
Indulge | March 2011 | 1



Indulgespirit|soul|body March 2011

Our Heart’s Mission is...A Crowning Passion Kids in the Kitchen

Angela Frost’s Unspeakable Joy Life in the Fast Lane

Hot without Heels

Handmade with Love by Suse Hockings

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The CoverCover Angela Frost and Jordon Frost Photography Natasha Smith, NSP Studio PhotographyBeauty & Styling Tanya Epis


General EnquiriesT 0450 066 116 E [email protected] eMagazine is published monthly by the ILTS Project Pty Ltd (ACN 147832906). All rights are reserved and the contents are copyright and may not be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher. ILTS Project (“the Publisher”), their related companies and officers herby disclaim, to the full extent permitted by law, all liability, damages, costs and expenses whatsoever arising from or in connection with copy information or other material in this magazine, any negligence of the publisher, or any person’s actions in reliance therein. Any dispute or complaint regarding placed advertisements must be made within seven days of publication. Inclusion of any copy must not be taken as any endorsement of the Publisher. Views expressed by contributors are personal views and they are not necessarily endorsed by the Publisher. All reasonable efforts have been made to trace copyright holders by the Publisher. The Publisher and the authors do not accept any liability whatsoever in respect of any action taken by readers in reliance on the recommendation set out in this magazine.

Indulge eMagazine is part of the iluvthoseshoes Project which seeks to empower women in their journey through life by resourcing them, spirit, soul and body.Empower = make more confident; to give authorityResource = source of help; solutions to problems

Publisheriluvthoseshoes Project

Editor-in-ChiefCharissa Steffens [email protected]

Creative DirectorNatasha Smith [email protected]

Technical DirectorDavid Steffens [email protected]

Senior EditorsChristy CareyKaren Jackson

Theological AdvisorReverend Malcolm Keynes (Dip. Ministry)

Fashion EditorTanya Epis

Food EditorAngela Frost

ContributorsAngela FrostNicky HurleJo-Anne PuggioniCandice SchmidtDr Cristina Beer

Editorial & Production AssistantAndrew Nicholson

Technical Adviser Brendan Smith

AdvertisingPhone 0405 066 116Email [email protected]

AccountantsHenderson Accountants

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spiritAngela Frost

Unspeakable JoyNicky Hurle

Just Open Your...

soulSuse Hocking

Handmade with LoveJo-Anne Puggioni

Hot without HeelsCandice SchmidtLife in the Fast Lane

bodyDr Cris Beer

Our Heart’s Mission is...Fashion

A Crowing GloryThe Ultimate LBD

FoodKids in the Kitchen

Indulge | March 2011 | 5

Dr Cristina Beer Medical PractionerCristina was born in Portugal to Portuguese parents and immigrated to Australia at the age of 5 years old. She has lived and studied for the most part on the Gold Coast. Cristina attained university degrees in Biomedical Science and Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery. She is also a qualified personal fitness trainer and nutritionist. “I have a special interest in holistic medicine, with a focus on natural and anti-aging medicine”. She is currently working in general practice on the Gold Coast. Cristina is married to a wonderfully supportive man, named Brad, who is a physiotherapist on the Gold Coast. “I have a burning desire to see people live whole, healthy, and balanced lives in the fullness of God’s plan for them”.

Candice Schmidt CounsellorCandice desires to see people thrive in every area of life. She has been married for 15 years to a Paediatrician and they have lived in South Africa, New Zealand and Canada but have called the Gold Coast, Australia home for the last 4 years.

They have four children between the ages of 4 and 12. Her passion is to “Live well, laugh often, love much”. She has a Degree in Psychology and a Diploma

in Counselling. She loves to help people live to their full God-given potential spirit, soul and body. She enjoys individual, couple and family counselling and

watching God bring healing and restoration. She is a trained facilitator of ‘Toolbox Parenting’ which offers families hot tips on parenting well.

Nicky Hurle Educator & Writer

Nicky is a talented and passionate educator who has taught in both Primary and Secondary school in a career that is a vocational calling. She has a Biblical Diploma and a recently completed Masters in Gifted Education. Her involvement with young people spans more than twenty years in various roles including youth leader and mentor. Nicky is currently a House Parent at the Australian Institute of Sport in Canberra where, with her husband David, she is responsible for looking after the welfare of residential athletes. She is presently writing her first novel and loves reading, movies and music.

This month...

Jo-Anne Puggioni Writer

Jo is one of 6 children. She went to boarding school at 12 years of age and lost her father at 17. She then found her Father God at 19 and married at 27. Having been through many struggles in life including miscarriage and depression, she firmly believes that God’s love conquers all.

Jo writes to encourage women to seek God more, to tell of His incredible love and to give women hope in Him. She has learned that in life our plans may not be God’s plans; often His plans are better! Jo is passionate about her husband Manning and sons Declan, Kairon & Elias, His Word, drinking lattes, inspirational quotes, seeing women set free in His name, His love for all humanity, and spring time on the Gold Coast where she lives.

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Love Charissa

from the editorAre you feeling indulged yet?

Indulge means to ‘enjoy the pleasure of’ and what we want you to do is to enjoy reading Indulge. We also want you to enjoy the pleasure of knowing our amazing God and the wonderful relationship that He desires to have with you.

Many of us have not had a perfect upbringing, many of us have been treated poorly by those that we chose to trust; this can make life hard and we can feel exhausted and shattered by those moments. However, God does not want us to stay there, He wants us to ‘walk through’ and grab hold of His promises for us. He has a plan and a purpose for everyone and it is better than you or I can ever imagine. Let’s dream together and allow God to do all He wants to do in us!

As I have been thinking about March, the word that has been reoccurring is a simple but powerful one JOY... Joy is hard to describe and comes in different shapes and sizes for us all. We all know the exhilaration of a joy moment and the impact it can have upon us. It can leave us with a lingering smile and a happy heart that helps us rise above the difficult times.

This month we have one of my favourite joy stories. When God gives a promise He delivers and what unspeakable joy that brings! Angela Frost, better know to you all as our food editor shares her journey through infertility with you. What is brilliant about Ange is that she never gave up... she just gave over.

We introduce to you the very talented Nicky Hurle. Nicky has penned an article on Joy for us to help us understand a little more about this gift from God that strengthens us. We look forward to having Nicky as a regular contributor here at Indulge.

If you have young kids you will love our feature on Suse Hocking’s beautiful children’s clothes. So adorable I wanted to take the whole basket home for my kids! (Aren’t they gorgeous?)

We also have the delightful Candice, Jo and Dr Cris sharing with us again some words of wisdom to help look after us spirit, soul and body.

Our Fashion Editor, Tanya was so excited to meet the famous milliner Waltrud Reiner whose work is just superb. Tanya has also put together a great article on a woman’s second best friend...the LBD!

Kids are featured throughout this months magazine and no wonder with our theme of Joy... Ange has put together some great recipes that you will have loads of fun making with your kids in your kitchen.




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spiritBlessed in many ways, Angela Frost’s heart still longed

for one special joy... her own children.

For many years and in many ways Angela and Don tried to have a family of their own but it was to no avail.

Here Angela, or ‘Ange’ to those of us who know her, shares her very personal journey in an open and heart- touching way.

What shines bright in her difficult journey is her faith in God and His promise to her; her surrender to Him and her courage to trust Him, no matter what... it was then that the miracles began!

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Don and I were married in 1994. Due to the advice given to us by our doctor in that same year, we decided to try for a baby. Don had a

vasectomy during his previous marriage, so he went to the doctors for a reversal. After the operation, the doctor told us not to waste time in trying for a baby because the reversal would not last forever. Little did he know!!!

After one year and still no pregnancy, we decided we needed to consult a fertility doctor to see what was going on. Many invasive tests later, we were told they could find no apparent reason for our infertility. This was not good news for us because that meant there wasn’t something simple for the doctors to fix. They told us to just keep trying.

We did just that and when two more years passed without a baby, we headed back to the doctors crying out for help! As a result, we began the roller coaster ride of artificial insemination and IVF. Year after year went by and there was still no pregnancy; my heart cried out to God, ‘WHY?’ Our finances were suffering and also our relationship started to feel strained. All my friends were falling pregnant so easily and each time I was crushed and overwhelmed with grief. My heart just longed to have a baby and to experience what all my girlfriends were enjoying...being pregnant!

I remember crying out to God one day, asking him to either please help me to live my life without a baby - if that was His will - or give me a promise that I could hold onto in the tough times. On that very day He gave me this scripture:

Words Angela FrostPhotography Natasha Smith NSP Studio PhotographyMakeup & Hair Tanya Epis

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“I will bless you richly. I will multiply your descendants into the countless millions, like the stars of the sky and the sands on the seashore.”

(Genesis 22:17)

In 2004, we moved from New Zealand to Australia. I was keen to find an excellent doctor and continue our journey trying to fall pregnant. To my shock, the infertility doctor told me I needed to start from scratch and undergo all of the invasive tests that we had done a few years earlier in New Zealand. So we went through the whole process again, only to be told they couldn’t find anything wrong. We were labelled INFERTILE!!

A couple of months after all of these tests, I fell pregnant naturally. We were so shocked and surprised that it had just happened! I sat on my bed, with the pregnancy test in my hand, crying and crying. I just couldn’t believe that I was finally pregnant and without any medical intervention!!! For the next two months, I took it easy as I was so anxious about keeping the pregnancy and just getting past the twelve week mark. Unfortunately, at about nine weeks, I had a miscarriage and lost the baby. My heart was so low that it was hard even to cry; I felt so totally broken and numb.

joie de vivre

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In total, we spent about nine years trying every treatment available to us, without success. Each year I would question myself, did I really hear from God? Was this promise really for me? The desire to have a baby consumed my life and I could see that it had taken first place, and God second place.

It was about that time that my sister-in-law announced she was having her third baby. Over the years, I had collected a large amount of baby clothes and accessories. She had kept very few things and I knew God was asking me to give away my precious collection of baby gear to her. By His Grace, I was

The hardest thing was telling all my family who were so excited for us. I actually felt like I had let them down in some way. I couldn’t do the most natural thing in the world: carry a baby. I wasn’t angry with God, but I just couldn’t understand why He would allow me to fall pregnant if I was going to have a miscarriage. He spoke to me one day and I remember Him telling me that He is no man’s debtor; if something is ever taken away from us, He will replace it beyond our wildest dreams. So, I picked myself up from the floor and got on with life the best I knew how.

able to pack them up with a happy heart. It was hard to do, as it was letting go of all that I had hoped and planned for. However, with that giving away, I was given the greatest gift from God. He gave me the ability to truly surrender my desire to have a baby to Him. I felt total freedom from this overwhelming desire to have a baby and I was happy to trust God in whatever he had planned for us. Only he could do this in me.

We then put in our application to adopt a child from overseas. A year later, I fell pregnant naturally. I had such an easy pregnancy and with each visit to my OB, she would say that I was having a textbook pregnancy; I would remember that God had promised this and that He always delivers beyond our wildest dreams. Jordon was born in 2006, beautifully healthy and strong. God was faithful to His promise.

When Jordon was about three and a half years old, she became aware of the fact that she didn’t have a brother or a sister like her kindy friends. She asked me day after day for us to have another baby; each time I would tell her to ask God. I did want another baby, but I also felt totally blessed to have her, so the desire to have a child was not overwhelming.

One day, at church, our pastor spoke on how we can bind things on earth that God has loosened in Heaven for us. He explained that our negative thoughts and words bind the good things God wants us to have, like, ‘I’ll never get that job’ or ‘I’ll never be able to afford that house’. God showed him that He has these good things for us, but we bind them with our negative and unbelieving words. My mother was there at church and God gave her a vision while the pastor was preaching. She could see God wheeling around a shopping trolley with a baby sitting in it. God said to her, ‘I’m ready to give this baby! Who is going to believe me for it?’ She said, ‘I will’. I fell pregnant four weeks later with my second daughter Jorja.

I’m now forty-one years old and in the words of my OB, ‘That’s a feat to fall pregnant at that age’. I would say a miracle! My husband is fifty-three years old, so we are late bloomers but nothing is impossible with God.

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“I will bless you richly. I will multiply your descendants into the countless

millions, like the stars of the sky and the sands on the seashore.”

(Genesis 22:17)

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One of my favourite pastimes is to think about words. Not just read them, but to think about them and their meanings, savouring their pronunciation and creating acrostic definitions from their letters. In what I hope will become a regular column, I want to share those thoughts with you and in some way bring you encouragement and edification in your walk as an empowered Christian woman.

This month I want to look at the word “joy”... which has followed me around for my whole life being my middle name... used approximately 218 times in the Bible to describe a gift we are to develop, a response we should have to adversity, a state we should live in for “all our days” and a source of our strength.First it is important to realise that joy is not happiness; happiness, mentioned about 6 times in the Bible, is a fleeting experience dependent on circumstances and it submits too easily to the will. It is an emotional response and can sometimes seem very elusive. Joy on the other hand, sustains through adversity, reassures in times of doubt, is a constant companion resident beyond feelings in the will, and is our gift when we trust God for it.

As I was growing up, a common acrostic for the letters of joy was “Jesus-Others-You” as a guide for how we should prioritise relationships in our life. Putting Jesus first, others second and yourself last was the mantra for Christian living. However, before writing, when I began to meditate upon this word, an entirely different mnemonic altogether came to mind, a strategy that if followed will bring you into a greater understanding of joy and all its benefits; Just Open Your...

Just Open Your... Mind: You are urged in Romans 12:2 to “be transformed by a renewing of your mind” that you may know the will of God. If you start by using your will to renew your mind in its motivation, intention and contemplation, you will discover that you can redirect your thoughts, goals and dreams to joy. As you are exhorted in Philippians 4:8: “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is




Words Nicky Hurle

Indulge | March 2011 | 15

admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” This practice will surely bring joy to your cerebral pursuits.

Just Open Your... Mouth: The use of shouts and songs is widely associated with joy in the Bible, so don’t just think about it, speak it. Psalm 90:14 states that in response to God’s unfailing love, “we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.” Ezra 3:12 says, “while many others shouted for joy.” Even in Job 8:12, the man in the midst of the greatest distress was told that, “He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy.” There is a vocal response from you that can fill the air, bringing glory to God and joy to your being. Try it... why not shout and sing about it as so many of the Psalms encourage you to do? If you can’t think of your own words, read, sing or shout the Psalms themselves!

Just Open Your... Heart: As you think and vocalise the joy of the Lord, both as a result of directing your will and making a specific decision, it begins to fill your heart. Psalm 19:8 declares “The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart.” Meditating on His word and following his ways will bring you joy that overflows. “My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him,” reads Psalm 28:7 and Isaiah 60:5 declares, “Then you will look and be radiant, your heart will throb and swell with joy.” When that joy resides in your heart, come adversity, sorrow or pain, it sustains you and comforts you with the knowledge that he is with you and within you. “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” John 15:11.

Just Open Your... Soul: Yes, that place in which you would rather hide your Achilles heel, the thing that keeps you awake at night, the secret grief and barely concealed fear; just decide to open it up to Him. “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathise with our weaknesses, ... so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Hebrews 4:15-16. You are urged by Paul in James 1:2-4 to, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials

of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” When you decide to “run with perseverance the race marked out... fixing your eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfector of faith,” you too will experience the joy that was set before Him as He “endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:1-2. Even He, the perfect lamb of God looked to the joy promised ahead as sustenance in the face of certain pain, torture and death. Nehemiah 8:10 pronounced, “Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” Joy can give you a foundation upon which stand during difficulty and to rebuild upon after adversity. In Psalm 30:11, the Psalmist cries, “You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy.” This too can be your experience as you open your soul to God.

As you think, speak and surrender to the will of God, you will find your heart overflowing with joy and your whole being equipped to deal with whatever comes your way. The deep abiding Joy of the Lord will be your strength, your delight, your song as you spend time in his company. “You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” Psalm 16:11. All you have to do is Just Open Your ... Mind, Mouth, Heart and Soul to the love and healing hand of “him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy— to the only God our Saviour be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.” Jude 1:24-25

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... handmade with love

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Suse Hocking is friendly, gracious and talented. The moment she revealed her baskets of clothing to me, I was in love and I didn’t know

which one to pick up first. The brilliant colours and gorgeous fabrics beckoned to me and I could easily have spoilt my kids rotten by buying a whole new wardrobe for each of them!

We asked Suse a few questions about her passion for children’s clothing and what the future holds for this talented mum.

Tell us a about your journey thus far? I was born and grew up in South Africa, where my mum and Ouma used to sew a lot of our clothes for us. When I was 17 years old my family decided to make the big move over to Australia, it was very exciting and very scary...but definitely worth the move. I could not imagine how my life would have turned out if we had not come here. I finished school and studied Primary Education at university and gained my degree, and also married my handsome hubby, Daniel (Gosh, I love him!). When we finished uni we moved to Rockhampton where I discovered I was pregnant with my first daughter Natalie (now 5). After a year in Rocky we moved home to be with family and I did relief teaching for several years until I fell pregnant with my second daughter Angella (now 2).

All my life I have loved one form of craft or another. I loved (and still do love) stationary shops and

newsagents. I would collect stickers and stamps and writing paper. After we were married I developed a passion for scrapbooking and worked on a few design teams until I had Angella. I do remember, as a 10 year old, my Ouma helping me to sew a couple of dresses...but I never really got into sewing again until I was heavily pregnant with Angi. I am now a stay-at-home-mum and absolutely loving it!

What inspired you to make children’s clothing?My 2 girls are my inspiration...for sure! I am one of those mums who wants her little girls to stay “little” (and naïve, and innocent) for as long as possible, and I hated how Natti’s dresses always seemed very short on her (she is rather tall) and how “grown up” girls clothing is these days. So I decided to teach myself to sew and make clothes for my girls that covered a bit more flesh and were cute at the same time. I taught myself from magazines and the internet, with youtube and tutorials and the like. Once I had made a few things I had friends of mine asking where I got the clothing from. Once they found out I made them, they just started ordering!

Where do you get the ideas for the designs?Oh my...everywhere! From the internet, magazines, dreams...dreams are a big one....and sometimes I think the Lord puts them there for me as a gift. I also love browsing the net for patterns to buy and make. Usually, if they are easy to make and not too fiddly, they get the tick of approval, but if they are a bit tricky I have to leave them for another time. My time is limited.

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My eldest daughter, Natti, also gives me ideas. She likes to sit and chat while I sew and I find that she is a very good way of deciding what features to add or take off. She is also very good with colour, and helps me choose fabric and colour combos.

How can people buy your clothing?I have a facebook page where I can show off my wares (and previous orders) where people can choose designs and fabrics for custom orders. I also have a little webstore over on the Oz Handmade Website where I sell ready made stock. Any orders can be emailed to me directly.

What fabrics do you use?I love to use designer cottons...but I also love the soft poplins, and in wintertime I love thin rib lovely. I am a lover of colour, so that is very important to me when choosing fabrics to use in my childrens clothing. Bold colours and prints are a must, but I do also love the soft florally vintage look.

What is one of your favourite pieces? Oh my, if you ask me that on different days of the week I would give you a different answer each time. I love them all, but I am especially enjoying creating my latest piece...the “Mini-Mi” dollies, where the customer can have it made with a matching dress, and hair and eyes to match their child. And for the baby girls I love the “Frilly Bots for Girlie Tots”

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What plans do you have for the future?I am hoping that “By Suse Hocking” will expand and grow in the coming year. I would love to be able to open a brick and mortar store one day (but that is many years in the future). Most importantly I want to spend more time having fun with my gorgeous family, and working towards being a better mother to my girls and wife to my husband.

If you would like to contact Suse you can view her facebook page or email her at [email protected]

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When I w

as a little girl ...

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s wil

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oys .


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m: 0422 326 095e: [email protected]


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Words Jo-Anne Puggioni

Visit Jo’s blog

~Princess Warrior Lessons~


I was so excited! I was invited to the launch of “Indulge” eMagazine. This night would give me an opportunity to have a break from the everyday

tasks involved with parenting 3 boys, 7 years and under. It would be a night to converse with other adults without little people demanding my attention. It would give me an opportunity to dress up a little bit more than I usually would. I decided to wear a little black dress, and accessorise with a red flower in my hair and I thought that heels would complete the glamous outfit. I hadn’t worn heels for 6 years, not since the birth of my second child, due to lower back problems. I felt very beautiful after I had styled my hair and applied makeup. I was very happy with the reflection I saw in the mirror. I admired my footwear. I was ‘hot with heels.’

I had a wonderful evening chatting with some very inspiring people at the launch. It was a celebration of dreams realised for the “Indulge” team and I was so honoured to be a part of it. The guests and I enjoyed great food, lovely wine and delightful conversations. I wore those heels for 3 hours and paid for it for 3 weeks! Due to having 3 caesarean sections, I

experience lower back pain. Getting your abdominal muscles sliced through multiple times will do that. The pain in my lower back, as a result of wearing the heels, was excruciating. I needed to take painkillers to get through each day. My very wise friend however, wore thongs (flip-flops) discretely hidden under her long skirt and still looked glamorous. Suffice to say, my friend didn’t suffer back pain as a result of her footwear. I vowed never to wear heels again. It wasn’t worth the pain I was experiencing. I declared that my thong (flip-flop) wearing friend and I were ‘hot without heels.’

I shared on my facebook status that I had worn heels for 3 hours and have now had 3 weeks of pain. I received comments back from some saying, “beauty is pain.” I know it was all in fun, but how many of us actually believe this? Is beauty really pain? Do we really have to pluck and wax and wear heels to be beautiful? The answer is “no!”

“For You did form my inward parts; You did knit me together in my

mother’s womb.I will confess and praise You for You are

fearful and wonderful and for the awful wonder of my birth! Wonderful are Your works,

and that my inner self knows right well.My frame was not hidden from You when

I was being formed in secret [and] intricately and curiously wrought

[as if embroidered with various colors] in the depths of the earth

[a region of darkness and mystery].”Psalm 139:13-15 (Amplified)

Hot without Heels

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We have been knitted together by our Creator. The word knit means ‘To form (yarn or thread) into fabric by intertwining’ (1) When you create something by hand knitting, each piece is unique; no two pieces are the same. Because of the time and effort put in to create an item, you become attached to it. It becomes special to you and you marvel at its beauty. The same is true of our Creator.

When you purchase a handmade item, it usually comes with a tag informing the customer that each piece:Has individual markings that are not flaws, but enhance the beauty of the itemIs originalOf greater value because it is uniqueThe same is true of how our Creator views us.

We have been intricately wrought by our Creator. The word wrought means ‘put together; created or made delicately or elaborately.”(2) In my society we believe the lie that we must look like the girl in the magazine or video clip to be considered beautiful. But the truth is... we are already beautiful! Make up, grooming, clothing and shoes enhance our beauty, but that is not real raw beauty. We are beautiful without all of those things.

Something that is handmade has its own unique beauty about it. The physical attributes, gifts and our personalities make us all beautiful in His eyes. Parents look at their children and are in awe of their beauty. They see the whole package- their physical attributes, their gifts and their personalities and see this as beautiful. The same is true of our Creator.

I have a redness on my chin that is a genetic facial feature that indicates I belong to my family. My sisters have the same distinguishing feature. It is not a flaw, but a unique marking distinguishing me as a member of my family, connecting me with my ancestors, who share the same unique marking.

Every characteristic and mark on our body was put there by our Creator. These marks are not flaws, but unique markings. If we don’t look like society’s marred image of beauty are we still beautiful? Absolutely! Every unique marking was put there by your Creator. Large ears? Unique marking. Fair freckly skin? Unique marking. Short height? Unique marking. Uncontrollable frizzy hair? Unique marking.

I love dressing up as much as the next girl, but that is not what makes me beautiful. When I take away the hair, the makeup, the clothes, the accessories and heels. I am still beautiful. Knowing that He finds me beautiful changed everything. No longer do I measure my beauty by society’s standards. I know that He thinks I’m beautiful, and that reassurance is all I need. Stop striving to live up to society’s standard of beauty and realise that you are already beautiful! Just ask Him, He’ll tell you. He told me, and I now know that I am ‘hot without heels.’


“How beautiful you are my darling!Oh, how beautiful!

You are altogether beautiful, my darling;

there is no flaw in you.” Song of Solomon 4:1a, 7

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Life in the Fast Lane

Sometimes I feel like someone hit the fast forward button on the remote of my life. My eyes open and I need to hit the ground

running to get myself and the kids sorted, off to school and ready for the day. Making time to connect with God and do some exercise can be hard when there are so many other things competing for my attention. Add meals, washing, cleaning the house to the mix, work, ministry, shopping, connecting with your husband, kids, family and friends while squeezing in the extra curricular activities as “mom’s taxi” can make for a very full day.

Stress vs BurnoutStress can be a good thing in that it motivates us to accomplish more. We can cope with periods of high demands if we have times to recharge in between. The problem is when too much stress over an extended period of time, leads to burnout. Signs of burnout:Depleted physical energy (feel tired all the time, sluggish, hard to face the day)Emotional exhaustion (feel overwhelmed, impatient, moody, sad or easily frustrated and maybe even resentful)Lowered immunity to illness, Less investment in relationships (withdrawing, have less to give, hard to have fun, more impatient, reduced sexual desire), More disillusioned or pessimistic with life, and problems can seem insurmountable or maybe you have lost interest or run out of capacity to care!

This is compounded when you don’t have support or feel undervalued. The unhappiness and detachment burnout causes can threaten your job, your relationships, and your health.

We need a full tank to go the distance:

Spirit Just as our body needs food everyday, so we need to feed our spirit. God loves you and desires relationship with you. From the moment you wake up you can start talking, listening and connecting with God. God is interested in the details of your day and you can share all your emotions, thoughts and feelings with him. Bring all the day plans to him and when challenges or opportunities present themselves go to God for wisdom just as Proverbs 3:5,6 (AMP) reminds us, “Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.”

Reading the bible, prayer and listening to worship music, a teaching cd/dvd or attending church all create an opportunity for our hearts to be infused with the presence of God. This will recharge our spirits and help us to see life from His perspective.

Soul I love the concept of “Soul Space”. We can be so busy giving out that we neglect to do those things that replenish our souls. Have time out to Indulge in what you love or are passionate about. It may be a hot bath with bubbles in candlelight, or reading a great book. Maybe you love to sing, dance, paint or watch a movie. Coffee with a good friend, a walk on the beach, a nap or even a massage can refresh and refuel the soul.

What ignites your passion and creativity and makes you feel alive?


Proverbs 9:11 TLB

Words Candice Schmidt

Indulge | March 2011 | 31

Laughter - A Stanford Medical School study found blood pressure, heart rate and muscle tension subside after a good laugh, and you are left in a relaxed state. When you laugh, endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, are released. Take time to enjoy the journey of life.

Fun - Do something out of your comfort zone – there is nothing like going down a wild water slide or a big roller coaster at a theme park to make you laugh and inject the thrill of adrenalin through your veins.

Body Manage your energy, rather than your timeUse your body clock Find what time of the day is your most productive and use that time for the taxing jobs like cleaning or focusing on important assignments. Take breaks regularly to clear the head.

Exercise for stress release and heart and bone health. It is true that the more you exercise, the better you feel (endorphins are released bringing happy feelings) and the more energy you have. Exercise helps you sleep better, gives you clearer skin, and the more oxygen to the brain creates new brain cells and helps you think more quickly and clearly. Plus you will have better muscle tone and better sex! Start walking 30 minutes, 3 times a week or join a gym. If you really need help to get started, hire a personal trainer for a few sessions.

Nutrition – Eat more “living foods” that bring energy and life to your body and foods with a lower Glycaemic index so your sugar level remains more constant (reach for nuts or yoghurt when you have a chocolate craving!) Including protein rich foods helps you feel fuller longer. Good choices include fruit and vegetables, whole grains, wholemeal, oats, eggs, yoghurt, dairy, meat/ fish. Eat less processed foods (especially look for food without added preservatives, flavours and colours).

Hydration - Cold water is best!! Coffee, soft drinks and alcohol have a dehydrating effect. Drinking 6–8 glasses is recommended plus more on a hot day or if exercising. Signs of dehydration include impaired concentration, headaches, pains in joints and muscles, lower back pain, irritability and fatigue. Every system in our body depends on water. Water will clear your skin, suppress your appetite and flush out toxins while giving you hydration. Water also lubricates and cushions joints and muscles. Drinking water eases constipation, reduces the risks of disease and infection and improves circulation.

Vitamin and Mineral supplements Unfortunately for many of us, our diet doesn’t provide all the vitamins and minerals we need. Quality supplements can give us more energy and strengthen our immune system. As woman we often lack iron and B-vitamins (which help us get more energy from the food we eat) but zinc, magnesium, calcium and Omega 3 and 6 are also important. Supplements with Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9 (folic acid) and B12, C, D, E and K are good. Find a good multi-vitamin and mineral supplement from your pharmacy. See your doctor if you want more information.

Sleep - We need 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Lack of sleep is cumulative and affects short-term memory and our ability to concentrate. Your reaction time, judgement, ability to process information, motivation, patience and performance is reduced. Researchers believe that during sleep our body repairs itself and regulates our hormones, strengthens our ability to fight infection and stay healthy, reduces stress, improves our memory and helps regulate our mood. In addition, sleep controls our body weight by regulating hormones that control our appetite - if you are sleep deprived you will find yourself more hungry for foods high in sugar and fat.

Napping 15minutes – 1 hour. There is a natural increase in drowsiness in the afternoon around 8 hours after waking. A midday nap has been shown to increase patience, reduce stress, improve your reaction time and ability to learn and you will perform more efficiently. Even closing your eyes for 5 minutes having a rest helps your to relax and recharge and increases your energy to complete tasks.


Hopefully you have picked up a few tips to

recharge and do life better. Little changes have a

cumulative effect. Pick one new thing this week

like get a good night’s sleep or drink an extra

glass of water each day, or get out for a walk.

Next week add another. Remember, God’s heart

is for you and choose something fun to do this


We love feedback and suggestions at editor@

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Indulge | March 2011 | 33

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Imagine a world without order. A world full of chaos where one person’s rights override another person’s rights. Where the availability

of choices has led to confusion and lack of commitment. Where personal freedom has not resulted in true freedom at all but bondage to every kind of evil. Imagine this world, where people are hurting deeply and yet don’t know where to turn for help. Such a world offers solution under the banners of self-help, self-improvement, soul-searching, women’s liberation, freedom-fighting, inter-dependence vs co-dependence, introspection, and reflection. This is certainly a picture of the world we live in, wouldn’t you agree? It often seems to me that society is spiralling downward into ever-decreasing circles of darkness and despair, yet the answer has always been available. That answer will always stand because it is truth and it is embedded in this statement by Jesus:

“Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

Matthew 11:28-29 (NKJV)

I love that the Message Bible puts it so plainly this way:

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

Matthew 11:28-29 (MSG)

That sounds lovely doesn’t it? The idea of our lives being stress-free and our burdens being light really does appear ideal. Yet to realise this reality there is a prerequisite as such, and that is to learn the ways of Jesus. To outwork this seems like an enormous task, but it really isn’t. Don’t forget, we have a teacher. The hardest part to this task is not the transformation itself but the submission required by us to allow that transformation to take place.

Our Heart’s Mission is Sub-Mission

Words Dr Cris Beer

Are you tired? Worn out?

Burned out?

Indulge | March 2011 | 35

Submission is a difficult concept for all of us to at first appreciate. It conjures images of being dominated, abused, taking advantage of, going without, being abandoned and neglected. Our independent nature wants to do things our own way and any threat to that ‘freedom’ feels like a violation of our basic human right to choose. Yet we all sense the disease when we see a child disrespect their parents, when youth break the law, when someone we know is abused and mistreated, and when someone we love falls into sin. This disease arises deep from within us.

Deep within our hearts and spirits is a knowing that we are called to live above the average life that the world exemplifies. We sense a calling to live committed, to live acquitted from our sin, and to ultimately live submitted. Submission, which just means to come under a mission, is our heart’s desire. We were created to live as God’s child submitted to God’s mission for peace, unity, and redemption. This brings harmony and true freedom from confusion. This does not mean being taken advantage of or being made to do something that doesn’t resonate with who God has made us to be. This just means submitting our will to be in alignment with God’s will for humanity.

So what does that have to do with our body, which is what I sense God’s called me to help bring understanding and restoration to as a doctor. Well the basic need for submission is far-reaching. Even our body senses when our

souls have submitted to ways other than the ways of the Spirit, which is God’s way of doing things. Our body may cry out with ailments modern medicine can not attribute a cause to and therefore has no effective treatment for. Ailments like unexplainable fatigue, weakness, depression, anxiety, aches and pains, and headaches. It has been estimated that as many as eighty percent of the reasons people see a doctor are due to psycho-somatic illness. This term encompasses that something in the mind, or as I like to put it, the heart, has affected the body.

Maybe, just maybe, if we truly learnt to live fully submitted to God’s way of doing life, we would see manifest a complete restoration of our total being, body and soul, as well as society as a whole. Perhaps we would actually see manifest Heaven on Earth.

“Take a real rest... learn the unforced rhythms of grace”

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A CrowningPassion

A hat is the expression of a woman’s soul

Lilly Dache

Indulge | March 2011 | 37

A CrowningPassionWords Tanya Epis Photography Tanya EpisModel Kristen SalthouseLocation Academy of Design Gold Coast

Waltraud Reiner knew when she walked into a Hat shop in her early twenties that her life was changed forever. "This is it! This

is what l am going to do for the rest of my life...make hats!” she declared to herself.

Waltraud believes that true passion is when you are driven to do something, whether you are paid for it or not. Born in Austria, she studied fashion design for four years but felt there was more to life and began a journey that brought her to Australia. While working in Melbourne in her early twenties, she fell in love with Millinery at a boutique shop in Hawthorn Road.

Waltraud returned to London and trained under the Queen Mother’s Milliner, Rose Cory. She then went to work for Phillip Sommerville and created beautiful and unique hats for London’s High Society including Princess Diana, Margaret Thatcher, Joan Collins and many others.

Although she has made hats for the rich and famous, Waltraud never altered her creative design process, "l treat everyone the same" she says, "Everyone has two eyes, a nose and mouth; we all have the same blood.”

Waltraud, who now calls Australia home, spends her days travelling and teaching up-and-coming fashion milliners. She recently spent the day at the Academy of Design, where the students enjoyed gleaning from her experience and creative talents.

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The Career Focus

Bella wears our classic LBD with an eye

catching red jacket

The Street

FashionBella accessories

with a cream bag and matching knee length


NO. 1Rule for a woman’s

wardrobe:It carries you through

any occassion

The dress that keeps on giving...Celebrating it's 10th Anniversary, it really is the ultimate Little Black Dress. Brought from Cue all those years ago, it has been worn to countless functions with various accessories. Here are some great ideas to help you make the most of your wardrobe wonder.

Love Tanya

Bag &

Boots: N


Jacket: Target; Shoes: Diana Ferrari

Words Tanya Epis Photography Tanya EpisModel Bella Epis

The UltimateThe

Night Time Glam!

Bella wears our classic LBD with Jewellery to

create an evening look


Indulge | March 2011 | 39

Different Styles6 Quick TipLeather Jackets and Lace up Boots are

going to be BIG this winter!

The Funky Look

Bella wears our classic LBD with

the accessory of the season...animal print

The Lovely

LuncheonBella wears our classic LBD with a stylish long

day jacket

Love Tanya

Bag: Valley Girl; Shoes: Diana Ferrari

Bag: Valley G

irl; Jacket: Aim

ore Coats of M


Hat: Target; Jacket: D

iana Ferrari

Day Time Chic

Bella wears our classic LBD with a

casual but classy hat and jacket


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kids in the kitchen

Pizza Faces are so much fun for the kids to make.The kids love to

eat food they have made themselves

Indulge | March 2011 | 41

PIZZA FACEs Prep 10 mins | Cook 10 mins | Serves 4 4 small prepared pizza bases1/2 cup tomato pasta sauce1 cup grated Mozzarella cheese8 stuffed olives - for eyes4 slices Chorizo sausage - for Nose4 slices red capsicum - for Mouth8 slices mushrooms - for ears1/2 cup sliced bacon - for hair

1 Preheat oven to 200ºc. Line a baking tray with baking paper.2 Place pizza bases on tray, spread each pizza base with pasta sauce and sprinkle with cheese.3 Arrange other ingredients on pizza bases to make faces 4 Bake for 5-10 minutes until golden and crisp.

Words $ Angela Frost Food EditorPhotography Angela Frost & Tanya Epis

QUESADILLAS - 4 Ways Prep 5 mins | Cook 5 mins2 Flour Tortilla’s per serve

Chicken, Avocado and Cheese Quesadilla1/2 cup Shredded Barbecued Chicken1/2 cup grated tasty cheese1/2 Avocado- sliced

Ham,Cheese and Tomato Quesadilla1/2 cup of ham off the bone- sliced thinly1/2 cup grated tasty cheese1/4 cup sun-dried tomatoes - thinly sliced

Baked Bean and Cheese Quesadilla1/2 cup Baked Beans1/2 cup grated tasty cheese

Mozzarella Cheese, Sun-dried tomato and Basil Quesadilla1/2 cup mozzarella cheese- grated1/4 cup fresh basil - thinly sliced1/4 cup sun-dried tomatoes - thinly sliced 1 Heat a frying pan on medium heat with oil. 2 Place one tortilla in the pan and top with the filling of your choice. Cover with the second tortillaand cook for 3-4 minutes, turning once until golden and crispy. 3 Serve warm cut into quarters.

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San Choy Bau ( Pork in lettuce cups) Cook 10 mins | Prep 10 mins | Serves 4 2 tbsp oil2 garlic cloves, chopped finely1 red onion, chopped finely500g Pork mince1 carrot, grated2 tbsp Soy sauce2 tbsp Hoisin sauceLettuce for Cups - traditionally Iceberg, but any lettuce cups will doExtra Hoisin to serve 1 Heal oil in a frying pan, add garlic and onion - cook for 3-4 minutes. Then add Pork mince and carrot and cook over a medium to high heat for 6-7 minutes, until cooked.2 Stir in soy sauce and hoisin, cook for a further 1-2 minutes3 Serve pork mince in lettuce cups topped with a teaspoon of Hoisin sauce

Indulge | March 2011 | 43



Prep 5 mins | Cook 10 mins | Makes 15 1 cup self-raising flour1/2 cup chocolate chips2 tbsp caster sugar1 cup Buttermilk1 eggButter for fryingStrawberries and Marscarpone to serve 1 Sift flour into a bowl and add chocolate and sugar.2 In a jug whisk together milk and egg - gradually add to flour mixture, whisking until smooth,3 Heat a large frypan on medium. Brush with butter. Drop tablespoonfuls of batter into pan and cook for 1-2 minutes untilbubbles appear on the surface. Turn and cook the other side for 1 minute or until golden. Repeat with remaining batter.Serve pikelets with Strawberries and Marscpone cream.

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