Page 1: Installation: · was installed in directory C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_02, move the cursor to the end of the variable value and type

Installation: JavaThese instructions describe the steps required to download and install Java.

1 Download the setup program from Sun's web site.

1.1 In a web browser navigate to

1.2 Click the Downloads menu option.

Page 2: Installation: · was installed in directory C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_02, move the cursor to the end of the variable value and type


Expand the Java SE tree node.

Page 3: Installation: · was installed in directory C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_02, move the cursor to the end of the variable value and type


Click the Java SE (JDK) 6 link.

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Click the Download button beside JDK 6 Update 2.

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Click the Accept Licence Agreement radio button.

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Check the Windows Offline Installation (build 06), Multi-language checkbox and clickthe Download selected with sun Download Manager button.

This will download a file named 1187083002972-integrated.jnlp. Note thedirectory the file is downloaded to.

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2 Download the installation media from Sun's web site.

2.1 Run 1187083002972-integrated.jnlp.

The Sun Download Manager is loaded from Sun's site and then a confirmation screen isdisplayed, requiring confirmation that the application should proceed.

2.2 Click the Start button to continue.

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The Download Manager presents a licence agreement.

Read the licence agreement and click ACCEPT to continue.

Page 9: Installation: · was installed in directory C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_02, move the cursor to the end of the variable value and type


Select the directory to download installation files to and click OK. Note the directory.


The Download Manager then displays some hints.

Click OK.

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The Download Manager then displays the file it will download.

Click Start to begin the download.

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Download progress is displayed.

When the download is complete, close the Download Manager application.

Page 12: Installation: · was installed in directory C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_02, move the cursor to the end of the variable value and type

3 Install the Java SE Development Kit.

3.1 Run jdk-6u2-windows-i586-p.exe.

A welcome screen is displayed and the Installation Wizard is prepared.

A licence agreement is displayed.

To accept the licence and continue, click the Accept button.

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A screen is displayed allowing selection of optional features and the directory to install to.

Select directory to install to and click the Next button.

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The program features selected are installed and then a screen is displayed allowingselection of more features.

Click the Next button.

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Java is installed.

Click the Finish button.

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4 Complete the configuration

Update the Path environment variable and create the classpath environment variable.

4.1 Click the Start button.

4.2 Right-click My Computer.

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Select Properties.

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Click the Advanced tab.

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Click the Environment Variables button.

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In the System variables section select the Path variable and click Edit to edit it.


Add ;[Java directory]\bin to the end of the variable value. For example if Javawas installed in directory C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_02, move thecursor to the end of the variable value and type ;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_02\bin.

Click OK to update the variable

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In the System variables section select click New to create a new variable.


Type classpath for the variable name and the location of Java classes for the variablevalue. For example a value of .;C:\Java will cause Java to search in the currentdirectory for any classes required and if it cannot find the class there will try to find theclass in C:\Java. If unsure about what to type here, type .;C:\Java, which will causeJava to look for classes in the current directory and in directory C:\Java. If doing this itis advisable to create directory C:\Java if it does not already exist.

Click OK to create the variable.

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