Page 1: Improvement of all three pieces and review

Improvement of all three pieces and review

Lauren Fitzsimons

Page 2: Improvement of all three pieces and review

My old contents page looked a little busy so I thought I needed some structure and to experiment a little bit. So I had an idea to use a existing magazine and base my ideas on that instead.

Page 3: Improvement of all three pieces and review

This is the magazine which I thought was the closest to mine so I thought I would experiment with their structure and layout and see how that would look. Things highlighted were things I liked and I thought I should add to mine to improve.

Title ‘we love this’

Main image in the middle of the page

Editors letter structured into column.

Photos are ordered into three and aligned this looks neat

Enlarged quote

Pictures as posters in a line acting as border

Features that are most important

Page 4: Improvement of all three pieces and review

This is my improved contents page which I think that this looks much more structured and organised into sections. I prefer bits of this draft to my other one because I think that these conventions are every explicit in this draft.

Page 5: Improvement of all three pieces and review

This is my old double page spread and this looking back isn’t very good the text is barely readable and the theme doesn’t relate to the front cover. It looks simple and the techniques used aren’t professional.

Page 6: Improvement of all three pieces and review

This is my improved double page spread and everything on here is changed from the last draft because I had a lot of improvements to make. The only thing I kept was the polaroid's and I made them look better my adding effects in Photoshop so they didn’t look flat.

Page 7: Improvement of all three pieces and review

This is a photo I found on the internet when searching for my ideas on how to improve my front cover and I had the idea of adding a background of a criminal board behind the image to make it look authentic.

Page 8: Improvement of all three pieces and review

This is my old draft of my front cover and I thought it looked a bit empty as there wasn’t a background so I thought of adding the police height lines as an improvement. I also noticed the way I cut her cut was messy so I spent a lot of time amending this.

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This is my front cover as the latest one and when doing my improvements I thought that the lettering needing black boxes behind them to make them stand out a little more. I also added a stroke onto the win popsicles tickets to make this stand out too. But the best improvement I think is the simple change of the convict lines behind the image which I think gives it a professional feel as they would usually set something up as a set to take pictures in.

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