
insight to design

developing the

design brief



experience design director



principal designer


workshop we'll talk about design briefs we’ll do some activities we’ll make lots of mistakes we’ll all have some fun hopefully.

design brief it’s a thing it’s a creative hook it’s the bridge between what we’ve done and what we’ll do it’s about outcomes definitely.

necessary venn

INSIGHT design brief

design brief it’s the behaviours to change to improve the experience it’s the behaviours to change to differentiate the brand it’s tactical and strategic probably.

design brief it’s the vision for what change means it’s the articulation of the win/win in a nutshell.

who writes it? not sure. but probably… strategy lead design lead experience planner as a collaborative effort

who needs it? Design team, like, definitely Experience planner, duh The client. maybe Client services. probably in fact, everyone should read it to know the purpose of it

activity teams of 4+ 1 of you is the client 1 of you is the consultant 1 of you is the strategy lead you’re all designers get yourself assigned

client brief client, please read us your brief, we’re so excited discussion points: what more information do we need to understand the brief? how might we find out more?

immersion how to understand business goals and opportunities? - stakeholder interview - extant research - analytics and MI - competitive review - ideation workshop

immersion =

clarity on

business needs

exploration how to understand the customer experience? - customer journey mapping - depth interviews - painpoint analysis - context of use - design workshop

exploration =

clarity on

customer needs

insight report consultant, please read us your report, we’re so engaged discussion points: what can we take from this? where are the opportunities? what are the behaviours we can change?

Strategy how to think about creating a vision for business change? - experience vision - design principles - strategic roadmap and much, much more.

strategy =

clarity on


vision & principles strategy lead, please read us your thing, we’re so whatever discussion points: what do we think of these? are things beginning to get clearer? do we have design direction?

what we have we should have all the evidence we need to articulate the win/win it is the culmination of everything we’ve done so far this is the basis of the design brief

what we have stuff what we’ve got: client brief business case (from immersion) customer experience (from exploration) Strategic direction

focus for brief description of the outcomes The creative hook behaviours to change to improve the customer experience (tactical) behaviours to change to differentiate the client or brand (strategic)

brief framework Start with the creative hook - the ‘epiphany’ Provide a synopsis provide the problem statement - What’s the challenge

- What the approach State ’we will do activity x, because evidence y’

brief framework explain the outcome for customer and brand but be careful: this is a brief to encourage creative ideas, not an explanation of a solution it is something that we all refer to

the design brief design team, based on the evidence we've gathered, use the framework to write your own design brief. remember, you you have to deliver designs based on the brief.


@robvarney @timcaynes



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