD 151/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COOK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT 36

Winnetka SD 36/Maintenance Grant

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%

SCHOOL BUSINESS SERVICESOther State $50,000.00 0.0% - - CORNELL CCSD 426

Cornell CCSD 426/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COUNTY OF COLE

Oakland CUSD 5/School Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COUNTY OF COOK SCHOOL DIST 98

Berwyn North SD 98/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COUNTY OF COOK SD 99

Cicero SD 99/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COUNTY OF DUPAGE SCHOOL DIST 4

Addison SD 4/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COUNTY OF DUPAGE

Cass SD 63/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COUNTY OF GRUNDY SD 111

Minooka CHSD 111- Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COUNTY OF KANKAKEE SCH DIST 258

St George CCSD 258/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COUNTY OF MACOUPIN CUSD 1

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COUNTY OF TAZEWELL SD 309

East Peoria CHSD 309/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COUNTY OF WILL SCHOOL DIST 88

School Maintenance Grant Agreement/Chaney-Monge SD 88

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COUNTY OF WILL SD90

Taft SD 90/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COUNTY OF WOODFORD SCHOOL

County of Woodford School/Maint Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - COUNTY OF WOODFORD-EUREKA

Eureka CUD 140/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - CRESTON CCSD 161

Creston CCSD 161/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - CRETE-MONEE COMMUNITY UNIT

Crete Monee CUSD 201U/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - CRYSTAL LAKE CCSD 47

Crystal Lake CCSD 47/Maintenance Grant

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%

SCHOOL BUSINESS SERVICESOther State $50,000.00 0.0% - - DAKOTA CUSD 201

Dakota CUSD 201/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - DALZELL SD 98

Dalzell SD 98/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - DAMIANSVILLE SD 62

Damiansville Elem SD 62/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - DEER CREEK-MACKINAW CUSD 701

Deer Park-Mackinaw CUSD 701/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - DEERFIELD SD 109

Deerfield SD 109/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - DEPUE CUSD 103

DePue USD 103/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - DESOTO CCSD 86

Desoto Cons SD 86/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - DIETERICH CUSD 30

AC Central CUSD 262/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - DIMMICK CCSD #175

Dimmick CCSD 175/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - DIXON CUSD 170

Dixon USD 170/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - DOLTON CUSD 149

Dolton SD 149/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - DOWNERS GROVE GSD 58

Downers Grove SD 58/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - DUPO CUSD 196

Dupo SD 196/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - DURAND CUSD 322

Durand CUSD 322/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - DWIGHT COMMON SD 232

Dwight Common SD 232/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - DWIGHT TWP HSD 230

Dwight Twp HSD 230/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - EARLVILLE CUSD 9

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%

SCHOOL BUSINESS SERVICESOther State $50,000.00 0.0% - - EAST ALTON SD 13

East Alton SD 13/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - EAST COLOMA-NELSON CONS ELEM

East Coloma-Nelson CESD 20/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - EAST MOLINE SD 37

East Moline SD 37/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - EASTLAND CUSD 308

Eastland CUSD 308/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - EDWARDS COUNTY CUSD 1

Edward Cty CUSD 1/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - EFFINGHAM CUSD 40

Effingham CUSD 40/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - ELDORADO CUSD 4

Eldorado CUSD 4/Maintenance Grant

GRF $76,733.00 34.0%$446.50 $26,065.50 ENCORE CONSULTING SERVICES INC

Will provide two temporary Financial Data Analysts who will provide data analysis , data input, data

reconciliations, data collections and report completion for School Business Services activities.

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - ESWOOD CCD 269

Eswood CCSD 269/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - FAIRFIELD CHSD 225

Fairfield CHSD 225/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - FAIRMONT SD 89

Fairmont SD 89/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - FAIRVIEW SD 72

Fairview SD 72/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - FENTON CHSD 100

Fenton CHSD 100/School Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - FIELDCREST COMMUNITY UNIT

Fieldcrest CUSD 6/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - FLOSSMOOR SD 161

Flossmoor SD 161/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - FOREST RIDGE SD 142

Forest Ridge SD 142/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - FORRESTVILLE VALLEY CUSD 221

Forrestville Valley CUSD 221/Maintenance Grant

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%


School Maintenance Grant Agreement/Four Rivers Special Ed Dist

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - FOX LAKE GSD 114

Fox Lake GSD 114/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - FOX RIVER GROVE CSD 3

Fox River Grove CCSD 3/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - FRANKFORT CCSD 157C

Frankfort CCSD 157C/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - FRANKLIN PARK SD 84

Franklin Park SD 84/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - FREEBURG CCSD 70

Freeburg CCSD 70/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - FREEBURG CHSD 77

Freeburg CHSD 77/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - FREMONT SD 79

Fremont SD 79/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - FULTON COUNTY CUSD 3

CUSD 3 Fulton County/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - GALATIA CUSD 1

Galatia CUSD 1/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - GALENA UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT

Galena USD 120/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - GALLATIN CUSD 7

Gallatin CUSD 7/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - GALVA CUSD 224

Galva CUSD 224/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - GAVIN SD 37

Gavin SD 37/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - GENESEO CUSD 228

Geneseo CUSD 228/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - GENOA KINGSTON CUSD 424

Genoa-Kingston CUSD 424/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - GEORGETOWN RIDGE FARM CUSD 4

Georgetown-Ridge Farm CUSD 4/Maintenance

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%

SCHOOL BUSINESS SERVICESOther State $50,000.00 0.0% - - GIANT CITY CCSD 130

Giant City CCSD 130/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - GIBSON-MELVIN-SIBLEY CUSD 5

School Maintenance Grant Agreement/Gibson City-Melvin-Sibley CUSD 5

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - GILLESPIE CUSD 7

Gillespie CUSD 7/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - GOREVILLE CUD 1

Goreville CUSD 1/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - GOWER SD 62

Gower SD 62/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - GREENFIELD CUSD 10

Greenfield CUSD 10/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - GREENVIEW CUSD 200

Greenview CUSD 200/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - GURNEE SD 56

Gurnee SD 56/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - HAMILTON CNTY CUSD 10

Hamilton Co CUSD 10/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - HARRISBURG CUSD 3

Harrisburg CUSD 3/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - HARRISON SD 36

Harrison Elem SD 36/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - HARVARD CUSD 50

Harvard CUSD 50/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - HARVEY SD 152

Harvey SD 152/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - HAVANA CUSD 126

Havana CUSD 126/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - HERSCHER CUSD 2

Herscher CUSD 2/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - HEYWORTH CUSD 4

Heyworth CUSD 4/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - HIGHLAND CUSD 5

Highland CUSD 5/Maintenance Grant

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%

SCHOOL BUSINESS SERVICESOther State $50,000.00 0.0% - - HILLSIDE SD 93

Hillside SD 93/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - HINCKLEY BIG ROCK CUSD 429

Hinckley Big Rock CUSD 429/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - HINSDALE DIST 86

Hinsdale Twp HSD 86/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - HOMEWOOD FLOSSMOOR CHSD 233

Homewood Flossmoor CHSD 233/Maintenance

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - HOMEWOOD SD 153

Homewood SD 153/Maintenane Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - HONONEGAH CHSD 207

Hononegah CHD 207/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - ILLINI WEST HSD 307

Illini West HSD 307/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - ILLINOIS VALLEY CENTRAL UNIT 321

Illinois Valley Central CUSD 321/Maintenenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - INDIAN PRAIRIE 204

Indian Prairie CUSD 204/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - INDIAN SPRINGS SD 109

Indian Springs SD 109/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - IROQUOIS COUNTY CUSD 9

Iroquois County SD 9/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - IROQUOIS WEST CUSD 10

Iroquois West CUSD 10/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - ITASCA PUBLIC SCHOOLS DIST 10

Itasca SD 10/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - IUKA COMMUNITY CONSOLIDATED SC

Iuka CCSD 7/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - JACKSONVILLE SD 117

Jacksonville SD 117/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - JOHNSBURG CUSD 12

Johnsburg CUSD/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - JOLIET PUBLIC SCH DIST 86

Joliet Public SD 86/Maintenance Grant

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%


Joppa Maple Grove UD 38/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - KANELAND CUSD 302

Kaneland CUSD 302/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - KANKAKEE SD 111

Kankakee SD 1111/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - KEWANEE CUSD 229

Kewanee CUSD 229/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - KINNIKINNICK CCSD131

Kinnikinnick CCSD 131/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - LA GRANGE SD 105

LaGrange SD 105/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - LAKE PARK CHSD 108

Lake Park CHSD 108/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - LANSING SD 158

Lansing SD 158/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - LASALLE ESD 122

La Salle ESD 122 Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - LASALLE-PERU TOWNSHIP HIGH

La Salle-Peru THSD 120/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - LELAND CUSD 1

Leland CUSD 1/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - LEMONT TWP HSD 210

Lemont HSD 210/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - LEMONT-BROMBEREK CSD 113A

Lemont-Bromberek CSD/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - LENA WINSLOW CUSD 202

Lena-Winslow CUSD 202/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - LEWISTOWN SCHOOL DISTRICT 97

Lewistown CUSD 97/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - LEXINGTON CUSD 7

Lexington CUSD 7/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - LEYDEN CHSD 212

Leyden CHSD 212/Maintenance Grant

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%

SCHOOL BUSINESS SERVICESOther State $50,000.00 0.0% - - LICK CREEK CCSD 16

Lick Creek CCSD 16/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - LIMESTONE CHSD 310

Limestone CHSD 310/School Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - LIMESTONE WALTERS CCSD 316

Limestone Walters CCSD 316/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - LINCOLN CHSD 404

Lincoln CHSD 404 Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - LINCOLN WAY AREA SPEC ED JA

Lincoln Way Area Spec Ed Joint Agreement-Maintance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - LINCOLN WAY CHSD 210

Lincoln Way CHSD 210/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - LINDOP SD 92

School Maintenance Grant Agreement/Lindop SD 92

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - LITCHFIELD CUD 12

Litchfield SD 12/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - LIVINGSTON CO SP SVCS UNIT

Livingston Co Spec Services Unit/Maintenance Granr

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - LOCKPORT SD 91

Lockport SD 91/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - LOCKPORT TWP HSD 205

Lockport Twp HSD 205/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - LYONS SD 103

Lyons SD 103/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - LYONS TWP HSD 204

Lyons Twp HSD 204/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - MAERCKER SD 60

Maercker SD 60/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - MAINE TWP HSD 207

Maine Twp HSD 207/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - MALDEN CCSD 84

Malden CCSD 84/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - MANHATTAN SD 114

Manhattan SD 114/Maintenance Grant

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%

SCHOOL BUSINESS SERVICESOther State $50,000.00 0.0% - - MARENGO CHSD 154

Marengo CHSD 154/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - MARION CUSD 2

Marion CUSD 2/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - MAROA FORSYTH CUSD 2

Maroa Forsyth CUSD 2/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - MASCOUTAH CUD 19

Mascoutah CUD 19/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - MATTESON SCHOOL DISTRICT 162

Matteson ESD 162/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - MATTOON CUSD 2

Mattoon CUSD 2/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - MCHENRY CHSD 156

McHenry CHSD 156/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - MCLEAN COUNTY UD 5

McLean County USD 5/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - MENDON CUSD 4

Mendon Comm USD 4/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - MENDOTA COMMUNITY CONS SD 289

Mendota CCSD 289 Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - MERCER COUNTY SD 404

Mercer County School District 404/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - MERIDIAN CUSD 101

Meridian CUSD 101/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - MERIDIAN CUSD 15

Meridian CUSD 15 (CASH)/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - MIDWEST CENTRAL CUD 191

Midwest Central CUSD 191/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - MILLSTADT CCSD 160

Millstadt CCSD 160/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - MINOOKA CCSD 201

Minooka CCSD 201/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - MOKENA SD 159

Mokena SD 159/Maintenance Grant

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%


Monmouth Roseville CUSD 238/Maint Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - MONROE S D 70

Monroe SD 70/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - MONTMORENCY CCSD 145

Montmorency CCSD 145/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - MORRIS CHSD 101

Morris CHSD 101/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - MORRIS SD 54

Morris SD 54/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - MORRISONVILLE CUSD 1

Morrisonville CUSD 1/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - MORTON GROVE SD 70

Morton Grove SD 70/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - MOUNT PULASKI CUD 23

Mt Pulaski CUSD 23/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - MT PROSPECT PUBLIC SCH DIST 57

Mount Prospect SD 57/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - MT ZION CUSD 3

Mt Zion CUSD 3/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - MULBERRY GROVE CUSD 1

Mulberry Grove CUSD 1/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - NASHVILLE CCSD 49

Nashville CCSD 49/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - NASHVILLE CHSD 99

Nashville CHSD 99/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - NEOGA COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL

Crab Orchard CUSD 3/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - NEW LENOX SD 122

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - NEW SIMPSON HILL C D 32

Kewanee CUSD 229/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - NEWARK CCSD 66

Newark CCSD 66/Maintenance Grant

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%

SCHOOL BUSINESS SERVICESOther State $50,000.00 0.0% - - NEWARK CHSD 18

Newark CHSD 18/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - NILES ELEM SD 71

Niles Elem SD 71/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - NILES TOWNSHIP FOR SPEC ED 807

Niles Twp District for Special Ed/Maintenace Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - NIPPERSINK SCH DIST 2

Nippersink SD 2/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - NOKOMIS CUSD 22

Nokomis CUSD 22/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - NORTH BOONE CUD 200

North Boone CUSD 200/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - NORTH DUPAGE SP ED COOPERATIVE

North Dupage Sp Ed Co-Op/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - NORTH GREENE USD 3

North Greene USD 3/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - NORTH SHORE SD 112

North Shore SD 112/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - NORTH WAYNE CUSD 200

North Wayne CUSD 200/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - NORTHBROOK ESD 27

Northbrook ESD 27/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - NORTHBROOK SD 28

Northbrook SD 28/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - NORTHBROOK-GLENVIEW SD 30

Northbrook/Glenview SD 30/Maint Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - NORTHFIELD THSD 225

Northfield TWP HSD/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - NORTHWEST SUBURBAN SPECIAL

School Maintenance Grant Agreement/NW Suburban Special Educ Organization

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - NORTHWESTERN CUSD 2

Northwestern CUSD 2/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - NORWOOD ELEM SD 63

Norwood ESD 63/Maintenance Grant

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%

SCHOOL BUSINESS SERVICESOther State $50,000.00 0.0% - - OAK GROVE SD 68

Oak Grove SD 68 Green Oaks/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - OAK GROVE SD 68

Oak Grove SD 68/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - OAK LAWN CHSD 229

Oak Lawn CHSD 229/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - OAK LAWN-HOMETOWN S D 123

School Maintenance Grant Agreement/Oak Lawn-Hometown SD 12

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - OAK PARK SD 97

Oak Park ESD 97/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - OAKWOOD CUSD 76

Oakwood CUSD 76/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - ODIN PUBLIC SCHOOL DIST 722

Odin Public SD 722/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - OGLESBY ESD 125

Oglesby Elem SD 125/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - OHIO COMM CONS SD 17

Ohio CCSD 17/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - OKAW VALLEY CUSD 302

Okaw Valley CUSD 302/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - OLYMPIA CUSD 16

Olympia CUSD 16/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - OREGON CUSD 220

Oregon CUSD 220/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - OTTAWA ESD 141

Ottawa ESD 141/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - OTTAWA THSD 140

Ottawa Twp HSD 140/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - PALOS CCSD 118

Palos CCSD 118/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - PARK FOREST SD 163

Park Forest SD 163/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - PATOKA CUSD 100

Patoka CUSD 100/Maintenance Grant

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%


Pecatonica CUSD 321/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - PEMBROKE CCSD 259

Pembroke CCSD 259/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - PENNOYER SD 79

Pennoyer SD 79/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - PEOTONE CUSD 207U

Peotone CUSD 207U/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - PIKELAND CUSD 10

Pikeland CUSD 10/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - PLAINFIELD SD 202

Plainfield SD 202/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - PLANO CUSD 88

Plano CUSD/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - POLO CUSD 222

Polo CUSD 222/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - PONTIAC CCSD 429

Pontiac CCSD 429/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - PONTIAC TWP HSD 90

Pontiac Twp HSD 90/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - PONTIAC-W HOLLIDAY SD 105

Pontiac-W Holiday SD 105/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - POPE COUNTY COMMUNITY UNIT

Pope County CUSD 1/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - PORTA CUSD 202

Porta CUSD 202/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - POSEN-ROBBINS ELEM SD 1435

Posen Robbins Elem SD 143.5 - Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - POTOMAC CUSD 10

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - PRAIRIE CENTRAL CUSD 8

Prairie Central CUSD 8/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - PRAIRIE GROVE CSD 46

Prairie Grove CSD 46/Maintenance Grant

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%


Prairie Hill CCSD 133/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - PRAIRIE-HILLS ELEM SD 144

Prairie Hills ESD 144/School Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - PRAIRIEVIEW-OGDEN CCSD 197

Prairieview-Ogden CCSD 197/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - PRINCETON ELEM SD 115

Princeton Elem SD 115/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - PROPHETSTOWN-LYNDON CUSD 3

Prophetstown-Lyndon-Tampico CUSD 3/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - PROSPECT HEIGHTS SD 23

School Maintenance Grant Agreement/Prospect Heights SD

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - PUTNAM COUNTY CU SCHOOL DIST 535

Putnam County CUSD 535/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - QUINCY SD 172

Quincy SD 172/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - RAMSEY CUSD 204

Ramsey CUSD 204/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - REAVIS TWP HSD 220

Reavis Twp HSD 220/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - RED BUD CUSD 132

Red Bud CUSD 132/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - RED HILL CUSD 10

Red Hill CUSD 10/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - RHODES SD 84-5

Rhodes SD 84-5/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - RICHLAND COUNTY CUSD 1

East Richard CUSD/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - RICHLAND SD 88A

School Maintenance Grant Agreement/Richland GSD 88A

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - RILEY CCSD 18

School Maintenance Grant Agreement/Riley CCSD 18

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - RIVER BEND CUSD 2

School Maintenance Grant Agreement/River Bend CUSD 2

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%

SCHOOL BUSINESS SERVICESOther State $50,000.00 0.0% - - RIVER FOREST SD 90

River Forest SD 90/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - RIVER TRAILS SD 26

River Trails Sd 26/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - RIVERDALE CUSD 100

Riverdale CUSD 100/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - RIVERSIDE SCHOOL DIST 96

School Maintenance Grant Agreement/Riverside SD 96

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - RIVERTON CUSD 14

Riverton CUSD 14/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - ROCHELLE CCD 231

Rochelle CCSD 231/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - ROCHESTER CUSD 3A

Rochester CUSD 3A/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - ROCK FALLS ESD 13

Rock Falls Elem SD 13/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - ROCKDALE SCHOOL DISTRICT 84

Rockdale SD 84/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - ROCKRIDGE CUSD 300

Rockridge CUSD 300/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - ROCKTON SD 140

Rockton SD 140/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - ROOKS CREEK CCSD 425

Rooks Creek CCSD 425/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - ROSSVILLE-ALVIN CSD 7

Rossville-Alvin CUSD 7/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - ROUND LAKE AREA SD 116

Round Lake Area Schools 116/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - RUTLAND CCSD 230

Rutland CCSD 230/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SALT FORK COMMUNITY UNIT

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SANDRIDGE SD 172

Sandridge SD 172/Maintenance Grant

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%

SCHOOL BUSINESS SERVICESOther State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SANDWICH CUSD 430

School Maintenance Grant Agreement/Sandwich CUSD 430

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SANGAMON VALLEY CUSD 9

Sangamon Valley CUSD 9/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SCH DIST 60C

Saratoga CCSD 60C/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SCHAUMBURG CCSD 54

Schaumburg CCSD 54/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SCHILLER PARK SD 81

Schiller Park SD 81/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SCHOOL DIST 131 KANE CO

Aurora East USD 131/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SCHOOL DIST 208-COOK COUNTY

Riverside Brookfield Twp Dist 208/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SCHOOL DIST 234 RIDGEWOOD HIGH

Ridgewood HSD 234/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SCHOOL DIST 34 COOK COUNTY

Glenview CCSD 34/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SCHOOL DIST 64 CONSOLIDATED

Park Ridge CCSD 64/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SCHOOL DIST 74

Lincolnwood SD 74/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SCHOOL DIST 76

Diamond Lake SD 76/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SCHOOL DIST 95 LASALLE COUNTY

Grand Ridge CCSD 95/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SCHOOL DIST NO 102

N. Pekin & Marquette Hghts SD 102/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SCHOOL DISTRICT 143 COOK COUNTY

Midlothian SD 143/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SCHOOL DISTRICT 200 SHERRARD COM

Sherrard CUSD 200/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SCHOOL DISTRICT 79

Tonica CCSD 79/Maintenance Grant

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%


Paris-Union SD 95/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SCHOOL DISTRICT U-46

SD U46 - Elgin/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SCHOOL UNIT DISTRICT NO 10

Altamont CUSD 10/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SCOTT-MORGAN CUSD 2

Scott-Morgan CUSD 2 Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SENECA TWP HSD 160

Seneca Twp HSD 160/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SHAWNEE CUSD 84

Shawnee CUSD 84/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SHELBYVILLE CUSD 4

School Maintenance Grant Agreement/Shelbyville CUSD 4

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SHILOH CUSD 1

School Maintenance Grant Agreement/Shiloh CUSD 1

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SHIRLAND CCSD 134

Shirland CCSD 134/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SKOKIE SD 69

Skokie SD 69/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SKOKIE SD 73-5

Skokie SD 73-5/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SOMONAUK CUSD 432

Somonauk CUSD 432/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SOUTH FORK SD 14

South Fork SD 14/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SOUTH HOLLAND SCHOOL DIST 150

South Holland SD 150/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SOUTHWESTERN CUSD 9

Southwestern CUSD 9/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SPEC EDUC DIST LAKE COUNTY

Special Ed Dist of Lake Cty Sedol/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SPECIAL EDUCATION DISTRICT

Special Ed Dist of Mchenry Co/Maint Grant

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%


Spoon River Valley CUSD 4/Maint Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SPRINGFIELD SD 186

Springfield SD 186/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - ST ANNE CCSD 256

St Anne CCSD 256/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - ST ELMO CUSD 202

School Maintenance Grant Agreement/St Elmo CUSD

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - ST JOSEPH OGDEN CHSD305

St Joseph Ogden CHSD 305/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - ST ROSE SD 14-15

School Maintenance Grant Agreement/St Rose SD 14-15

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - STARK COUNTY CUSD 100

Stark County CUSD 100/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - STAUNTON CUSD 6

Staunton CUSD 6/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - STEELEVILLE CUSD 138

Steeleville CUSD 138/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - STEWARDSON-STRASBURG CUD 5A

Stewardson-Strausburg CUSD 5A-Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - STREATOR ELEMENTARY SD 44

Streator ESD 44/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - STREATOR TWP HSD 40

Streator Twp HSD 40/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - SUMMIT HILL SD 161

Summit Hill SD 161/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - TAMAROA SCHOOL DISTRICT 5

Tamaroa SD 5/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - THORNTON FRACTIONALTHSD 215

Thornton Twp HSD 215/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - THORNTON SD 154

Thornton SD 154/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOL DIST 113

Township HSD 113/Maintenance Grant

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%

SCHOOL BUSINESS SERVICESOther State $50,000.00 0.0% - - TRI CITY CUSD 1

Tri City CUSD 1/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - TRI VALLEY CUSD 3

Tri Valley CUSD 3/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - TRIAD CUSD 2

Triad CUSD 2/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - TROY CCSD 30C

Troy CCSD 30C/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - TUSCOLA CUSD 301

Tuscola CUSD 301/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - UNITED CUSD 304

United CUSD 304/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - UNITY POINT CCSD 140

Unity Point CCSD 140/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - URBANA SD 116

Urbana SD 116/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - V I T UNIT SCHOOL DIST 2

VIT CUSD 2/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - VALLEY VIEW CUSD 365U

Valley View CUSD 365U/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - VANDALIA CUSD 203

Vandalia CUSD 203/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - VIENNA HSD 133

Vienna HSD 133/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - VILLA PARK SD 45

SD 45 Dupage County/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - WALLACE CCSD 195

Wallace CCSD 195/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - WALTONVILLE CUSD 1

Waltonville CUSD 1 Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - WARREN CUSD 205

Warren CUSD 205/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - WARRENSBURG-LATHAM CUSD 11

Warrensburg-Latham CUSD 11/Maintenance Grant

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%

SCHOOL BUSINESS SERVICESOther State $50,000.00 0.0% - - WAUCONDA CUSD 118

Wauconda CUSD 118/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - WAVERLY CUSD 6

Waverly CUSD 6/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - WEST CENTRAL CUSD 235

West Central CUSD 235/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - WEST PRAIRIE CUSD 103

West Prairie CUSD 103/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - WEST WASHINGTON CCUSD 10

West Washington Co CUD 10/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - WESTCHESTER SD 92-5

Westchester SD 92-5/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - WESTERN COMMUNITY UNIT SD 12

School Maintenance Grant Agreement/Western CUSD 12/$50,000

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - WESTERN SPRINGS SD 101

Western Springs SD 101/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - WETHERSFIELD CUSD 230

Wethersfield CUSD 230/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - WILL COUNTY SD 92

Will County SD 92/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - WILLIAMSON COUNTY SP ED DIST

Williamson Cty Special Ed/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - WILLIAMSVILLE CUSD 15

Williamsville CUSD 15/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - WILLOW GROVE SD 46

Willow Grove SD 46/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - WILMETTE SD 39

Wilmette SD 39/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - WILMINGTON CUSD 209U

Wilmington CUSD 209U/School Maintenance

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - WINNEBAGO CUSD 323

Winnebago CUSD 323/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - WOOD RIVER-HARTFORD ESD 15

Wood River-Hartford SD 15/Maintenance Grant

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%


Woodland CUSD 5/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - WOODLAWN UNIT SCHL DSTRCT209

Woodlawn Unit SD 209/Maintenance Grant

Other State $50,000.00 0.0% - - WORTH SD 127

Worth SD 127/Maintenance Grant

SOFTWARE SOLUTIONSOther State $155,376.00 79.0%$19,422.00 $122,694.00 ANCHOR DATA SYSTEMS INC

One program analyst for the maintenance, support and enhancement of the Educator Licensure Information

System (ELIS).

Other State $155,376.00 73.4%$15,210.00 $114,114.00 ANCHOR DATA SYSTEMS INC

One programmer analyst to assist in further development of the Educator Data Systems (ELIS) and the (EIS).

Other State $182,268.00 64.1% - $116,845.50 ASHBAUGH & ASSOCIATES INC

One program analyst for the maintenance, support and enhancement of the Educator Licensure Information

System (ELIS).

Other State $182,268.00 67.7%$8,052.00 $123,342.00 ASHBAUGH & ASSOCIATES INC

Time and materials contract for a business analyst for the maintenance , support and enhancement of the

Educator Licensure Information System (ELIS).

Federal $356,000.00 59.1% - $210,306.00 ASHBAUGH & ASSOCIATES INC

Will provide 2 software developers on a time and material basis to assist in the continued development and

maintenance of the web based Illinois Nutrition System (WINS).

Federal $170,000.00 75.2%$5,950.00 $127,797.50 ASHBAUGH & ASSOCIATES INC

Will provide one business analyst (Carl Oberg) to assist in agency projects, focusing on the development and

maintenance of Web-based Illinois Nutrition System (WINS).

Federal $182,500.00 67.0%$7,847.50 $122,229.41 ASHBAUGH & ASSOCIATES INC

Will provide one software developer(Jennifer Andruskevitch) to assist in the development and maintenance of

special education web-based and LAN-based applications.

Other State $171,312.00 74.5%$15,136.00 $127,710.00 BOWSHER INFORMATION SYSTEMS INC

One programmer analyst to assist in further development of the Educator Data Systems (ELIS) and (EIS).

Federal $176,000.00 78.0%$21,824.00 $137,280.00 BOWSHER INFORMATION SYSTEMS INC

One software developer to assist in the development and maintenance of extant and future data systems as

they pertain to Child Nutrition projects.

GRF $164,000.00 73.9%$14,350.00 $121,257.50 BOWSHER INFORMATION SYSTEMS INC

One software developer to provide continued development and maintenance of various web-based

applications. Kevin Bowsher is assigned as the software developer.

Other State $167,328.00 73.5%$15,120.00 $123,039.00 BOWSHER INFORMATION SYSTEMS INC

Program analyst for the maintenance, support and enhancement of the Educator Licensure Information

System (ELIS).

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%

SOFTWARE SOLUTIONSFederal $172,000.00 74.7%$22,446.00 $128,527.00 BOWSHER INFORMATION SYSTEMS INC

Time and materials for the services of one software developer to provide continued development and

maintenance of extant and future data systems as they pertain to Special Education projects.

Federal $75,800.00 53.9%$4,820.00 $40,856.00 BOWSHER INFORMATION SYSTEMS INC

GRF $67,200.00 72.4%$4,704.00 $48,636.00

Will provide a Business Intelligence Developer (Matt Fuiten) to assist in the development and maintenance of

extant and future data systems as they pertain the Statewide Longitudinal Data System.

Other State $168,000.00 72.2%$21,504.00 $121,212.00 BOWSHER INFORMATION SYSTEMS INC

Will provide an agile coach/scrum master Phil Laurent) to assist on agency projects, focusing on the adoption

and maintenance of and Agile/Scrum methodology through the Division.

Federal $330,000.00 71.6%$39,543.00 $236,428.50 BOWSHER INFORMATION SYSTEMS INC

Will supply a software developer on a time and materials basis to assist in the development and maintenance

of extant and future data systems as they pertain to Special Education related projects. These contractors will

work cooperatively with ISBE to provide continual enhancements, ongoing system maintenance and assist with

the implementation of the Individualized Education Program (IEP) Special Education Tracking and Reporting

(I-Star) development project.

Federal $56,600.00 80.2%$11,968.00 $45,380.00 DYNAMIC INTERACTIVE BUSINESS

GRF $54,400.00 62.9% - $34,204.00

One developer (Hemant Sinder) to assist in the development and maintenance of extant and future data

systems as they pertain to the Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) Illinois Data for Fiscal and

Instructional Results, Study and Transparency (Illinois Data FIRST) grant projects.

Federal $158,000.00 74.0%$13,904.00 $116,920.00 EDIFY TECHNOLOGIES INC

Will provide 1 software developer on a time and material basis to assist in the continued development and

maintenance of the web based Illinois Nutrition System (WINS).

GRF $164,000.00 65.2%$7,216.00 $106,928.00 EDIFY TECHNOLOGIES INC

Will provide one software developer on a time and material basis to provide continued development and

maintenance of the Entity Profile System (EPS).

GRF $164,000.00 74.5%$13,776.00 $122,098.00 EDIFY TECHNOLOGIES INC

Will provide one software developer on a time and materials basis to assist in the development and

maintenance of the ISBE Financial Data Systems.

Federal $264,553.59 91.3% - $241,648.69 IBM CORP

GRF $1,199,769.56 55.6% - $667,127.96

Will provide a project team to assist in the development and maintenance of extant and future data systems as

they pertain to the collection and organization of the ISBE Student Information Systems (SIS).

Federal $130,000.00 69.8% - $90,740.00 LEAD IT CORPORATION

Will provide 2 software developers on a time and material basis to assist in the continued development and

maintenance of the web based Illinois Nutrition System (WINS).

Federal $883,864.29 52.5%$90,519.39 $464,107.24 LEARNINGMATE SOLUTIONS INC

GRF $166,954.93 100.0%$29,746.29 $166,954.93

Other State $138,184.34 100.0% - $138,184.34

One project manager, one data architect, one business analyst and two programmer analysts to support the

ISBE data warehouse.

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%

SOFTWARE SOLUTIONSFederal $125,000.00 45.1%$13,800.00 $56,431.25 LEARNINGMATE SOLUTIONS INC

Will provide one Outreach Coordinator (Rose Whelihan) to assist in the continued development and

maintenance of extant and future data systems as they pertain to the ILDS Illinois Data for Fiscal and

Instructional results, study and transparency grant projects.

Federal $145,000.00 62.5%$13,685.00 $90,642.50 LEVI RAY & SHOUP INC

Will provide one Project Manager (Steve Koester) to assist in the continued development and maintenance of

exant and future data systems as they pertain to the ILDS Illinois Data for Fiscal instructional results, study and

transparency grant projects.

Federal $347,931.79 63.9%$41,616.25 $222,238.75 MARUCCO STODDARD FERENBACH AND

GRF $67,790.71 55.9% - $37,895.00

Time and materials contract for the services of 3 software developers to provide continued development and

maintenance of the Ed360 web application.

Other State $360,000.00 69.6%$35,527.50 $250,537.50 MARUCCO STODDARD FERENBACH AND

Will provide 2 software developers to provide continued development and maintenance for various SharePoint


GRF $680,000.00 68.9%$56,060.00 $468,537.50 MARUCCO STODDARD FERENBACH AND

Will provide on project manager (Ana Johnson) one business analyst (Julie Mossberg-Kingsley) and two

developers (Michael Plugmacher and Keagan Galvin) to support the Early Education Childhood applications.

Federal $160,000.00 70.6%$13,940.00 $112,940.00 MARUCCO STODDARD FERENBACH AND

Will provide one business analyst (MaryAnn Hedlund) to assist in agency projects, focusing on the

development and maintenance of the Special Education Systems.

Federal $59,920.00 21.1%$12,640.00 $12,640.00 MARUCCO STODDARD FERENBACH AND

Will provide one business analyst to support agency initiative around the ISBE data warehouse and Illinois

implementation of Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

Federal $96,770.00 45.6%$15,480.00 $44,120.00 MARUCCO STODDARD FERENBACH AND

Will provide one data analyst (Jaimee Carter) on a time and materials basis to support agency initiatives

revolving around the ISBE data warehouse and the Illinois implementation of Every Student Succeeds Act

(ESSA), as defined by ISBE.

Federal $151,000.00 62.9%$14,168.00 $94,922.00 MARUCCO STODDARD FERENBACH AND

Will provide one developer (Kevin Scheufele) to assist in the continued development and maintenance of

extant and future data systems as they pertain to the ILDS Illinois Data for Financial and Instructional results,

study and transparency grant projects.

Federal $132,700.00 60.1%$15,057.50 $79,690.00 MARUCCO STODDARD FERENBACH AND

Will provide one Lead Data Analyst(Bob OKeefe) that is needed for coordinating program components related

to the Illinois Longitudinal Data System which includes support and enhancements to the ISBE Data


Federal $69,000.00 88.9% - $61,352.50 MARUCCO STODDARD FERENBACH AND

GRF $92,000.00 49.7%$20,240.00 $45,712.50

Will provide one project manager (Jeff Wheaton) to support agency initiatives revolving around the ISBE data

Funding, Illinois Report Card, reporting of State assessments, Data Quality Dashboard, IL EMPOWER IBAM

rubic,ESSA summative designations and holistic district plans.

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%

SOFTWARE SOLUTIONSFederal $190,000.00 77.0%$17,052.50 $146,371.25 MARUCCO STODDARD FERENBACH AND

Will provide one Project Manager (Tom Janssen) to assist in support of Educator Effectiveness related to

projects including the Educator Licensure Information System (ELIS) and the development of educator metrics

in the ISBE data warehouse.

GRF $140,000.00 75.6%$13,090.00 $105,805.00 MARUCCO STODDARD FERENBACH AND

Will provide one software developer on time and materials to provide continued development and maintenance

of the Early Childhood Data Systems. Will assist staff with data requests, implement enhancement and change

requests and provide necessary support to the ISBE Data Warehouse .

Federal $182,000.00 65.7%$16,152.50 $119,528.50 MARUCCO STODDARD FERENBACH AND

Will supply a software developer on a time and materials basis to assist in the development and maintenance

of extant and future data systems as they pertain to Special Education related projects.

Federal $164,000.00 61.9% - $101,434.00 MBB OF SPRINGFIELD INC

One software developer to help supply materials basis to assist in the development and maintenance of extant

and future data systems as they pertain to Special Education related projects.

Federal $168,000.00 73.1%$15,624.00 $122,850.00 MBB OF SPRINGFIELD INC

Will provide one software developer (Santosh Pulijala) to assist in the development and maintenance of special

education web based and LAN based applications.

Federal $149,000.00 78.3%$13,410.00 $116,667.00 MBB OF SPRINGFIELD INC

Will provide one software developer on a time and materials basis to assist in the development and

maintenance of extant and future data systems as they pertain to Special Education projects. Will work with

ISBE to provide continual enhancements, ongoing system maintenance and assist with the SEDs rewrite


Federal $154,000.00 77.0%$13,244.00 $118,503.00 MBB OF SPRINGFIELD INC

Will provide software developer on a time and material basis to assist in the continued development and

maintenance of the web based Illinois Nutrition System (WINS).

Federal $162,310.00 38.5% - $62,500.00 NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY

Will design and conduct a detailed study of various Illinois High School to College outcomes. Will analyze the

correlation for high school and community college expenditures in relation to key high school to postsecondary

transition metrics.

Federal $56,884.00 100.0% - $56,884.00 NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY

Will utilize expanded fiscal data in the ISBE Data Warehouse and Illinois Longitudinal Data Systems for any

early childhood return on investment research project.

GRF $51,250.00 100.0% - $51,250.00 PLICKERS INC

Will provide an ongoing maintenance and enhancements in support of a statewide implementation of education

technology enabling K-12 teachers to administer formative assessments in a classroom environment without

the use of student devices or student logins.

Federal $83,896.00 50.7%$14,608.00 $42,562.00 SYNAPSIS INC

Will provide a data analyst (Vinod Kumar) on a time and material basis to support agency initiatives revolving

around the ISBE data warehouse and the Illinois implementation of Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) as

defined by ISBE.

Federal $129,000.00 58.0% - $74,792.00 SYNAPSIS INC

Will provide one business analyst (Roshini Srinivasan) to assist in the continued development and

maintenance of extant and future data systems as they pertain to the ILDS Illinois Data for Fiscal and

Intructional results, study and transparency grant projects.

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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%

SOFTWARE SOLUTIONSFederal $164,000.00 54.8%$8,979.00 $89,872.00 VETERAN'S CONSULTING INC

One software developer to assist in the development and maintenance of extant and future data systems as

they pertain to Special Ed projects.

SPECIAL EDUCATIONFederal $125,000.00 23.5%$14,446.69 $29,319.99 BOONE WINNEBAGO ROE

Will hire, supervise and evaluate state sponsored IEP facilitators in partnership with ISBE . IEP facilitators will

promote positive communication between districts/school personnel and parents during IEP meetings and

assist with resolving conflicts that may arise as IEP team works to develop mutally acceptable IEPs .

Federal $100,000.00 21.9%$405.00 $21,852.50 DIAZ-POLLACK, BEATRIZ A

Impartial Hearing Officers in the local-level - Section 14-8.02 of the School Code.

Federal $110,000.00 50.4%$877.50 $55,400.00 FUHRMANN, KATHLEEN C

Impartial Hearing Officers in the local-level - Section 14-8.02 of the School Code.

Federal $158,625.00 0.0% - - LANER MUCHIN DOMBROW BECKER LTD

Will assist in review of ISBE Restraint and Time Out Forms submitted to ISBE from educational entities in

Illinois for 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20 school year.

Federal $90,000.00 47.9%$1,642.50 $43,137.50 MAXWELL WICKETT, JANET K

Impartial Hearing Officers in the local-level - Section 14-8.02 of the School Code.

Federal $72,836.00 75.0%$18,209.00 $54,627.00 MEASUREMENT INCORPORATED

Parent Survey Reproduction, Dissemination, and Data Collection.

Federal $818,474.00 83.3%$68,206.00 $682,062.00 REGIONAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION 20

Harrisburg Project - Manage software for special education districts and co-ops.

Federal $110,000.00 33.5% - $36,837.50 SCHUSTER, ALAN G

Impartial Hearing Officers in the local-level - Section 14-8.02 of the School Code.

Federal $100,000.00 45.9%$1,620.00 $45,905.00 SCHWARTZ, MARY E

Impartial Hearing Officers in the local-level - Section 14-8.02 of the School Code.

Federal $137,950.00 83.3%$22,991.66 $114,958.30 SPECIAL EDUCATION SOLUTIONS

Training and technical assistance for ISBEs Special Education Due Process Hearing Officers.

Federal $55,350.00 83.3%$9,225.00 $46,125.00 SPECIAL EDUCATION SOLUTIONS

Will provide Special Education Mediator Training to maintain the mediators special education regulatory

knowledge, dispute resolution skill set and critical thinking skills.

Federal $110,000.00 19.5%$1,552.50 $21,425.00 STRUSZ, MARY JO

Impartial Hearing Officers in the local-level - Section 14-8.02 of the School Code. 20017

Federal $110,000.00 82.6%$3,532.50 $90,815.00 TRINKALA, LEAH M

Impartial Hearing Officers in the local-level - Section 14-8.02 of the School Code.

Federal $143,636.00 66.7%$11,969.00 $95,760.00 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS

Maintain the IEP Tutorial website designed to aid Illinois teachers in making data -supported decisions when

writing IEP goals linked to State Standards.


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FY 2020

AU Vendor Description Fund Type Funded Amt YTD MTD YTD%

TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT AND INFRASTRUCTUREFederal $163,999.98 98.6% - $161,692.60 CDW LLC

GRF $50,000.00 100.0% - $50,000.00

Will provide EMC equipment, maintenance, support and service as well as maintenance and support services

for ISBEs existing EMC equipment.

GRF $117,295.27 100.0% - $117,295.27 CROWE HORWATH LLP

Will perform comprehensive risk assessment.

WELLNESSFederal $664,625.00 75.0%$55,385.42 $498,468.74 AMERICAN INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH

Technical assistance to the 21st Century Community Learning Centers grantees.

Federal $371,065.00 75.0% - $278,298.75 EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT CENTER INC

Statewide evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Center program. MY17413

Federal $84,683.11 34.4%$12,354.07 $29,113.28 ILLINOIS CRIMINAL JUSTICE

Will collect and analyze several different types of data to document the implementation of the STOP -SV-IL

project.Pre and post-training surveys will be created to document changes in educator and law enforcement

officer knowledge and attitudes following training.

Federal $82,155.75 66.7% - $54,770.50 MACRO INTERNATIONAL INC

Will administer the Illinois Youth Risk Survey. MY19183

Federal $88,265.00 75.0% - $66,198.75 SOUTHERN ILL UNIV-CARBONDALE

Will design and execute a rigorous, evidence based local evaluation of the Sexual Risk Avoidance Education

(SRAE) project.

GRF $719,081.00 73.8%$188,250.00 $530,831.00 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO

Will provide the support and services to administer a statewide survey of learning conditions as required by

Section 2-3.153 of School Code (105 ILCS 5/2-3.153). MY20183

GRF $64,986.00 0.0% - - WEST 40 INTERMEDIATE

Will coordinate and execute non-public renewal visits. This includes visiting assigned schools; executing

compliance processes, providing technical assistance and working with schools to correct deficiencies.

Federal $243,150.00 0.0% - - WEST 40 INTERMEDIATE

Will work in conjunction with the ISBE to meet the STOP grant deliverables of providing statewide mental

health awareness trainings.

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Appropriation Expenditures to Unexpended Percentage Appropriation Expenditures to Unexpended Percentage

Amount Date Appropriation spent YTD Amount Date Appropriation spent YTD

General Revenue Fund

Lump Sums 71,057,100$ 52,426,433$ 18,630,667$ 73.78% 72,576,100$ 40,895,082$ 31,681,018$ 56.35%

Awards and Grants 4,046,632,800 3,555,188,191 491,444,609 87.86% 3,728,852,000 3,348,707,227 380,144,773 89.81%

Total General Revenue Fund 4,117,689,900$ 3,607,614,624$ 510,075,276$ 87.61% 3,801,428,100$ 3,389,602,309$ 411,825,791$ 89.17%

Education Assistance Fund

Awards and Grants 728,849,300$ 531,092,080$ 197,757,220$ 72.87% 728,849,300$ 550,908,946$ 177,940,354$ 75.59%

Common School Fund

Awards and Grants 3,213,015,600$ 2,442,773,163$ 770,242,437$ 76.03% 3,213,015,600$ 2,313,038,557$ 899,977,043$ 71.99%

Teacher Certification Fee Revolving Fund

Lump Sums 6,000,000$ 2,050,328$ 3,949,672$ 34.17% 6,000,000$ 1,866,261$ 4,133,739$ 31.10%

Drivers Education Fund

Awards and Grants 16,000,000$ 11,999,974$ 4,000,026$ 75.00% 18,750,000$ 14,062,471$ 4,687,529$ 75.00%

School Dist. Emergency Financial Asst. Fund

Awards and Grants 1,000,000$ -$ 1,000,000$ 0.00% 1,000,000$ 15,834$ 984,166$ 1.58%

SBE Special Purpose Trust Fund

Lump Sums (00) 8,484,800$ 83,464$ 8,401,336$ 0.98% 8,484,800$ 4,631,021$ 3,853,779$ 54.58%

Lump Sums (10) 7,990,000 4,367,168 3,622,832 54.66% 7,015,200 2,098,367 4,916,833 29.91%

Total SBE Special Purpose Trust Fund 16,474,800$ 4,450,633$ 12,024,167$ 27.01% 15,500,000$ 6,729,388$ 8,770,612$ 43.42%

SBE Teacher Certification Institution Fund

Lump Sums 2,208,900$ 802,520$ 1,406,380$ 36.33% 2,208,900$ 292,241$ 1,916,659$ 13.23%

SBE Federal Department of Agriculture Fund

Lump Sums 19,904,700$ 7,813,772$ 12,090,928$ 39.26% 19,904,700 6,960,729 12,943,971 34.97%

Awards and Grants 1,062,500,000 566,180,881 496,319,119 53.29% 1,062,500,000 571,585,012 490,914,988 53.80%

Total SBE Federal Department of Agriculture Fund 1,082,404,700$ 573,994,653$ 508,410,047$ 53.03% 1,082,404,700$ 578,545,741$ 503,858,959$ 53.45%

FY20 FY19


Comparative Statement of Expenditures to Date (April 30, 2020)

Fiscal Years 2020 and 2019

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Appropriation Expenditures to Unexpended Percentage Appropriation Expenditures to Unexpended Percentage

Amount Date Appropriation spent YTD Amount Date Appropriation spent YTD

FY20 FY19


Comparative Statement of Expenditures to Date (April 30, 2020)

Fiscal Years 2020 and 2019

SBE Federal Agency Services Fund

Lump Sums 1,378,800$ 177,709$ 1,201,091$ 12.89% 1,378,800 98,540 1,280,260 7.15%

Awards and Grants 17,050,000 4,439,960 12,610,040 26.04% 16,050,000 2,003,121 14,046,879 12.48%

Total SBE Federal Agency Services Fund 18,428,800$ 4,617,669$ 13,811,131$ 25.06% 17,428,800$ 2,101,661$ 15,327,139$ 12.06%

SBE Federal Department of Education Fund

Lump Sums 85,869,800$ 23,336,734$ 62,533,066$ 27.18% 120,869,800 26,950,148 93,919,652 22.30%

Awards and Grants 2,435,900,000 989,646,558 1,446,253,442 40.63% 2,439,500,000 913,268,551 1,526,231,449 37.44%

Total SBE Federal Department of Education Fund 2,521,769,800$ 1,012,983,292$ 1,508,786,508$ 40.17% 2,560,369,800$ 940,218,699$ 1,620,151,101$ 36.72%

Charter Schools Revolving Loan Program Fund

Awards and Grants 200,000$ -$ 200,000$ 0.00% 200,000$ -$ 200,000$ 0.00%

School Infrastructure Fund

Lump Sums 600,000$ 44,262$ 555,738$ 7.38% 600,000$ 160,717$ 439,283$ 26.79%

District Broadband Expansion 15,928,428 1,052,051 14,876,377 6.60% 16,300,000 31,200 16,268,800 0.19%

School Maintenance Grants 240,000,000 - 240,000,000 0.00% 40,000,000 - 40,000,000 0.00%

Total School Infrastructure Fund 256,528,428$ 1,096,313$ 255,432,115$ 0.43% 56,900,000$ 191,917$ 56,708,083$ 0.34%

School Technology Revolving Loan Program Fund

Awards and Grants 7,500,000$ 481,780$ 7,018,220$ 6.42% 7,500,000$ 442,300$ 7,057,700$ 5.90%

Temporary Relocation Expenses Revolving Grant Fund

Awards and Grants 1,000,000$ -$ 1,000,000$ 0.00% 1,000,000$ -$ 1,000,000$ 0.00%

Capital Development Fund

Overcrowded Schools Construction Grants 25,000,000$ -$ 25,000,000$ 0.00% 25,000,000$ -$ 25,000,000$ 0.00%

School Construction Fund

School Maintenance Grants 4,391,137$ -$ 4,391,137$ 0.00% 4,391,137$ -$ 4,391,137$ 0.00%

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Appropriation Expenditures to Unexpended Percentage Appropriation Expenditures to Unexpended Percentage

Amount Date Appropriation spent YTD Amount Date Appropriation spent YTD

FY20 FY19


Comparative Statement of Expenditures to Date (April 30, 2020)

Fiscal Years 2020 and 2019

Personal Property Tax Replacement Fund

Lump Sums 100,000$ 70,000$ 30,000$ 70.00% 70,000$ 70,000$ -$ 100.00%

Awards and Grants 6,970,000 5,830,916 1,139,084 83.66% 6,970,000 5,862,390 1,107,610 84.11%

Grants for Educational Purposes 11,200,000 8,846,229 2,353,771 78.98% 11,000,000 8,665,129 2,334,871 78.77%

Total Personal Property Tax Replacement Fund 18,270,000$ 14,747,145$ 3,522,855$ 80.72% 18,040,000$ 14,597,519$ 3,442,481$ 80.92%

After School Rescue Fund

Lump Sums 200,000$ -$ 200,000$ 0.00% 200,000$ -$ 200,000$ 0.00%

Fund for Advancement of Education

Awards and Grants 823,700,000$ 500,000,000$ 323,700,000$ 60.70% 641,500,000$ 450,000,000$ 191,500,000$ 70.15%

State Charter School Commission Fund

Lump Sums 1,250,000$ 738,688$ 511,312$ 59.10% 1,250,000$ 762,267$ 487,733$ 60.98%

ISBE TOTALS 12,861,881,365$ 8,709,442,863$ 4,152,438,502$ 67.72% 12,202,936,337$ 8,263,376,111$ 3,939,560,226$ 67.72%

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Illinois State Board of EducationFY 2020 Appropriation & Spending by Program 07/01/2019 thru 4/30/2020

(Dollars in Thousands)


Appropriation YTD Expenditures

Grants Admin TotalAdminGrants Total % Appr.


Distributive Grants $6,533,309.8 $1,092.1 $6,534,401.9$8,142,134.7 $1,699.9$8,143,834.6 80.2%

$5,868,002.7 $1,092.1 $5,869,094.8Evidence - Based Funding $7,209,463.3 $1,699.9$7,211,163.2 81.4%

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0Property Tax Relief Grants $3,650.0 $0.0$3,650.0 0.0%

$134.7 $0.0 $134.7District Consolidation Cost $218.0 $0.0$218.0 61.8%

Mandated Categoricals $665,172.4 $0.0 $665,172.4$928,803.4 $0.0$928,803.4 71.6%

$5,472.4 $0.0 $5,472.4Illinois Free Lunch/Breakfast $9,000.0 $0.0$9,000.0 60.8%

$5,515.7 $0.0 $5,515.7Orphanage Tuition 18-3 (Reg Ed) $10,100.0 $0.0$10,100.0 54.6%

$32,300.9 $0.0 $32,300.9Sp-Ed - Orphanage Tuition 14-7.03 $80,500.0 $0.0$80,500.0 40.1%

$114,240.0 $0.0 $114,240.0Sp-Ed - Private Tuition $152,320.0 $0.0$152,320.0 75.0%

$290,762.0 $0.0 $290,762.0Sp-Ed - Transportation $387,682.6 $0.0$387,682.6 75.0%

$216,881.4 $0.0 $216,881.4Transportation - Regular/Vocational $289,200.8 $0.0$289,200.8 75.0%

Standards - Assessment & Accountability $0.0 $33,448.5 $33,448.5$0.0 $46,500.0$46,500.0 71.9%

$0.0 $33,448.5 $33,448.5Assessments $0.0 $46,500.0$46,500.0 71.9%

Ensuring Quality Ed Personnel $1,733.3 $0.0 $1,733.3$2,500.0 $0.0$2,500.0 69.3%

$900.0 $0.0 $900.0National Board Certification $1,500.0 $0.0$1,500.0 60.0%

$833.3 $0.0 $833.3Teach for America $1,000.0 $0.0$1,000.0 83.3%

Early Childhood $407,497.7 $6,405.8 $413,903.5$533,620.6 $10,117.5$543,738.1 76.1%

Academic Difficulty $14,986.0 $0.0 $14,986.0$17,800.0 $0.0$17,800.0 84.2%

$5,376.0 $0.0 $5,376.0Alternative Learning/Regional Safe Schools $6,300.0 $0.0$6,300.0 85.3%

$9,610.1 $0.0 $9,610.1Truants' Alternative Optional Education $11,500.0 $0.0$11,500.0 83.6%

Learning Technologies $0.0 $1,119.3 $1,119.3$539.2 $1,904.7$2,443.8 45.8%

$0.0 $1,119.3 $1,119.3State & District Tech Support $539.2 $1,904.7$2,443.8 45.8%

Career Preparation $36,699.7 $0.0 $36,699.7$48,062.1 $0.0$48,062.1 76.4%

$3,937.6 $0.0 $3,937.6Agricultural Education $5,000.0 $0.0$5,000.0 78.8%

$32,762.1 $0.0 $32,762.1Career and Technical Education $43,062.1 $0.0$43,062.1 76.1%

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Appropriation YTD Expenditures

Grants Admin TotalAdminGrants Total % Appr.

Administration $0.0 $18,176.8 $18,176.8$0.0 $23,217.2$23,217.2 78.3%

Targeted Initiatives $26,209.6 $801.2 $27,010.8$51,819.1 $3,339.9$55,159.0 49.0%

$264.7 $0.0 $264.7Advanced Placement Classes $500.0 $0.0$500.0 52.9%

$2,725.0 $0.0 $2,725.0After School Matters $3,443.8 $0.0$3,443.8 79.1%

$1,209.4 $0.0 $1,209.4After-School Programs $20,000.0 $0.0$20,000.0 6.0%

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0Art Institute of Chicago $30.0 $0.0$30.0 0.0%

$90.0 $0.0 $90.0Autism $100.0 $0.0$100.0 90.0%

$846.0 $0.0 $846.0Blind & Dyslexic $846.0 $0.0$846.0 100.0%

$0.0 $457.2 $457.2Community Residential Services Authority $0.0 $650.0$650.0 70.3%

$0.0 $344.0 $344.0Educator Misconduct Investigations $0.0 $429.9$429.9 80.0%

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0GATA/ BFR $0.0 $260.0$260.0 0.0%

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0Mental Health Services $1,000.0 $0.0$1,000.0 0.0%

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0Mobile Tolerance Education Center $1,000.0 $0.0$1,000.0 0.0%

$3,500.0 $0.0 $3,500.0Southwest Organizing Project - Parent Mentoring $3,500.0 $0.0$3,500.0 100.0%

$91.6 $0.0 $91.6School Support Services $1,002.8 $0.0$1,002.8 9.1%

$1,050.0 $0.0 $1,050.0Materials Center for the Visually Impaired $1,421.1 $0.0$1,421.1 73.9%

$2,599.8 $0.0 $2,599.8Philip J. Rock Center & School $3,777.8 $0.0$3,777.8 68.8%

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0Adv Placement Low Income Test Fee $0.0 $2,000.0$2,000.0 0.0%

$118.0 $0.0 $118.0STEM Programs $200.0 $0.0$200.0 59.0%

$222.6 $0.0 $222.6Tax Equivalent Grants $222.6 $0.0$222.6 100.0%

$87.5 $0.0 $87.5Parent Education Pilot Program $175.0 $0.0$175.0 50.0%

$1,875.0 $0.0 $1,875.0Youth Build Illinois $2,500.0 $0.0$2,500.0 75.0%

$11,530.0 $0.0 $11,530.0District Intervention Funding $12,100.0 $0.0$12,100.0 95.3%


Regional Services $14,747.1 $0.0 $14,747.1$18,240.0 $30.0$18,270.0 80.7%

$70.0 $0.0 $70.0ROE - Bus Driver Training $70.0 $30.0$100.0 70.0%

$8,846.2 $0.0 $8,846.2ROE - Salaries $11,200.0 $0.0$11,200.0 79.0%

$5,830.9 $0.0 $5,830.9ROE - School Services $6,970.0 $0.0$6,970.0 83.7%

School Infrastructure Fund $1,052.1 $44.3 $1,096.3$255,928.4 $600.0$256,528.4 0.4%

$1,052.1 $44.3 $1,096.3School Infrastructure $255,928.4 $600.0$256,528.4 0.4%

Driver Education $12,000.0 $0.0 $12,000.0$16,000.0 $0.0$16,000.0 75.0%

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Appropriation YTD Expenditures

Grants Admin TotalAdminGrants Total % Appr.

Other Funds $538.9 $7,985.1 $8,523.9$39,348.2 $25,876.6$65,224.8 13.1%

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0After School Rescue Fund $200.0 $0.0$200.0 0.0%

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0Capital Development Fund - School Construction $25,000.0 $0.0$25,000.0 0.0%

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0Charter Schools Revolving Loan Fund $200.0 $0.0$200.0 0.0%

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0Emergency Financial Assistance Fund $1,000.0 $0.0$1,000.0 0.0%

$57.1 $4,393.6 $4,450.6ISBE - Special Purpose Trust Fund $57.1 $16,417.7$16,474.8 27.0%

$0.0 $802.5 $802.5ISBE Teacher Certificate Institute Fund $0.0 $2,208.9$2,208.9 36.3%

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0School Construction Maintenance Fund $4,391.1 $0.0$4,391.1 0.0%

$481.8 $0.0 $481.8School Technology Revolving Loan $7,500.0 $0.0$7,500.0 6.4%

$0.0 $738.7 $738.7State Charter School Commission $0.0 $1,250.0$1,250.0 59.1%

$0.0 $2,050.3 $2,050.3Teacher Certification Fee Revolving Fund $0.0 $6,000.0$6,000.0 34.2%

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0Temporary Relocation Revolving Fund $1,000.0 $0.0$1,000.0 0.0%


Federal Ordinary & Contingent $0.0 $0.0 $0.0$0.0 $0.0$0.0 0.0%

$0.0 $23,532.4 $23,532.4Federal Ordinary & Contingent $0.0 $72,153.3$72,153.3 32.6%

Federal Funds $1,556,732.2 $11,331.0 $1,568,063.3$3,505,459.1 $44,990.9$3,550,450.0 44.2%

$224.8 $0.0 $224.8Advanced Placement Fee Payment $3,300.0 $0.0$3,300.0 6.8%

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0School Health Programs - Adolescent Health $0.0 $500.0$500.0 0.0%

$22,559.6 $0.0 $22,559.6Career & Technical Education $66,000.0 $0.0$66,000.0 34.2%

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0CEEDAR Grant - University of Florida $0.0 $0.0$0.0 0.0%

$294.7 $0.0 $294.7Charter Schools $23,000.0 $0.0$23,000.0 1.3%

$566,180.9 $0.0 $566,180.9Child Nutrition $1,062,500.0 $0.0$1,062,500.0 53.3%

$218.8 $0.0 $218.8IDEA - Deaf Blind, Part C $800.0 $0.0$800.0 27.4%

$1,182.0 $0.0 $1,182.0IDEA - Improvement Plan $5,000.0 $0.0$5,000.0 23.6%

$11,670.1 $0.0 $11,670.1IDEA - Pre-School $29,200.0 $0.0$29,200.0 40.0%

$0.8 $0.0 $0.8Improving Student Health and Achievement $45.0 $0.0$45.0 1.7%

$360,705.5 $0.0 $360,705.5Individuals with Disabilities Educ. Act, Pt. B $754,000.0 $0.0$754,000.0 47.8%

$0.0 $1,696.6 $1,696.6Longitudinal Data System $0.0 $5,200.0$5,200.0 32.6%

$1,179.1 $0.0 $1,179.1Math & Science Partnerships $2,000.0 $0.0$2,000.0 59.0%

$3,966.4 $455.2 $4,421.6Preschool Expansion Grant $34,013.5 $986.5$35,000.0 12.6%

$1,163.9 $1,284.5 $2,448.4PDG Birth to Five $1,551.9 $2,198.1$3,750.0 65.3%

$1,449.8 $69.8 $1,519.5School Health Programs - Abstinence $6,348.7 $106.3$6,455.0 23.5%

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0Special Congressional Initiatives $5,000.0 $0.0$5,000.0 0.0%

$0.0 $29.1 $29.1STOP School Violence $0.0 $1,000.0$1,000.0 2.9%

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Appropriation YTD Expenditures

Grants Admin TotalAdminGrants Total % Appr.

$442.1 $0.0 $442.1Substance Abuse and Mental Health (SAMHA) $5,300.0 $0.0$5,300.0 8.3%

$413,565.1 $0.0 $413,565.1Title I - Basic Programs $917,260.0 $0.0$917,260.0 45.1%

$722.8 $0.0 $722.8Title I - Education of Migratory Children $3,500.0 $0.0$3,500.0 20.7%

$8.8 $0.0 $8.8Title I - Migrant Consortium Incentive $40.0 $0.0$40.0 21.9%

$330.9 $0.0 $330.9Title I - Neglected and Delinquent $1,200.0 $0.0$1,200.0 27.6%

$41,800.6 $0.0 $41,800.6Title I - School Improvement $168,000.0 $0.0$168,000.0 24.9%

$48,784.8 $0.0 $48,784.8Title II - Quality Teachers $160,000.0 $0.0$160,000.0 30.5%

$14,744.8 $0.0 $14,744.8Title III - English Language Acquisition $50,400.0 $0.0$50,400.0 29.3%

$31,455.8 $0.0 $31,455.8Title IV - Student Support & Academic Enrich. $87,871.2 $0.0$87,871.2 35.8%

$31,928.0 $0.0 $31,928.0Title IV - 21st Century Schools $112,128.8 $0.0$112,128.8 28.5%

$973.3 $0.0 $973.3Title V - Rural & Low Income Programs $2,000.0 $0.0$2,000.0 48.7%

$0.0 $7,795.9 $7,795.9Title VI - State Assessment $0.0 $35,000.0$35,000.0 22.3%

$1,178.4 $0.0 $1,178.4Title X - McKinney Homeless Assistance $5,000.0 $0.0$5,000.0 23.6%

$12,861,881.4TOTAL - ALL FUNDS: $8,709,442.9$8,605,506.5 $103,936.4$12,631,451.3 $230,430.0 67.7%

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Illinois State Board of Education

Contract Awards

April 1, 2020 - April 30, 2020


Illinois Procurement


Award Notice Date

Type of Award Term Contract Term

Amount Description

Vander Weele Group 2/11/2020 RFSPApril 20, 2020 -

December 31, 2022$1,186,946.25 Vendor will conduct monitoring activities according to agreed upon procedures of federal and state

education grant passed through ISBE to selected financially material grant recipients, excluding CPS


Vander Weele Group 2/7/2020 RFSPApril 20, 2020 -

December 31, 2024$1,369,488.00 Vendor will conduct monitoring activities according to agreed upon procedures of fedral and state

education grants passed through ISBE to CPS 299

Illinois Action for Children 4/10/2020 Sole SourceApril 23, 2020 -

December 30, 2020$216,200.00

Vendor will provide services under the Preschool Development Grant Birth to Five (PDG B-5) for two

projects. The first project is the Family Advisory Committee and the vendor will convene a meeting of

cross-sector parent representatives to provide input on the formation of the FAC, hire a statewide

coordinator, and populate the FAC to equitably include urban, suburban, and rural communities.

Laner Muchin N/A Legal ExemptApril 29, 2020 - June

30, 2020$158,625.00

The contractor will assist with the review of ISBE Restraint and Time Out Forms submitted to ISBE from

educational entities in Illinois for the 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20 school year. These forms are

submitted to ISBE on an ongoing basis. The paralegals will review forms in the same manner as ISBE

personnel. Each paralegal shall review no less than 25 forms per hour. An attorney shall provide

supervision of the paralegals. ISBE staff and the contractor will provide weekly updates by noon on

Friday of total hours and number of forms reviewed.

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Approved Grants Less Than 1 Million


Thru Date:(04/01/2020-04/30/2020)

Program: 2020 - 3220, Career & Technical Ed Improvement (CTEI)

RCDT District Name Budget Amt Approval DateCity

01-001-1720-46(00) WEST CENTRAL REGION - EFE 24 QUINCY$468,957 04/29/2020

01-009-7000-45(00) TWO RIVERS CAREER EDUCATION VIRGINIA$234,107 04/24/2020

03-026-7410-45(00) BOND-FAYETTE-EFFINGHAM - EFE VANDALIA$645,383 04/27/2020

09-010-0080-46(00) CHAMPAIGN-FORD EFE SYSTEM CHAMPAIGN$571,610 04/30/2020

11-015-7350-45(00) EASTERN ILLINOIS SYSTEM-EFE MATTOON$732,015 04/30/2020

17-053-0900-46(00) LIVINGSTON EAST AREA - EFE 380 PONTIAC$363,272 04/30/2020

17-054-4040-46(00) LINCOLNLAND REG DEL SYST-EFE LINCOLN$291,077 04/29/2020

17-064-0870-46(00) MCLEAN-DEWITT REG SYSTM-EFE BLOOMINGTON$750,442 04/30/2020

32-000-0000-46(00) KANKAKEE AREA REG SYSTEM-EFE BOURBONNAIS$854,011 04/30/2020

47-098-0050-46(00) WHITESIDE-EFE 230 STERLING$716,807 04/29/2020

50-082-7460-45(00) SOUTHWESTERN ILLINOIS CAREER & OFALLON$560,425 04/29/2020

54-092-7400-45(00) VERMILION VOC ED DEL SYS-EFE DANVILLE$388,329 04/30/2020


Program: 2020 - 3235, Agriculture Education

RCDT District Name Budget Amt Approval DateCity

28-088-1000-26(30) STARK COUNTY CUSD 100 WYOMING$6,599 04/06/2020

33-048-2760-26(30) ABINGDON-AVON CUSD 276 ABINGDON$5,887 04/29/2020

39-074-1000-26(30) CERRO GORDO CUSD 100 CERRO GORDO$7,262 04/29/2020

51-084-0010-26(20) TRI CITY CUSD 1 BUFFALO$2,720 04/29/2020

53-090-7020-26(30) TREMONT CUD 702 TREMONT$7,537 04/29/2020

56-099-207U-26(20) PEOTONE CUSD 207U PEOTONE$3,589 04/29/2020


Program: 2020 - 3705, Early Childhood - Block Grant

RCDT District Name Budget Amt Approval DateCity

01-001-0010-26(00) COMMUNITY UNIT SCH DIST NO 1 PAYSON$133,281 04/09/2020

01-009-0640-26(00) VIRGINIA CUSD 64 VIRGINIA$126,372 04/14/2020

04-004-2000-26(00) NORTH BOONE CUD 200 POPLAR GROVE$135,000 04/13/2020

05-016-026P-00(01) SHELTER INC ARLINGTON HTS$88,530 04/01/2020

05-016-0690-02(00) SKOKIE SD 69 SKOKIE$511,695 04/02/2020

05-016-197P-00(01) INFANT WELFARE SOCIETY EVANSTON$353,747 04/07/2020

06-016-0920-02(00) LINDOP SD 92 BROADVIEW$127,686 04/07/2020

07-016-1040-02(00) COUNTY OF COOK SCHOOL DIST 104 SUMMIT$636,844 04/03/2020

07-016-1490-02(EF) DOLTON CUSD 149 CALUMET CITY$780,406 04/08/2020

07-016-1510-02(00) COOK COUNTY SCHOOL DIST 151 SOUTH HOLLAN$347,698 04/03/2020

07-016-1545-02(00) COOK COUNTY SCH 154 1-2 DIST BURNHAM$106,435 04/03/2020

07-016-1630-02(00) PARK FOREST SD 163 PARK FOREST$741,707 04/03/2020

07-016-610P-00(00) M & M CHILDCARE CENTER INC GLENWOOD$126,200 04/10/2020

07-016-610P-00(01) M & M CHILDCARE CENTER INC GLENWOOD$269,031 04/10/2020

09-010-063P-00(01) DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES CENTE CHAMPAIGN$264,986 04/03/2020

11-087-0210-26(00) CENTRAL A AND M COMMUNITY UNIT ASSUMPTION$143,681 04/01/2020

12-013-0100-26(00) CLAY CITY CUSD 10 CLAY CITY$88,336 04/01/2020

12-013-0250-26(00) NORTH CLAY CUSD 25 LOUISVILLE$133,281 04/27/2020

12-051-0200-26(00) COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DIST NO 20 LAWRENCEVILL$138,036 04/14/2020

13-014-0120-04(00) BREESE ELEMENTARY DIST 12 BREESE$185,522 04/08/2020

15-016-098P-00(01) CHICAGO CHILD CARE SOCIETY CHICAGO$864,480 04/03/2020

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Approved Grants Less Than 1 Million


Thru Date:(04/01/2020-04/30/2020)

15-016-591P-00(01) THE CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF THE CHICAGO$288,950 04/01/2020

17-054-0270-02(00) LINCOLN ESD 27 LINCOLN$156,321 04/20/2020

17-064-040P-00(01) THE BABY FOLD NORMAL$361,707 04/03/2020

19-022-0070-02(00) WOOD DALE SD 7 WOOD DALE$427,042 04/17/2020

19-022-064P-00(00) CABOOSE CLUB INC HINSDALE$124,561 04/13/2020

19-022-2040-26(00) INDIAN PRAIRIE 204 AURORA$266,562 04/02/2020

20-083-0020-26(00) CARRIER MILLS-STONEFORT CUSD 2 CARRIER MILLS$107,278 04/02/2020

20-083-0040-26(00) ELDORADO CUSD 4 ELDORADO$327,267 04/13/2020

20-097-0030-26(PE) NORRIS CITY-OMAHA-ENFIELD CU 3 NORRIS CITY$303,616 04/22/2020

20-097-0050-26(00) CARMI-WHITE COUNTY CUSD 5 CARMI$288,233 04/02/2020

21-028-022P-00(00) RASCAL X-PRESS INC WEST FRANKFOR$133,281 04/08/2020

21-044-0010-26(00) GOREVILLE CUD 1 GOREVILLE$286,144 04/09/2020

24-032-0010-26(00) COAL CITY CUSD 1 COAL CITY$176,701 04/03/2020

24-047-1150-26(00) YORKVILLE CUSD 115 YORKVILLE$287,362 04/08/2020

26-029-0010-26(00) ASTORIA CUSD 1 ASTORIA$98,703 04/08/2020

26-029-0040-26(00) SPOON RIVER VALLEY CUSD 4 LONDON MILLS$126,200 04/14/2020

26-062-1850-26(00) MACOMB CUSD 185 MACOMB$338,442 04/07/2020

30-002-0010-22(00) CAIRO SD 1 CAIRO$350,209 04/27/2020

32-046-2590-04(01) PEMBROKE CCSD 259 HOPKINS PARK$155,569 04/03/2020

34-049-0010-02(00) WINTHROP HARBOR SD 1 WINTHROP HARB$107,761 04/08/2020

34-049-0370-02(00) GAVIN SD 37 INGLESIDE$204,437 04/21/2020

34-049-0730-04(00) HAWTHORN CCSD 73 VERNON HILLS$466,483 04/02/2020

34-049-0750-02(00) COUNTY OF LAKE SCHOOL DIST 75 MUNDELEIN$334,742 04/17/2020

34-049-1140-02(00) FOX LAKE GSD 114 SPRING GROVE$284,145 04/27/2020

34-049-1870-26(EF) NORTH CHICAGO SD 187 NORTH CHICAG$866,062 04/24/2020

40-056-0080-26(00) BUNKER HILL CUSD 8 BUNKER HILL$200,937 04/01/2020

41-057-0110-26(01) ALTON CUSD 11 ALTON$237,648 04/03/2020

41-057-0120-26(00) MADISON CUSD 12 MADISON$469,190 04/23/2020

44-063-1580-22(00) HUNTLEY COMMUNITY SCHOOL ALGONQUIN$286,918 04/08/2020

49-081-2000-26(00) SCHOOL DISTRICT 200 SHERRARD COM SHERRARD$137,238 04/21/2020

50-082-1150-02(00) WHITESIDE SD 115 BELLEVILLE$204,762 04/16/2020

53-090-1080-02(01) PEKIN PUBLIC SD 108 PEKIN$192,422 04/01/2020

54-092-1180-24(01) DANVILLE CCSD 118 DANVILLE$354,449 04/01/2020

56-099-0890-02(PE) FAIRMONT SD 89 LOCKPORT$117,989 04/14/2020

56-099-365U-26(EF) VALLEY VIEW CUSD 365U ROMEOVILLE$929,902 04/10/2020

64-108-6750-51(01) ABILITIES PLUS INC KEWANEE$172,778 04/02/2020

65-108-5185-51(01) TRANSITIONS OF WESTERN IL INC QUINCY$346,978 04/03/2020

65-108-5910-51(01) SAINT XAVIER UNIVERSITY $350,500 04/03/2020

65-108-8160-51(01) COMMUNITY SUPPORT SYSTEMS TEUTOPOLIS$311,456 04/02/2020

65-108-8295-51(01) BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF GREATER PEORIA$312,479 04/03/2020

65-108-9145-51(01) SINNISSIPPI CENTERS INC $374,028 04/03/2020


Program: 2020 - 3999, Other State Programs

RCDT District Name Budget Amt Approval DateCity


04-101-2050-25(AD) SCHOOL DIST 205 BOARD OF ROCKFORD$359,430 04/23/2020

04-101-3220-26(AD) DURAND CUSD 322 DURAND$3,201 04/15/2020

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Approved Grants Less Than 1 Million


Thru Date:(04/01/2020-04/30/2020)

05-016-0590-04(AD) COMMUNITY CONSOLIDATED SD 59 ELK GROVE VLG$21,443 04/17/2020

07-016-1470-02(AD) W HARVEY-DIXMOOR PUB SD 147 HARVEY$37,231 04/28/2020

07-016-1570-02(AD) COUNTY OF COOK SCHOOL DIST 157 CALUMET CITY$29,728 04/14/2020

07-016-1600-02(AD) COUNTRY CLUB HILLS SD 160 COUNTRY CLUB H$25,777 04/24/2020

07-016-2050-17(AD) THORNTON THSD 205 SOUTH HOLLAN$107,320 04/06/2020

13-041-0820-02(AD) COUNTY OF JEFFERSON SD 82 MOUNT VERNON$6,643 04/08/2020

13-058-1350-02(AD) CENTRALIA SD 135 CENTRALIA$48,208 04/22/2020

17-064-0870-25(AD) BLOOMINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS BLOOMINGTON$34,554 04/15/2020

17-064-0870-25(PS) BLOOMINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS BLOOMINGTON$29,648 04/17/2020

19-022-0200-02(AD) KEENEYVILLE SD 20 HANOVER PARK$13,494 04/23/2020

21-061-0010-26(AD) MASSAC COUNTY UNIT SCHOOL DIST 1 METROPOLIS$24,853 04/23/2020

30-039-1860-26(AD) COUNTY OF JACKSON MURPHYSBORO$69,239 04/22/2020

30-077-1000-26(PS) CENTURY CUSD 100 ULLIN$46,643 04/01/2020

30-091-0660-22(AD) DONGOLA CUSD 66 DONGOLA$8,123 04/16/2020

32-046-1110-25(AD) KANKAKEE SD 111 KANKAKEE$146,793 04/17/2020

33-048-2760-26(PS) ABINGDON-AVON CUSD 276 ABINGDON$24,644 04/24/2020

34-049-1170-16(AD) ANTIOCH C H S D 117 ANTIOCH$3,456 04/20/2020

39-055-0610-25(PS) DECATUR SD 61 DECATUR$53,946 04/16/2020

41-057-0120-26(AD) MADISON CUSD 12 MADISON$30,490 04/09/2020

41-057-0150-03(AD) WOOD RIVER-HARTFORD ESD 15 WOOD RIVER$5,495 04/17/2020

48-072-1500-25(AD) BOARD OF EDUCATION CITY OF PEORIA$241,122 04/20/2020

49-081-0410-25(AD) ROCK ISLAND SD 41 ROCK ISLAND$59,885 04/27/2020

54-092-1180-24(PS) DANVILLE CCSD 118 DANVILLE$48,035 04/30/2020

56-099-0880-02(AD) COUNTY OF WILL SCHOOL DIST 88 CREST HILL$13,239 04/17/2020

56-099-365U-26(AD) VALLEY VIEW CUSD 365U ROMEOVILLE$94,570 04/16/2020


Program: 2020 - 4300, Title I - Low Income

RCDT District Name Budget Amt Approval DateCity

01-069-0010-26(00) FRANKLIN CUSD 1 FRANKLIN$92,608 04/20/2020

03-003-0010-26(00) MULBERRY GROVE CUSD 1 MULBERRY GRO$136,374 04/20/2020

03-011-0080-26(00) PANA SD 8 PANA$499,444 04/29/2020

03-068-0220-26(00) NOKOMIS CUSD 22 NOKOMIS$356,643 04/23/2020

05-016-0260-02(00) RIVER TRAILS SD 26 MOUNT PROSPE$164,117 04/08/2020

05-016-0720-02(00) FAIRVIEW SD 72 SKOKIE$173,158 04/28/2020

07-016-1100-02(00) CENTRAL STICKNEY SD 110 CHICAGO$113,705 04/06/2020

07-016-1450-02(00) ARBOR PARK SD 145 OAK FOREST$313,945 04/29/2020

07-016-1570-02(00) COUNTY OF COOK SCHOOL DIST 157 CALUMET CITY$672,787 04/24/2020

07-016-1590-02(00) ELEM SD 159 - MATTESON MATTESON$652,289 04/03/2020

07-016-1600-02(00) COUNTRY CLUB HILLS SD 160 COUNTRY CLUB H$737,383 04/10/2020

08-008-3140-26(00) WEST CARROLL CUSD 314 MOUNT CARROL$392,983 04/14/2020

08-043-1190-22(00) EAST DUBUQUE CUSD 119 EAST DUBUQUE$85,269 04/23/2020

08-043-1200-22(00) GALENA UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT GALENA$106,831 04/03/2020

09-010-0010-26(00) FISHER CUSD 1 FISHER$84,364 04/02/2020

11-021-3050-26(00) ARTHUR CUSD 305 ARTHUR$367,968 04/01/2020

11-023-0030-26(00) COMMUNITY UNIT DISTRICT 3 KANSAS$47,876 04/08/2020

11-087-0010-26(00) WINDSOR CUSD 1 WINDSOR$116,619 04/30/2020

13-041-2010-17(00) MT VERNON TWP HSD 201 MOUNT VERNON$637,087 04/15/2020

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Approved Grants Less Than 1 Million


Thru Date:(04/01/2020-04/30/2020)

13-041-3180-27(00) BLUFORD UNIT SCHOOL DSTRCT 318 BLUFORD$130,718 04/06/2020

13-058-1350-02(00) CENTRALIA SD 135 CENTRALIA$914,141 04/01/2020

13-095-0990-16(00) NASHVILLE CHSD 99 NASHVILLE$56,356 04/17/2020

16-019-4260-26(00) HIAWATHA CUSD 426 KIRKLAND$152,527 04/14/2020

16-019-4320-26(00) SOMONAUK CUSD 432 SOMONAUK$84,583 04/09/2020

17-053-0080-26(00) PRAIRIE CENTRAL CUSD 8 FAIRBURY$407,625 04/20/2020

17-064-0020-26(00) LEROY CUSD 2 LE ROY$103,530 04/20/2020

19-022-0130-02(00) BLOOMINGDALE SD 13 BLOOMINGDALE$85,243 04/24/2020

19-022-0450-02(00) VILLA PARK SD 45 VILLA PARK$737,472 04/09/2020

19-022-0630-02(00) COUNTY OF DUPAGE DARIEN$76,715 04/08/2020

19-022-1810-04(00) COMM CONS SCH DIST 181 CLARENDON HI$125,653 04/27/2020

19-022-2020-26(00) LISLE CUSD 202 LISLE$244,039 04/10/2020

28-037-2290-26(00) KEWANEE CUSD 229 KEWANEE$895,373 04/15/2020

34-049-0410-04(00) LAKE VILLA CCSD 41 LAKE VILLA$265,979 04/22/2020

35-050-0090-26(00) EARLVILLE CUSD 9 EARLVILLE$131,773 04/16/2020

35-050-1850-04(00) COUNTY OF LASALLE UTICA$39,968 04/10/2020

39-055-0010-26(00) ARGENTA-OREANA CUSD 1 ARGENTA$191,523 04/09/2020

39-055-0150-26(00) MERIDIAN CUSD 15 MACON$156,564 04/09/2020

40-056-0080-26(00) BUNKER HILL CUSD 8 BUNKER HILL$167,250 04/09/2020

50-082-1040-02(00) CENTRAL SD 104 OFALLON$194,074 04/15/2020

50-082-1190-02(00) BELLE VALLEY SD 119 BELLEVILLE$323,851 04/23/2020

51-084-0100-26(00) AUBURN CUSD 10 AUBURN$320,163 04/27/2020

53-090-7010-26(00) DEER CREEK-MACKINAW CUSD 701 MACKINAW$72,487 04/21/2020

53-090-7020-26(00) TREMONT CUD 702 TREMONT$44,157 04/01/2020

54-092-0110-26(00) HOOPESTON AREA CUSD 11 HOOPESTON$625,814 04/09/2020


Program: 2020 - 4331, Title I - School Improvement & Accountability

RCDT District Name Budget Amt Approval DateCity

07-016-1110-02(20) SCHOOL DISTRICT 111 BURBANK$30,000 04/06/2020

31-045-0460-22(20) SCHOOL DISTRICT U-46 ELGIN$430,653 04/09/2020

48-072-0620-02(20) PLEASANT VALLEY SD 62 PEORIA$30,000 04/16/2020

56-099-0860-05(20) JOLIET PUBLIC SCH DIST 86 JOLIET$351,269 04/28/2020


Program: 2020 - 4400, Title IVA Student Support & Academic Enrich

RCDT District Name Budget Amt Approval DateCity

03-011-0080-26(00) PANA SD 8 PANA$16,299 04/30/2020

05-016-0260-02(00) RIVER TRAILS SD 26 MOUNT PROSPE$12,417 04/08/2020

05-016-0720-02(00) FAIRVIEW SD 72 SKOKIE$21,484 04/28/2020

06-016-0890-02(00) COOK CO BD OF ED 89 MELROSE PARK$309,626 04/07/2020

06-016-2090-17(00) PROVISO TWP HSD 209 FOREST PARK$194,786 04/09/2020

07-016-1490-02(00) DOLTON CUSD 149 CALUMET CITY$174,939 04/08/2020

07-016-1570-02(00) COUNTY OF COOK SCHOOL DIST 157 CALUMET CITY$7,842 04/29/2020

07-016-1590-02(00) ELEM SD 159 - MATTESON MATTESON$92,122 04/03/2020

08-008-3140-26(00) WEST CARROLL CUSD 314 MOUNT CARROL$26,470 04/14/2020

08-043-1190-22(00) EAST DUBUQUE CUSD 119 EAST DUBUQUE$10,000 04/23/2020

08-043-1200-22(00) GALENA UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT GALENA$20,000 04/03/2020

11-021-3050-26(00) ARTHUR CUSD 305 ARTHUR$12,452 04/01/2020

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Approved Grants Less Than 1 Million


Thru Date:(04/01/2020-04/30/2020)

13-058-1350-02(00) CENTRALIA SD 135 CENTRALIA$69,813 04/01/2020

16-019-4260-26(00) HIAWATHA CUSD 426 KIRKLAND$10,747 04/14/2020

16-019-4320-26(00) SOMONAUK CUSD 432 SOMONAUK$10,116 04/09/2020

17-053-0080-26(00) PRAIRIE CENTRAL CUSD 8 FAIRBURY$37,479 04/20/2020

19-022-0450-02(00) VILLA PARK SD 45 VILLA PARK$19,307 04/09/2020

19-022-0870-17(00) GLENBARD TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOL GLEN ELLYN$29,950 04/06/2020

19-022-2020-26(00) LISLE CUSD 202 LISLE$16,175 04/10/2020

34-049-0410-04(00) LAKE VILLA CCSD 41 LAKE VILLA$15,507 04/22/2020

34-049-1870-26(00) NORTH CHICAGO SD 187 NORTH CHICAG$29,900 04/15/2020

40-056-0080-26(00) BUNKER HILL CUSD 8 BUNKER HILL$12,901 04/09/2020

41-057-0030-26(00) VENICE CUSD 3 VENICE$15,403 04/08/2020

49-081-0400-22(00) MOLINE-COLE VALLEY COMMUNITY MOLINE$193,566 04/30/2020

50-082-1040-02(00) CENTRAL SD 104 OFALLON$9,981 04/15/2020

51-084-0100-26(00) AUBURN CUSD 10 AUBURN$33,164 04/27/2020


Program: 2020 - 4600, Fed. - Sp. Ed. - Pre-School Flow Through

RCDT District Name Budget Amt Approval DateCity

05-016-0640-04(00) SCHOOL DIST 64 CONSOLIDATED PARK RIDGE$21,628 04/20/2020

06-016-0870-02(00) BERKELEY SD 87 BERKELEY$31,027 04/08/2020

06-016-0970-02(00) OAK PARK SD 97 OAK PARK$94,074 04/17/2020

08-043-2060-26(00) STOCKTON CUSD 206 STOCKTON$11,491 04/03/2020

09-010-0030-26(00) COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DIST 3 MAHOMET$16,410 04/27/2020

13-058-8010-60(00) KASKASKIA SPECIAL ED DIST 801 CENTRALIA$251,155 04/13/2020

16-019-4260-26(00) HIAWATHA CUSD 426 KIRKLAND$2,316 04/22/2020

17-064-0190-26(00) RIDGEVIEW CUSD 19 COLFAX$16,252 04/07/2020

32-046-2590-04(00) PEMBROKE CCSD 259 HOPKINS PARK$10,724 04/27/2020

34-049-0960-04(00) KILDEER COUNTRYSIDE CCSD 96 BUFFALO GROV$33,647 04/24/2020

34-049-1030-02(00) LINCOLNSHIRE-PRAIRIEVIEW 103 LINCOLNSHIRE$11,999 04/27/2020

41-057-0030-26(00) VENICE CUSD 3 VENICE$1,754 04/22/2020

47-098-0000-61(00) BI COUNTY SPECIAL EDUC COOP STERLING$101,407 04/22/2020


Program: 2020 - 4620, Fed. - Sp. Ed. - I.D.E.A. - Flow Through

RCDT District Name Budget Amt Approval DateCity

01-001-0040-26(00) MENDON CUSD 4 MENDON$264,547 04/27/2020

03-011-0140-24(00) SOUTH FORK SD 14 KINCAID$109,695 04/22/2020

06-016-0870-02(00) BERKELEY SD 87 BERKELEY$726,241 04/08/2020

08-043-2060-26(00) STOCKTON CUSD 206 STOCKTON$181,134 04/03/2020

09-010-0030-26(00) COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DIST 3 MAHOMET$705,835 04/27/2020

16-019-4260-26(00) HIAWATHA CUSD 426 KIRKLAND$102,408 04/22/2020

17-064-0190-26(00) RIDGEVIEW CUSD 19 COLFAX$136,511 04/07/2020

19-022-2040-26(EI) INDIAN PRAIRIE 204 AURORA$741,790 04/27/2020

20-076-0010-26(00) POPE COUNTY COMMUNITY UNIT GOLCONDA$162,975 04/27/2020

20-093-3480-26(00) WABASH CUSD 348 MOUNT CARMEL$457,360 04/27/2020

21-028-1680-26(00) FRANKFORT COMMUNITY UNIT 168 WEST FRANKFOR$546,494 04/16/2020

21-061-0010-26(00) MASSAC COUNTY UNIT SCHOOL DIST 1 METROPOLIS$529,161 04/09/2020

32-046-2590-04(00) PEMBROKE CCSD 259 HOPKINS PARK$76,670 04/27/2020

34-049-0960-04(00) KILDEER COUNTRYSIDE CCSD 96 BUFFALO GROV$780,314 04/24/2020

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Approved Grants Less Than 1 Million


Thru Date:(04/01/2020-04/30/2020)

34-049-1030-02(00) LINCOLNSHIRE-PRAIRIEVIEW 103 LINCOLNSHIRE$394,301 04/27/2020

35-050-1400-17(00) OTTAWA THSD 140 OTTAWA$495,121 04/08/2020

41-057-0030-26(00) VENICE CUSD 3 VENICE$53,002 04/22/2020


Program: 2020 - 4630, Fed. - Sp. Ed. - I.D.E.A. - Discretionary

RCDT District Name Budget Amt Approval DateCity

65-108-1465-51(DC) IL DEAF & HARD OF HEARING COMM SPRINGFIELD$80,000 04/24/2020


Program: 2020 - 4905, Title III - Immigrant Education Program (IEP)

RCDT District Name Budget Amt Approval DateCity

05-016-0310-02(00) WEST NORTHFIELD SD 31 NORTHBROOK$9,245 04/07/2020

06-016-0990-02(00) COUNTY OF COOK SD 99 CICERO$32,603 04/06/2020

07-016-1520-02(00) HARVEY SD 152 HARVEY$3,400 04/30/2020

07-016-1560-02(00) COOK COUNTY SD 156 CALUMET CITY$1,700 04/07/2020

19-022-0990-16(00) COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL DIST 99 DOWNERS GRO$2,674 04/07/2020

19-022-2010-26(00) COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DIST 201 WESTMONT$227 04/07/2020

19-022-2050-26(00) ELMHURST SD 205 ELMHURST$19,800 04/07/2020

24-047-1150-26(00) YORKVILLE CUSD 115 YORKVILLE$4,786 04/14/2020

31-045-1310-22(00) SCHOOL DIST 131 KANE CO AURORA$42,217 04/30/2020

31-045-3020-26(00) KANELAND CUSD 302 MAPLE PARK$1,400 04/22/2020

33-094-2380-26(00) MONMOUTH-ROSEVILLE CUSD 238 MONMOUTH$8,210 04/06/2020

34-049-0060-02(00) ZION ESD 6 ZION$6,358 04/14/2020

34-049-0670-05(00) LAKE FOREST SD 67 LAKE FOREST$4,800 04/07/2020

34-049-1150-16(00) LAKE FOREST CHSD 115 LAKE FOREST$1,200 04/07/2020

34-049-1210-17(00) WARREN THSD 121 GURNEE$5,300 04/07/2020

41-057-0100-26(00) COLLINSVILLE CUSD 10 COLLINSVILLE$4,023 04/07/2020

54-092-1180-24(00) DANVILLE CCSD 118 DANVILLE$1,695 04/14/2020


Program: 2020 - 4909, Title III - Lang Inst Prog-Limited Eng LIPLEP

RCDT District Name Budget Amt Approval DateCity

05-016-0310-02(00) WEST NORTHFIELD SD 31 NORTHBROOK$27,782 04/03/2020

07-016-1110-02(00) SCHOOL DISTRICT 111 BURBANK$140,739 04/02/2020

07-016-1420-02(00) FOREST RIDGE SD 142 OAK FOREST$18,160 04/29/2020

07-016-1520-02(00) HARVEY SD 152 HARVEY$72,721 04/30/2020

07-016-2180-16(00) COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL DIST 218 OAK LAWN$51,430 04/03/2020

19-022-0860-17(00) HINSDALE DIST 86 HINSDALE$19,391 04/06/2020

19-022-0990-16(00) COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL DIST 99 DOWNERS GRO$15,302 04/03/2020

19-022-2010-26(00) COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DIST 201 WESTMONT$10,065 04/03/2020

19-022-2050-26(00) ELMHURST SD 205 ELMHURST$87,115 04/02/2020

24-047-1150-26(00) YORKVILLE CUSD 115 YORKVILLE$34,352 04/13/2020

31-045-1310-22(00) SCHOOL DIST 131 KANE CO AURORA$769,667 04/30/2020

31-045-3010-26(00) CENTRAL CUSD 301 BURLINGTON$42,765 04/13/2020

31-045-3020-26(00) KANELAND CUSD 302 MAPLE PARK$33,926 04/21/2020

32-046-0010-26(00) MOMENCE COMM UNIT SCH DIST 1 MOMENCE$23,009 04/03/2020

34-049-0060-02(00) ZION ESD 6 ZION$82,107 04/14/2020

34-049-0380-02(00) BIG HOLLOW SD 38 INGLESIDE$24,400 04/03/2020

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Approved Grants Less Than 1 Million


Thru Date:(04/01/2020-04/30/2020)

34-049-1210-17(00) WARREN THSD 121 GURNEE$30,195 04/03/2020

34-049-9010-90(00) LEARN 9 CAMPUS IN WAUKEGAN WAUKEGAN$38,187 04/02/2020

41-057-0100-26(00) COLLINSVILLE CUSD 10 COLLINSVILLE$80,314 04/07/2020

51-084-1860-25(00) SPRINGFIELD SD 186 SPRINGFIELD$20,071 04/27/2020

54-092-1180-24(00) DANVILLE CCSD 118 DANVILLE$19,810 04/14/2020

56-099-365U-26(00) VALLEY VIEW CUSD 365U ROMEOVILLE$331,632 04/13/2020


Program: 2020 - 4932, Title II - Teacher Quality

RCDT District Name Budget Amt Approval DateCity

01-069-0010-26(00) FRANKLIN CUSD 1 FRANKLIN$5,951 04/20/2020

03-003-0010-26(00) MULBERRY GROVE CUSD 1 MULBERRY GRO$21,003 04/20/2020

03-011-0080-26(00) PANA SD 8 PANA$115,009 04/29/2020

05-016-0260-02(00) RIVER TRAILS SD 26 MOUNT PROSPE$33,307 04/08/2020

05-016-0720-02(00) FAIRVIEW SD 72 SKOKIE$25,321 04/28/2020

06-016-0890-02(00) COOK CO BD OF ED 89 MELROSE PARK$609,604 04/07/2020

06-016-2090-17(00) PROVISO TWP HSD 209 FOREST PARK$362,664 04/09/2020

07-016-1100-02(00) CENTRAL STICKNEY SD 110 CHICAGO$15,730 04/06/2020

07-016-1110-02(00) SCHOOL DISTRICT 111 BURBANK$223,480 04/06/2020

07-016-1230-02(00) OAK LAWN-HOMETOWN S D 123 OAK LAWN$107,671 04/24/2020

07-016-1490-02(00) DOLTON CUSD 149 CALUMET CITY$334,111 04/08/2020

07-016-1590-02(00) ELEM SD 159 - MATTESON MATTESON$179,201 04/03/2020

07-016-2050-17(00) THORNTON THSD 205 SOUTH HOLLAN$385,558 04/01/2020

07-016-2280-16(00) BREMEN CHSD 228 MIDLOTHIAN$294,165 04/06/2020

08-008-3140-26(00) WEST CARROLL CUSD 314 MOUNT CARROL$48,977 04/14/2020

08-043-1190-22(00) EAST DUBUQUE CUSD 119 EAST DUBUQUE$21,761 04/23/2020

08-043-1200-22(00) GALENA UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT GALENA$42,000 04/03/2020

09-010-0010-26(00) FISHER CUSD 1 FISHER$24,632 04/02/2020

11-021-3050-26(00) ARTHUR CUSD 305 ARTHUR$38,820 04/01/2020

11-023-0030-26(00) COMMUNITY UNIT DISTRICT 3 KANSAS$18,902 04/08/2020

11-087-0010-26(00) WINDSOR CUSD 1 WINDSOR$6,504 04/30/2020

13-041-3180-27(00) BLUFORD UNIT SCHOOL DSTRCT 318 BLUFORD$29,796 04/06/2020

13-058-1350-02(00) CENTRALIA SD 135 CENTRALIA$100,217 04/01/2020

13-095-0990-16(00) NASHVILLE CHSD 99 NASHVILLE$13,004 04/17/2020

16-019-4260-26(00) HIAWATHA CUSD 426 KIRKLAND$22,540 04/14/2020

16-019-4320-26(00) SOMONAUK CUSD 432 SOMONAUK$21,299 04/09/2020

17-053-0080-26(00) PRAIRIE CENTRAL CUSD 8 FAIRBURY$92,131 04/20/2020

19-022-0130-02(00) BLOOMINGDALE SD 13 BLOOMINGDALE$24,838 04/24/2020

19-022-0450-02(00) VILLA PARK SD 45 VILLA PARK$154,950 04/09/2020

19-022-0630-02(00) COUNTY OF DUPAGE DARIEN$16,346 04/08/2020

19-022-0870-17(00) GLENBARD TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOL GLEN ELLYN$255,447 04/06/2020

19-022-2020-26(00) LISLE CUSD 202 LISLE$71,031 04/10/2020

28-037-2290-26(00) KEWANEE CUSD 229 KEWANEE$116,216 04/15/2020

34-049-0410-04(00) LAKE VILLA CCSD 41 LAKE VILLA$52,300 04/22/2020

34-049-1160-26(00) ROUND LAKE AREA SD 116 ROUND LAKE$141,726 04/16/2020

34-049-1870-26(00) NORTH CHICAGO SD 187 NORTH CHICAG$369,200 04/15/2020

35-050-1850-04(00) COUNTY OF LASALLE UTICA$6,054 04/10/2020

39-055-0010-26(00) ARGENTA-OREANA CUSD 1 ARGENTA$46,493 04/09/2020

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Approved Grants Less Than 1 Million


Thru Date:(04/01/2020-04/30/2020)

39-055-0150-26(00) MERIDIAN CUSD 15 MACON$33,911 04/09/2020

40-056-0020-26(00) NORTHWESTERN CUSD 2 PALMYRA$1,569 04/07/2020

40-056-0080-26(00) BUNKER HILL CUSD 8 BUNKER HILL$25,999 04/09/2020

41-057-0030-26(00) VENICE CUSD 3 VENICE$13,773 04/08/2020

49-081-0400-22(00) MOLINE-COLE VALLEY COMMUNITY MOLINE$281,286 04/30/2020

50-082-1040-02(00) CENTRAL SD 104 OFALLON$20,121 04/15/2020

50-082-1190-02(00) BELLE VALLEY SD 119 BELLEVILLE$43,060 04/23/2020

51-084-0100-26(00) AUBURN CUSD 10 AUBURN$44,988 04/27/2020

53-090-7020-26(00) TREMONT CUD 702 TREMONT$14,717 04/01/2020

54-092-0110-26(00) HOOPESTON AREA CUSD 11 HOOPESTON$116,900 04/09/2020

56-099-2030-04(00) ELWOOD CCSD 203 ELWOOD$7,654 04/15/2020


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407 408412 412

418 423426

432 433436 438 437 438

438 438









(As of April 2020)

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(As of April 2020)

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Mgmt. Prof. Support GRF Non-GRF Total

State Superintendent 1 2 0 3 0 3

Board Services 0 1 0 1 0 1

Legal 3 13 1 16 1 17

Internal Audit 1 5 1 7 0 7

Sub-Total 5 21 2 27 1 28

Finance 2 0 1 3 0 3

Budget and Financial Management 1 3 0 1 3 4

Fiscal Support Services 2 9 2 6 7 13

Funding and Disbursements 1 13 4 5 13 18

State Funding & Forecasting 2 1 0 3 0 3

School Business Services 2 8 2 11 1 12

Sub-Total 10 34 9 29 24 53

Research and Evaluation 1 0 1 2 0 2

Information Systems 4 28 1 10 23 33

Research 2 4 0 5 1 6

Assessments 3 8 2 11 2 13

Data Strategies and Analytics 3 7 1 10 1 11

Sub-Total 13 47 5 38 27 65

Operations 1 1 2 4 0 4

Projects Management 4 0 0 0 4 4

Human Resources 2 4 4 10 0 10

Facility Management 1 2 6 3 6 9

Technology and Infrastructure 3 20 0 4 19 23

Sub-Total 11 27 12 21 29 50

Center Administration 2 0 1 3 0 3

Wellness 2 12 1 7 8 15

Nutrition and Wellness Programs 2 36 4 0 42 42

Sub-Total 6 48 6 10 50 60

Regulatory Services 1 0 0 1 0 1

GATA 1 7 2 10 0 10

Title Grant Administration 1 13 1 0 15 15

Federal and State Monitoring 2 13 1 0 16 16

Sub-Total 5 33 4 11 31 42








Regulatory Services (019)

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Mgmt. Prof. Support GRF Non-GRF Total

Education 1 0 1 2 0 2

Instructional Education 1 0 0 1 0 1

Operation Education 1 0 0 1 0 1

Sub-Total 3 0 1 4 0 4

Early Childhood Education 2 11 2 13 2 15

Multilingual 1 7 1 0 9 9

Programs 1 0 1 1 1 2

Special Education 3 30 5 0 38 38

Sub-Total 7 48 9 14 50 64

CTE & Innovation 1 5 1 6 1 7

Curriculum & Instruction 2 6 0 4 4 8

Teaching and Learning 1 0 0 1 0 1

Educator Effectiveness 2 21 4 0 27 27

Sub-Total 6 32 5 11 32 43

Internal Communications 1 3 0 4 0 4

External Communications 1 2 0 3 0 3

Legislative Affairs 1 2 1 4 0 4

Policy and Communications 1 0 0 1 0 1

Government Affairs 1 0 0 1 0 1

Sub-Total 5 7 1 13 0 13

Instructional Education 0 0 1 1 0 1

Sub-Total 0 0 1 1 0 1

Operational Education 0 0 1 1 0 1

Sub-Total 0 0 1 1 0 1

IL-Empower 1 0 0 0 1 1

Systems of Support 0 0 1 1 0 1

Accountability 1 0 0 0 1 1

Family and Community Engagement 1 0 0 1 0 1

Sub-Total 3 0 1 2 2 4

Regional Services 1 0 0 1 0 1

ROE/ISC 1 4 1 5 1 6

Charter Schools 1 2 0 3 0 3

Sub-Total 3 6 1 9 1 10

77 303 58 191 247 438

GRAND TOTAL, ALL CENTERS 18% 69% 13% 44% 56% 100%








Programs (050)

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May 20, 2020 TO: Illinois State Board of Education

FROM: Dr. Carmen I. Ayala, State Superintendent of Education Trisha Olson, Legal Officer Agenda Topic: Information Item: FOIA Monthly Report Materials: February 27 – April 30 FOIA Report – Fiscal Year 2020 Staff Contact(s): Brittany Crawford, FOIA Coordinator Purpose of Agenda Item The purpose of this agenda item is to provide the Board a report with general information on recent Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests made to ISBE. Relationship to/Implications for the State Board’s Strategic Plan Not applicable. The report is for informational purposes only. Expected Outcome(s) of Agenda Item Not applicable. The report is for informational purposes only. Background Information Records in possession of public agencies may be accessed by the public upon written request under the provisions of FOIA (5 ILCS 140). ISBE received 59 FOIA requests over the time period of this report. They are listed in detail in the attached report. Superintendent’s Recommendation None needed. Next Steps Continue to provide this report monthly.

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Run Date: 05/04/2020 1:58 PM

Monthly FOIA Report for Board Meetings

Create Date Customer Full NameCompanyName

Public Record Desired


2/27/2020 Adam Mahoney The ChicagoReporter

This is a request for information under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS140). I request that a copy of the following records be provided to me, electronically ifpossible: - All submitted reimbursement records of Clarence Smith of New Life CommunityMinistries (Agreement No. 15-016-134N-00) for the fiscal year of 2014 leading up to thetermination of his contract with ISBE in 2016 In order to help determine my status toassess fees, you should know that I am a representative of the news media affiliated withThe Chicago Reporter. This request is made as part of a news-gathering effort and not forcommercial use. I request a waiver of all fees for this request. Disclosure of the requestedinformation to me is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly topublic understanding of the operations or activities of the Board of Education in Illinois andis not primarily in my commercial interest. Thank you for your consideration of thisrequest. Sincerely, Adam Mahoney The Chicago Reporter 111 W. Jackson Blvd. #820

Create Date Customer Full NameCompanyName

Public Record Desired


2/27/2020 Adam Mahoney The ChicagoReporter

This is a request for information under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS140). I request that a copy of the following records be provided to me, electronically ifpossible: List of vendors used by Clarence Smith of New Life Community Ministries(Agreement No. 15-016-134N-00) for the fiscal year of 2014 leading up to the terminationof his contract with ISBE in 2016. In order to help determine my status to assess fees,you should know that I am a representative of the news media affiliated with The ChicagoReporter. This request is made as part of a news-gathering effort and not for commercialuse. I request a waiver of all fees for this request. Disclosure of the requested informationto me is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to publicunderstanding of the operations or activities of the Board of Education in Illinois and is notprimarily in my commercial interest. Thank you for your consideration of this request.Sincerely, Adam Mahoney The Chicago Reporter 111 W. Jackson Blvd. #820

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2/27/2020 Adam Mahoney The ChicagoReporter

This is a request for information under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS140). I request that a copy of the following records be provided to me, electronically ifpossible: - Reimbursement records for the summer food service program between 2014and 2019 In order to help determine my status to assess fees, you should know that I ama representative of the news media affiliated with The Chicago Reporter. This request ismade as part of a news-gathering effort and not for commercial use. I request a waiver ofall fees for this request. Disclosure of the requested information to me is in the publicinterest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of theoperations or activities of the Board of Education in Illinois and is not primarily in mycommercial interest. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Sincerely, AdamMahoney The Chicago Reporter 111 W. Jackson Blvd. #820

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2/27/2020 Child Care ResearcherMichell Vilchez

SEIU HealthcareIllinois

1.) Copies of the list of all individuals active in the 2019-2020 and/or 2020-2021School Year with a Professional Educator License in Early Childhood Education - Birththrough Grade 3. a.) Please break down the data in an excel spreadsheet by FullName, School Year, License, License Description, License ID #, Date Issued, Date LicenseExpires, Region, District, and Site.

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2/27/2020 Bobby Chung University ofIllinois

I would like modify the request on new hire (both FTE and part time). Could I get thepercent of new hire who are black from 2010 and onward for EACH year? The best datawill be at the district level if it is not redacted. Thanks again for the effort!

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2/28/2020 I need to obtain high school transcript from a Alternative High School that is now closed.The name of the school is called

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2/29/2020 Superintendent JeremyLarson

Paris UnionSchool DistrictNo. 95

Please provide a list of emails for every individual licensed as a LBS1 in ELIS.

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2/29/2020 RN, PEL Laura Miller Mrs. Please refer to my original request, reference # F000486-111419, in which I requested anyreporting to you from Peoria Public Schools District 150 of employee Laura Miller. I(Laura) was a nurse for Peoria Public Schools District 150 from the beginning of SchoolYear 1997 (August 1996) to the start of 2018 (August 2017). I received data for many ofthose years, but am missing data from school years 1997, 1998, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2012,2013, 2014, and 2015. For school years 2008 & 2009, I am reported as having the workassignment of "NSC (Secretary)," which was not accurate. 1) May I please have the datafrom the missing years as to how was I reported: certified vs. noncertified. 2) Who atPeoria Public Schools would report my work assignment / certification status to you? 3)Why is there a gap in years? 4) Who at ISBE is responsible for accepting and tabulatingthis information received from Illinois School Districts? Thank you, Laura Miller

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3/3/2020 Not Applicable Name: Elementary School records of attendance for thefollowing grades: 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, and 6th grade.Purpose for Request: Education attendance records are needed to obtain a Birth Certificatecopy from Washington, DC Dept. of Health & Vital Records. Vital Records Division 899North Capitol St. NE 1st Floor Washington, DC 20002

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3/4/2020 Scot Martin My name is Scot R. Martin. For the sake of obtaining a teaching licence in Japan, I amlooking for my enrollment records for the schools I attended from K-12. I would like toknow where and what dates I was attending which schools. (They are asking forenrollment dates which include date, month, and year,) I graduated in andattended: the following schools:

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3/4/2020 Policy Intern Liz Gauthier CODE.ORG 1. Provide me a list of schools that are teaching any of the following computer sciencecourses in the 2019-2020 school year (and, if available, the teacher and studentdemographic data per school/course) - see attachment for clarification. 2. Can youconfirm that all schools report if they teach (or not teach) computer science courses in IL?Courses to Include (some maybe CTE): Course Code Title 10151A000Business Programming 10152A000 Computer Programming 10152A001 ComputerOperations and Programming I 10152A002 Computer Operations and ProgrammingII 10153A000 Visual Basic (VB) Programming 10154A000 C++Programming 10155A000 Java Programming 10156A000 Computer Programming-Other Language 10157A000 AP Computer Science A 10161A000 AP ComputerScience Principles 02133A000 IB Mathematics and Computing-SL 10054A000Data Systems/Processing 02156A000 Computer Math with Algebra 10001A000Introduction to Computers 10007A000IB Information Technology in a Global Society10102A000 Networking Systems 10102A001 Computer Networking I CTE Course10102A002 Computer Networking II CTE Course 10103A000 Area Network Design andProtocols 10104A000 Router Basics 10105A000NetWare Routing 10106A000Wide Area Telecommunications and Networking 10107A000 Wireless Networks10108A000 Network Security 10109A000 Essentials of Network OperatingSystems 10111A000 Particular Topics in Networking Systems 10147A000Networking Systems-Independent Study 10148A000 Networking Systems-Workplace Experience 10149A000 Networking Systems-Other 10159A000IB Computing Studies 10160A000 Particular Topics in Computer Programming10197A000 Computer Programming-Independent Study 10198A000 ComputerProgramming-Workplace Experience 10199A000 Computer Programming-Other10201A000 Web Page Design 10201A001 Web Page and Interactive MediaDevelopment I CTE Course 10201A002 Web Page and Interactive MediaDevelopment II CTE Course 10254A000 IT Essentials: PC Hardware andSoftware 10997A000 Computer and Information Sciences-Independent Study10998A000 Computer and Information Sciences-Workplace Experience 10999A000Computer and Information Sciences-Other

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3/4/2020 Adam Mahoney The ChicagoReporter

This is a request for information under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS140). I request that a copy of the following records be provided to me, electronically ifpossible: Clarence Smith of New Life Community Ministries (Agreement No. 15-016-134N-00) application documents to participate in the Child and Adult Care Food ProgramClarence Smith of New Life Community Ministries (Agreement No. 15-016-134N-00)application documents to participate in the Summer Food Service Program In order tohelp determine my status to assess fees, you should know that I am a representative ofthe news media affiliated with The Chicago Reporter. This request is made as part of anews-gathering effort and not for commercial use. I request a waiver of all fees for thisrequest. Disclosure of the requested information to me is in the public interest because itis likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities ofthe Board of Education in Illinois and is not primarily in my commercial interest. Thank youfor your consideration of this request. Sincerely, Adam Mahoney The Chicago Reporter111 W. Jackson Blvd. #820

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3/5/2020 Graduate AssistantAmanda Bennett


I need teacher race/ethnicity data for the 2012-2013 school year (state report card). Ihave received my data request for all other years except this one.

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3/5/2020 Superintendent JeremyLarson

Paris UnionSchool DistrictNo. 95

Please provide the email address of every individual in ELIS that has a math endorsement.

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3/5/2020 Alyssa Brown I request a list of the schools who piloted the Community Eligibility Provision in schoolcalendar years 2011-2012 and 2012-2013. I request these schools' names and the namesof their school districts. Ideally, I will also receive their addresses, but I understand ifthese data are not readily available. Please let me know if you need any additionalinformation, or if there is any reason that such a list cannot be provided.

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3/6/2020 Children's NutritionOutreach CoordinatorSarah Horn

List of Attendees and their respective school districts for ISBE School Wellness Conferencein Bloomington, IL on February 25, 2020.

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3/6/2020 Child Care ResearcherMichell Vilchez

SEIU HealthcareIllinois

Hello, I am asking for; Copies of the list of all individuals active in the 2018-2019 SchoolYear with a Professional Educator License in Early Childhood Education - Birth throughGrade 3. a.) Please break down the data by Full Name, School Year, License, LicenseDescription, License ID #, Date Issued, Date License Expires, Region, District, and Site. *I want to note that I did make this previous request before, however I changed the schoolyear. If the Department chooses to respond with "we don't have the records", I want toalso include the screenshot of the Educator Licensure database and ask what is thedifference between asking for a full list of individuals having a PEL with a focus on Birth to3 for the 2018-2019 school year instead of looking up an individual's license separately(pictured in document). I am under the assumption that in order to maintain a database,you would need to have this data formalized somewhere separately. If the Departmentrejects the information request due to exemptions under the law, please clearly state thatclaim. Thank you.

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3/8/2020 Aaron Grossman I would like to request the number of students with autism as a percent of total studentenrollment by AGE and County for the years 2005-2019. Thank you.

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3/9/2020 Shari Meserve Names (and emails if possible) for school nurses and social workers in the followingcounties: Lake McHenry Cook (not including CPS) DuPage Kane Will DeKalb WillKankakee Kendall Grundy

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3/10/2020 Israel Ruiz, (1) a copy of any and all high school credits I earned at(2) any records pertaining to me attending

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3/11/2020 Adam Mahoney The ChicagoReporter

This is a request for information under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS140). I request that a copy of the following records be provided to me, electronically inPDF format if possible: Clarence Smith of New Life Community Ministries (Agreement No.15-016-134N-00) reimbursement request documents to participate in the Child and AdultCare Food Program for the FY 2014, 2015 and 2016 In order to help determine my statusto assess fees, you should know that I am a representative of the news media affiliatedwith The Chicago Reporter. This request is made as part of a news-gathering effort andnot for commercial use. I request a waiver of all fees for this request. Disclosure of therequested information to me is in the public interest because it is likely to contributesignificantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of the Board ofEducation in Illinois and is not primarily in my commercial interest. Thank you for yourconsideration of this request. Sincerely, Adam Mahoney The Chicago Reporter 111 W.Jackson Blvd. #820


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3/11/2020 Thomas Raschka Dear FOIA Coordinator Under the Freedom of Information Act we are requesting a list ofall FOIA requests to the Illinois State Board of Education for September 1, 2019 throughMarch 11, 2020.

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3/11/2020 Statehouse ReporterRebecca Anzel

Capitol NewsIllinois

Any documentation explaining how your department/agency/office will respond to aninstance of public health pandemic. This might be in the form of a guidebook that explainspractices to follow during a natural disaster, such as a tornado. (To be clear, I am onlyasking for the section of this guide/document pertaining to public health pandemics orother wide-spread instances of public health concerns.)

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3/11/2020 Sam Krumholz University ofCalifornia, SanDiego

Hi, I would like to make a FOIA request for the following information for all teachers andadministrators in Illinois from the years 2000 to 2018: 1) Educator name 2) Educatorschool 3) Educator district 4) Educator position 5) Educator years of experience 6)Educator years of experience in district 7) Educator certification 8) Educator gender 9)Educator race 10) Educator age 11) Unique educator id (if available) 12) Educator salary13) Educator alma mater (if available) Thank you, Sam

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3/13/2020 Policy Intern Liz Gauthier CODE.ORG “1. Provide me a list of schools that are teaching any of the following computer sciencecourses in the 2018-2019 school year (and, if available, the teacher and studentdemographic data per school/course) - see attachment for clarification. 2. Can youconfirm that all schools report if they teach (or not teach) computer science courses in IL?Courses to Include (some maybe CTE): Course Code Title 10151A000 BusinessProgramming 10152A000 Computer Programming 10152A001 Computer Operations andProgramming I 10152A002 Computer Operations and Programming II 10153A000 VisualBasic (VB) Programming 10154A000 C++ Programming 10155A000 Java Programming10156A000 Computer Programming-Other Language 10157A000 AP Computer Science A10161A000 AP Computer Science Principles 02133A000 IB Mathematics and Computing-SL10054A000 Data Systems/Processing 02156A000 Computer Math with Algebra 10001A000Introduction to Computers 10007A000 IB Information Technology in a Global Society10102A000 Networking Systems 10102A001 Computer Networking I CTE Course10102A002 Computer Networking II CTE Course 10103A000 Area Network Design andProtocols 10104A000 Router Basics 10105A000 NetWare Routing 10106A000 Wide AreaTelecommunications and Networking 10107A000 Wireless Networks 10108A000 NetworkSecurity 10109A000 Essentials of Network Operating Systems 10111A000 Particular Topicsin Networking Systems 10147A000 Networking Systems-Independent Study 10148A000Networking Systems-Workplace Experience 10149A000 Networking Systems-Other10159A000 IB Computing Studies 10160A000 Particular Topics in Computer Programming10197A000 Computer Programming-Independent Study 10198A000 ComputerProgramming-Workplace Experience 10199A000 Computer Programming-Other 10201A000Web Page Design 10201A001 Web Page and Interactive Media Development I CTE Course10201A002 Web Page and Interactive Media Development II CTE Course 10254A000 ITEssentials: PC Hardware and Software 10997A000 Computer and Information Sciences-Independent Study 10998A000 Computer and Information Sciences-Workplace Experience10999A000 Computer and Information Sciences-Other”


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3/13/2020 Vice President TimothyCarroll

Carroll ServicesInc.

We are a national publisher of several complimentary child nutrition print and emailpublications and a Web site that we've provided to school foodservice directors in yourstate since 2000. This is a request for the SY2019-20 school foodservice director recordsto update our subscriber list to continue to send our publications. Please provide us withthe following, ideally in an Excel workbook file, tab delimited, to include the following datafields: NSLP contract agreement number, first name, last name, title, school name, mailingaddress, city, state, zip code, phone number and email address. Thank you. TimCarroll Carroll Services Inc.

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3/16/2020 John Baker Dear FOIA Officer: Please consider this letter to be a request made pursuant to the IllinoisFreedom of Information Act. You can forward your response to me electronically at

. I am requesting a copy of the FMLA policy that is applicable to theemployees of the State Board. Should you have any questions regarding my requestplease do not hesitate to contact me.

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3/17/2020 Grade school records for Went to school in Need for a passport.

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3/17/2020 Elc Estrera I am requesting the date of every active-shooter drill that occurred at every Illinois K-12public school during the school years 2015-16 through 2018-19.

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3/17/2020 Coronavirus, COVID-19. I would like all information that you have. Thank you,

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3/19/2020 1. List the average ACT and SAT scores of all public and private high schools in theChicagoland area and its surrounding suburbs for the 2018-2019 school year 2. List thenumber of students enrolled at these high schools in the 2018-2019 school year 3. List thenumber of teachers employed at these high schools for the 2018-2019 school year

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3/25/2020 Suniya Farooqui Can i please get 4-year graduation rates by county for 2018-2019 school year? And 4-yeargraduation rates for low income students by county for 2018-2019 school year?

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3/26/2020 Alex Dowdy Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act, 5 ILCS 140, I am requesting an opportunityto inspect or obtain copies of public records that contain Illinois State Department ofEducation’s aggregate (not personally identifiable) state level ACT data for students fromthe high school graduating classes of 2010; 2011; 2012; 2013; 2014; 2015; 2016; 2017;2018; 2019 including the percent of students meeting math and English composition ACTCollege Readiness Benchmarks, the number/percentage of test takers, and average totaland composite scores for the exam each by major subgroups (race, ethnicity, ELL, SES,gender, etc.). If there are any fees for searching or copying these records, please informme if the cost will exceed $100. However, I would also like to request a waiver of all feesin that the disclosure of the requested information is in the public interest and willcontribute significantly to the public’s understanding of state performance across theUnited States. This information is not being sought for commercial purposes. I lookforward to hearing from you in writing within five working days, as required by the Act 5ILCS 140(3). Thank you for considering and responding to this request.

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3/26/2020 Attorney Amanda Klemas Equip forEquality

Please consider this e-mail a request under the Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS 140)for the following information and documents relating to nonpublic special educationprograms approved by the Illinois State Board of Education (“ISBE”). We are requestingthe following: 1. For non-public educational programs and residential programswhich are currently “approved” by ISBE: a. A list of all approved non-publiceducational and residential programs. This list should include for each program, the nameof the program, the type of program, the location of the program, the program’s currentenrollment, and a list of disability categories served; b. Any and all documents,regardless of physical form, relating to the listed programs and their approval status,including initial applications, renewal applications, and written notifications to ISBE ofchanges in program; c. Any and all documents, regardless of physical form, relating tothe listed programs’ goals and programmatic outcomes, as providers are required todevelop and submit to IBSE pursuant to 23 Ill. Admin. Code s. 401.5. 2. For non-publiceducational programs and residential programs which have been assigned the status“approved with administrative review” by ISBE: a. A list of all non-public educational andresidential programs which have been assigned the status “approved with administrativereview” within the past ten years. This list should include for each program, the name ofthe program, the type of program, the location of the program, a list of disabilitycategories served, the date on which the program was assigned the relevant status, andthe date on which the program’s “approved” status was restored, if applicable; and b.Any and all documents, regardless of physical form, relating to each program’s “approvedwith administrative review” status. 3.For non-public educational programsand residential programs which have been assigned the status “pending further review” byISBE: a. A list of all non-public educational and residential programs which have beenassigned the status “pending further review” within the past ten years. This list shouldinclude for each program, the name of the program, the type of program, the location ofthe program, a list of disability categories served, the date on which the program wasassigned the relevant status, and the date on which the program’s “approved” status wasrestored, if applicable; and b. Any and all documents, regardless of physical form,relating to each program’s “pending further review” status. 4. For non-public educationalprograms and residential programs which have been assigned the status “nonapproved” byISBE: a. A list of all non-public educational and residential programs which have beenassigned the status “nonapproved” within the past ten years. This list should include foreach program, the name of the program, the type of program, the location of theprogram, a list of disability categories served, and the date on which the program wasassigned the relevant status; b. A list of any and all non-public educational andresidential programs which were assigned the status “nonapproved” within the past tenyears but were later “approved” by ISBE, including the date on which the programobtained its later “approved” status; and c. Any and all documents, regardless ofphysical form, relating to each program’s “nonapproved” status and later “approved”status, if applicable. 5. A list of all evaluations and on-site reviews completed by ISBE ofnon-public educational programs and residential programs within the past ten years,including the names of the specific programs, the dates of the on-site reviews, and anydocumentation, regardless of physical form, relating to the evaluations and on-sitereviews. 6. Any documentation, regardless of ph

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3/27/2020 Partner JR Patton 1833 Group Pursuant to 5 ILCS 140, I am making a request for public documents. Please provide anyand all e-mail correspondence between (State Representative) Thaddeus Jones and anyemployee at the Illinois State Board of Education from 01/01/2019 to present. Thisrequest is not being made for commercial purposes and as such I am requesting a waiverof any fee associated with the request. Thank you, have a great day.

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3/27/2020 Adam Mahoney The ChicagoReporter

This is a request for information under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS140). I request that a copy of the following records be provided to me, electronically inPDF format if possible: - Records of serious deficient sponsors of the CACFP programbetween 2013 and 2019. Including: Sponsor Name, organization name, contactinformation and amount deficient. In order to help determine my status to assess fees,you should know that I am a representative of the news media affiliated with The ChicagoReporter. This request is made as part of a news-gathering effort and not for commercialuse. I request a waiver of all fees for this request. Disclosure of the requested informationto me is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to publicunderstanding of the operations or activities of the Board of Education in Illinois and is notprimarily in my commercial interest. Thank you for your consideration of this request.

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3/30/2020 Walter Brzeski James Feeley's ISBE files including his college transcripts, diplomas, alternate credentialsfrom states other than IL, ISBE applications, ISBE agreements, and other ISBEdocumentation for his SUB teaching license #2304850 and his PEL license # 2304852

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4/2/2020 Michael Burt I'd like to request data on the percentage of IL high school graduates that took course03101A000 (Chemistry) during their high school career. If possible, I would like this datafor 2018-2019, 2017-2018, and 2016-2017 school years. I'd also like raw total numbers ofIL students that took course 03101A000 (Chemistry) during the 2018-2019, 2017-2018,and 2016-2017 school years. Thanks!

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4/2/2020 Michael Burt I'd like to request data on the percentage of IL high school graduates that took course03159A000 (Physical Science), 03201A000 (Integrated Science), or 03202A000 (UnifiedScience) during their high school career. If possible, I would like this data for 2018-2019,2017-2018, and 2016-2017 school years. For clarity, I would like to know data for each ofthose classes separately, not data for students that took all 3. I'd also like raw totalnumbers of IL students that took course 03159A000 (Physical Science), 03201A000(Integrated Science), or 03202A000 (Unified Science) during the 2018-2019, 2017-2018,and 2016-2017 school years. For clarity, I would like to know data for each of thoseclasses separately, not data for students that took all 3. Thanks!

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4/2/2020 Gabrielle LaMarr LeMee Chalkbeat I am requesting documentation of the Board's contingency plan for cases of communicableor epidemic disease or of danger from anticipated or impending communicable or epidemicdisease. Please include the creation date and the most recent date the document(s) wasupdated.


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4/2/2020 Michael Burt Data on the number of teachers that teach three or more sections of a chemistry course(in course code 03101A000) during the 2018-2019 school year.

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4/3/2020 K12 Specialist BrendaCano

Waypoint FoodBrokers

Requesting the IL school district Average Daily Participation in school lunches by district

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4/3/2020 President Troy LaRaviere ChicagoPrincipals andAdministratorsAssociation

First, I request lists of all educators in Illinois with an administrative endorsement(formerly "Type 75"). Please provide a separate list for each year from 2008 to 2020.Second, I request a list of all educators in Illinois with an administrative endorsement whoregistered in Region 15 (City of Chicago). Please provide a separate list for each year from2008 to 2020. A spreadsheet format would work best for both requests. Thank you.

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4/5/2020 Bobby Chung University ofIllinois

Hi, I would like to request three more variables on new hire (both FTE and part time),from 2010 and onward for EACH year. Could I get the percent of new hire who are 1. non-hispanic white; 2. female; 3. have a Master degree? The best data is at the district levelif it is not redacted. Thanks again!

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4/3/2020 Chris Aiston CC AistonConsulting, Ltd

Dear Sir or Madam, Please find this request for information submitted pursuant to theIllinois Freedom Of Information Act. I am researching Per Capita Student Costs for theBatavia School District No 101 for the School Year 1995-1996. If this is a free-standingreport, I would like a copy of it, if convenient. If instead the information is found in theBatavia School District 101 Annual Report for School Year 1995 - 1996 and you wouldrather send me this report in full, that would suffice and I would greatly appreciate the fullreport in either case. Please advise if there is any costs associated with this request andI will make a payment accordingly. Thank you very much for your time and assistance infulfilling the FOIA request.

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4/7/2020 Senior Research AnalystAmy Smith


Number of graduates from each Illinois public high school for each of the past 2 academicyears (AY2018, AY2019). Please include the RCDTS (district and school code), districtname, and school name.

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4/13/2020 Bobby Chung University ofIllinois

Hi, I want to follow up the last request (F000149-040520). Sorry for the lack ofclarification last time. Could I instead get three separate variables, namely percent ofwhite, percent of female, and percent of master? Thank you again.

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4/16/2020 Thomas Olson MuckRock News To Whom It May Concern: Pursuant to the Illinois Freedom of Information Act., I herebyrequest the following records: According to 34 C.F.R, §300.211 and §300.645 of theIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), each local public school district (LEA)must provide to the Illinois State Board of Education “information relating to theperformance of children with disabilities participating in programs carried out under Part B”of IDEA so that, among other actions, the SEA can (1) “obtain certification from each[LEA] that an unduplicated and accurate count [of students who have been identified ashaving a disability(s)] has been made,” (2) “[a]ggregate the data from the count obtainedfrom each [LEA],” and (3) “[e]nsure that documentation is maintained that enables [theIllinois State Board of Education] and the [US Department of Education] to audit theaccuracy of the count.” Furthermore, according to 34 C.F.R, § 300.111, the Illinois StateBoard of Education “must have in effect policies and procedures to ensure that [a]llchildren with disabilities residing in the State, including children with disabilities who arehomeless children or are wards of the State, and children with disabilities attending privateschools, regardless of the severity of their disability, and who are in need of specialeducation and related services, are identified, located, and evaluated.” 34 C.F.R, §300.131 and 34 C.F.R, § 300.132(c) further mandate, respectively, that (1) “[e]ach LEAmust locate, identify, and evaluate all children with disabilities who are enrolled by theirparents in private, including religious, elementary schools and secondary schools located inthe school district served by the LEA” and (2) “[e]ach LEA must maintain in its records,and provide to the SEA, the following information related to parentally-placed privateschool children covered under §§ 300.130 through 300.144: (1) The number of childrenevaluated; (2) The number of children determined to be children with disabilities; and (3)The number of children served.” In light of 34 C.F.R, § 300.132(c) and the other above-quoted regulations, I respectfully request the following information for the past 5 years: •The total number of public school students in each LEA who have been referred to child-find. • The total number of charter school students in each LEA who have been referred tochild-find. • The total number of home-schooled students in each LEA who have beenreferred to child-find. • As applicable, the total number of private school students in eachLEA who have been referred to child-find. __ • The total number of public school studentsin each LEA who have been evaluated for disability(s). • The total number of charterschool students in each LEA who have been evaluated for disability(s). • The total numberof home-schooled students in each LEA who have been evaluated for disability(s). • Asapplicable, the total number of private school students in each LEA who have beenevaluated for disability(s) __ • The total number of public school students in each LEA whohave been determined to have a disability(s). • The total number of charter schoolstudents in each LEA who have been determined to have a disability(s). • The totalnumber of home-schooled students in each LEA who have been determined to have adisability(s). • As applicable, the total number of private school students in each LEA whohave been determined to have a disability(s). __ • The total number of public schoolstudents in each LEA who have been served. • The total number of charter school studentsin each LEA who have been served. • The total number of home-schooled students in eachLEA who have been served. • As applicable, the total number of private school students ineach LEA who have been served. Under Sections 611 and 619 o

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4/18/2020 Adam Mahoney The ChicagoReporter

This is a request for information under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS140). I request that a copy of the following records be provided to me, electronically ifpossible: - Record of total amount of money distributed by ISBE through the Child AndAdult Care Food Program in 2019. -Record of the total amount of applicants to theprogram and then approved as partners with ISBE fin 2019. In order to help determinemy status to assess fees, you should know that I am a representative of the news mediaaffiliated with The Chicago Reporter. This request is made as part of a news-gatheringeffort and not for commercial use. I request a waiver of all fees for this request. Disclosureof the requested information to me is in the public interest because it is likely to contributesignificantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of the Board ofEducation in Illinois and is not primarily in my commercial interest. Thank you for yourconsideration of this request. Sincerely, Adam Mahoney The Chicago Reporter 111 W.Jackson Blvd. #820

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4/20/2020 Mr Sterling Pollard Agr ConsultingLLC

I am seeking access to public records that may have been collected in connection tomyself. Pursuant to 5 ILCS 140, Section 2 (c), a public record is any records, reports,forms, writings, letters, memoranda, books, papers, maps, photographs, cards, tapes,recordings, electronic data processing records, electronic communications recordedinformation and all other documentary materials pertaining to the transaction of publicbusiness, regardless of physical form or characteristics, having been prepared by or for, orhaving been or being used by, received by, in the possession of or under the control ofany public body.

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4/21/2020 Alyssa Brown I request a list of the schools who participated in the Community Eligibility Provision inschool calendar year 2013-2014. I request these schools' names and the names of theirschool districts. Please let me know if you need any additional information, or if there isany reason that such a list cannot be provided.

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4/23/2020 Records sufficient to show the names and residential zip codes of all individuals who haveapplied for a Professional Educator License from September 1st 2019 to present.

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4/24/2020 PhD Student Olivia Healy NorthwesternUniversity

I am requesting (1) data on all Preschool For All - Extension (PFA-E) program site locationsand the number of children served, from 2014 to 2018; and (2) all PFA-E applicants andscores, from 2014 to 2018.

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Remote Learning Plan from Berwyn South School District 100 3401 South GundersonAvenue Berwyn, Illinois 60402

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4/27/2020 Executive Director StanleyZegel


Hi... We maintain a directory of all elected units of government in Illinois, and list thecontact information so citizens can find the websites and email addresses for FOIA andother requests. Several years ago, we received a spreadsheet similar to today's Directoryof Educational Entities, which we have downloaded, but are disappointed that it no longercontains email and web addresses for the school districts. Obviously that information isstored elsewhere. Please send us a version or other file that includes the administrativeemail and website addresses and related RCDTS codes. Then we can be sure the contactinformation in our online directory of all Illinois units of governments is current.

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4/27/2020 Principal Partner TomOlson

ADAC According to 34 C.F.R, §300.211 and §300.645 of the Individuals with DisabilitiesEducation Act (IDEA), each local public school district (LEA) must provide to the IllinoisState Board of Education “information relating to the performance of children withdisabilities participating in programs carried out under Part B” of IDEA so that, amongother actions, the SEA can (1) “obtain certification from each [LEA] that an unduplicatedand accurate count [of students who have been identified as having a disability(s)] hasbeen made,” (2) “[a]ggregate the data from the count obtained from each [LEA],” and (3)“[e]nsure that documentation is maintained that enables [the Illinois State Board ofEducation] and the [US Department of Education] to audit the accuracy of the count.”Furthermore, according to 34 C.F.R, § 300.111, the Illinois State Board of Education “musthave in effect policies and procedures to ensure that [a]ll children with disabilities residingin the State, including children with disabilities who are homeless children or are wards ofthe State, and children with disabilities attending private schools, regardless of the severityof their disability, and who are in need of special education and related services, areidentified, located, and evaluated.” 34 C.F.R, § 300.131 and 34 C.F.R, § 300.132(c)further mandate, respectively, that (1) “[e]ach LEA must locate, identify, and evaluate allchildren with disabilities who are enrolled by their parents in private, including religious,elementary schools and secondary schools located in the school district served by the LEA”and (2) “[e]ach LEA must maintain in its records, and provide to the SEA, the followinginformation related to parentally-placed private school children covered under §§ 300.130through 300.144: (1) The number of children evaluated; (2) The number of childrendetermined to be children with disabilities; and (3) The number of children served.” Inlight of 34 C.F.R, § 300.132(c) and the other above-quoted regulations, I respectfullyrequest the following information for the past 5 years: • The total number of public schoolstudents in each LEA who have been referred to child-find. • The total number of charterschool students in each LEA who have been referred to child-find. • The total number ofhome-schooled students in each LEA who have been referred to child-find. • As applicable,the total number of private school students in each LEA who have been referred to child-find. __ • The total number of public school students in each LEA who have beenevaluated for disability(s). • The total number of charter school students in each LEA whohave been evaluated for disability(s). • The total number of home-schooled students ineach LEA who have been evaluated for disability(s). • As applicable, the total number ofprivate school students in each LEA who have been evaluated for disability(s) __ • Thetotal number of public school students in each LEA who have been determined to have adisability(s). • The total number of charter school students in each LEA who have beendetermined to have a disability(s). • The total number of home-schooled students in eachLEA who have been determined to have a disability(s). • As applicable, the total number ofprivate school students in each LEA who have been determined to have a disability(s). __• The total number of public school students in each LEA who have been served. • Thetotal number of charter school students in each LEA who have been served. • The totalnumber of home-schooled students in each LEA who have been served. • As applicable,the total number of private school students in each LEA who have been served. UnderSections 611 and 619 of IDEA, the Illinois State Board of Education (SEA) receives eachyear grants from the federal government to provide s

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4/29/2020 Michael Burt I'd like to request data on the average number (mean with standard deviation and totalnumber of students) of science courses (any course numbers beginning with 03 from ISBEcourse catalog) taken by high school graduates in 2017, 2018, and 2019.

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4/29/2020 Farhan Khera I am looking for whether or not Illinois mandates that school districts use a specificaccounting software platform across the state. If so, I am requesting the contract betweenthe account platform provider and the state. If not, I was wondering if someone could tellme what the most commonly used accounting platforms are across the state.

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4/30/2020 Adam Mahoney The ChicagoReporter

Letters outlining serious deficiency sent to - Quad Cities Area Childrens (49-081-053P-00)- Abundant Favor Worship Center (15-016-214N-00) - Bright Beginnings Academy (15-016-075N-00) - (06-016-988P-00 ) Cradle to the Classroom - 15-016-208N-00Wee Read Daycare Academy Inc. -(15-016-268P-00) Little Leaders of Tomorrow DaycareCenter -15-016-300P-00 Kids R First Learning Center -09-010-019P-00 GreatBeginnings Learning Center -15-016-589P-00 Marcy-Newberry Assoc.

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