Page 1: Integrating Flex and Rails with RubyAMF

Flex and Rails with RubyAMF

Tony HillersonSoftware ArchitectEffectiveUIRailsConf

Page 2: Integrating Flex and Rails with RubyAMF

Code and Slides:

Page 3: Integrating Flex and Rails with RubyAMF

Sample du Jour: Stuff

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Page 5: Integrating Flex and Rails with RubyAMF

Why Flex and Rails?

They Make The Great Tag Team!

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What are the Options?

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XML is the Default Option

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# POST /contexts# POST /contexts.xmldef create @context =[:context]) respond_to do |format| if flash[:notice] = 'Context was successfully created.' format.html { redirect_to(@context) } format.xml { render :xml => @context, :status => :created, :location => @context } else format.html { render :action => "new" } format.xml { render :xml => @context.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity } end endend

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Javascript Object Notation

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JSON is in Rails Tooformat.json { render :json => @context.to_json }

var obj:Object = JSON.decode(jsonString)

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Action Message Format

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AMF is the Good Stuff

Buck Thinks it’s Great!

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Installing RubyAMF$ script/plugin install

• New File: app/controllers/rubyamf_controller.rb• New File: config/rubyamf_config.rb• config/initializers/mime_types.rb modified: Mime::Type.register "application/x-amf", :amf• config/routes.rb modified: ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map| map.rubyamf_gateway 'rubyamf_gateway', :controller => 'rubyamf', :action => 'gateway' end

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Con"guring RubyAMFmodule RubyAMF module Configuration ClassMappings.translate_case = true ClassMappings.assume_types = false ParameterMappings.scaffolding = true ClassMappings.register( :actionscript => 'Task', :ruby => 'Task', :type => 'active_record', #:associations => ["context"], :attributes => ["id", "label", "context_id", "completed_at", "created_at", "updated_at"]) endend

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Con"guring RubyAMFClassMappings.translate_case = false

public var created_at:Date;

ClassMappings.translate_case = true

public var createdAt:Date; // created_at in rails

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Con"guring RubyAMFClassMappings.assume_types = true

class Context < ActiveRecord::Base

[RemoteClass(alias="Context")]public class Context {


for free

Page 20: Integrating Flex and Rails with RubyAMF

Con"guring RubyAMFClassMappings.assume_types = false

class Context < ActiveRecord::Base

[RemoteClass(alias="Context")]public class Context {


ClassMappings.register( :actionscript => 'Context', :ruby => 'Context', :type => 'active_record', :attributes => ["id", ...])

with registration

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Con"guring RubyAMFParameterMappings.scaffolding = false

save(context);def save @context = params[0]becomes

ParameterMappings.scaffolding = true

save( {context:context});

def save @context = params[:context]becomes

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Connecting to Rails via RubyAMF

<mx:RemoteObject id="contextsService" destination="rubyamf" endpoint="http://localhost:3000/rubyamf_gateway/" source="ContextsController" showBusyCursor="true"/>public function save(context:Context):void { var call:AsyncToken ={context:context}); call.addResponder(responder);}

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Development Work#ow

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1. Generate and Migrate$ script/generate rubyamf_scaffold context label:string

$ rake db:migrate

class CreateContexts < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :contexts do |t| t.string :label t.timestamps end end

def self.down drop_table :contexts endend

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def load_all @contexts = Context.find :all respond_to do |format| format.amf { render :amf => @contexts } end end def save respond_to do |format| format.amf do if params[:context].save render :amf => params[:context] else render :amf =>[:context].errors.join("\n")) end end end end

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2. Sample Datawork: id: 1 label: Work

home: id: 2 label: Home

anarco_syndicalist_commune_biweekly_meetings: id: 3 label: Anarcho-syndicalist Commune Bi-weekly Meetings

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3. Test

class ContextTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def test_context_without_label_fails non_label_context = assert !( error_messages = non_label_context.errors.on(:label) assert !(error_messages.empty?) end

class Context < ActiveRecord::Base validates_presence_of :label

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4. Con"gure

ClassMappings.register( :actionscript => 'Context', :ruby => 'Context', :type => 'active_record', #:associations => ["tasks"], :attributes => ["id", "label", "created_at", "updated_at"])

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5. Wire<mx:RemoteObject id="contextsService" destination="rubyamf" endpoint="http://localhost:3000/rubyamf_gateway/" source="ContextsController" showBusyCursor="true"/>


destination="rubyamf" endpoint="http://localhost:3000/rubyamf_gateway/" source="TasksController" showBusyCursor="true"/>

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5. Wirepublic function loadAll():void { var call:AsyncToken = service.load_all(); call.addResponder(responder);}

public function save(context:Context):void { var call:AsyncToken ={context:context}); call.addResponder(responder);}

public function destroy(context:Context):void { var call:AsyncToken =

service.destroy({}); call.addResponder(responder);}

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5. Wirepublic function execute(event:CairngormEvent):void { var evt:SaveContextEvent = event as SaveContextEvent; var delegate:ContextsDelegate = new ContextsDelegate(this);;}

public function result(data:Object):void { var result:ResultEvent = data as ResultEvent; var context:Context = result.result as Context; ...}

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X. Rinse and Repeat

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The Future

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GemPlugin + GemC Extension

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C Extension

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An Impassioned Plea

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Thanks!Tony Hillerson

Twitter: thillersonBrightkite: thillerson





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