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    Subject Insurance Business Environment

    Course BBA Banking and Insurance

    Semester FourthTopic Insurance Business Environment

    These notes include following topics:

    Meaning of Insurance Nature and significance of insurance Insurance as social security tool Insurance Business Environment

    The Concept of Insurance dates back to the ancient times. The reference of insurance is

    found in Rig-Veda, the most sacred book of India with the name Yogakshema, more or

    less related to the well-being and security of people. Hummurabiand Manus codes also had

    recognized the advisability of provision for sharing the future losses. But insurance in its

    present form was not practiced prior to the twelfth century.

    Meaning of Insurance

    Insurance is such a method which provides security and protection against financial loss upto

    some limit. It is a means of shifting the risks to insurer in consideration of a nominal cost

    called premium. Risks may be transferred in two ways. A person may seek to transfer the

    activity or avoid such event which creates the risk; for example, a civil engineering contractor

    may give sub-contract to another person. Alternatively, contractual agreement may be made

    to shift responsibility for any losses attributable to the occurrence of specified uncertain

    event to the other person who is party to the contract. Exclusion and indemnity clauses in

    clauses in contracts of sale, building, transport means and similar other contracts are a fewgood examples. In fact, the most important form of risk transfer is insurance.

    Dictionary meanings of the word insurance is an undertaking by a company, society or the

    state, to provide or safeguard against loss, provision against sickness, death, etc., in return

    for regular payments (Premium).

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    Definition of Insurance

    Insurance may be defined in two ways:

    (1)Functional Definition.(2)Legal Definition.

    Functional Definitions

    Insurance is a process in which uncertainties are made certain. -Mac Gill

    Insurance is a plan wherein persons collectively share the losses of risks. -John Megi

    Insurance is a source of distribution of loss of few persons into many persons.

    -Rock Fell

    The function of insurance is primarily to decrease the uncertainty of events.

    -Reigel and Mille

    The collective bearing of risk isinsurance. -William BeveridgeInsurance as a plan by which large number of people associate themselves and

    transfer, to the shoulders of all, risks attached to individual. -D. H. Mage

    Ghosh and Aggarwal have defined Insurance as a co-operative form of distributing a certain

    risk over a group of persons who are exposed to it.

    On the basis of above functional definitions, we may conclude that:

    (1)Insurance is a co-operative device by which risks are distributed among large numberof persons.

    (2)Insurance provides security against losses or risks.(3)Based on the law of probability, contribution of each person is calculated and a

    common fund is raised out of which losses are compensated.

    (4)Insurance is a plan in which losses (outcomes) of uncertain events are secured.Legal Definitions

    Like other forms of business, the business of insurance is based on Law of Contract under

    which one person agrees to secure the other persons against their financial losses resulting

    from the happening of uncertain events.

    Insurance is a contract by which one party, for a compensation called the premium,

    assures particular risks of the other party and promises to pay to him or his nominee a

    certain or ascertainable sum of money on a specified contingency. -E. W. Patterson

    Insurance is a contract in which sum of money is paid by the assured in consideration

    of the insurers incurring the risk of paying a large sum upon a given contingency.

    -Chief Justice TindalInsurance is a form of contract or agreement under which one party agreesin return

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    for a consideration to pay an agreed amount of money to another party to make good a

    loss, damage or injury to something of value in which the insured has a pecuniary

    interest as a result of some uncertain event. It is a device by which the loss likely to be

    caused by an uncertain event is spread over a number of persons who are exposed to it

    and who propose to insure themselves against such an event. Dictionary of Business

    and Finance

    From the above definitions we can conclude that Insurance is a form of contract or

    agreement under which one party agree in return of a consideration (Premium) to pay an

    agreed amount of money to another party to make good for a loss, damage, injury to

    something of value in which the insured has a pecuniary interest as a result of some

    uncertain event.

    Nature of Insurance

    On the Basis of the definitions of insurance discussed above we can discuss the nature of

    insurance as:

    1. Offer and Acceptance. In order to create a valid insurance contract, there should be alawful offer by applicant and lawful acceptance of the same by the insurer. Term

    lawful means offer and its acceptance must confirm to the rules laid down in the

    Indian contract act regarding valid offer and acceptance.

    2. Lawful Object.Insurance contract will be valid if the object of insurance is illegal oragainst public policy. So the object of the object of the insurance contract should be

    legal. It means insurance policy cannot be taken against unlawful object. For example,

    the policy, if taken for the purpose of murder will be lawful and the murder shall be

    disqualified from inheriting the policy amount of the person murdered.

    3. Contract. Insurance is a form of contract under which one party agrees in return of aconsideration to pay an agreed amount of money to another party to make good for a

    loss, damage, injury to something of value in which the insured has a pecuniary

    interest as a result of some uncertain event. So it is a contract between the insurerand the insured in which insured makes a valid offer and insurer accepts his offer. The

    contract between two is always made in writing. It means verbal contract cannot be

    made under this.

    4. Consideration.Consideration is an essential element in an insurance contract.Promise made for nothing is unenforceable under the Indian Contract Act. So

    insurance is a contract by which one party in a consideration called Premium, takes

    over a particular risk of the other party and promises to pay to the insured or his

    nominee a certain sum or ascertainable sum of money on the happening oroccurrence of an uncertain event.

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    5. Co-operative Device. Insurance is a contract in which a large number of peopleassociate themselves and transfer their individual risks to the association so formed.

    Under this a group of persons who agree to share financial loss may be brought

    together voluntarily by the insurer. So, by insuring a large number of persons, insurer

    is able to pay the amount of loss easily. As such, insurance is a co-operative device ofbearing the risks of individuals.

    6. Protection of financial risks.Insurance covers only such risks which can be measuredin money terms i.e., financial loss or risks. It cannot check the happening of event but

    guarantees the payment of loss and protects the assured from economic sufferings.

    7. Investment Portfolio. As we know Insurance Companies collects premium initially andcompensated to the insured event occurs. So insurer maintains the initial premiums

    collected in an investment portfolio, which generate a return. So Insurance

    Companies has two sources of income, first is the insurance premium, and second isthe investment income, which occurs over a time.

    8. Good faith. The contract of insurance is included in the class of the uberrima fidescontracts, which require absolute and utmost good faith on the partys contract.

    Both parties of the insurance contract must be of the same mind, same understanding

    at the time of entering into a contract. There should not be any misrepresentation,

    non-disclosure, or fraud concerning the material facts. It is the duty of both the

    parties to disclose all the relevant facts relating to contract to each other.

    9. Contract of indemnity.All contracts of insurance, except the life insurance contract,are contracts of indemnity. The basic object of the insurance is to shift the loss of a

    person to the insurance company which can easily be distributed among large

    number of persons.

    10.Contract and Contingency. Life insurance contract of certainty because death orexpiry of the term of policy will certainly occur so the payment is certain. Whereas in

    other insurance contracts, the contingency is the fire, theft, earthquake, accident, or

    the marine perils etc. may or may not occur. So if the contingency occurs payment is

    made otherwise no amount is paid to the insured.

    11.Insurance is not Gambling. The contract of insurance is not gambling because theinsurer is assured to get his loss indemnified only in the event of occurrence of such

    uncertain event as stipulated in the contract of insurance, whereas the game of

    gambling may either result into profit or loss. So insurance is based on certainty on

    uncertain events.

    12.Assessment of risk in advance.Insurance is a contract in which insurances are riskbearers and they evaluate the risk before insuring to charge the amount of share of

    an insured called premium. In this theory of probability is used to evaluate the risk.

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    13.Subrogation.Contract of general insurance comes under the doctrine of subrogationbecause after the insured is compensated for the loss caused by the damage to the

    property insured by him, the right of ownership of such property passes on to insurer.

    If the damaged property has any value left or the lost property is recovered, that

    cannot be allowed to remain with the insured because in that case he will realizemore than the actual loss which is against the principle of indemnity.

    14.Insurable interest.No person can make or enter into a contract of insurance unlesshe has insurable interest in the subject matter of insurance. One can have an

    insurable interest only when one would be put to a financial loss by the happening of

    the event against which a thing or a life has been insured. In the case of life insurance,

    the insured has an insurable interest in his own life as well as in lives of other persons

    by whose death he may be prejudiced financially. In the case of general insurance a

    person has an insurable interest in the property which is owned by him.15.Insurance cannot be named as Charity.It cannot be treated as charity because

    charity is given without consideration but insurance is not possible without premium.

    Insurance provides safety and security to the policy holders because in consideration

    of premium it guarantees the payment of loss. So premium is the consideration for

    one party and to pay compensation against loss is the consideration for other party.


    Insurance performs a variety of functions which are advantageous to the common people,

    directly or indirectly.

    As such, functions of insurance can be divided into three categories:

    (i) Primary functions.(ii) Secondary functions.(iii) Other functions.(i) Primary Functions. The main functions which are performed by the insurance are

    detailed as below:

    1. It provides certainty. The main function of insurance is to reduce the risk oruncertainties of events. Risks involve usually when how much and to whom one

    will lose on the occurrence of an uncertain event. Insurance is a means to

    indemnify or compensate the losses caused by the uncertain events. The

    insured converts his uncertainties into certainties by paying premium to the

    insurer.J.H. Megyhas rightly pointed out that function of insurance is to

    provide certainties.

    2. It distributes risks.The concept of insurance is based on the law of co-operation. D.S. Hansel mentioned that the primary function of insurance is the

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    spread of financial losses of insured members over the whole of the insuring

    community and D.H. Magee has described insurance as a plan by which large

    number of people associate themselves and transfer, to the shoulders of all,

    risks that attach to individuals. As such, insurance is a means of distributing the

    losses of uncertain events among a large number of persons covered under theinsurance.

    3. It provides security.Another function of the insurance is to provide security tothe persons against the risks to uncertain events. Under the contract of

    insurance, the insurance company guarantees the insured person to

    compensate or indemnify the losses on the occurrence of an uncertain event,

    in consideration of premium paid by the insured. Hence, the insurance

    provides the feeling of security against the evil effects of the uncertain events

    i.e., risks.(ii) Secondary functions. Insurance performs numerous other important functions

    classified under the category of secondary functions.

    These are explained as:

    1. It provides capital. It provides capital, a scare source of production, to theindustry in various forms. First, it reduces financial risks and losses by providing

    facilities of core capital investments in various giant organizations. Secondly,

    the amount received on account of premium by various insurance companies is

    made available for the industrial development of the country in various

    financing forms such as, by providing of share capital, providing long term

    loans to companies and, term loans and loans to the state to invest in the

    countrys public sector industries. Thirdly, insurance makes the company or

    organization to avail loans on easy terms by hypothecating the insurance

    policies. In these days, financial institutions and banks have imposed conditions

    that assets must be insured if one wants to get loan against that assets.

    2. It increases efficiency. Insurance by reducing the risks or fear of lossesincreases efficiency in business. It provides feeling of security in the business

    community, which in turn becomes a source for the growth and diversification

    of the industry. Management is relieved of the various risks involved in

    uncertainties, becomes able to give due attention to other factors which effect

    the total efficiency of the organization such as, labour force, material

    management, marketing etc. As such insured persons can work better for

    profit maximization.

    3. It helps in judging the viability of major projects. Before insuring the assets orproperty of any organization the insurer, generally, conducts as investigation of

    the assets or project as a whole with a view to judge the profitability of the

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    project. Unprofitable projects or organizations are denied the benefit of

    insurance. Hence, the management may drop such projects or units in advance

    in order to prevent losses.

    4. Insurance helps in loss reduction. Insurance company not only secures thelosses but also advises the adoption of various methods and techniques whichhelp in reducing the risks or losses. For example, under fire insurance, stress is

    laid on prevention of fire and use of fire-fighting means. In India, Loss

    Prevention Association has been established with the objective to suggest the

    public various techniques which helps in reducing the losses and accidents

    caused by uncertain events.

    (iii) Other functions. In addition to above primary and secondary functions, insurancecompanies perform various other functions which prove beneficial to the common

    man, business community and the nation as a whole.A few are mentioned here as under:

    1. Economic development. The insurance sector as source of funds, providescapital, social security, and protecting the society from huge losses of damage,

    destruction etc. So it helps the country in economic development and overall

    progress of the society.

    2. Expansion of foreign trade.Insurance provides security to the internationaltraders, shippers and banking or financing institutions which are the main

    functionaries to foreign trade. Marine and fire insurance play a vital role in this

    regard by providing needed protection against the perils of sea.

    3. It provides funds to invest.Insurance companies collect funds by way ofpremium and employ or invest it profitably in the industrial development of

    the country. In India, Life Insurance Corporation along with other insurance

    companies, provides large sums to various industrial and business concerns.

    4. Encouraging savings. In these days insurance is considered to be betteralternative technique of making savings. Under the contract of insurance, the

    insured has to pay a definite premium compulsorily. At the initial stage it

    seems to be forced saving but later on it becomes the habit of the insured to

    save a certain sum periodically so as to pay premium regularly. As such forced

    saving curbs the unnecessary expenses of the individuals.

    5. It checks inflation.Insurance is an important yardstick to check inflation. Itcurbs the circulation of money and saves it from its ill effects. Compulsory

    savings in the form of premium reduces the spending volume of the individuals

    and this scarce source of production is utilized in a better way by investing for

    the national development.

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    6. Self-confidence and Goodwill. Insurance, by providing a feeling of securityamong the insured, also creates self-confidence in them. Thus, insurance not

    only provides protection against risks but also provides capital to the insured

    which becomes a source of financial stability and strength. Credit is also

    advanced on insured property or assets because insurance works as a securityof the loan. As such insurance increases self-confidence, reputation, and

    goodwill of the insured.

    7. Social security. Insurance provides an instrumental force to fight against evilsof poverty, unemployment, disease, old age, fateful accidents of person and

    property and similar other calamities of nature. Insurance has helped in a

    greater way by establishing or devising various types of insurance in our

    country like Employees State Insurance Act, Provident Fund Act, 1932,

    Workmens Compensation Act etc.8. Credit facilities. Above all businessmen are in a position to raise loans and get

    credit facilities from various financial institutions and banks by pledging their

    insurance policies and in case the insured trader becomes unable to return the

    loan or credit, then the financial institutions can recover their amount out of

    the policys surrender value. So no Bank or Financial institution would advance

    loans on property unless it is insured against or damage by insurable perils.


    The importance of insurance may be studies under four heads:

    (A)Importance to an individual(B)Importance to special group of individuals i.e. business(C)Importance to commerce and industry(D)Importance to society.(A)IMPORTANCE TO AN INDIVIDUAL

    1. Insurance provides security and safety. It provides financial security and safetynets to an individual. It ensures financial protection against large and uncertainlosses to the lives and properties in consideration of a small amount of premium.

    In case of life insurance payment is made, when death occurs or the term of

    insurance policy expires. In case of personal accident and sickness, financial

    protection is given when the individual is unable to earn. Fire insurance protects

    against losses due to fire while marine insurance provides protection and safety

    against loss of ship and cargo. In other insurances relevant policies provide the

    necessary financial protection against the loss of a given contingency.

    2. It provides peace of mind. Every person faces the risk of living too long or livingtoo short or disability caused by accident or by sickness leading to loss of income.

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    A sense of security against these losses removes all tensions and fears. Insurance

    by providing financial protection and promise to compensate losses stimulates

    more and better work performance of an individual.

    3. It eliminates dependency. In the event of death of a bread-winner of the family ordisability of work due to involvement in any fatal accident or sickness, the familyof an insured is affected. Insurance attempts to help the family to get relieved of

    heavy financial burden. After the death of a bread-winner of the family, the family

    is left with no or low income. During this period of dependency, life insurance

    funds provide regular source of income to the family. As such, insurance assists

    the family and provides adequate funds.

    4. It serves as a source of savings. Every reasonable man wants his children to getgood education and settle in life. All these require money. For this a man must

    plan to save regularly to provide for all the above requirements. Life insuranceplays a very important role to plan individuals savings by investing in various

    insurance plans. Insurance schemes promote systematic savings in the form of

    regular premiums. Moreover, like bank deposits, the amount deposited as

    insurance premium cannot be withdrawn regularly. As such, it is the best method

    of individual savings.

    5. Life insurance as a sound investment. The regular investment in the form ofperiodic payments of premium with high returns is available in insurance. High

    returns in the form of periodical bonus and maturity bonus provide with high

    return on ones investments in case the funds are invested in insurance policies. In

    India, various insurance policies carry special and very attractive exemptions from

    income tax, wealth tax and estate duty etc.

    6. It protects mortgaged property. Most of the middle class policy holders acquire orconstruct their houses or purchase assets by borrowing money from the insurance

    companies. A best way to provide for repayment of mortgaged loan is life

    insurance. It helps an individual to keep other assets of the family intact. So

    insurance companies give loan for purchasing or constructing the house.

    7. Others uses to an individual.Life insurance fulfills the following needs of anindividual person:

    (a)Family needs(b)Old age needs(c)Re-adjustment needs(d)Needs for education, marriage and settlement of children(e)Income for widow and widower(f) Clean-up funds and clean-up expenses, such as for ritual ceremonies, payment

    of taxes etc.

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    Insurance also helps to meet requirement of funds in emergencies and in the

    event of unwanted losses in the form of compensation.

    (B)IMPORTANCE TO BUSINESSInsurance has been of tremendous use to the business society in many ways:

    1. Financial help. It provides financial assistance to business enterprise. The modernindustry involves heavy capital investment in building, machinery, plant

    equipment, raw materials and acquisition of technical knowhow. Insurance

    companies finance various capital projects in the form of equity participation and

    by granting loans and advances to the business enterprise.

    2. Reduces uncertainty and business losses. Business investments are exposed toloss or damage by fire, theft, accidents, and other perils. So the great risks are

    involved in day-to-day functioning. The owner of the business enterprise, by

    acquiring an insurance policy, reduce uncertainty of business losses and be sure of

    his future earnings and smooth running of his business.

    3. It improves efficiency. Uncertainty about future is a handicap to economicprogress associated with the future because there are chances of losses due to

    calamity=ties. So by taking an insurance policy, a man gets freedom from

    unnecessary worries and can use more care and energy to maximize his earnings.

    4. Indemnification. Insurance ensures the compensation to the dependents ofdeceased employees and indemnifications of loss of damaged properties.

    Insurance enables the business to operate in the event of loss of properties andhuman lives as loss is finally indemnified.

    5. Grant of credit facilities. An entrepreneur can obtain credit by pledging theinsurance policies as collateral securities for the loan. Businessman may take loan

    on the basis of insurance getting credit. But now besides these, life insurance and

    credit guarantee insurance have also become most important basis of granting

    credit t the business persons.

    6. Continuous business. Damage to the buildings, plant and machinery not onlycause material loss to the business but also disturbs the continuance of a business.So there are chances of loss of profit and loss of assets. All such insurance scheme

    make it possible to run the business uninterrupted and smoothly by giving

    compensations against these losses.

    7. Employees security. Insurance provides adequate provisions for the grant ofsocial security and welfare measures such as, Employees State Insurance, life

    policies, old age pensions and accident policies for the benefit of employees. Due

    to these provisions employees take more interest in the workings of the


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    1. Economic development. Insurance plays an important role to the industrialagricultural and commercial development. It is very helpful for to increase the

    national productivity. Insurance covers almost all the risks relating to agriculture,

    Commerce and Industry. For example, agriculture will experience protection

    against losses of cattle, machines, crops, tools and equipment. In trade there isrisk in transit, godown etc. and also in industry there is risk of loss of goods,

    machinery, building etc. So, insurance protects from these types of risks and such

    types of protection are helpful to increase production in agriculture, in agriculture,

    in industry etc. So, these types of insurance plans led stability to the industry and


    2. Earns Foreign Exchange.Insurance sector has a good ranking with export,shipping, banking services as earner of foreign exchange to the country. Insurance

    sector plays the important role in more than 30 countries through agencies,branches subsidiaries, or associate companies. So by their operations. It helps to

    earn the foreign exchange for our country.

    3. Source of capital formation. Insurance sector invest their surplus funds in bondsand securities of the other companies. By the result insurance becomes the source

    of capital formation for the country because it is a major institution for the

    mobilization of savings of people, particularly from the middle and lower income

    groups. These savings are channelized into investment for economic growth.

    4. Source of income.Insurance Companies collect premiums initially and makepayments later on when insured event occurs so insurance companies maintain

    the initial premiums collected in an investment portfolio, which generates a good

    return. So from this we can say Insurance Companies have two sources of income

    as insurance premium and the investment income which occurs in future.

    So we can say insurance meets all the requirements of the economic growth of the


    (D)IMPORTANCE TO SOCIETYInsurance is useful to the society in the following ways:

    1. Protection to societys wealth. Insurance attempts to provide protection to livingand non-living wealth of the society. Life insurance protects against financial

    losses. Loss of damage to property can also to be indemnified by the property

    insurance. As such property and life insurance are protections to stabilize business

    conditions and financial position.

    2. Economic growth of the country. For economic growth of the country, insuranceprovides strong hand and sound mind, protection against loss of property and

    capital to produce more wealth. It provides protection against losses. Welfare of

    employees creates a conducive atmosphere to work.

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    3. Standard of living. Insurance helps the number of persons who are rendereddestitute through misfortune. They are able to maintain the standard of living due

    to high returns. By getting a life insurance policy insured get financial protection

    and high return in form of Bonus. So insurance gives the financial protection to

    insured which is helpful to raise the standard of living.4. Social security benefits. Insurance fulfills certain needs for which state might have

    to provide. The provision for old age, sickness, and disability of persons in general.

    Some who have their insurance do not become a burden on stat insurance plan?

    In case of fire, defalcations, failure, explosions, tornadoes, and other calamities

    that would tend to impoverish (render poor) families would have been relieved of

    the financial shock if adequate insurance had been maintained.

    5. Equitable distribution of loss. Insurance tends to distribute equitably the cost ofaccidental events. In the absence of insurance this would have been paid in ahaphazard manner. For example, the cost of ire insurance is reflected in house

    rent. In the absence of insurance some tenants would pay higher rents than


    6. Removal of social evils. All forms of insurance tend to reduce extent of evils theyare meant to alleviate. The most effective argument for reduction of ire losses is

    that smaller losses will make smaller premiums possible.

    7. Accelerate the production cycle.Adequate capital from insurance companiesaccelerates the production cycle in the country. Economic growth of the country is

    not only assured but the process of growth is accelerated which is more essential

    in a country like India when the population is fast increasing.

    8. Reducing in inflation. Insurance reduces the inflationary pressure by extractingmoney in supply to the amount of premiums collected. It provides sufficient funds

    for production and narrow down the inflationary gap. So insurance helps to

    reduce inflation.

    9. Huge funds. Insurance accumulates from the small deposits of many persons, alarge fund that may be invested and used in the development of industry and

    society. Huge funds are made available as capital which otherwise would never be

    brought together in one place. The collection in form of premium from life, fire,

    and marine insurance represent the contribution in millions. Each of these

    contributions is insignificant independently, but in total they amount to a gigantic

    amount. These sums are invested in the government and non-government

    enterprises to create assets for the benefit of the society.

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    The United Nations Declarations of Human Rights 1948 provides that Everyone has a right

    to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family,

    including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services and the right

    to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood or other

    livelihood which are lacking in circumstances beyond his control. For this insurance is the

    answer because it looks after the interests of people from uncertainty by providing certainty

    of compensation at a specific contingency. Insurance provides an instrumental force to fight

    against evils of property and similar other calamities of nature.

    So we can say Insurance acts as a social security tool at individual as well as business level

    in the following manner:

    (a)Security and safety: Life and General Insurance plays an important role in it. In lifeinsurance, payment is made either on maturity of policy or date of death whichever is

    earlier. As we know when the bread winner of family dies, with that financial position

    of the family also adversely affected, unless other alternate arrangement is not made.

    So life Insurance plays an important role as an alternate arrangement because it

    contains the element of investment and safety. So the financial loss to the family at a

    premature death and payment in old age are reasonable provided by the life

    insurance, which shows life insurance provides security to insured and his family

    members. Similarly general insurance also compensated the losses against which the

    policies are taken. The society can get various types of policies against the various

    risks. By getting various types of policies they feel more secure than others.

    (b)Pearce of mind:In this world of uncertainties, we daily come across different types ofuncertainties such as fire, floods, death, accidents, theft, earthquake, storms etc., and

    losses arising out of such acts of great volume and create a great discouragement and

    disappointment in this society. Hence, every common man has a fear for such acts

    which may occur at any time. By taking insurance policies to cover such types of risks

    policy holders feel more secure and feeling of insecurity may be eliminated whichresults into peace of mind.

    (c)Encourage savings: In these days insurance is considered to be a better alternatetechnique to create savings. Under the contract of insurance, the insured has to pay a

    definite premium compulsorily. At the initial stage it seems to be forced saving but

    later on it becomes the habit of the insured to save a certain sum periodically so as to

    pay premium regularly. As such forced saving curbs the unnecessary expenses of the


    (d)Life insurance provides investment element:In the life insurance, the insured isrequired to pay the premium. The premium is a kind of investment. This premium is

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    returned to the insured along with additional bonus amount after the expiry of the

    period of contract or date of death of insured whichever is earlier. Similarly insurance

    policies carry special tax exemptions from income tax, wealth tax, gift tax with enough

    of security and profitability. The life insurance fulfills all these requirements.

    (e)Life insurance meets various needs:A suitable insurance plan or a combination ofdifferent plans can be taken out in life insurance to meet the specific needs that arelikely to arise in future, such as childrens education, marriage provision etc. Similarly,

    maturity value on insurance policy can be so arranged to be made available at the

    time of ones retirement from service to be used for any specific purpose, such as for

    the purchase of plot or for other investments.

    (f) Insurance helps in loss reduction. Insurance company not only secure the losses butalso advises the adoption of various methods and techniques which help in reducing

    the risks or losses. For example, under fire insurance, stress is laid on prevention offire and use of fire-fighting means. In India, Loss Prevention Association has been

    established with the objective to suggest and to publicize various techniques which

    help in reducing the losses and accidents caused by uncertain events.

    (g)It increases efficiency. Insurance by reducing the risks or fear of losses increases theefficiency in business. It provides the feeling of security in the community, which in

    turn becomes a source for the growth and diversification of the Industry.

    Management is relieved of the various risks involved in uncertainties becomes able to

    give due attention to other factors which effect the total efficiency of the organization

    such as labour force, material management, marketing etc. As such insured business

    firms can work better for profit maximization.

    (h)Enhancement of Credit. Insured business firms and individuals are in a position toraise loans and get credit facilities from various financial institutions and banks by

    pledging their insurance policies and in case the insured trader becomes unable to

    return the loan ore credit, then the financial institutions can recover their amount out

    of the policys surrender value.

    (i) Helpful to control inflation rate. It is an important tool to check inflation. It curbs thecirculation of money and saves it from its ill effects. Compulsory savings in the form of

    premium reduces the spending volume of the individuals and this amount can be

    utilized in a better way by investing for the national development.

    (j) Confidence in work. Insurance, by providing a feeling of security among the insured,also creates self-confidence in them. Thus, insurance not only provides protection

    against risks but also provides capital to the insured which becomes a source of

    financial stability and strength. Credit is also advanced on insured property or assets

    because insurance works as a security of the loan. As such insurance increases self-

    confidence, reputation, and goodwill of the insured.

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    Insurance Business environment

    Insurance is one of the very important financial services from all over the world. It is

    one of the most grooming sections of the economic growth and development. This

    industry is the major source of the long term funds which is required for the

    development of the necessary infrastructure for the country.


    The Indian insurance industry is 150 years old. The industry has witnessed many

    phases of working from the days when there were many private sector companies

    initially and then moved to nationalization and again to the private sector. Being

    one of the important segments of the Indian economy. The insurance business in Indiais regulated by the IRDA Act. This act has also gone under some amendments and

    transformation. This shows that the insurance industry is dependent on many other

    economic policies, legislation, and regulations. Moreover, the tremendous enthusiasm

    by the prospective new players across the globe as well as domestic industry is well

    understood after privatization of insurance industry and passage of IRDA act. There

    exist a readymade market for about 20-25 cores population of the country in the

    immediate future and may grow at 15-17 per cent per annum.

    INSURANCE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENTThe insurance business environment consists of set of factors and variable that

    provides various threat and opportunity to the operations of the insurance business.

    The Factors and variable may not always be poisonous; they may bring much good

    news to the existing business players. The insurance business environment can be

    broadly classified as follows:

    Insurance BusinessEnvironment



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    Internal Insurance Business EnvironmentThe insurance industry in a country is affected by a large number of factors for its

    healthy development and growth. A congenial (comfortable) environment is a pre-

    requisite, which is governed by many factors such as the economic state of the

    country, political stability, awareness amongst the public, awareness of investmentfor surplus generated and good steady and reasonable returns, and better corporate

    governance. There are certain other internal factors which have been direct or

    indirect effect on the insurance environment. These internal factors are explained as


    We will now explain them all one by one as follow:

    Risk Management

    Transparent rules and regulations Role of technology

    Scope of rural insurance

    Business of retailing risk

    Training and customised programmes

    Pricing of policies

    Growing consumerism

    Consumer's perspective

    Long term savings and investment Organisation control and efforts

    Family set up of indian society

    Challenges and strategies of privatisation


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    Risk Management

    Insurance is the business where insurance company transfers the risk of the company.

    This is the concept of pooling of risk. The risk is thus an integral part of every

    insurance organization. The company which promises the transfer of risk will have to

    manage the risk of its own. The risk management is an integral part of the insurance

    business. The sum received as premium for the insurance policy is invested in

    derivative market which is highly volatile. It is now well known in the financial world,

    as to how risk can destroy corporate value and how value additions can be achieved

    through Risk Management.

    At present, risk assessment and risk hedging models are being increasingly used in

    the corporate sectors. Financial engineers are now well equipped with the latest tools

    and techniques and products of the risk management. A number of insurance

    companies are selling risk management products, and insurance multiplies are being

    placed directly in the capital markets and the corporate sectors. Thus proper riskmanagement strategies are required at each level of the insurance company. The

    firms capacity to absorb risk is determined by its current exposure to other risk. And

    thus all this risk is the important constituent of the internal environment of the

    insurance company.

    Transparent Rules and Regulations

    Now there are large number of insurers in the life and non life insurance business.

    These organizations deal in the variety of their own products / policies. These require

    proper control while formulating and implementing their respective rules andregulations. If there will not be any standards for the operations and rules and

    regulations, it will be very difficult for the insured to manage his policy. The IRDA

    have come a long way, since its inception in November, 1999. The following

    regulations have already been notified and the others are in the process:

    i. Appointed Actuaryii. Actuarial Report and Abstractiii. Asset liability and solvency margin of insurersiv. Licensing of insurance agentsv. General insurancereinsurancevi. Registration of Indian insurance companies

    vii. Insurance Advertisement and disclosuresviii. Regulation on investmentlife and non life

    ix. Regulations of accountsx. Surveyors Regulation

    Thus the transparent and better the regulations in place, better would be

    environment for generation and growth of insurance business in the country.

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    Growing Consumerism

    The Indian economy with its growth of around 6% is now moving towards the

    standard of living of the people. The very base of the middle class population is

    broadening to around 300 million. It is a knowing fact today that China and India are

    attracting the maximum attention of the world, as they are only most populated

    countries, but also the most closely viewed developing economies of the world. The

    openness of the economy from the closed one has led to an era of well defined

    consumerism. There is a new kind of pressure on the consumer profile aspiring for

    quality, effectiveness, and adaptability. Theses parameters would now determine the

    survival of the market operators. With the competitiveness, the emphasis would be in

    innovative of new products, and value added customer service.

    Thus, aggressive market approach would be significantly required to Ancash the

    opportunity. The newly opened insurance sector has been evincing the maximum

    interest only in one direction, i.e. the customer, by way of devising new methods toreach him with the kind of products and services which he expects today. The opinion

    of having a choice and that too varied has certainly raised customer expectations.

    Today, the reality is that the customer is more aware not only for his rights but also

    the alternatives available to him for better products and services as well as new

    avenue for redressel of grievances. To achieve this goal, it calls for continued focus on

    the customer which calls for total quality performance with continued growth. The

    new players shall have to be committed to the TQP in products and services so as to

    provide total customer satisfaction.

    Consumers perspective

    The emerging scenario will provide the customer with:

    f. Choice of insurance, wide range of new and innovative productsg. Competitive pricing of the products and servicesh. Access to information about the companies and products.i. Continuous consumer educationj. A well trained and highly professional sales forcek. Prompt and courteous front office responsel. Greater focus on customer servicem.World class pre and post sales servicesn. Efficient and customer friendly claim administration system.

    Long term savings and investments

    The long term savings generated will be a big boon for the Indian economy catalyzing

    additional funds for the infrastructure investments. Insurance companies will also

    bring long term capital to the market, which will add to the depth and breadth of our

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    financial sector. It is hoped that it will bring in long term investors in the primary and

    secondary markets and will also lead to market stability.

    Organizational Control and efforts

    There are generally three modes to which the business especially in insurance deals

    with. They are as follows:

    o. Business General Mode (This involves selling of insurance products)p. Maintenance Mode (This deals with retaining the current market share)q. Payout Mode (When the claims are settled)

    All these three modes bring opportunities and threat to the insurance environment.

    The effort in all the three modes put in up by the management of the insurance

    company is an important factor for the insurance business environment. The

    management also includes controlling the insurance business in such a dynamic


    Social family set up of the Indian society

    A social family set up plays as an important factor for the growth of the insurance

    sector in an economy. The social family system that used to exist in India is changing

    and so the offerings of the insurance companies. Traditionally, India was characterized

    by joint family system where the head of the family is the health and wealth protector

    of the family. But due to changing beliefs of the people the social set up of the people

    changes from traditional joint family to nuclear family system, where the family is sub

    divided into the working groups. Thus arose the need for better health services whichprovided an advantage to the health and medical insurance business in India.

    Moreover, traditionally the people were more secured at the time of retirement as

    the number of members to support were greater but now a days nuclear family

    system reduced the number of family and thus the member of the family search for

    the wealth security outside the family in the form of various pension scheme funds

    offered by the insurance companies. A deep understanding of all this system or social

    set up is very important for the insurance business company.

    Challenges and strategies of privatization

    The insurance sector is not free from the challenges thrown open by its privatization

    and entry of more and more players to operate within the regulatory framework of

    IRDA. Some important challenges to be faced by this sector of the economy in the

    coming years may include:

    r. Providing more jobs: U.K. which is equivalent to MP in size and with thepopulation of 55 million provides six lakh insurance jobs whereas India

    with one billion employs close to 5 lakhs.s. Fear of job loss

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    t. Private insurer coexist with LIC and GICu. Managing and motivating risk of cross border operationsv. Upcoming more products and more complex features

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    External Insurance Business EnvironmentThe external environment of the insurance business has been classified in four parts, namely,

    legal, economic, financial, and commercial.

    Legal and economic Environment

    Malhotra Committee

    IRDA Act


    Companies Act

    LIC Act GIC

    Financial Environment

    Financial Functions

    Integrated Risk Management

    New Risk Insurance Issue

    Action by insurers

    Additional cost

    Action by Indian Government

    Capital Requirement

    Investment of assets

    Consortium Financing


    Commercial Environment

    Product Development

    Customer Service

    Customer Expectation



    External Environment

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    Legal EnvironmentThe insurance sector cannot work in isolation. Its operations, growth, and development are

    always conditional by various factors of which external business environment is one of the

    significant factors. There are various laws and acts which have direct or indirect applicationsin the insurance sector, the knowledge of which is a pre-requisite for all those who are

    concerned with the business of insurance in any capacity. Some of the important acts which

    are applicable in insurance are as under:

    a. Insurance Act, 1938b. Life Insurance Act, 1956c. General Insurance Business Act, 1972d. IRDA Act, 1999e. General Insurance Business Amendment Act, 2001f. Some provisions of Contract Act, 1872g. Some provisions of Companies ,1956h. Service Tax Act

    Extensive regulation of insurance business in India was brought into effect with the

    enactment of the insurance Act, 1938. It tried to create a strong and powerful supervisory

    and regulatory authority in the controller of insurance with powers to direct, advice, caution,

    investigate, inspect, search, seize, amalgamate, authorize, register, and liquidate insurance

    companies. However, consequent upon the nationalization of insurance business (Life in

    1956 and general in 1972) applications of the insurance contract was greatly modified by the

    nationalizing enactments and Government notifications issued there under. Most of theregulatory functions were taken away from the controller of insurance and vested in the

    insurers themselves.

    Malhotra Committee

    The Government of India in 1993had set up a high powered committee headed by Sh. R.N.

    Malhotra, former Governor, Reserve Bank of India, to examine the structure of the insurance

    industry and recommend changes to make it more efficient and competitive keeping in view

    the structural changes in other parts of the financial system of the economy. This committee

    submitted its report in January 1994 and recommended that an independent insurance

    regulatory apparatus should be activated and proposed the establishment of a strong and

    effective Insurance Regulatory Authority in the form of a Statutory Autonomous board quite

    akin to the Securities and Exchange Board of India.

    The recommendations of this committee were debated at various forums including

    managements of General Insurance Corporation, Life Insurance Corporation, trade unions,

    chambers of commerce, and consumer interest groups. These recommendations found wide

    support. In view of this, the Government decided to bring in an insurance legislation to

    establish an independent insurance regulatory authority. Since enacting legislation was to

    take time, the then Government constituted through a government resolution an interim

    insurance regulatory on 23rd January 1996. The Insurance Regulatory Authority Bill wasintroduced in the parliament in 1996. The Bill has since been referred twice to the Standing

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    Committee on Finance. The Bill was retitled Insurance Regulatory and Development

    Authorityand introduced again in 1999 along with three schedules containing amendments

    to the Insurance Act, 1938, Life Insurance Corporation Act, 1956 and General Insurance

    Business (Nationalisation) Act, 1972.

    IRDA Act, 1999The preamble to the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Ac, 1999 reads: an

    Act, to provide for the establishment of an authority to protect the interests of holders of

    insurance policies, to regulate, promote, and ensure orderly growth of the Insurance

    Industry and for matters connected therewith thereto. Section 3 of the Act provides for the

    establishment and incorporation of Authority. The Authority established shall be a body

    corporate having perpetual succession, and common seal with a power to acquire, hold and

    dispose of property, both movable and immovable and shall sue and be sued by the said

    name. Section 4 lays composition of the Authority. It shall have a chairperson and other

    members not exceeding nine in number, of whom not more than five shall be whole-timemembers appointed by the Central Government from amongst persons having knowledge of

    general insurance, life insurance, actuarial science, finance economics, law, and


    Section 14 of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999, lays the

    duties, powers, and functions of the Authority. The Authority shall have the duty to regulate,

    promote, and ensure orderly growth of the insurance business and reinsurance business.

    Economic Environment

    The economic conditions of the economy lay heavy impact on the insurance sector of theeconomy. The following factors of the economic environment have an impact on the

    insurance sector:

    a. The state of insurance businessb. Industrial Policy of the countryc. System of economic planningd. LPG policiese. Comparative worldwide insurance environment.


    The Indian Financial Sector is dominated by Public Sector whether it is in the segment of

    Insurance, Banking or development finance. But the scene is fast changing. With the passing

    of Insurance Development and Regulatory Act in January 2000, the Insurance Industry has

    opened the way for participation by private sector entities. It is hoped that the new entrants

    will bring with them experience of financial and commercial business environment that will

    enrich the Insurance Sector. Most of the Private Sector players who have entered the

    Insurance Sector so far have rich experience of working in the Financial Sector with vast

    commercial acumen and scope of handling the varied type of activities. The fact is that no

    business entity can grow unless it has proper systems and mechanism relating to its financial

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    and commercial activities. The Insurance Sector, therefore, is no exception to the above

    corporate business principle.

    Financial institutions play a key role in the growth process. They help mobilize large savings.

    They also help to allocate resources more efficiently among competing demands. Financial

    institutions are called financial intermediaries because they act as a conduit for the transferof financial resources from net savers to net borrowers. This basic function of intermediation

    is performed through transformation mechanism which are:

    1. Liabilityassets transformation,

    2. Size transformation,

    3. Maturity transformation,

    4. Risk transformation, and

    5. Commercial and Marketing Transformation.

    The gain to the real sector of the economy depends on how effectively or efficiently the

    financial sector performs this basic function of intermediation. However, institutions, likeInsurance Companies perform additional function over and above being financial

    intermediaries. They provide risk coverage. The risk to be insured must result in a loss which

    is measurable in financial terms.

    New Risk Insurance Issues

    On September 11, 2001, four places went on a suicide mission and changed the world, when

    twin towers in New York (U.S.A) were destroyed by the terrorists along with the places and

    passengers abroad on them. On the business side nobody was more deeply and immediately

    affected than the worlds Insurance and Airline Companies. Never in their worst situations

    (Realistic Disaster Scenarios, as Lloyds of London terms it) could insurers have calculated of

    such an even occurring.

    Immediately after the above happening in U.S.A., the President George Bush called the

    horrific deed of terrorism as an Act of War. There were reactions of the Insurance Industry

    that Insurance providers may try to involveAct of War exclusion and thereby escape

    liability. This speculation was short lived. It was felt that any attempt to evade coverage

    obligations by either Primary Insurers or Reinsurers would tear at the faith of the American

    population in the Insurance Industry.

    Finally, the worlds leading Insurers agreed not to apply war risk exclusions and to paying all

    the claims related to terrorists attacks estimated at more than $5 billion only in propertydamage. However, in view of war clouds Insurers put the aviation world on that w.e.f. 24th

    September 2001, they would not provide liability coverage for war perils, and especially they

    cancelled the write back clause in their airlines policies that includes war risk perils upto the

    limit of policy.

    Capital Adequacy Requirement

    The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority have prescribed the following scale of

    capital Adequacy requirement in the shape of paid up equity capital for the entities doing

    Insurance Business.(I) Companies engaged in the business of Life InsuranceRs. 100 Crores.

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    (ii) Companies engaged in the business of General InsuranceRs. 100 Crores.

    (iii) Companies doing the business of ReinsuranceRs. 200 Crores.

    No company or other entity can do/or will be allowed to do Insurance Business unless it

    comply with the minimum Capital Adequacy Requirement as mentioned above.

    Investment of AssetsNew NormsEvery Insurance Company includes investment of its funds from time to time. It is not open

    to a company to make investments as it may like. These are prescribed yardsticks for making

    investments in different forms. The following percentages have been prescribed by the IRDA

    for making investments by the Insurance Companies :

    (1) 50% of Funds in Government Securities.

    (2) 20% of Funds in Corporate Debts.

    (3) 15% of Funds in Market Investments.

    (4) 15% of Funds in Social Sector.

    The Social Sector includes Infrastructure, viz. roads, highways, bridges, airports, ports,railways, water irrigation projects, telecommunications, housing, generation, distribution,

    and transmission of power. Investment in Government Securities tends to be highly liquid,

    particularly in the following interest.

    Consortium Financing by Insurance Companies

    The four companies in the general insurance business used to participate in the consortium

    finance, with the consortium leaders, usually financial institutions, or banks. Due to

    increasing non-performing assets, the four major general Insurance Companies have now

    decided to withdraw from all consortium financial arrangements with Financial Institutions

    and banks. The reason for this decision is that consortium financing is no longer viable due to

    the reason as interest rates have dropped to record low. At present, the yield on assets of

    the four insurance companies, Oriental Insurance Company Ltd., New India Assurance

    Company Ltd., National Insurance Company Ltd., and United India Insurance Company Ltd.

    was now under nine per cent.

    All the Insurance Companies currently follow the mercantile system of accounting. In the

    event of their switching over to accounting on realized basis, the yield on assets could drop

    further. Moreover the mercantile system of accounting treatment of assets classified as

    NPAs by the consortium leaders as either sub-standard or loss assets.

    Method of Measuring Underwriting Losses

    NPA build ups also point to the un-sustainability of high underwriting losses. The normal

    method of measuring such underwriting losses is through assessment of claim ratios. Claim

    ratios of Insurance Companies have historically been above 100 per cent by high asset yields

    and consequently high income from investments which will cease to exist. Therefore, the

    insurance companies have to be more careful in underwriting losses. The only risk to be

    avoided is that the losses may not increase in any case the yield by way of underwriting.

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    Foreign equity in Insurance Sector

    The Insurance Sector Act, 1938 allows only Indian Insurance Companies registered under the

    Companies Act, 1956to transact insurance business in India after registration with the

    Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority. Several representations were made to

    include and allow the Cooperative Sector into Insurance Sector. The Act is, therefore, beingamended accordingly.

    The Government has decided to put foreign equity in the Insurance Sector on the list of

    items on automatic route, but will not be increasing in the invest cap beyond 26 per cent

    level. The companies entering the Insurance Sector will not be required to seek an approval

    from the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) and have now only to comply with

    R.B.I. formalities. The Associating Joint Ventures can invest only up to 26% of the equity in

    the Insured Sector. There is now a demand this limit requires upward revision in view of the

    requirement of more capital for Insurance Business managing two important

    activities/functions, i.e. financial and commercial.

    COMMERCIAL ENVIRONMENTThe insurance industry and business have to be made itself fully aware of the breadth and

    depth of the:

    (a) Knowledge,

    (b) Experience, and

    (c) Expertise of its officers and other intermediaries.

    It should make constant efforts in assessing problems, and finding out their solutions in the

    most scientific professional and cost effective manner. It should have a clear vision and beready to implement advanced management systems, procedures, and controls wherever

    required in its working. It should have a clear goal to achieve high levels of efficiency

    productivity and competitiveness. We should not forget about the competition which is

    likely to be faced in between the large number of operators in the public and private

    insurance sector. Therefore, to have effective commercial viability the players in the

    insurance sector should update themselves and acquire new levels of knowledge and

    expertise with clear dimensions.

    Product Development and Innovations

    There has been a lot of efforts for the development of various products and these

    innovations both in the life and non-life insurance in the country. With the entry of private

    sector players and the demand of the prospective customers in view of mounting

    competition, more and more products are likely to be developed to cater to the requirement

    of the customers at different levels. The insurance sector has to provide to its customers

    wide choice of products and price. The competition will ensure innovation and constant

    improvement of service. The non-life sector will face much competition. In the case of

    existing players, they are already in the process of connecting their distribution channels.

    Their managements have realized that if they do not come up with new products and better

    services they may stand to lose in the face of stiff competition.

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    It is expected that the penetration of players will enhance the growth of general insurance

    premium. Thus, marketing will be a focus item if change in the coming days due to

    competition in the insurance sector, there is going to be a drastic change in the distribution

    channel for marketing of general insurance products. Reinsurance concept will also play a

    major role in the marketing of general insurance products.

    Technology is changing very fast, and Information Technology is one which will revolutionizethe marketing of insurance products. E-commerce and internet will enable the direct

    purchase without intermediaries and thus, this is a major change which the marketing field

    in insurance is going to face. Customer relationship management and culture of insurance

    players as a quality service provider will have its own role to play in marketing of various

    types of innovative insurance products.

    Pricing of the product, i.e. Tariff

    The pricing of the insurance product will also undergo changes and the regulator will have to

    monitor it in order to create a healthy insurance market. However, the tariff system forcertain risk is bound to continue. This is due to the reason that there would be more

    presence on the market for flexibility and the players; both the providers and receivers will

    have to interact closely to secure a fair deal on the pricing of the product.

    It is a fact that insurance is after all a fund of many to take care of the calamities of few and

    there should be a meaningful and viable price for any product to be marketed and

    sustainable. There will thus be a definite pressure to move away from the tariff rating and

    the market will determine the price especially for personal insurance.

    In Indian insurance sector a lot is waiting to be done to have viable and fair external

    environment for its financial and commercial activities. It should have a lock and insight in

    the areas of reforms in the market environment, the legal /tax /accounting complexities. The

    process can continue towards new insurance legislations and it may be allowed in the areas

    where it is possible under the current scenario. The new baby of financial engineering like

    that of securitization for making investment in infrastructure projects and for health care

    receivables , air craft leases, air fare , insurance could be few potential products which

    should be made used off by the insurance sector for commercial viability and risk


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