Page 1: “…in His Image” (Gen 1:26) In His Image Gen 1:3-25 - look at the structure 1:3-5; 1:20-23 - Similar pattern 1:26 - Pattern change! Not “Let there be…”
Page 2: “…in His Image” (Gen 1:26) In His Image Gen 1:3-25 - look at the structure 1:3-5; 1:20-23 - Similar pattern 1:26 - Pattern change! Not “Let there be…”
Page 3: “…in His Image” (Gen 1:26) In His Image Gen 1:3-25 - look at the structure 1:3-5; 1:20-23 - Similar pattern 1:26 - Pattern change! Not “Let there be…”

“…in His Image”

(Gen 1:26)

Page 4: “…in His Image” (Gen 1:26) In His Image Gen 1:3-25 - look at the structure 1:3-5; 1:20-23 - Similar pattern 1:26 - Pattern change! Not “Let there be…”

In His Image

Gen 1:3-25 - look at the structure 1:3-5; 1:20-23 - Similar pattern 1:26 - Pattern change!

Not “Let there be…” but “Let US… in OUR image” Man reflects the image of God!

Image of God not physical - God is spirit! Mental, Moral, Social, Eternal… The image of God is what constitutes man’s nobility above

the rest of creation

Page 5: “…in His Image” (Gen 1:26) In His Image Gen 1:3-25 - look at the structure 1:3-5; 1:20-23 - Similar pattern 1:26 - Pattern change! Not “Let there be…”

The “breaking” of the image…

Gen 1:31 - Everything was “very good” Gen 3 - The serpent shows up…

Gen 3:1-3 - Why not to eat of the fruit Gen 3:4-5 - The answer of the serpent

You will not die… You will be like God! However, remember Gen 1:26-27!

Gen 3:22 Knowing “good” and “evil” 3:8, 12, 13; 4:8 The image is broken

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Page 7: “…in His Image” (Gen 1:26) In His Image Gen 1:3-25 - look at the structure 1:3-5; 1:20-23 - Similar pattern 1:26 - Pattern change! Not “Let there be…”


Page 8: “…in His Image” (Gen 1:26) In His Image Gen 1:3-25 - look at the structure 1:3-5; 1:20-23 - Similar pattern 1:26 - Pattern change! Not “Let there be…”

Without God’s image

Distorted image = broken relationship Gen 3:22-24 - Adam and Eve have to leave the Garden

Image of and relationship with God tightly connected Man designed to function best in God’s image Away from that image man will not function at best

Lost ability to recognize the need for God - Gen 4, 6, 11 Greater difficulty finding God without a guide

Distorted image without the original By himself man with distorted image cannot find God

Page 9: “…in His Image” (Gen 1:26) In His Image Gen 1:3-25 - look at the structure 1:3-5; 1:20-23 - Similar pattern 1:26 - Pattern change! Not “Let there be…”

Struggles without an image

…even with a Guide Exodus - Israel to have relationship with God The Law (a guide) - to set Israel apart

Lev 11:44-45 - Be holy for I am holy! Ex 20:4 - Do not make an image - worship Me! Ex 32:1-4 - The people make an image Deut 4:15-18 - God cannot be constrained into an image

A distorted image of God in us We lose the ability to look “upwards” to God We start making other ‘gods’ - but where is His image?

Page 10: “…in His Image” (Gen 1:26) In His Image Gen 1:3-25 - look at the structure 1:3-5; 1:20-23 - Similar pattern 1:26 - Pattern change! Not “Let there be…”

The Guide and the Example

We have a Guide! Only God could provide it! Psalm 32:8, 119:105 - His Word is our Guide

We have an Example - Jesus Col 1:15 - He is the image of God Heb 1:3 - the exact representation of [God’s] nature Phil 2:6-7 - Jesus made flesh Heb 4:15 - Like us, but without sin Jesus as a man was a Perfect Man - a man in God’s image Perfect relationship between God and the man in His image

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To be in His image…

…be in His image! 1 John 2:5b-6 - Walk as He walked Col 3:5-11 - A process! Rom 12:2 - Starts with our mind

Love Him and keep His commandments 1 John 2:3-6 - to walk as He walked see vv. 3, 5 John 14:15 - Connection between love and obedience

1 John 5:3; 2 John 1:6

Do not lower the standard Lev 11:44-45, 19:2, 20:7, 26; Eph 1:4; Matt 5:48; 1 Pet 1:13-16 We were made to be that that way!

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“…in His Image”

(Gen 1:26)

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