
Your Personality Creates Your Personal Reality

In my recent studies of the human brain I came across the author who’s work completely

blew my mind! Joe Dispenza, D.C., studied biochemistry at Rutgers University. Holding a

Bachelor of Science degree with an emphasis in neuroscience, and earning his Doctor of

Chiropractic from Life University in Atlanta, he has received postgraduate training and

continuing education in neurology, neuroscience, brain function and chemistry, cellular

biology, memory formation, and aging and longevity. Let's just say, he is a smart guy! My

curiosity began after watching a YouTube video “How to Stop Being Yourself: Dr. Joe

Dispenza on How to Reprogram Your Mind.” Well, to make a long story short, one video

led to another, which led to his YouTube channel, which led to holding his book, Breaking

the Habit of Being Yourself How to Loose Your Mind and Create a New One, in my

hands. If you are like me, you are probably wondering what this all means! Does he want us

to go insane? I'd like to keep my sanity, please! Wait! It gets good, I promise!

To my surprise, the book was very inspiring and hard to put down. In fact, it has earned

its place to become one of my favorites! I'll go even further by saying it is one of the best I

have EVER read! Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself is easy to process, digest and

absorb, and combines quantum physics (yes, I said quantum physics), neuroscience, brain

chemistry, biology and genetics to explain WHY and HOW we create our life using the tool

of all tools, our body’s CEO, our brain! Have you ever heard the expression “ Your

Personality Creates Your Personal Reality?” I have not until I came across this amazing book

in my recent studies.

Simply put, “… the quantum model of reality tells us that to change our lives, we must

fundamentally change the ways we think, act and feel. We must change our state of being.

Because how we think, feel, and behave is, in essence, our personality, it is our personality

that creates our personal reality. So to create a new personal reality, a new life, we must

create a new personality; we must become somebody else.”, - says Dr. Joe Dispenza. I want

you to pause for a second, take a deep breath and really think about what you've just read.

Did you know that we process between 50,000 to 90,000 thoughts every day, 90% of

which are automatic and subconscious? We get up on the same side of the bed, brush our

teeth the same exact way we did the day before, we have the same morning routine, we drive

the same route to work, we hangout with the same people, etc., but yet we secretly expect a

new life. The good news is since you created this loop, you can end it. Hence, we are not

doomed to remain the same. Furthermore, one of the most exciting lessons I have learned is

that people can literally change their brains and change their lives by unlearning the old self

(old behaviors) and creating the new self. I highly recommend you learn this lesson

yourselves by investing in this phenomenal book! It won't be anything less of life changing!

Let's review, shall we? Your new thoughts lead to new choices. New choices lead to new

behaviors. New behaviors lead to new experiences. New experiences create new emotions,

and, lastly, new emotions and feelings lead you to new ways of thinking. Dr. Joe Dispenza


calls it “evolution.” As a result, your personal reality should change as a result of this new

personality. In the end, it all starts with a thought.

My sincere wish is that you, too, decide to break the habit of being yourself and create a new

destiny and life you desire.


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