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  • Immune System Carlos Penilla
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  • Vocabulary Passive Immunity- temporary immunity gained by taking in anti-bodies or immune cells (lasts only a few weeks or months) temporary because the system has been stimulated by antigens Active immunity- immunity gained from recovering from an infectious disease Acquired Immunity- when the body develops an immunity for a specific pathogen by slowly building up a resistance to it Primary Immune Response- selective proliferation and differentiation of lymphocytes that occurs first time the body is exposed to an antigen Secondary Immune Response- when the individual is exposed to the some antigen at some later time, the response is faster, of greater magnitude, and more prolonged Humoral Immunity- involves B cell activation and results from the production of antibodies that circulate in the blood plasma and lymph, fluids that were long ago called humors Cell mediated response- depends on the action of T-cells, immunity gained through the transfer of humoral immunity (antibodies)
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  • Nonspecific Defenses against Infection The skin and the mucous both play their part as a physical barrier as well as a way to use chemical defenses to counter pathogens In addition the secretions from the sebaceous and sweat glands give the skin a pH between 3-5, this pH is acidic enough to prevent colonization of microbes Saliva, tears, and mucous are all secreted and constantly cover exposed epithelia The lysozyme (protective protein) also helps by digesting the cell walls of many bacteria thus destroying many bacteria entering the upper respiratory tract and the opening around the eyes Stomach contains a highly acidic environment, which destroys most microbes before they enter the intestinal tract (hepatitis A is a virus which can survive the gastric acids) Phagocytosis- the ingestion of invading organisms by certain types of cells (associated intimately with an effective inflammatory response) Inflammation and phagocytosis help limit the spread of microbes in advance for specific immune responses
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  • Phagocytic and Natural Killer Cells Neutrophils are a class of phagocytic cells that contribute to 60%-70% of all the white blood cells in the body (while they do attack damaged cells and destroy them, they tend to self destruct after killing off the damaged cell and only have a normal life span of a few days Monocytes make up only 5% of the white blood cells in your body but they are much more effective, they circulate the blood for only a few hours then migrate to tissues were they will become macrophages Macrophages- largest phagocytic cells, are especially effective, live the longest (engulf a microbe in a vacuole that then fuses with a lysosome Lysosome then breaks it down in one of these two ways: first it can make toxic versions of Oxygen; superoxide anion or nitric oxide. The second version would be the use of lysosomal enzymes to digest microbial components Although some microbes have evolved and can avoid phagocytic destruction for example some bacteria have an outer capsule that prevents the macrophage from attaching, others are engulfed but are resistant to lysosomal destruction and can even reproduce inside a macrophage(those are especially a problem)
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  • Continued About 1.5%of leukocytes are eosinophils which specialize in defending against parasitic invaders Natural Killer cells or NK cells do not attack the virus directly, it attacks the virus infected body cells instead (cause the cell to lyse)
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  • Inflammatory Response When a microorganism enters a damaged or cut area it triggers an inflamatory response During this response the precapillary arteries dilate and postcapillary venules constrict which increases the ammount of blood In the area Causes the redness and heat Histamine- a type of chemical signal that is released by cells of the body in response to tissue injury (increases dilation and permeability) Basophils produce histamine and mast cells( found in connective tissue) Leukocytes and damaged tissue cells also release prostagladins to promote blood flow to the damaged area, this helps by delivering the elements that help clot the wound This also helps the migration of phagocytic cells from the blood into the injured tissues (chemokines also attract phagocytic cells to the area) Another systematic response is a fever which starts when it picks up certain toxins released from the Certain leukocytes release pyrogens which increase the temp. of the body (high fevers can be dangerous moderate ones help the body fight by limiting growth of microorganism) Wide spread of inflammation (septic shock) is the most common cause of death U.S. critical care units
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  • Antimicrobial Proteins Complement system- a type of system that carries out a cascade of steps leading to the lysis of microbes Some complement components help chemokines attract phagocytic cells to the sites of infection Interferons- are nonspecific defense proteins that are secreted by virus infected cells (dont help the cell that has been infected instead they warn the nearby cells which then develop chemicals that inhibit viral reproduction) That effect limits the cell to cell spread of viruses in the body In addition to its role as an antiviral agent it also activates phagocytes, which enhances their ability to ingest and kill microorganisms
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  • Specific Immunity Lymphocytes(key cells in immune system) generate efficient selective immune responses that eliminate particular invaders in the body(B cells and T cells are the two main lymphocytes) Bothe circulate in the blood, concentrated in: spleen, lymph nodes and other lymphatic tissues Antigen- foreign molecule that causes a specific lymphocyte to respond B and T cells respond to different types of antigens, respond in different ways that compliment one another Antibodies- are secreted by B cells to counter specific antigens based on the shape of the molecule B cells and T cells recognize specific antigens by using their antigen receptors T cell receptors- are similar to membrane antibodies, but they are never produced in a secreted form B and T cells are created long before coming in contact with foreign antigens, through this the body already has an enormous variety of B and T cells with specific receptors
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  • Antigens interact with specific lymphocytes Clonal Selection-A lymphocyte is stimulated to divide and differentiate by the microbes antigens Makes two clones, one that carries short lived cells that combat the same antigen (effector cells) or long living cells with receptors for the same antigen in case it needs to fight it off later in life (memory cells) Primary Immunity Response- selective proliferation and differentiation of lymphocytes that occurs the first time the body is exposed to an antigen During the 10-17 day phase of the P.I.R. selected b cells and t cells make antibody producing effector B cells known as plasma cells Secondary immune response- occurs when the individual is exposed to the same antigen at some later time, this response is much faster 2-7 days and of greater magnitude and is more prolonged Secondary response has a much larger amount of antibodies produced and they are more effective
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  • Distiguishing of Self from Nonself Lymphocytes that migrate from the bone marrow to the thymus develop into T cells whereas lymphocytes that continue to mature in the bone marrow become B cells All lymphocytes are tested to see if there receptors match other molecules in the body which would then lead to harming the body, if such a lymphocyte is found they are either rendered non functional or are destroyed by apoptosis (programed cell death) MHC molecule carry a fragment of intercellular protein antigen in its hemock groove, it then shows it to a antigen receptor so T cells become aware of an infectious agent (two classes of MHC molecules) Cytotoxic T cells-have antigen receptors that bind to protein fragments (respond to presentation of fragments by killing the infected cells) Helper T cells- have receptors that bind to peptides displayed by the bodys II MHC molecules Wide distribution of I MHC molecules is critical to our health Class II MHC are mostly macrophages and B cells, these antigen presenting cells collect remnants and present them to helper T cells which incite other cells types to fight the pathogen
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  • Immune Responses Humoral Immunity- involves B cell activation and results from the production of antibodies that circulate in the blood plasma and lymph, fluids that were long ago called humors Cell mediated response- depends on the action of T-cells, immunity gained through the transfer of humoral immunity (antibodies) Circulating antibodies of the humoral response defend mainly against bacteria, toxins, viruses that are present in body fluids T cells of the cell mediated response are active against protozoa, fungi, and parasitic worms Cell mediated response is crucial for fighting off cancer cells classified as nonself
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  • Closer look at Helper T-Cells and Cytotoxic T cells Found mainly in cell types that engulf foreign antigens Interaction between APCs and helper T cells is greatly enhanced by the presence of CD4 (surface protein present on most helper T cells) Activated helper T cells secrete several cytokines, proteins or peptides that stimulate other lymphocytes Antigen activated cytotoxic T lymphocytes kill cancer cells and cells infected by viruses or other intercellular pathogens A cytotoxic T cell when activated by I MHC and stimulated by IL-2 from a helper T cell becomes an active killer, kills its target cell(APC) by releasing perforin a protein that forms pores in the target cells membrane Ions and water then flow into the target cell which swells and eventually lyses this forces the pathogen into the open were it is destroyed by the circulating antibodies The body defends against tumors in a similar way, but when this fails the body uses Natural Killer cells that can also lyse virus infected and or cancer cells
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  • Humoral Response Once stimulated by both cytokines and antigens the B cells proliferate and differentiate into a clone of antibody secreting plasma cells and a clone of memory B cells Those antigens are called T dependent antigens because they can stimulate antibody production only with help from Th cells T independent cells- polysaccharides and proteins with many identical polypeptides B cells have class II MHC molecules B cells are much more specific to which antigen it binds too as opposed to macrophages APCs are general B cells specify Humoral response stimulates a variety of different B cells, each giving rise to a clone of thousands of plasma cells Each plasma cell estimated to secrete about 2000 antibody molecules per second over the its life span (4-5 days)
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  • Antibody Structure and Function Neither membrane version of the antibody nor the secreted body binds the entire molecule This antibody interacts with a small accesible portion of the antigen called the epitope (antigenic determinent) Single antigen such as a bacterial surface has many epitopes, each able to produce a specific antibody Most antibody have two identical antigen sites for the epitope that caused the production Molecule consists of 4 polypeptide chains, Two identical heavy chains and two identical light chains ( form a Y shaped molecule joined by disulfide bridges) highly stable complex Polyclonal- prepared from many different B cells: Monoclonal- composed from the same B cell Five major classes of antibodies: IgM, IgG, IgA, IgD, IgE
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  • Antibody Mediated Disposal of Antigen Neutralization- way in which antibody binds and blocks the activity of an antigen EX: antibodies neutralize virus by attaching to the molecules that the virus needs to infect the host cell Opsonization- bound antibodies enhance macrophage attachment to, and thus phagocytosis of, the microbes Agglutination is also used to effectively neutralize viruses by clumping Complement Fixation- one of the most important antibody mediated disposal mechanism Activate during an infection and are inactive in the absence of one, completion of the complement cascade results in the lysis of many types of viruses and pathogenic cells Can be activated in two ways the classical pathway ( triggered by antibodies and bound by antigens and is important to humoral response) and alternate pathway (triggered by substances that are naturally present on many bacteria) does not involve antibodies so it nonspecific
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  • Rudimentary Immune system in Invertabrates Also have a very effective immune system, which allows it to distinguish self from nonself If two sponges are mixed the two cells will reaggerate separating each others cells Mostly dispose of nonself through phagocytosis, lately immunobioligists have discovered that some have cytokines which enhance their ability to fight off infection Depend mostly on nonspecific defenses helomin binds to microbes and assists in the disposal (only in bugs) are likely ancient precursors of antigens immunological memory found in earthworms but not in sea stars
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  • Immunity in Health and Disease Active immunity- immunity gained from recovering from an infectious disease Immunization- also known as vaccination which involves the individual receiving dead or weakened cellls of the disease so they can develop immunity towards it ( stimulates the immune response and immunological memory) because of the antigens Passive Immunity- temporary immunity gained by taking in anti-bodies or immune cells (lasts only a few weeks or months) temporary because the system has been stimulated by antigens Mothers can pass off passive immunity to their children while they are pregnant provides protection for the baby until its own immune system has matured This is used against fast acting viruses like rabies, the injected antibodies will fight off the virus for a few weeks until the persons own immune system kicks in effectively the immune system also fights off other peoples cells for example a skin transplant that does not match will look healthy for 1or 2 days but then immune responses will attack and disfigure it (the structure of the placenta prevents the mothers system from harming the baby
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  • Blood groups and Blood Transfusion Type A has A antigens, Type B has B antigens, Type AB has both and type O has none Blood transfusions are tricky because the persons blood type must match or else the immune system will react to the antigens of the foreign blood type Antibodies to foreign blood are already in the body even if it has never been exposed to it before (they rise against certain bacteria with similar epitopes) So if it Is type A it does not have antibodies for A-Like bacterial epitopes since it considers it as Self It can be harmful to the baby when a mother who is rH negative lacks the rH factor but has a fetus which is rH positive
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  • Tissue Grafts and Organ Transplants Major Histocompatibility Complex- encodes the protein fingerprint that is unique in every individual causes the stimulation that rejects tissue grafts or organ transplants Foreign MHC is antigenic which causes immune system to respond against donated tissues or organs Use closest compatible MHC available ( usually siblings if there is no identical twin) in addition various medicines are required to suppress the immune systems reactions (however during this treatment a patient is much more susceptible to diseases Blood transfusions follow the same route as for MHC as in the marrow is matched as closely as possible (before this treatment the patient is treated with irradiation to eliminate his or her own marrow cells or abnormal cells)

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