Page 1: INDEPENDENT PEOPLE by Section... · Given the starting point of so many of our young people, the success of the vast majority in moving on successfully into independent living represents




Page 2: INDEPENDENT PEOPLE by Section... · Given the starting point of so many of our young people, the success of the vast majority in moving on successfully into independent living represents

Given the starting point of so many

of our young people, the success

of the vast majority in moving

on successfully into independent

living represents a considerable

triumph for them. It is also an

immense source of satisfaction

to the 1625ip team. This success

stems from the fact that 1625ip is

so much more than just a simple

provider of accommodation.

The ‘difference that makes the

difference’ is the dedication of

our staff, volunteers and partners,

and the comprehensive range of

additional support we provide. We

know this through the testimony

of the young people involved,

alongside three independent

evaluations of projects and of

our services as a whole. The

evaluations provide valuable

insights into what worked well and

what we could do even better. It

has been particularly gratifying to

learn of the further benefits that

the projects provided that had not

originally been anticipated.

While last year we did much to

improve the properties we let to

young people, it was also evident

that we needed to upgrade the

physical working environment

for our staff. In consequence,

we have begun a programme of

improvements. This was all the

more important as it has been

another demanding year for the

capable, loyal and resilient 1625ip

teams. ‘Passion’, as reflected in the

belief that young people deserve

the best service we can give, is a

defining value of the organisation

and the driver of our culture.

Challenges lie ahead, and while

we have a track record that

encourages optimism we have no

illusions about the impact of public

sector funding cuts.

We are immensely grateful to our

many partners and supporters

great and small. This support is

integral to our ability to make

a difference. So too are all the

smaller grants, awards and

donations which together allow us

to innovate further and are equally

significant in helping us to achieve

our larger vision.

I am both impressed by, and

grateful to, our Youth Board

who continue to offer the Board

a highly valuable perspective.

They provide a constructive and

thoughtful approach which helps

to ensure that when designing,

delivering and evaluating our

services we are guided by young

people’s experience, expertise

and insight.

As Chair I am very appreciative

of the individual and collective

insights and diligence of my fellow

Board members and looking ahead

I have immense confidence in our

Senior Management Team’s ability

to lead our teams in giving of their

best to our young people.

Oliver Delany

Chair of the Board



Oliver Delany (Chair)

Nick Danks (Treasurer)

Brendan Weekes (Vice Chair)

David Clowes

Karen Ross

(retired with thanks 28 Sept 2016)

Craig Wilson

Julia Clarke

Phil Bowley

Alice Marshment

(retired with thanks 25 April 2016)

Jane Keenan

Kane Kirkbride

Caroline Howlett

(joined 28 Sept 2016)



Chair of the Board

Page 3: INDEPENDENT PEOPLE by Section... · Given the starting point of so many of our young people, the success of the vast majority in moving on successfully into independent living represents

It’s been another busy year for

the Youth Board and there have

been many exciting developments!

We are always trying to help

1625ip grow as a charity through

an understanding of our own

experiences and learning from

other young people by listening

to them and ensuring this is fed

into the top of the organisation.

We are not only passionate about

improving services at 1625ip but

also within our wider community.

We met with Mayor Marvin

Rees earlier this year to share

with him our experiences of

being young homeless people in

Bristol and how we think young

people could be supported with

affordable housing and Education,

Employment and Training (EET) as

a route out of homelessness.

As advocates for other young

people we have consulted on

various projects, such as looking

into improvements to our spaces.

As a result we have had corporate

volunteers in to help improve our

gardens in supported housing

projects and our office spaces.

In the last year we also worked

on how 1625ip could improve

communication with service users,

particularly around promoting

personal development activities

that can improve skills and

confidence (which increases

chances of them accessing EET!).

As a result we identified that

young people would benefit

from the use of social media as

a method of communication; it

took a lot of planning, especially

ensuring it was safe for users, but

the page has gone live in pilot form

and is going well!

In our last planning meeting we

agreed to work on ‘healthy rents’

as rent arrears is an organisational

priority and we want to understand

how 1625ip could support young

people to avoid arrears. Many of

us on the Youth Board understand

the consequences of this from

personal experiences and are

passionate about helping other

young people to stay on top of

their rent!

















Youth Board

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This last year has been very successful in terms

of working with businesses and setting up new

schemes and systems. With the ever-decreasing

amount of local authority money that exists to

support people we have been working hard to look

at new solutions for providing support for young

people and adding value to the services that we

already provide.

It is really exciting to see all the work and activity

that young people can take part in here but it

has sometimes caused a headache recording and

reporting on it all. We have lots of different streams

of work and at any time young people may be

accessing different types of support from different

parts of the organisation and these outcomes all

need collecting and reporting. To address this,

we have worked with Homeless Link to adapt

their Inform IT System so that all of these streams

of work and achievements by the young person

can be recorded and the outcomes recorded by

workstream. This will help us evidence and prove

the worth of our services much better.

We have developed partnerships with businesses to bring great benefits to our organisation and to our young people.

The OVO Foundation have supported our

Community Mentoring scheme and also set up a

pilot project called Future Builders in partnership

with Bristol City Council and South Glos and

Stroud College. Taking on 10-year leases of

properties that need major repairs from the

council, Future Builders have trained young people

in a construction pre-apprenticeship course and

then supported them into apprenticeships. The

properties are refurbished by the young people

and then they live in them whilst they are training.

We manage to keep the rents low so that they can

manage their own accommodation, outside of the

benefits system, whilst on their apprenticeships.

Future Builders was shortlisted for the 2017 UK

Housing Awards for Outstanding Approach to

Tackling Homelessness.

On the theme of work, the Andrews Charitable

Trust (ACT) have refurbished and provided us with

three flats for care leavers who are close to the

employment market. This is the first property that

ACT have provided under their [establish] project

which will see them produce 50 more over the

next 50 years. We are already working with them

and another partner CAYSH on the next property

and will work closely together going forward

supporting this project nationally. The three

[establish] flats are let at affordable levels and

thoroughly furnished to allow care leavers the time

and the right environment to make their next step

into independence whilst we support them through

this process.

Unite Students have also been supporting us

throughout the year by training and mentoring

staff, fundraising, helping update our HR processes

and providing us with the space to deliver the

new Bristol Youth MAPS service that will start in

October 2017. This will be a city centre service

combining the expertise and resources of Bristol

City Council, 1625 Independent People and other

voluntary sector providers - preventing youth

homelessness where possible, by intervening

earlier and where it is not possible to prevent this

to help navigate the safest route to independence.

This is a ground-breaking service for Bristol and

will be a great step forward in prevention and early

intervention for young people.

As ever it has been a very exciting place to

work and great to see our local and national

profile increasing year on year because of the

great work of our staff and the achievements of

our young people.

Dom Wood

Chief Executive Officer


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Last year we recruited staff “Champions” to help 1625ip make sure we are actively meeting the diverse needs of our communities. These “Champions” cover equality areas such as disability, ethnicity, LGBTQ+ and religion as well as care leavers. They have helped us to identify new ways of doing things and challenged us to always improve and strengthen our practices and processes.

Examples of the areas of

work undertaken last year

included: sharing resources

and information with staff

and young people, training

and development, promoting

religious festivals and events,

working with care leavers to find

out what they need from us and

developing diversity networks

and partnerships.

Thank you to our 1625ip staff

volunteers - they really are

true champions!


7% of the young people who accessed our

housing, floating support and dispersed

housing in Bristol and South Gloucestershire

identified with being LBGTQ+.




Of the young people accessing our Bristol

services (Housing, Floating Support and

Dispersed Housing) and South Glos services

(Housing and Floating Support), 31% identified

as Black Minority Ethnic (BME).



Of the young people accessing our

supported housing services 50% in Bristol

and 41% in South Gloucestershire stated that

they have a disability, most commonly (50%)

with a mental health disability.



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Services provided to young people


Floating Support 237

Dispersed Housing 359

High Support 374

Ask Us 130

Drop in service 521

Ask Us (Advice) 130

Future Builders 9

CYPS High Support 18

BYL Prevention 144

South Glos

Supported Housing 21

Floating Support 110

Youth Support Service

(UASC and homeless young people) 30

Leaving Care service 29

Drop in service 39

Other services:

Future 4 Me 71

Paul Hamlyn Fund (Mental Health support): 69

Money Tree 17

Job Coach 45

Community Mentoring 20

Peer Support 311

Group Work 169

Cash Pointers 1089

Number of YP who accessed this service

No. of referrals supported







1625 Independent People accepted 3812 referrals from young people who needed support between 1 April 2016 – 31 March 2017. (714 young people were referred for more than one service). This 34% increase on the number of referrals compared with the previous year, highlights the growing needs of local young people and the demand for appropriate support services to be sustainably available to them in the South West.

Housing is just the tip of the iceberg of what we

do – we also work with young people to provide

essential local services across a range of needs

including: advice and one to one support; money

management, budgeting and cooking skills;

support with confidence, mental health and

relationship building; family support to prevent

homelessness; and accessing employment,

training and education.



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% of young people who achieved a positive housing outcome


Ask Us: A partnership between 1625ip, Avon and

Bristol Law Centre and Citizens Advice supported

130 young people to reduce poverty, manage their

money better and improve health and wellbeing.

High Support accommodation project for 16-17 year olds leaving care: Working in partnership

with social services, 18 young people positively

‘moved on’, returning to the family home or to

permanent accommodation.

Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) in South Gloucestershire: 10 young

people were supported to adjust to their

new environment and access safe, supported

accommodation, education and health care.

1625ip’s Participation and Learning (PaL) programme supports young people to develop

confidence, interpersonal skills and practical life

skills (like cooking, budgeting, applying for jobs

and maintaining their home). We delivered 216

group work sessions and 100 AQA awards, giving

young people a recognised qualification.

Our Peer Support project with Learning

Partnership West recruits and trains young

volunteers to help make a difference to vulnerable

young people’s lives. We recruited and trained

13 Peer Supporters, provided one to one support

to 56 young people and group workshops to 311

young people.

We recruited and trained an additional 33

Community Mentors, offering young people

positive relationships in their community,

increasing confidence and enabling positive

life choices.

“If it wasn’t for my mentor I probably wouldn’t be

here. I’m so happy that I had her to help me get

my housing back and help me with everything.

I’d definitely be in prison or dead if it wasn’t for

her.” Jan, 17 years old, Mentee

Our Peer Education project, Upfront, trained

and supported 12 Peer Educators to deliver 64

homelessness prevention and financial skills

workshops, educating 1245 young people in

schools and colleges about the realities of leaving

home. We exceeded our targets by over 40%.

The Cash Pointers project delivered an additional

158 Peer Education sessions to increase young

people’s financial confidence.

Bristol Floating Support

South Glos. Dispersed Housing

Bristol Dispersed Housing

95% 95%86%

South Glos. Floating Support



“He brought me out of my shell and

helped me to become a volunteer”

“He helps by giving me someone to talk

to when I fall out with my parents”

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The 1625ip Youth Board was pleased to

welcome Marvin Rees, Mayor of Bristol, to our

head office for one of their regular meetings in

January, using this valuable opportunity to raise

important issues affecting the young people we

support and have the chance for their voices and

opinions to be heard.

The visit came about after Youth Board

member Jade met the Mayor at the Big Housing

Conversation and invited him to attend a Youth

Board meeting so they could share their insights

around youth homelessness. The agenda was

set by the Youth Board and addressed three key

priorities for young people supported by 1625ip:

• Making housing affordable for young people

• Bringing much needed mental health support

to young people affected by homelessness

• Representation on the Youth Council

Suggestions from the Youth Board on how to

positively address these key issues included:

• Support for more schemes like Future Builders,

a project delivered by 1625ip in partnership

with OVO Foundation, South Gloucestershire

and Stroud College and Bristol City Council,

which combines support and low cost housing

for young people while they complete

apprenticeship training.

• A mental health peer education project,

bringing mental health awareness and

resources closer to the people that need them

the most, including young homeless people.

• I ncreasing the age limit on membership of the

Youth Council so that young people over the

age of 18 are represented.

“I was nervous but now I feel GOOD!

Marvin told us that we have more power

than we realise and our voices need to be

heard. We’ve got a lot of work to do!”

1625ip Youth Board

“Homelessness is one of my key

priorities as Mayor. By preventing youth

homelessness and addressing the needs of

young people supported by 1625ip we can

make a long term and sustainable impact

and tackle homelessness in the city.”

Mayor of Bristol, Marvin Rees



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In March 1625ip worked with Cardboard Citz and

local arts organisations on a creative project with

young people who have experienced homelessness

in the city and been supported by us.

Cardboard Citz’ National Residency projects bring

together groups of homeless or marginalised

participants, social sector staff and locally based

arts practitioners to explore their issues and

barriers through Forum Theatre. Creating pieces

based on their experiences, these are shared

with wider audiences, to discuss the issues, raise

awareness and identify positive solutions.

The group of young people worked together

on a three-week residency to create a piece of

forum theatre based on their own stories and

experiences. Forum Theatre is an interactive

and powerful style of theatre that empowers the

creators to tell their stories in their own voices. At

the same time it empowers the audience to voice

their opinions and attempt to change the course of

the characters’ lives and create an ultimately more

positive outcome.

The performance piece the young people created,

titled “Remembering Zero”, followed the journey

of “Amy” as she navigates the challenges of rough

sleeping, temporary accommodation and the

benefits system. It was performed at the Wardrobe

Theatre to a full house of invited guests including

local Councillors, MPs and other young people in

Bristol. Following the successful performance of

“Remembering Zero” and the positive impact of

the experience, we have continued to work with

local partners to deliver Forum Theatre workshops

for our young people.

An exciting, life-changing local arts project giving young people a public voice with which to shine a light on youth homelessness issues.

This project has been possible thanks to support from local Bristol partners Wyldwood Arts and Stepping Out Theatre, and funders Arts Council England, Big Lottery’s Reaching Communities Fund, the John Ellerman Foundation, the Rayne Foundation, Bristol City Council and The Gibbs Charitable Trust.

“It was a very friendly and flexible

environment. I love telling people about

my experiences and opening their eyes to


Andrew, “Remembering Zero” performer

We work to make sure that young

people are at the heart of all that

we do and their voices are heard.


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Tymara was housed with 1625ip when she was unable to remain in the family home due to relationship breakdown and mental health issues. Inspired by the support and encouragement she received, her life is now very different. Not only is she working as a Project Support Worker for 1625ip but Tymara has also just graduated, successfully achieving with a BA in Psychosocial Studies and is hoping to go on to study for a Masters’ degree at Cambridge University.

I grew up in Dorset with my mum but then our

relationship broke down due to my mum’s,

and my own, mental health issues. After

that I moved to Bristol to live with my Aunt,

however this relationship broke down due to

its abusive nature.

After this I received support from 1625ip,

living in Bristol Foyer for a year after sofa

surfing for a couple of months. Living in

supported housing as a young homeless

person encouraged my stability and personal

growth to ensure I could achieve my full

potential. It was difficult at times but also

a lot of fun!

The staff aren’t credited enough for their

ongoing unconditional support - it allowed

me to be a young person (i.e. not having

responsibility that wasn’t appropriate for my

age or detrimental to my wellbeing). My key

worker was thorough and professional, so

building trust was automatically achieved

and helped me develop the confidence to

exceed expectations.

A key turning point was being referred

me to the leadership programme,

innovated by Marvin Rees. It helped

me to manage day to day life skills, as

well as broaden my horizons and has

changed my life perspectives forever!

I completed a BTEC in Health and

Social Care and then went on to secure a

place at Goldsmith’s University to study

Psychosocial Studies, during which I took

a year out to work for 1625ip as a relief

worker and then as a Housing Assistant at the

Foyer. I have just graduated with 3% off a first!

My next step is to develop personal and

professional skills to fulfil the requirements

to (hopefully) study for a Master’s degree in

Social Innovation at Cambridge University,

and to gain further experience in my preferred

sector, I have returned to 1625ip working as a

Project Support Worker.

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1625 Independent People were named ‘Medium

Employer of the Year’ in Bristol Post & Bath

Chronicle Apprentice Awards 2016. This was

a huge achievement as we were the only

charity amidst strong competition from private

and public sector organisations. This award

recognises 1625ip’s investment in providing

opportunities for young people to succeed and

achieve positive outcomes. Our apprenticeship

scheme provides real benefits not only for the

charity but also the apprentices themselves. We

are very proud of our continuing commitment

to growing our apprenticeship programme

and seeing over the last five years, the positive

impact this has had on young people’s lives.

‘Future Builders’ helps prepare young people for

the world of work over a period of 18 months,

by moving those taking part in the project

into an apprenticeship, and giving them all the

tools that they need to build an independent,

positive path towards a future job. This Spring

our first group of Future Builders finished their

pre-apprenticeship course and renovated two

disused properties ready for them to live in when

they start as full blown apprentices.

Sophie explains why ‘Future Builders’ was the

perfect fit for her:

I finished my hairdressing course and it wasn’t

something I for me, I wanted to switch it up and

do something completely different. I’m learning

a lot of new skills and enjoying getting stuck

in as part of a team. The atmosphere is really

comfortable, everyone gets on really well.

I knew we’d do it. It looked so nice when it was

finished. It’s proof of what you can actually

achieve and I’m proud of myself. Now I want to

work my way up to a fully qualified painter and

decorator then maybe start my own business. It’s

a good gateway, there’s so many opportunities.

There’s so much that’s been open to me.

A HOME. A CONSTRUCTION APPRENTICESHIP. A BRIGHT FUTURE. Our innovative ‘Future Builders’ project works in collaboration with the OVO Foundation, SGS College and Bristol City Council to support young people aged 16-24 who are interested in working in the construction industry.

As a charity, we are committed to ensuring that our young people

have access to education, employment and training as this is proven

to be the best route out of homelessness for young people.


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• An independent evaluation by the University

of the West of England (UWE) across three

key business areas: core service delivery, our

work in delivering psychologically informed

environments for our staff and young people,

plus how we work together internally and with

partner agencies.

• Evaluations of two large projects funded

by the Big Lottery Fund. The University of

Gloucestershire undertook an independent

evaluation of our Future 4 Me project, and we

undertook an evaluation of our Cash Pointers

project, including an independent evaluation

by UWE focused on wellbeing improvements.

A large number of young people, staff and

partners were involved in these evaluations and

we are grateful to everyone who took part. The

findings evidenced the hugely positive impact

of our services on young people’s lives and

the strength of partnership working, as well as

highlighting areas in which we can improve. The

findings will allow us to focus our resources on

approaches that deliver the most impact and

strengthen existing services. They have already

helped us to shape the next phase of our Future

4 Me project and new projects supporting

financial confidence.


“Since I came I am more aware of money things

and how to manage it better. I now do a budget

all the time. Everyone should come to Cash

Pointers - it really helped.”

During 2016/17 our Cash Pointers project

supported over 1500 young people to develop

their financial confidence through group work

sessions, and 1150 young people through one to

one support.

Overall our Cash Pointers project delivered

results which substantially exceeded our initial

targets in 10 of the 12 project outcomes - with

eight areas surpassing their targets by between

20% and 60%.

Key financial skills highlights include:

• 87% of young people showed improved

attitudes and behaviour in relation to money.

• We exceeded our target by 57% for the number

of young people reporting being able to assess

the pros and cons of different financial options.

• We exceeded by 25% our target for the number

of young people who reported having a budget

or keeping a spending record.

Evaluation supports the sustainability of our services for vulnerable young people, and ensures that we can effectively meet their needs now and into the future. Last year we completed the following three evaluations:

James Willot, City of Bristol College

“1625ip’s delivery style is excellent, very approachable, tailored to suit all

kinds of needs and delivered with an understanding that you are there to

support the young person and care about them. You gave facts and raised

awareness about issues, but also and more importantly gave helpful and

practical solutions for the problems faced.”


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Funded by the Big Lottery Fund and winner of

the national lottery Award 2015 for Best Charity

Project in the UK, this project offers specialist

support to young people leaving care, leaving

custody or young people who are at risk of

entering custody.

The first phase of our Future 4 Me project ended

in December 2016 and overall, by the end of this

four-year project, we overachieved in all of

our core outcome areas and 10 out of 12

specific targets.

Key highlights include:

• Overachieved by 60% against target on the

number of young people with increased

confidence and coping skills, or making more

positive choices

• Overachieved against target on the number

of young people making progress towards

more meaningful occupation (Education,

Employment and Training) by 3%.

• Overachieved against target by 5% on the

number of young people managing their

accommodation more independently.

• We supported 203 young people to better

manage their physical health and emotional

well-being, achieving 91% success against

our target.

Claudia Fragapane, Olympic Gymnast, met with

the Future 4 Me team in January to celebrate the

Big Lottery Funding that will allow the project to

grow and develop over the next three years:

“It was brilliant to hear first-hand some of the

success stories from the Future 4 Me project as a

result of the great work they are doing for young

people in my hometown. It is so important to

help young people who may have had a difficult

start and to give them opportunities through

initiatives like Future 4 Me, to really support and

enable young people to adapt to making positive

changes in their lives to secure a brighter future.”

We are committed to listening, learning and growing. We recognise

that eternal evaluation is a key element to ensuring we make use of our

resources in ways which have the maximum impact on young people’s lives.

Jamil’s story Future 4 Me supported Jamil, an unaccompanied

asylum seeking child to develop his independent

living skills. Jamil’s confidence has increased

and he now travels independently to attend

appointments and activities including; specialist

art therapy, English lessons, legal advice

through a local refugee service, as well as 1625

Independent People participation activities.

Jamil is developing positive social connections

and his asylum appeal has recently been granted

following him accessing legal advice.

Funded by the Big Lottery Fund and winner

of the National Lottery Award 2015

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Expenditure 2016/2017*

The number of young people across the South West who are either homeless or at risk of becoming homeless is growing and we know we have a challenge in being able to meet this increasing demand for our services and support.

We recognise the importance of growing and

diversifying our fundraising income to ensure the

sustainability of our services for young people into

the future.

We listen to feedback from our young people,

partners and supporters and learn where we can

improve our performance, to help ensure we’re

raising funds responsibly and delivering high

quality services that meet young people’s needs.

We are well placed to face the challenges and

opportunities over the next 12 months including

ensuring full compliance with future fundraising and

GDPR regulations. We’re committed to reviewing

our fundraising strategies and processes to ensure

transparency and best practice.

We will continue to honor the wishes of our

young people, supporters and partners in how

and when they want to be contacted and how

we share their stories, journeys and successes

with the wider public.

By listening and learning, we know we can develop

into the future and sustainably meet the growing

needs of the young people who need our support,

today and tomorrow.

Providing supported accommodation for young people - 3,268,397

Advice & outreach services - 391,404

Other - 6,053

Education, employment & training (EET); Peer Support & Mentoring - 120,518

Peer education and Specialist Prevention - 73,069

Fundraising costs - 75,896

Leaving Care Personal Adviser and Resettlement support - 46,809

Future 4 Me & mental health support - 300,502

Specialist support for Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children - 27,980

Improving financial skills & confidence - 326,701

Restorative approaches - 22,978

Looking to the future

* A full breakdown of income and spend can be found in

our 2016/17 audited accounts

Total £4,660,307

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Income 2016/2017* 1625IP Balance sheet March 2017


Statutory 40%

Trusts, Corporates, Events & Individuals


Big Lottery


In order to have accurate and valuable business

intelligence the SAGE accounting package was

updated in 2016. This, alongside the use of SQL

reporting , a comprehensive tool which provides

up to the minute accurate financial reporting and

analysis, allows all project managers to access

critical data with the ability to drill down on report

lines for income and expenditure detail.

1625ip also upgraded the rents management

system to Pyramid Housing Management

which produces rent accounts alongside tenant

information, housing maintenance, repairs and

inspections. This has been rolled out to mobile

working for all project workers so they have up to

date information when out in the field.

Our Reserves Policy is reviewed annually by the

Finance Committee; a highly qualified sub group

of the Board Trustees who meet quarterly with

the Corporate Services Director to review financial

performance and plans. The charity’s liquid reserves

are currently, as of October 2017, 1.4 increasing

from 1.2 at year end (March 2017), strengthened

by cash from the sale of two properties no longer

suitable for the charity’s needs.

1625ip has a property portfolio valued at £1.8M as

of April 2014.

The Finance Committee meet to strategically

plan for the charity’s future, diversify income,

oversee our asset management strategy to

make best use of our property portfolio, and to

proactively plan for a future with less reliance

on public sector funding.

Our full Audited Accounts are available on request.

In the last two years Corporate Services have invested not only in the finance team by employing a qualified and dedicated Finance Manager but also in technology and systems, which has restructured financial processes in the charity.



Fixed Assets 27%

Debtors & Other13%

Non-Current Liabilities7%

Current Liabilities6%


Total £5,046,721

Page 16: INDEPENDENT PEOPLE by Section... · Given the starting point of so many of our young people, the success of the vast majority in moving on successfully into independent living represents

1625 Independent People is a charity and a registered society (Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014, reg: 23964R exempt from registration with the Charities Commission).

Registered Office:

Kingsley Hall, 58-59 Old Market Street, Bristol BS2 0ER0117 317

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THANK YOU TOWe would like to thank everyone who has supported us in so many ways; from organising cake sales and

community events, to supporting us with individual donations and invaluable pro-bono support.

You are the ones who enable us to continue meeting the growing needs of young people across the South

West, who are already homeless or at risk of being.

We would especially like to thank the following individuals, organisations, trusts and commissioners who

have supported our work:


Ab Fab Concrete Ltd

Ali Hastings


Andrews Charitable Trust

Anthony Harris

Avon and Bristol Law Centre

Avon & Somerset Police & Crime Commissioner

Bath and North East Somerset Council

Beyond Youth Custody (NACRO)

Big Lottery Fund


Bristol Citizens Advice Bureau

Bristol City Council

Bristol Drugs Project

Bristol Institute of Modern Music

Business in the Community

Cardboard Citizens



Creative Youth Network

Dame Violet Wills will Trust


Dominic Murphy

Edward Evans

Engage Therapy

Eversea Fund and Bristol Community Energy Fund



Francesca Hellel

Gabriella Evans


H&M Foundation

Hargreaves Beare Charitable Trust

Helen Hughes


Joe Lycett

Keith Andrew

Learning Partnership West

Local churches

Lydia Giannetti

Marks & Spencer – Spark Something Good

Marvin Rees, Mayor of Bristol

Money Advice Service

My Cause UK

Natalie Detzler

NatWest Skills and Opportunities Fund

North Somerset Council

Off the Record

OVO Energy

OVO Foundation

Quartet Foundation

Paul and Rachel Goodchild

Paul Hamlyn Foundation

Perform Green

PwC Foundation

Richard Morris

Richard Roberts

Roy Turner

Sarah Watts

Second Step

South Gloucestershire Council

South West Resettlement Consortium

St Basil’s

St Mungo’s

The Nisbet Trust

Tiffin Time

Transforming Conflict

Tuffin Teraby Taylor

UNITE Students

University of Bristol and Bristol SU

University of Gloucestershire

University of West of England and the STUDENT Union at UWE

Westgate IT

YBS Group

Young People’s Substance Misuse Team

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