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The whole world is

divided on the

basis of Gender ,

caste , religion

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Boys and Girls are brought up to believe that

the main responsibility of women is

housework and bringing up of children. As a

result women do all the housework such as

cleaning , washing cloths , cooking , and

looking after their children while men do work

outside the house.

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Although women constitute half of the

humanity , their role in public life is minimal.

At several places of work ,women are paid less

than men even for the same work .


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This division is not universal as

gender, but religious diversity is

fairly widespread in the world


According to Gandhiji , Religion can

never be separated from politics .

Every religion has it own set of good

values or morals which should be in

every man or women and politics

must be guided by ethics drawn

from religion.

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The base of India’s social structure is

Casteism. Casteism has been integral

part of Indian society since times of

immemorial. In ancient times, Varna

system started in India which has

four Varnas – Brahmins, Kshatriyas,

Vaishyas and Shrudas. The basis of

their caste was their work but with

the passage of time , birth became

the basis of caste ( higher cast people

will live their life easy and lower

caste people will live their life hard).

Lower caste people mistreated.

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Casteism in India - which we can easily define as

the restriction of people's status in life to their

caste of birth - has gotten a lot of criticism, and

often rightly so. It has also weakened Hindu

society and made it vulnerable to conversion and

other forms of fragmentation. Casteism as we

find it today is based on a misrepresentation and

misinterpretation of a legitimate and progressive

Vedic system known as varnashrama, an organic

division of society by social values and stage of

life, the goal of which was to unify society based

upon spiritual values and the pursuit of Dharma

and Self-realization. However, the two are now

often opposite in their effects. Casteism does not

represent Dharma, nor aid people in Self-

realization. We should get rid of present-day

Casteism if we are again to utilize the genuine

and liberal form of social organization of


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The Casteism that we find today is a

materialistic body-based system of

designation that has become a way of

oppressing the lower social orders of people.

It says that if you are born in a family of a

certain classification, then you are of the same

class, regardless of what else you may do. In

Casteism, birth is the determinative factor in

deciding one's social standing. It indictates

that your social order, occupational potential

and characteristics are the same as your

parents, which is a label that may have been

placed on a family hundreds of years ago.

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Casteism says that if you are born of a

Brahmins family, then you are a Brahmin,

no matter whether you truly exhibit the

genuine characteristics of a Brahmins or

not. And if you are also born in a

Kshatriyas family, or a Vaishyas or shudra

family, then that is what you must be. It is

as if when born in a doctor's family, the

child is also considered a doctor. However,

this requires the proper training and

perception to see if the child will be a

qualified doctor or not. Just being born in

the family of a doctor does not mean that

the children will also be doctors, although

this may help. But they surely are not

doctors merely by birth. Training and

intelligence must be there.

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The system of varnashrama came into

existence according to the natural

tendencies of people, to direct them so that

everyone could work together according to

the needs of society. The ashramas divided

an individual's life so that a person could

fulfill all of one's basic desires as well as

accomplish the spiritual goals of life. Only

according to one's qualities, tendencies and

traits, usually as one grew up in school, was

it determined which Varna was best for that

person. And then he would be trained

accordingly to do the most suited work that

fit his qualities, much like the way

counselors work with students in schools


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WHAT IS COMMUNALISM?Communalism means to distinguish

people on the basis of religion- to

treat the people belonging to one’s

own religion as friends and others

as enemies. India is a vast country

with various diversity in religion,

notable are Hindus , Muslims ,

Christians , Sikhs , Jains , Parsis , and


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Communal riot is a term that covers

phenomena where religion, in its diversity,

is either the subject or object of violent

behavior . Religious violence is, specifically,

violence that is motivated by or in reaction

to religious precepts, texts, or doctrines.

This includes violence against religious

institutions, persons, objects, or when the

violence is motivated to some degree by

some religious aspect of the target or

precept of the attacker. Religious violence

does not refer exclusively to acts committed

by religious groups, but also includes acts

committed by secular groups against

religious groups.

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A combination of social divisions and politics can

be really dangerous. A democracy involves

competition among various political parties. As

their competition tends to divide society, if they

start competing in terms of some existing social

divisions, then it can convert those social

divisions into political divisions, which can lead to

conflict, violence and even disintegration of the

country. An example of this is the disintegration

of Yugoslavia into six independent countries.

However, the combination of social divisions and

politics is not always negative. The political

expression of social divisions allows marginalised

and disadvantaged social groups to express their

grievances and ask the government to rectify

them. The system of reservation of seats in Indian

legislatures for the socially disadvantaged has

allowed such social groups to have an adequate

representation in the decision-making process.


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The End

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