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Page 1: Imperialism

ImperialismCarmina Casas, Vicente Dorador, Rebeca Lopez-Yañez,

Yazet Soto, Greta Stenner

Page 2: Imperialism

What is imperialism?As defined by the Dictionary

Of Human Geography is an “unequal human and

territorial relationship.”

It is a kind of “empire” based on ideas of superiority and

practices of dominance using authority.

The act of a country establishing on a territory or

another country that is weaker and is not able to

defend or refuse to be colonized.

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Who participated?

- Belgium- France- German Empire- Great Britain- Italy- Netherlands- Spain- Portugal- United States

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When did it start?It started in the mid 19th century, around 1850.

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Where did it start?

- It started in Europe, then Europeans took it to Africa.

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- Stronger countries dominated the political, economic, and social of the weaker countries

- Imperialism was justified by Europeans by saying that distant lands and their peoples’ should be subjugated and that the empire had the duty to rule less advanced people.

- Industrialization led to imperialism.- It widened the gap between industrialized and non industrialized.- Steady supply of natural resources.- Ruined less developed countries.- Developing countries meant a new market

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Resources used to take over

- Steamboats- Rapid-firing rifles

- Machine guns- Railroads

- Telegraph cables

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Why?To rule other countries and have more natural resources!

To spread Religion

To explore new lands

To use labour from other countries

To civilize other races

To have more territory

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