Page 1: Inside Heathfield Issue 3

Heathfield’s New Lower School Magazine

Mrs Reeves and Miss Sass came up with an idea

to launch a new Lower School Magazine,

something that has not been seen at Heathfield

before. The concept was launched to Forms I and

II in January 2013 and since then girls have been

interviewed and an editorial and photography team

have both been selected. The magazine team

aims to launch the first edition of the magazine in

time for half term during the Summer Term. The

magazine will be called Heathfield Girls Are… and

the first edition is based around Superheroes with

the first edition being titled Heathfield Girls Are


Grace, Form II

Red Nose Day

For Red Nose Day 2013 Heathfield School held a ‘High Fashion Day’ where girls and staff alike dressed in their finery, with many hats and fascinators being admired. Staff and girls contributed £2 to Red Nose Day for the privilege and they received a Red Nose. Lunch also followed the red theme with tomato & red lentil soup and chicken tikka, with red sponge pudding for dessert. Girls and staff were also treated to special red nose biscuits at break. Later on in the evening the school enjoyed a LAMDA and Music concert, followed by a spectacular Fashion Show which inspired the school’s Red Nose Day theme.

Miss Lloyd Marketing Manager

House Mathematics 2013

This year House Maths launched a new competition format: there were five representatives from each House and all the participants played a key role in the competition. At the beginning of the competition each team chose their best Mathematician to compete in the round which included a challenging question. The participant who completed the task correctly first won this round. Each House also chose the youngest representative from the team who was required to produce a poster on either General Shapes, Triangles or Solving Linear Inequalities. Each team then had 3 minutes to explain their topic. A team member was allowed to make notes but other team members were not allowed to assist. The other three remaining members competed in two interactive rounds: problem-solving and snakes & ladders.

The audience was gripped by the multifaceted competition, the scores were counted and Somerville were announced as the winners. Thanks to Anastasia (LVI) for planning, organising and hosting this event and also to Kann (LVI), Madina (LVI) and Janet (LVI) for their assistance.

Mr Mughal Subject Leader – Mathematics

Issue Number 3, w/c 11th March 2013 & w/c 18th March 2013

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Issue Number 3, w/c 11th March 2013 & w/c 18th March 2013

Science Week 2013

During the last week of Lent Term the school enjoyed a variety of different experiments which took place each lunchtime in the Assembly Hall to celebrate Science Week. The theme for Science Week 2013 was 'Discoveries and Inventions' and the experiments displayed by the science teachers certainly captured the theme. On Monday the girls saw a marshmallow version of Justin Bieber expand and contract in a vacuum, whilst ice was set on fire. Tuesday brought about the screaming jelly baby and fire writing. On Wednesday they got to see plenty of rockets going off both inside school and out on the lax pitch. Thursday saw the ‘indoor aquarium’ where girls with remote controls made the helium fish ‘swim’ around the school, and in the final assembly of the term two UVI representatives and the House Captains fired rockets in a fiercely fought House competition.

Miss Wells, Head of Science Faculty

Waste Week 2013

Waste Week took place between 11th and 17th March. The school’s Eco Committee raised awareness throughout the week by running a Waste Week poster competition, emailing waste and recycling facts, and running activities at lunch which included planting herb seeds for the greenhouse and making paper from recycled paper. The Waste Week posters were displayed in the Assembly Hall on the Friday of Waste Week and the winners were announced in Assembly the following week. Congratulations to Lina (Form IV) who was awarded first prize. Thanks to all the parents who donated unwanted clothes for recycling through the ‘Phil The Bag’ scheme. Mrs Hunt, D of E Coordinator

Page 3: Inside Heathfield Issue 3

Issue Number 3, w/c 11th March 2013 & w/c 18th March 2013

LAMDA and Music Concert

On Friday 15th March girls at Heathfield put on a LAMDA and Music concert for governors, parents, staff and pupils. Girls from different year groups danced, sang and played their way through the concert. Performances included a dance Find It by Aliya and Serena (Form IV), a piano and vocal performance of To Build a Home by Esme (UVI), and Phoebe (Form III) performing I Will Prevail, from the musical 'Wonderland'. The concert concluded with the senior choir performing Let it Be by Lennon and McCartney. The evening was thoroughly enjoyable and the seventeen performances were extremely versatile, really demonstrating the girls’ strength in the Performing Arts.

Mrs Dance,

Director of Music

Heathfield’s Fashion Show 2013

Heathfield’s Fashion Show took place once the LAMDA and Music concert had drawn to a close. Heathfield’s GCSE, AS and A Level Art Textiles pupils designed the outfits that were showcased throughout the Fashion Show alongside work by Heathfield’s Designer in Residence and Art Teacher, Samuel Johnson. London College of Fashion’s Course Director Angela Drisdale-Gordon and Premier Models Management’s Anthony Gordon adjudicated the Fashion Show and after the girls had walked their outfits down the catwalk prizes were awarded for best designer, best design and best model. Isobel (Form UVI), Tallulah (Form UVI) and Alice (Form V) won these awards respectively. Isobel won best designer for her two ball gown designs and four dresses based on the themes Dystopia and Fairy Tales and she was awarded a week’s placement at Alex Longmore’s Style School. Old Girls Laura Cole (Heathfield 1996-2000) and Sophie Breitmeyer (Heathfield 2000-2006), both accomplished designers, donated hats and jewellery to be worn throughout the fashion show. See more photos in the full Tatler article.

Miss Lloyd, Marketing Manager

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European Youth Parliament

Eight LVI girls attended the European Youth Parliament at the Oxford Union. This is an annual schools' debate on current issues affecting the EU. There are six debates during the day to which all teams are expected to contribute, one of these being a formal contribution with speech and summation. The Heathfield team was quick to get involved with Janet being the first out of all the schools to speak in the warm-up debate. Despite our formal debate being moved forward to the morning, Charlotte bravely put forward the attack speech against the proposition, that the EU should be doing more about intellectual property rights, and she was commended for her thoughtful and measured arguments. A lively debate ensued where several others in Heathfield’s team, including Georgie and Ingrid, contributed to further the proposition. Anastasia brought confidence and humour to the summation of the debate. After a vote by all teams it was announced that Heathfield had won their debate and defeated the motion, something managed by only one other team! Much lively and enthusiastic debate followed throughout the afternoon as well as some lighter moments. When asked to give the result of their vote in a different way, Alexis led a very entertaining rap supported by the whole team.

Probably the highlight of the day (other than winning their debate) was the final debate which had to be argued in a foreign language. Five of our team were able to contribute including Anastasia in Russian, Ellie in Persian and Charlotte in Swiss-German. Madina and Janet did a joint summation in Russian and Latin respectively. The Heathfield team was praised by the jury for their impressive research and enthusiasm. All in all a hugely enjoyable and worthwhile day.

Mrs Holsgrove-Jones, Subject Leader History and Politics


Heathfield School

Form II Geography Assignment

Having learned about the different levels of, and reasons behind, global development, Form II girls were set an assignment to research a less economically developed country by following specific requirements. Examples chosen by the girls ranged over a variety of continents and climates such as India, Ghana, Nicaragua and Mozambique. The winners Ella and Bibi with runners-up Torie and Georgie have received geographical games as prizes. Mrs Mason, Head of Humanities Faculty

House Lacrosse

House Lacrosse this term took on a slightly different format with each House having a 1st and 2nd team. This enabled the best players, irrespective of age, to play with and against each other, and those who had perhaps not picked up a stick for a while had the chance to do battle with players of a similar standard. Despite some resilient play from both Seacole and Somerville, the battle for first place was between Austen and De Valois and, when they came face to face, Austen won the 1st team match 3-0 with De Valois stealing the glory in the 2nd team 4 – 1. This meant that both Houses were tied on 15 points each, Austen winning the 1st team competition and De Valois the 2nd. The overall trophy was now to be decided on goal difference. Austen conceded 7 goals and scored 15 but De Valois conceded 6 and score a grand total of 29 which saw them crowned Interhouse champions.

Ms Reynolds, Director of Sport

Issue Number 3, w/c 11th March 2013 & w/c 18th March 2013

Talk from Steve Baker, MP for Wycombe

The LVI Politics students attended a talk given by Steve Baker, the Member of Parliament for Wycombe, at the MacDonald Hotel, Windsor. On arrival the girls were treated to refreshments and were personally greeted by the Mayor and Mayoress of Windsor, and Steve Baker himself. The talk was extremely interesting and brought up some of the issues the girls had been studying in their Politics lessons. After the talk, there was a chance to ask questions, and many of our girls enjoyed the

opportunity to grill an MP on the important issues of the day. Thanks to Windsor Conservative Women’s Association for their invitation and warm hospitality.

Miss Murray, History and Politics Teacher

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