Page 1: Impressive Electronic Transport in Be2C Monolayer Limited ...doped.13 Moreover, molecular dynamics (MD) study has shown that the Be2C-ML has a high melting point around 1500 K and















Impressive Electronic Transport in Be2C

Monolayer Limited by Phonon

Gautam Sharma∗,† and K.C. Bhamu‡

†Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune,

Pune-411008, India

‡PMC Devision, CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory, Pune-411008, India

E-mail: [email protected],[email protected]


We present thermoelectric properties of Be2C monolayer based on density functional

theory combined with semi-classical Boltzmann transport theory. First principles cal-

culations show the material is direct band gap semiconductor with band gap of 2.0

eV obtained with Gaussian-attenuating Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (Gau-PBE) hybrid

functionals. Kohn-Sham eigen-states obtained with Gau-PBE are fed into Boltzmann

transport equation which is solved under constant relaxation time approximation re-

sulting into thermoelectric (TE) coefficient in terms of the relaxation time (τ). In

this work, we have explicitly determined the relaxation time by studying the electron-

phonon interactions from first principles using Wannier functions to obtain the absolute

TE coefficients for the Be2C monolayer along the armchair and zigzag directions. Our

results show that the Be2C monolayer has high TE coefficients like Seebeck coefficient

(α) and electrical conductivity (σ) leading to high power factor (α2σ ∼ 3.44 mW/mK2)

along the zigzag direction with p-type doping which is of the similar order observed for

the commercial TE materials like doped-Bi2Te3 (J. Appl. Phys. 2003 (93) 368-374; J.

Appl. Phys. 2008 (104) 053713-1-053713-5). Further, third-order anharmonic theory


Page 2: Impressive Electronic Transport in Be2C Monolayer Limited ...doped.13 Moreover, molecular dynamics (MD) study has shown that the Be2C-ML has a high melting point around 1500 K and

yields the slightly high lattice thermal conductivity (∼ 66 W/mK) at 300 K giving

rise to moderate figure of merit (ZT ∼ 0.1) optimized with p-type doping along the

zigzag direction. Our results suggest that Be2C monolayer is promising material for

thermoelectric applications as far as high power factor is concerned. Additionally, the

dynamical stability of the Be2C monolayer up to 14 % bi-axial strain shows that phonon

tranport in the Be2C monolayer can be further improved through strain engineering.


Increasing consumption of the natural energy resources demanded the scientific community

to switch their attention to sustainable energy resources. Waste heat management technol-

ogy is one of the efficient and economic alternative for power generation. Thermoelectric

(TE) materials have gained a huge amount of attention for ability to convert the waste heat

ejected from automobiles and industries and convert it into electricity. Figure of merit, ZT

= α2σT/κ, is the key quantity which describe the efficiency of a TE material, where T,

α, σ and κ are temperature, Seebeck coefficient, electrical conductivity and total thermal

conductivity, respectively. Thermal conductivity arises from combination of the electronic

and lattice thermal conductivity (κ = κe + κl). ZT can be maximized by increasing the

power factor (PF, PF=α2σ) and simultaneously decreasing the thermal conductivity (κ).

However, achieving high PF by increasing σ results in increase of κe since they are con-

nected by Wiedemann-Franz Law. In contrast κl is independent of σ, thus performance

can be enhanced by decreasing κl which contributes significantly to κ.1 TE performance

of the material can be tuned by various ways like convergence of multiple bands,2 3 com-

bination of light-heavy bands,4 multivalley carrier pocket5 and reduced dimensionality6 .

Hicks et al. have shown theoretically that low-dimensional quantum systems would attain

higher ZT than their bulk counterpart because of reduction in the characteristic length of

phonon by adjusting the sample size7.8 Recent advances to improve ZT are centered around

reducing dimensionality, for instance, monolayer Bi2Te3 have shown high ZT than its bulk


Page 3: Impressive Electronic Transport in Be2C Monolayer Limited ...doped.13 Moreover, molecular dynamics (MD) study has shown that the Be2C-ML has a high melting point around 1500 K and

analogs9 10.11 Similarly, nanostructured materials have also shown better TE performance.12

In this work, we study thermoelectric properties of Be2C monolayer (Be2C-ML) in its Global

minimum energy structure using first principles density functional theory (DFT) based cal-

culations combined with semi-classical Boltzmann transport theory (BTT). Be2C-ML is

found to be a direct band gap material of 2.34 eV with Heyd-Scuseria-Ernzerhof (HSE) func-

tionals.13 In a computational study, Naseri et al. have investigated electronic and optical

properties of the Be2C-ML under stress and strain. They have reported dependence of band

gap of Be2C-ML on stress and strain.14 Yeoh et al. have studied Be2C-ML as the anode

material for Lithium-ion battery applications.15 Electronic band structure shows that it has

doubly degenerate valence bands with different curvatures around the Γ point. These bands

provide both light and heavy holes to enhance the transport properties when system is hole

doped.13 Moreover, molecular dynamics (MD) study has shown that the Be2C-ML has a

high melting point around 1500 K and therefore, it has a potential to show stunning TE

properties at high temperature.13 To best of our knowledge, TE properties of the Be2C-ML

are still waiting to uncover. These factors have motivated us to investigate the TE proper-

ties of the Be2C-ML which includes studying the electron-phonon (el-ph), phonon-phonon

(ph-ph) interactions within Be2C-ML. Finally, We predict the relaxation times and lattice

thermal conductivity of the material from el-ph and ph-ph interactions, respectively. The

rest of manuscript is organized as follows. Section 2 provides the details of computational

methods used to investigate various properties. Section 3 discusses electronic structure, el-ph

scattering, TE properties, ph-ph scattering and lattice thermal conductivity of the Be2C-ML.

Conclusive remarks are presented in Section 4.


First principles calculations: First principles calculations are performed with the Quan-

tum ESPRESSO software, which is a plane wave based implementation of DFT.16,17 The


Page 4: Impressive Electronic Transport in Be2C Monolayer Limited ...doped.13 Moreover, molecular dynamics (MD) study has shown that the Be2C-ML has a high melting point around 1500 K and

electronic exchange and correlation potential is described by the generalized gradient ap-

proximation (GGA) as parametrized by Perdew, Burke and Ernzerhof (PBE).18 We have

used the norm-conserving Trouiller-Martins pseudopotentials to describe the electron-ion in-

teractions for all the calculations.19 These pseudopotentials have been generated using 2s2

2p0 3d0 4f0 and 2s2 2p2 3d0 4f0 valence configurations for Be and C respectively. The wave

functions are expanded in a plane wave basis, the size of which is defined by the kinetic en-

ergy cut-off of 85 Ry. To sample the Brillouin zone (BZ), we have chosen a Monkhorst-Pack

(11×11×1) k-mesh for the monolayer.20 We have included semi-empirical van der Waals

(vdW) corrections in all the calculations as proposed by Grimme.21 For better estimate of

band dispersion, we have performed hybrid calculations using the singularity free Gaussian-

attenuating Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (Gau-PBE) hybrid functionals.22 The matrix elements

of the Fock operator is evaluated with a (5×5×1) q-mesh for the ML. We have used a vacuum

of length L, 15 Å, to eliminate the periodic image interactions present along z-axis.

Relaxation time (τ) calculations: Within Migdal approximation, the imaginary part

of the electron self-energy (Σn,k=Σ′

n,k+ı Σ′′

n,k) is given by.23,24


n,k =∑



n(ωqν) + f(ǫmk+q)ǫnk − ǫmk+q −ωqν − ıη

+n(ωqν) + 1 + f(ǫmk+q)ǫnk − ǫmk+q −ωqν − ıη



where wq is weight associated with q in the BZ, gνmn is el-ph matrix element. n(ωqν) and

f(ǫmk) are the Bose and Fermi occupation factors respectively. ωqν is the phonon frequency

for mode ν and wave vector q and ǫnk are the Kohn-Sham eigen values for band n and wave

vector k. The imaginary part of self-energy of the electron (ImΣn,k) is computed with the

EPW (Electron-Phonon coupling using Wannier functions) package.25 The relaxation time

(τn,k) is inversely related to ImΣn,k as follows:

τn,k =h̄


where h̄ is the reduced Planck constant. We calculate the electron self-energy using PBE


Page 5: Impressive Electronic Transport in Be2C Monolayer Limited ...doped.13 Moreover, molecular dynamics (MD) study has shown that the Be2C-ML has a high melting point around 1500 K and

functionals, firstly, we compute the electronic structure on a coarse (18×18×1) k-grid which

is further interpolated using maximally localized Wannier functions (MLWFs).26 Then we

compute phonon dispersion and el-ph matrix elements (gνmn) on a coarse (9×9×1) q-grid by

density functional perturbation theory (DFPT).27 To obtain converged results, the coarse

k and q-grids are interpolated on a (25×25×1) k-grid and a dense (280 × 280 × 1) q-grid


Boltzmann transport calculations: Thermoelectric coefficients such as Seebeck co-

efficient (α), electrical conductivity (σ) can be calculated using semi-classical Boltzmann

Transport equation(BTE).28 BoltzTraP package is used to solve the BTE to provide TE

coefficients which works under the rigid band approximation (RBA) and constant relaxation

time approximations (CRTA).29 Within RBA, effects on the band energies are ignored if the

system is either doped or temperature of the material changes and the chemical potential (µ)

is shifted above/below for electron/hole doping. We have found the convergence in transport

coefficients with a dense (35×35×1) k-grid.

Calculation of lattice thermal conductivity (κl): The temperature-dependent lattice

thermal conductivity (κl) is calculated by solving BTE for phonons as implemented in Sheng-

BTE code30 using second and third-order interatomic force constants (IFCs). We obtain sec-

ond order IFCs with (5×5×1) q-mesh by DFPT as implemented in Quantum ESPRESSO

code27 and third-order anharmonic IFCs are generated using script provided

in ShengBTE using (5×5×1) supercell size and (3×3×1) k-mesh. The effect of nearest-

neighbors interaction are seen on anharmonic IFCs starting from third-nearest neighbors to

fifth-nearest neighbors and results converge by considering the third-nearest neighbors inter-

actions. We have used a dense (90×90×1) q-mesh to ensure the convergence of κl. Further

we have scaled κl by ratio of the vacuum length L to the effective thickness (deff = 4.19 Å)

of the monolayer such that the volume of the parallelepiped generated by in-plane lattice

vectors and deff accommodates 99 % of the total charge (Q). We calculate the total charge

by integrating the planar average of charge density (ρ(z) = 1A

A ρ(x,y,z)dxdy) using the


Page 6: Impressive Electronic Transport in Be2C Monolayer Limited ...doped.13 Moreover, molecular dynamics (MD) study has shown that the Be2C-ML has a high melting point around 1500 K and

eqn.∫ deff

0 ρ(z)dz = Q.


3.1 Crystal structure of the Be2C-ML

Fig. 1 (a) shows the hexagonal crystal structure of Be2C-ML with space group (164) P-3m1.

The Be2C-ML comprises of three atomic sublayers, one C-layers and two Be-layers stacked

along z-direction. The C layer is sandwiched between two Be layers on either side. Within

Be2C-ML, each C atom is connected with six Be atoms and each Be atom is connected

with three C and three Be atoms. The optimized Be-C and Be-Be bond lengths are 1.76 Å

and 1.93 Å, respectively and it agrees well with previous report.13 The intralayer distance

between the two Be layers is ∆ ∼ 0.91 Å and that between the C and the Be layer is ∼ 0.45

Å as obtained from the present study. Our calculations with PBE functionals yield lattice

parameter, a = 2.95 Å, and these are in excellent agreement with the previously reported

value 2.99 Å.13

(a) (b)

Figure 1: (a) The top and (b) the side view of the Be2C-ML. Beryllium atoms are representedby dark blue (top) and light green (bottom) spheres and the carbon atoms in the middlelayer are represented by brown spheres.


Page 7: Impressive Electronic Transport in Be2C Monolayer Limited ...doped.13 Moreover, molecular dynamics (MD) study has shown that the Be2C-ML has a high melting point around 1500 K and

3.2 Electronic band structure and density of states

The PBE band structure of Be2C-ML (red solid lines) with vdW corrections is shown in Fig.

2 (a). We observe, it has a direct band gap of 1.62 eV with the valence band maxima (VBM)

and the conduction band minima (CBM) located at Γ point. Since PBE functional are known

to underestimate the band gaps, therefore we calculate the band structure with Gau-PBE

hybrid functionals with vdW corrections to predict the accurate band gap. These functionals

provide Kohn-Sham states as accurate as can be obtained by HSE hybrid functionals with

very less computational cost.22 We find that Gau-PBE predicts the band gap of 2.0 eV

whereas the band dispersion remains intact compared to PBE as shown in Fig. 2 (a) (green

solid lines). The computed band gap is 0.34 eV lower than the previous report obtained with

HSE.13 The total density of states (DOS) with PBE and those projected onto the Be-s,p,d

and C-p,d atomic orbitals are shown in Fig. 2 (b). We see the valence band is primarily

composed of the C-p states while the conduction band is derived from the Be-s,d.

Γ K M Γ-6



















(a) (b) PBE

Figure 2: (a) Band structure for Be2C-ML with PBE (red) and Gau-PBE (green) functionals.(b) Projected density of states (PDOS) with PBE (b). The vacuum energy is chosen as zeroto shift the Kohn-Sham energy states.

3.3 Electron-Phonon Relaxation time (τ)

The TE coefficients are generated in terms of relaxation time (τ), namely, electrical (σ/τ) and

electronic thermal conductivity (κe/τ) when they are computed within Boltzmann transport


Page 8: Impressive Electronic Transport in Be2C Monolayer Limited ...doped.13 Moreover, molecular dynamics (MD) study has shown that the Be2C-ML has a high melting point around 1500 K and

framework under CRTA. Therefore, it is of prime importance to calculate τ of the charge car-

riers within the Be2-ML explicitly to evaluate the absolute TE coefficients. Hence we exploit

the most advance methods, EPW, based on the el-ph interactions where acoustic and opti-

cal vibrational modes are taken to be scattering channels. As a result, it precisely provides

information of τ compared to traditionally used deformed potential (DP) theory wherein

scattering only from acoustic modes is considered and as a result, it severely overestimates

the TE coefficients.11 31 32






300 400 500 600 700







Γ K M Γ0






Im Σ



VB✁ 300 K500 K700 K

CB✁ 300 K500 K700 K

(a) (b)

Figure 3: (a) The variation of the imaginary part of the self-energy for the valence (ΣV B) andthe conduction bands (ΣCB) (solid and dashed lines respectively) along the high symmetrydirections in the BZ at 300K, 500K and 700K (red, blue and green respectively) for theBe2C-ML. (b) Temperature-dependent average relaxation time (τav) for electron (red) andholes (blue).

Fig. 3 (a) shows the variation of the relaxation rate (1/Σk) for the top conduction (solid

lines) and the valence bands (dashed lines) along the high symmetry directions in the BZ

for the temperatures: 300K, 500K and 700K at Fermi energy. We find that it increases with

increase in the temperature leading to decrease in τav with temperature as shown in Fig. 3

(b). Here τav is obtained for the conduction (τe) and the valence bands (τh) by summing

Σk over all k-states in the entire BZ at a given temperature using (τn =∑




Similarly, τav can also be obtained along the zigzag and armchair directions by supplying

path along the M-K and Γ-M directions in BZ, respectively. Having the information of the

τav for holes/electrons at various temperatures, we compute the transport properties of the

Be2C-ML as explained in the following section.


Page 9: Impressive Electronic Transport in Be2C Monolayer Limited ...doped.13 Moreover, molecular dynamics (MD) study has shown that the Be2C-ML has a high melting point around 1500 K and

3.4 Transport properties

Transport properties of Be2C-ML are produced as a function of electron/hole doping at three

different temperature values. Notice that we compute TE properties, namely, electrical

conductivity (σ) and electronic thermal conductivity (κe) along the zigzag and armchair

directions by plugging in the τav obtained along respective directions as mentioned in the

previous section. Since the Seebeck coefficient (α) is obtained independent of τ within

Boltzmann tranport framework under CRTA. Therefore, it is expected to be same along the

two directions.

Transport along the zigzag direction with p(n)-type doping :

In Fig. 4 (a) we plot magnitude of Seebeck coefficient (|α|) as a function of carrier

concentration at different temperatures for holes (solid lines) and electron doping (dashed

lines). We find that the α decreases as the carrier concentration increases and rises with ramp

up of the temperature. The value of α (at optimum PF obtained with hole doping) is found

to be 0.167 mV/K with hole doping of ∼ 6.6×1012 cm−2 at 300 K and it is of similar order as

observed for doped-Bi2Te3.34.35 Notice that Seebeck is greater for electron than holes due to

differences in effective masses of the carriers involved. The value of α for the electron doping

is -0.167 mV/K at the carrier concentration of 1.2×1013 cm−2 at 300 K where the PF tends

to optimum value with electron doping. Fig. 4 (b) depicts the electrical conductivity (σ)

for the Be2C-ML with hole (electron) doping. The σ decreases with increase in temperature

since relaxation time decreases with temperature for both holes and electrons. We have

obtained the value of σ (at optimum PF) to be 1.22 × 105 S/m with hole doping of 6.6 ×

1012 cm−2 at 300 K. Fig. 4 (c) presents electronic contribution to thermal conductivity (κe)

with hole/electron doping. We find that κe is directly proportional to electrical conductivity

which is typical trends among them as suggested by Wiedemann-Franz law. Fig. 4 (d) shows

the PF for the monolayer when it is hole/electron doped. As the power factor is function

of α and σ where both show opposite trends when monolayer is doped. Therefore, one is

expected to find the optimum value of PF as function of carrier concentration. For hole


Page 10: Impressive Electronic Transport in Be2C Monolayer Limited ...doped.13 Moreover, molecular dynamics (MD) study has shown that the Be2C-ML has a high melting point around 1500 K and

doped of 6.6×1012 cm−2, we have obtained the optimum value of PF to be ∼ 3.44 mW/mK2

at 300 K which is of same order observed for doped-Bi2Te3.34 35 Further we see that the

PF increases as temperature increases due to increase in α. The value of optimum PF is

0.92 mW/mK2 at the electron doping of 1.2×1013 cm−2 and it is almost four times lower

compared to PF obtained for hole doping due lower electrical conductivity of the electrons.















|α| (m



300 K

400 K

500 K



1x10 1x10 1x10 1x100






11 12 13 14





300 K

400 K

500 K















N (cm-2


300 K

400 K

500 K
















N (cm-2


300 K

400 K

500 K

Figure 4: The Seebeck coefficient (a) electrical conductivity (b) electronic thermal conduc-tivity (c) power factor (d) with hole (electron) doping along the zigzag direction is shownby solid (dashed) lines at 300 K, 400 K and 500K represented by black, red and blue linesrespectively.

Transport along the armchair direction with p(n)-type doping : Fig. 5 (a-d) depicts

the TE coefficients along the armchair direction for hole/electron doping. TE properties

along the armchair show similar trends with hole/electron doping as observed along the

zigzag direction. However, transport properties have smaller magnitudes along the armchair

direction compared to the zigzag direction. The difference in the magnitude of TE coefficients

arise due to differences in the lifetimes of the charge carrier in the two directions.


Page 11: Impressive Electronic Transport in Be2C Monolayer Limited ...doped.13 Moreover, molecular dynamics (MD) study has shown that the Be2C-ML has a high melting point around 1500 K and















|α| (m



300 K

400 K

500 K


















300 K

400 K

500 K















N (cm-2


300 K

400 K

500 K















N (cm-2


300 K

400 K

500 K

Figure 5: The Seebeck coefficient (a) electrical conductivity (b) electronic thermal conduc-tivity (c) power factor (d) with hole (electron) doping along the armchair direction is shownby solid (dashed) lines at 300 K, 400 K and 500K represented by black, red and blue linesrespectively.

3.5 Lattice thermal conductivity (κl) and figure of Merit:

Fig. 6 (a) illustrates the phonon spectrum of Be2C-ML computed for unstrained sys-

tem (green). The phonon dispersion for unstrained Be2C-ML agrees well the previous re-

ports.13,27 Be2C-ML has a total of 9 modes of vibration: first three, lying in lower frequency

region, are acoustic modes and others are called optical modes. According to vibrational pat-

terns, modes are named as flexural acoustic (ZA), Transverse acoustic (TA) and Longitudinal

acoustic modes (LA), where ZA modes describes atoms vibrating out-of-plane direction and

the other two modes describing the motion of atoms in-plane of monolayer at equilibrium

but parallel (LA) and perpendicular (TA) to speed of sound. In the vicinity of zone center,

ZA branch is proportional to q2 for the unstrained system and other acoustic branches are

proportional to q. For unstrained system, we have obtained the sound velocities to be 1616

ms−1 and 1133 ms−1 from the slopes of LA and TA branch near Γ, respectively. These

values are much lower than the sound velocities found in the graphene36 and black phospho-


Page 12: Impressive Electronic Transport in Be2C Monolayer Limited ...doped.13 Moreover, molecular dynamics (MD) study has shown that the Be2C-ML has a high melting point around 1500 K and

0 50 100 150 200ω (rad/s)











300 400 500 600 700 800 900

T (K)

















= a0

+ a1/T


0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200






g r




300 K500 K700 K


ω (rad/s)








q (



unstrained14% strained




Figure 6: The phonon dispersion of Be2C-ML computed with PBE functionals at equilibrium(green) and with bi-axial strain of 14% (red). (b) the phonon group velocities as functionof frequency, with acoustic modes, namely, ZA, TA, and LA are shown by blue, red, andgreen respectively for the unstrained system. The optical modes are the displayed by blackcolor (c) frequency-dependent three-phonon scattering rates at 300 K, 500 K and 700 K (d)the variation of κl with T is represented by red circles which fits inversely to T as shown byblack solid line.

rene.37 Therefore, we expect to find much lower values of κl for the Be2C-ML as compared

to graphene and black phosphorene.

Further, we obtain the lattice thermal conductivity for the unstrained system by solving the

linearized BTE for phonons using iterative methods at different temperature values. In this

work, we have considered two scattering mechanisms, namely, anharmonic three ph-ph and

isotopic scattering. The phonon group velocities as a function of ω are depicted in Fig. 6

(b) for all the modes. We find that lattice thermal conductivity of Be2C-ML is isotropic and

computed to be ∼ 66 W/mK at 300 K. The value of κl is already lower than observed for

other 2D materials like MoS2 and Graphene38 39

Phonon engineering is the high efficient approach to reduce the κl and thus to improve

the ZT.40 To see scope of reducing the κl in Be2C-ML, we have introduced strain in the

monolayer and found that up to 14 % of applied bi-axial strain it remains dynamically stable,

Fig. 6 (a) (red). The applied strain significantly reduced the velocities of LA and TA modes


Page 13: Impressive Electronic Transport in Be2C Monolayer Limited ...doped.13 Moreover, molecular dynamics (MD) study has shown that the Be2C-ML has a high melting point around 1500 K and

to be 800 ms−1 and 517 ms−1, respectively. It is well known that κl is proportional to square

of phonon group velocities.30 Thus lower values of group velocities for Be2C-ML will further

significantly reduce the κl and similar has been observed in ScP and ScAs monolayers.41

Moreover, strain also flattens the optical phonon bands relative to the unstrained case and

thus the contribution of optical bands to κl is further reduced in strained case. Further,

we find κl decreases with increasing temperature as depicted in Fig. 6 (d). This is because

three-phonon scattering rate increase with rise in temperature as shown in Fig. 6 (c). The

fitting of κl with T−1 reflects the dominance of U-processes in the Be2C-ML.

300 400 500 600 700 800T (K)







Figure 7: The variation in ZT as a function to hole (electron) doping concentration at300-800K with blue (red) lines along zigzag direction.

Fig. 7 depicts optimum values of thermoelectric for Be2C-ML along the zigzag direction

with the hole (blue) and electron (red) doping as function of temperature. We notice that

the values of ZT are larger with p-type doping than n-type. We obtain the ZT which is

around 0.14 (0.04) at 800 K with hole (electron) doping of 1.6 (3.0)×1013 cm−2 and it is of

similar order observed for 2D materials like MoS2 and phosphorene suggesting the novelty

of Be2C-ML in TE applications.31


In conclusion, we have computed electronic band structure and TE properties with Gau-PBE

hybrid functionals. We find Be2C-ML is direct band gap material with doubly degenerate

energy states at Γ as desirable for TE applications. We have used most advanced method,


Page 14: Impressive Electronic Transport in Be2C Monolayer Limited ...doped.13 Moreover, molecular dynamics (MD) study has shown that the Be2C-ML has a high melting point around 1500 K and

EPW, to calculate the average relaxation times for charge carriers which is then incorporated

in TE coefficients to predict most accurate PF. The obtained value of PF (∼ 3.44 mW/mK2 at

300 K) is found to be of the similar order of PF as reported for many well known TE materials

like doped-Bi2Te3 which reflects that Be2C-ML may be a potential room temperature TE

material. The calculated phonon lattice thermal conductivity (∼ 66 W/mK at 300 K) is

found tolerable in comparison to graphene and other 2D materials. Notably, dynamical

stability of Be2C-ML up to 14 % bi-axial strain reduces the phonon group velocities by ∼

50% compared to unstrained case which could further reduce κl by 75% at 300 K which in

turn make the Be2C-ML an ultra low κl material meeting the low κl criteria of commercial TE

material. Finally, for unstrained system we have obtained the ZTmax ∼ 0.1 with hole doping

1.6×1014 cm−2 at 800 K along the zigzag direction which is limited by phonon transport but

can certainly be tuned via strain engineering.


The GS would like to thank IISER-Pune for the fellowship. KCB acknowledges the DST-

SERB for the SERB-National Postdoctoral Fellowship (Award No. PDF/ 2017/002876).

The research used resources at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center

(NERSC), which is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. DOE under Contract No.

DE-AC02- 05CH11231 and high performance computing Center of Development of Advanced

Computing, Pune, India.


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