
Apresentação do Projeto

Start-up Inglês • 10.° ano • Nível de continuação


• Student’s Book (inclui Glossary) • Marcador com lista de verbos irregulares

(oferta ao aluno)

• Extensive Reading/Viewing (oferta ao aluno)

• Ficheiros MP3 (oferta ao aluno)

• Workbook• Teacher’s File

Year plan e Lesson plans, Evaluation tests, Evaluation criteria and grids, Mixed ability worksheets, Answer keys

• Teacher’s Audio CDs

Recursos Digitais do Professor• Materiais editáveis (em Word®, Excel® e PowerPoint®)• Dictations• Trailers (vídeos)• e-Manual Premium CD-ROM



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Student’s Book Inclui Glossary

• Organizado de acordo com o Programa de Inglês 10.° Ano Nível de Continuação, apresenta material atual, variado e facilitador do estudo, propondo tarefas interessantes e criativas a nível individual e grupal, não só para prática na aula, mas também em casa.

• Está dividido em 0 + 4 Blocks, subdivididos em 5-6 sets, subunidades temáticas decorrentes do tópico central.

• O Block 0 tem como objetivo ser: ice breaker, diagnóstico, reflexão sobre study skills e detetor de possíveis lacunas nas aprendizagens anteriores.

• Nos restantes blocks – 1, 2, 3 e 4 – cada set apresenta as seguintes secções: Reading, Listening, Vocabulary, Grammar e Follow-up, não necessariamente por esta ordem.

• Cada secção apresenta remissões essenciais para as páginas dos elementos complementares do projeto.

1 • O Glossary está inserido no fim do manual para fácil manuseamento na aula.

MarcadorLista de verbos irregulares sob a forma de marcador para fácil e rápida consulta.

Extensive Reading / Viewing• Diversidade de propostas de

leitura (mixed ability classes).



• Dividido em duas partes: Extensive Reading e Extensive Viewing.

• Extensive Reading com dois tipos de leitura extensiva: short story e magazine article.

• Extensive Viewing oferece a didatização de dois filmes: um drama familiar – The Descendants – e outro de ficção científica – Real Steel.

Workbook• Complementa e consolida as

aprendizagens focalizadas no Student’s Book e constantes do Programa, dando especial ênfase à interpretação textual e produção escrita.

• Cada block está dividido em quatro secções: Reading practice, Vocabulary, Grammar e Writing practice.


Student’s Book1 Workbook4Marcador2 Extensive Reading / Viewing3

Block 1 Glossary

two hundred and twenty-nine 229

Word formation · suffixes

When added to root nouns or adjectives, these form abstract nouns. Here are some of them.


toddlercriança de 2-3 anos

child criança

tween criança de 10-12 anos


youngster, youthjovem

the elderly pessoas da 3ª idade, idosos

elderly personvelhote, idoso/a



middle aged personpessoa de meia idade


teenage years / youth / adolescenceadolescência, juventude

babyhood / infancy / childhoodinfância

maturity maturidade

senior citizenpessoa da 3.ª idade

Ages · stages in Life

to become an adolescent / an adult tornar-se adolescente, adulto, envelhecer

to come of ageatingir a maioridade

to become matureamadurecer

to developdesenvolver-se

to bring up / to raiseeducar, criar

to feedalimentar

to grow upcrescer

to grow oldenvelhecer

Verbs related to age










motherhood / fatherhood leadership politeness creativity

statehood citizenship kindness activity

brotherhood courtship happiness sensitivity

neighbourhood fellowship darkness possibility

falsehood scholarship frankness probability

adulthood membership greatness purity

old agevelhice


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seventeen 17

The DescendantsPre-viewingHere are some of the most popular film genres around.

1 Match the film genres above to the appropriate descriptions below.

a. are visionary and imaginative – complete with heroes, aliens, distant planets, impossible quests, improbable settings, fantastic places, great dark and shadowy villains, futuristic technology.

b. take a historical or imagined event, mythical, legendary, or heroic figure, and add an extravagant setting and lavish costumes, accompanied by grandeur and spectacle, dramatic scope, high production values, and a sweeping musical score.

c. are designed to frighten and cause panic, dread and alarm, and to invoke our worst and most hidden fears, often with a terrifying, shocking finale, while captivating and entertaining us at the same time with a cathartic experience.

d. are usually exciting stories, with new experiences or exotic locales. They can include traditional swashbucklers, serialised films, and historical spectacles, searches or expeditions for lost continents, “jungle” and “desert” epics, treasure hunts, disaster films, or searches for the unknown.

e. acknowledge the horror and heartbreak of world conflicts, allowing the actual combat fighting (against nations or humankind) on land, sea, or in the air provide the primary plot or background for the action of the film.

f. are light-hearted plots consistently and deliberately designed to amuse and provoke laughter (with one-liners, jokes, etc.) by exaggerating the situation, the language, action, relationships and characters.

g. are developed around the sinister acts of gangsters or mobsters, particularly bank robbers, underworld figures, or ruthless serial killers who operate outside the law, stealing and murdering their way through life.

h. are serious, plot-driven presentations, portraying realistic characters, settings, real life situations, and stories involving intense character development and interaction. Normally, they do not focus on special-effects, comedy or action.

i. are cinematic forms that emphasise full-scale scores or song and dance routines in a significant way (usually with a musical or dance performance included as part of the film narrative), or they are films that have combinations of music, dance, song or choreography.

1. 2. 3. 4.




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28 twenty-eight


1 Discover the words with the help of the clues below.

a. a large heavy computer you cannot carry with you b. the device that stores everything on your PC c. The part of your computer that allows you to see and

read everything d. to place something (photos, videos, messages) online e. to erase f. a machine that you use to print out your documents g. a very small element which is the key to all computer

systems h. synonym for virus i. they look like humans but are not j. millions of these are sent every day via cyberspace k. a device which makes a clicking noise and helps you

control your computer system and format your document l. a portable computer m. the things you watch on YOU TUBE n. an example of a search engine o. a synonym of the expression “ the world of the Internet”.

2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

3 Complete the gaps with in the list a word above in the singular or plural form.

a. I haven’t used a for ages. I only use my fingers on the keyboard of my laptop.

b. My grandson loves watching Noddy on my big desktop .

c. I get tired of reading people send me all the time. Some are pure junk

and they go straight into junk mail.

d. It’s annoying when you’re told your is full and you’ll have to

some of your photos or videos.

e. We are always being warned about nasty that can lead to a computer crash.

f. I lots of photos to specialized sites like Flickr and Woophy.

g. I generally use Safari as a search engine, but there are other good like


h. Who would ever say that such a small thing like a would revolutionise the

entire world?

i. It’s amazing how millions of people can communicate and get to know each other via



GLOSSARY page 248SB page 110



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Teacher’s FileUm manancial de recursos extra para uso do professor:

• na planificação das suas aulas

• na avaliação sistemática dos vários skills dos seus alunos

• na didatização do vocabulário e gramática em mixed ability classes

Inclui todos os guiões das atividades de áudio e de exercitação de pronúncia, assim como as chaves de acesso de todas as atividades propostas nos diversos elementos do projeto.

Está dividido em cinco secções:

• Planning – Year plan – planificação

detalhada do ano letivo – Lesson plans – planos de todas

as aulas, com sumário, objetivos, passos da aula, estratégias alternativas e materiais a utilizar, assim como referência a fontes dos textos e sítios para pesquisa; inclui, ainda, as chaves de acesso e os guiões áudio respetivos

• Evaluation – 1 + 8 testes de escrita e de

listening com versões alternativas para mixed ability classes

5 – Matrizes, critérios e grelhas de correção dos mesmos

• Evaluation criteria

– Critérios de avaliação para uso dos alunos na avaliação de atividades orais e de escrita

– Fichas para avaliação de trabalho de pares e de grupo e autoavaliação

• Mixed ability worksheets

– Speaking – fichas com atividades destinadas a desenvolver este skill

– Writing – fichas com atividades destinadas a desenvolver este skill

– Grammar – fichas alternativas para todas as rubricas gramaticais apresentadas no manual

– Vocabulary – jogos e atividades para memorização do vocabulário

• Answer keys

– Todos os scripts das atividades de áudio e de pronúncia

– Soluções de todas as atividades dos diversos elementos do projeto

Teacher’s Audio CDsAtividades de listening do manual e dos testes de listening do Teacher’s File.

Recursos Digitais do Professor – CD-ROM• Ficheiros editáveis em Word®

(planificações, testes, grelhas, rubrics e fichas de atividades)

• Apresentações em PowerPoint® para exercitação de conteúdos

• Dictations

• Vídeos

Inclui o e-Manual que lhe disponibiliza centenas de recursos interativos em contexto sem precisar de aceder à Internet.

O professor dispõe, ainda, do e-Manual Premium online.



Teacher’s File5 Teacher’s Audio CDs6 Recursos Digitais do Professor – CD-ROM



Name: Class: 10th Data do teste: / /

Teacher: Mark: Parent’s Signature:

English Listening Test – 10th Form Level VI


Before you begin: · Read all questions carefully. · Check that you have answered all the questions. · If you do not know the answer to a question, move on and come back to it at the end. · Re-read your work once you have finished and look out for any silly mistakes.

What I think of Americans…

1 Which of the following topics does Ray mention?

a. Americans are welcoming to foreigners. b. His family have already been to the USA. c. The food in the restaurants is bad. d. He likes American humour. e. Americans are very polite. f. Americans are far too patriotic.

2 Which of the following topics does Steve mention?

a. Americans are bad mannered. b. They react differently to the British. c. They are more direct and honest. d. British and American humour is different. e. People from Britain and America don’t really get along well.

3 Now, listen to Part 2 and complete the gaps below.

Owen: I found that Americans were very 1. when I stayed in Texas last year. However, I noticed that they are not 2. in discussing their personal 3. , aspirations and achievements. They always asked me how much everything 4. in the UK compared to prices in Texas. In England, we never 5. our incomes. In fact to ask someone’s income is considered 6. and to volunteer it so quickly is seen as 7. . I met many people on my 8. and I must say that that the people I met that said they were on the 9. wage (bar staff, hotel staff, shop girls…) were by far the 10. and most inquisitive about the English and life in England.

(6 marks)

(4 marks)

(10 marks)



Ao adotar este manual escolar poderá aceder gratuitamente ao Plano Professor da Escola Virtual e às enormes vantagens que este serviço lhe oferece:

BANCO DE QUESTÕESPermite-lhe criar �chas e testes de forma instantânea, para imprimir ou realizar de forma interativa, sempre enquadrados com a matéria pretendida, sempre diferentes e com a correção imediatamente disponível;

BRIPOs milhares de recursos existentes na Escola Virtual podem ser utilizados de acordo com as suas necessidades: animações, sequências de aprendizagem para projeção, vídeos, exercícios interativos, entre muitos outros;


Avaliações, registos, relatórios, planos semanais e outros recursos;

DICIONÁRIOSAcesso a 22 dicionários e ao Conversor do Acordo Ortográ�co, uma ferramenta que lhe permite converter textos ou documentos Word® completos.



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