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Official name Republic of India

Capital New Delhi

Area 3,165,596 sq km

Population 1,147,995,900 (2008 estimate)

Languages Hindi, English

Religious Hindu, Muslim, Christian

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Indus Valley Civilization

The Mauryan Empire

The Gupta Dynasty

Muslim & Mongol Invaders

Rise Of The Mughals

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Indus Valley Civilization(2500BC-1700BC)This figure of two oxen pulling a woman in a cart was found at the archaeological site of Mohenjo-Daro in what is now Pakistan. The Indus Valley civilization thrived in the area of Pakistan and western India between about 2500 and 1700 BC. Small ceramic figures depicting aspects of agricultural life were characteristic of Indus Valley

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The Mauryan Empire(6th century BC)Chandragupta Maurya was the first ruler of the Mauryan dynasty in the ancient Indian kingdom of Magadha. After taking the throne in about 321 BC, he expanded the territory of his kingdom to the southwest. According to traditional accounts, Chandragupta then abdicated to become a monk. This painting shows Chandragupta receiving a morning salute from his bodyguard of women soldiers. He died about 286

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Emerging around AD 320, the Gupta Empire united much of northern India. It reached its height in the late 300s, and flourished for nearly a century. Hinduism became a more coherent and codified religion because of the efforts of the Gupta kings, who fused elements of Buddhism with Hinduism and emphasized the theistic nature of the religion, particularly the role of the god

Gupta Empire(AD 320)

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Jāmiʿ Masjid (“Congregational Mosque”), Gulbarga Fort, Karnataka, India.

Photographer: John Henry Rice; Courtesy: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

Muslim & Mongol Invaders

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Rise Of The Mughals(1526-1761)

Babur, seated left, founded the Mughal dynasty in India in 1526. This Mughal miniature dates from the late 16th century or early 17th

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The Europeans activities in India:

The Portuguese Vasco Da Gama arrived In

May 1498 The Portuguese secured

lucrative trade routes on the coast of India in the early 16th century.

Christianity swiftly followed trade

I’m Vasco Da Gama;

Portuguese’s conqueror

The Dutch Displaced the Portuguese as

masters of the seas around India in the 17th century.

Their activities in India were centered primarily on the southern and eastern coasts and in the Bengal region.

My name is Jan Pieterszoon Coen. The

leader of East Indian

Company in India

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The British Empire in India:

Form English East India Company

**received its monopoly

rights of trade in 1600** ***established the post of governor-general of India and made the holder of the office directly responsible to the British government******about in 1800 the East India Company traders adapted themselves to the country***

And in 1835 English was enforced as the language of government.

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Sepoy Rebellion(1857 ):

This event sparked what became known as the Sepoy Rebellion, in which sepoys, princes, and other disaffected Indians fought to drive British colonial forces out of India.

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The Movement for Independence

Formed The Indian National Congress in 1885

For its first 20 years, the Congress served as a forum for debate on questions of British policy toward India, as well as a platform to push for economic and social changes.

In 1920 the party adopted the strategy of nonviolent resistance to the British created by Mohandas K. Gandhi. By, 1929, led by Jawaharlal Nehru, the Congress was demanding total independence.

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Mahatma Gandhi Known for leading

the struggle for Indian independence from Great Britain.

Gandhi put his belief in nonviolence into play when Hindus and Muslims continued to fight and kill each other

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India and Pakistan were established as independent dominions of the British Commonwealth of Nations, with the right to withdraw from or remain within the Commonwealth.

On August 15, 1947

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Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941), Indian poet, philosopher, and Nobel laureate, who tried to deepen mutual Indian and Western cultural understanding.

his best-known work is Gitanjali (Song Offerings, 1910), Dak-ghar (The Post Office, 1912)

Tagore won the Nobel Prize for literature, becoming the first non-European winner of the award.

What??!!I’m not “Gondor”

of Lord of the Ring. I don’t even watch the movie

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Traditional Indian clothing


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The Independence Day, The Republic Day The Gandhi Jayanti


The three national holidays in india:

Popular religious festivals: Hindu festivals: Diwali, Ganesh Chaturthi,

Durga puja, Holi, Rakshabandhan and Dussehra.

Islamic festivals:Eid ul-Fitr, Eid al-Adha and Ramadan

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The Passage to India Slumdog Milionare

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