Page 1: Inside Heathfield Issue 6

Salters Chemistry Festival 2013

On Wednesday 15th May, Amber, Minnie, Sam and I, all girls from Form II, went to Reading University to take part in a Chemistry competition where we mainly worked with acids and alkalis. Our first activity was looking at chemical reactions. As this was a forensic murder mystery, we used our results to solve the crime. After lunch, our second activity involved creating coloured rainbows. We used acids, alkalis, water and universal indicator to do this. Whilst we were doing it, Dr. Harden went off to play with rockets! The day ended with us returning to the lecture room where we saw some interesting demonstrations including clock reactions, colour experiments and we found out how glow sticks worked. It was fascinating and we all had a really good day. Andrina, Form II Student

Issue Number 6, w/c 13th May 2013 & w/c 20th May 2013

Private View for the Art, Textiles and

Photography Exhibition

It was great fun helping students put their work

up and seeing their spaces transformed as we

approached the day of the Private View. All the

different forms of Art on display really animated

many areas of the school. This year the GCSE

Art students exhibited their work on the balcony

area in St Mary’s Theatre and the AS and A2

students exhibited work in the foyer of the

theatre and in the Assembly Hall. As well as

paintings, mixed media, garments and

photographs, we had installations, sculptures

and videos. The ideas and techniques

demonstrated were incredibly varied and the

standard of the skills used was very high; the

whole exhibition looked extremely professional.

Many parents told us how impressed they were

with the diversity and maturity and particularly

appreciated the more modern approaches on

display. It was lovely to see governors and staff

at the event where they realised again just how

talented their pupils are! Throughout the evening

conversations about the pieces buzzed over the

syncopated sounds of jazz music played in the

background by Miss Kong on the piano. The

Catering team put on a delicious spread of

canapés and wine, and the evening was

thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Mrs Leibovici, Subject Leader - Art

Athletics County Championships

On 15th May, Heathfield girls competed in a

District Athletics Meet. Congratulations to all

the girls who took part, especially Esther and

Rosie (Form III) and Ollie, Farah and Daisy

(Form IV) who have all been selected to

represent Bracknell in the County


Ms Reynolds, Director of Sport

Race for Life

58 Heathfield girls and staff will be running The

Race for Life on Sunday 23rd June 2013 at

Kingston and Kempton Park. Please show your

support by digging deep for everyone taking

part. The school is aiming to raise £1000.

Donations can be given via the school’s Just

Giving website - http://


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Family Tennis Tournament 2013

The weather turned out to be perfect for the Family Tennis

Tournament this year, with seven families competing: Grace (Form

I) and her father; Amber, Emmy & Tori (Form II) with their fathers

and Tilly & Rosie (Form III) with their mothers and Phoebe (Form III)

with her brother.

Each couple played seven games against each other with every

game counting towards the overall result. This meant each match

was keenly contested and competition was tough. There were some

excellent rallies with the girls holding their own against some

powerful fatherly hits. Although competitive, the matches were

played in great spirit with the odd ‘tut’ from some of the girls as their

parents made another double fault

or hit the ball into the net!

In the end the fight was for the minor

places, as the Nicholls came out as

convincing winners. In third place

was Rosie and her mother with 22

games; 2nd place Amber and her

father with 24 games but the

winners Emmy and her father

amassed 31 games.

Well played to all those involved and

a huge thank you to the spectators

for their support.

Ms Reynolds, Director of Sport

Lunchtime Music Concert

The summer term Lunchtime Music Concert this year proved to be a huge

success with a high standard of performances presented by our talented young

students. Traditionally held in the Chapel, this concert was well supported by

teachers, parents and students. Emma (Form II) took on the important role of

opening the concert with her flute performance Sicilienne. Following the opening

number, Antonia (Form IV) a GCSE musician, showed off her violin skills playing

March composed by Handel. Other performances include Lizzy (Form III) on the

horn playing another Sicilienne, Carol (Form II) on the piano with her graceful

Fur Elise, Iona (Form III) on the flute with her capricious Circus Pony and finally, Asuka (Form II) on the cello

welcoming our late spring with her Spring Song by Frank Bridge. What a wonderful display of musical talents from

the music department. Miss Kong, Musician in Residence

Tree Planting

Heathfield’s A Level Biology girls were asked what they would like to do in their last ever Biology lesson at Heathfield alongside exam preparation. So they asked if they could plant a tree. With permission granted by the Bursar, on 24th May 2013 the ‘Bio Crew’ from Intake 06 (as the girls refer to themselves) planted a tree next to the swimming pool, leaving their very own legacy at the school.

Miss Wells, Head of Science Faculty

Issue Number 6, w/c 13th May 2013 & w/c 20th May 2013

Page 3: Inside Heathfield Issue 6

Somerville Weekend 18th - 19th May 2013

The Somerville Weekend was certainly busy and this article

provides some of the highlights from the weekend. The older girls

spent the weekend doing personal revision for their public

examinations and teachers ran revision classes in Psychology,

Chemistry, Business Studies, English Literature, Latin and Biology.

On the Saturday afternoon 40 girls and staff went to see the David

Bowie exhibition at the V&A which has been curated by Heathfield

Old Girl, Victoria Broackes (Heathfield 1973-1979). Victoria is

Head of Exhibitions and Design Theatre and Performance

Collections at the V&A. Victoria spoke at the Heathfield Arts

Conference last year where she talked about the work involved

with putting the David Bowie is exhibition together. Subsequently

Victoria kindly invited the girls to see the exhibition.

In the evening, Form I, in surprisingly good weather, camped out

on Heathfield’s top field. Form I welcomed older years and

staff to join them for singing, sausages and roasted

marshmallows around the camp fire. By 11pm all of Form I

were asleep in their tents, with the half-moon shining through

the trees. Next morning the first campers were not up before

7.30am, so sleeping had not been a problem.

On Sunday evening, Pentecost Sunday service took place.

Mr Doyle, Head of House - Somerville

Word of the Week

Aplomb - Noun; self confidence or assurance

Flagitious - Adj; shamefully wicked

Catharsis - Noun; the purging of pent up emotion e.g. through tragedy or art

Horripilation - Noun; goosebumps

Pangaea - Noun; the ancient supercontinent

Brobdingnagian - Adj; enormous or gigantic size

Thaumaturgy - Noun; the performance of miracles or magic

Regale - Verb; to entertain and delight

Entomophagous - Adj; insect eating

Ebullient - Adj; enthusiastic and excitable



Chaplain Seeing Red

On Sunday 19th May we celebrated the feast of Pentecost

when the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples ‘like tongues

of fire’. The girls wore their traditional white chapel dresses

but as the colour of Pentecost is red, everyone was

encouraged to paint their nails red and tie red ribbon in their

hair. Form IV were also present, having returned from a Duke

of Edinburgh expedition and were granted special permission

to wear their slippers in Chapel as their feet were also



May the

Holy Spirit



and protect

each one of

us now and




Fr Tim,


Issue Number 6, w/c 13th May 2013 & w/c 20th May 2013

Page 4: Inside Heathfield Issue 6


Heathfield School

Geography / Photography Competition 2013

This year’s Geography / Photography Competition 2013 was launched during school assembly on Friday 17th May. The Theme, ‘Geography: Seeing is Believing’ will hopefully inspire the various members of Heathfield School community to enter their choice photograph, taken over this summer period. Awe and wonder can be seen in many forms of our human and physical landscape and so we are looking forward to awarding camera prizes, fun prizes and our special badge awards to the winners of the different categories, as well as house points to all who compete. Good luck!

Mrs Heywood, Miss White and Mrs Mason (The judges!)

Old Girl News

Congratulations to Old Girl Kitty Macpherson (Heathfield

2005-2012) who has been awarded a Sullivant

Scholarship at The Saint Louis University - Madrid. Kitty

will start at the University next term where she will be

reading Sociology. Old Girl, Ro Wilkinson (Heathfield 2006

-2011) has also been offered a place at London School of

Dramatic Art.

Earlier this month Old Girl, Lucy Hambro (Heathfield 2000-

2006) launched her own restaurant, Wiggies London. The

restaurant is ‘a porky loving pop up serving seasonal

British produce from British farmers with eastern

influences’. To find out more visit

With Royal Ascot fast approaching Old Girl, Amber Le Bon (Heathfield 2001-2008) has unveiled the Dress Code

Assistant outfits for Royal Ascot 2013.

Issue Number 6, w/c 13th May 2013 & w/c 20th May 2013

The Biggest Loser

In PE Form III were challenged to a Biggest Loser USA style competition. The girls had to get into pairs and race one another to collect as may lax balls and bricks that we had dropped in the deep end of the swimming pool, as quickly as possible.

Alex and Octavia came in 1st place, Phoebe and Olympia in 2nd place and Katy and Isabella in 3rd.

A fun and exciting lesson where the girls didn’t realise quite how hard they were working! Miss Kay, Teacher of PE

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