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Before the colonizationIndia and the WWI and WWIIJawaharlalNehruPakistanandBangladeshThe SaltMarchMahatmaGhandiNationalIndianCongressQueen Victory,Empress of IndiaThe Rebellionof theSepoys British ArrivalandEast India CompanyVasco de Gamma'sArrivalEnding

Before the arrival of the Western World, in the XV Century, India had been the home of many different civilizations, which existed since the Prehistorical Times. All through history, turkish, muslim, mongolian and buddhist civilizations had settled in different parts of the country, creating mainly native tribes and societes, that prospered within each other until the arrival of our civilization. They were not so different from us, having their own conflicts and problems, that they had to solve through different ways, and their legacy has rested nowadays mainly as monuments and graphical designs.


Juan II of Portugal had designed a project to get to India directly through the ocean, so that the trading monopoly could be handled by Portugal. But it was his cousin Manuel II who finally developed the travel all along Vasco da Gamma, an explorer that accepted the challenge. The trip began in July 1497, and even with some problems to arrive, due to the arabic traders that demanded their own trading rights, he arrived at India in May 1499. This was the first direct connection between the Western and Indian Civilizations, that wouldn't be separated from that moment. His first trip surrounded the African Continent and then went up again to reach India. He returned there 3 more times during his life.


The British Companies started to trade with India in 1600, and they kept doing it for many years to come. Soon enough, the Birtish Explorers started dealing with native societes, and making their own strategical points in India. Thsi helped the expansion of the British Empire, and it was specially the East India Company, which was the first one to stablish trading relationships with India, in 1757. It was a privaty company that exported different raw materials and food, and that allowed the fast pace in the process of colonization of India by the British, which wasn't always gentle, because not every native wanted to be handled by an English Society. The british gained power due to their technologies and deviced, which helped them intimidating and conquering the country.


In 1857 there was a riot provoked by the sepoys, which were the indian soldiers that belonged to the East India Company. It did not only happened in a certain point, it spread all through India, and it caused big trouble to the Birtish Empire, that could have lost their power. For many people later on, it was the first attempt of Independence carried out by the Indians. This rebellion caused the disolution of the East India Company in 1858, and the british control and economic system over India had to be reorganized after that. Later on, India started to be directly governed by the British Empire, calling it the British Raj.


Queen Victoria, queen of Great Britain took over the India after the East India Company, and formaly announced that it had now became part of the The British Empire. She was named Empress of India, and diue to the cruelty and assasinations that had happened previouslyl, she decided to respect and allow many religiuos and social cultures. She though that India and Great Britain should learn from each other, and that she had to protect that civilization from others, that could be much more hostile. She really apreciated the Indian Territory, and protected it until her death in 1901.


The Indian National Congress was the first political side that stood for India. Founded in 1885, it led the Revolutionary and Independence Movement in Great Britain, with around 70 million people standing against the British Empire and its control, and another 15 million participating directly in the organization. It has lasted until nowadays, and it still one of the main ones in India. It was impulsed by Mahatma Ghandi, who struggled until his death to make India a free country, and cut up with the racism and violence that was prodiuced against the Indian people.


Mohandas Ghandi, also named Mahatma Ghandi, was an indian thinker, lawyer and defensor of peace and citizens rights. Since 1918 he belonged openly to the independent movement in India, and he struggled for its Independence. He was schocked by the racism and unfairness that was shown to the indian people. He fought without violence, and defending peace over everything. He represented his country, as the voice and will of freedom and equality, as well as peace. The 30th January 1848 he was murdered, though he beacme much more powerful since that. Every year, we remember him and his ideals the 30th January. Not only a man, pure will and sense.


The Salt March was the name of a striking movement led by Ghandi from march to april in 1930. Its was thought by the Congress in India, and it stood for Indian rights, and Indepedence, but always standing with the Ghandi's ideals, which were not using the force or violence, but the voice and reason. It served to demonstrate how people were concerned about the independence movement, and how they would not stop until the were free. Ghandi took salt directly from the Indic Ocean, as a symbol to the people.


After the 2nd World War, The British had to free many of their colonies in India, and the Muslim Community decided to form a different state called Pakistan, which had an islamic goverment. Bangladesh was socially and politically divided, mainly because of religious reasons, between Pakistan and India. Either way , in the 1970s, Bangladesh completely separated from India and Pakistan, and gained Independence.


Sri Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was an indian politician and leader, that was Ghandi's friend and pupil for many years. He became the first Primer Minister in India, until his death. He had arguments with his master, because while Ghandi stood for the right side in the Congress, Nehru stood for the left one He encouraged a lot the independence of India, and he was a noble leader, and sensible too. He always had a good relation with his master, even though they didn't share clear ideals.


Durinf the WWI, India fought as part of the Triple Entente, and with the British Army, fighting in Gallipolli and in the Western Front. On the other hand, during the WWII, due to their independence movement, Ghandi asked for no acts of violencie, and no help for the British, but instead struggling for their independence movement, which was supported by Japan during all the war.


After WWII, finally, Indians became Independent, and created a Republic that has lasted until nowadays. We should never forget the history of this country, and his relevance trough our vision of the world, and societies. We can get from here, that perseverance and will power is everything you need to free your country, as well as your heart.

The End

By Juan Jos Delms Macas, 4ESO A.

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