

IMPACT Qi and the Shen 2016Annual Program


Executive Summary 1 ..................................................................................................................................................

Understanding and Treating Depression and Anxiety From a TCM perspective – Giovanni Maciocia (USA) 4 .................................................................................................................................................................................................

The Psychopathology and Western Medical Treatment of Anxiety and Depression – Professor Bruce Robinson (USA) 5 ..............................................................................................................................................................

Using the Five Element ‘Seven Dragons’ Treatment for Obsessions, Suppression and Possession – Angela Hicks (UK) 6 .......................................................................................................................................................................

Treating Trauma:  The Shen and The Dark Side of the ShenYair Maimon (Israel) 7 ....................................................................................................................................................................

Acupuncture in the Treatment of Substance Use – Rachel Peckham and Jaqueline Mangold (UK) .8

Top Ten Tips for Treating the Shen – What to do when your treatment is not working And How to Sort it Out –Angela Hicks (UK) 9 .......................................................................................................................................................................

Treatment with Acupuncture for Refugees who have been Victims of Torture and Trauma – Naomi Abeshouse (Aus) 10 .......................................................................................................................................................................

Cannabis dependence, Brain Chemistry and Sleep Hygiene Strategies - Dr Adam Winstock (EU) 12 .

The 5th pillar: Biochemical testing in the acupuncture clinicMel Hopper Koppleman (UK) 13 ..............................................................................................................................................

Burnout: Dopamine and Adrenal Fatigue Protecting the Jing and Kidneys – Dr Daniel Keown (UK) .14

Clinical Practice: Psychological Management of Sub-fertility - Lianne Aqualina (UK) 15 ............................

Stuck in the Middle: Treating stubborn stagnation in the Middle Jiao (the ribcage area) - David Legge (Aus) 16 ..................................................................................................................................................................................

The Introverts Way of Speaking with Patients, Doctors andOther Health Professionals - Chen Yen (USA) 17 .............................................................................................................

Promote Acupuncture Around the WorldJennifer Dubowsky (USA) 18 .....................................................................................................................................................

Extraordinary Case Studies – Personal Photo LibraryAn Introduction to Dermatology in Chinese MedicineMazin Al-Khafaji (UK) 20 ............................................................................................................................................................

An Introduction to Constitutional Facial Acupuncture RenewalMary Elizabeth Wakefield (USA) 21 .......................................................................................................................................

The Depression Suppression: Facial Acupuncture v. Botox in the Treatment of Lines in the Glabellar Crease:Mary Elizabeth Wakefield (USA) 22 .......................................................................................................................................

Face Reading & The Face as a MicrosystemLillian Pearl Bridges (USA) 23 ..................................................................................................................................................

SAFETY Professional Issues: Burnout and Fadeout. How to prevent these in our practicesIsobel Cosgrove (UK) 25 ..............................................................................................................................................................

ETHICS: Understanding Ethics and How it Applies to Acupuncturists - Toby Dagg 26 .............................

How does a webinar work? 27 ..................................................................................................................................................

Webinar Program 27 ......................................................................................................................................................................

CPD and Certificate of Attendance 27..................................................................................................................................

Executive Summary  

I believe it is time acupuncture is recognized world-wide for the benefits it offers patients, healthcare services and communities.

Join practitioners from all over the world in our new movement towards professional recognition, patient satisfaction and business prosperity.

We offer you professional citizenship.

By joining Acupuncture Professional today you will have an opportunity to evolve your practice – without the expense of costly registration fees, time away from practice and paying for transport and accommodation.

Get better outcomes for your patients and thrive in your clinical practice.

Why? … Because our elite educators are amongst the best in the world and they love sharing their expertise so that you can benefit from their discoveries.

So, if you want to …

✓ Enhance your livelihood and be part of a greater movement

✓ Learn original and powerful approaches from leading experts

✓ Expand your skill-set and set yourself apart

✓ Fortify your understanding of acupuncture and evolve to a new level of expertise

✓ Join a strong community of like-minded practitioners

✓ Enjoy the reward of really helping people and making a difference in this world

– then join with us

We have a track-record in delivering excellent education. Now we’re offering you life-changing professional support, beyond CPD. This is our promise to you.

Be part of the NEW Acupuncture Professional.

Katherine Berry, Acupuncturist and Visionary


Our aim

To be truly awesome. We want to offer you a seamless way to connect, learn and evolve – in the comfort of home or clinic. We love new technologies, and think innovatively about how to utilize what is available to support the acupuncture profession.


◉ To provide targeted, immediate and effective information to practitioners of acupuncture and oriental medicine

◉ To invite international guest experts to present on latest research, clinical practice, practice enhancement, inner healing, spirituality and burnout prevention.

◉ To provide a cost-effective means to fulfill all your CPD requirements

◉ To provide high quality and meaningful education to enhance clinical outcomes that benefit the healthcare of the community

Educational categories

Acupuncture Professional offers a broad range of events to meet the needs of practitioners and accrediting agencies. Topics are categorized as one of the following:

◉ Core knowledge, skills and ability: topics that address one of the five branches of Oriental medicine (acupuncture, Chinese herbs, Chinese dietary therapy, Tai Chi/Qigong and bodywork therapy).

◉ Safety: topics that address safety issues in the AOM and healthcare professions such as universal precautions, herbal safety, personal protective equipment, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, needle safety, etc.

◉ Ethics: ethical issues such as liability, public health reporting, medical coding, medical billing, etc.

◉ Adjunct Therapies: topics that relate to therapies that directly enhance the practitioner’s knowledge or practice in acupuncture and Oriental medicine.

◉ Biomedicine: Western medicine and practitioner

◉ Business Development and Practice Management: topics that support business development such as different practice models, marketing and advertising skills, social media and network marketing

IMPACT 2016: Qi and the Shen

Our educators are the best in the world and are passionate about sharing their expertise. Our 2016 program focuses on working on the Shen level to achieve greater results. By working with the Shen, you will become a master of Qi.


Shen Disturbances Library Available Now


Understanding and Treating Depression and Anxiety From a TCM perspective – Giovanni Maciocia (USA)

Course description

Anxiety and depression are both challenging and common conditions that many practitioners are seeing in their acupuncture clinics. Giovanni Maciocia, a leading international expert presents on how to view anxiety and depression from a TCM perspective and how to approach treatment using herbal medicines, acupuncture, moxibustion and adjunct therapies. The common aetiology and physiology of depression are discussed. Giovanni also shares his personal insights into understanding how stress and the emotions can have an adverse effect on mental health. This presentation will offer all participants an opportunity to expand and consolidate their understanding and treatment of anxiety and depression, with practical application into every day acupuncture practice.

Learning objectives

◉ Understanding the Chinese Medicine interpretation of anxiety and depression

◉ Identification of the connections between depression and several Chinese Medicine diseases

◉ Understanding the common treatments for depression and anxiety using acupuncture and herbs

Presenter biography

Giovanni Maciocia trained in England at the International College of Oriental medicine graduating in acupuncture in 1974 after a three-year course. He has been in practice since then.

In 1980, 1982, 1987 and 2004 he attended three postgraduate courses in acupuncture in China at the Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, gaining invaluable knowledge and clinical experience and learning to read Chinese. Giovanni Maciocia is the author of:

◉ Tongue Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine

◉ The Foundations of Chinese Medicine

◉ The Practice of Chinese Medicine

◉ Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Chinese Medicine

◉ Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine

◉ The Channels of Acupuncture

◉ The Psyche in Chinese Medicine

In 1996, Giovanni Maciocia was appointed Visiting Professor of the Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a foremost teaching institution in China.

Giovanni is currently lecturer at the DAOM for Pacific College of Oriental Medicine.


The Psychopathology and Western Medical Treatment of Anxiety and Depression – Professor Bruce Robinson (USA)

Course description

In this presentation Dr Bruce Robinson, a western medicine Physician discusses a range of anxiety disorders as well as depression. Dr Robinson goes through the western medicine diagnosis and treatment by exploring the etiology and onset of symptoms, ranging from mild to severe. Dr Robinson offers his personal insights into the side effects and limitations of current treatments while giving recommendations about how acupuncture and herbal medicine may help to support people with mental health issues.

Learning objectives

◉ To understand the range of mental health disorders including; anxiety disorders, dysthymia (mild depression), seasonal affective disorder (SAD), hypomania and cyclothymia, bipolar disorder (manic depressive disorder) and major depression

◉ To understand the psychopathology of anxiety and depression

◉ To understand the prevalence of anxiety and depression

◉ Identifying the risk factors that place a person at risk of developing anxiety and depression

◉ To understand common western medical pharmaceutical treatments for anxiety and depression, how and why these work and some of the limitations for these interventions.

◉ Identifying how acupuncture and herbal medicine can help treat anxiety and depression

Presenter biography

Dr Bruce H. Robinson lives in Fort Lauderdale Florida, USA.

He is a professor of medicine at the University of Science and Technology Medical College in nearby Miami and is also a professor at the Atlantic College of Oriental Medicine in Fort Lauderdale.

Dr. Robinson was the president of AIMC Berkeley, an acupuncture college in the San Francisco Bay area, from 2007 to 2009.

He is the author of two textbooks on the topic of integrating Western Medicine and Oriental Medicine: Biomedicine: A Textbook for Practitioners of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Blue Poppy Press (2007), and Western Physical Exam Skills for Practitioners of Asian Medicine, Blue Poppy Press (2009).

A board certified general surgeon, he practiced medicine and surgery for 30 years, treating over 80,000 patients.


Using the Five Element ‘Seven Dragons’ Treatment for Obsessions, Suppression and Possession – Angela Hicks (UK)

Course description

The seven internal or external dragon treatment is one of the most powerful treatments practitioners can use when patients are not progressing and seem mentally or emotionally stuck. Patients can have more or less extreme symptoms and may have a Western diagnosis of, for example, posttraumatic stress disorder or bipolar or merely be unable to move forward from a traumatic relationship or other event. During this seminar Angela will explain all aspects of this treatment including the concept of possession, the causes, the diagnosis and the points and their use in the treatment. She will also give examples from her own experience.

Learning objectives

◉ To explore what is meant by ‘possession’ in Chinese Medicine

◉ To discover the causes and signs and symptoms that indicate the need for this treatment

◉ To understand the internal and external dragons treatment protocol used to clear possession

Presenter biography

Angela is joint principal and co-founder of the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine in Reading, Berkshire, UK. She has been practicing acupuncture since 1976. She originally studied Five Element acupuncture and was a lecturer and clinical supervisor at The College of Traditional Acupuncture from 1979 until 1987. She studied TCM and completed postgraduate clinical training in China at the Nanjing College of TCM. In 1988 she co-founded Acupuncture Training Courses, a postgraduate course teaching TCM theory to Five Element acupuncturists.

Angela is also a Chinese Herbalist and a Focusing teacher and she regularly practices qigong. She is the author or co-author of five books: author of The Principles of Chinese Medicine, 88 Chinese Medicine Secrets and The Acupuncture Handbook, and co-author of Healing your Emotions and the textbook Five Element Constitutional Acupuncture.


Treating Trauma:  The Shen and The Dark Side of the ShenYair Maimon (Israel)

Course description

This unique presentation addresses the Shen after significant trauma. Yair explains how the virtue (De) arrives from heaven, the breath and Jing are from earth and we have the heavenly part, the Shen. Individuals are defined by their Shen, “the heavenly power that gives rise to the heart and provides inspiration and is a vehicle for healing”. In this course you will learn how to build patient rapport to have access to their deeper being, their Shen state. By working on such a deep level, you will have a greater impact and longer lasting results. You can move your patients from ill health and disease, to harmony and health in few, simple treatments by working on the dark side of the Shen.

Learning objectives

◉ Learn how to engage with a patient to build rapport and ‘create a space’ to allow an open exchange of deep or suppressed feelings

◉ Understand how the spirit may be affected by trauma – as early as a foetus in utero, and how acupuncture can be used to heal deep-rooted trauma

◉ Gain an insight into specific acupuncture points that can be used to bring about rapid changes to the Shen and help a person recovery from emotional, spiritual and physical trauma

Presenter biography

Dr. Maimon is an internationally renowned figure in the field of Integrative and Chinese Medicine with over 25 years of clinical, academic, and research experience in the United States, Europe, and Israel. Currently, Dr. Maimon is the Head of “Tal center” - integrative cancer research center, institute of oncology - Sheba hospital; Head of the Israeli center for research in complementary medicine (NPO); Chairman of the International Congress of Chinese Medicine in Israel (ICCM); Head of "Refuot" integrative medical center. He is the former Dean and Co-founder of the largest TCM collage in Israel Medi-Cin; Director of a program in Chinese medicine for medical doctors at Bar Ilan University; Lecturer of Medical Psychology at Tel Aviv University; Head of the complementary medicine unit at the Tel Aviv hospital, and involved in research and the treatments in an in and outpatient hospital setting.

Dr. Maimon’s teaching is inspired from a deep understanding of Chinese medicine and insights to the Shen’s influences on suffering and healing.


Acupuncture in the Treatment of Substance Use – Rachel Peckham and Jaqueline Mangold (UK)

Course description

Alcohol and other drug use is commonplace in our community. There are a wide range of legal and illicit substances and people vary in their likeliness to develop problems including long term dependence. Acupuncture offers an excellent solution to treating the symptoms associated with drug withdrawal, especially given the alternative (complete abstinence or medication with pharmaceutical drugs) carry their own risk of relapse and dependence. This webinar discusses the use of the NADA ear acupuncture protocol for the treatment of addictions and explores some of the challenges when treating people with chronic relapsing disorders.

Rachel Peckham and Jacqueline Mangold are traditionally trained acupuncturists based in the UK. They are trainees with NADA UK, the internationally recognised organisation of the five-point ear acupuncture protocol developed by Dr Michael Smith (USA) in the 1970s. In this webinar, they share their personal insights into how acupuncture can be a powerful tool to treat addictions.

Learning objectives

◉ Understanding the definition of addiction

◉ Learn about facts and figures related to alcohol and other drug use

◉ Understand what is the NADA protocol, when is it applied, who may benefit and how to administer it and the psychosocial benefits of group treatment

Presenter biographies

Rachel Peckham studied at the College of Traditional Acupuncture in Leamington Spa and qualified as an Acupuncturist in 1994. For over 20 years she has run her general acupuncture clinic in London. Concurrently she has been involved in publicly funded NHS acupuncture trials, and is a founding member of NADA-UK.  She is a guest lecturer for various acupuncture colleges and regularly delivers seminars on auricular acupuncture used in the treatment of addiction and general mental health. During recent years, she has been working with World Medicine, an acupuncture charity that sends volunteer acupuncturists to provide acupuncture treatment for people in countries that have experienced catastrophic situations and/or poverty. During a recent trip to India, I trained hospital staff in a small village in Gujarat to provide an auricular treatment to aid pain management for the local people.

Jaqueline Mangold completed a Shiatsu Diploma in 1997 followed by a Licentiate in Acupuncture, at College of Traditional Acupuncture, Leamington Spa in 1998. She then graduated with a Post Graduate Course in TCM at College of Integrated Chinese Medicine in 1999. Her interest in Mental Health and Substance Use led to her role as Complementary Therapies Co-ordinator at the Core Trust, London, 2001-2007. In addition to her work with NADA-UK, she is a qualified yoga teacher and pregnancy specialist.


Top Ten Tips for Treating the Shen – What to do when your treatment is not working And How to Sort it Out –

Angela Hicks (UK)

Course description

One in four people around the world are affected by mental health issues at some time in their life. In TCM we understand this to be a disturbance of the Shen. While western medicine struggles to come to grips with the problem - often resorting to medication, we as acupuncturists have a unique way to bring about fast, effective and long lasting positive changes. However in order to achieve this, the fundamentals of treating the shen must be understood. In this webinar, Angela Hicks - a world expert in five element and TCM, takes you through ten fundamental principles of shen disturbance, why your treatment on the spirit may not be working - and "how to sort it out". This webinar will help you get great results with all of your patients.

Learning objectives

◉ Understand how the Classics of Chinese Medicine viewed the spirit

◉ Learn about how blood stagnation affects the shen and what acupuncture treatments you can do

◉ Know how to clear shock, trauma, obsession and mental disturbances using the five element internal and external dragon treatments

◉ Learn about the spirit points and what acupuncture techniques to use to get the best results (including acupuncture point formulas)

◉ Understand how your own internal dialogue, qi vitality and lifestyle will influence your patients

Presenter biography

Angela is joint principal and co-founder of the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine in Reading, Berkshire, UK. She has been practicing acupuncture since 1976. She originally studied Five Element acupuncture and was a lecturer and clinical supervisor at The College of Traditional Acupuncture from 1979 until 1987. She studied TCM and completed postgraduate clinical training in China at the Nanjing College of TCM. In 1988 she co-founded Acupuncture Training Courses, a postgraduate course teaching TCM theory to Five Element acupuncturists.

Angela is also a Chinese Herbalist and a Focusing teacher and she regularly practices qigong. She is the author or co-author of five books: author of The Principles of Chinese Medicine, 88 Chinese Medicine Secrets and The Acupuncture Handbook, and co-author of Healing your Emotions and the textbook Five Element Constitutional Acupuncture.


Treatment with Acupuncture for Refugees who have been Victims of Torture and Trauma – Naomi Abeshouse (Aus)

Course description

In this moving and sometimes disturbing presentation, Naomi Abeshouse shares her experience based on her clinical and managerial role at a unique acupuncture clinic at the Service Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors (STARTTS) in Sydney Australia. She covers treating people with post traumatic stress disorder, and talks about the limitations of this diagnosis in people who have had severe exposure to physical and emotional violence. Establishing healthy professional and personal boundaries is a central theme. Naomi also outlines how to manage cultural and religious differences as well as political conflict between patients. The challenges of working with translators is also highlighted. A webinar not to miss.

Learning objectives

◉ How to treat people with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

◉ Establishing healthy professional and personal boundaries with clients who have suffered physical and emotional violence

◉ How to manage cultural and religious differences as well as political conflict between patients.

◉ Overcoming the challenges of working with translators

◉ Differences between survivors of torture and trauma and the general public

Presenter biography

Naomi Abeshouse, is an Acupuncturist, Chinese herbalist and Doula, based in Sydney Australia

She is the co-founder of Red Tent, a specialist multi-modality clinic for fertility, pregnancy, child birth and post natal care

Her presentation today is based on her clinical and managerial role at a unique acupuncture clinic at STARTTS– Service Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors

Naomi completed a Bachelor of Health Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine at UTS and has been studying and practicing for over eleven years She completed postgraduate studies in Guangxi University, China.


Coming up in 2016 (New module released each month)


Cannabis dependence, Brain Chemistry and Sleep Hygiene Strategies - Dr Adam Winstock (EU)

Course description

Cannabis is one of the most widely used drugs in our communities, however because of the stigma associated with drug use, people are often reluctant to seek help. Acupuncturists are in an ideal position to offer support. There is a wide range of cannabis products available and the risk of dependence varies depending on frequency of use, age of commencement, duration and route of administration and whether it is mixed with tobacco. For many people, cannabis provides a way to relax and for some, may be used to self medicate symptoms of anxiety and/or depression. Withdrawing from cannabis is often accompanied by sleep disturbance and insomnia – a high risk for relapsing. By understanding the psychopharmacology of cannabis and the inclusion of sleep hygiene strategies you can help you patients use less or quit entirely, depending on their goals.

Learning objectives

◉ Understand how to take a thorough drug use history and assessment

◉ Learn how to introduce goal-setting in your consultations based on a Motivational Interviewing framework

◉ Understand the psychopharmacology of cannabis, cannabis products, hash oil, and skunk – and learn about the dangers associate with synthetic cannabinoid products “legal highs” such as Spice.

◉ Gain an awareness of easy to teach sleep hygiene strategies that can be used for all patients with sleeping problems

◉ Understand a western medical approach to the treatment of cannabis dependence and how acupuncture can play an essential role in relapse-prevention

Presenter biography

Dr Adam Winstock is a Consultant Psychiatrist in Addictions having completed degrees in Medicine, Psychology, Psychiatry, Masters of Science and a PhD. Based at Institute of Psychiatry Maudsley Hospital in London, he works in community drug health services and Brixton prison. Dr Winstock has authored over 100 peer reviewed papers, book chapters, national guidelines and training courses for other Doctors, the police, Pharmacists, Nurses, Dentists, Social Health workers and other allied health professionals. He is the founder of the Global Drug Survey, the world’s largest independent drug-use data mapping agency that aims to provide credible information to keep people safe based on harm minimization principles.


The 5th pillar: Biochemical testing in the acupuncture clinicMel Hopper Koppleman (UK)

Course description

As acupuncturists we rely on the four pillars of diagnosis; looking, listening/smelling, palpation and asking. But according to Mel Hopper Koppleman, we’re overlooking what she calls “The Fifth Pillar” using biochemical testing, most notably laboratory testing of blood, saliva, urine and feces – to enhance our understanding of health.

Biochemical testing is like an early-warning sign, picking up on subtle markers of illness prior to it possibly being detected by any of the four pillars of traditional diagnosis.

Mel utilizes this approach to provide an in-depth analysis of a patient’s wellbeing. Simple laboratory tests can be ordered by health practitioners and samples sent to local labs for analysis. These provide a detailed synopsis of a patient’s biochemistry and state of health. Tests range from a basic check-up to a more in-depth analysis. Biochemical testing is not about diagnosing illness but identifying hidden health trends. Specific markers are viewed and if these are determined to be sub-optimal – further investigations can be made to identify underlying causes of illness.

GPs routinely order blood tests and often simply tell their patients if the results are within ‘normal’ range. What if YOU could read these and interpret them with greater accuracy? Imagine the level of insight you would have into a patients underlying state of health.

In her presentation, Mel presents a framework in which biochemical lab investigations can be used harmoniously with our traditional understanding of patterns of disharmony in order to improve patient outcomes, enhance our understanding, and give our clinical skills a 21st century update.

Learning objectives

◉ Improve your understanding of biochemical testing (blood, saliva, urine and faeces)

◉ Understand sub-optimal markers and the meaning of ‘normal’ when applied to marker range

◉ Learn how to familiarize yourself with blood test results so that you can read and interpret these beyond their use to eliminate disease identification

◉ Gain an insight into a patients predicted health

◉ Integrate modern technological advances into your traditional acupuncture practice

Presenter biography

Mel is an acupuncturist and Functional Medicine practitioner based in Leicester, UK. She received her BSc from NYU in 2005 and her MSc from the Northern College of Acupuncture, York in 2012. In 2015 she completed a second masters in Nutrition and Functional Medicine at the University of Western States. Mel is the Executive Vice President of the Acupuncture Now Foundation that aims to raise the profile of acupuncture through research, media releases, video production, podcasts and online publications. Mel is an advocate of taking advantage of modern scientific advances to further support traditional methods of healing.


Burnout: Dopamine and Adrenal Fatigue Protecting the Jing and Kidneys – Dr Daniel Keown (UK)

Course description

Author of the Spark in the Machine, Dr Keown brings a unique view to TCM based on his western medical training and work as an Accident and Emergency Doctor. By understanding the hormone relationship with the organs – in particular the Kidneys role with Dopamine and the Spleen and Serotonin, Dr Keown explains how illness and disease can be prevented. His vision extends beyond helping patients to achieve better health outcomes to supporting practitioners in self-care strategies. He advocates for the introduction of fundamental changes in healthcare, starting with individual acupuncturists, regional groups, national bodies and a collective international community. He is a political agitator, a visionary, an inspiring teacher and someone who is going to change the future of the acupuncture profession to ensure that Qi and energy medicine have supremacy over the current pharmaceutical and invasive western medical approaches.

Learning objectives

◉ Understand the interrelationships of embryology, endocrinology and TCM

◉ Explore the fundamental role of the Kidneys and Dopamine production and how this affects mental health, motivation and the Zhi aspect (will power)

◉ Gain an insight into the role of the Spleen in the Yi (thinking aspect) as it relates to Serotonin, a chemical mood-stabilizer that is often associate with depression

◉ Learn about how to apply this greater understanding to ‘self-care’ to avoid burnout

Presenter biography

Dr Daniel Keown developed an interested in Chinese medicine in his teens from his grandmother's exploits in China. After finishing his degree in medicine he worked for over a decade as an Emergency doctor. Before returning back to college to complete a degree in Chinese medicine.

Realizing that aspects of Chinese medicine remained poorly understood from a biomedical standpoint, he travelled to China to study under the masterful tutelage of Dr Wang Ju-Yi. It was this study that provided the impetus to write 'The Spark In The Machine.’

He lives in Tunbridge Wells, England, with his wife and two children, and in his free time he grows vegetables on his allotment and dreams about the perfect wave.


Clinical Practice: Psychological Management of Sub-fertility - Lianne Aqualina (UK)

Course description

Fertility receives a lot of attention when in comes to the clinical aspects of preconception enhancement, however very few people talk about the psycho-emotional aspect of caring for patients trying to conceive and coming to terms with a future without children. Experiencing subfertility and fertility treatment has psychological and social implications linked to lower live birth rates. In the short-term, people may experience fluctuating anxiety levels and mild depression. And long-term subfertility and fertility treatment and childlessness are linked to severe depression.   By gaining an understanding of the psychological management of subfertility, you provide continuity of care for patients who may otherwise develop more severe mental health conditions if left unsupported. Fertility treatment is such a deeply personal and private aspect of a person’s life. They can sometimes feel shame and stigma about their situation. It can be immensely traumatic – and may cause conflict within a relationship when couples have different ideologies or health beliefs. As an acupuncturist you have so much to offer – on many different levels. This is an excellent course to extend your knowledge and skills to offer even greater support to patients at this critical and sensitive time.

Learning objectives

◉ Improve your understanding of the psychological aspects of subfertility and fertility treatment

◉ Understand how the role of the acupuncturist can provide continuity of care

◉ Gain an insight into the implications linked to lower live birth rates and mental health of patients who have experienced problems conceiving

◉ Learn how you can enhance the support and care you offer patients during such an emotional, stressful and sometimes traumatic time

Presenter biography

Lianne Aquilina is co-author of the textbook “Acupuncture for IVF and Assisted Reproduction: An Integrated Approach To Treatment and Management” which achieved No.1 Best Selling Book in many categories on four continents. She works in private practice as an acupuncturist and herbalist and is a Clinical Supervisor with the University of Lincoln’s acupuncture programme in England. Lianne is also a visiting guest lecturer to undergraduate MSc and BSc students on the use of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture in the treatment and management of infertility and IVF.


Stuck in the Middle: Treating stubborn stagnation in the Middle Jiao (the ribcage area) - David Legge (Aus)

Course description

Stagnation in the ribcage area can be incredibly difficult to shift. It’s a difficult area to apply tuina and other forms of manual therapy and the results are slow and sometimes difficult to monitor. In this exceptional presentation, David Legge, world leading author and musculoskeletal acupuncture expert David Legge takes you th rough two examp les o f us ing electrostimulation to shift stubborn stagnation that does not respond well to manual therapy.

According to David “I know it sounds a little boring but they are both presentations where acupuncture works where many other types of therapy don’t and are good examples of being able to identify the anatomical location provides the key to effective treatment rather than zang-fu analysis”. So if you want to broaden your understanding of the JingJin pathways and how this applies to stubborn stagnation, this is an excellent course for you!

Learning objectives

◉ Improve your treatment effectiveness when treating stuck Qi in the ribcage area

◉ Gain an insight into the Jing Jin meridian pathways and how these follow the trunk and middle jiao area

◉ Learn how to apply electrostimulation to shift stubborn stagnation that does not respond well to manual therapy

Presenter biography

David Legge has practised as an acupuncturist and osteopath for over 30 years specialising in the treatment of painful musculo-skeletal conditions. He is the author of the popular text ‘Close to the Bone’ and has published the handbook ‘Acupuncture Points and Meridians’, a set of Trigger Point Charts and JingJin. He has taught widely in Australia, the US and Europe. David has spent his working life exploring how to get the best from both a Chinese medicine and an anatomical perspective when treating musculoskeletal disorder. An important recent step was the recognition that the JingJin theory could be used to describe the approach to treating muscular disorder that he had slowly developed over years of practice. Unfortunately, the poor traditional descriptions of the pathways was a hindrance to effective use of the system in the clinic. This led to a re-examination of the pathways in light of contemporary knowledge of the structure & function of the muscular system. He later published the book “Jing Jin: Acupuncture Treatment of the Muscular System using the Meridian Sinews” to share his findings with the healthcare community.


The Introverts Way of Speaking with Patients, Doctors andOther Health Professionals - Chen Yen (USA)

Course description

Traditional marketing methods – like public speaking and attending networking events, assume a high level of confidence and favor people with an extraverted nature. However what can you do to promote your business if you’re an introvert?

Chen Yen – a self confessed introvert is on a mission to make the world a better place by helping other introverts to promote themselves. Her belief is that pharmaceutical companies dominate community health by using forceful marketing, but there are subtle and more powerful ways to get the message out there about the benefits of acupuncture.

Acupuncture Professional supports innovative marketing, and helping people in real and applicable ways. By ‘thinking out of the box’ and playing to ones personal strengths – engagement, building rapport and likability, we support your acupuncture practice growing from the ground up – without gimmicks or schmaltzy sales tactics. Learn from someone who has the demonstrated track record in achieving success, authentically.

Learning objectives

◉ Understand why so many acupuncturists have trouble getting people to show up for their talks (and what to do instead)

◉ Learn three insider secrets that make speaking and booking patients who have the money for your services easy (even if you’re an introvert)

◉ Gain an insight into the #1 most overlooked key to creating a talk you can count on to get a bunch of patients

Presenter biography

Chen Yen is an expert at helping acupuncturists and other holistic practitioners attract a steady flow of clients (without having to do as much marketing). She came from “the other side” as a Pharmacist and kept a secret to herself about what she really thought of drugs. She then started and grew a business from 0 to 7 figures the introverted way in less than 5 years. After feeling frustrated with handing out pills & then with the business she grew to 7 figures, Chen is now excited to finally be living her passion, showing acupuncturists how to get the word out about their practice... AND attract a waiting list of patients.

Her vision is that our healthcare system truly becomes integrated & people stop having to depend on drugs & surgery when they don’t work.

As an introvert herself, she especially enjoys working with introverts who are tired of feeling like they have to force themselves to be more extroverted to grow a practice successfully.

Reaching Out: Content Strategy to


Promote Acupuncture Around the WorldJennifer Dubowsky (USA)

Course description

“Social Media Marketing” is a buzz phrase these days. We often feel pressured to do more, blog more, update Facebook with witty and engaging posts to attract more patients, send regular tweets – but does this REALLY work?

If you want to understand about innovative (and free) marketing that reaches you local community as well as promotes acupuncture to a wider audience, join Jennifer Dubowsky who has a passion for content strategy. In essence: story telling.

Learn how to find your marketing voice – to communicate clearly about who you are, what you offer and the types of people and conditions that YOU (not acupuncture) are good at treating. Learn how to hone your messages (“content”) so that the right information reaches the right audiences, at the right time, across all your marketing channels.

Learning objectives

◉ Be inspired to make a real difference for the acupuncture profession by developing meaningful resources that reach people in your local community, as well as benefit others around the world

◉ Learn about the limitless reach of online communication – how it can be targeted locally and used broadly so that more people receive credible information about what acupuncture can and cannot treat

◉ Build your confidence in writing as an effective and powerful communication tool

Presenter biography

Jennifer Dubowsky is a licensed acupuncturist with a practice in downtown Chicago, Illinois, since 2002. Jennifer earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology from University of Illinois in Chicago and her Master of Science degree in Oriental Medicine from Southwest Acupuncture College, an accredited 4 year Masters program in Boulder, Colorado. She received her Diplomate from the NCCAOM, the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and completed an internship at the Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital in Beijing, China.

Jennifer has a passion for her work. She has researched and written many articles on Chinese medicine, presented at several speaking engagements and is a senior columnist for the Acupuncture Now Foundation. Jennifer also maintains a popular blog about health and Chinese Medicine and in 2013, Jennifer released her first book, Adventures in Chinese Medicine: Acupuncture, Herbs and Ancient Ideas for Today. 


BONUS Dermatology and Facial

Acupuncture Certification Course


Extraordinary Case Studies – Personal Photo LibraryAn Introduction to Dermatology in Chinese Medicine

Mazin Al-Khafaji (UK)

Course description

An astonishing 20% of all medical consultations are for a skin disease. “Dermatological conditions are fascinating to treat because you can see what Heat, Damp, Toxin or Wind actually looks like and you can chart the progress of your treatment very easily” (Marzin Al-Khafaji).

Chinese Medicine is an effective treatment and often preeminent to western medical approaches which palliate the expression of a disease rather than treat the root of the condition. Dermatology is a rewarding area of health care. There is a large component of psycho-emotional involvement, with patients holding concerns about how overt their skin condition appears.

Most people are put off treating skin disease because they are daunted by the variety and apparent similarity of one condition to another. In fact, with precise guidance, 70% of the most common presentations are easily differentiated.

Marzin Al-Khafaji, world leading Dermatology in Chinese Medicine expert takes detailed photographs of all his patients to monitor the effect his interventions. In this presentation, he shares pictures from his personal library to demonstrate extraordinary case studies and how you can get excellent results just by knowing the basics of Dermatology in Chinese Medicine.

Learning objectives

◉ Understand what Heat, Damp, Toxin or Wind etc look like when they present as dermatological conditions

◉ Learn how to assess, differentiate and monitor skin conditions – responding to changes as they occur

◉ Learn how to differentiate 70% of the most common presentations, to hone your diagnostic skills

Presenter biography

Mazin Al-Khafaji is the co-author of ‘A Manual of Acupuncture’, a foremost teaching textbook around the world. He studied acupuncture in England and China, followed by intensive studies in modern and medical Chinese in Taiwan. In 1987 he graduated as a Doctor of Chinese Medicine from the Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and has since been in private practice in Brighton where he runs a big teaching clinic with specialist consultants, a herbal dispensary, decoction making facilitates and a small cream and ointment production unit alongside his personal practice. Dr Al-Khafaji is also a frequent lecturer in Chinese medicine in the United Kingdom and Europe.


An Introduction to Constitutional Facial Acupuncture RenewalMary Elizabeth Wakefield (USA)

Course description

Constitutional Facial Acupuncture Renewal is a safe, painless and effective treatment for renewing the face as well as the entire body. In this module the difference between TCM Zang-fu imbalances and Five Element constitutional meridian terrain will be outlined. The course will explore the aging process and how this can be effectively treated with acupuncture. The webinar will also include; French acupuncture facial needling techniques; a showcase of motor point needling for the neck; Chinese physiognomy; Five Element Kidney spirit points and an explanation about how to integrate facial acupuncture within your existing acupuncture practice – to enhance your outcomes and offer your patients an even greater holistic experience and treatment.

Learning objectives

◉ Learn about the contraindications and benefits of facial acupuncture;

◉ Gain an insight into full facial acupuncture protocol based upon acu-muscle points

◉ Understand the three levels of constitutional treatment; Jing, Ying and Wei

◉ Up-skill in the extraordinary meridians and their physical and psycho-spiritual indications

◉ Learn how to apply Five Element physiognomy

Presenter biography

Mary Elizabeth is currently Adjunct Professor of Facial Acupuncture at both PCOM-NY and Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine College (AIMC) in Berkeley, CA. She is one of the world's leading teachers of facial renewal techniques and has trained close to 4,000 acupuncturists and body-workers on five continents.

Mary Elizabeth was awarded with the title of Educator of the Year by the American Association of Oriental Medicine (AAAOM) in 2011 for her contributions to the field of Oriental medicine as a teacher, creator of innovative treatment protocols, writer for acupuncture periodicals, and advocate of acupuncture in the national media. She maintains a private practice on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, in New York City.


The Depression Suppression: Facial Acupuncture v. Botox in the Treatment of Lines in the Glabellar Crease:

Mary Elizabeth Wakefield (USA)

Course description

We live in an era of the aesthetic – with a billion dollar cosmetic industry making false promises of the panacea to aging.

Aging is a natural process, which can be slowed down by good choices and a healthy lifestyle, but never reversed.

We have several strong forces at play in our communities; an aging population, increase in accessibility to cosmetic services and a dominating cosmetic industry that promotes the use of botox – a drug derived from the bacteria Clostridium botulinum to paralyze facial muscles and temporarily alleviate the appearance of wrinkles. One could question whether the world has gone mad? Deliberately injecting a toxin that causes severe life-threatening food poisoning (‘botulism’) for purely aesthetic purposes. It is worth noting that the remit of botox extends beyond treating wrinkles, however recently there has been a rise of cheap and easy to access botox available so injections are commonplace – and often unregulated.

One area that has prompted interest is the use of botox to treat depression.

According to Mary Elizabeth Wakefield “Dr. Eric Finzi's (and others') have conducted experiments in treating depression by shooting the glabella crease full of Botox.  We discuss this often in our various seminars, and any of the facial acupuncture treatment protocols that I offer to my students will incorporate a healthier alternative to working with imbalances in the corrugator muscle.”

Learning objectives

◉ Gain an insight into the psycho-emotional aspects of people seeking cosmetic treatment

◉ Learn how to incorporate facial acupuncture into your practice to enhance your outcomes across a wide range of conditions

◉ Help your patients achieve a high level of confidence and vitality – without the use of botox which carries high risks and frequent re-dosing

◉ Understand how facial acupuncture can help a patient overcome feelings of depression

Presenter biography

Mary Elizabeth is currently Adjunct Professor of Facial Acupuncture at both PCOM-NY and Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine College (AIMC) in Berkeley, CA. She is one of the world's leading teachers of facial renewal techniques and has trained close to 4,000 acupuncturists and body-workers on five continents.


Face Reading & The Face as a MicrosystemLillian Pearl Bridges (USA)

Course description

Using the face for diagnosis is now thought to be one of the original aspects of Chinese Medicine. This is because the face is a map of life experience and a blueprint for the body’s function. The areas of the face correspond to the organs of the body and give access to the signs of strength and deficiency. From the facial markings and features, you can assess signs of illness and discover the underlying psychological and emotional issues affecting health. This course aims to equip practitioners with useful diagnostic skills to enhance their clinical practice.

Learning objectives

◉ Learn about the Body Blueprint shown on the face

◉ Be provided with tools to interpret the colors and markings for diagnostic purposes

◉ Understand the emotional causes of disease and how these can be seen on the face

◉ Gain an understanding in how to use the Facial Maps for diagnosis

◉ Learn how to utilize the Facial Maps for treatment

Presenter biography

Lillian Pearl Bridges is a Professor of Oriental Philosophy and Medicine.

Lillian learned her skills from a long line of Chinese practitioners in her family, and she received her formal education at UCLA, where she earned her degree in psychology. Lillian is considered a leading expert in Face Reading and teaches students from around the world and consults with major corporations. She has also been featured on numerous television and radio stations including NBC, ABC and Lifetime, and in national publications such as Newsweek, Natural Health Magazine, the LA Times and the Irish Times. A contributor to several books on Chinese Medicine, her own book, Face Reading in Chinese Medicine was published by Churchill Livingstone in 2003 and has been translated into German and Italian.


Extra Bonus



SAFETY Professional Issues: Burnout and Fadeout. How to prevent these in our practices

Isobel Cosgrove (UK)

Course outline

The professional journey of an acupuncturist is not clearly mapped out. Working for ourselves can be exciting and inspiring. We can form our own agendas, use our own creativity, and build our own individual dreams. At the same time we need to use this excitement to move in the right direction, and at the right speed for us. Too quickly can lead to burnout, too slowly can mean fadeout. How do we stay motivated, maintain an even pace that works for us, individually? How can we stay connected to others, and avoid isolation, which undermines good, ethical practice management? This webinar will offer practical guidance in building sustainable, nourishing practices while helping you lay foundations for a successful acupuncture practice with a focus on practitioner health and longevity.

Learning objectives

◉ Understanding definitions; burnout represents a yin xu energy in practice, while fadeout a yang xu.

◉ How to identify early warning signs.

◉ Developing strategies to change your working life

◉ How to overcome the challenge of developing new strategies and behaviours that will enable the forming of a sustainable and satisfying practice.

◉ Responding to different life stages, and different levels of energy in later life

Presenter biography

Isobel Cosgrove taught Human Sciences in Newcastle and Oxford Universities in the  1960s and ‘70s. She studied for 10 years with Jack Worsley at the College of Traditional Acupuncture and has been in practice since 1981.

Isobel directed Lic Ac programmes in the UK and Canada in the 1980s and ‘90s. And since 1998 has been running trainings in Mentoring and Supervision for Acupuncturists.

Isobel’s primary professional interest is supporting both patients and colleagues at times of transition in their lives. She works with pregnancy, at births, during menopause, retirement and bereavement, and with those who are in a dying process.

Isobel works at Spectrum, a centre for integrative and humanistic therapy, in London, England.


ETHICS: Understanding Ethics and How it Applies to Acupuncturists - Toby Dagg

Course description

Many countries around the world require acupuncturists to undertake compulsory CPD training in ethics. In order to understand what ethics means – we need to explore historical and philosophical frameworks. This is an introduction to ethics: how it evolved from Ancient Greek philosophy and how this has influenced western medicine and in turn, how we practice eastern medicine in modern western countries.

Learning objectives

◉ Understanding what is the definition of ethics

◉ Learn the three ethical frameworks

◉ Understand how does professional ethics service society

◉ Learn about what this means for acupuncturists

Presenter biography

Toby Dagg discovered martial arts in his early teens and with an interest in Eastern Medicine and traditional healing arts in 1995 he enrolled in a Bachelor of Health Sciences, Traditional Chinese Medicine – majoring in Acupuncture at the University of Technology Sydney. Concurrently, undertook informal studies in shamanism and other esoteric healing systems. He incorporated both of these approaches into his personal life before embarking on a divergent career change as a police officer.

After being promoted to a Detective in 2005 and serving on the NSW police force for seven years he observed a discord between the law, justice and what happens at the coalface of policing. His desire to better serve people in disadvantaged communities inspired his current pursuit in the studies of law.

Toby has had an eclectic professional journey and his deep understanding of eastern philosophy and the western judicial system places him in a unique position to be able to deliver an educational webinar on the basics of ethics and how this applies to the practice of acupuncture.


How does a webinar work? A webinar is very similar to a ‘face to face’ presentation where a group of practitioners assemble in a venue and listen to a presentation. The only significant differences between a webinar and a face-to-face presentation is that webinar participants don’t share the same physical location as the presenter.

This ‘virtual’ attendance is particularly advantageous for practitioners who live in provincial towns or in semi-isolated locations and other circumstances where attending face to face events is challenging. The online arena also facilitates experts from other countries sharing their expertise internationally, without geographical barriers.

Webinar Program Each webinar is 1½ - 2 hours duration. The webinar is available for our members in a secure, controlled-access environment. This includes our specialised recording and post-production editing, professional screencast video playback, and hosting on our high volume, industrial grade media servers.

CPD and Certificate of Attendance We have a sophisticated Learning Management System (LMS) that includes a process for consolidating the educational aspect of webinar activity by introducing a brief quiz after the event. This is a practical method for confirming participant engagement and comprehension and ensures a satisfactory level of understanding of the topic.

Attendance may then be accepted as eligible for CPD hours. Following the quiz, a certificate of attendance is issued which can be used to verify the CPD activity.

Typically, for each 1½ to 2 hour webinar we prepare10 quiz questions in the form of multiple choice questions (single correct answer), multiple answer (more than one answer correct), True/False and other question types that can be objectively marked using our online system.

Currently we set the ‘pass’ mark for each quiz at 80%. If a participant does not achieve the set pass mark, the certificate is not generated and the participant is required to reattempt the quiz. After successful completion of the quiz, the participant is able to review their responses in comparison to the correct answers. This feedback is an important part of the learning process.

On passing the assessment quiz, a certificate in the form of a PDF document is generated by our LMS. Each certificate includes the Participant’s Name, Course Name, Presenter Name, Date of completion, and CPD Credit Value (number of hours). Each certificate also includes a unique identification code that links the certificate to a database record of a participant’s quiz completion. This feature eliminates the potential for anyone to fraudulently generate their own certificate.


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