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IEEE Indonesia Section | [email protected] | @IEEEIndonesia | +62-21-7079-1333    




A.1  Executive  Summary    

Section  Executive  Committee  Member  List  (2013)  • Chair:  Kuncoro  Wastuwibowo,  Ir.  MSc.  (SM)  • Vice  Chair:  Dr.  Ir.  Ford  Lumban  Gaol  • Secretary:  Arief  Hamdani  Gunawan,  ST,  MSi.  • Treasurer:  Prof.  Dr.  Dadang  Gunawan  (SM)  • Activity  Committee  

o Technical  Activity:  Dr.  Fitri  Yuli  Zulkifli  (SM)  o Education  Activity:  Dr.  Ayu  Purwarianti  o Industry  Relation:  FX  Ari  Wibowo  o Professional  Activity:  Dr.  Henri  Uranus  o Conference  Coordination:  Prof.  Dr.  John  Batubara  (SM)  o Membership  Development:  Lukas  Tanutama  (SM)  o Student  Activity:  Muhammad  Ary  Murti,  MT.  

• Affinity  Group  Chairs  o Women  in  Engineering:  Prof.  Dr.  Riri  Fitri  Sari  (SM)  o SIGHT  in  Telemedicine:  Dr.  Yoke  Saadia  Irawan  

• Chapters  Chairs  o Computer  Society  Chapter:  Dr.  Ary  Setijadi  Prihatmanto  o Communications  Society  Chapter:  Satriyo  Dharmanto  o Circuits  and  Systems  Chapter:  Prof.  Dr.  Soegijardjo  Soegijoko  o Engineering  in  Medicine  and  Biology  Chapter:  Prof.  Dr.  Soegijardjo  

Soegijoko  o Solid  State  Circuits  Society  Chapter:  Dr.  Trio  Adiono  o Joint  chapter  of  Microwave  Theory  /  Antennas  &  Propagation:  

Prof.  Dr.  Eko  Tjipto  Rahardjo  o Joint  chapter  of  Aerospace  &  Electronic  Systems  Society  /  

Geoscience  &  Remote  Sensing  Society:  Dr.  Arifin  Nugroho  o Joint  chapter  of  Control  System  Society  /  Robotics  &  Automation  

Society:  Dr.  Endra  Joelianto  o Join  Chapter  of  Education  Soc  /  Electron  Devices  Soc  /  Power  

Electronics  Soc  /  Signal  Processing  Soc:  Dr.  Pekik  Argo  Dahono  

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IEEE Indonesia Section | [email protected] | @IEEEIndonesia | +62-21-7079-1333    

Section  Highlights  • Reached  1000  members  at  the  beginning  of  2013  • Carrying  out  the  1st  Annual  Member  Gathering.  Plan  to  do  it  every  year.  

Major  Events  (International,  National)  • IEEE  University  Gathering,  Benoa,  February  2013  • IEEE  TALE,  Kuta,  August  2013  • First  Annual  Member  Gathering,  Jakarta,  November  2013  • IEEE  Cyberneticscom  &  IEEE  Comnetsat,  Yogyakarta,  December  2013  

Major  Chapter  Activities  • Comsoc  Chapter:  APCC  2013,  Kuta,  August  2013  • CSS/RAS  Joint  Chapter:  Robionetics,  Yogyakarta,  November  2013  • SSCS  Chapter:  ICE-­‐ID,  Denpasar,  October  2013  

Major  Student  and  Affinity  Group  Activities  • Student  Congress,  Jakarta,  February  2013  • IEEE  Days,  Bandung  &  Surabaya,  October  2013  

Awards  • Section  25th  Anniversary  Awards  from  the  HQ  


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IEEE Indonesia Section | [email protected] | @IEEEIndonesia | +62-21-7079-1333    

A.2  Financial  Report  

No.   ITEM  AMOUNT  in  

USD  $  1.00   CONTRIBUTION      2.00   PROGRAM  VENUE      3.00   OTHER  RECEIPTS      3.10   Rebate  from  IEEE  HQ    6,364.75    3.40   Interest    91.68    3.70   Others      

     Contribution  from  ICACIS  2012  Fasilkom  UI      2,295.92          Contribution  from  QIR  FTUI      883.00          Return  of  TALE  2013  Seed  Money      1,000.00          Contribution  from  TALE  2013      1,024.78          Return  of  APCC  2013  Seed  Money      6,000.00          Contribution  from  APCC  2013      1,800.00          Contribution  from  IT  Telkom      1,500.00          Contribution  from  ICITEE  UGM      405.19          Contribution  from  Anonim      650.00          TOTAL      22,015.32    

4.00    PROGRAM  EXPENSES        4.10    Meeting  and  Social  Events      2,108.35    4.60    Educational  Activities      395.00    4.80    Student  activies      600.00    5.00   MANAGEMENT  &  GENERAL  EXPENSES      5.20   Travel    9,574.32    5.40   Salaries    3,125.00    6.00   FUND  RAISING  EXEPENSES      6.10   Postage  &  Supplies    41.93    6.20   Others    -­‐        7.00   RECEIPTS      

    Conference  Loan  (TALE  2013  Seed  Money)    1,000.00    8.00   DISBURSEMENT      

                TOTAL    16,844.60                     Loss/Profit    5,170.72    

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IEEE Indonesia Section | [email protected] | @IEEEIndonesia | +62-21-7079-1333    


B.1  Membership  Development  Activities   Member Number

Jan 2012 Jan 2013 Jan 2014 Feb 2014 (Est)

Total 722 1012 986 1010 Senior Member 8 10 14 15 Member 471 548 649 657 Associate 24 24 15 15 GSM 99 149 149 157 Higher Grade 602 731 827 844 Student 120 281 159 166

• We  plan  to  attract  new  members  (in  term  of  number  and  activities)  by  organizing  more  personal  activities  involving  academicians  and  professionals,  including  more  conferences  and  seminars  in  universities.  

• The  result  is  a  quite  significant  growth  in  the  number  of  higher  grade  members  (see  table),  including  sustainable  growth  in  the  number  of  Member  and  Senior  Member.  However,  the  number  of  Student  Members  fell.  We  will  carry  out  a  different  approach  involving  more  student  activities  for  the  incoming  years.  

B.2  Chapter  Activities  • Total  number  of  Chapters  in  the  Section:  9  Chapters  

o Computer  Society  Chapter  o Communications  Society  Chapter  o Circuits  and  Systems  Chapter  o Engineering  in  Medicine  and  Biology  Chapter  o Joint  chapter  of  Microwave  Theory  /  Antennas  &  Propagation  o Joint  chapter  of  Control  System  Society  /  Robotics  &  Automation  

Society  o Join  Chapter  of  Education  Society  /  Electron  Devices  Society  /  

Power  Electronics  Society  /  Signal  Processing  Society  o NEW:  Joint  chapter  of  Aerospace  &  Electronic  Systems  Society  /  

Geoscience  &  Remote  Sensing  Society  o NEW:  Solid  State  Circuits  Society  Chapter  


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IEEE Indonesia Section | [email protected] | @IEEEIndonesia | +62-21-7079-1333    

• Number  of  Chapters  formed  in  the  current  year:  2  Chapters    • Number  of  Active  Chapters:  8  Chapters  • Summary  of  Chapter  activities  chapter  wise  with  attachment  table  /  


Computer  Society  Chapter  • Technical  Sponsor  of  Joint  International  Conference  on  rural-­‐ICT  &  

Electric  Vehicle  Technology,  Bandung,  November  2013  • Technical  Sponsor  of  Indonesia  Digital  Media  Festival  2013,  Bandung,  

November  2013  • Technical  Sponsor  of  Gamechanic  Seminars,  Bandung,  March  2013  • One  of  The  Founder  of  Indonesia  Digital  Media  Forum,  March  2013  • Technical  Sponsor  of  Web  Design  Training  with  US  Embassy,  November  

2013  • Monthly  IEEE  CS  Talks:  

o 19  Februari  2013:  Financial  Analyst  o 23  April  2013:  Heriyadi  Janwar  (Microsoft)  -­‐  “Microsoft  Opennes,”  

Kris  Antoni  Hadiputra(Toge  Production)  -­‐  “Prototype  To  Launch,”  ITB-­‐Prasetya  Mulya    Business  Discussion  

o 25  June  2013:  Rahmad  Imron  (Digital  Happiness)  o 19  July  2013:  Discussion  with  FOWAB,  GameDev  Bandung,  

Segitiga.Net  o 23  August  2013:  Dicky  Sukmana  (Lazypreneur,  Invictus,  

InfoBandung,  Amudra),  Sachin  Kelkar  (Head  of  Intel  APAC  Scale  Program)  

o 25  September  2013,  Arief  Widiyasa  (Agate),  Purnama  (Bandung  Digital  Valley)  

o 29-­‐30  October  2013:  Workshop  Unity3D    o 8  November  2013:  John  Polanski(Kyushu  Institute  of  Technology),  

“Nano  Satelite”  

Communications  Society  Chapter  • APCC,  Asia-­‐Pacific  Conference  on  Communications,  organised  by  IEEE  

Communication  Society  Indonesia  Chapter,  IEICE  Communications  Society,  KICS,  dan  CIC.  Kuta,  August  2013.  

• COMNETSAT,  IEEE  International  Conference  on  Communication,  Networks  and  Satellite,  organised  by  IEEE  Indonesia  Section,  IEEE  Comsoc  Indonesia  Chapter,  IEEE  AESS/GRSS  Joint  Chapter,  and  Institut  Teknologi  Telkom.  Yogyakarta,  December  2013.  

• The  IEEE  Comsoc  Indonesia  Chapter  has  organized  a  course  to  prepare  WCET  Assessment,  during  Q3/2013  –  Q1/2014.  

• IEEE  Communication  Society  Indonesia  Chapter  presented  IEEE  Distinguished  Lectures  by  Professor  Ekram  Hossain.  The  topic  was  Radio  

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IEEE Indonesia Section | [email protected] | @IEEEIndonesia | +62-21-7079-1333    

Resource  Management  in  Multitier  Cellular  Wireless  Networks  and  Modeling,  Analysis,  and  Design  of  Multitier  and  Cognitive  Cellular  Wireless  Networks.  

o ITT  Bandung,  27  August  2013  o UGM  Yogyakarta,  29  August  2013  o UMN  Serpong,  30  August  2013  


Circuits  and  Systems  Chapter  • 12  April  2013  (Friday,  09.15  –  11.15,  Dept.  of  E.E.,  ITS,  Surabaya):  

“Seminar  on  Introduction  to  IEEE,  Student  Membership,  Development  of  New  Student  Branch  Chapters”;  Venue:  Department  of  Electrical  Engineering,  Institut  Teknologi  Sepuluh  Nopember,  Surabaya.  

• 18  April  2013  (Thursday,  11.00  –  12.30,  BME  –  ITB,  Bandung):  Short  Course  on  “Writing  and  Presenting  Scientific/Technical  Papers”  –  Session-­‐2;  Venue:  Ruang  Kuliah  Teknik  Biomedika,  Gedung  LabTek  VIII,  lantai  –  3,  ITB  Campus  (Jalan  Ganesha  10,  Bandung  40132,  Indonesia).    

• 2  May  2013  (Thursday,  11.00  –  12.30,  BME  –  ITB,  Bandung):  Short  Course  on  “Writing  and  Presenting  Scientific/Technical  Papers”  –  Session-­‐4;  Venue:  Ruang  Kuliah  Teknik  Biomedika,  Gedung  LabTek  VIII,  lantai  –  3,  ITB  Campus  (Jalan  Ganesha  10,  Bandung  40132,  Indonesia).  

• 14  May  2013  (Tuesday,  9.00  –  11.00,  Dept.  of  EE.,  Institut  Teknologi  Nasional,  Jalan  PHH  Mustopa  23,  Bandung.  Venue:  Meeting  Room,  4th  Floor,  Rector  Building.  Presentation:  “Introduction  to  Professional  Society,  the  IEEE,  and  Code  of  Ethics”.    

• 16  May  2013  (Thursday,  11.00  –  12.30,  BME  –  ITB,  Bandung):  Short  Course  on  “Writing  and  Presenting  Scientific/Technical  Papers”  –  Session-­‐5;  Venue:  Ruang  Kuliah  Teknik  Biomedika,  Gedung  LabTek  VIII,  lantai  –  3,  ITB  Campus  (Jalan  Ganesha  10,  Bandung  40132,  Indonesia).    

• 11  June  2013  (Tuesday,  9.00  –  10.30;  Electrical  Engineering  Education  Department,  Universitas  Pendidikan  Indonesia,  Bandung).  Presentation:  “Introduction  to    IEEE  and  Code  of  Ethics”.  Followed  by  a  Workshop  on  “How  to  Write  &  Present  Papers”  from  11.00  –  15.00.  Venue:  Meeting  Room,  4th  Floor,  FPTK  –  UPI,  Jalan  Setiabudi,  Bandung.    

• 3  October  2013,  9.00  –  11.00  am.:  “IEEE  Day  Seminar”,  Lecture  Room  –  Building-­‐20,  Electrical  Engineering  Department,  Institut  Teknologi  Nasional,  Bandung.  

• 3  October  2013,  13.00  –  14.00  pm.:  “IEEE  Day  Seminar”,  Lecture  Room  –  Building-­‐20,  Electrical  Engineering  Department,  Institut  Teknologi  Nasional,  Bandung.    Organized  by  IEEE  ITB  Student  Branch  and  IEEE  CASS  Chapter.  

• International  Conference  on  Electronics  Technology  and  Industrial  Development  (ICE-­‐ID)  2013,  Nusa  Dua  (Bali),  23  -­‐  24  October  2013.  The  

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IEEE Indonesia Section | [email protected] | @IEEEIndonesia | +62-21-7079-1333    

international  conference  was  also  co-­‐technically  sponsored  by:    IEEE  Indonesia  CASS  Chapter.  

• 21  November  2013,  10.00  am.  –  16.00  pm.  ITB  Campus,  Jalan  Ganesha  10,  Bandung.  IEEE  CASS  Malaysia  Chapter  Networking  Visit.  

• 2013  Joint  International  Conference  on  Rural  Information  &  Communication  Technology  and  Electric  –  Vehicle  Technology  (rICT  &  ICeV-­‐T),  Bandung  (Indonesia),  26  –  28  Nov.  2013.    

Engineering  in  Medicine  and  Biology  Chapter  • 11  April  2013  (Thursday,  11.00  –  12.30,  BME  –  ITB,  Bandung):  Short  

Course  on  “Writing  and  Presenting  Scientific/Technical  Papers”    • 12  April  2013  (Friday,  09.15  –  11.15,  Dept.  of  E.E.,  ITS,  Surabaya):  

“Seminar  on  Introduction  to  IEEE,  Student  Membership,  Development  of  New  Student  Branch  Chapters”;  Venue:  Department  of  Electrical  Engineering,  Institut  Teknologi  Sepuluh  Nopember,  Surabaya.  

• 12  April  2013  (Friday,  14.15  –  16.15,  Dept.  of  E.E.,  ITS,  Surabaya):  “Seminar  on  Development  of  e-­‐Health  and  Telemedicine  Systems”;  Venue:  Department  of  Electrical  Engineering,  Institut  Teknologi  Sepuluh  Nopember,  Surabaya.  

• 18  April  2013  (Thursday,  11.00  –  12.30,  BME  –  ITB,  Bandung):  Short  Course  on  “Writing  and  Presenting  Scientific/Technical  Papers”  –  Session-­‐2;  Venue:  Ruang  Kuliah  Teknik  Biomedika,  Gedung  LabTek  VIII,  lantai  –  3,  ITB  .  

• 25  April  2013  (Thursday,  11.00  –  12.30,  BME  –  ITB,  Bandung):  Short  Course  on  “Writing  and  Presenting  Scientific/Technical  Papers”  –  Session-­‐3;  Venue:  Ruang  Kuliah  Teknik  Biomedika,  Gedung  LabTek  VIII,  lantai  –  3,  ITB  Campus  (Jalan  Ganesha  10,  Bandung  40132,  Indonesia).    

• 14  May  2013  (Tuesday,  9.00  –  11.00,  EE  Dept.  ITENAS,  Bandung):  Workshop  on  “EE  Curriculum  Evaluation.  Sub  Topics:  The  Importance  of  Soft  Skills    &  IEEE  Code  of  Ethics”;  Venue:  Meeting  Room,  Gedung  Rektorat,  lantai  –  3,  Itenas    

• IEEE  Day  Series:  o 1  October  2013,  9.00  –  11.00  am.:  “IEEE  Day  Seminar  &  Meeting”,  

BME  Lecture  Room,  LabTek  VIII  Building  –  lantai  3.  Organized  by  IEEE  ITB  Student  Branch  and  IEEE  EMBS  Chapter.    

o 2  October  2013,  9.00  –  11.00  am.:  “IEEE  Day  Seminar”,  Lecture  Room  –  Building-­‐20,  Electrical  Engineering  Department,  Institut  Teknologi  Nasional,  Bandung  

• ICICI  –  BME  2013  –  The  3rd  International  Conference  on  Instrumentation,  Communications,  Information  Technology  and  Biomedical  Engineering  (ICICI-­‐BME)  2013,  Bandung  (Indonesia),  7  –  8  Nov.  2013.    Official  Website:  http://icici-­‐  Theme:  Science  and  Technology  for  Improvement  of  Health,  Safety  and  Environment.    

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• 2013  Joint  International  Conference  on  Rural  Information  &  Communication  Technology  and  Electric  –  Vehicle  Technology  (rICT  &  ICeV-­‐T),  Bandung  (Indonesia),  26  –  28  Nov.  2013.  

Joint  chapter  of  Microwave  Theory  /  Antennas  &  Propagation  • Support  for  Conference:  ICoQiR,  International  Conference  on  Quality  in  

Research  o Yogyakarta,  June  2013  

• Technical  Meeting  o Jakarta,  22-­‐23  April  2013  o Guest:  Prof.  Monai  Krairiksh  (King  Mongkut  Institute  of  

Technology  Ladkrabang)  o Themes:  

! A  Phased  Array  Consisting  of  Switched  Beam  Elements  in  Improving  Channel  Capacity  

! Remote  Sensing  of  the  Physical  Qualities  of  Fruits  ! Communications  Network  to  Monitor  Fruits  on  Trees  in  a  

Rural  Environment.  •  Seminar  series  (June  2013)  

o  Dr.  Linus  Lau  (CST)    o  Mr.  Chiang  Chun  Tong  (CST)  

• Conference:  SMAP  2013  o Jakarta,  October  2013  o Keynote  speaker  :    

!  Dr.  Denny  Setiawan  (Ministry  of  Information  and  Communication)  

!  Dr.  Eko  Fajar  Nurprasetyo  (PT.  Versatile  Silicon)    o  Parallel  session  

!  Microwave  session  !  Antenna  and  propagation  


Joint  chapter  of  Control  System  Society  /  Robotics  &  Automation  Society  • ICCSII,  IEEE  Conference  on  Control,  Systems  &  Industrial  Informatics,  

organised  by  IEEE  Indonesia  Joint  Chapter  of  CSS/RAS.  Bandung,  June  2013.  

• ROBIONETICS,  Robotics,  Biomimetics,  Intelligent  Computational  Systems,  organised  by  IEEE  Indonesia  Joint  Chapter  of  CSS/RAS.  Yogyakarta,  Nov  2013.  

• Short  course  on  “Internet  of  Things”  has  been  carried  out  by  IEEE  Indonesia  Control  Systems  /  Robotics  and  Automation  Joint  Chapter.  Yogyakarta,  Nov  2013.  

• IEEE  Indonesia  Robotics  &  Automation  Society  and  Control  System  Society  Joint  Chapter  has  organized  "One  Day  Workshop  on    Urban  Traffic  

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Control"  (10  September  2013).  The  speaker  was  Prof  René  Boel,  Universiteit  Gent,  Belgium.  

Join  Chapter  of  Education  Society  /  Electron  Devices  Society  /  Power  Electronics  Society  /  Signal  Processing  Society  

• No  report  

Joint  chapter  of  Aerospace  &  Electronic  Systems  Society  /  Geoscience  &  Remote  Sensing  Society  

• The  Chapter  was  established  in  2013  • COMNETSAT,  IEEE  International  Conference  on  Communication,  

Networks  and  Satellite,  organized  by  IEEE  Indonesia  Section,  IEEE  Comsoc  Indonesia  Chapter,  IEEE  AESS/GRSS  Joint  Chapter,  and  Institut  Teknologi  Telkom.  Yogyakarta,  December  2013.  

Solid  State  Circuits  Society  Chapter  • The  Chapter  was  established  in  2013  • International  Conference  on  Electronics  Technology  and  Industrial  

Development  (ICE-­‐ID)  2013,  Nusa  Dua  (Bali),  23  -­‐  24  October  2013.  Sixty  (60)  papers  from  7  countries,  have  been  presented  in  the  international  conference.  Participants:  70  (IEEE  members  =  12  +  4);  [Technical]    

B.3  Professional  and  Continuing  Education  Activities  

Education  Activities  • Seminar  on  International  Higher  Education  Accreditation,  organized  by  

the  IEEE  Indonesia  Section,  conducted  at  Bina  Nusantara  University,  February  2013.  

• Workshop  on  Lesson  Learned  from  Educational  Activities  in  IEEE;  held  by  the  IEEE  Indonesia  Section,  part  of  IEEE  TALE  2013.  Denpasar,  August  2013    

• Seminar  on  Engineering  Student  Outcome  Quality  of  Higher  Education,  organized  by  the  IEEE  Indonesia  Section,  conducted  at  ITB,  Bandung,  October  2013  

Conferences  • March  2013  

o ICOICT,  International  Conference  On  Information  &  Communications  Technology  2013,  organised  by  IT  Telkom.  Bandung.  

• June  2013  

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o ICISS,  International  Conference  On  ICT  For  Smart  Society  2013,  organised  by  STEI  ITB.  Jakarta.  

o ICCSII,  IEEE  Conference  on  Control,  Systems  &  Industrial  Informatics,  organised  by  IEEE  Indonesia  Joint  Chapter  of  CSS/RAS.  

o ICoQiR,  International  Conference  on  Quality  in  Research,  organised  by  Fakultas  Teknik  Universitas  Indonesia.  Yogyakarta.  

• August  2013  o TALE,  IEEE  International  Conference  on  Teaching,  Assessment  and  

Learning  for  Engineering,  organised  by    IEEE  Education  Society,  IEEE  Indonesia  Section,  dan  Bina  Nusantara  University.  Kuta.  

o APCC,  Asia-­‐Pacific  Conference  on  Communications,  organised  by  IEEE  Communication  Society  Indonesia  Chapter,  IEICE  Communications  Society,  KICS,  dan  CIC.  Kuta.  

• September  2013  o ICACSIS,  International  Conference  on  Advanced  Computer  Science  

and  Information  Systems,  organised  by  Fakultas  Ilmu  Komputer  Universitas  Indonesia  

• October  2013  o ICITEE,  International  Conference  on  Information  Technology  and  

Electrical  Engineering,  organised  by  Department  of  Electrical  Engineering  and  Information  Technology,  Universitas  Gadjah  Mada  (UGM).  Yogyakarta.  

o ICE-­‐ID,  International  Conference  on  Electronics  Technology  and  Industrial  Development,  organised  by  IEEE  SSCS  Indonesia  Chapter  and  STEI  ITB.  Nusa  Dua.  

• November  2013  o IC3INA,  The  International  Conference  on  Computer,  Control,  

Informatics  and  its  Applications,  organised  by  LIPI.  Jakarta.  o ICICI  BME,  International  Conference  on  Instrumentation,  

Communication,  Information  Technology  and  Biomedical  Engineering,  organised  by  IEEE  Biomedical  Engineering  Indonesia  Chapter  dan  ITB  

o ROBIONETICS,  Robotics,  Biomimetics,  Intelligent  Computational  Systems,  organised  by  IEEE  Indonesia  Joint  Chapter  of  CSS/RAS.  Yogyakarta.  

o CONMEDIA,  Conference  on  New  Media  Studies,  organised  by  Universitas  Multimedia  Nusantara,  with  technical  co-­‐sponsorship  by  IEEE  Indonesia  Section.  Serpong.  

• December  2013  o CYBERNETICSCOM,  IEEE  International  Conference  on  

Computational  Intelligence  and  Cybernetics,  organised  by  IEEE  Indonesia  Section  dan  Universitas  Indonesia.  Yogyakarta.  

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o COMNETSAT,  IEEE  International  Conference  on  Communication,  Networks  and  Satellite,  organised  by  IEEE  Indonesia  Section,  IEEE  Comsoc  Indonesia  Chapter,  IEEE  AESS/GRSS  Joint  Chapter,  and  Institut  Teknologi  Telkom.  Yogyakarta,  December  2013.  

Technical  Activities  • IEEE  Indonesia  Section  has  been  involved  in  NEST  (National  Electrical  

Engineering  Seminar),  a  national  seminar,  workshop,  and  exhibition  organized  by  Universitas  Indonesia  (12-­‐13  September  2013).  The  theme  was  “A  Step  Forward  to  the  Green  Information  and  Communication  Technology  Sustainability.”    

Training  Courses  • Short  course  on  “Internet  of  Things”  has  been  carried  out  by  IEEE  

Indonesia  Control  Systems  /  Robotics  and  Automation  Joint  Chapter.  Yogyakarta,  Nov  2013.  

• The  IEEE  Comsoc  Indonesia  Chapter  has  organizes  a  course  to  prepare  WCET  Assessment.  The  IEEE  Communications  Society  (IEEE  ComSoc)  has  designed  the  IEEE  WCET  certification  program  to  address  the  worldwide  wireless  industry’s  growing  and  ever-­‐evolving  need  for  qualified  communication  professionals  who  can  demonstrate  practical  problem-­‐solving  skills  in  real-­‐world  situations.  Individuals  who  achieve  this  certification  will  be  recognized  as  having  the  required  knowledge,  skill,  and  ability  to  meet  wireless  challenges  in  various  industry,  business,  corporate,  and  organizational  settings.  

Distinguished  Lecture  Program  • IEEE  Communication  Society  Indonesia  Chapter  presented  IEEE  

Distinguished  Lectures  by  Professor  Ekram  Hossain.  The  topic  was  Radio  Resource  Management  in  Multitier  Cellular  Wireless  Networks  and  Modeling,  Analysis,  and  Design  of  Multitier  and  Cognitive  Cellular  Wireless  Networks.  

o ITT  Bandung,  27  August  2013  o UGM  Yogyakarta,  29  August  2013  o UMN  Serpong,  30  August  2013  

B.4  Students  Activities  • Total  number  of  Student  branches  in  the  Section:  6  Branches  

o Universitas  Indonesia  +2  chapters  

o  Institut  Teknologi  Sepuluh  Nopember  

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o  Institut  Teknologi  Bandung  +11  chapters  

o  Institut  Teknologi  Telekomunikasi  o  Universitas  Gajah  Mada  o  Universitas  Bina  Nusantara  

• Number  of  Student  branches  formed  in  the  current  year:  0  • Section  level  student  activities:  

o Student  Congress,  February  2013,  organized  by  Universitas  Indonesia  Student  Branch  

o Social  activities  on  IEEE  Day  (ITS  Student  Branch,  ITB  Student  Branch,  ITT  Student  Branch)  

o Supports  for  international  conferences  • Number  of  Active  Student  branches    (Student  branches  who  have  

reported  required  number  of  meetings  during  the  year):  6  Branches  

Student  Branch:  Institut  Teknologi  Bandung  (ITB)  • Participation  in  Student  Branch  Poster  Session  in  the  “IEEE  Region  10  

Congress”,  Hyderabad  (India).  • Organizing  IEEE  Day:  

o 1  October  2013,  9.00  –  11.00  am.:  “IEEE  Day  Seminar  &  Meeting”  at  ITB.  Presentation  on  IEEE  Day,  IEEE  Student  Memberships  and  Professional  Society  by  IEEE  Indonesia  EMBS  Chapter.    

o 2  October  2013,  9.00  –  11.00  am.:  “IEEE  Day  Seminar”  at  ITENAS.  Presentation  on  IEEE  Day,  IEEE  Student  Memberships  and  Professional  Society  by  IEEE  Indonesia  EMBS  Chapter.  

o 3  October  2013,  9.00  –  11.00  am.:  “IEEE  Day  Seminar”  at  ITENAS.  Presentation  on  IEEE  Day,  IEEE  Student  Memberships  and  Professional  Society  by  IEEE  Indonesia  CASS  Chapter.  

o 3  October  2013,  13.00  –  14.00  pm.:  “IEEE  Day  Seminar”  at  ITB.  Presentation  on  IEEE  Day,  IEEE  Student  Memberships  and  Professional  Society  by  IEEE  Indonesia  CASS  Chapter.    

• The  Branch  sent  3  teams  as  representatives  for  the  IEEEXtreme  Programming  Competition.  The  3  (three)  Teams  from  the  ITB  Student  Branch  have  achieved  the  following  Ranks:  [a].  CJI*  Team  →  Rank  #  9;  [b].  CumiLompat  Team  →  Rank  #  15;  [c].  Aergia  Team  →  Rank  #  49.  The  total  number  of  Teams  =  1838.  

• The  Branch  has  fully  supported  the  “ICICI  –  BME  2013  –  The  3rd  International  Conference  on  Instrumentation,  Communications,  Information  Technology  and  Biomedical  Engineering  (ICICI-­‐BME)  2013”,  Bandung  (Indonesia),  7  –  8  Nov.  2013.    The  International  Conference  was  organized  by:  Institut  Teknologi  Bandung,  ISASS,  Indonesian  Biomedical  Engineering  Society  (IBES),  ComLabs  USDI-­‐ITB.  The  international  conference  was  co-­‐technically  sponsored  by:  IEEE  Indonesia  EMBS  Chapter  and    IEEE  Indonesia  CASS  Chapter.  

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Student  Branch:  Universitas  Gadjah  Mada  (UGM)  • Seminar  on  LTE  &  Digital  TV.  27  April  2013.  • Membership  recruitation  week.  April  2013.    • Attending  Indonesia  Section  Student  Congress.  Jakarta,  February  2013.    • Attending  Indonesia  Section  Gathering.  Jakarta,  November  2013.  • Papercraft  #1:  Workshop  on  Papercraft  –  a  strategy  for  research,  

reporting,  and  presentation.  8  June  2013.    • Papercraft  #2:  Workshop  on  popular  article  authoring.  20  November  

2013.    • Provided  supports  for:  

o ICITEE  2013  o ROBIONETICS  2013  o CYBERNETICSCOM  2013  o COMNETSAT  2013  


Student  Branch:  Universitas  Indonesia  • February  2013:  Organized  &  host  Indonesia  Student  Congress  2013.  

Jakarta.  • September  2013:  IEEE  UI  SB  co-­‐organized  NEST  (National  Electrical  

Engineering  Seminar),  a  national  seminar,  workshop,  and  exhibition  in  Universitas  Indonesia  (12-­‐13  September  2013).  The  theme  was  “A  Step  Forward  to  the  Green  Information  and  Communication  Technology  Sustainability.”  

• December  2013:  IEEE  UI  SB  supported  CYBERNETICSCOM  &  COMNETSAT,  Yogyakarta.    

Student  Branch:  Institut  Teknologi  Sepuluh  November,  Surabaya  (ITS)  • August  2013:  Revitalized  organization  • 1  October  2013:  Co-­‐organized  official  celebration  of  IEEE  Day  in  

Indonesia.  The  host  is  Department  of  Electrical  Engineering  at  ITS,  and  IEEE  ITS  Student  Branch.  Programs:  

o Lecture  on  "Channel  Modeling  &  Wireless  Technology"  by  Prof.  Dr.  Gamantyo  Hendrantoro  

o Lecture  on  "Quantum  Communications"  by  Agung  Trisetyarso,  Ph.D.          

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Student  Branch:  Bina  Nusantara  University  • Bina  Nusantara  SB  has  supported  IEEE  TALE:  an  International  Conference  

on  Teaching,  Assessment  and  Learning  for  Engineering,  organised  by    IEEE  Education  Society,  IEEE  Indonesia  Section,  dan  Bina  Nusantara  University.  Kuta,  August  2013.  

• Bina  Nusantara  SB  has  co-­‐organized  the  first  IEEE  Indonesia  Section  Annual  Member  Gathering  on  Saturday,  16  November  2013  at  Bina  Nusantara  University,  FX  Plaza  Campus,  Jakarta.  About  50  volunteers,  members,  and  student  members  have  attended  the  meeting.    

Student  Branch:  Telkom  University  (was  Institut  Teknologi  Telkom)  • Telkom  University  SB  has  supported  APCC,  Asia-­‐Pacific  Conference  on  

Communications,  organised  by  IEEE  Communication  Society  Indonesia  Chapter,  IEICE  Communications  Society,  KICS,  dan  CIC.  Kuta,  August  2013.  

• Telkom  University  SB  has  co-­‐organized  IEEE  Day  with  IEEE  Comsoc  Indonesia  Chapter.  The  host  is  ITT  Campus.  Programs  include  a  lecture  on  Internet  of  Things,  October  2013.  

B.5  Affinity  Group  Activities      

GOLD  • GOLD  Affinity  Group  has  not  established  yet.  


WiE  • WiE  was  re-­‐established  in  2013  as  an  Affity  Group,  after  previously  being  

only  a  Coordinated  Activity  • WiE  has  carried  out  an  extensive  activities  during  April  2013,  including  a  

WiE  seminar  on  “Network  Strategy  for  Sustaining  Work  in  Engineering  Area,”  hosted  by  Universitas  Multimedia  Nusantara,  Serpong,  20  April  2013.    

Life  Member  • Life  Member  Affinity  Group  has  not  established  yet.  • There  was  a  special  talk  at  the  IEEE  Indonesia  Section  1st  Annual  Member  

Gathering  by  an  LM  Representative,  Mr.  Arnold  Ph  Djiwatampu.      

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 B.6  Awards  &  Recognition  Activities  • Award  constituted  by  the  section  

o None  • Award(s)  received  from  R10  

o None  • Award(s)  received  from  IEEE  HQ  

o IEEE  Indonesia  Section  25th  Anniversary  Awards  o IEEE  Xtreme  for  IEEE  Student  Branch  representatives,  in  2012  

(certificates  were  presented  in  2013),  and  in  2013.  

B.7  Communication  Activities  • Newsletter  

o e-­‐Notice  facility  o Sent  monthly  

• Homepage  o  o Updated  monthly  

• Social  media:  o Twitter:  o FB  Fans  Page:  


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B.9  Humanitarian  Technology  Activities  • A  SIGHT  in  Telemedicine  was  just  established  on  May  2013.  • Activities:  

o 30  September  2013:  IEEE  Days:  seminar  on  IEEE  SIGHT  activities  o 7-­‐8  November  2013:  Dissemination  of  SIGHT  activities  in  “ICICI  

BME  Conference  2013”  o Workshop  on  “Building  your  own  e-­‐Health  mobile  application  

project  for  Midwives”  • Pilot  Projects:  

o e-­‐Prescription  System  at  a  Community  Health  Center  -­‐  Pilot  application  

o Reminder  System  for  Midwives  based  on  mobile  devices  -­‐  Pilot  application  

o Building  your  own  e-­‐Health  mobile  application  project  -­‐  with  Padjadjaran  University  –  Beta  testing  

o Application  of  mobile  phone  in  healthcare  promotion  –  preliminary  concept  

o Mobile  IMCI  system,  an  Android-­‐based  Mobile  Device  application  for  the  Integrated  Management  of  Childhood  Illness  (endorsed  by  WHO)  –  preliminary  concept  

B.10  Community  Activities  

IEEE  Day  (October  2013)  • IEEE  Day  is  a  global  event  to  be  held  on  the  first  Tuesday  of  October,  

annually.  The  IEEE  Indonesia  Section  has  celebrated  the  third  IEEE  Day  (since  2011).  The  events  are  carried  out  by:  • IEEE  Indonesia  Section  &  IEEE  ITS  Student  Branch  "  Surabaya:  

Introductory  lecture  on  Quantum  Communications.  • IEEE  Comsoc  Chapter  &  IEEE  ITT  Student  Branch  "  Bandung:  Lecture  

in  Internet  of  Things  • IEEE  EMB  Chapter,  IEEE  SIGHT  Telemedicine  Affinity  Group,  &  IEEE  

ITB  Student  Branch  "  Lecture  on  Telemedicine  in  3  universities  in  Bandung.  

First  Annual  Member  Gathering  (November  2013)  • The  IEEE  Indonesia  Section  has  carried  out  its  first  Annual  Member  

Gathering  on  Saturday,  16  November  2013  at  Bina  Nusantara  University,  FX  Plaza  Campus,  Jakarta.  About  50  volunteers,  members,  and  student  members  have  attended  the  meeting.  The  Section,  chapters,  and  student  branches  have  presented  their  activities,  achievements,  and  plans.  In  networking  sessions,  volunteers  have  arranged  some  collaboration  plans  among  units.  

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IEEE Indonesia Section | [email protected] | @IEEEIndonesia | +62-21-7079-1333    

C  -­‐-­‐  OTHERS  

C.1  Relationship  with  National  Societies  

• In  2013,  the  Section  has  started  a  collaboration  with  LIPI  (National  Science  Institution).  The  activities  include,  among  other,  organizing  international  conference  IC3INA;  and  preparing  a  training  in  research  and  paper  authoring  for  IEEE  members.  

C.2    Special  Events  

• None  

C.3    Problems  to  be  Anticipated  

• The  activities  are  currently  only  focused  in  big  cities.  To  achieve  its  goals,  the  Section  will  have  to  expand  its  activities  to  smaller  cities  in  Indonesian  archipelago  (34  provinces,  400s  cities,  >300  universities,  >15.000  islands).  

C.4  Best  Practices  of  your  section    

• In  the  year  2013  -­‐  2014,  IEEE  Indonesia  Section  has  continues  its  plan  to  involving  more  universities,  research  institute,  and  industry  to  IEEE  professional  activities.  This  has  successfully  improved  the  awareness  of  the  public  to  the  IEEE,  while  maintaining  the  growth  of  professional  members.    

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D  -­‐-­‐  GOALS  AND  PLANS  1. Strengthening  collaboration  with  Industry  and  Community,  in  order  to:  

a. Leverage  IEEE  leadership  role  in  fostering  new  technologies  and  innovation.  

b. Provide  benefits  to  members,  as  their  membership  and  activities  will  raise  their  career  development  and  professional  success.  

2. Leveraging  Indonesia  reputation  in  international  engineering  forums,  including:  

a. Organizing  international  events  with  assured  high  quality  b. Supporting  &  supervising  Chapter  activities,  while  maintaining  its  

independency  c. Supporting  professional  conferences  and  events  carried  out  by  

universities  and  industries  3. Improving  members  benefit  by,  among  others:  

a. Promoting  and  facilitating  members  to  elevate  their  membership,  from  Associate  to  Member,  and  from  Member  to  Senior  Member  

b. Expanding  opportunities  for  members  to  get  involved  in  organization  events,  networking,  and  training.  

4. Address  young  engineers  needs  a. Providing  education  (training,  knowledge  sharing)  to  facilitate  

career  progress  b. Facilitating  networking  with  professionals  and  industry  leaders.  

5. Providing  more  support  for  student  technical  activities  in  universities,  including  

a. Supporting  the  activities  of  Student  Branches  b. Supporting  the  establishment  of  new  Student  Branches  

i. Short  term:  Brawijaya  University,  Udayana  University,  Hasanuddin  University.  

6. Keeping  the  good  organization  governance  by  a. Improving  members’  communications  and  participations  by  

making  greater  use  of  Internet  and  social  media  platforms.  b. Supporting  Women  in  Engineering  activities.  


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