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DBMS (Oracle)........................................................ Page 1 of 5 ...............................................................................IMT-37

Institute of Management Technology

Centre for Distance Learning A16, Site 3, UPSIDC Industrial Area, Meerut Road, Ghaziabad - 201 003

Subject Code: IMT-37 Subject Name : DBMS (ORACLE) Objectives 1. To understand the basic principles of DBMS. 2. To be able to design a database. Contents A. DATA BASE CONCEPTS

1. Database Models The Hierarchical Database Model The Network Database Model The Relational Database Model

2. Design Concepts Basic Modeling Concepts Data Models : Degrees of Data Abstraction The Entity Relationship (E-R) Model Developing an E-R Diagram

3. Normalization of Database Tables The Need for Normalization Conversion to First Normal Form Conversion to Second Normal Form Conversion to Third Normal Form The Boyce-Cod Normal Form (BCNF)

4. Advanced Database Transaction Management and Concurrency Control Distributed Database Management Systems Object Oriented Databases Client/Server Systems The Data Warehouse


1. The Oracle Architecture Database and Instances Logical Structure of a Database Schema and Schema Objects Physical Structure of a Database The Data Dictionary Oracle Processes and Memory Structure

2. Database Startup and Shutdown Starting an Instance Mounting the Database Opening the Database Setup Automatic Database Startup Automatic Database Startup and Shutdown

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3. Database Creation Procedure Initial Database Creation Startup Create new Tablespace Creating new Database using CREATE DATABASE Command

4. Managing Rollback Segments Overview of rollback segments Contents: of a rollback segments Monitoring rollback segments Space usage Creating rollback segments

5. Managing Scheme Objects Managing space of Data Block Managing Tables Procedure to calculate the space Requirement of Non-Clustered Tables Managing Views and Sequences

6. Backup and Recovery Process Planning for backup and causes of system failure Overview of backup and recovery process Backup and recovery in UNIX environment

7. Managing Users Creating and Removing Users The Data Dictionary view for User Rights Managing Users Security

8. Database Privileges and Auditing System level roles Managing Privileges Listing Grants Auditing

9. Understanding SQL Net Introduction to SQL 'Net SQL 'Net V1 SQL 'Net V2 Multi-protocol Interchange

10. Application Tuning Tuning SQL Tuning new Database Diagnostic and Tuning Tools The Oracle 7 Cost-based

References 1. Understanding Oracle, James T. Perry Joseph G. Lateer, BPB Publications 2. Oracle, 3rd Edition, George Koch, Kevin Loney, McGraw Hill 3. Oracle How to - Edward Honour, Techmedia 4. Data Base System, Rob Coronel (Galgotia) 5. Learn Oracle 8 In 21 Days, Ed Whalen (Techmedia)

Notes: a. Write answers in your own words as far as possible and refrain from copying from the text books/handouts. b. Answers of Ist Set (Part-A & Part-B), IInd Set (Part-C, Part-D), IIIrd Set (Short Answer Questions) and Case

Study must be sent together. c. Mail the answer sheets alongwith the copy of assignments for evaluation & return. d. Only hand written assignments shall be accepted.

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Subject Code: IMT-37 Subject Name: DBMS (ORACLE)

A. First Set of Assignments: Part-A : 5 Marks & Part-B : 5 Marks. Each question carries 1 marks. B. Second Set of Assignments: Part-C : 5 Marks & Part-D : 5 Marks. Each question carries 1 marks. C. Third Set of Assignments: 20 Short Answer Questions : 10 Marks. Each question carries ½ marks.

Confine your answers to 150 to 200 Words. D. Forth Set of Assignments: Two Case Studies : 10 Marks. Each case study carries 5 marks.


1. Classify various database models used in database programming. Explain ER model in detail. 2. Explain how various normalization rules helps in removing redundancy from a database design.

Differentiate between 3rd and BCNF rules. 3. How the implementation and design of object oriented database systems is different from non object

oriented database systems. 4. Explain how the architecture of Distributed database management system is different from client server

architecture. 5. What are different types of fragmentation schemes possible in distributed database management system?

PART– B 1. Explain various SQL joins using suitable examples. How nested queries are different from joins? 2. What are various transaction concurrency problems? Explain how these can be checked using locking

protocol. 3. How the problems of transaction failures can be checked using Redo Log files? Also explain the

significance of Commit and Rollback statements. 4. Explain how data retrieval can be improved using Table Indexes and Table partitioning. 5. Name and explain various Database schema object.

PART – C 1. Write a short note on stored procedures, packages in reference to Oracle. Give code to explain how

procedures are defined in packages. 2. What is the role of database triggers? Explain various different types of triggers including instead of

triggers. 3. What do you understand by Oracle Instance? Explain oracle memory structure in reference to all

processes in Oracle instance. 4. Explain Oracle database schema in reference to Physical and Logical layer. Also explain relationship

between tablespaces and data files. 5. Explain the role of Oracle Enterprise Manager in configuring and managing Oracle database.

PART– D 1. What is the role of init.ora file in Oracle database? Explain various parameters in init.ora file. 2. How is database security control mechanism different from system security control mechanism? What are

the steps involved in the startup and shutdown mechanism of database? 3. Explain the role of SYS and SYSTEM User ID in Oracle database. What all privileges are given to new

user created in Oracle. Give supporting SQL command. 4. What are various memory segments in oracle? Explain their respective roles.

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5. What is the role of database views in a database management system?


1. Explain advantages of DBMS over File based system 2. How is database views different from tables? 3. What do you understand by background process? 4. What is a data block? 5. What are various types of database failures? 6. Name the various Oracle data types. 7. What are the functions of system processes? 8. What is the role of user processes? 9. What are various domain level constraints in DBMS. 10. Explain referential integrity constraint taking suitable examples. 11. How is shared lock different from exclusive lock? 12. What is dead lock in locking mechanism? 13. What is client-server architecture? 14. How is database security different from system security? 15. Differentiate between relational algebra and relational calculus notations. 16. Write a short note on two phase commit? 17. What is the function of rollback segment? 18. Differentiate between Row level and statement level triggers? 19. Differentiate between on-line and off-line backup? 20. What are various database replication techniques?


$100 million chain of general stores is struggling to implement information system. Due to lack of proper information system, the store management is unable to maintain the daily records of customers, products sold, and there is a total confusion on reports like demand and supply of products in various retail outlets,

etc leading to a poor supply chain management. The basic requirement of the information system is to manage data for customers, products, demand and supply records in particular retail outlets, quantity supplied and available, payments made by customers, etc. That is to develop a small supply chain management system.

A Question

Suggest the database design for above system with ER model using UML notations.


big manufacturing industry in consumer goods located in different countries is facing huge loses due to mismanaged data. Existing system is not capable enough to tackle the integration of various key departments like: stores, shop floor, plant maintenance, manufacturing, quality, sales and distribution, etc.

One department is not in a position to know the status of process and items available in other. E.g. sales department while bidding for the orders, can not calculate the existing capacity, product balance in warehouse, etc. Management want to integrate at least purchase, manufacturing and sales department of the organization to start with.

A Questions

1. Purpose process flow of purchase, manufacturing and sales departments.

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2. Give ER diagram for the above process flow.

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