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Page 2: In the remote villages of  Uttarkashi , everyday life is a struggle

In the remote villages of Uttarkashi, everyday life is a struggle.

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Not only do children take dangerous paths to reach school…

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but surveys revealed that basic hygiene awareness and sanitation facilities were also often missing at school.

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Community consultations were held to form School Management Committees

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with principals and teachers serving as a core driving force for the initiatives.

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Student Health Clubs were formed in all the 140 selected schools…

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enthusiastically driven by the children

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and awareness sessions were held on simple steps like hand washing.

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With landslides polluting water supply in many places, water filters were also provided to a few schools.

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Of these, 25 of the most needy were picked to construct sanitation facilities.

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These ‘child-friendly’ units took into account age and height.

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Separate sanitation units were built for boys and girls…

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with changing rooms and incinerator facilities that are improving girl’s attendance during menstruation.

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Each student contributes a small amount per month for maintenance and bits are also taken

from government maintenance and beautification funds.

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Clearly, good hygiene is slowly becoming a habit…

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and the health clubs are actively discharging their duties to create cleaner, safer environments!

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women’s club women’s club women’s club women’s club women’s club women’s club

Nirmal Gram Villages

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7 Plan-SMBMA supported villages across Bhatwari and Dhunda have won ‘Nirmal Gram Puraskar’:

a government award for open-defecation free villages.

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Our role was mostly sensitisation – propagating the sanitation need among the leaders and community as a whole.

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But the initiative was taken by the Pradhan and the PRI members

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with active Mahila Mandals often being the driving force

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and involving all generations of the community.

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Every household in these villages now has a toilet; all following the leach pit system.

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These were constructed by the families themselves; using existing government schemes

with some material support from Plan-SBMA.

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Toilets were also built in all schools and anganwadis; with separate ones for boys and girls above the primary level.

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It’s a proud feeling when every road in your village is clean!

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There were also local innovations such as small compost pits around the village…

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and the building of rain water harvesting tanks; now an additional income source for some.

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Having passed the extensive evaluations, the award money was put towards further village development…

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while anyone reverting to open defecation is convinced with community pressure; rather than a fine.

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However, constant water supply to support the hardware remains a challenge in several villages .

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With one giant leap forward already accomplished, they are now looking to solve this core problem!

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Produced for: Plan IndiaProduced by: Safer World Communications,

Photographs: Sarika Gulati, Jyotsna Singh, Andrew Edwards and Sri Bhuvneshwari Mahila Ashram (SBMA)

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