  • 7/31/2019 Industry Segment Overview Packaging


    Industry/Segment Overview

    Industry Mill ProductsIndustry segment Packaging

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    1. Industry context

    2. SAP solution overview

    3. Why SAP? Top reasons

    4. SAP customers

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    1. Industry context

    2. SAP solution overview

    3. Why SAP? Top reasons

    4. SAP customers

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    Increased risk &regulation



    Many mergersand acquisitions

    Increasing global


    Lack of visibility inglobal supplychain

    Disparate ITlandscape

    Green Products


    Packaging as key


    Innovativepackagingrequired (lightweight, RFID,reusable, )


    Global tradeincreases


    Environmentalfriendly packagingrequested

    Timeliness andagility forquotations anddelivery wanted

    Services aroundproduct wanted

    Rising energy,transportation andmaterial costs

    Decreasing orstable prices

    High cost of debt

    Overcapacitiesand increasedcompetition

    Key trends are Driving

    Change in the Packaging Industry

    Increasing customer demands, decreasing margins and global operations are driving the need forconstant innovation

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    Customers are demanding more flexible business models and companies are innovating to support them

    Rapid response to quotations and demand signals Innovative products & service around the product (e.g. design) Increased customer collaboration necessary


    Product leadership enables customer retention and margins Collaboration and product support across the entire life-cycle Innovation for product and processes across all supporting operations

    Innovative productsand collaboration


    Operational cost control across the whole supply chain Visibility into the global value chain from request to delivery

    Optimization of prices and margins

    Continued focus onglobal operational

    efficiency and margin


    IT as the enabler for change and new business models

    Flexible platform to adopt new lines of business or acquisitions Ability to scale required

    Need for business

    model innovation formargin growth

    Products & processes that meet customers sustainability requirements Variety and scale of global regulations One-off temporary approaches put you and your company at risk


    The need for Constant Innovation is Affecting

    Industry Business Models

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    Typical CEO questions

    How do I optimize operations and control costs?

    How can I effectively manage the supply chain andtransportation network while utilizing materials and capacitiesefficiently?

    How can I ensure profitability in a low-margin industry withmostly commoditized products?

    How to build up customer satisfaction with a differentiatedproduct and service offering?

    How do I increase visibility to customer behavior & needs?

    How do I maximize employee productivity & leverage bestpractices globally?

    How do I reduce compliance risk?

    How do I ensure value from IT?

    What does this mean for your Business?

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    Poor Asset Performance

    Low OperationalPerformance &Throughput

    Poor TransportationScheduling

    Poor Customer Service and noVisibility of Sales Revenues andMargins

    Cumbersome Design Processes

    Lack of Supply Chainand Operational Visibility

    Ineffective Sourcing andSpend Management

    Difficult to manage operations, track sales and schedule logistics; low visibility into productiondata from across the company results in poor decisions and sub-optimal performance

    Inability to align performance objectives and processesreduce ability to execute; resulting in low profitability

    Low visibility to operational data leads to inefficiencies

    High ratio of unplanned versus plannedmaintenance resulting in lower reliability and

    higher maintenance cost Inefficient resource utilization

    Poor visibility into supply chain constraints and throughput rates

    Insufficient ability to benchmark between global operations

    Long exchange times of designs

    Long time to market

    Inadequate version management

    Inefficient sourcingprocess and poor spendvisibility leading to stockouts

    Low productionrates and quality

    High stock levels


    demand andsupply matching

    Tracking of real-time costs notpossible

    Inability to adjustproductionschedules

    Poor integration oftransportationscheduling with salesand production,

    Low visibility of shortterm changes intruck, ship and trainarrivals

    High transportationcosts

    Inability to timely react on quotations and demand signals

    Inability to determine a competitive price

    Low visibility on sales revenue and cash flow by commodity

    Ineffective credit limit control leading to write offs

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    Improved spend visibilityenables better leverageof buying power

    Efficient sourcingprocess ensuring in timesupply of critical items

    Aligned performance objectives and processes increaseability to execute; resulting in higher profitability

    Increased visibility to operations leads to improved processes

    High Asset Performance

    Improved OperationalPerformance and


    Adaptive TransportationManagement

    Outstanding customer serviceand high visibility to salesrevenues and profitability

    Improved Supply Chain Visibility

    Accelerated Time-to-Market

    Data is shared across the corporation; stakeholders have visibility to operations, resultingin more timely decisions, greater overall performance and increased profitability

    Effective Sourcing andSpend Management

    High ratio of planned maintenance, low ratioof breakdown maintenance

    Increased asset availability and utilization Reduced maintenance cost

    Minimized stock bymatching demandand supply

    Flexible adjustment

    of productionschedules

    Integrated supplychain planning toincrease throughput

    Full integration oftransportation schedulingwith Sales & Production

    Dynamic rescheduling toreact to short termchanges in ship or trainarrivals

    Control of transportationcosts

    High visibility of sales revenue

    Reduced penalty cost

    Integrated credit limit checks leading to reduced write offs

    Create timely and competitive quotations based on product attributes

    Full visibility into supply chain constraints

    Pro-active benchmarking across differentoperations

    Real-time monitoring of manufacturing costs

    Efficient customer collaboration

    Version management

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    1. Industry context

    2. SAP solution overview

    3. Why SAP? Top reasons

    4. SAP customers

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    Improved supply chain visibility & controlReal-time visibility into supply chain and shop floor

    End-to-end supply chain

    visibility and control Full visibility into Supply Chain


    Pro-active benchmarking acrossdifferent operations

    Real-time monitoring ofmanufacturing costs

    Customer examples

    Stock rotation time reduced from 8weeks to 2 weeks

    Reduction of working capital by 30%

    Visibility into global inventory, supplychain and manufacturing operations

    Multi-level inventory visibility andoptimization

    Monitoring of manufacturing performanceand costs in real-time

    KPI based process adoption andoptimization

    Automated decision support duringProduction planning and execution basedon exceptions

    Better decisions based oncurrent shop floor and supplychain issues

    Cost efficient adjustments ofmanufacturing constraints

    Enhanced service levels

    Faster customer response

    Improved order fulfillment

    Better contract compliance

    Key benefitsSolution enabled by SAP

    12% increase of service level to 96%

    90% reduction of late order items

    66% stock reduction for raw materialsand components

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    Supply Chain Dashboards for Packaging Companies

    Visibility for Rapid Sound Decisions at all Levels

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    Improved operational efficiency and throughputEnabling manufacturing and supply chain performance

    Improved Operational

    Performance andThroughput

    Minimized stock by matchingdemand and supply

    Flexible adjustment of productionschedules

    Integrated supply chain planning

    enabling higher throughput

    Customer examples

    keeps operating costs under control

    Global supply planning and demand /supply matching

    Product mix and profit optimizationconsidering price, costs and capacities

    Integrating of production planning,scheduling and execution processes

    What-if analysis of total supply chain

    Integrated block planning

    Integrated Trimming Tools

    Reduced overall supply chain,production and material costs

    Reduced inventory carryingcosts

    Increase production flexibility

    Shorter production lead timesand time to market

    Enhanced service levels dueto faster customer response,improved order fulfillment andbetter contract compliance

    Key benefitsSolution enabled by SAP

    99,99 % uptime of MES systemwith MII
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    Manufacturing Dashboards for Packaging Companies

    Cross Plant Visibility to Improve Operational Efficiency

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    Improving sales service and profitabilityEnabling sales efficiency

    Outstanding customer service

    and high visibility tosales revenues andprofitability

    Create timely and competitivequotations based on productattributes

    High visibility of sales revenue

    Reduced penalty cost integrated credit limit checks

    leading to reduced write offs

    Customer examples

    Increase customer and productProfitability with Vendavo PMM

    Integrated management of sales quotas &production capacities using productattributes

    Global availability check

    Customer interaction & service levels

    Customer information & contractmanagement

    Price & Margin Management

    eBusiness and service offerings

    Faster response time tocustomer inquiries/quotations

    Reduced Order to Invoicecycle

    Enhanced sales efficiency

    Improved customer andproduct profitability

    High customer retention rate

    High visibility on sales revenue

    Key benefitsSolution enabled by SAP

    25% of all orders receivedelectronically

    IT operation costs reduced by 30% to

    0.72% (Industry Benchmark 1,5 %)

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    CRM Dashboards for Packaging Companies

    Full Visibility into Sales KPIs

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    CRM Dashboards for Packaging Companies

    Full Visibility into Sales Performance for Better Strategic Decisions

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    Accelerated Time-to-MarketImproved global communication and design processes

    Accelerated Time-to-Market Efficient customer collaboration

    Version management

    Customer examples

    Accelerated order fulfillment cycle timesthrough linking information collected duringestimating with the rest of the design andproduction process

    Improved response time resulted in betterorder winning rate

    Document management for integrating alldocuments in your work processes andmaking them available at any time.

    Idea and concept management tocapitalize on every possible new productidea

    Collaboration with internal teams andcustomers with product data andprocesses

    Workflow management

    Collaborative product development

    Improve collaborate withcustomers to define productrequirements & specifications

    Improved collaboration withcross-functional design andspecification teams

    Decrease time to market byincreasing visibility

    Key benefitsSolution enabled by SAP

    New business model enabledwith collaborative Design

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    High Asset PerformanceEnabling asset efficiency and reducing unplanned downtimes

    High Asset Performance

    High ratio of plannedmaintenance, low ratio ofbreakdown maintenance

    Increased asset availability andutilization

    Reduced maintenance costs

    Customer examples

    Focus on 20% of operationsthat cause 80% of downtimewith EAM and ReliabilityCentered Maintenance from


    Asset performance management

    Integration of automation and controlsystems

    Provides comprehensive reliabilitycentered maintenance and optimization

    Integrated resource and portfoliomanagement

    Integrated project planning andaccounting

    Mobile asset management and RFID

    Reduce # of unplannedbreakdowns

    Improve equipment availability& efficiency

    Increased return on assets(ROA)

    Increased maintenanceproductivity

    Reduced cost for emergencywork

    Key benefitsSolution enabled by SAP

    Reduced costs due to replacement of acomplicated and error-prone process

    Dramatically improved data quality byusing of mobile asset management

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    Adaptive Transportation ManagementEnabling global logistics

    Adaptive Transportation

    Management Full integration of transportation

    scheduling with sales &production

    Dynamic rescheduling to reactto short term changes in truck,ship or train arrivals

    Control of transportation costs

    Customer examples

    Increase of delivery accuracy from 70%to 98%

    Dramatically improvement of forecastsand confidence in decision making

    Combined order quotation, receipt, andconfirmation, transportation planning,transportation execution, tracking, eventmanagement, and freight chargemanagement in one system.

    Simple dispatching to complex routingoptimization

    Complete asset visibility includingtractors, trailers/containers, and drivers.

    Multiple tendering strategies

    Reduction of overalltransportation costs

    Optimized resource utilization

    Lowest TSP costs

    Punctual arrival

    Increased visibility intoshipment processes

    Improved delivery accuracy

    Key benefitsSolution enabled by SAP

    1,000 fewer in-transit rail cars

    33% improvement in revenue peremployee in the paperdistribution business

    14 warehouses reduced to 6

    Global Paper Company*

    * Lar e multinational a er com an com an name must not be mentioned officiall

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    Improve compliance with various regulationsSupport for compliant manufacturing and organizational processes

    Customer examples

    SAP Solutions for Governance, Risk, andCompliance (GRC) provide corporategovernance & oversight, risk andcompliance management

    SAP for GRC includes compliance withhealth & safety work procedures and SAPEC for emissions management

    SAP GRC Global Trade Services (GTS)provides compliance with traderegulations and customs requirements

    Reduced cost and risk ofcompliance

    Faster and more accurateresponses to inquiries andincidents

    Improved public image,

    ensuring sustainable future forthe company

    Key benefitsSolution enabled by SAPMonitor and manage

    compliance, avoid legalliability Comply with regulations,

    especially emissionsmanagement

    Risks and compliancemonitored and managed withinoverall management reporting

    Using SAP solutionsfor GRC and EC

    Uses SAP ERPRecyclingAdministration totrack quantityflows ofpackaging


    Easy compliance withthe packaging andWEEE legislation

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    Effective Sourcing and Spend ManagementEnabling global sourcing decisions and optimization

    Effective Sourcing and

    Spend Management Improved spend visibility

    enables better leverage ofbuying power

    Efficient sourcing processensuring in time supply of criticalitems

    Customer examples

    Reduce inventory levels and costs

    Increase process transparency

    Lower total processing costs

    Spend analysis capabilities

    Supports supplier evaluation

    Automate contract preparation andapproval workflows

    Integrated purchasing processes for

    multiple spend categories

    Supply-chain integration towardssuppliers

    Strategic and collaborative sourcingand procurement

    Enterprise-wide visibility forpurchasing demand & spend

    Reduced processing time andadministration costspurchased items

    Improved contract


    Improve collaboration amongsuppliers

    Improved relationship withstrategic supplier for keyprocurement categories

    Key benefitsSolution enabled by SAP

    Reduce transaction costs andmaterial costs by using electronicpurchasing processes

    Accelerating purchase processes

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    1. Industry context

    2. SAP solution overview

    3. Why SAP? Top reasons

    4. SAP customers

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    Why Packaging Companies choose SAP

    Industry leading solution is the standardacross the entire value chain

    Broad adoption by the entire Industry beyond ERP

    SAP supports Business Network Transformation

    SAP Business Suite optimizes business and IT forefficiency, flexibility and insight

    Complete end-to-end enterprise support

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    Customers and partners find synergies as they interact across the value chain

    The entire value chain runs SAP


    Pulp & PaperSuppliers


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    Leading Packaging Companies Run

    SAP for their Critical Applications

    Go to Market Supply to Market Enterprise Management and Support



    order mgmt.

    And execution



    Sales &


    Sourcing &



    demand and









    supply chain


    Analytics HR

    Siebel / Hyperion / PSFTSAP, I2 / SAP, SiebelPlanned with

    OracleOthers / Homegr.

    Industry leaders are leveraging SAP beyond ERP to address high-value industry scenarios

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    Industry Business Scenarios Select Customers

    Financial Excellence

    Responsive Supply Networks

    Superior Customer Value

    Product & Service Leadership

    Strategic IT

    Leading Customers run SAP to Support

    their Critical Business Scenarios

    Industry leaders are leveraging SAP beyond ERP to address high-value industry scenarios

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    3. SAP Supports Business Network







    Corporate Portal


    Business Suite

    User centricCollaboration


    Business ProcessPlatform


    Business NetworkPerformance andRisk Management








    Companies are moving beyond internal execution to optimize performance across a network of partnersand realizing value at each step to fund further transformation

    *Source: MIT Research, 2007 and St. Gallen Research, 2008

    Competitive Advantage

    +10% labor

    productivity+15% asset



    +37% laborproductivity

    +13% inventoryefficiency*

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    4. SAP Business Suite optimizes Business and

    IT for Efficiency, Flexibility and Insight

    SAP Business Suite







    Harmonized UI increasesend user productivity

    End-to-End processesimprove business

    effectiveness and ITefficiency

    Enhanced application andidentity management improvesTCO and control

    EnhancementPackages providesnon-disruptiveinnovation with lowerTCO

    SOA enablement forprocess flexibility andbusiness agility

    Embedded analyticsfor business insight

    Built in industry best practicesimproves core process


    Continuous innovation resultsin improved performance for

    all lines of business

    The SAP Business Suite enables companies to drive flexibility and insight without reducing efficiency

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    SAP provides the most comprehensive enterprise support offering

    Single point of contact foryour SAP enterprise platformand beyond

    Reduce risk through proactiveand reactive support services

    24x7 service provided througha global support backboneincluding SAP and Partners

    Global supportbackbone


    critical supportand

    Delivered viarun SAP,

    SAP Enterprise SupportManages innovation and integration in SAP solution landscapes

    Innovation andProtection of investment

    Enabled by

    end-to-end solution operations

    in collaboration with the SAP Ecosystem

    5. Reduce Risk and Lower TCO with

    End-to-end Enterprise Support

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    Minimize risk

    Proven solution with embeddedIndustry best practices

    SOX and Industryregulations compliant

    Growth and profitability

    7x the mission critical apps run bySAP than any other company

    All of top 10 global packagingcompanies and a great number ofmidsized packaging companies run


    Enable business strategy

    Innovation without disruptionleveraging a stable platform

    Continuous solution enhancementsbased on customer needs

    Why SAP?

    Reduce operating costs

    The strongest industry value network

    Reduce TCO with:

    A stable and flexible platform

    Industry best practices

    End to End Enterprise Support

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    1. Industry context

    2. SAP solution overview

    3. Why SAP? Top reasons

    4. SAP customers

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    Increased productivity more than 1% Reduced parts inventory by 30%

    Winning orders that would have been lost because of slow responsetime and enhanced customer satisfaction

    Accelerated order fulfillment cycle Enhanced information visibility for executives

    Stock rotation time reduced from 8 weeks to 2 weeks Reduction of working capital by 30%

    Reduced cost of ownership and increased value of SAP applications Rapid issue resolution through service-level agreements

    Decreased cost of production via better order scheduling and reducedinventory

    Improved visibility into end-to-end business processes Significant support of business growth and acquisitions

    SAP Driving Customer Value:Selected Packaging References

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    Seamless integration of estimating through billing for rapid estimating and order fulfillmentcycle

    Complete online visibility of real-time information across the enterprise

    Create base for R/3 internet application components to even further cycle time reduction andtighter linkage with customer


    THARCO needed to create a rapid, accurate estimating system so it would not losebusiness to competitors because it was unable to provide customer quotes on the phone.

    De-fragmented system landscape


    Strong manufacturing capability

    Ability to handle THARCOs four diverse businesses custom corrugated packaging,custom foam packaging, stock box line, and distribution


    Winning orders that would have been lost because of slowresponse time and enhanced customer satisfaction

    Accelerated order fulfillment cycle times through linkinginformation collected during estimating with the rest of thedesign and production process

    Enhanced information visibility for executives, especially the

    president, who access R/3 daily to track the business

    THARCO manufacturescorrugated boxes of all sizes,shapes, and strength, as well asfoam/plastic inserts that go intopackaging solutions.

    Before, we needed extremely

    knowledgeable and experienced

    people to perform estimates

    we now have customer service

    people who can take a very small

    set of data elements box style,

    board type, and dimensions and

    with a few keystrokes and mouse

    clicks generate an estimate whilethe customer is on the phone

    Bill Picton

    MIS director at THARCO

    Sales: $200 millionEmployees: 1000

    Customer references

    C t f

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    Customer references

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    R R SAP S i d A t

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    Rexam Runs SAP Service and Asset


    SAP plant maintenance module tightly integrated realtime with other business processes

    Simplified user interface for all levels of employees

    Increased productivity more than 1% Preventive maintenance has significantly enhanced

    manufacturing uptime

    Reduced parts inventory by 30%

    Developed parts standardization and best practices

    With the benefit of SAP solutions, we have built world-

    class business manufacturing processes that have drivensubstantially increased operational efficiencies across

    our American plants.

    John NiemzykVP of IT and CIO,Rexam Beverage Can North America

    Company Rexam Beverage Can

    North AmericaLocation Chicago, Illinois

    Industry Mill Products

    Products/Services Consumer beveragepackaging

    Revenue $2 billion

    Employees 2,300

    Factory machinery ideally runs 24/7; breakdowns anddowntime create substantial expenses across 15 plants

    Increased focus on lean manufacturing

    Improve equipment reliability and uptime to increase plant

    efficiency Reduce maintenance costs and parts inventory

    Move from reactive to proactive maintenance

    Implemented SAPPlant Maintenance, Project SystemIntegration, Materials Management for the Storeroom, andRF using SAP Console in 24 months across all plants inNorth America

    Project stayed within budget and realized ROI in two years

    P l C ti

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    Perlen Converting


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    The Partner of Choice

    The right products

    Solution offering with generic and industry specific functionality

    Complemented by ISV solutions

    Scalable technology platform


    More than 35 years industry experience

    All of Top 10 Pulp and Paper companies worldwide run SAP

    Over 850 customers

    Implementation expertise delivered through SAP & partners


    Industry focus Global Industry Business Unit Mill Products & Mining

    Customer driven co-innovation

    SAP user workgroups

    Executive Advisory Council for Forest, Pulp & Paper

    Industry Value Network for Forest, Pulp & Paper

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