Page 1: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species


VocabularyImportant words/phrases

Page 2: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species obtains what it needs to survive and reproduce.

Page 3: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

Every species has its own range of tolerance, the ability to survive and reproduce under a range of environmental circumstances.

Page 4: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

Organisms have an upper and lower limit of tolerance for every environmental factor. Beyond those limits, the organism cannot survive.

Page 5: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

When an environmental condition, such as temperature, extends in either direction beyond an organism’s optimum range, the organism experiences stress.

The organism must expend more energy to maintain homeostasis, and so has less energy left for growth and reproduction.

Page 6: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

A species’ tolerance for environmental conditions, then, helps determine its habitat—the general place where an organism lives.

Page 7: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

The term resource can refer to any necessity of life, such as water, nutrients, light, food, or space.

For plants, resources can include sunlight, water, and soil nutrients.

For animals, resources can include nesting space, shelter, types of food, and places to feed.

Page 8: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

Part of an organism’s niche involves the abiotic factors it requires for survival.

Most amphibians, for example, lose and absorb water through their skin, so they must live in moist places.

Page 9: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

Biological aspects of an organism’s niche involve the biotic factors it requires for survival.

Birds on Christmas Island all live in the same habitat but they prey on fish of different sizes and feed in different places.

Page 10: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

Polar bears live in the arctic. The arctic is their

a. niche.b. habitat.c. tolerance.d. microclimate.

Page 11: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

Which of the following is a biological aspect of an organism’s niche?

a. the water in the areab. the way it gets foodc. amount of sunlightd. composition of soil

Page 12: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

How one organism interacts with other organisms is an important part of defining its niche.

Competition occurs when organisms attempt to use the same limited ecological resource in the same place at the same time.

Page 13: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

Competition between members of the same species.

Page 14: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

Competition between members of different species.

Page 15: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

Direct competition between different species almost always produces a winner and a loser—and the losing species dies out.

Dotted line – grown separatelySolid line – grown together

Page 16: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

The competitive exclusion principle states that no two species can occupy exactly the same niche in exactly the same habitat at exactly the same time.

Page 17: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

Instead of competing for similar resources, species usually divide them.

Page 18: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

The resources utilized by these species are similar yet different. Therefore, each species has its own niche and competition is minimized.

Page 19: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

No two species can occupy the same niche in the same habitat at the same time

a. because of the interactions that shape the ecosystem.

b. unless the species require different abiotic factors.

c. because of the competitive exclusion principle.

d. unless the species require different biotic factors.

Page 20: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

Several species of warblers can live in the same spruce tree ONLY because they

a. have different habitats within the tree.

b. don’t eat food from the tree.c. occupy different niches within the tree.

d. can find different temperatures within the tree.

Page 21: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

An interaction in which one animal (the predator) captures and feeds on another animal (the prey) is called predation.

Page 22: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

Predators can affect the size of prey populations in a community and determine the places prey can live and feed.Idealized computer model

Page 23: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

An interaction in which one animal (the herbivore) feeds on producers (such as plants) is called herbivory.

Page 24: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

Herbivores, like a ring-tailed lemur, can affect both the size and distribution of plant populations in a community and determine the places that certain plants can survive and grow.

Page 25: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

A keystone species is one whose impact on its community or ecosystem is disproportionately large relative to its abundance .

Page 26: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

A species whose very presence contributes to the diversity of life and whose extinction would result in the extinction of species dependant on it.

Page 27: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

The close and often long-term interactions between biological species.Mutualism ParasitismCommensalism

Page 28: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

Also known as cooperation.

Both organisms gain a fitness benefit.Ex, clown fish

and anemone

Page 29: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

Relationships in which one organism lives inside or on another organism and harms it.

Generally, parasites weaken but do not kill their host, which is usually larger than the parasite.

Page 30: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

A relationship in which one organism benefits and the other is neither helped nor harmed.Ex, barnacles on


Page 31: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

Ecosystems change over time, especially after disturbances, as some species die out and new species move in.

Ecological succession is a series of more-or-less predictable changes that occur in a community over time.

Page 32: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

A symbiotic relationship in which both species benefit is

a. commensalism.b. mutualism.c. predation.d. parasitism.

Page 33: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

A symbiotic relationship in which one organism is harmed and the other benefits is

a. mutualism.b. parasitism.c. commensalism.d. predation.

Page 34: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

Volcanic explosions can create new land or sterilize existing areas.

Retreating glaciers can have the same effect, leaving only exposed bare rock behind them.

Page 35: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

Succession that begins in an area with no remnants of an older community is called primary succession.

Page 36: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

The first species to colonize barren areas are called pioneer species.

One ecological pioneer that grows on bare rock is lichen—a mutualistic symbiosis between a fungus and an alga.

Page 37: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

Sometimes, existing communities are not completely destroyed by disturbances. In these situations, secondary succession occurs.

Page 38: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

Secondary succession proceeds faster than primary succession, in part because soil survives the disturbance. As a result, new and surviving vegetation can regrow rapidly.

Page 39: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

Every organism changes the environment it lives in.

One model of succession suggests that as one species alters its environment, other species find it easier to compete for resources and survive.

Page 40: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

Healthy coral reefs and tropical rain forests often recover from storms, and healthy temperate forests and grasslands recover from wildfires.

Page 41: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

Ecosystems may or may not recover from extensive human-caused disturbances.

Clearing and farming of tropical rain forests, for example, can change the microclimate and soil enough to prevent regrowth of the original community.

Page 42: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

Primary succession would most likely occur after

a. a forest fire.b. a lava flow.c. farm land is abandoned.d. a severe storm.

Page 43: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

An example of a human-caused disturbance isa. a hurricane.b. forest-clearing.c. wildfires.d. growing lichens.

Page 44: IN Headings Vocabulary Important words/phrases. A niche is the range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species

What is one difference between primary and secondary succession?

a. Primary succession is rapid and secondary succession is slow.

b. Secondary succession begins on soil and primary succession begins on newly exposed surfaces.

c. Primary succession modifies the environment and secondary succession does not.

d. Secondary succession begins with lichens and primary succession begins with trees.

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