Page 1: IMrhwoitfj §18^4 ATJOTIOir ' JMJENCH I PXCIIANOE · Napoleon hurled » bi- mass.esof heavy cavalry against Uie decisive point,and felt a-tindof victory. The Folish cav-alry dashed

B MM W *Mvaii.-The lii|kl 1 mmkit mice will bepaid at i wi« ea-r-K* for all kind*- of ci.n* cottoh

Mid Ltaan am*,inbarge oranall qaanbtrea.


On two occasion* within tbe pea* week aCoafede-late army, defending a moat important poition ofthe Confederacy, and condacUngitsoM, m fir aa its

infantry and artillery were reneernel, with all thel ii;..titi\ natural to if, ha* been defeated and com-p. Bed to tall back by the eondiirt of trw*cavalrypl.t cd to eorer one of its wines, which appear* tobare given wayahn.vst as aonn as %\\ opposingcav-alry of theenemy male am appear «m-c. This ~r .c-am-eaace naturallyfatten an inquirywith whichthe public journals were rife but a year ago, andwbtt h it i* of the last importance to pu-di to some-thinghks* » definite answer. Why is ft, that tanctndi-y ha*, throughout this war, proved so obvi-ou-ty inferior in eWcienry to both the other arms ofthe* svrviccI Why is it that, in pointof fact, it hasim-v.r, on any occasion, pliyitltherob whiihbasal-wapt hen*totore been thought to b«- peculiarly itsown ? Why is it tham on army containing thou-sands upon thousandsof soldiers who have been in itb.- habit of b tcbing and riding the Wildcat jhoi-*c» from their boyhood, and who are, :iv hatha .wilingthe best riders in the world, then*should be absolutely no cavalry, if we are to undei*stand by that term inch v spe« ies ot force an goes

a bf tliat name in every army of Europe t "lt i«,"s,iv- Colonel Snhaller, " tlie onlyweapon whu h cantike .d, mi.!.*, of a beaten enemy, pifrsuc and r..utbiiii -tlcuc- it has been fostered and trained inevery wctl-regalatcd military system. Frcdciicth*' owesbis most signal victories to the ini-pc-tuousattacks*or his Hussars. Napoleon hurledbi- mass.esof heavy cavalry against Uie decisive» point, and felt a -tin dof victory. The Folish cav-alry dashed into manyaRostdan square in 1830andls.ii. Tbe cavalry charges of Inkerman and flatscliiM arc immortal. On the plainsof Italy, bothFrench and Austrian horsemen, in the late war,pei termed prodigies. And ail these blightdeeds ofanus were performedbymen who had tobe taughtto tide after th.y were twentyyearsofage, and uponhorses that had been broken bg riding-masters whothennelres would not have dared to mount,a wildy amy horse, asour caralrists do."

The* fact ia, our cavalry have degenerated int?what Mai minit .nils, ia the samework to which theabove extract is part of a note, " dragoons."- Ofthese, tfle someauthor say«, "in principle, they aiyenUiely uiouuted iufantry , they ought always t"have preserved this character. In that capacity,dragoons con render, iva thousaud circa instancesimmense services, such as detochmenta tor surprisesii. retrograde move-ments, and, above all, in pur-suits. But it would be necessary, in conformity totheir constitution, to mount them upon horses too-.mail to Is- placed in line, otherwise the aspirationsand pretensions of colonels will soon convert theminto cavalry, and they will then become bothAnf-infantry andbod ninth y."

ss.. aa> - Marnioitt;aud we havetbe strongest proofivWhat is occurring every day in the Confe-daracy ,th .t he spoke- the truth. Of cavalry, as such, wehive none. Our whole force onhorseback is mountedn.i oiti t. oi, as Marmant calls it, "dragoons." Itis in amphibiousaffair, indeed; neither cavalry norinfantry,but partakingof the worst points of both.Thesuperior --kill of our countrymen in riding is,absolutely thrown away. The spur which Frederic jtaughthis cavalry to depend on is of nouse except I*n getting out of danger. Thesabre is never usedat all. Themeu ride up and fire theirrevolvers ; andthis they are taught to call charging. The actualshock of cavalry combat, where force meets force inthe headlongcharge, is utterly unknown to our sys-tem. The so-called cavalrydismount, diga ditch,orget behind trees and pop away at each other alter. he fashion of Indian fighters in the impenetrableforests of the far West. Itis no wonder that horse-menthus trainedshould givewayuponthe firstsymp-tom of a bona fide charge. How different wa* Mar-mont's idea of what cavalry ought to be when hewrote the following:"Horsemanship is everything .' It subjugatesand

breaks the horse. Maua-uvreswdl always be per-formed with sufficient correctness when the soldiers. are good horsemen. Encouragement of nil kinds ?should be given to obtain this result." Our no encouragement whatever to make themform themselves into good horsemen. They aresuch already They consUtute such abody of ridersus tlie world never saw. Rut all thi- is utterlythr«wu away. A very indifferent horseman wouldanswer all the ends of our drill as well as the mostsplendidrider in theworld. Hecan ride up, fireoffarevolver, wheel to the right about, and gtdlopaway ,or he can throw the bridle of his horse tosomecomrade, dismount, bike a tree, and pop awaypike- anIndian. We are told that the natureof ourcountryis such that our cavalry caiinot charge as-n Europe*. Tartton's Legion, then, wasall a myth,we suppose. There never was such a body oftroops as the Queen's Rangers, under Simcoe.?L c's Legion was tbe- fabricabon of some crazyrebel during the revolution. Tarlton did notchargeMorgan at the Cowpens, and William Wash-ingtondid not charge Tarlton in turn. Lee didnotchargeTarlton in the lane in front of Guilford ju»tbefore the battle, and Tarlton did not charge ourleft wing {.a the- woods, too,) at that battle undercover of the smoke raised by a bady ot infantrywho find especially forthat purpose. These* areallinventions?pure inventions. The country wouldnot have admitted any uf these things. It was iu-fiiittoly more wooded then than it is now. Ofcourse it could not have been. When we read,tberei*o«*, that Tarlton charged the disordered ranksol Gates at Camden, and produced an irrepressiblestampede, and that he pursued tho fugitives formiles upon miles, cuthng them dojvn by the dc-aetiat every step, we an* reading of something alto-gether imaginary?something existing only in fhcheated fancies of the writers. The men who came?nan the Waxhiw settlements to a certain court-house, not many miles from this city, and there ex-hibited the terrible wounds that TarltoaUmen hadinflicted iii charging them, lied of course. Theface- or the country waa very woody. How couldTarlton chargethere ?

We -believe the excuse about th.-jiatur. of the, countryto be utterly unfounded. An authorwhomwe have quoted before?Colonel Schaller?pro-nounces it to be so in the following words: "No

"instances of what cavalry can do are necessary;history luriii-.hea thousands of them; *aud if onewould . tili-tid that the nature of the ground with- usbi -aich as to forbid auythiug like acHirgu or ef-.fceUvc putamt,he but shows ignorance of the to-pography of European battle-field:,!" There it is.the whole truth, we doubt not. To teU us at thistime of day that cavalry cannot chargeaad purs ueii the countries where Tarlton and Washington

urg.-d and pursued eighty years ago ia prcpos-roua.Gormen want nothing more than to be taughtte use of the sabre, and the practice of chargingith that weapon. Among the mounted men ktSMM be a portion, at least, of these; and they thesst riders, ou the beat horses. Do not makeouuted infantry of mil the cavalry force. Letcry squadron have a certain number of mounted\u25a0fanny, aay forty, as Marmont adviseein his book,Inch Colonel Seballet bos translated cxpraealy forie aae of our army, and which ha- thescal of

ia.Md. Nt Davit* approbation, and, we understand,erf moat other military nun. Let the cavalry bewade cavalry sure enough. We have very goodidbcen.; aucb as Hampton, Forrest, Fita LeeWickkam, be. Let them be instructed* to teach& their menthe v*« of the aabre, or to have itmoght,\u25a0 and the evolutions m-ccaaary for cavalry. Then,W when we inflict another defeat on theenemy, theremay be some hope of throwing a body of cavalry

* upou his disordered forcesand gaining a deciaivevictory. Then we shall have no more long, ntur-derou*., indecisive battles. Th.-n there will be bodiesid troops who both tint and will protect thecountrybom pillage. The first of our couunandera who?hail teach hi*men to trust to the spur torvictorywill Andhimself suddenly occupying a niche in theumiplc oi lame alongside of fshedbU and Murut.

Oetieral Grant tells Stanton, and Stanton telleYawkeedom, thatwe bar* nothing to resist him bataU mo and rhiHiwa that an bate robbed tbecrnale and the grave tomake upan army. All thisis verjr witty, wai new serai, no doubt; bat witaad aaroaam arenet earful ia tbe captureof cities;iu4 thaiv whetuieeaireduf Ueaeral Grant just**himmmm Hfc Jriaadlaad adabrar, a»wacyWsr*mmSMsammmaaWMaaaaaam aaaßaaaa* smmm waawsatW eT-t/VTrV VibV smjMstw mstaarWmSaV' I

deer, all around that city, and left him panting andshivering behind hi* bn*astwork«, andunder thepro-

tectionoff his gunboat", twenty-live utile* below tho

We cannot understand why Graint choose* todraw siuh a doapicalde pictureof our army, seeingthat it is theaimc which Hogged bim so often and*o

eevcrcly lart rammer. If he should plead that themenare not the Minus nnd thai he killed otf ail ourtaat summer's heme-, then be ought to sec that, ie -cording to hisown -t ..-tint, be i* heldnt bayat this mo-ment by Uu*verj' army of children aad cripples, an.!that it is not at all cither to his own credit or that ofhis army. Nay.! when hecalls for one hundred»nd men more be lU-ht tb.M cripples, ihibinn andold men, stolen fiom the cradle,traejaaj from thhospital*., or snatched from the grave, he ought toconsider bow biftcily he isrrilc. ting upon ths)valorof hi* Yankee One hundred thou*Mml lie-Ittroop* to flsrht a handful of cripple* and boys!What a splendid compliiuent toour tn*np- ! be the flowerof that p«-ople trims' infants andohl m*n can bold «t bay far three months the. flowerof the Yank.a army, cumin inbd by the most re-nowned of \ anke \u25a0 generals I

It i* unwise in General Omit "to mak.-* such astatement wiltt rctrird to our troops for anotherreason. IK-ir-ju*tabout tnopen a newctuii) ic-nagainst them. Jf he should Inst them, ait-r suck adcacripbr.n a* he irivcs of them, he can claim no(rrcat cmlit for his success. On the other hand, ifthey- bail ibeat him. (aad whatever he. inty think.We can assurehint tlistt everyConfederate belicvc-she will be beaten,) the dc-;.T:ic.- will dreadful be-yondall example. At any rate, however, we sliall.-sport him, when he shall have found hmiscltb-atcn atriin, not te contradict himself and lie hk<'Bennett, or Stanton, <>r himself, saying that thosetroops are the flowerof the Celtic-derate forces.


"PARTIES oxpi-cting "PERSONALS'I from their friends in the North will find at theCONFEDERATE HEADING-ROOM a. >.mpl»-tc-file of lh<s New York '? Nrws." Thoy can also soffrom this file if their "p<*rsrmals" in tho Rich-mond paper* have* lieen ejppied.

Anew arrivnl of Northern papers THIS (Taea-dav> MORNTNO. coittainintr full accounts of theBATTLES IN THE YALI.EY, with maps anddrawintrs of tlie battle-fields and particulars of allUie fights. * se 27?It*

WANTS.WANTED, to so to the country, v

WHITE WOMAN, toassist in tloinsr GEN-ERAL HOUSEWORK To one who can ceeae wedni unintended, pood w.ipvs and ai.ciiitnnt'iit sitna-tian will be given. Call at HENRY V. MQRRIS'S,second doorfrom Twenty-first, between Twentiethand Twenty-first, Main street, north side, on anydaythis week. sej-27-2t*

WANT-BO TO SELL A FARM OFSIXTY-FIVE ACRES, within two miles ofthe city, and on a tret into turnpike. Itis niostly

elearetl, and w.utlil make an excellent maikt-t gar-den. Apply at my oIHon, in the buildina: cnrniT ofTenth and Broad strata- tietwecn 9 o'clock A. M.and 3 o'clock tf, M. 'ae 27?it* J. 11. SANDS.

WANTED, immediate-] y, a HEALTHYWET NURSE, of iinid ihaißihii, with n>.incumbrance, ar.d suitable to nurso a child thereS;old; one who will mike herself general]vApply at Mr. PRICE'S, mar the

of Twenty-fifth audFranklin stieets.

ANTED, A GAUDENER?Frenchpr Germtm preferred?to go in the country

one hundred miles, immediately on Jamesriver.?Location pleasant ami healthy. For further par-ticulars address CHARLES Y. HORSLEY,Willow Bank post-office, Nelson county, Va.


lIfANTED, a WHITE GIRL or WO-IT MAN, hi assist in rookimr andsewingin my

family. For one tlitit will suit, liberal wages will bepaid. Apply at once, cither at my readeuc**, onMarshall, between First and Adams street, of underthe Spntswood Hotel, ton027-3t» R WENPENHURO.

WANTED TO HIRE, by the month, acompetent NURSE and SEAMSTRESS; awoman willingto make herself generally useful

Apply to Mrs OHACIE, at Mrs. SoutliaU's cornerof S.-venth and Orace etreeta. se 27?3t*

WANTED, ti wood OVERSEER , asingle 111:111 preferred. Apply to

T. J. WOOLDRIDCE, M. D ,Henrico comtty.Post-office, Glen Allen. s-:t: 27 -2t*

WANTED to tinjiloy two MEN, ov.i-the con.script age, la go to MatbewaBounty,to do bght work on a farm. Apply at HICKS'Sstable, ou Tenth street, neai-Cary, to-day.

? se 27 It*

WANTED.? A young nnd healthyLADY having recently lost her child, is .1. -sirous to contract to liitisc ababy. Address W., box219, Richmond post office. . se27?2t*

WANTED TORENT, twoKUIiMSIi-ED ROOMS, adjoining each other, Beatablefor a i. iittein.iii and wife. Address "A. 8.," bos1,fi27, post-ofllep. se 27?3t*

I roITSE WANTED?I wish to pur-X I chase a SMALL HOCSE siud LOT. Address"IV 1.." Dispatch offlje. se 27?It*

WANTED, it small or im ilium i... .1HOUSE, either FURNISHED OR UN-FURNISHED, on Shockoe Hill, east ofFirst arc. t.Address " Box 95U," Richmond post-office.

se 2«-2t» 'WANTED to exchange FIFTY

CORDSOF WOOD (PINE AND OAK, nowr-cing cut,) for HAY Oft snEAF OATS. Also,wuntesl to exchange ten bushels of prime SEEDRYE far SEED WHEAT. Address "T. J.," Box179 post-office, Richmond, "!"iivinin. sc if?3tTITANTED to angaffo « lady or Katie -tl man to TEACH three vouu,-*- children.?Apply this week at'Mrs. R. B. SAMUEL'S; after-wards, address " W.," boxNo. 10,Liberty, Bedfordcounty, Virginia. se 2G- 2t*T FATHER WANTED.?We wish toI J purchase enough LEATHER to make aboutfour hundred pairs negro shoes. Address, stating

price, Sec, "8," Dispatch office. so 2li?-St*

WANTED, two or three goodMOULD-ERS. Applyat the machine shop of E.F. BAILER & CO., on Cary, between Ninth andTenth streets. To good hands,good wages will be

WANTED, an ABSTRACT CLERK,in B Quartermaster's office in North Caro-lina. To one who is competent, and not Ruble tofield duty, a desirable situation is offered in a plea-

sant part of the State. Apply by letter to "L. L.L.," First Auditor's office, through the post-officein handwriting of applicant. se 2li 6t*

WANTED TO RENT, a part or thewhole of a FURNISHED HOUSE, in a con-

venient part of the city, for a small fumilv ot threegiowu persons.. Apply to Ocnerul OILMER, at theEngineer Hunan, War Department, or corner ofTwenty-seventhand Hrnad streets. ae 2f?3t*

SITUATION WANTED.?A LADY,qusUilied to bach Music, French, and the ,

usual English branches, desires a SITUATION in ja private family. References given and required.Address ? ELLA,

Care o J. M Booker,Lynchburg, Va.

"TITANTED,by a young Virginian lady,y V wlw has hail some experience, a SITUA-TION ASTEACHER in aprivate family, or as as-sistantelsewhere. She can instruct in Latin, Frenchand Mathematics, and would not object to anad-vanced English class. References ..xelian-.itAddress, statingterms and particulars, " W. 11. 1t.,"bo* tbi, Richmond post-office. se 24?eodSt*

WANTED, BROOM CORN, for which ;thehighest market price will bi' paid,in largeor hirjill quantities, at our Broom Factory, comer jOrace and Tweuttcth atreeta. .

ac 3-MWivsim* COGHILL & JOHNSTON.IWANTED, twenty-tour copies of

MITCHELL'S GEOORAFIIY aud ATLAS, jforwhich a liberal price will be paid.Also, one copy of CLERK'S NAVAL TACTICS. |Tbe beat prices will bepaid forsecond-hand *-? HOOLBOOKS. OEOBGE L. BIDOOOD,Publisher and Bookseller,cc **--oodm* No. 161 Main street.

WANTED TO RENT, a HOUSE in a jd<--liable part of tlie city, »* to eiuht rooms,with gas *c Apiity to T. W. BOYS 22 -tit 9MBroad street, at T. P. Quarles'a.

BROOM, CORN.?I wish to buy a large-tuatthtv of BROOM (WEN. Fen-Jus havinglarge or email .|tinititic-, are caii.c-.tly invind togive me acall. I wul give abbera! price in cud.,or wiU batter manufactuies for it.

buperintendent ViigmitiFeuiUntoary.

T^OTICE?Th« annual meeting of the111 OTOCKIIOLDEItS OF THE BANK OFRICHMOND will take place at their ibuiking-Moaae, in this city,onMONDAY, the Sd October,VIM, at 12 o'clock M.

Tbe transfer bxdt wdlbe clonedfrom tbe ttth in-rtant tillafter tbedayof the meetingot the atook-boldota. /. J*. MACMVBDO, Caabier.



Professor LOCH li.VNIiI.V will, on the 3d of[October, open a NltlllT BCHOOL for tho ex-clusive purpose of teaching French and Penman-abip. The clauses will meet three times i-.-i week,from 6 lo 9 o'clock, at Dr. tattle's office, ouEleventh-tint. In Iwccn'll ink and Main. Oue hour will bedevoted to each class. His system of teaching

|.*n. h is to enable his scholars to speak it us milto transilate it. Tanas : 523for French uud &1 \u25a0>Peiiniiiusiiipper month, in advance. Applica-u through the po-d-oHiee will mttet with promptenti.m. rat7?it*| UWCAL ACADEMY-?This itutttu-fJL tion continue*to nlford facilitiesforobtuinirg

te.i.,11 ii, ci"'ni|'rchcn-i,i ,itie..i-.aicnl and Mactb alI'sfi'AL EDUCATION, Vocal and li.stumeiih.l,the Ilsii ji. I'i.tiio, Gmtar, < ).s.-in, Singing and the

leitcc of Music. Tin eeaeaeofwiafiwilhin will be- same (as nearaxpotisiblc) to that t.f the llnniAItV.MV of London. 1 ONSINVAT.IBIKS of l':l'l- 'Helity. For H nunc BiriNiai mtntunrmtaet of IheI'erent ?? features'*, in tho perfection uf Artistici-u il Performance, such as the Light, F.ithos,i|ets-iiitic,l, Ifitlliaiit, Kli|rant,*-Ilracpful, Mount-, and the Majestic, llnti.ti. BMIUIIU will Is- |

given at tliffen-iit occasions to inspire " emulation 'nnd confidence " in the performer. Particular at-tention paid toa|iplic:ints-studying fir thi'ptofe-siou,aula " cortillenle of mcric" given when pr-dl. mat\u25a0For terms, Ate, a| toIPreeit'ieor DvCfENIEL, Principal,

t* 27?lt* Corneref First and Oraoe stn-cts.

fISS E. L. READ -will tug?n theX dutiesof her SCHOOL itt her mother's rwav-ii c, on Duval «tn*t't, on MONDAY, October Mms made known on application.

,CRS. 1)K. MUNFORI) will n'Ntuii" Urncdier, on the north side of Caiv, between Fourth ,I Filth streets. ae B "t*TR.SULt NE ACADEMY, OOLDII 1.l A,?j SOUTH CAROLINA. TtiiMs, per sc-*,i.,iibag the Ist. of February. 1865: Hoard, h< d and

bedding, |76»; washing,$100; fucl,«.l'n»; light*!**;English tuition, $75. Extraehaugee teelliu-p,Piano, Guitar, Vt.'til Music, Dniwiitir at itEmbroidery, tse .7? lt*

IS W. CONE'S CLASSICAL AND EN-Js ____% SCHOOL Ft lit BOYS, ON'FRANK-I STREET,ABOVE NINTH, will commence its?Iffh ses-sii.n on MONDAY, September 2Hth.'rofesKor L. GLuma, instructor in French.

hItOFESSOR O. F. BOZZAOTRA, rt - |cently of Petersburg, offers bis services to the

hmond public as a TEACHER OF MUSICst-rumcntul or vecal), either in schools or private:dlies. He (rives iustntction on the Fiatiti, Oui-, Flute, or Violin. He has twenty-fiveyeoj-s' ex-\peiience in his profession, principally in Lynchburg jitiitl PetiTsburg, andAi bullish tbe most satisfac-tory testimonials and references.Applications can Ik* made to Bey.J. A. Dun an,

Bey. John E. FaLwards, A. A. Farley, Enq , I olnailW. D. Blair, or to the- Prot'isior, ltichmunti poet- Iolfici', fox .lil. t,e I'i? If4\ Y. lillkliUSS AND R. M. CARY\_y # will commencethe exercises of their .SCHOOLFOR BOYS ON MONDAY, the 2iith instant, larooms in the African Church, corner of College anilBroad stnets.

Tunis: For tho first quarter, $lon, in advanceMr. Cary, late of Petersburg, would refer to Or.I Minncgerude, Sui-peonO. William Be malt, and t.?timanials at Mr. 0. OyiinetV, Nu. Ift) Main str. etAisi'liiiitioiis for entrance may be left at MajorCARY'SirfaVe, Bank street, sc 27? codIt*

MY SCHOOL, on FOURTH STREET,between 11ayaad Marshall, i. now open tax

the it-t i ption of pupils.Parties intt inline; toenter the.ii sonsarc advised

to make early BMiticaUenbtrangan in the city ate Wdufed to the followim.-gentlemen:Bey. C. H. Minnegerode, Judfre AY. W. Crump, 11.I S. Wherry, Beej , Key. John E. Edwards, JudgeWilliam M. Lyons,Dr. Alexander Thorn, lb v. D. S.

Doggctt, Hon. Robert Tyler, 3. L. Williams, Esq.,Robert Liuctisler, Esq.

si'-27?tf O. L. C. SALTER.

MISS ANNR S. JUNES will open aSCHOOL FOR GIRLS on MONDAY, Oc-tober 3, lbfit. She has hail experience as a tea her,

andream toBey He. IFoodfaridae, aad LieutenantBohert 11. Minor, Confederate States Navy. Theinstruction will comprise the usual Kngbgh course,(includingMathematics,) Latin and French. Thetemi will to July I, 1865, and will be divid. dinto two sessions.Tutu-, per session (payable lull in advance):For English course, $90 : Latin and French, each»2t>; Fad, 510.

Apply at the s, hooi, ~ti 11_j trtnet, Bonthside, Ifourthilooi'above Henry -.fleet. (If. my is tinoond,street above Broefc Avenae.) ? mW? if

MRS. PELLET'S SCHOOL FORYOCNG LADIES.-The- next session willopea on MONDAY, October 3.1. Competent teach-ers will be employed in till the ilepuilaiinitii |I'm terms, Ac, apply at her residence, onBroadstreet, lifter 2Mb September. so 27? 'If


cntli. The Twelfth annual session name on MON-DAY,the 2fith. Noiiitoriuptioniliinngfhc session.I'lofessorL. Oaaaiw, Teacher of French. IFor first quarter, in advance, $ 166. C;iu be seeitat school-loom from 2 to3 o'clock, or at hisresi-dence, Main street, Sidney. se 24?Ct*

MRS. W. S. SIMPSON, .In., OF PE-TERSBURG, who, years past, hasbeen engagedin teaching Mnaks,would berdeaaedte receive a f.-w pupils tor instruction on thePianoForte in this city. References eaa be givea if re-quired. . Her b-titis can lie ascertained by Bpph-ea-

ti.-it at tlie Arhmrton House, Main street."se 24 -Ct*


Main Stuket, Bi.twkkn Tiniti. ami Fourth.The twenty-first mssion or tliis SCHOOL will

conimenee on the 26th of Sfptemlier.Teums : For the firsl? quarter, (in advance,) $ 100.Mr. I'urneris exemptliom militaryduty.aaMi 6t*

fWRMVILLE FEMALE COLLEGEEXPENSESfor half scholastic year,becinnimr2-tb Scpteinbc-r: Tuition iv all Knj-lish branches,

8100; Music, 1100; Board, $'JOO. Therough in-struction. A full and*experienced cotps of t.-su hers.?For tataloifuc, address A. PaTSOT, Pn-sideut,sc2l-6f Fannvtlle, Va.

MISS VIKOINIA JACKSON WILL.opt-n SCHOOL on MONDAY, 26th ef Sep-tember, on Seventh street, between Marshall andClay streets, iU the rear of the former residence ofthe Hon. James Lyons, ami one door above theschool-room formeil'v occupied by Misses Sallie andMillie- Hill. Tanaa for first half Bffllßoa in advance :English coarse, « 125; French or Latin, 5 30; fuel,SlO- se2l--t.*rpHE MISSES CLOPTON'S SCHOOLX tOm YOUNG LADIES,MANCHESTER,VA.The dutiesof this SCHOOL will commence- on theFIRST MONDAY INOCTOBER. ne 2i>? I3t*

MISSES LIZZIE U. AND SALLIE G.GRATTAN will open their SCHOOL ou theFIRST MONDAYIN OtWOBER, onSeventhstreet,between I i-anklin and Gntce.

Tuition for the half scholastic year $ 150Fuel 15se 20?12t

MISS aIATTIE AI.TAIIR willit>umethe duties, of her si >Jimii. ptnat t-MAJ.LDREN onthe first Monday iv OCTOBER.Tibus :One bundled dollars for nine months,andlive dollar*- for fuel. se le?TuAiStOctl*

SCHOOL? ENGLISH AND CLASSI-CAL-WILLIAM PIERCE, A. M., (detailedunderSpecialOrders,) will be*«in his SCHOOL 3dofOctober in basement story of Universalist Church,Mayostreet.

Tkkms, English,bythc»quartor: $37.50in advance.Latin, Greek uudFrench 50.00 in 22?-eoelat*

SELECT SCHOOL, limited to twentyscholars, on I..unitec street, near Grace.Terms, per quarter, (noextras,) 512J

KEFEHKNcea:Dr. Minnegerode, Bey. Joshua Peterkin,D. Lee Powell, Esq., General Anderson,William Green, E-q., Miss Mar)' P. cram,

Willi: iiit II M.i. t. tihiud.I gpi .1. t ul. dand 20?eod-lt* SIDNEYH. OWENS, Jr.

MISS LUCY KINGS SCHOOL FORYOTJNG LADIES.?Miss KINO will ntmnii-tties of her .SCHOOL ou the tir-,t MONDAY in

Ocbdicr. For lintiter particulars, apply to Misa L.KING, second door from the cornerof Brood andMayo streeta. sc ??| m

BEWARE OF LMPOSITION ! ?An weare nifoiiuc 1that some iiir-nimtplcd pentous;have- been sclhue; to certain D. pa.tun nt ,of the

Govemuieut and to dealers, interior Inks, repte-sciiting the sameto be made by us, we, tit justicetoourselves, take this method of informimr our friendsand tht* public that we have no aaaamfor tbe soleof tfur Inks, and that tl.e genuine urti. l.s canoi 'yhe obtiiiiittl on drau/bt at our 1iboratory, No.4, nudi r the Kxchaitße Hotel, Fourteenth .street;and t lint our Inks in bottle-,, Hold bybooksellera an.tdeah is, all boar our, and none are genuinewithout our labels onthem.__ E. D. HOVER a CO.,ac27?lt* Pmctieul Chemista.

SEASONABLE ENGLISH GOODS ATIW MAIN STKKET (IOBMEBLY WAI KINSat UCKLKN'W), AT WHOLEHALE. Eighti-enlaeeea fineblack AIp-K-n-e, Molimirsand Merinos,sevenpieces All-wool French Del-iinea, two yieoea extraHuckaback Luum Toweling,, tea pieces superiorEnebah Hleaebed Lun« Cloth, five pascea All-woolTwiucdKaaitaa, White Spool Cotton, Bed-TiefeiM,Bnttane, etc., be. - One pies c one, bbadt French Il&kth. , set!?3f j


I By Oeorge W. WilHs, Auctioneer,* (No. 63 Mainstreet)

WILL BX SOLD AT AUCTION, ATmy store, THIS MORNING, at 10o'clo k,

A lot Household and Kitchem Furniture,Stoves, china Cup*and Saucers,I'l-i'ts, Dishes, Tumblers, Ace..

I*] A targe lot Ready-nuide Clothing,bhocs, ILiU, Blankets, Dry Goods, &c.ALSO,

g Several flue Gold and Silver Watches,acveiaksLadii a' Silk Dresses,

1 spb-iidid Embroidered VelvetCloak,Several sets liuatgvami Cart Harness.

' t-e'27 ti." W. WILLIS, Auctioneer.g ????- ' ???? ?? ' ' ? ? I>' By Williamson St Co., Auctioneers, j; (No. l'J2 M.iin stn-.t, between Ninth stnd Tertth.)




10J ..'.lack A. M., w»-will s. 11at theresidence of Mr.c R. Ries, ou Grace, between Foosbee and Adamsstreets, his entire HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN

" FURNITURE. Thearticlerl are all choice and val-?' liable. In fact, a finer, mate attrutivc, or more- valualAe ag ortmrnt has never been offered for saleI in this tity.

Tadiinaiiil eeeUuVmea who wish to examine arciltvtte.l to .all at tlie bruise on Monday, the 27th

" instant, btfbmn tbe hours ot in A. M. aiid 3p. M>.B weald enumerate a ifollow*;:* PABLOBcs..\u25a0 1 splendidRosewood Bailor Suite,

1 do. Walnut do. do,1 do. Boeewood Piano, seven octaves, I

> Knabe ft Oa. le, maker-, j« 1 splendidRosewood Etagre,I 4 hand I'lite I'i.-rMutoi ,i 8 sets Lne and Daiira-k l'uitain«,

.SplendidVdvcl Cm-pets,i Knits, Statuettes, 'FineOil Faintintrs,

Beautiful Engravings,M,iil,lc-t..pTables,

1Boa W.....1 Booh-Oase, I1 Oak do.,Window Shades,Reception and other Chairs. |

tHAM HERS. I1 Msihogany Chamber Suite,1 l):k do. ,le,

Very fine Mahogauy Cabinets,do. do. do. W irdrotoe,

Marble-tap aad other Washst.-nds,Toilet Sets, See., See.,Hair Mattivs-es, Feather Beds,Linen and Cotton Sheets,Blanket-, Quilts, eVe,iii it-, els and Tape*tii Carpets,

Z Fi'cuch t .11-day)Oocka, \DINING ROOM. |

1 Marble Btegrc-Top Stdeboard, j1 fin.- Walnut Extension Table. !A very ftae assortment of Glass\u25a0\u25a0, consisting (.1 Tea andDinner Seta, Plates, Dishes, Goblets, WineGlasses, Prattand Cake Stands, fee ,be.Linen Table Cloths, Napkins,Knees and Fort ,'lut Safes, Refrigerator, iDiiiing-Room Chaiis. !

KIT. HEX. IExec-Beat Cooking Stoveand Furniture, IjA fine assortmeal of Tinware. j

STABLE. I1 Excellent Ph-etoa?for one or two noised,I verj line 11... -i', i1 set doable Harness, j1 set angle Harness. j

ALSO,One fine Cabinet Sewing Maehtae, IWe will eeeamenee the s;.ilc by eft ring tbe Hon ,

for rent. It has ten rooms, with basement, batb-lhouse, and kitchen, with four rooms; eras: hot and Icold wi.tcr-pipcsall through it; an excellent range jattached. It i.-: built of brkk ; h:is justbeen paintedaad uapered; is in cxcell int repair; lets -t tl !.-and cairmge-houae attai bed, and is situated in oneof the most d.-aiabb- neighborhoods in thei iti. I\u25a0eM WILLIAMSON it CO., Auctioneers.

By L. U. Link, Auctioneer,(No W Main street.J I

I WILL SELL ON TUESDAY, TIIK.27th instant, it 111..*. 1...k, at tnv store, on Mam

street, an assortment ot HOUSEHOLD^FUBNI-TUBE,-neb as . !Bedsteads, Bureaus;Diriing TaHi . II -hairs, Wa h Tnub, be.,1 splendid Bound MsiMe-top Centre Table.2 Bewing Machines, i(lotbiii:', Shoes, talk Drones? aearrj m w, !M yards ofl cmntryCarpeting,1 fine Thr.t-pl-,Carpet?in good order,

Several Oakland Silver Watches.I'ir-.iii wishing to sell will phrase bring in tlnir

goodsonMonday. I*. H. LUCK,Auctioneer.Having been sobbed on Wednesday* night of

f-1,400, I hope those who are indebted to me will ? alland settle tin ir iiii.s. \u25a0 >\u25a0\u25a0 li

rfIRUSTEE'S SALE OF SERVANTS.\\_ Will be sold Til is MOBBING at 11 0.-l .. k.atthe auction honse of 11:11, Dickinson & Co., a WO-

MAN with aCHILDabout four years old. Also, alikelyBOY, about eight yearsold. The- Woman is agoodCook, Washer and froner.E. W. POINDEXTEB,


HARVEY, HEELINGS Sc CO.,No. 151 Main Stiikit,

Keep constantly on hand, exeiusiee'g their ownmake, a large and saperior aanortmeal ofLADIES' KINK CALFSKIN SHOES; LADIES'


REPAIRING of every- deomptaon exeatsei withneatn.-ss and dispatch. All orders will be pn.mptly;tilled when ourcustaiiurs caaaot be saib .1 from theslock on hand. The trade will be supplied upon |reasonable terms.

P S.- We will sell good Lasting (Ladies') li.iit.isut seventy-Aye dollars per p .ir. ~ aa 21?lw*

M BLAIR&CO~# At iTioN ami Cenaeann Merchants,

Comer of Twelfth and Cary streets, Richmond, Y.t. jHavingconnected with our present keenness that

of AUCTION SALES, we- will, hereafter, sell pab- Jliclv at auction, as well--i- privately, as heretofore, jand particularly solicit consignments in our new \u25a0business from our Mends, nsnaring; tlicm that every Ieffort will be made to give satisfaction in our wk Iin both brunches of our bmillimWe will have an auction sale- as soonas we canget syouie more consignments iv addition to our pre-sent stock, of which duenotice Wtllbe given through

1the dailyp:.pers. ~ ms PJ?lm I'rpHE HAVING RECoI II VERF.D from his Lite illness, wiU attend his!office from TO-DAY. and will be pleiccd to see biapatients and tbe public generally. A splendid' as- jsortment of GOLD FOIL and other materials on Ihand.

l'eisons it i-bin.' to se.- me on business, after oflb c jhours, will please tall at toy le-idisilce, oil Mai--ball |sdreet, between bint aiid;

MA BLANKMAN, !Surgeon and Dentist, 19 Main street. Ise 10?-ts

ToYIIE PUBLIC?On TucsJuy nighti last, the lothuf September, "Our House," ottThirteenth street, Wsis hn-d and robbed of BANKNOTES, SPECIE,CHECKS AND OTHER VALU-ABLE PAPERS. As many of the CHECKS,NOI"ES, and DUE BILLS, were madepayableto meor my order, I worn all persons againsttrading for,or receiving day paper purportingto be.givenby, orreceived from me, unless beanii-' mv individual sig-nature. ,[se22?6t] CHAkLES HUNT.

Rn iiu.iMi ami Da-ivii.i.k X ui.Koci,, .SIieEUINTKNOKNT's OfFICR,

Rn iiMti.-.0, August15, 1801.;

ON AND AJTKE TUESDAY, Asm,1«, I»<H, the EVENING TRAIN on this road,leavingRichmond at -I F. M , will be devotedex-

clusively to the ti.iii-p,tWiti ai of sick :ind woundedsoldiers, and no otherpersons will be aUowed on thetrain until all the soldiers saw comfortably accom-modated. CHARLES G. TALCOTT,au it?ts Superintendent.

NAW DII'AUTMKNT, 1Owna Imcta*. naanca, JRichmond, Va., September 19, LH64. )

"\roTI<jK? Fr, "> m and after MONDAYll NEXT, the 2ttth instant, the STEAMERSHRAPNEL will leave the wharfat Rocketts forthe JAMESRIVER SQUADRON dailyat 7 o'clockA. M. and 1 o'clock P. M., touching at all the pttu-cipul bindingson tberiver.

JOHN H. PARKER,fir 20?ts Lieutenant in charge,

"VTOTlCE.?Always on htimi, and IV.rII sale, NEW SORGHUM BARRELS, LIQUORBARRELS, FLoUtt and KEGS of allkinds and sizes; BUCKETS, TUBS,fee. Ohlersiunbcleft at F. DeLu-ue'-.Oroti'ry, No. 7 Ftuuklin street,or at my Cooper nhop, on Seventeenth street, coinerof Baldwin, near the Central hsulnad Weuksht-ps,Delivered anywherein the city gratis.

ae 12?lm* H. METZOF.R.

ALL PARTIES,LIABLE TOKEOIS-TRATION, muterrecent onler, between theage* of seventeen and fifty yesara, livingwithin thesuburbs of tbe city of Kitshmaud, are hereby noti-fied to call at the Knrulhng Oftteeof Henrico, overP. 11. SIABJUPb plow statu. Mo.a Main street.

OAELAND UANEB, Ja.,Lieutenant 'ni Snrolbnc Offeier |SS ft It For Henrico I

I FPTTJIIB E. 8. Pleaaante, Auctioneer.

TTOUBEHOLD~a¥d~KITCBEN FDR-I I NITUItF. FOR HALE AT AUCTIOJf.?OrtWEDNESDAY, the 28th instant, at 10 o'clock, Iwill sell, at the residence of Mr. W. L. Fettit, <*or-I net of Twenty-fourth and Venalile atreeta, (oppositeI Elijah Eakei-'s, Esq.,) Union HiU, avery neat as-sortment of FURNITURE, conaisting of

Marble-tup Tables,Cane and Windsor Chairs,

2 Three-ply Carpets,Mahogany Cabinets, marble-top,

do. Waslistand-, do.,tlo. High-post Bedsteads,Feather Reds, Mattrcfetes,j Sofa,Dining-Tablt*. Crockery,I. Ce.ol.iiii*; Stoveand Utensils, ingood order,I togetherwith other useful articles.

I ss-27 E. S. PLEABANTS, Auctioneer.By D. K. Weisij*x*r,Auctioneer.

VITOOD AT AUCTION?I will sell inM the rear of Mr. William M. Fortune's storo,in Manchester, oa next THURSDAY at, 1 o'clock,P. M.,at aiictiiin, ?

Sixty CORD'S OF WOOD, (mixed,)ill lots Ut suit purchaser-..Ikeae: D. K. WEISIGEB,se 27?3t Auctioneer.

By Thomas W. Keesee, Auctioneer,(Office corner of Twelfth and Cary streets.)

VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD ANDKITCHEN FURNITURE AT AUCTION.I will sell on MONDAY MORNING. October 3, attheresidence on Second street, between Main and

Franklin streets, rnmm.n.'inir at 10 o'clock, theHoasehoM mid Kitchen Furniture, consisting inpartof

Sofas, i",ii lor (hairs.Arm .nd Rocking Chairs,Fainting:-,.Marlib-top Tables,Garnet*- Knew.Bedsteads, Reds, MattßeWaß,, *Wanlmbes, Sideboard,Extenatoß DiningTable,Oil Cloth, !China and Glassware, ICurtains, Window Shades,Silver and Flated Ware, *Knives and Fcn-ks, ftoeeate, 27 THOMAS W. KEKSEE, Auctioneer.

By Williamson & Co., Auctioneers,

' (No. l'J2 Main street, between Ninth and Tenth.)

AUCTION SALEOF HOUSEHOLDAND KITCHEN FURNITURE.On WEDNESDAY, the 28th instant, conimencingIBt 10o'clock A. at-, we will s;cU at theresidence of]Mr. A. E. Graham, on Ninth stroet, north of l£jgh Istreet, his entire HOUSEHOLD and KITCHENFURNITURE, comprising the following and otherarticles:

Mahogany Cabinets,Mahogany Sofas,. Cottage iiinl other Bedsteads,Bailor and oilier Cb in--,Carpets,Parlor nnil Dining Tables,Feather Bean, Madtreaeee, JMirrors, Pictures, ICMrtains, Window Shade*,Plates, Di-hes, Cups and Saucers,Tumblers, Goblets, Sec, Sec.

ALSO,One excetteatCooking Stoveand Fnmitun'.

He 24 WILLIAMSON & CO., Auctioneers.



ATAUITION.On FRIDAY, the 30th instant- < oniincmnig ut 10

o'ciO. k in the BtOI mag, Wewill sell at our salesroom,No. lU2 Main street, an assortmentof OOOUS, con-sisting Off the following and other aiticle-s:

I fine- Mali"',-my i.'.'timber Suite,Biuasehi and other CarpetsBailor, Caneand Windsor Choirs,IIair-doth and Cane BothniaDining,Parlor and Kitchen Tables,Tc'to-i-Tetesand Lounges,French, Jenny land and Cottage Bedsteads,Feather B-ls,Hair and -dunk Mattresses,Billows, 8..!-tor.s, Sheets, Blankets, &c,Pictures, Mirrors, See.,Ul:i-'s and Crockeryware,Fniey Artnli-,Clothing, Boots aft.l Shoes,Hold aiitl Silv.r Watches.

II arnsada Carpets? some of which ttre'vervfine.

sc2o WILLIAMSONA'CO., Auctioneers. |By Tfaoatas W. Keesee, Am tioneer,

(Ofliec f iv.-ncr ..f Twelfth sind Cary streets.)

tM^JSEHOLDAND KITCHEN FUR-I I NITURE, TOP BUGGY AND HARNESS,WGR SALE AT AUtTION.?I will sell on WED-NESDAY MORNING,September2Stli, at 10o'clock,Iat the ie-ideiii con Fourth street,between Grace and IBroad streets, consisting in part of JBureaus, Wash-land, !Walnut Table, Bedstead,

Mattress, chairs,Wiiitb.w Shsidis,Fire Sets, Fenders, Carpets-, 's. ale Beam aad Weights, A-e.

One very superiorTopButrgy and ?\u25a0; THOMAS W. KKI.SKE, Auctioneer.

By Daveiipoit ,-. t:o., Stock Auctioneers, j(Olflce cornerof Garyaad Thirteenth stroets.) |

WE SHALL SELL AT AUCTION ATthe oflic-e of the Old Dominion Insurance

Company, on FRIDAY, the 30th instant, conuiieii-ciug at 12o'clock,


and such other securities as may be offered. Par-ticulars in a future- advertisement.

DAYENFORT & CO.,sc M Stock Auctioneers.

TITE SHALL SELL AT THE OFFICETv of the-Old Dominion Insurance Comptmy,

onFRIDAY, September Midi, hsbl.ut 12o'clotk,theftdlowing BONDS AND STOCKS:S30,01)0 Coitfesleratt* H per cent. Couim.ii Bonds, long

and short dates,.".li,(ll)ii Confederate 8 per cent. Registered Binds,

long and short dstte-s,10,000 Confederate (new) 6 per cent, non-taxableBonds,4,000Confederate Cotton Bonds,5,000 Virginia it per .sent. Registered Bonds,

100 shares Virginia CentralRailroad Stotk,50 do. Richmond and Danville RaiUoadStock,

Bi shares Richmond ;uid Peter-burg BedheadStock,

100 shares Traders'Bank Stock.10 do. Fanners' Bank Stock,6 elo. Old 11iiniitii.'u Trading Company,

£500 SterlingExchange,«t>oo Gold! out,3,000 7.30 internet Notes,

anil such other Bonds and Stocks as maybe offeredbefon- day of sale. DAVENPORT Sc CO.,

se 27?It Stock Auctioneers.I By Ellett, Bell & Fox, Auctioneers.JCTION SALE OF DRY GOODS,liROCERIES, SHOES, HATS, Sei , ftc?iDNESDAV NEXT, September Jsth, we willauction a Urge uud attractive as-sortiiunf otIIANDISE,miisistiiig in part of the follow-'.o bides 1-4 Brown Shelting,It) bales 7-S Brown Sheeting,10 bales Brown Dtill-, ?

5 bales stripedOsnaburgs, . .!» bales Georgia Cotton Yarns,2 boles EnglishCanton Flannel,1 bale Homespun Stripes,

2 cases Black and White Prints,1 case Huckaback Towels1 cose Men's Merino Shirts,6 cases 7-8 and 4-4 bleached Shirtings,J case W. B. and Black Flax Thread,3 cases Black Alpaca--, assorted number's,10 pieces ii-4 Blue and stank Pilot Cloth,'a pieces Fancy EnglishCassimeres,0 pieces Mixed Debagea,sf) pieces Fane-y OperaFlannel,:o pieces White Twilled Flannel,.0 pieces Blue 1Mums:'» pieces Oeorgia TwilLs,0 pieces 0-4 block Cloth,i pieces Irish,

ti ]>iei es Bird's Eve Diaper,0 dozen Printed L. C. Shirts,a deawaBlack .silk Beak Tba,2 oaeeeBone Buttons,2 casesPeai I Buttons,1 case AgateButtons,I case Metallic Buttons?J reams EnglishLetterPaper,r:? ..a- EngliwhNotePaper, \u25a00 reams Confederate Note Paper,7 barrels hio Coffee,5 chests Bla.k i:t,7 boxes Granulated Sugar,> bugsBlock p.-pper,il dozen Black Sott Hats,ii pairs Men's C.Uf flaiflil,0 pairsMen's Heavysi,,.i -,? i"airs Boys* Heavy Shoes, *i extrasbeEn.uiieh-d Buffalo S'.ins.aYc, *c.-ale will commence at lo o'clockELLETI, BELL * FOX, Audiom-era.a-ajPT.-?Consignments for this sale -tillplease be >cnt in as etirly as po.-i-.tble, ac 21

T\ESIKABLE HOUSE AND LOT FOE1/ SALE AT CHARLOTTE COUBT HOUSE.VTEGINIA.?WiU be sold, under a decree of Char-lotte County Court, on FRIDAY, the 1 Ith ofOeto*-her, Ibill, tbe HOUSE ANDMITat Charlotte Court-house belonging to the estate of James J. Word,deceased. Ihe LOTcontains on* acre, upon whichkacouifcrtalde Dwelbng, hawing tve room*, ia goodrepair. AJao, a kitchen, etahle and bock black-\u25a0UUtu ? jTilßW* * *f lUMrWIa on *Jb%t of nli* I»»-*? B. J. QQVLDLXQ, Cernndrntaawr. |


By Orubbs * Williams, Auctiomt-ra. ?»XTERY VALUARLE LOT OF FIFTY-V SIX FEET FRONT, ON LEIOH sTBEET,I BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND, FOB MALEI AT AUCTION.?WiII be sold at auction, on tbe,I premises, on SATURDAY, tbe Ist of October, at 1Jo'clock P. M, the very valuable LOT located asabove. It baa a front of fifty-six fleet on Leigh

street, running back tbe usual depth. Ib wilt besold as awhole or divided.4 It is one of the mostbeautiful lots in the city.

Taaas: Cash.OBUBBS * WILLIAMS,Auctioneers,

sc id Successor* to Goddin & Apperson.a* **

rpilE VALUABLE FARM KNOWNI AS "WOODLAWN," WITH ONE HUN-;DItED AND SEVENTY ACRES OF LAND. ONTHE WESTIIAM ROAD, THREE MILES WE-*T jOF RH HMOND, FOR RENT; AND SALE OlHOUSEHOLD AND HIDDEN FUHNITI IfE.HORSES, MULES, COWS, FARMING 01EN-SILS, &c , AT AUCTION--By ns-uest of theexecutor of James C. Spotts, dccciisetl, wewill rent at public auction, upon the pn -Pnii-."-, for fifteen months?from Ist'October, IBft4,to Ist January, IHH6,?on FRIDAY, 30th Sep-tember, at 10o'clock A. M., the valuable and Ih*uu- jtiful Farm lately occupied by Mrs. spoit-, situattdas above stated, within Ihe outer line of fortifica-tions, and afte-t-iblo by the Grove* and Wessthamroada. About one- hundred and fifty acres are jcleared and adaptedto the v\u25a0u\u25a0 ti-.l crops and vegeta-bles. Ithas alsto avariety of fruits, ice. The dwel-ling is of brick, with live rooms, lie-udes basement,halls and elos-cts; there arealso two outerbuilding-*,with four rooms each, large barn, coin-crib, *ta-

The dwelling is situated in a fine grove,with anabundance of goodwater; and the neighborhood i»in every respect desirable, being free from depn-da-Itions by the soldiers.Any one in apaßeb of a really pleasanthome,withgooiiiaiid attaclted, could not do better than attendon the day above named. Possession will be Rivenat after renting theFarm, we wili sellthe Household and Kitchen Ftiniituie, eoadbtbag

of tic- usual variety; two Horses, two Mules, TourCowa, Carts, Wagons, and Fanning Utensils ofaegis, kind. Also, a good FamilyCarriage, etc.Tames* Rent payableQuarterly, in advance. Forthe personalproperty, 22 GRUBBS .v. WILUAMS,Auctioneers.



' located as above, containing THIRTY-THREEACRES, in a very highstate of cultivation. Theimprovementsconsist or aDwellingwith ninerooms,besides an uittlnishtsl Attic, and Kitchen with fourmoms, Wood-house, Smoke-house, two Darns, Sta-bles, Corn-house, itc. There are two wells of ex-cellent Wetee and a large crop of Vegetables ontheplace; aportion of them may be purchasedat a fairvaluation.Partial possession will be given at once, to enablethe purchaser to seed fall and wintercrops, and fullpossession on the Ist of November.

Theabove is the valuable little Farm owned for-merly by James Kinnard, Esq.

Tkkms :Oiit-thii 1 cash, the balance at sixandtwelve months; or all cash, at the efts**)of thepur-GRUBB3 & WILLIAMS,Auctioneers,

se 22 Successors to Goddin m Apperson.


SECTION WITH VENABLE STREET, ANDi\ND LOT ON VENABLE, BETWEENSNTH AND NINETEENTH STREETS,E AT AUi TION.-Immediately after the, »ay at 5 o'clock P. M., will be sold, onss, the two HOUSES ANDLOTS, locatedmecontaining seven rooms, on a tot lift}by one hundred and thirty-five deep.?ih is one-story, ofbrick, tui.l ia avi-ryneatirtablc n'sidc-nct*. The other is a plainNEMENT, with kitchen attached, on aifty by one liundml and fifty feet. Thesene ic-ntcd to monthly tenants at good

One-third cash, the balance at sixandiitbs ;or all cash, at the optionof thepur-BUBBS Sc WILLIAMS,Auctioneers,

Success ors to Oixldiu iv Apperson.

TABLE LITTLE FARM OFETY ACRES. ON THE DEEP RUNCB, SEVEN MILES FROM BICH-IND CBOPS, stock, FABMENG DC-IB, ex., FOR SALE AT AUCTION,id at auction, on thepremise-, on WED*, tbe 2sth of September, at 11 o'clock A.tluablc little' FABM of nim-ly acres,to-above, adjoining James Sh.ppurd andhere an* eighty acres clean. t, and feu>od. The Farm is well enclosed. The cii-lout the houses are new and substantia),well of excellent water in the yaid,andlof fine tiuit. The impiovcin.nt-. am \u25a0itli two nwiuis, ti kitchen with two room-,liotisc, stable for ten horses, barn ami?, btrge ict-hottse, and ire-pond conve-ter the-ale of the land, will be thecoin, fodder, liny and va*getakb -, .tare is a grettt variety; the Rtock,of three mule-, one horse, live cows,milk; about thirty hogs; ninety chick-tll the plantation utensils, consisting ofvariety; amnng them three carts,

i Mto ploughand other harne*-*, one roek-hantess, and one trotting sulkey; one-, new, made by Hiram Smith; und one

tallons of eider, suitable for vinegar,at of the projieity will be given in a fewrc-crviiig time* to gather and deliver the

vegetables.For the n-al estate, onejtliird cash, ba-< and twelve months; or all cash, at thethe purchaser. For the personal pro-.tUBRS Si WILLIAMS,Auctioneers,

Successors to Goddin .* ApiM-rson.r James M. Taylor, Auctioneer.

rilWO. VALUARLE VACANT LOTS,i on the corner of franklin andFourteenth streets, for sale ataly-I'ill be sold WEDNESDAY, the 28th

,on the premises, at 12 o'clock M., twoBUILDING IOTS, on the collier olmd Foiub-enth streets, ntffwalbl the Bal-;.'. The Lots front on Franklin streettty-two fi ct each, ami mn buck one hun-ne and a half feet. From the locution ofth. y are considered to be very valuable,ishing to secure central building loUrell to attend the sale.Made known on the dav of .sale.

JAMES M. TAYLOR, Auctioneer.,y Lancaster Sc Co., Auctioneers!,

tion, at our office, on WEDNESDVY.t, at 12 o'clock,'ollfcdcrate h per eeiit. Registered Bolid-,

of longdate,..'onfederate 8 pesr cent. Rcgi.>tercd Bond-,

of short date,?onfederate 8 per cent. Coupon Bonds, oflong date,'onfederate 8 per cent. Coupon Bonds, ofshort date,Confederate 8 per cent. Registered 7 per

cent. Bonds,'onfederate Cotton Interest R.mds,'oiif.-derate t per tent. Certificates,'onfederate lM Notes,'irginia State Registered Bonds,hares Richiiiond and Danville RailroadStock,tare* YiitjiniaCentral Baibead stock,

A I.SO,Itithiiioiid iity Bonds,Virginia State Itol.d-, oM issffe,C.itif.derate « per eeut. Bond-, of th.

tiftcen-untholi is-uie,shiin-s River Canal Packet Stock,?hare- Richmond Importing and Lxport-ingStock,shares Bank Richmond >t.*k,sharc-s' Isinners Bank Stock.


\u25a0t'liit. at tv o'clock, I will sell at the resi-dence of Mr. O. Bennett, on Nineteenth street, nearIof Broad, an a-ssortu-ent of usefulJJ AND BTMW*fTUM FURNITURE,jganySofa,ogany Chairs,1-or Chairs,ogany and Dining Table*,nor Rt?frigenitnr, *itg Machtuc (Stoat's Elipti'ej, ia perfectler aad veryhandsomely gotten up.Clock,imany other useful articles.E. S. PLEASANTS; Auctioneer.

.E LIBRARY, tkc , FOR SALE ATOn FRIDAY, tbe 30th instant, at lvo'clock, I will sell at the n.-i-hei. c ..1 Mr. C. WWilliams, on Grace, between Fourth and FifthNtrvets;, (two doors above Centenary t bur. h, a neat

assortmentof t HAM HER and other FURNITURE.2excellent sets of Chamber Cottage Furniture,

\u25a0 1 Soti, Mattic.-.'es, See.A valuable LIBRARY OF* BOOKS, ioi..i-t.t.-(of I

| Theology, History, FhUosopby,Literature and Gent ral Sei-nc--a.1 ac 27 K. 8. PLEASANTS, Aucboneer.

QTORE FIXTURES FOR SALE, im-hj anediately, onBroad street, near Second street,**UardiMbam*s Old atoie,"-tX)UNTEB, SHELV-ING, WINDOW SUADBM and GLASS CAHaa*.

wB-b* »Maa. McBABJLAND.

I ewe\ ***eB>*BB*TB*TiBji.J Il*T ac wJW>*m*e*+my\* e^^p9 *****

5 "' * i----3S=ESrSi

Bicwaom,, tM<pt,iith,.T JiT~nuu~"PXCIIANOE NOTICE Ha ii^anli officer* and men of th<* Vm ..bur* ..-a **July*, IMfibwho n-pwtodtor duty Tt «f* "fmammetal th* Mt**i*nppi prior t? h^C*1861, arehereby declared exchanged ,w,,l**, \u25a0*.se 21-dt""* UOHERT OLID,

Taaasvav Dv.r larai, "CoKranraiTFKtitm or Ami an » 'IHn imtisn,September 17, i-i.i i

I Jlil inasTf OF FOUR PER (FNTCATES OR tfONDS, ISisUED UNDER Tin.- ..-OF FEBRUARY 17*, | M|. ANT» HELDH 'oil?CEBSOB SOLDIERS IN THE lONPK V«, TL'SIATE.S ARMY. -Themhe assigned in presence of thecommand..ior adjutant of the regiment to which th. \u25a0holdingthe ranic may belong*, to be mj,,,such in Uie words, "Saeeatedj bf.-i*. il«*and si..|.cl ii. a li;iM|,, 1M"J "-.'l-lit Seen hiry of tb _i>. mmry.ConnuraeTr S-iu-.s .? Amu,,I Si BMsTr-nr Di.rikTMiM- 'I Richmond, Septcmls-r It,, \nl, t |

DOLDEBflOrcijtlMsIj AOAINST THE SUBSISTENCE Dhlw >MENI'.-Oft the 3<ith of tbenseeaat rnonil, tht Re!crctary of the Treasury will withdraw the lnr.:--.!-.*.31* per tsent. non-taxable bond* horn the n, ?izand hold themfor a hisrher rate. All person, h..| lingt laims against the Government foi -ul, ,t,r",ston-s are hereby informed that if they Wi-diil.."!,

tbonds in payment of their claim* thry mn I m-t !\u25a0?Bun-nu or the purehtxing of tb* Utriting, before tin; rtntli iu*tant, in order to ?'thebonds at the present law pnn-.[Signed] L B. KORTHROPCommiasary-G.-iic-rdof aataarkwaa.B. Baxwaa, Major and Commissary of fh-&.

Tckasibv D»ruTnr> TT~"Cot-rrnraATK Stati* «p Aareiri, ''Richmond, Va, Aagnat it,, |if|, jEOIJLATIONS ['DU CARRYIKfJ\u25a0 INTO EFFEIT THE AIT OF tOBGkI ssROVED JUNE IS, l*;| ? AUTIIOUI/LXuOWNERS OF ItEGIsTERFD EIGHT IKK. Kj iBONDS, ISSUED UNDER THE PROVIMONsst'pTHE AtT APPROVJ-.D MAY If., ImH, TO I X.CHANGE THE SAME FOR COUPON Iti'Mrs ...Parties owning remtcred eight p. r Bent I- ni,under the act <.f May 16, Ml, desiring to .< Ithem for coupon bonds-, will aarign Gum, it, tjtamanner pointed out in tit* printed endem mrnt nthe back of the certiflcate, to ttje "Cut. I > ,-..

States of America, in aradnwags for lewpua bondi '?and cauße them to be presented f» tlie 11.-ui-t.r tthe Treasury Department, who will thereupon, incompliance with the provisions of the act of Jeas13, ISM, issue coupon bonds f»r tin- amount Rpccilitdin the registered bonds-so assigned.

G.A. TRENHOLM,au 29?-ts Secretary of the Treasury.TBRAsl'ltV IHIAIIIMKNT,ICowrEUKKATE STATIiS OP Allfkl. A. ,

lOAMBONTHEBECUKJTYOFTHII FIVE HUNMtED MILLION SIX penIT. NON-TAXABLE BONDS, HIET.NTH SEtTION OF IHK CURRENCYtj?Deposits on call wtll be iec-iv .1 t.y theisurc-r iv this .ity, A-i-lant Tree ?t\u25a0lestou and Mobile, and the Depositaries atuington, Ruletgh, Columbia, Angwst i, (***vin-iitul Montgomery,and certificates will be baaedhe same, bearing Interna*, i.t tlierat. ~t asm Meper annum,ami Bieaawd by the b] pouVt .i ni amount of the above biamt 1., th. TimMM loans. The bonds to be s, t apsntl'. tf...surer, and the pnicecds, whea eld, appliedet>vely to th. piyni'tit of the said rertifi. tti

ThcMcurtty and roaveak-aee aaTonb-d to bunk*aadother feiperabone, and to the public i. nt-isilfv,by this misled tcitipaary inn-stio. ;it, ami tin it-fc. t of the- liieaiiiri', it is, i.crailv adopted, vi k.,..inI the tUI I. itt t, wit bin uioh I'.iteboini.l . .t f. I, i, 1will couiinind it tt. the favoiaUecoii-i.l.ration ,I tbecommunity and secure their ptontptco-openitton tacarrying it into effect. O. A. TUENIiuI.M,

Setcrctaiy of the 1r. .,. uxy,| RuiiMOMn, July22, 18«4. MaV-a*TIIKA-l HV lIFPAIirMI.NT, tCONFRIIKBATK STATKS Of AMlltli t,Richmond, August I, UN. I*


ii*. .KREST AND FREE FROM TAXATION, bythe fourteenth section of the act to reduce the cir-rencv, approved February 17, IKM, the S.cj, t«ry .ifthe Tteasnry is iiiitliori'e-1 to bene the above certi-ficates, payable two yesits after the ratiti. atia, t ttreaty efpeace with rtte United states. They iuhnot bi' sold, but are otily to be issued to s-.n h, n i,.

Sof the Oevernment as arewillttn: to] . ive tlie\u25a0in paymentof G.eirdemands. Tiny mu-t ,i ,veil atpar, thnughfree from tassitii.n.Ie attention of pewehaatnej ageataanddi burs-tegoHi. era ol th. (jtoeerameni b i tothi- rlasa

of publicsecurities as offering advanti *to those from whom the Bnpprk-s of the Governmintan* bought;and to facilitate the v-»- -.( th. ns, \u25a0hii k-t'drawn by di.sbuisingoflicers uj-on the aaweartaiieaholding Iheee I'uiiil-, and ...t.. i th* t ??"payable in certiheiites of indebbdness," ail) twpiiidin conformity therewith.

Depositaries are bt it hy authori-tcd aiid ri-.jiit'.dI tt. eetaaly with lata regnbrdtea, and to mala' nay h-I ration to theRegister for iipplic- ofcertificates asrequired. [Signed] O A. TRENHOLM,au 22?t* Secretary of Trea-nrv


Richmond, July2s, Isgl. )

TAXED TREASURY NOTES ?In ordcr Co promote, as fur as ptacßeable, the earlyliiitndatioii by theTreasury ef tlie OXTTSTANDINGTAXED Niii'ES, the In tstn-er, A abtaal 11. . a-rer, and I'iiyDeponibnits in the different states, ,

rt.hen hyauthorized to nieivt* the said notes,. areytthe $100 notes, at Giij \*r centum, on eaweait, i- u-teg for ssiiiie certificates ef lohii, ut-on lyaeaaeea-tion of non-taxable bonds. TTte said enbat ah -tobe payableou demand after theespirattoitof mn. tydays. ?

And all agents for the sale of tbe ahon- bonds arehereby authorixed to meatIB the taxed notes, withthe exception above uumed, in pay nttit of I\u25a0\u25a0??. i ,when sold, ut the rale of 00 j jser c. iituiti.

G. A. TBBNHOLM,au 22?ta Secretary of theTr. i-ury.

. FOR RENT AT AUCTION."ITALUAJILKPBUPKETY RiRRIiN IT On MONtIAV, the 3.1 of OBtehet nut, mCharlottesville, at 11 o'clock, in bwatei Uie, I will proceed. to rent out tbe followm. -I'-scribed property :Ist. The Central Hotel, for three yeari fiom bt

January next.2d. R'o-k Hill, adjacentto town, oot.tiiirung abentseventy-five acres; comf.-rtible .1wclh nz. Be Tin*projvrty is renh-d fn>m IstOctober, so that wheat,, can be seeded.

Sd. A dwellingvi town, containing ten <*r twelverooms, with store attached, containing afar or Bra arooms.

-tfii- A beam B**gen nt la tkm railroad otii.., ??.!.-I .iiiiii ? eightor ten room c

is|.itt-cwlond Ftaine tfotlSe Hear the dej-d,it or ten rooms,-in.ill House-, and new Stable coittaituii||

tfr-t-liitc Ostrdeit of about un t. revaluable lb.u-e a.-el Lo< ut ten i.n'-, f\u25a0proved Liind, in Wam-n ; and, anbaps., Mill and bTbbbbbbbbbb), near IfeettavtVW.

ion given to all on the Ist of January,c*«onn Rock Hill, whit b i- at oncen O W. DII.LAItD

.LIAM WI ».l )T, N.i \,i lir.itreel, between Sixth anI btllaafb -trc.-t-, 'libe-rty toiiifoiinhi- übl i v heat i , aid tLegemral, that l*e lib hi Itin-J. '...:. , tu-is tlowabout tc lliatiiil.etlii. all Uu, ! Iik, sttih . l.i,li.s' Front-Kb and b.-.kffeja Katf Vbjß, Toaaera, Bead, Ladi.-.'l'iaijs ; itl*.,, i.p..lie.l..(Ualtuwoik will be 111 i.i '.> ol.lei oil lb, -b.'ltt tid WatI,utted lo L (it lot to ..11) Hi the

and t hildi n*a hair eattwg, die-.--irling,in tbe U-st styb,from to till I mi4 o'clock. puce will be jadI t

he ?IJt*ICE.?I itizt*a-t of Henrico countye-e-ttng to reteivt county SALT tbi* I'*--

wtll send aa many bogs o. they eau span- w tlxCounty Court-Houses prior to the loth day of Oct**-ber next, as the State Agent,Colonel C!ark*ui. *u">that Henrico county must furniah bag*, e-fh.t *>.-*\u25a0he conut-t furnish her quotaof SALT; one Ibaeaaß I,or one thouaand tire- buittlred aaeka are want.-IMr. M C. Eirglestou, at the salt-room, will .pittterttoua for thenumber of Ui-rs left with hiui, at tbenametime, Mr Eirxb-s-toti will deliver *-ALI Ipersona who havetoiled to call tor lb.- aaaaa thb year.

ae 23?»t Agent lor Henrico BOM

remain at my ofß.-t- in tbe Couuly Couithou-siJaily from t» o'clock A. M to -> P. M. until Hi. Mhday of the prvsvut lii-utb. ,ss, pt. ml*, t,' t" r>--'>-the-TAXES k-lie>l by the I'ourt to punbjie-c prwi i-

-ions for the stilferuig poor of the- comity. II is

very deairabte to realue the amount at oucv thatthe purchase- may be mode during tin early fall.

GEORGE D.sea?to Sheriff of Henricocomity.

VTOTIC'E?As it ia ini|»o«itible either toj_% purchase provi-ton* in HeriTico, or to ;-\u25a0 ttnuis«i*ortaUo« ftcm th« Mouth, tbe Justices of ihoPeace .in- t.spu-sted to i.-*ue no rtnut pn.ii.-ioii n> k-,t. iii.til lh>- Istof Deoeeiitcr, by which fun. it ishopedthe pU'siclilcorn i rop will be* iv coltdlltuUtoU vied. GEOKGE D. PLEASANT**,

(a? ji?Ht PunttA-nter Agaaj for HearKt..

PhKNTAL NUTtOK.?U. W. Ji»Ni:sI f SURGEON DENTliri', lining opriM-d -»othicon Fioitktiu siis,-<b betweea Eighthaad Ntulh\u25a0treet*. fourth doorhv-tu'the cwiuerof Eutbfb, tl., *-)

wbeing hi* aitrvkoa cab a*e bim bom tt to J. andbum 4 to8, onTuesday*, Thuradaysaud Satunbtya.

ae H-lm»

TUX lX)TOMAC\~Per»ca>a dVAY ***** at getag to the Fubimßa. by |Bttuig

Bjapmaaaayetbi cansemis auti in a rhntT*** \u25a0"-"?

eaaaaaaa ad aaaatoreai ahwraea. applr at letMaste Urn&*«* » and llo'sbadw

IMrhwoitfj §18^4

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