  1. 1. Welcome to the iHeartMEDIA Business Trends!
  2. 2. Congratulationsyouve survived some very tough years. You are the BEST! Whats Your Strategy? Even if youre on the right track youll still get run over if you just sit there. Will Rogers What does YOUR business future look like? How do you GROW in todays economy? Were going to show you today!
  3. 3. The Trends and Future of Business 3 Significant Impacts: 1. Trends in Technology Smart Phones / Devices Social Media The Internet 2. Customer Service 3. Trends in Media Today BUSINESS TRENDS will help you chart your course!
  4. 4. 2005 Papal Inauguration Pope Benedict XVI
  5. 5. 2013 Papal Inauguration Pope Francis
  6. 6. Social Media has Pros and Cons! Trend # 1 Technology: Social Media 1.5 billion users Your companys hymnal. Electronic newsletter. Younger people interest fading. Its melted into sub-groups diminishing your marketing impact. 232 million users Promotes products, services, events and offers. Tweets have a short shelf life, a few hours at the most. 75% are outside the U.S. Source: AP 2/14/14 27 million users Share photos of things you like with friends like FB. 68% women. 150 million users Businesses post photos and videos. Younger-edgier users. Like Twitter, has a short shelf life. Not popular with older adults.
  7. 7. FACEBOOK CANNOT SAVE YOUR BUSINESS! You must keep it updated or you may look like youre out of business! Source: Forrester Research October 31, 2013 GM Says Facebook Ads Don't Work, Pulls $10 Million Account Forbes Magazine Headline 56% of Americans have a profile on a social networking site. Edison Res. 2014
  8. 8. 70% of teens 13-18 have a smart phone! Smart Phones = hyper informed/connected! There are 157 million smart phones in U.S. today! 67% of us start shopping on one device and continue on another 52% of time online is w/smart phone or tablet $484b in retail sales projected to $3T in 2020 Anytime/Anywhere Content on Demand Source: Google Study March 27, 2014; Pew Research Centers Internet and American Life
  9. 9. Technology Today Your Website Source: Google Study March 27, 2014 Pew Research Centers Internet and American Life Your Customers Are Already Online Shopping starts online Customers rely on online sources for local information Online shopping continues in store 90% of consumers research products online before buying 75% search before or during a shopping trip 97% use online media when researching products or services locally
  10. 10. Trend #2 : Great Customer Service! 64% of respondents say they left a store w/in the past 12 months because of bad customer service! 67% hung up on customer service w/out having had their problem addressed! 70% of consumers report they would spend 20% more with companies that gave them great customer service! Train your staff to know what great customer service can mean to you! Source: Consumer Reports (40,000+ respondents)
  11. 11. WIN Loyalty and You BUILD Sales and Profits! Northwestern University Center for Retail Mgt 12-15% of a companys most loyal customers contribute 55-70% of total sales. Very Satisfied Customers are 6x more likely to buy again than Satisfied Customers! Harvard Business Review Study Increasing customer loyalty 1% is equal to reducing costs by 10%. Bain Consulting
  12. 12. Consumers Continue to Spend Even During Downturns Its not that people dont spend money during tight recessionary times its that they spend it more carefully. Your challenge is to ensure they think of you and your business as one of the places theyll get real value for their dollars spent Business Week
  13. 13. It All Starts With Awareness Your website, Facebook, email blasts and YouTube videos will not work the way they should until you create AWARENESS. You must create awareness. David Bohan Bohan Marketing Group
  14. 14. Generation Y - Millennials Buying Power: $270 Billion today, $1.4 Trillion by 2020 Age 17-35 82 million Confident, connected and open to change. Use 4 or more digital devices each day Conservative & Frugal with money 80% buy lowest price and are not Brand loyal Will make up 75% of workforce in just 10 years! 50% watch TV from Laptop 28% from a tablet 22% watch TV from a smart phone (no local ad insertions) SDL Survey Jan 2015; Yahoo research 2014; USA Today 1/11/15
  15. 15. Generation X Buying Power: $1.7 Trillion Age 36-50 41 million All about Attitude, Value and Ambition LOVE smart phones, DVRs & Ebay Witnessed the introduction of computers cell phones and the Internet. Tend to marry later in life therefore have more disposable income to spend on housing, family and fun. Entering their peak years of earnings and acquisitions. Savvy consumers that have a keen understanding of media and marketing Values a good brand over a designer label. The MTV Generation Source: Stacy Downs, McClatchy Corp
  16. 16. Baby Boomers Age 51-70 78 million Source: Stacy Downs, McClatchy Corp, Bureau of Labor Stats Boomers hold 70% of all disposable income in U.S. 62% of ALL new cars will be purchased by a Boomer. Despite many are retired, still have annual incomes 55% higher than younger adults. Account for 80% of the travel industry spending. #1 Consumer for Healthcare Responsible for 50% of all consumer spending, yet only 5% of ads target them. Spend $2.9 trillion! Buying Power: $3 Trillion
  17. 17. How Can I Be Successful Now? Determine Your Unique Selling Proposition What do you do best? What sets you apart from your competition that will help you build a base of loyal customers? Get to a TOP THREE with your U.S.P. Use your company slogan everywhere! The in-person experience is the ultimate advantage of the small business and how they can beat the online and big box competition. John Jantsch
  18. 18. Its all about branding to the 98%
  19. 19. Trend #3: Media in the Columbia Market: 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 800,000 900,000 1,000,000 690,222 Listen to iHeartMedia stations every week in Columbia 961,000 Population 86% of consumers buy from one of the top three businesses they think of in any given category. #4,5,6,7 in a category fights over the remaining 14%. Only 2% of the population is ready to buy any product on a given day. 66,105 The State (Sunday Circulation)
  20. 20. The future of the Newspaper Industry has never been more bleak Financial Times Americas fastest shrinking industry, Council of Economic Advisors Industry wide NP revenues fell 58% from 2007 to 2013, according to The Newspaper Association of America New York Times Corp bought Boston Globe in 1993 for $1.1 billion sold it 8/2/13 to Red Sox owner John W. Henry for $70 million After a profit of $109m in 2002, Washington Post lost $54m in 2013 and over $34 million in the first qtr. 2014! Source: Wall Street Journal 5/3/14
  21. 21. DIRECT MAIL YELLOW PAGES IS VANISHING 39% of their revenues have vanished as local businesses shift spending to the Internet Low Response 2-3% Only 44% opened last year! Future is in doubt! We must consider banning delivery of Yellow Page Directories to save our environment! President Board of Supervisors San Francisco
  22. 22. Even TV has been affected by new trends in technology! 62% of corporate marketers think TV is LESS effective than it was just a few years ago Half of all network viewing done by 50+. Millennials not reached by network TV. USA TODAY, Ed Baig, 1/11/15 Why is TV less effective for advertisers today? Association of National Advertisers 1.Multi-tasking Social Media, Texting Shopping 2.We look at our smart phones 150x per day!
  23. 23. THE DVR and CO-VIEWING! 52% of all households have at least one DVR! 50% of Prime Time shows are DVRd or Time Shifted Peter Svensson, Associated Press; Mike Hess, VP CARAT; Journal of Mkt Communications Co-Viewing The presence of another that distracts the Co-Viewers attention from the screen. Reduces ad recall to 43% Channel surfing: 45% Fast-forwarding reduces ad recall to just 6% A-la-carte programming is the future.
  24. 24. Source: TVGuide; Arbitron Edison Infinite Dial: 2013 4% 6% 9% 81% 4% 6% 9% 81% Usually watch the commercials Some of the times Most of the times Almost every time commercials come on How often do you fast-forward or skip through the commercials when you watch time-shifted programming recorded from your DVR? Base: Total Population 12+ and Have a digital video recorder and watch time-shifted TV at least half the times TV is watched
  25. 25. Introducing a new, ground-breaking Media Platform It is LARGER in America than Facebook! 243 million Americans are plugged into it every week! Proven to be the BEST platform at promoting digital media to multi-tasking consumers! Promotes local brands and generates customer buy in! Gets inside businesses daily! The ORIGINAL social medium! Radio
  26. 26. Stan Freberg
  27. 27. RADIO! TECHNOLOGY Marketers need to reevaluate Radio, the worlds most popular medium. ADVERTISING AGE 9/30/13 The iPod, Internet, Satellite Radio and Smart-Phones are NOT negatively impacting local radio listening. Source: Arbitron / Nielson Comparative Study
  28. 28. 1. The ORIGINAL mobile medium 2. #1 media used before the point of purchase 3. Delivers you the AT-WORK consumer youve been trying to reach! RADIO IS THE FAVORITE ADVERTISING OPTION. For the TELEVISION INDUSTRY! Mixpo/Promax BDA Survey 7/24/2014 WHERE will YOU put your Money?
  29. 29. Get Heard. Be Loved.
  30. 30. Live TV1 Internet3Radio2 4:18 2:21 2:42 Sources: (1) Nielsen, The Cross-Platform Report, Q3 2013, Average Time Spent per Person Per Day, P2+. (2) RADAR 119, December 2013, M-Su 12m-12m Average Daily TSL (hh:mm) per Listener, P12+ (3) comScore Media Metrix, October 2013, multi platform universe, Average Daily Minutes per Visitor, P2+ Average Time Per User Per Day (HH:MM) Radio Remains One Of The Three Mass Market Media In The U.S.
  31. 31. Source: RADAR 117, June 2013, M-Su 6a-Mid Weekly Cume Percentage Of U.S. Population in Each Demographic Using Radio Every Week M25-54 Emp. 92% A18-49 Col. Ed, HH $75k+ 95%94% W25-54P12+ P25-54P18-34 94% 95% AA/Blk 18-49 Hisp. 18-49 95%92% P35-64 93%95% For All Demographics
  32. 32. Source: Broadcast TLH- Nielsen Audio, Act 1, Feb14 M-S 6a-12a, P12+; Digital Streaming TLH Triton Audio, Jan14 M-S 6a-12a EstimatedRadioListening (Billionhoursperyear) 0 50 100 150 200 Digital Streaming (including pureplay streaming services such as Pandora) Broadcast Radio 9.9% 90.1% 186 Billion Hours Digital Is Almost 10% Of All Radio Listening
  33. 33. On-Air Talent Have Deep Connections With The Audience Perceive a DEEP CONNECTION with a favorite radio personality 82% Source: USC, Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism, PSI Study released June 2012, Woodley, P. and Movius, L.
  34. 34. They Have Great Influence Source: Power of Personality Study 2014 Value Their OPINION and PERSPECTIVES 63%
  35. 35. They Impact Consumer Behavior Considered or PURCHASED A PRODUCT recommended by their favorite personality 47% Source: USC, Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism, PSI Study released June 2012, Woodley, P. and Movius, L.
  36. 36. Why Radio? 48%Of consumer purchases are DECIDED 30 minutes or less BEFORE purchase.
  37. 37. We Are More Mobile Than What Is Called Mobile In Home Versus Out Of Home Media Consumption 34% 66% AM/FM Radio In Home Out Of Home 62% 38% Mobile Web/App In Home Out Of Home Source: USA Touchpoints 2013.2. A18-64. Distribution of AVG Weekly Minutes
  38. 38. We Are Mobile At Scale, Aligned With Key Purchase Moments Weekly Out of Home Media Reach by Hour (P18-64) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 6a 7a 8a 9a 10a 11a 12p 1p 2p 3p 4p 5p 6p 7p 8p 9p 10p 11p (%Reach) Shopping Broadcast Radio Internet Live TV Mobile Social Source: MBI Touchpoints , 2013.2. NET full week reach . Among A 18-64. Mobile includes Web and Apps.
  39. 39. Radio Is The Closest Mass Medium To The Sale Activity Half Hour Before Arriving at Store AM/FM Radio 49% Outdoor 21% Live TV 12% Newspaper 8% Mobile* 6% Magazine 3% Internet* 6% Source: 2013 Arbitron Inc and Edison Research Base: Visited a Supermarket, Department Store, Retail Shop or Restaurant in Past 24 Hours *To Look Up Price/Product Information
  40. 40. A breakthrough collaboration between Nielsen Audio, NCS, Media Monitors and various media partners to create the first single-source ROI tool for measuring actual purchases after exposure to a radio campaign. LISTENING DATA SHOPPING DATA RADIO ROI What Is Radio ROI?
  41. 41. an ROI double that of even the best results from many recent digital or TV media.
  42. 42. More Live Programming Than Any Media Company Number of Hours of Live Programming Per Year 3,500,000 6,523 5,962 2,430 Source: iHeartMedia: CORE ; ESPN, CNN, NBC: Nielsen Npower Schedules Jan-Dec. 2013
  43. 43. iHeartRadio Is The Digital Focal Point For iHeartMedia Music And Radio. All In One Free App.
  44. 44. 97.0 85.0 25.4 9.5 3.5 3.4 1.5 1.4 1.0 0.7 We Are The Digital Leader Monthly Digital Uniques (Millions) Source: iHeartRadio: Internal Reporting, PC+Mobile, May 2014 comScore Media Metrix, May 2014 multi-platform universe. 97.0
  45. 45. NUMBEROFNEWREGISTEREDUSERS NUMBER OF DAYS UNTIL 50 MILLION REGISTERED USERS PANDORA 1,735 DAYS FACEBOOK 1,335 DAYS TWITTER 1,096 DAYS iHEARTRADIO 1,008 DAYS NETFLIX 1,345 DAYS 50 MILLION Source: Twitter:; Facebook: users-facebook-over-years-214600186--finance.html ; Netflix: Q214 Financial Statement ;Pandora: Even Faster Than Facebook Or Twitter iHeartRadio Is The Fastest Music Service To Reach 50 Million Registered Users
  46. 46. Aided Awareness (Among Total) 46% 52% 54% 62% 68% 63% 69% Source: Ipsos, iHR Brand Tracking, September 2012-July 2014 Base: 13-49 Q. Regardless of whether or not you mentioned them earlier, please indicate whether or not you have heard of the following online streaming radio or music sites / services Brand Awareness Growth In Three Years
  47. 47. Digital Is Still Small But Growing Total Listening Hours: Broadcast/Digital Broadcast 96% Digital 4% Note: Premiere included Sources: Broadcast: ACT 1, Fall 2013 Nielsen Audio, M-Su 12m-12m, All CCME Stations, Nationwide, Monthly TLH. Includes data for non-CCME Premiere programming . Digital Triton Internal, Oct.-Dec. 2013, CC Digital Monthly TLH
  48. 48. Social Media Leader Number of Facebook Likes/Twitter Followers (Millions) 58.5 9.5 7.2 5.9 2.0 1.8 Source: Facebook/Twitter. Iheartmedia count: as of August 1 2014; competitive set: count as of August 20, 2014. May include some duplication 1 Includes iHeartMedia stations monitored, 20 of iHeartMedia top personalities and iHR total Facebook fans/Twitter Followers count.
  49. 49. 11.8M 9M 6.2M 6.2M 6.1M 25.8% 18.5% 66.3% 36.9% 91.8% Likes (in millions) Percent Engagement And The #5 Media Brand On Facebook In 2013 Top Five Facebook Media Brands in U.S. Source: Socialbakers December 2013, U.S. only
  50. 50. Why Radio Divider Who Is iHeartMedia Columbia? 682,959 Monthly Listeners 6 Local Radio Station Brands 6 Locally-Branded Websites Social Media Local Events
  51. 51. Massive Reach Combined weekly listeners of iHeartMedia Columbia would fill Williams-Brice Stadium to capacity OVER 9 times!!!
  52. 52. iHeartMedia Columbia Connects iHeartMedia connects with enough consumers weekly to fill Williams-Brice Stadium OVER 8 TIMES!!! Clear Channel Atlanta Social Media figures as of 10/30/14 A Great Audience On-Air Cume Listeners Unique Visitors Email Database Facebook Twitter Desktop Streaming Cume Mobile Streaming Cume Totals 97.5 WCOS 155,400 25,987 32,609 19,357 2,371 3,647 10,547 249,918 104.7 WNOK 158,500 14,986 25,700 12,141 3,181 3,945 13,120 231,573 96.7 STEVE-FM 74,400 3,745 2,576 3,831 386 1,745 4,023 90,706 560 AM WVOC 63,400 9,456 2,953 1,602 735 4,579 8,695 91,420 Fox Sports Radio 1400 5,500 3,864 509 1,009 516 2,247 5,697 19,342 Totals 457,200 58,038 64,347 37,940 7,189 16,163 42,082 682,959
  53. 53. Michael J 7pm Midnight The Morning Rush 5:30am 9am CORE ARTISTS Carrie Underwood Tim McGraw Jason Aldean Keith Urban Brad Paisley Kenny ChesneyLady Antebellum Taylor Swift WHO IS THE WCOS LISTENER? * Columbias country music fans * College Educated * Majority are employed full-time * Affluent males and females * 173,600 on-air listeners weekly * 15,216 listeners via monthly * And this vibrant audience spends more over $1 Billion annually in area retail stores! Call letters: WCOS-FM Format: Country Power: 100,000 watts Frequency: 97.5 FM Website: Kix Layton 9am -2pm Andy Woods 2pm-7pm
  54. 54. Ace & TJ 6am 10am CORE ARTISTS Katy Perry Miley Cyrus Ke$ha Onerepublic Bruno Mars Justin Timberlake Eminen Imagine Dragons WHO IS THE 104.7 WNOK LISTENER? * College Educated * Majority own their own home * Majority female listeners * 171,100 on-air listeners weekly * 20,823 listeners via monthly Call letters: WNOK-FM Format: Top 40 & Pop Power: 100,000 watts Frequency: 104.7 FM Website: Greg Applebee 2pm-7pm Katie Sommers 7pm-midnight Ryan Seacrest 10am-2pm
  55. 55. CORE ARTISTS Rolling Stones Michael Jackson Queen -- Aerosmith Eric Clapton Mariah Carey Bruce Springsteen -- Madonna WHO IS THE STEVE-FM LISTENER? * Columbias At Work station * College Educated * Affluent males and females * 69,900 on-air listeners weekly * 6,521 listeners via monthly Call letters: WLTY-FM Format: Mix & Variety Power: 9,000 watts Frequency: 96.7 FM Website:
  56. 56. Call Letters: WXBT-FM Format: Hip Hop & R&B Frequency: 100.1 FM Power: 5,900 watts Website: Who is the Target Listener? - Adults 18-49 - Columbias hip hop fans - Affluent males and females - Club owners - College Educated - Majority are employed full-time Core Artists: Usher, Drake, Kayne West, Rihanna, Trey Songz, Rick Cross, Chris Brown, Lil Wayne TuTu M-F 2p-6p
  57. 57. Rush Limbaugh 12p-3p WHO IS THE 560 WVOC LISTENER? * Columbias Only News/Talk station * College Educated * 43% of listeners have household income of $75,000+ * Majority own their own home * 54,300 on-air listeners weekly * 8,902 listeners via monthly Call letters: WVOC-FM Format: News Talk Power: 5,000 watts Frequency: 560 AM Website: Gary David 6a-9a Sean Hannity 3p-6p Glenn Beck 9a-12p Mark Levin 6p-9p
  58. 58. Reynolds and Gunter WHO IS THE TEAM LISTENER? * College Educated * Majority household income of $75,000+ * Majority own their own home * 17,000 on-air listeners weekly * 4,338 listeners via monthly Call letters: WCOS-AM Format: Sports Talk Power: 5,000 watts Frequency: 1400 AM Website: M-F 3p-6p
  59. 59. iHeartRadio Is The Digital Focal Point For iHeartMedia Music And Radio. All In One Free App.
  60. 60. Mobile Tablet In-Dash iH e a r t R a d i o . c o m Android iPhone BlackberryWindows Phone 8 Kindle Fire Xbox 360 Sonos Vizio Connected TVs & Remote Controls Google TV iPad Bose SoundTouch HP Toshiba Sony Yahoo! Microsoft Surface Roku Samsung Smart TV Online Mobile Laptop/Tablet In-Dash In-Home Wearables Samsung Gear 2 Amazon Fire TV Samsung Shape Samsung ATIV Android Wear iHeartRadio Platforms
  61. 61. Connecting Fans to the Content They Love Anytime, Anywhere
  62. 62. Get Heard. Be Loved. For more information, contact Ron Hill, Vice President & Market Manager, iHeartMedia Columbia SC Office: 803-343-1076 Mobile: 803-719-7833 Email: [email protected]

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