  • 8/12/2019 In the Eye of the Beholder: How College Students View Graphic Design


    Io tad Dyd

    fl tad MdafjndrAfw Hfjjdcd Xtundots \idw Crgpaih Ndsico

    Bgtadriod Ag`mfr

    Mghhgjgurdgtd Afofrs Urfcrg`

    ]indr Toivdrsity, =57>

  • 8/12/2019 In the Eye of the Beholder: How College Students View Graphic Design



    Io tad Dyd fl tad Mdafjndr; Afw Hfjjdcd Xtundots \idw Crgpaih Ndsico


    Crgpaih ndsicois ndodngs gjjvisugj `dnig hrdgtdn wita typfcrgpay, ijjustrgtifo,paftfcrgpay, Rgon/frP priotioc lfr tad purpfsds flpdrsugsifo, iolfr`gtifo, fr iostruhtifo(Jiviocstfo gon Jiviocstfo 77>-774). @goy pdfpjd nf oft rdgjizd afw f`oiprdsdot ndsico

    ghtugjjy isio tadir jivds. It is dvdrywadrd; io fur tdxtmffbs, fo mijjmfgrns, fo tad tdjdvisifo, fo furdjdhtrfoih ndvihds. Dvdo tad pjgio tdxt io ofvdjsgon stunids suha gs tais hfotgio crgpaih ndsico.Gs it is suha g jgrcd pgrt fl jild, it is g wfondr afw ldw pdfpjdrdgjizd its pfwdrluj ioudohd fo

    ngy-tf-ngy jivds. ^afuca ofo-ndsicodrsgrd oft dxpdhtdn tf oftihd, crgpaih ndsicodrs dvdry ngy

    grd put tf tad tgsb fl ioudohioc ftadrs wita tadir ndsico bofwjdncd. Io frndr tf nf tagt, tady

    oddn tf bofw wagt wijj gon wfot wfrb mgsdn fo afw ftadrs vidw tad ndsicos wita waiha tady

    grd prdsdotdn.^ais is g qugotitgtivd stuny fo afw uoivdrsity gon hfjjdcd stundotsofo-ndsicodrs gon

    ndsicodrs gjibd gy vidw tad crgpaih ndsico io tadir dvdryngy jivds. Gs crgpaih ndsico ags mddo

    hgtdcfrizdn gs pgrt fl tad hf``uoihgtifo ionustry,gjj ndsico wfrb is usdn io frndr tf

    hf``uoihgtd wita tad pumjih, gon tadrdlfrd ndsicodrs `ust uondrstgon afw tad pumjih wijj rdght

    tf suha hf``uoihgtifos.

    Crgpaih ndsicodr Cfrnfo Xgjhafw dxpjgios, RCrgpaih ndsicosP pddrs

    grd tad jimdrgj grts, suha gs `usih gon jitdrgturd, rgtadr tago grhaitdhturd fr ionustrigj ndsico,tadrdlfrd stdppioc gwgy lrf` tad ionustrigj grts(F``do 753). Crgpaih ndsico ags gjsf mddo

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    iotdrprdtdn gs `frd pri`itivd tago tad od grts io frndr tf md `frd gttgiogmjdlfr tad `gssds,

    dvdo il tad `gssds nf oft rdgjizd suha g taioc is agppdoioc(F``do 753).

    Iofrndr tf hfotdxtugjizd afw stundots pdrhdivd ndsico, it is rst hruhigj tf uondrstgon

    wagt tad ndsico shafjgrs mdjidvd tf md cffn fr mgn ndsico. ^ais stuny tadrdlfrd jffbs gt tad

    nfs gon nfots fl ndsico my jffbioc gt afw tf mffbs wita tad uondrstgonioc tagt goy

    tdhaoiquds tagt grd hfosindrdn tf md tad ricat wgy tf ndsico is dssdotigjjy tad sg`d gs sgyioc

    tais is wagt wfrbs.

    Agvioc survdydnmghbcrfuon rdsdgrha, tad sdhfon pgrt fl tais stuny wijj dxpjgiotad

    survdy fl stundots gon tad survdys rdsujts. ^ais survdy wijj lfjjfw tad rdvidw fl ndsico shafjgrs

    fvdrgjj dstgmjisadn ndsico `dtafnfjfcids.It wijj tadomd gogjyzdn ghhfrnioc tf ndsico shafjgrsprdvifus stunids gon priohipjds gs wdjj gs stundots `gkfrs, cdondrs, gon hjgss rgobiocs.


    ^ais stunys jibdjy hfohjusifo wijj md tagt ofo-ndsico stundots wijj md jibdjy tf md lfon fl

    ndsico styjds tagt ndsicodrs hfosindr tf md mgn gon/fr tad wfrst ndsico hafihds. ^ais stuny gjsf

    afpds tf mdttdr dxpjgio tf ofo-ndsicodrs wagt mdttdr ndsico hafihds grd gon way tadsd mdttdr

    hafihds safujn md upadjn.

    Fpdrgtivd ndoitifos

    ^ais stuny `fstjy lfhusds fo afw hfjjdcd stundots sdd gon rdspfon tf typfcrgpay, fr tad

    grrgocd`dot gon spdhihgtifo fl typd io prdpgrgtifo lfr priotioc(Jiviocstfo gon Jiviocstfo

    =83). Io typfcrgpay, tad spdhih ndsico fl jdttdrs gon ftadr typfcrgpaihgj sy`mfjs `gbd up g

    typdlghd, fr gjpagmdt hrdgtdn lfr tad purpfsd fl rdprfnuhtifoR...P RgPvgijgmjd io g wind vgridty fl

    ndsicos gon sizds(=84). ^ad wfrn typdlghdtdons tf md hfolusdn witalfot, waiha is g lujj sdt fl

    cjypas, fr ndsicos fl jdttdrs, io g civdo sizd (Mriocaurst 889). Uut si`pjy my Djjdo Juptfo, nirdhtfr

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    fl tad Crgpaih Ndsico @LG prfcrg` gt @gryjgon Iostitutd Hfjjdcd fl Grt (@IHG), G typdlghdis

    tad ndsico fl tad jdttdrlfr`s2 glfotis tad ndjivdry `dhagois` (Juptfo 17).

    ^ypdlghds iohjund hgpitgjfr uppdr hgsd jdttdrstafsd jdttdrs tagt wijj mdcio g sdotdohd fr

    g prfpdr ofuogonjfwdr hgsd jdttdrs, waiha grd tad s`gjj jdttdrsio tad gjpagmdtgon grd usdn gt

    gjj ftadr ti`ds. ^ad vdry tfp fl tad hgpitgj jdttdrs is hgjjdn tad hgp adicat, waiha ndtdr`iods tad

    tftgj adicat fl gjj tad jdttdrs io tad jiod (Juptfo 83). ^ad mfttf` jiod tagt tad jdttdrs sit fo is hgjjdn

    tad mgsdjiod (83). Gpprfxi`gtdjy agjlwgy mdtwddo tadsd jiods is tad x-adicat, fr tad adicat fl tad

    `gio mfny fl jfwdrhgsd jdttdrs, gon cdts its og`d lrf` tad adicat fl tad jfwdrhgsd jdttdr x (83).

    Jfwdrhgsd jdttdrs gjsf agvd dxtdondrs, fr pgrts fl tad jdttdr tagt dxtdon mdjfw tad mgsdjiod

    ndshdondrsfr gmfvd tad x-adicatgshdondrs (Mriocaurst 889).

    Sado typd is io g jgrcd mjfhb fl tdxt, itis hgjjdn g mfny hfpy fr mfny tdxt, gon usugjjy

    hf`prisds fl tad priohipgj `gss fl hfotdot (Juptfo 13). Sado tais tdxt is waitd, fr goftadr jicat

    hfjfr, fo g mjghb mghbcrfuon, fr goftadr ngrb hfjfr, tais is hgjjdn rdvdrsdn typd (Juptfo 75>). Io

    jgrcd qugotitids, rdvdrsdn typd is nilhujt tf rdgn.

    Bdroioc is tad gnkust`dot fl spghd mdtwddo twf jdttdrs (Juptfo 75=). ^ais is fhhgsifogjjy

    oddndn mdhgusd tad spghd mdtwddo hdrtgio jdttdrs `gy md tff jgrcd fr tff s`gjj. Gnnioc fr

    sumtrghtioc spghd mdtwddo g jgrcd g`fuot fl tdxtgt fohdsuha gs go dotird sdotdohd fr

    pgrgcrgpais hgjjdn trghbioc fr jdttdrspghioc (Juptfo 75>). Gnnioc spghd io mdtwddo is hgjjdn

    pfsitivd trghbioc gon sumtrghtioc spghd is hgjjdn odcgtivd trghbioc. Odcgtivd trghbioc is usugjjy

    oft ndsirgmjd gt s`gjj tdxt sizds gs it hgo md nilhujt tf rdgn (75>). ^rghbioc is `dgsurdn io

    tafusgons fl go d`, fr tad nistgohd dqugj tf tad typd sizd (Mriocaurst 889).

    ^adrd grd sdvdrgj mrfgn hgtdcfrids my waiha typdlghds hgo md ndodn. Xdril typdlghds,

    gjsf bofwo gs rf`go, grd tafsd tagt pfssdss hagrghtdristih tdr`iogj strfbdRsP ofr`gjjy gt tad

    mfttf` fl `gio strfbds fl jdttdrs, (Jiviocstfo gon Jiviocstfo =73). Xf`d `gio sdril typdlghds

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    iohjund Mgsbdrvijjd, Hgsjfo, Cgrg`fon, gonCdfrcig, gjj fl waiha grdusdn io tais stuny.^ad rstisMgsbdrvijjd, ndsicodn my Kfao Mgsbdrvijjd (735

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    sdril gon sgos sdril, mut grd cdodrgjjy oft usdn lfr jfoc mfnids fl tdxt gs tady grd nilhujt tf rdgn.

    Gs Xdnnfo dxpjgios, tadsd typdlghds gppdgj rdjids fo tad odwodss fl its ndsico (Gng`s dt gj.

    8 mgsdn fo tad jdttdrioc usdn io =5ta

    hdotury G`drihgo hf`ihs. Its jdttdrs civd it g kguoty, haijnjibd qugjity tagt ags `gnd it pfpujgr

    lfr iolfr`gj nfhu`dots, tafuca its lrdqudot usd io prfldssifogj nfhu`dots ags hrdgtdn

    windsprdgn ndouohigtifo, dspdhigjjy my tafsd io tad prfldssifogj ndsico hf``uoity (Jiviocstfo

    gon Jiviocstfo41)3. Hf`ih Xgos wgs ndsicodn lfr tad @ihrfsflt Mfm, g wfrn prfhdssioc sfltwgrdpghbgcd iotdondn tf md usdr-lridonjy wita g hgrtffo nfc. Gjtafuca Hf`ih Xgos wgs dvdotugjjy

    oft usdn lfr Mfm gon iostdgn usdn lfr @ihrfsflt @fvid @gbdr, Hfoogrd wisadn lfr tad typdlghd

    tf md usdn lfr @ihrfsflts dnuhgtifogj sfltwgrd lfr haijnrdo (Cgrdjn 7774). Goftadr typdlghd

    tagt nrgws hritihis` gon is usdn io tais pgpdr is Ugpyrus, ndsicodn my Haris Hfstdjjf lfrJdtrgsdt1. Gjfod, Ugpyrusis oft g tdrrimjd lfot, mut it ags rdghadn tad umiquitfus pagsd fl mdioc

    sf hjiha lfr goytaioc lrf` shaffjhaijnrdos rdpfrts fo Dcypt tf rdstgurgot `dousdvdo tad

    Kg`ds Hg`drfo j` Gvgtgrsiohd its hrdgtifo io tad `in-7915s (Cgrdjn 853).

    Goftadr ndhfrgtivd typdlghd, tafuca oft tdrrimjd jibd tad ftadrs, isXodjj ]fuonagonRXodjj]fuonagonP9, goftadr typdlghd my @gttadw Hgrtdr. Mgsdn fo tad dicatddota-hdotury

    hgjjicrgpaih styjd (Cgrdjn

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    prfvind g `dniu` lfr ndsicodrs tf ght gs gutafrs (Midrut ). Ad tado pfiots fut, Lfr wagt is

    crdgt gmfut Xwiss `fndrois` Rg ndsico styjd wita g jft fl AdjvdtihgP wgs tagt goyfod hfujn nf it.

    Yfu ninot agvd tf agvd go gutafrigj pfiot fl vidw, pfjitihgj hfovihtifo, fr dvdo md pgrtihujgrjy

    tgjdotdn ().^adrdlfrd crgpaih ndsico is tadrd lfr dvdryfod tf hrdgtd gon dxpdridohd, dvdo

    witafut goy lfr`gj trgioioc.Hfosu`drs gon g`gtdur ndsicodrs `gy tado dokfy wagt ndsicodrswfujn hfosindr uoghhdptgmjd, suha gs tad typdlghd Hf`ih Xgos (tadrd is dvdo g mffb titjdn ^afu

    Xagjj Oft Tsd Hf`ih Xgos) fr typioc jfoc pgrgcrgpas io gjj hgpitgj jdttdrs. Gs hfosu`drs grd prfod tf

    tadsd g`gtdurisa crgpaih ndsico prghtihds, ndsicodrs `gy try tf tgbd it upfo tad`sdjvds tf x

    suha wrfocnfiocsgon tdgha ofo-ndsicodrs way hdrtgio tdhaoiquds safujn fr safujnot md usdn.Gs g rdsujt, ofo-ndsicodrs hfujn afpdlujjyjdgro afw tf mdttdr hf``uoihgtd visugj indgs tf ftadrs

    io g `frd prfldssifogj gon gppdgjioc `goodr.

    Xurvdy fl jitdrgturd

    ^ad Djd`dots fl ^ypfcrgpaih Xtyjdmy ]fmdrt Mriocaurst is fod fl tad `fst i`pfrtgot mffbs

    gmfut typfcrgpay. Lirst pumjisadn io 799= gon ofw io its lfurta dnitifo, tad mffb spfrts g rdvidw

    my Adr`goo [gpl, Cdr`go typdlghd ndsicodr, gs ad stgtds, I wisa tf sdd tais mffb mdhf`d tad

    ^ypfcrgpadrs Mimjd (Mriocaurst). ^ad `gougj ghts gs g styjd cuind, g aistfry jdssfo, gon go

    dohyhjfpdnig fo typfcrgpaih hfohdpts gon sy`mfjs. ^ais mffb ags mddo go i`pfrtgot pgrt fl tais

    stuny gs it adjps dxpjgio tad luong`dotgjs fl tad hrglt gon way hdrtgio styjds safujn fr safujn oft

    md usdn.Il ^ad Djd`dots fl ^ypfcrgpaih Xtyjd is tad typfcrgpadrs Mimjd, tado ^afuXagjj Oft Tsd Hf`ih

    Xgosmy Xdgo Gng`s, Udtdr Ngwsfo, Kfao Lfstdr, gon ^foy Xdnnfo is tad ^do Hf``gon`dots.

    Afwdvdr, tais mffb nfds oft stfp gt tdo gon rgtadr hfotiouds tf 8

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    Goftadr typfcrgpay agonmffb usdn io tais stuny is ^aiobioc wita ^ypdmy Djjdo Juptfo fl

    @gryjgon Iostitutd Hfjjdcd fl Grt (@IHG) io Mgjti`frd. Juptfo usds tais mffb io hfursds sad

    tdghads gon ghts gs go iovgjugmjd rdsfurhd gon tdxtmffb lfr ndsico stundots. ^ad rdsfurhd wgs

    usdn tf uondrstgon tad prfpdr wgy tf ndsico wita typd waiha wgs tado trgosjgtdn iotf tad

    stunys survdy.Goftadr twf mffbs tagt gindntais stuny myndoioc crgpaih ndsico hfohdpts grd ^ad

    Gogtf`y fl ^ypd, my Xtdpado Hfjds, gon ^ad ^ag`ds & Aunsfo Nihtifogry fl Crgpaih Ndsico gon

    Ndsicodrsmy Gjgo gon Isgmdjjg Jiviocstfo. ^ad Gogtf`y fl ^ypdgjsf dxg`iods jdttdrlfr`s hjfsdjy

    gon io-ndpta. ^adNihtifogry fl Crgpaih Ndsico gon Ndsicodrsis pgrt fl g sdrids fl mffbs lrf` ^ag`ds

    & Aunsfos grt gon ndsico aistfry gon rdldrdohd mffbs.

    IoKust @y ^ypd, Xi`fo Cgrdjn prfvindsgo io-ndpta aistfry fl typfcrgpay styjds gon

    spdhih typdlghds, civioc iosicat tf afw ndsico trdons agvd sagpdn tad wfrjn. ^ais mffb ags

    prfvdn usdluj lfr ndoioc tad typdlghds usdn io tais stuny gon dspdhigjjy civdshfotdxt tf tad

    aistfry fl Hf`ih Xgos, gs Hf`ih Xgos is cdodrgjjy oft ghhdptgmjd dofuca tf md iohjundn io

    crgpaih ndsico `gougjs, nud tf its uoghhdptgmijity io tad crgpaih ndsico wfrjn.

    Cdt ]dgj; ^ad Oddn lfr Dlldhtivd Ndsico ]dsdgrhamy Haristfpadr Od`dta adjpdn hfotdxtugjizd

    crgpaih ndsico wita tad ght fl rdsdgrha.Gs crgpaihndsico is crfupdn wita hf``uoihgtifos, ittdons tf md tad prghtihd fl visugjizgtifo io frndr tf iolfr` gon/fr pdrsugnd (Od`dta 9>).

    Od`dta dxpjgios tagt tadrd grd `goy ndsico paijfsfpaids tagt cuind afw ndsicodrs `gbd ndsico

    ndhisifos, fod fl waiha std`s lrf` sd`iftihs, fr tad stuny, uondrstgonioc, gon iotdrprdtgtifo fl

    wagt tad gunidohd sdds (9>). Ndsicodrs gjsf usd tadir bofwjdncd fl au`go lghtfrs, fr au`go

    ji`its gon gmijitids fl pdrhdptifo, hfcoitifo, gon visugj sdosgtifo (suha gs tad iogmijity tf rdgn

    s`gjj tdxt lrf` lgr gwgy) tf hgtdr tf vidwdrs oddns (94).

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    G nissdrtgtifo my Mrdtt ]ihagrn F``do, ^ad Urftfhfj fl Nispjgy; Crgpaih Ndsico gon Uumjih

    I`gciogtifo, cgvd `frdghgnd`ih iosicat tf crgpaih ndsico lfr tais stuny. Sado it hf`ds tf tad

    nilldrdohds mdtwddo crgpaih ndsico gon grt, F``do dxpjgios, It is g pgrgnfxihgj pfsitifo lfr

    crgpaih ndsico, io tagt it is nispgrgcdn lfr docgcioc go gunidohd tagt is tff mrfgn tf md

    gpprfprigtdjy gpprdhigtivd fl tad prdsu`dn hf`pjdxitids fl od grt, gon tagt tad fojy wgy tf

    sfjvd tais prfmjd` is tf rdod its visugj prghtihds sf tagt `dgoioc mdhf`ds hjdgrdr (F``do

    75>). Mdhgusd `uha fl tad gunidohd hfosists fl ofo-ndsicodrs, tad mdgutiluj ndsicos `gnd grd

    dssdotigjjy nu`mdn nfwo lfr tafsd waf grd oft wdjj vdrsdn io ndsico, suha gs tafsd waf `gy

    dokfy Hf`ih Xgos. F``do gjsf dxpjgios tagt ndsicos wfrb mdst wado tad ndsicodr hgo prdniht

    wagt vidwdrs wijj lddj gon taiob fl waijd vidwioc gndsico. Gs tadrd grd sf `goy nilldrdot typds fl

    pdfpjd wita nilldrdot vidwpfiots, tais hfohdpt rgrdjy suhhddns (F``do 79=). Tondrstgonioc tais

    hfohdpt is dssdotigj tf tais stuny, gs it is i`pfrtgot tf rd`d`mdr tagt dvdryfod ags ais fr adrfwo

    migsds wado it hf`ds tf sddioc fr rdgnioc goytaioc, iohjunioc ndsico.

    G stuny my Xfd Mdidr gon Bdvio Jgrsfo,Afw nfds typdlghd lg`ijigrity glldht rdgnioc pdrlfr`gohd

    gon rdgndr prdldrdohd6lfhusds foafw tad lg`ijigrity fl dgha jdttdr wd rdgn `gy agvd ndvdjfpdnlrf` g jildti`d fl dxpfsurd tf hf``fo jdttdr sagpds. ^ad stuny gjsf pfsits tagt my spdonioc ti`d

    rdgnioc lrf` g pgrtihujgr typdlghd, g pdrsfo wfujn mdhf`d `frd lg`ijigr gon taus rdgn `frd

    dlhidotjy. ^ad stuny lfuon tagt hf``fo jdttdr sagpds grd oft, io lght, i`pfrtgot tf rdgnioc gs

    uolg`ijigr jdttdr sagpds wdrd. ^ad stuny gjsf lfuon tagt rdgnioc spddn wfujn i`prfvd tarfuca

    dxpfsurd (Mdidrgon Jgrsfo=9).

    D`ftifo io ^ypfcrgpaih Ndsico; Go D`pirihgj Dxg`iogtifomy Mdta Bfha stunids lfrty-twf

    pgrtihipgots dxg`iogtifos fl six typfcrgpaih gjpagmdts tf ndtdr`iod wadtadr typdlghds prfnuhd

    d`ftifogj rdspfosd, wadtadr tadsd d`ftifogj rdspfosds grd tad sg`d lrf` pdrsfo tf pdrsfo, gon

    wadtadr hdrtgio d`ftifos grd gssfhigtdn wita pgrtihujgr pgrts fl tad typdlghd ndsico (suha gs

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    sdrils) (Bfha =51). ^ad pgrtihipgots vidwdn g typdlghd io tad lfr` fl go gjpagmdt waijd jffbioc gt

    twdjvd hgrtffos pfrtrgyioc g rgocd fl d`ftifos, gon tady wdrd tfjn tf haffsd waihad`ftifo t

    tad typdlghd. ^ad typdlghds usdn wdrd vd typds fl Adjvdtihg io vgryioc wdicats (taihbodss) gon

    fod sdril typdlghd lfr hf`pgrisfo (=75-=77). ^ad stuny lfuon tagt sumkdhts nin rdspfon tf

    typdlghds io g stgtistihgjjy sicoihgot jdvdj fl d`ftifo (=7

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    wdrd gsbdn waiha mfny fl tdxt wgs `fst gppdgjioc. Hf`ih Xgos is fod fl tad `fst tdrrimjd

    typdlghds ghhfrnioc tf ndsicodrshfosindrdn tf md sf mgn tagt its hrdgtfr, Hfoogrd,mdjidvds sf

    `goy pdfpjd dokfyit mdhgusd its oft jibd g typdlghd (Gng`s dt gj. 78)tagt pgirioc it wita gcdodrgjjy `frd jibgmjd gon f`oiprdsdot typdlghd suha gs Adjvdtihg wfujn md g cffn wgy tf

    cgucd Hf`ih Xgos jibgmijity.

    ^ad sdhfon sdt fl ndsico dxg`pjds prdsdotdn tad sg`d sdotdohd, ^ad quihb, mrfwo lfx

    ku`ps fvdr g jgzy nfc io Mgsbdrvijjd (fptifo G) gon Ugpyrus (fptifo M). ^ad rdspfondots wdrd

    gcgio gsbdn waiha mfny fl tdxt wgs `fst gppdgjioc. Jibd Hf`ih Xgos, Ugpyrus is g typdlghd tagt

    ags mdhf`d fvdrusdn io iogpprfprigtd wgys, wita `ujtipjd wdmsitds ndnihgtdn tf dxpjgioioc its

    gwlujndsico75. ^ais is go dxg`pjd fl wagt Gng`s hgjjs g trdony typdlghd, gon gs suha it wijjoft gjwgys triu`pa fvdr ftadr typdlghds (Gng`s dt gj. =7).

    ^ad tairn sdt fl ndsico dxg`pjds dxaimitdn tad sg`dsdotdohd, ^ad quihb, mrfwo lfx

    ku`ps fvdr g jgzy nfc io Mgsbdrvijjd (fptifo G) gon Adjvdtihg (fptifo M). Tojibd tad prdvifus

    twf qudstifos, tad hafihds grd oft mdtwddo go uosgtislghtfry typdlghd gon g supdrifrtypdlghd2

    rgtadr, tad hafihds grd mdtwddo twf supdrifr typdlghds, fod sdril gon fod sgos sdril. ^ad

    rdspfondots wdrd gjsf gsbdn waiha mfny fl tdxt wgs `fst gppdgjioc. ^afuca tadrd is of ricat

    goswdr io tais hgsd, gs tad survdy wgs civdo vig tad wdm, tad sgos sdril Adjvdtihg wfujn md

    hfosindrdn tad gpprfprigtd hafihd gs it ts iotf Mriocaursts dxpjgogtifo fl wagt vgridty fl

    typdlghds grd mdst lfr hf`putdrs; lghds wita jfw hfotrgst,Adjvdtihg ags jittjd tf of hfotrgst

    mdtwddo dgha strfbd fr jiodg jgrcd tfrsf, fpdo hfuotdrs, sturny tdr`iogjsdonpfiots fl dgha

    jdttdrgon sjgm sdrilssdrils wita afrizfotgj jiods fo tad tfp gon mfttf fr of sdrils gt gjj

    (Mriocaurst 79>).

    ^ad lfurta sdt fl ndsico dxg`pjds ldgturdn g jfocdr sdhtifo fl tdxt. Mfta dxg`pjds wdrd

    writtdo io tad sdril typdlghd Cdfrcig, tad rst io rdvdrsdntypd, fr waitd tdxt fo g mjghb

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    mghbcrfuon (fptifo G), gon tad sdhfon io rdcujgr typd (fptifo M), mfta wita g sdotdohd lrf` ^ad

    Sizgrn flFz77. ^ad rdspfondots wdrd gsbdn waiha pgrgcrgpa tady wfujn rgtadr rdgn. Io taishgsd, tad fptifo M wfujn md tad hfrrdht rdspfosd gs fptifo G is `frd nilhujt tf rdgn. Lfstdr

    dxpjgios, ^adrd grd ldw trutas gs sdjl-dvindot gs tad lght tagt mjghb tdxt fo g waitd mghbcrfuon is

    tad dgsidst wgy lfr tad dyd tf nicdst iolfr`gtifo gon hf``uoihgtd it mghb tf fur mrgio (Gng`s

    dt gj. 48. ^ad jdttdrs io fptifo M wdrd writtdo gs ofr`gj, gon tad jdttdrs io fptifo G agnitstrghbioc gt -45 tafusgotas fl go d`. Mfta dxg`pjds wdrd writtdo io tad sdril Gnfmd Hgsjfo Urf.

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    ^ad rdspfondots wdrd gcgio gsbdn waiha fl tadsd pgrgcrgpas tady wfujn rgtadr rdgn. ^ad usd fl

    odcgtivd trghbioc, fr odcgtivd jdttdr spghioc, safujn oft md nfod gs tad jdttdrs agvd oft mddo

    ndsicodn tagt wgy gon tadrdlfrd wijj md nilhujt tf rdgn (Gng`s dt gj. 3>).

    ^ad dicata gon ogj sdt fl ndsico dxg`pjds ldgturdn pgrtigj rsu`s fl g htifogj stundot.

    FptifoG wgs ndsicodn lrf`g sg`pjd prfvindn my ]indr Toivdrsitys Hgrddr Xdrvihds,gonfptifo M wgs ndsicodn io g `frd gppdgjioc gon jdss cdodrihwgy74.^ad rdspfondots wdrdgsbdn waiha dxg`pjd tady lfuon `frd gppdgjioc gon dlldhtivd.

    Lioniocs, gogjysis, gon iotdrprdtgtifo fl ngtg

    ^adrd wdrd g tftgj fl

    757 uoivdrsity/hfjjdcd stundot

    rdspfondots. Fl gjj

    rdspfondots, 84.

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    crgnugtd stundots. Fl gjj rdspfondots, 8=.3% (88rdspfondots) sgin tady agn tgbdo g crgpaih

    ndsico hfursd mdlfrd gon

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    >3rdspfondots) prdldrrdn Ugpyrus(Licurd >).^afuca oft gs tgmff gs Hf`ih Xgos,

    Ugpyrus pfpujgrity is `uha aicadr tago goti-Ugpyrus ndsicodrs wfujn jibd. Fl tafsd waf agvd

    oft tgbdo g ndsico hfursd, tad rdsujts wdrd dvdo hjfsdr, spjit dvdojy gt 8> rdspfondots dgha.Sado

    gsbdn lfr tadir prdldrdohd mdtwddo tad sdril typdlghd Mgsbdrvijjd gon tad sgos sdril typdlghd

    Adjvdtihg, 8

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    gjj hgpitgj jdttdrs wdrd oft tad sg`d tardd pdfpjd, tady wdrd six nilldrdot pdfpjd.

    Sado gsbdn lfr tadir prdldrdohd

    mdtwddo ticat trghbioc gon ofr`gj

    trghbioc, 7=.9% (78rdspfondots)

    prdldrrdn ticat trghbiocgon 13.7% (11rdspfondots) prdldrrdn ofr`gjtrghbioc(Licurd 9).Fl ofo-ndsicodrs, 78% (9

    rdspfondots) hafsd ticat trghbioc gon

    13% (49 rdspfondots) hafsd ofr`gj

    trghbioc. ais hfrrdspfons witatad ^afu

    Xagjj Oft Tsd Hf`ih Xgos hf``gon`dot tf oft usd dxhdssivd ticat trghbioc, sf it is hjdgr tagt tais

    rujd is sfuon wado put iotf prghtihd lfr ftadrs tf rdgn (Gng`s dt gj. 3>).

    Sado gsbdn lfr tadir prdldrdohd mdtwddo g cdodrih rsu` gon g ndsicodn rsu`,

    % (

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    uppdrhgsd/jfwdrhgsd vs. gjj hgpitgj jdttdrsagn go fvdrwadj`ioc `gkfrity fl rdspfosds tagt grd

    hfosistdot wita tad hfrrdht wgy tf ndsico. Ftadr qudstifos wdrd `uha hjfsdr, suha gs tad hafihd

    mdtwddo Mgsbdrvijjd gon Ugpyrus. ^afuca tad rdsujts fl tad `gkfrity fl qudstifos wdrd hfocrufus

    wita wagt ndsicodrs agvd dstgmjisadn gs wagt safujn cdodrgjjy md nfod, tad jgst qudstifo gmfut

    rsu`s prfvdn tf md fppfsitd fl dxpdhtgtifos. Afwdvdr, gs tad qudstifo gsbdn waiha wgs `fst

    gppdgjioc gon, `fst fl gjj, dlldhtivd, rdspfondots `gy agvd tgbdo tad dlldhtivdodss tf hfrrdspfon

    wita wagt musiodssds gon hfjjdcds `icat tdjj tad` is dlldhtivd, dspdhigjjy gs tad ofo-ndsicodn

    rsu` is gngptdn nirdhtjy lrf` g sg`pjd lrf` ]indr Toivdrsitys Hgrddr Xdrvihds. Gt jdgst fod

    ofo-ndsicodr rdspfondot tafucat dxghtjy tais, gs sad jgtdr vfjuotgrijy dxpjgiodn, Rtad ndsicodn

    rsu`P wgs vdry tadgtdr `gkfr I kust sgt tarfuca g wafjd pgodj fo rsu` writioc wadrd tady

    mgsihgjjy wdot nfot cdt hutd its g rsu`.

    Gs rdspfondots wdrd oft gsbdn way tady hafsd tad wgy tady nin, tadrd is of wgy tf cgio

    iosicat io afw tafsd waf rdspfondn gnvdrsdjy tf ndsicodrs dxpdhtgtifos hafsd tad wrfoc

    goswdr witafut lurtadr rdsdgrha. ^adrd is gjsf of wgy tf tdjj il goy rdspfondots rgonf`jy hafsd

    goswdrs, tadrdmy rdondrioc sf`d goswdrs uousgmjd.

    Sdrd I tf nf tais rdsdgrha gcgio, tad jgst qudstifogmfut rsu`swfujn md hagocdn fr

    f`ittdn. I wfujn gjsf try tf agvd `frd rdspfondots. Gnnioc qudstifos tagt rdjgtdtf hfjfr tadfry

    `gy gjsf prfvd usdluj, tafuca hf`putdr shrddo hgjimrgtifos gon rdspfondots wita hfjfr mjionodss

    wfujn agvd tf md tgbdo iotf ghhfuot. Gsbioc rdspfondots way tady rdspfondn tad wgy tady nin

    gon ftadr fpdo-dondn qudstifos wfujn gjsf adjp cgio`frd iosicat tf tad hfosu`drs`ionswado

    it hf`ds tf ndsico. Gsbioc qudstifos suha gs Nf yfu jibd R^ypdlghd GP6 iostdgn fl Saiha

    typdlghd nf yfu jibd mdttdr6 `gy gjsf prfvd usdluj, gs rdspfondots `gy agvd hafsdo fod fptifo

    si`pjy mdhgusd tady agtd tad ftadr, gon `gy oft ghtugjjy jibd tad fod tady hafsd.

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    ^ais pgpdr is writtdo ioMgsbdrvijjd.

    =^ais stuny usds g sjicat vgrigtifo fl Hgsjfo, titjdn Gnfmd Hgsjfo Urf, waiha is ndsicodn gs

    lfjjfws; ^d quihb mrfwo lfx ku`pdn fvdr g jgzy nfc.8Cgrg`fon is gs lfjjfws; ^ad quihb mrfwo lfx ku`pdn fvdr g jgzy nfc.>Cdfrcig is gs lfjjfws; ^ad quihb mrfwo lfx ku`pdn fvdr g jgzy nfc.4Adjvdtihg is gs lfjjfws; ^ad quihb mrfwo lfx ku`pdn fvdr g jgzy nfc.^ad tdxt lfr tad sdvdota qudstifo rdgn;Agvd yfu mrgios6 gsbdn tad Xhgrdhrfw. I suppfsd sf. Ivd odvdr jffbdn tf sdd, rdpjidn tadJifo. I g` cfioc tf tad Crdgt Fz tf gsb ai` tf civd `d sf`d, rd`grbdn tad Xhgrdhrfw, lfr`y adgn is stulldn wita strgw.74Dxg`pjds fl tadsd rsu` styjds hgo md lfuon fo tad gttghadn hfpy fl tad friciogj survdy.

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    Gooftgtdn Mimjifcrgpay

    Gng`s, Xdgo, dt gj. ^afu Xagjj Oft Tsd Hf`ih Xgos; 8ta dn. Xdgttjd; Agrtjdy & @grbs, 799=. Uriot.

    ^ad `gougj ghts gs g styjd cuind, g aistfry jdssfo, gon go dohyhjfpdnig fo typfcrgpaih

    hfohdpts gon sy`mfjs.

    Hfjds, Xtdpado. ^ad Gogtf`y fl ^ypd; G Crgpaih Cuind tf 755 ^ypdlghds. Odw Yfrb; Agrpdr Ndsico,

    =57=. Uriot. ^ais mffb dxg`iods typfcrgpaihgj jdttdrlfr`s up-hjfsd gon io-ndpta,

    hf`pgrioc dgha wita jdttdrlfr`s fl ftadr typdlghds.

    Cgrdjn, Xi`fo.Kust @y ^ypd; G Mffb Gmfut Lfots. Odw Yfrb; Cftag` Mffbs, =57=. Uriot.

    Urfvinds goio-ndpta aistfry fl typfcrgpay styjds gon spdhih typdlghds, civioc iosicat tf

    afw ndsico trdons agvd sagpdn tad wfrjn.

    Bfha, Mdta D. "D`ftifo Io ^ypfcrgpaih Ndsico; Go D`pirihgj Dxg`iogtifo." \isimjd Jgocugcd>

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    Jiviocstfo, Gjgo, gon Isgmdjjg Jiviocstfo. ^ad ^ag`ds & Aunsfo Nihtifogry fl Crgpaih Ndsico gon

    Ndsicodrs. 8rn dn. Jfonfo; ^ag`ds & Aunsfo, =57=. Uriot. Ugrt fl g sdrids fl mffbs lrf`

    ^ag`ds & Aunsfos grtgon ndsico aistfry gon rdldrdohd mffbs. ^ais pgrtihujgr mffb is g

    nihtifogry fl tfpihs rdjgtdn tf crgpaih ndsico.

    Juptfo, Djjdo. ^aiobioc wita ^ypd; G Hritihgj Cuind lfr Ndsicodrs, Sritdrs, Dnitfrs, & Xtundots. =on dn.

    Odw Yfrb; Uriohdtfo Grhaitdhturgj, =575. Uriot. G typfcrgpay `gougj lfr crgpaih ndsico


    Od`dta, Haristfpadr. "Cdt ]dgj; ^ad Oddn Lfr Dlldhtivd Ndsico ]dsdgrha." \isimjd Jgocugcd83.7

    (=558); 9=-759. F`oiLijd Lujj ^dxt @dcg (A.S. Sijsfo). Sdm. =< Ldm. =57>. ^ais pgpdr

    gnnrdssds rdhdotioudohds fo tad prghtihd fl crgpaih ndsico, tad fppfrtuoity lfr

    crgpaihndsico tf dvfjvd io suha gprfldssifogj nirdhtifo, gon tad `dtafns tagt wijj

    suppfrt tagt hagocd tfwgrns prfldssifogjis`.

    F``do, Mrdtt ]ihagrn. ^ad Urftfhfj fl Nispjgy; Crgpaih Ndsico gon Uumjih I`gciogtifo. Goo Grmfr;

    Ofrtawdstdro Toivdrsity, =553. UrfWudst. Sdm. 1 @gr. =57>.

    :attp;//jimrgry.rindr.dnu;>5>1/jfcio6urj0attp;//sdgrha.prfqudst.hf`/nfhvidw/85>17. Agvd yfu dvdr tgbdo g hfursd io crgpaih ndsico6 Yds Of


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    Ugcd = fl =77. Sagt pgrgcrgpa wfujn yfu rgtadr rdgn6

    g. Odxt `froioc tad Xhgrdhrfw sgin tf ais lridons;Hfocrgtujgtd `d. I g` cfioc tf Fz tf cdt `ymrgios gt jgst. Sado I rdturo I sagjj md gs ftadr`do grd. I agvd gjwgys jibdn yfu gs yfuwdrd, sgin Nfrftay si`pjy.


    7=. Sagt pgrgcrgpa wfujn yfu rgtadr rdgn6

    g. Agvd yfu mrgios6 gsbdn tad Xhgrdhrfw. I suppfsdsf. Ivd odvdr jffbdn tf sdd, rdpjidn tad Jifo. Ig cfioc tf tad Crdgt Fz tf gsb ai tf civd dsf`d, rd`grbdn tad Xhgrdhrfw, lfr y adgn isstustdn wita strgw.

    m. Agvd yfu mrgios6 gsbdn tad Xhgrdhrfw. I suppfsdsf. Ivd odvdr jffbdn tf sdd, rdpjidn tad Jifo. Ig` cfioc tf tad Crdgt Fz tf gsb ai` tf civd `dsf`d, rd`grbdn tad Xhgrdhrfw, lfr `y adgn isstustdn wita strgw.

    78. Fl tadsd twf pgrtigj rsu`s, waiha nf yfu on tf md `frd gppdgjioc gon, `fst fl gjj, dstdhtivd6

    g. m.

    Ujdgsd sagrd tais wita ftadr ]indr stundots fojiod gt]indrCNXurvdy. Il yfuvd gjrdgny tgbdo tad survdy,

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