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The Organization sets the Foundation to Informal Learning

Stan Skrabut@uwcesedtech#uwces

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Organizations are realizing the importance of informal learning.

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You are part of an organization where learning is a key function.

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You realize that it is challenging to institute a learning culture.

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You want to see a strong learning culture in your organization.

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Let me show you the four key cornerstones to the organizational foundation.

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At every level of the organization, efforts must be made to make a positive learning


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Organizations are looking for alternative methods for instruction such as informal learning.

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Because of information overload, organizations believe informal learning is a solution.

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Organizations need better methods for providing immediate access to information.

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Organizations are also desiring learners to take charge of their own learning.

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Look for ways to integrate informal learning into day-to-day operations.

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Make informal learning a part of an individual's learning plan.

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Organizations should allow time for quiet study during the work day.

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Organizations should set aside learning spaces.

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Leaders should continuously encourage learning and publicize success stories.

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Organizations should provide resources that are accessible and easy to use.

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Collaboration and discussion is a key component to a positive learning environment.

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Allow opportunities for employees to get up and talk with others about work as a way of learning.

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Create opportunities to get people together for learning.

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Do not try to formalize chats and networking, it will yield diminished results.

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Everyone must understand their role in learning to

include employees, leaders, and supervisors.

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Top management must have buy-in to the learning process.

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Supervisors and managers are the key to informal learning in the workplace; they must lead by example.

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Supervisors and managers will need to devote more time to coaching and mentoring.

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Organization leaders should also lead training in the organization.

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Supervisors and organizations can support learning by providing opportunities for learning.

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Organizations should help provide tuition assistance.

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Organizations should provide support for conferences and Internet learning opportunities.

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Organizations should provide access to organizational and university libraries.

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Organizations should recognize learning champions and achievements.

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Organizations should provide opportunities for employees to mingle and share ideas.

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Leaders should share books and articles they are reading.

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Most importantly, leaders should remove policies that impede learning.

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Managers are key to learning; they know what needs to be done.

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Managers also need to help employees understand their organizational role and how they can advance.

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Managers and supervisors must help employees identify learning needs, goals, and resources.

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Managers and supervisors must also help employees determine how to measure success.

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Employees must have easy access to learning resources.

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There are three key elements necessary for informal learning resources:



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It is important to chunk information for easy retrieval and use, especially in a mobile environment.

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Technology can be a force multiplier in a learning environment.

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The learning system must be easy to use.

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Learning resources can be supported with technology or not.

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Time should be allocated at staff meetings to learn new things.

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Organizations should encourage membership and participation in professional organizations.

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Employees should be encouraged to create video clips, write book reviews, and write articles.

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Organizations should use technologies such as wikis, blogs, and discussion boards to share knowledge.

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Employees should be encouraged to teach a class for the benefit of the rest of the organization.

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Supervisors and managers need to be converted into mentors and facilitators.

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Organizations need knowledge

networks where employees can

continuously grow and learn.

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Knowledge networks should be continuously growing and adapting to changing conditions.

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By recording essential organization information, it is possible to identify knowledge weaknesses or gaps.

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Managing content

Knowledge network




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Social networking

Blogs, wikis, web conferencing

CoPsdiscussion forums

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Knowledge networks need to be easy to use and open to all participants.

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When creating a learning system keep the formality down, and let the workers easily add content.

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Knowledge networks should be editable by all members of the organization.

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It is important to help others learn how to use the tools and when is the best situation.

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Knowledge base systems help provide current answers in a just-in-time manner.

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Teams are more inclined to collaborate while using tools such as wikis, blogs, and email.

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Blogs and wikis can be used to consolidate information spread over many sites.

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Information should be accessible through an aggregator rather than requiring a learner to always check back.

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We have completed this series. Thanks for participating.

Individual Strategies

Collection Strategies

Interpersonal Strategies

Creation Strategies

Organizational Strategies

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