  • 1. Want more Updates facebook /gmail/skype: - pdf Menu Bar View Auto /Automatically Scroll ( Ctrl + Shift + H ) up Arrow down Arrow Word Meaning Synonyms ABATE Decrease, Reduce Diminish, Lessen ABOLISH () () (1) Eradicate = Obliterate = Exterminate = Annihilate (2) Repeal = Revoke = Annul ABORTIVE / Futile = Vain = Useless ABRIDGE Shorten, Condense ABRIDGE Shorten, Condense ABSURD Unreasonable, Illogical, Ridiculous ACCUMULATE Gather, Pile up, Amass, Heap up ACUMEN Sagacity = Cleverness ADAMANT Insistent ADROIT Adept, Dexterous ADULTERATE Contaminate, Pollute AGGRAVATE Intensify ALIENATE Estrange ALLEVIATE Mitigate= Allay = Temper

2. Want more Updates facebook /gmail/skype: - AMBIVALENT Contradictory, Mixed, Conflicting ANARCHY Disorder, Chaos ANEMIC () () Pale=Pallid= Colorless ANIMOSITY Antagonism, Hatred Hostility, Enmity ANONYMOUS Nameless, Unnamed APATHY Lack of interest Indifference APOCRYPHAL Fake= Spurious APPLAUSE Praise = Compliments ARCHAIC Obsolete ARROGANCE Haughtiness ARTICULATE Enunciate = To Pronounce Clearly ASSUAGE () () (1) Pacify = Calm (2) Alleviate = Mitigate ASTUTE Shrewd, Keen, Sly AUDACIOUS () () (1) Bold, Daring (2) Insolent, Haughty AUTHENTIC Genuine, Real, Reliable, Dependable AVARICE Lust for money AVER Assert, Avow AVERSION Unwillingness, Reluctance AWKWARD Clumsy, Gauche BALEFUL Ominous= Threatening Harmful, Malevolent BELITTLE Deride= Scorn= Disdain = Despise BENEFACTOR Donor, Supporter Patron BENEFICIAL Helpful, Advantageous, Useful, Healthful BRITTLE Fragile= Frangible = Friable = Breakable BRUTAL Cruel, Inhuman CALAMITY Disaster = Catastrophe CALLOUS Unsympathetic, Cruel CANDID Frank, Sincere, Open, Honest, Truthful 3. Want more Updates facebook /gmail/skype: - CANDOR Frankness, Sincerity CARELESS Negligent CHAOS Disorder, Mess CHARITABLE () () (1) Generous (2) Forgiving CLARIFY Explain, Elucidate = Explicate COALESCE Unify, Unite, Combine COERCE Force, Compel COERCION Compulsion, Pressure COHERENT Organized, Systematic COLOSSAL Vast, Mammoth, Gigantic COMMENCE Begin, Inaugurate COMMEND Praise, Extol, Recommend COMPETENT / Skilled = Proficient COMPLIANT Obedient = Docile COMPLY Conform = Obey CONCERN Anxiety = Apprehension CONTAMINATE Pollute, Adulterate CONTAMINATION Pollution, Adulteration CONVICT Find guilty COUNTERFEIT Fake, Bogus CRUEL a. Brutal, Ruthless CRUELTY (n) Ruthlessness CULPABLE Blameworthy = Censurable DANGER Peril, Risk, Hazard DASTARD Coward = Craven DECRY Censure = Disparage = Denounce = Criticize DEFAMATORY Libelous = Slanderous = Vilifying DELIBERATE Preplanned, Cautious, Slow, Intentional DENOUNCE Condemn, Criticize, Censure = Vilify DETER Prevent, Obstruct, Stop, Discourage DETRIMENTAL Harmful, Injurious 4. Want more Updates facebook /gmail/skype: - DIN Clamor=Uproar= Hubbub DISCONTENTED Dissatisfied, Unhappy DISDAIN Loathe, Detest, Despise DISPARAGE Criticize Belittle DISPARITY Inequality, Dissimilarity DISPUTE Challenge, Impugn DISTINGUISHED Famous = Celebrated DOCILE Obedient, Compliant DREADFUL Terrible, Horrible, Tragic DUPLICITY / Deceit ECSTASY Excessive, Joy = Rapture EFFORTLESS , Facile = Easy ELATED Overjoyed = Jubilant ELIGIBLE Fit to be chosen, Proper, Suitable, Qualified ELOQUENT Persuasive, Forceful ENGENDER Generate, Produce ENHANCE / Heighten, Magnify, Intensify, Raise ENMITY Animus= Hostility EQUIVOCAL Ambiguous, Uncertain, Vague ERRATIC () () (1) Abnormal, Irregular (2) Capricious, Odd EULOGY Encomium= Panegyric EVANESCENT Fleeting, Temporary EVERLASTING Eternal, Perpetual EXAGGERATE Hyperbolize EXCESS Surplus, Excessive EXEMPLARY Worthy of imitation EXONERATE Exculpate, Vindicate, Acquit EXPLOIT Achievement, Feat EXPOSE Uncover, Reveal, Disclose EXTOL Praise, Eulogize 5. Want more Updates facebook /gmail/skype: - FASCINATE (v) Charm- Captivate FASCINATINGA. Charming, Interesting FASTIDIOUS Fussy = Particular FATUOUS Inane = Vapid = Asinine FERVOR Ardor = Zeal FIDELITY Loyalty, Integrity FLAMBOYANT Showy = Ornate FLAUNT Show off FORMIDABLE Dreadful FRUGAL Economical = Thrifty FURTIVE Surreptitious = Stealthy ,Clandestine FUTILE / Useless, Fruitless, Ineffective, Vain GARRULOUS Talkative = Loquacious GERMANE Pertinent= Relevant, Appropriate GLAMOROUS Fascinating GRACIOUS Courteous GREEDY - Money-hungry GULLIBLE Credulous HACKNEYED Commonplace = Banal HAPHAZARD Unmethodical, Chaotic Disorderly HATE Dislike, Abhor HAUGHTY Arrogant, Disdainful HAZARD Danger, Risk HEADSTRONG Willful HEALTHFUL Wholesome HETEROGENEOUS Mixed, Motley HINDER Hamper = Obstruct = Impede = Encumber HINDRANCE Impediment = Obstacle HOMOGENEOUS Uniform HOSTILE Spiteful HUMANE Benevolent, Charitable, Kind, Sympathetic HUMILITY Modesty = Humbleness 6. Want more Updates facebook /gmail/skype: - IGNOBLE Despicable ILLICIT Unlawful, Illegal ILLUSORY Deceptive IMMUTABLE Unchangeable IMPERIL Jeopardize (wecb Kiv) IMPERISHABLE Everlasting, Durable IMPERVIOUS Impermeable = Impenetrable IMPROMPTU Improvised, Extemporaneous IMPROVISE Perform without Preparation INADVERTENT Unintentional INCONGRUOUS Inappropriate INCREDIBLE Unbelievable, Absurd INDIFFERENT Apathetic, Neutral INDIGENOUS Native INDISPENSABLE Essential, Mandatory INDOLENT Lazy, Idle INDOMITABLE Unconquerable INGENIOUS Inventive INGENUOUS Artless, Guileless INHIBIT Hinder, Prevent INIMICAL Hostile, Antagonistic INNOCUOUS Harmless INNUMERABLE Excessive = Immoderate INSOLENT Impertinent = Audacious = Arrogant = Haughty INSTIGATE Provoke = Incite INTEGRITY Honesty = Probity INTIMIDATE Frighten = Daunt INTOLERANCE Bigotry INTREPID Fearless = Dauntless IRE Wrath = Rage JEER Deride = Mock = Ridicule = Taunt JEOPARDY Danger = Peril 7. Want more Updates facebook /gmail/skype: - JEOPARDY Danger = Peril JOCUND Jocund, Jovial JUDICIOUS Sagacious = Sage = Prudent LACKLUSTER Drab = Dull =Humdrum LAVISH Extravagant = Prodigal LINGER Loiter LOQUACIOUS Talkative = Garrulous LUSTER Brightness MALICE Malevolence= Spite = Rancor MALICIOUS Spiteful = Malevolent MANDATORY Compulsory = Obligatory MASSIVE Colossal = Titanic = Gigantic MEDLEY Assortment MELANCHOLY Gloomy=Dejected MELLIFLUOUS Euphonious, Dulcet MENTOR Adviser, Guide MESSY Cluttered = Littered METICULOUS Painstaking = Fastidious = Fussy = Finicky MICROSCOPIC Infinitesimal = Minute MISERABLE Crestfallen = Despondent = Dejected MISERY Woe= Agony = Grief MITIGATE Palliate = Ameliorate MODERATE () () (1) Temper=Make less severe (2) Average, medium MOLLIFY Appease = Assuage = Placate =Pacify = oothe MOLLIFY Appease=Calm = Pacify MOMENTOUS Significant = Important MONOTONOUS Boring = Humdrum = Dull MONSTROUS Huge, Titanic, Colossal MOTLEY Different NADIR Lowest Point 8. Want more Updates facebook /gmail/skype: - NAIVE Simple, Ingenuous NEFARIOUS Wicked = Vile = Depraved NEUTRAL Impartial, Unbiased NIMBLE Agile = Light-footed NOCTURNAL Night, Nighttime NOTORIOUS Infamous, Disreputable NOVICE Learner = Tyro NOXIOUS Deleterious =Pernicious NUMEROUS Many, Copious, Abundant OBDURATE Obstinate = Intractable OBLIGATORY Compulsory = Imperative OBLITERATE Eradicate = Annihilate = Wipe out OBSOLETE Antiquated = Antique = Archaic OBSTINATE Stubborn = Obdurate OMNIPOTENT All-powerful, Almighty. OPAQUE () () (1) Non-transparent (2) Abstruse, Unintelligible OPPORTUNE Timely = Well-Timed OPULENCE () () (1) Affluence (2) Abundance OUT-OF-DATE Outmoded, Oldfashioned OVERT Unconcealed = Public PACIFIC Serence= Placid = Calm PACIFY Appease = Soothe = Placate=Assuage = Calm PAINSTAKING Meticulous = Scrupulous PALATABLE / Delicious = Tasty PALLIATE Alleviate = Mitigate = Assuage PALTRY Petty= Trifling = Trivial PAROCHIAL Local, Provincial PARSIMONIOUS Frugal = Saving = Thrifty PEDESTRIAN Prosaic 9. Want more Updates facebook /gmail/skype: - PENURY Poverty = Indigence PERENNIAL Perpetual = Everlasting PERFUNCTORY - Cursory = Superficial PERILOUS Hazardous = Risky PERISHABLE Subject to decay, Short-lived, Temporary PERTURB Disturb = Upset PESSIMISM Gloom, Hopelessness PHILANTHROPY Charity = Benevolence PINNACLE Acme=Zenith=Apex PLACID Calm= Serene POLLUTE Contaminate, Adulterate POTENT () () (1) Powerful, Formidable (2) Effective= Efficacious PRAGMATIC Practical PRECARIOUS (1) Perilous (2) Uncertain PROBITY Integrity = Honesty PRODIGIOUS () () (1) Extraordinary (2) Gigantic PROFICIENT Adroit = Deft = Adept =Dexterous = Skilled PROFOUND Wise= Sagacious= Sage PROLIFIC Proliferous= Abundantly productive PROMINENT Eminent = Illustrious = Celebrated PUERILE Childish, Foolish PUGNACIOUS Quarrelsome PUSILLANIMOUS Cowardly = Timorous RAGE Violent anger. Wrath REBELLIOUS () () (1) Mutinous (2) Disobedient, Unruly RECKLESS Rash = Foolhardy RELUCTANT Loath, Averse 10. Want more Updates facebook /gmail/skype: - REPROVE Rebuke= Reproach = Chide REPUGNANT Repellent RETICENT Taciturn RETREAT Withdraw, Move back SCANTY Sparse = Scant = Meager SCORN Despise = Disdain SHABBY - Threadbare SORDID () () (1) Filthy = Squalid (2) Ignoble = Base SPURIOUS / Fake = Counterfeit = Sham SQUALID Dirty = Filthy SQUANDER Waste = Dissipate STAMINA Endurance, Energy STATIC Stagnant, STATIONARY () , () (1) Motionless, Standing (2) Unchanged, Constant STERILIZE Disinfect STINGY Miserly, Niggardly STUBBORN Obstinate SUCCINCT To the point SUMPTUOUS Expensive, Luxurious SURFEIT Glut = Excess, Plethora Over- abundance SURMISE Conjecture = Guess SURREPTITIOUS Secret SYCOPHANT Flatterer = Fawner TACIT Unspoken = Unexpressed TACITURN Reticent = Laconic TANGIBLE - Palpable = Touchable TARDY () () (1) Sluggish (2) Late TEDIOUS , Tiring Exhausting TENTATIVE Not final, Unconfirmed 11. Want more Updates facebook /gmail/skype: - TERMINATE End, Finish TERSE Succinct TIDY Neat TOLERATE () () (1) Endure, Bear (2) Allow, Permit TOLERATE () () (1) Endure, Bear (2) Allow, Permit TRACTABLE Docile = Amenable TRANQUIL Unruffled = Unperturbed = Calm = Peaceful TRANSPARENT / Lucid = Limpid =Clear TRUCE Cease-fire, Armistice UNANIMOUS Showing full agreement UNFRIENDLY Antagonistic UNKEMPT ; Tousled, Disheveled VAGUE Indefinite = Imprecie VALIANT Courageous, Dauntless VALOR Bravery = Fortitude VAPID / Dull = Insipid VENERATE Esteem, Honor VENGEANCE Revenge VERACIOUS Truthful = Honest, Righteous, Upright VIGILANT Watchful = Alert VILIFY Defame = Disparage, Revile, Traduce, Slur VIRULENT / Poisonous, Deleterious VULGAR Impolite, Plebeian WAVER Vacillate WILT Wither= Droop= Shrivel WITHER Wilt= Dry up WORDY Verbose= Prolix WRINKLE Crease = Pucker ZEAL Fervor= Enthusiasm ZENITH Pinnacle = Acme 12. Want more Updates facebook /gmail/skype: -

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