Page 1: International Journal of Engineering Science · 1. Introduction Polymer matrix composites, which are composed of a variety of short or long fibers bound together by organic polymer

International Journal of Engineering Science 90 (2015) 76–85

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Computational evaluation of effective stress relaxation behaviorof polymer composites� 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 330 972 7672.E-mail address: [email protected] (T. Tang).

Tian Tang ⇑, Sergio D. FelicelliDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 7 December 2014Received in revised form 3 February 2015Accepted 14 February 2015Available online 9 March 2015

Keywords:Viscoelastic behaviorPolymer compositeMicromechanicsVAMUCHEffective stress relaxation stiffness

a b s t r a c t

This paper presents a micromechanics model to characterize the effective stress relaxationstiffness of polymer composites. The linear viscoelastic behavior of polymer material wasmodeled by hereditary integral. The proposed model was established based on thevariational asymptotic method for unit cell homogenization (VAMUCH). All computationswith this model were accomplished in the time domain, hence the Laplace transform andinversion commonly used for linear viscoelastic composites are not needed in this theory.The accuracy and efficiency of the proposed model were verified by comparing with theresults and utilization of finite element models developed using ABAQUS.

� 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Polymer matrix composites, which are composed of a variety of short or long fibers bound together by organic polymermatrix, have been widely utilized in many engineering areas. Due to the viscoelastic behavior of the polymer matrix,polymer matrix composites exhibit evidently viscoelastic behavior, in which the magnitude of stress and strain are timeand temperature dependent. The viscoelasticity phenomenon of polymer composites results from the long molecular chainsof the polymer matrix. The creep and stress relaxation responses of polymer composites seriously restrict the advancedcomposites structures expected to operate for long period of time on many applications (Barbero, 1994).

Micromechanics models are the major tools to characterize the viscoelastic behavior of polymer composites (Aboudi,2000; Hashin, 1983; Nemat-Nasser & Hori, 1993). Hashin (1965, 1970, 1970) was the first one developing the correspon-dence principle, which showed that the effective relaxation and creep functions of viscoelastic heterogeneous media arerelated to the effective elastic moduli of elastic heterogeneous media by the correspondence principle of the theory of linearviscoelasticity. Park and Schapery (1999) developed an efficient and accurate numerical method of interconversion betweenlinear viscoelastic material functions based on a Prony series representation. Their method is straightforward and applicableto interconversion between modulus and compliance functions in time, frequency, and Laplace transform domains. The mostcommon methodology for characterizing the viscoelastic behavior of polymer composites is to apply the Laplace transformand Laplace inversion, where the correspondence principle was applied (Barbero & Luciano, 1995; Christensen, 1979;Haasemann & Ulbricht, 2009; Megnis, Varna, Allen, & Holmberg, 2001; Li, Gao, & Roy, 2006; Schapery, 1967; Li et al.,2006; Wang & Weng, 1992; Yancey & Pindera, 1990). Brinson and Lin (2003) and Fisher and Brinson (2003) employedthe finite element method to analyze the two-phase and three-phase viscoelastic composites in the Laplace transformed

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domain, respectively, and verified the results with the Mori–Tanaka model (Benveniste, 1987; Mori & Tanaka, 1973). Levinand Sevostianov (2005) proposed an analytical approach for micromechanics modeling of the effective viscoelastic behaviorof composites in which the fraction-exponential operator was used to describe the viscoelastic properties of the constituents.Recently, commercial finite element software ABAQUS was applied to predict the stress relaxation response (Abadi, 2009)and creep response (Naik, Abolfathi, Karami, & Ziejewski, 2008) of fiber reinforced polymer matrix composites consideringa unit cell subjected to periodic boundary conditions.

The objective of this paper is to develop a micromechanics model to characterize the effective stress relaxation stiffness ofviscoelastic polymer composites. The proposed model is an extension of VAMUCH (variational asymptotic method for unitcell homogenization) for effective elastic properties (Yu & Tang, 2007). The effective viscoelastic responses of polymer com-posites were calculated in time domain. Hence the commonly used Laplace transform and inversion are not required in thistheory. Furthermore, the proposed model calculates simultaneously the complete set of effective stress relaxation stiffnessso that it is far more convenient than conventional finite element approaches with which multiple running are required onmultiple loading and boundary conditions. The accuracy and efficiency of the present modeling technique were validatedthrough the comparison with the results and utilization of finite element models developed based on ABAQUS.

2. Theoretical equations of stress relaxation stiffness of linear viscoelastic materials

Based on the Boltzmann superposition principle, the constitutive equations for the linear viscoelastic material can beexpressed in the time domain in the following way,

rijðtÞ ¼Z t

�1Cijkl t � sð Þ _eklðsÞds ð1Þ

where CijklðtÞ is the stress relaxation stiffness; _eklðsÞ is the strain rate; rijðtÞ is the stress tensor.The stress relaxation tests are performed at constant strains, which means

eklðtÞ ¼0 t < 0ecst

kl t P 0


where ‘‘cst’’ means constant values that do not vary with time but may change with position.Eq. (2) implies: limt!�1eklðtÞ ¼ 0.Then applying the integral by parts to Eq. (1), we can obtain

rijðtÞ ¼ Cijkl 0ð Þ þZ t


@Cijkl t � sð Þ@ t � sð Þ ds

� �ecst

kl ¼ CijklðtÞecstkl ð3Þ

Eq. (3) implies that the instantaneous stress values are dependent on the instantaneous values of stress relaxation coef-ficients instead of history effects when the linear viscoelastic materials are subjected to constant strain loading.

3. Micromechanics formulations for effective stress relaxation stiffness

Consider a multiphase viscoelastic composite that is an assembly of many periodic unit cells (UCs). The microstructure ofthe multiphase composite is illustrated in Fig. 1. Two coordinate systems including x ¼ ðx1; x2; x3Þ and y ¼ ðy1; y2; y3Þ areemployed to facilitate the micromechanics formulations. We use xi as the global coordinates to describe the macroscopicstructure and yi parallel to xi as the local coordinates to describe the UC (Here and throughout the paper, Latin indicesassume 1–3 and repeated indices are summed over their range except where explicitly indicated). We choose the originof the local coordinate system yi to be the geometric center of UC.

3.1. Effective stress relaxation stiffness of linear viscoelastic composites

The Eq. (3) may be derived from the following transient potential energy density functional,

UðtÞ ¼ 12

CijklðtÞecstij ecst

kl ð4Þ

such that

rijðtÞ ¼@UðtÞ@ecst



The effective stress relaxation stiffness of the linear viscoelastic composites can be defined in the following ways,

�rijðtÞ ¼ C�ijklðtÞ�ecstkl ð6Þ

Page 3: International Journal of Engineering Science · 1. Introduction Polymer matrix composites, which are composed of a variety of short or long fibers bound together by organic polymer

Fig. 1. A sketch of periodic heterogeneous materials (only two-dimensional (2D) unit cell (UC) is drawn for clarity).

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CijklðtÞeijðtÞeklðtÞdX ¼ 12


�ecstkl ð7Þ

where ‘‘over-bar’’ indicates variables which are used in the macroscopic analysis of homogenized materials and X is the vol-ume of unit cell, such that

�ecstij ¼


ZXeijðtÞdX ð8Þ

�rijðtÞ ¼1X

ZXrijðtÞdX ð9Þ

Although the externally applied mechanical strain to the viscoelastic composites are kept constant as �ecstij , the local strain

eijðtÞ and local stress rijðtÞ within unit cell vary with time due to the stress relaxation of linear viscoelastic polymer.Superscripts ‘‘⁄’’ in Eqs. (6), (7) denote the effective properties whose calculations are determined by the micromechanicsmodel one employs.

3.2. VAMUCH model

The proposed model for effective stress relaxation stiffness of linear viscoelastic composites is an extension of thevariational asymptotic method for unit cell homogenization (VAMUCH) for elastic composites (Yu & Tang, 2007).Following a similar derivation procedure as in Yu and Tang (2007), we can obtain a variational statement which governthe micromechanics model. The final theory of VAMUCH for homogenizing linear viscoelastic heterogeneous materials sub-jected to constant strains can be obtained by minimizing

PX ¼1



CijklðtÞ �ecstij þ v ijjð Þ

h i�ecst

kl þ v kjlð Þ

h idX ð10Þ

subjected to periodic constraints vþji ¼ v�j

i for i; j ¼ 1;2;3 with vþji ¼ vijyj¼dj=2 and v�j

i ¼ vijyj¼�dj=2. Here, vi is the commonly

called fluctuating function and dj is the size of the unit cell, �ecstij is the global constant strains.

We introduced the following matrix notations:

�� ¼ b�ecst11 2�ecst


22 2�ecst13 2�ecst


33cT ð11aÞ

�1 ¼ be11ðtÞ 2e12ðtÞ e22ðtÞ 2e13ðtÞ 2e23ðtÞ e33ðtÞcT ð11bÞ


�ecstij ¼

12@v i xð Þ@xj

þ @v j xð Þ@xi

� �ð12aÞ

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eijðtÞ ¼ v ijjð Þ ¼12

@vi t; x; yð Þ@yj

þ@vj t; x; yð Þ


" #ð12bÞ

where v i xð Þ ¼ 1X

RX ui t; x; yð Þ½ �dX with ui t; x; yð Þ being the local displacement vectors that is expressed as: ui t; x; yð Þ ¼

v i xð Þ þ yj@v i@xjþ vi t; x; yð Þ.

Then the matrix �1 in Eq. (11b) can also be written as

�1 ¼


0 0@@y2



0 @@y2


0 @@y1

0 @@y2


0 0 @@y3







9>=>; � Chv ð13Þ

where Ch is an operator matrix and v is a column matrix containing the three components of the fluctuation functions. If wediscretize v using finite elements as

v xi; yið Þ ¼ S yið Þv xið Þ ð14Þ

where S representing the shape functions (in assemble sense excluding the constrained node and slave nodes) and v columnmatrix of the nodal value of the fluctuation functions for all active nodes. Substituting Eqs. (11)–(14) into Eq. (10), we obtaina discretized version of the functional as

PX ¼1

2XvT Evþ 2vT Dhe��þ ��T Dee��� �



E ¼Z

XChSð ÞT D ChSð ÞdX Dhe ¼


ChSð ÞT DdX Dee ¼Z

XDdX ð16Þ

with D as the 6� 6 material matrix condensed from the fourth-order stress relaxation stiffness tensor CijklðtÞ. Note that thestress relaxation stiffness tensor of linear elastic materials is equal to the elastic stiffness tensor Ce

ijkl, which is time-independent. Minimizing PX in Eq. (15), we obtain the following linear system:

Ev ¼ �Dhe�� ð17Þ

The fluctuation function v is linearly proportional to �e, which means the solution can be written as

v ¼ v0�� ð18Þ

Substituting Eq. (18) into Eq. (15), we can calculate the free energy density of the UC as

PX ¼1

2X��T vT

0Dhe þ Dee� �

�� ¼ 12

��T D��� ð19Þ

Clearly D� is a 6� 6 effective material matrix containing the effective stress relaxation stiffness coefficients.

4. Model verifications

In this section, the VAMUCH model was used to predict the effective stress relaxation stiffness C�ijklðtÞ of glass fiber rein-forced polymer matrix composites. The glass fibers are of circular shape and in square array. In order to verify the accuracyand efficiency of the VAMUCH model, the finite element unit cell models for effective stress relaxation stiffness were alsodeveloped based on ABAQUS.

4.1. Material properties of constituents

Glass fiber The glass fibers are isotropic and linear elastic materials. The material properties of the glass fiber are shownin Table 1.

Polymer The elastic relaxation modulus of the isotropic and linear viscoelastic polymer materials can be expressed usingProny series as

EðtÞ ¼ E0 1�Xn


gk 1� e�t=sk� � !


Page 5: International Journal of Engineering Science · 1. Introduction Polymer matrix composites, which are composed of a variety of short or long fibers bound together by organic polymer

Table 1Elastic properties of glass fibers (Megnis et al., 2001).

Young’s modulus E (MPa) Poisson’s ratio m

Glass fiber 80,000 0.3

80 T. Tang, S.D. Felicelli / International Journal of Engineering Science 90 (2015) 76–85

where E0 is the instantaneous Young’s modulus; gk is dimensionless modulus and sk is the time relaxation material para-meter. For simplicity, we considered a special case, namely, n ¼ 1; g1 ¼ 0:5, and s1 ¼ 30, such that Eq. (20) is reduced to

EðtÞ ¼ 0:5E0 1þ e�t=s1� �


where E0 ¼ 8000 MPa. The Poisson’s ratio of the polymer is assumed to be constant v = 0.4.

4.2. ABAQUS finite element unit cell models

The effective properties of fiber reinforced composites with the fibers being in square array possess square symmetry.Their effective stress relaxation stiffness matrix can be expressed as




C�11ðtÞ C�12ðtÞ C�12ðtÞ 0 0 0

C�12ðtÞ C�22ðtÞ C�23 0 0 0

C�12ðtÞ C�23ðtÞ C�22 0 0 0

0 0 0 C�44ðtÞ 0 0

0 0 0 0 C�55ðtÞ 0

0 0 0 0 0 C�55ðtÞ












In this study, the boundary conditions of the finite element unit cell model are applied according to Sun and Vaidya(1995).

4.2.1. Calculation of C�11ðtÞ and C�12ðtÞSince only normal loadings are needed and there are two axes of symmetry, only a quadrant of the original unit cell model

as shown in Fig. 2 was used to calculate C�11ðtÞ and C�12ðtÞ. The displacement constraints applied to the finite element modelsfor calculating C�11ðtÞ and C�12ðtÞ are as follows:

Fig. 2. Quadrant unit cell model used for the calculations of C�11ðtÞ; C�12ðtÞ; C�22ðtÞ and C�23ðtÞ.

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u1 0;2;3ð Þ ¼ 0u1 a;2;3ð Þ ¼ constant ¼ d

u2 1;0;3ð Þ ¼ 0u2 1; b;3ð Þ ¼ 0u3 1;2;0ð Þ ¼ 0u3 1;2; cð Þ ¼ 0


where u1, u2, and u3 represent the displacements in the 1-, 2- and 3-directions, respectively. The C�11ðtÞ and C�12ðtÞ are com-puted as

C�11ðtÞ ¼�r11ðtÞ�ecst

11C�12ðtÞ ¼



where �ecst11 ¼ d=a; �r11ðtÞ and �r22ðtÞ are generated due to the boundary conditions in Eq. (23).

4.2.2. Calculation of C�22ðtÞ and C�23ðtÞThe quadrant unit cell model shown in Fig. 2 was also used for the calculations of C�22ðtÞ and C�23ðtÞ. The displacement con-

straints applied to the finite element models for calculating C�22ðtÞ and C�23ðtÞ are as follows:

u1ð0;2;3Þ ¼ 0u1ða;2;3Þ ¼ 0u2ð1;0;3Þ ¼ 0u2ð1; b;3Þ ¼ constant ¼ d

u3ð1;2;0Þ ¼ 0u3ð1;2; cÞ ¼ 0


The C�22ðtÞ and C�23ðtÞ are computed as

C�22ðtÞ ¼�r22ðtÞ�ecst

22C�23ðtÞ ¼



where �ecst22 ¼ d=b; �r22ðtÞ and �r33ðtÞ are generated due to the boundary conditions in Eq. (25).

4.2.3. Calculation of C�44ðtÞA two dimensional plane strain model as shown in Fig. 3 was employed to compute the transverse stress relaxation mod-

ulus C�44ðtÞ. The required displacement constraints are as follows

u2 �b;3ð Þ ¼ u2 b;3ð Þu3 �b;3ð Þ ¼ u3 b;3ð Þu2 2;�cð Þ ¼ u2 2; cð Þu3 2;�cð Þ ¼ u3 2; cð Þ


Fig. 3. Two dimensional model used to calculate the transverse stress relaxation modulus C�44ðtÞ.

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The further constraints are

e33 �b;3ð Þ ¼ 0 e22 2;�cð Þ ¼ 0 ð28Þ

The bottom corners are placed on rollers to eliminate rigid body displacement. A constant horizontal displacement d isapplied to each corner of the unit cell. The C�44ðtÞ is obtained as

C�44ðtÞ ¼�r23ðtÞ�ccst


where the constant global transverse shear strain �ccst23 ¼ d=c.

4.2.4. Calculation of C�55ðtÞThe calculation of average longitudinal stress relaxation modulus C�55ðtÞ is performed on a 3D full unit cell model as

shown in Fig. 4. The required displacement constraints are as follows

u1ð0;2;3Þ ¼ u1ða;2;3Þu2ð0;2;3Þ ¼ u2ða;2;3Þu3ð0;2;3Þ ¼ u3ða;2;3Þu1ð1;2;0Þ ¼ u2ð1;2;0Þ ¼ u3ð1;2;0Þ ¼ 0u1ð1;2;2cÞ ¼ constant ¼ d

u3ð1;2;2cÞ ¼ 0


The C�55ðtÞ is calculated as

C�55ðtÞ ¼�r12ðtÞ�ccst


where the constant global transverse shear strain �ccst12 ¼ d=2c.

In all finite element simulations, the constant strains were instantaneously applied at t ¼ 0 and then kept constant untilthe end of simulations as described by Eq. (2).

4.3. Predictions of effective stress relaxation stiffness

The effective stress relaxation coefficients predicted by the VAMUCH model and ABAQUS finite element models are plot-ted in Figs. 5–10. It is obviously observed that the VAMUCH predictions are almost identical to ABAQUS results. The accuracy

Fig. 4. Full finite element unit cell model used for the calculation of effective longitudinal stress relaxation modulus C�55ðtÞ.

Page 8: International Journal of Engineering Science · 1. Introduction Polymer matrix composites, which are composed of a variety of short or long fibers bound together by organic polymer

Fig. 5. Variation of effective stress relaxation coefficient C�11ðtÞ with respect to time for different volume fraction of the fibers.

Fig. 6. Variation of effective stress relaxation coefficient C�22ðtÞ with respect to time for different volume fraction of the fibers.

Fig. 7. Variation of effective stress relaxation coefficient C�12ðtÞ with respect to time for different volume fraction of the fibers.

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Fig. 8. Variation of effective stress relaxation coefficient C�23ðtÞ with respect to time for different volume fraction of the fibers.

Fig. 9. Variation of effective stress relaxation coefficient C�44ðtÞ with respect to time for different volume fraction of the fibers.

Fig. 10. Variation of effective stress relaxation coefficient C�55ðtÞ with respect to time for different volume fraction of the fibers.

84 T. Tang, S.D. Felicelli / International Journal of Engineering Science 90 (2015) 76–85

of the VAMUCH model has been validated by ABAQUS finite element models. VAMUCH can obtain the complete set of effec-tive instantaneous coefficients within one step of analysis while the predictions obtained by ABAQUS require multiple run-ning on multiple loading and boundary conditions. When calculating the effective properties of fiber reinforced composites,

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VAMUCH only need the mesh information (such as the number of nodes and elements, and the coordinate of nodes) of a 2Dmodel as shown in Fig. 3 but different model geometries as shown in Figs. 2–4 are needed when using ABAQUS finiteelement modeling technique. Hence, VAMUCH is more efficient than ABAQUS finite element models.

5. Conclusions

A micromechanics model has been developed to calculate the effective stress relaxation stiffness of linear viscoelasticcomposites. This model possesses the advantages of geometrical flexibility and can obtain the complete of effective coeffi-cients within one step of analysis. Hence, it can be applied to polymer composites having any shapes of reinforcementsalthough a fiber reinforced composites was used as a numerical example in this work. The predictions of effective stressrelaxation stiffness are obtained in the time domain without applying the traditionally used Laplace transform and inversionand correspondence principle.


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