
Name __________________________________________ Date ___________ Class _______ Period _____

Interim Assessment 2 Review Directions: Answer the questions below using your class materials, notes, and the textbook. If you have misplaced any notes or class materials, you can find them on Answer all questions on loose leaf. You do NOT need to rewrite the question, but make sure to have your name, the assignment title, and the numbers of each question on your loose leaf.  

1. What  were  the  Bantu  Migrations?  What  caused  the  migrations?  What  were  two  effects  f  the  migrations?  (People  on  the  Move,  Africa  Map  Activity,  Ch  11  Sec  1)  

2. THE  TEN  COMMANDMENTS  (1)  I  am  the  LORD  your  God…  You  shall  have  no  other  gods  before  Me…  (5)  Honor  your  father  and  your  mother,  as  the  LORD  your  God  has  commanded  you…  (6)  You  shall  not  murder…  (8)  You  shall  not  steal…  Identify  the  religion  from  which  these  teachings  originate.  Identify  one  religious  belief  and  one  moral  teaching  included  in  the  list.  (Ch  2  Sec  5,  The  Israelites  and  the  Roots  of  Judaism  PP)  

3. How  did  the  geography  of  Greece  limit  contact  between  different  Greek  communities?  (Rise  of  the  Greek  City-­‐States,  Ch  4  Sec  1-­‐2)  

4. What  were  the  positive  and  negative  aspects  of  democracy  in  Athens?  (Democracy  and  Philosophy  PP,  Pericles  and  Aristotle  on  Government,  Ch  4  Sec  3-­‐4)  

5. Why  did  the  Spartans  maintain  a  strong  military?  (Poleis  Race  Sparta,  Ch  4  Sec  2)  6. What  events  led  to  the  development  and  spread  of  Hellenistic  culture?  (Alexander  and  the  

Hellenistic  Age,  Ch  4  Sec  5,  Alexander  of  Macedon)  7. How  did  geographic  help  Rome  become  an  empire?  How  did  geographic  location  help  Rome  to  

become  a  center  of  trade?  (The  Roman  World  Takes  Shape,  From  Republic  to  Empire,  Ch  5  Sec  1-­‐2)  

8.                              White  House                                            NYC  Court  House                                                      Lincoln  Memorial  

 What  features  of  the  above  buildings  show  influence  from  Greek  and  Roman  architecture?  

9. Was  the  Byzantine  Empire  a  continuation  of  the  Roman  Empire?  Explain.  (Fall  of  Rome  PP,    DBQ  Essay  –  Decline  of  the  Roman  Empire)  

10. Who  was  Emperor  Justinian?  What  were  three  major  accomplishments  of  Justinian?  Give  specific  terms.  (The  Legacy  of  Justinian,  Ch  9  Sec  1)  

11. How  has  the  Code  of  Justinian  continued  to  influence  us  today?  (The  Legacy  of  Justinian,  Ch  9  Sec  1)  

12. What  are  the  Five  Pillars  of  Islam?  Name  and  describe  all  five.  (Ch  10  Sec  1,  Rise  of  Islam  Questions)  

a. 1st    b. 2nd    c. 3rd    d. 4th    e. 5th    

13. Why  are  Judaism,  Christianity,  and  Islam  grouped  together  as  “Abrahamic  Religions”?  Give  at  least  two  reasons.  (Ch  10  Sec  1,  Rise  of  Islam  Questions,  Sources  of  Islamic  Tradition)  

14. Identify  at  least  one  discovery  or  development  made  by  each  of  the  following  scholars:  a. Al  Khwarizmi  b. Ibn  Sina  (aka  Avicenna)  c. Ibn  Rushd  (aka  Averroës)  

15. According  to  Islamic  teachings,  what  religious  groups  were  considered  “People  of  the  Book”?  How  did  that  designation  influence  the  relationship  between  the  three  religions  with  Islamic  Spain  (Al  Andalus)?  (Rise  of  Islam  Questions,  Al  Andalus  –  Spain  Under  Muslim  Rule)  

16. How  did  Islam  spread  to  West  Africa?  (West  African  Traditions  PP,  Ch  11  Sec  2)  17. How  did  the  Trans-­‐Saharan  Gold  and  Salt  trade  begin?  (West  African  Traditions  PP,  Ch  11  Sec  2)  18. How  did  the  Hajj  of  Mansa  Musa  increase  the  spread  of  Islamic  learning  in  Mali’s  capital  of  

Timbuktu?  (Mansa  Musa-­‐  The  Hajj  That  Changed  History,  Mali  Land  of  Kings)  19. How  did  monsoon  winds  make  the  Indian  Ocean  Trade  possible?  (Crash  Course  Indian  Ocean  

Trade  Network  Questions)  20. Why  are  the  records  of  Ibn  Battuta’s  travels  valuable  to  historians?  (Ibn  Battuta  Traveler  from  

Tangier,  Ibn  Battuta  Longest  Hajj,  Ch  11  Sec  3)  21. Explain  one  way  in  which  each  of  the  following  Tang  and  Song  Dynasty  inventions  had  an  impact  

on  the  world:  a. Block  Printing/Movable  Type  Printing  b.  Magnetic  Compass  c. Gunpowder  

22. What  does  social  mobility  mean?  How  did  civil  service  examinations  in  Tang  China  allow  opportunities  for  social  mobility?  (Ch  12  Sec  1,  Innovations  of  Tang  and  Song  China  PP)  

23. What  term  is  generally  used  to  describe  a  period  of  development  and  advancement  in  the  fields  of  scholarship,  science,  medicine,  art,  architecture,  and  trade  in  a  particular  civilization?  

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