  • 8/13/2019 Information Handbook for Dentistry Candidates - July 2012


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    Information Handbook for Dentistry Candidates

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    Copyright 2012

    This work is copyright 2012. Copyright is held by theAustralian Dental Council.

    It may not be reproduced for commercial use or sale.Reproduction requires a licence or written permissionwhich may be obtained from:

    Australian Dental CouncilGround Floor120 Jolimont RoadEast Melbourne Vic 3002


    Tel +61 (0)3 9657
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    Introduction ......................................................................................... 4

    1. Initial Assessment of Professional Qualifications in Dentistry 5

    2. English Language Proficiency Test ............................................. 8

    3. Preliminary Examination ............................................................. 10

    3.1 Multiple Choice Question Papers (MCQ) ................. 113.2 Short Answer Questions Paper (SAQ) ..................... 12

    3.3 Conduct of the Examination ..................................... 123.4 Examination Venues ................................................. 123.5 Results ...................................................................... 12

    4. Final (Clinical) Examination ........................................................ 13

    4.1 Priority System .......................................................... 134.2 Immune Status .......................................................... 144.3 Conduct of the Examination ..................................... 154.4 Scope of the Examination ......................................... 15

    4.5 Ethics and Legal Responsibilities ............................. 164.6 Results ...................................................................... 174.7 Appeals ..................................................................... 17

    5. General Information..................................................................... 18

    5.1 Preparation Options .................................................. 185.2 Examination Closing Dates ...................................... 195.3 Schedule of Fees ...................................................... 195.4 Withdrawals .............................................................. 20

    5.5 ADC Certificate ......................................................... 205.6 Migration Information ................................................ 21

    6. Contact Information..................................................................... 22

    6.1 Australian Dental Schools ........................................ 226.2 Dental Board of Australia .......................................... 23

    7. Resources .................................................................................... 25

    The information in this booklet is correct as at July 2012. Please check with theAustralian Dental Council for the latest information.

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    Under the provisions of the Health Practitioner Regulation NationalLaw Act 2009 the Australian Dental Council (ADC) has beenappointed to perform the accreditation functions for the Dental Boardof Australia.One of the key accreditation functions is the assessmentof the knowledge, clinical skills and professional attributes of overseasqualified dentists who are seeking registration with the Dental Board of

    Australia to practise in Australia.

    The Council, representative of the dental profession in Australia, hasdevised an examination procedure in order that these dentists maydemonstrate their competence to practise in Australia.

    The ADC examination procedure is available to any dentist who:

    (a) holds a university degree or diploma obtained after at least fouryears of study at an acknowledged university; and

    (b) has held registration/licensure in either his/her home country orcountry of training, and there has been no withdrawal ofregistration or refusal to register.

    The ADC assessment and examination procedure consists of thefollowing steps:

    1. Initial Assessment of Professional Qualifications in Dentistry

    2. English language proficiency test

    3. Preliminary Examination

    4. Final Examination

    On successful completion of these steps, a candidate is eligible toreceive the ADC Certificate (General Dentist). The ADC Certificate isacceptable for registration with the Dental Board of Australia forpractice in all States and Territories of Australia.
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    Dentists who wish to undertake the ADC assessment and examinationprocedure should obtain an application form for initial assessment oftheir eligibility to sit the ADC examinations from the ADC or the

    Certified copies of the following documents must be submitted insupport of an application:

    One (1)certified colour passport-size photograph of yourselffor the purpose of identification.

    Current passport for identification purposes.

    Evidence of change of name documentation (whereapplicable).

    Authority to Actform (only applicable if nominating an

    additional party to act on your behalf). Nominating an authorityto act on your behalf is not compulsory.

    Final diploma or degree obtained on completion of dentalcourse (original language and English translation).

    Applicants with Chinese qualifications will also need toarrange verification of their undergraduate dentistry degreethrough VETASSESS email: [email protected]

    or telephone: +613 9655 4800. You must requestVETASSESS to send its report directly to the AustralianDental Council.

    Academic transcript of dental course showing the applicantsname, subjects, theoretical and clinical hours, course startand finish dates, language of instruction and assessment forthe course, and theory and clinical examination results.

    Evidence of secondary education. This may include, but is notlimited to, a school leaving certificate or a Year 12 certificate.[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
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    Evidence of registration/licensure from the state or country inwhich training was completed, plus current (or most recent)registration/licence.

    Letter/Certificate of Good Standing. This document is to beforwarded DIRECTLY to the Australian Dental Council fromyour current registration authority. Applicants cannot submitthis personally and must arrange for this document to be sentdirectly to the Australian Dental Council

    Official work statement as evidence of work history for eachregistered dental position you have held in the past five (5)

    years. If self-employed provide certified copy of appropriateevidence, eg tax documents, accountant business records,practice records, business registration certificate. If you havenot worked as a dentist in this period a signed writtenstatement is required explaining why you have not worked inthe last 5 years

    Two recent references (not more than 3 months old) relatingto professional competence as a dentist, appropriately dated

    and on business letterhead.

    Applicants will be notified in writing if the ADC needs any additionalinformation to process the application. Incomplete applications willresult in assessment delays. Applications will remain valid with the

    ADC for one (1) year from initial receipt. Should an application remainincomplete at the end of this one (1) year timeframe, the applicant will

    be required to make a new application.

    Once an applicant has successfully completed the ADC initialassessment stage the ADC will issue a letter to this effect, togetherwith anapplication form for the Preliminary Examination.

    This letter is evidence of eligibility to undertake the ADC examinationsfor overseas qualified dentists. It is valid for 2 years only from the dateof the letter. You must apply to sit a Preliminary Examination withinthis timeframe by completing the application form and returning ittogether with your English language test results (see below) to the

    Australian Dental Council, accompanied by payment of the currentexamination fee. Failure to lodge an application for the Preliminary

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    Examination within two years will mean that your Initial Assessment ofProfessional Qualifications in Dentistryapplication will lapse and youwill need to complete another assessment application and pay the

    relevant fee.

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    An exemption from these English language requirements may begranted where the candidate provides satisfactory evidence that:

    a) he/she undertook and completed secondary education that wastaught and assessed in English in one of the countries listedbelow; and

    b) his/her tertiary qualificationsin the relevant professionaldiscipline were taught and assessed in English in one of theseven countries listed below:

    Australia Canada New Zealand

    Republic of Ireland South Africa United Kingdom United States of America.

    The ADC reserves the right at any time to revoke an exemption and/orrequire an applicant to undertake a specified English language test.

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    TheADC Preliminary Examination is designed to test the candidates

    knowledge of the science and practice of dentistry and of clinical andtechnical procedures relevant to dental practice in Australia.

    Consisting of two Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) papers and a ShortAnswer Question (SAQ) paper, the Preliminary Examination is heldover two consecutive days on two occasions each year, during thefirst half of March and September. The examination is offered inmultiple locations within Australia and overseas.

    The papers must be completed in the one examination session, ieit isnot possible to do one of the papers in March (or September) and theremaining paper/s in September (or March). Candidates must have avalid English language test at the closing date for the examination.

    Each examination consists of a different set of questions. Thestandard of each examination is at the same level.

    There is no restriction on the number of attempts allowed for the ADCPreliminary Examination, but a new fee must be paid for each attempt.

    A pass in the Preliminary Examination is valid for three years only.This means that candidates who pass the Preliminary Examinationmust pass the Final Examination with a closing date that is withinthree years of them being notified of their successful result in thePreliminary Examination. Candidates who do not complete the FinalExamination in this timeframe must resit and pass the PreliminaryExamination to again become eligible to enter the Final Examination.

    Recent results indicate that some candidates need to take greater care inpreparing for the examination by studying more broadly and in greater depth.Additionally, as many of the questions test clinical judgment or ability to usespecific knowledge, candidates should attempt to analyse each questionthoroughly before giving their answer.

    It should not be assumed that dental disease patterns, treatment needs,dental education and treatment methods are similar in all countries.

    Candidates should note that test-taking skills are not a substitute forknowledge.

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    3.1 Multiple Choice Question Papers (MCQ)

    The examination covers the following areas of dentistry:

    Paper 1

    Sect ion A Sect ion B Sect ion C

    Tooth Conservation Crown & Bridgework Dental CariesEndodontics Prosthodontics (Partial) Applied Basic ScienceDental Pulp Prosthodontics (Full) (Operative Dentistry)

    Dental Materials Applied Basic Science(Prosthodontics & Materials)

    Paper 2

    Sect ion D Sect ion E

    Anaesthesia & Resuscitation Oral MedicineInfection Control Oral PathologyOral Surgery Pharmacology & TherapeuticsSurgery MedicineApplied Basic Science (Oral Surgery)

    Sect ion F Sect ion G

    Radiology PeriodonticsDentistry for Children Preventive DentistryOrthodontics Public Dental Health

    Previous examination papers are not available, however examples ofMCQ and SAQ questions will be sent to candidates on receipt of theirapplication form and fee.

    In the MCQ papers, each MCQ question is followed by severalsuggested answers. All MCQ questions require a single response.The candidate selects the one that represents the best answer andmarks the corresponding letter alongside the question number on theassociated answer sheet.

    Some questions may be based on radiographs or photographs inwhich candidates will need to interpret images in order to provideappropriate answers.

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    3.2 Short Answer Questions Paper (SAQ)

    Sixty minutes will be allocated for the Short Answer Questions paper.This paper will be held following Paper 1 of the MCQ.

    The Short Answer Questions are relevant to current clinical practice inAustralia. All questions have equal value and time management inanswering is important.

    3.3 Conduct of the Examination

    Examinations are conducted under strict supervision. Candidates will

    be provided with all materials necessary for the examination.Calculators or other electronic or mechanical aids are neither requirednor permitted. Scrap paper is neither provided nor permitted for thePreliminary Examination papers.

    3.4 Examination Venues

    The examination is held in multiple locations in Australia and

    overseas. The examination is conducted in English at all venues.

    Availability of venues varies and some venues may not be availablefor a particular session. All visa and travel arrangements are theresponsibility of the candidate. Candidates should ensure they areable to travel to the nominated venue.

    3.5 Results

    Candidates will be advised in writing by the ADC of their results of thePreliminary Examination as soon as practicable, usually within 10 to12 weeks after the date of the examination. Candidates should notcontact the ADC before this time has elapsed. Results will not begiven by phone, fax or email.

    To obtain a pass in the Preliminary Examination, a candidate mustpass (grade C or better) both Paper 1 and Paper 2 of the MCQcomponent, including grade C or better in 4 of the 7 sections, and

    pass the SAQ Paper, all at the same examination session.

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    The ADC Final (Clinical) Examination is conducted only in Australia.The examinations are offered at various venues on different datesthroughout the year. The examinations are organised in two serieseach year series A and series B. Within each series multipleexamination sessions are offered over a number of months,depending on the number of applications received and the availabilityof clinical places.

    Candidates can apply to sit the Final Examination within either seriesA or series B. After the examination closing date candidates will be

    allocated to a specific examination session and venue in accordancewith the priority system described below. It is not possible forcandidates to nominate a particular venue or date.

    To be eligible to sit the Final Examination, candidates must have avalid English language test and have passed the PreliminaryExamination within the three years prior to the examination closingdate. Once candidates are accepted to sit the Final Examination theywill be notified of the specific examination session and venue to whichthey have been allocated and will be sent further information to assist

    with their preparation.

    Candidates who are eligible to sit the Final Examination and who areresident overseas may need to apply to an Australian Embassy, HighCommission or Consulate to be issued with a temporary visa to enter

    Australia for the purpose of sitting the examination. All candidates willneed to obtain limited registration with the Dental Board of Australiafor the purpose of sitting the Final Examination.

    4.1 Priority System

    Since there is a limit on the number of available places for the clinicalexamination in each venue, the following system of priority will beapplied in allocating applicants to the available places:

    the scheduling of first attempt candidates will take intoconsideration the time since they sat and qualified at thePreliminary Examination (iepreference for shorter time)

    candidates with fewer repeat attempts will have priority over

    candidates with a higher number of repeat attempts

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    candidates with their first attempt at a final examination will havepriority over repeat candidates

    Candidates will be notified of acceptance of their application for theFinal Examination, and of the venue and dates for the examinationsession, at least one month before the examination to which they areallocated.

    4.2 Immune Status

    Candidates sitting the Final (Clinical) Examination are required to treatmembers of the public as examination patients and to perform

    exposure prone procedures as part of their assessment.

    Australian health authorities and dental hospitals are committed to andhave a responsibility to ensure that the health of patients and staff issafeguarded. The ADC shares in this responsibility when it uses thesehospitals and clinics for the Final Examination.

    Prior to giving an ADC candidate access to clinical facilities, dentalhospitals may require a routine assessment of disease history andimmune status. Documentation may be required for immunisation,

    immune response to immunisation and disease history fortuberculosis, rubella, measles, mumps, chickenpox, the herpessimplex virus and hepatitis B virus.

    In some states of Australia, healthcare workers are required to beimmunised for Hepatitis B and have demonstrated levels of immunity.Candidates may be required to provide health authorities with copiesof dated records of completed Hepatitis B immunisations andserological screening results for Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV.

    Where required, dated records and test results are to be provided tohealth authorities prior to sitting the Final Examination. Candidatespresenting for earlier parts of the examination process should bemindful of this requirement for the Final Examination.

    Any potential candidate for the Final Examination who is not ableto perform exposure prone procedures will not be able toundertake the examination. Candidates should ensure that theyknow their status and advise the ADC if they anticipate that theymay not be able to meet the requirements of hospitals and health


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    All personal information provided to the hospital and health authoritiesremains confidential.

    4.3 Conduct of the Examination

    The examination is held over six successive days.

    All subjects are examined at a level equivalent to that of recentgraduates from an Australian university dental school.

    A familiarisation program will be held preceding examination sessionsto allow candidates the chance to familiarise themselves with localdental procedures and equipment.

    Instruments and coats are provided for candidates.

    It is the candidates responsibility to arrange and meet all costs foraccommodation and travel.

    4.4 Scope of the Examination

    The following is a guide only to the ADC Final Examination. Any

    major variations will be conveyed to candidates beforehand withspecific details.

    The examination will comprise an orientation day, including a slideexamination, and the following three blocks of clinical subjects:

    Conservative Dentistry, Operative Dentistry and PaediatricDentistry (CD1)

    Treatment Planning, including consideration of Periodontics and

    Removable Prosthodontics (CD2)

    Oral Surgery, Oral Diagnosis and Oral Radiology (CD3).

    Aspects of other clinical disciplines such as Orthodontics, OralMedicine, Oral Pathology and Pharmacology will be included whereappropriate (practical and/or theoretical).

    Each candidate will be provided with a phantom head (manikin), in

    which suitable plastic teeth have been embedded. They will berequired to prepare within a specified time a number of cavities, and torestore a certain amount of them with specified materials. Candidates

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    are also required to perform endodontic procedures on extracted teethand to demonstrate the appropriate application of a rubber dam.

    Tooth preparations may include:

    1. those for restoration with amalgam or composite resin2. those suitable for laminates or crown3. bridge abutments.

    Candidates will be required to assess patients who have periodontaldisease and/or require preventive, conservative or prosthetictreatment. Candidates will be asked questions by the examiners inrelation to their diagnosis, treatment planning and other relevant

    matters pertaining to treatment for these patients and for other cases.

    Candidates may be required to carry out a range of procedures,including supra and sub-gingival scaling and recording of occlusalrelationships, and may be asked questions related to theseprocedures.

    Candidates will be required to take intra-oral radiographs of adequatediagnostic quality on a radiology manikin in a safe and comfortable

    manner. They will be required to take a brief medical history from apatient actor, including any factors relevant to the surgical procedureto be carried out, to simulate the administration of a local anaesthetic,and to extract one or more teeth on a surgical manikin.

    There will be oral examinations on clinical aspects of diagnosis andpatient management in oral radiology, oral diagnosis and oral surgery.

    Material including radiographs, impressions and any information

    relating to patients produced for the purposes of the examination isnot to be removed from the examination venue. This includes anymaterial that may be produced by the candidate during theexamination.

    4.5 Ethics and Legal Responsibilities

    A lecture will be given by a senior member of the Australian dentalprofession on this subject.

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    4.6 Results

    To obtain a pass in the Final Examination, candidates must achieve apass in each block of subjects at the same examination attempt. Onlyon recommendation of the Panel of Clinical Examiners for the FinalExamination will supplementary examinations be considered.

    Results of the Final Examination will be mailed to candidates as soonas possible after the Examination. Results will not be given byphone, fax or email.

    There is no limit on the number of attempts allowed for the ADC FinalExamination. However, candidates must satisfy all eligibility

    requirements and pay a new fee for each attempt.

    4.7 Appeals

    A candidate may appeal against the procedures of a clinicalexamination in the following circumstances:

    a) the procedural requirements and instructions, as specified in theInformation Handbook for Dentistry Candidates and in formalcommunications and instructions for specific examination

    sessions provided to candidates by the ADC Secretariat, were notfollowed in a significant manner or to a significant extent; or

    b) the candidates performance was adversely affected by significantdeficiencies in the examination proceduresbeyond the control ofthe candidate.

    The standard set by the ADC for the Final Examination, the resultawarded to a candidate, or personal illness experienced during anexamination are notmatters that are part of the proceduresof a Final

    Examination (and hence cannot be the basis of an appeal).

    Appeals against the procedures of a Final Examination must besubmitted in writing within 28 days of the date of the results letter forthe relevant examination session. Appeals should be on the relevantapplication form and must be accompanied by payment of the appealfee (refer to the Schedule of Fees which can be accessed via the ADCwebsite:

    Candidates should contact the ADC for guidelines and application

    forms in relation to appeals.
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    5.1 Preparation Options

    5.1.1 Resources List

    A list of resources that are available and in use in Australia is providedin section 7 of this handbook. Candidates should note that theseresources do not form the basis of the examinations but are intendedas a general guide only. Candidates are encouraged to consult theirown School of Dentistry for equivalent texts or suitable references.

    Candidates should also consult Australian University Handbooks orUniversity Calendars, which may be obtained from university websites

    or the Registrars of those Australian universities with a school ofdentistry.

    5.1.2 Orientation Courses

    Orientation courses may assist candidates to bridge any gap betweenthe training they originally received and the requirements for practisingdentistry in Australia. The ADC has no affiliation with the listedorganisations (below) and advises that orientation and otherAustralian dentistry courses are not a prerequisite for applying

    for, or undertaking, ADC examinations. Candidates shouldcontactproviders directly for more information:


    Aus tralas ian Academy for Profess ional Support Ltd (Dent is try)

    Email:[email protected]

    University o f Sydney (Clinical Skil ls Update in a Simulation




    As ia Pacif ic Insti tute of Dental Educ ation and Research

    Tel:+61 3 9645 5847Email:[email protected]

    Melbour ne Orientation Cou rses for Overseas Dental Gradu ates

    Tel:+61 3 9341 1177Email:[email protected]
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    Plenty Valley Community Health - Au stral ian Clinical Dental Cours e

    Email: [email protected]

    5.1.3 Therapeutic GuidelinesOral and Dental (2007)

    This publication is the product of the joint effort of the AustralianDental Association Inc and Therapeutic Guidelines Limited. Theguidelines aim to assist general dental practitioners and other healthprofessionals to make informed decisions based on contemporaryinformation to deal with most dental situations where a prescriptionmay be required. ADC Candidates are strongly advised to obtain acopy of the Guidel ines by contacting the Australian Dental

    Association Inc (ADA) by telephone on +61 2 9906 4412 or

    5.2 Examination Closing Dates

    Examination Exam Dates Closing DateOccupational English Test(OET) Various Contact OETIELTS Various Contact IELTS

    Preliminary Examination

    March 1 December

    September 1 June

    Final (Clinical) ExaminationSeries A 1 March

    Series B 1 August

    These dates may change. Please ensure you have a currentapplication form.

    Late applications will not be considered.

    5.3 Schedule of Fees

    Fees are reviewed and changed from time to time. The current feesapplicable are as shown in the Schedule of Fees on the ADC website:

    It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the payment thataccompanies the application is the fee applicable at the date ofapplication.

    Each examination fee allows one attempt only at an examination.
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    To sit an examination more than once, a separate application must becompleted and new examination fee paid on each occasion.

    All fees must be paid by:

    bank cheque in Australian dollars, made payable to theAustralian Dental Council; or

    Australian Money Order; or

    credit cardVisa and Mastercard only.

    Fees collected by the ADC are used to help cover the costs of makingthe examinations/services available to candidates.

    5.4 Withdrawals

    Examination fees and application forms cannot be transferred toalternate examinations.

    Candidates will forfeit 20% of their examination fees if their withdrawalfrom an examination is received before the closing date for thatexamination.

    Candidates whose withdrawal is received after the closing datefor theexamination will forfeit 50% of their examination fees.

    Those withdrawing within four weeks of an examinationwill forfeit thewhole fee unless they can produce a medical certificate reportinginability to undertake the examination in which case 60% of the feewill be refunded.

    Failure to undertake the examination because of an inability to obtainnecessary visas or to arrange travel etc will be considered awithdrawal, and the full examination fee, or withdrawal fee as above,will apply.

    5.5 ADC Certificate

    On successful completion of the English language test andPreliminary and Final Examinations, the candidate is eligible toreceive theADC Certificate (General Dentist)issued by the ADC.

    The Certificate is proof of having passed the ADCs total assessmentand examination requirements and is accepted as establishing

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    eligibility for registration as a dentist in all States and Territories inAustralia. On receiving the ADC Certificate, candidates can apply forregistration to the Dental Board of Australia, details listed in Section 6.

    5.6 Migration Information

    If you live overseas and are a dentist with a qualification gainedoutside Australiaand you intend to migrate and work as a dentist in

    Australiayou should first contact your nearest Australian Embassy,High Commission or Consulate for information about migrationprocedures and requirements for assessment of your qualifications.

    If you are already in Australia but need a skills assessment to supportan application to change your immigration status to AustralianResident, you should seek the advice of the Department ofImmigration and Citizenship (DIAC) in your State or Territory.

    Please note: the Australian Dental Council is not able, nor is itpermitted, to advise candidates on immigration/visa matters asthis area is completely independent of the Council.

    Further information and contact details relating to migration are

    available on the DIAC
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    6.1 Australian Dental Schools

    New South Wales

    The University of SydneyTel:+61 2 9351

    Charles Sturt UniversityTel:+61 2 6365

    QueenslandThe University of QueenslandTel:+61 7 3365

    Griffith UniversityTel:+61 7 5678 0703Web:

    James Cook UniversityTel:+61 7 4042

    South Australia

    The University of AdelaideTel:+61 8 8303


    Melbourne Dental School

    Tel:+61 3 9341

    La Trobe UniversityTel:+61 3 5444

    Western Australia

    The University of Western AustraliaTel:+61 8 9346 7676
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    Candidates may wish to consult the following books should they need

    information on multiple choice questions:

    Tyldesley, W.R. Diagnostic Picture Tests in Oral Medicine(Wolfe)Rock, W.P. et al Diagnostic Picture Tests in Paediatric Dentistry(Wolfe)McMinn, R.M.H. Picture Tests in Human Anatomy(Wolfe, et al)Cawson, R.A. MCQ in Dentistry(Churchill, Livingstone)

    The content of the examinations is derived from the same broad rangeof resources that dental students and practitioners in Australiacommonly refer to. As a result it is not possible to identify a narrow list

    of textbooks and journals with which candidates must be familiar andfrom which the examination will be derived. However, as a guidecandidates might find recent editions of the following a useful startingpoint in preparing for the examinations:


    Australian Dental Journal

    British Dental Journal

    Journal of the American Dental Association

    Journal of Prosthetic DentistryOperative Dentistry Quintessence.


    Mount, GJ & Hume, WR Preservation and restoration of tooth structure

    Pitt Ford, TR The restoration of teeth.

    Roberson, TM (ed) Sturdevant's art & science of operative dentistry

    Walton, RE. Principles and practice of endodonticsAndreasen, JO Essentials of traumatic injuries to the teeth

    Sicher, HB Sicher and DuBrul's Oral anatomy.

    Shillingburg, HT (ed) Fundamentals of fixed prosthodontics

    Johnston, JF Johnston's Modern practice in fixed prosthodontics.

    Anusavice, KJ (ed) Phillips' science of dental materials

    Wilson,H et al Dental materials and their clinical applications

    Grant, AA & Johnson W Removable denture prosthodonticsBoucher, CO Boucher's prosthodontic treatment for edentulous patients

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    Roberts, DH & Sowray,JH

    Local anaesthesia in dentistry

    Lewis MAO & Lamey PJ Clinical Oral Medicine

    Little, JW Dental management of the medically compromised patient

    Cawson, EW Essentials of oral pathology and oral medicine

    Neville BW Oral and maxillofacial pathology

    Regezi, JA Oral pathology: clinical pathologic correlations

    Soames, JV Oral pathology

    Okeson, JP Bell's orofacial pains : the clinical management of orofacialpain

    Howe, GL Minor oral surgery

    Howe, GL The extraction of teeth

    White, SC & Pharoah,MJ

    Oral radiology : principles and interpretation

    Kasle, MJ An atlas of dental radiographic anatomy

    Australian RadiationProtection & NuclearSafety Agency.

    Code of practice & safety guide : radiation protection indentistry

    Cawson, RA & Spector,RG

    Clinical pharmacology in dentistry

    Rag, HP Pharmacology

    Boon, NA (ed) Davidson's principles and practice of medicine.

    Scully, C Medical problems in dentistry

    McDonald, RE et al Dentistry for the child and adolescent

    Cameron, AC & Widmer,RP

    Handbook of pediatric dentistry

    Foster, TD A textbook of orthodontics

    Proffit, WR et al Contemporary orthodontics

    Lindhe, J et al. Clinical periodontology and implant dentistry

    Newbrun, E Cariology

    Thylstrup, A &Fejerskov,O

    Textbook of clinical cariology

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    ABN 70 072 269 900

    Ground Floor, 120 Jolimont Road

    East Melbourne Vic 3002


    Tel: +61 3 9657 1777Email: [email protected]


    Version: July 2012

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