

    The stability of a country is deemed the paramount aspect of its existence. When the instability

    comes to being the sovereignty of the country may start to decay. The national security is

    supposed to take part in the venture of securing the stability of a country. Because the National

    security is the requirement to maintain the survival of the state through the use of economic,

    diplomacy, power projection and political power. International security consists of the

    measures taken by nations and international organizations, such as the United Nations, toensure mutual survival and safety. These measures include military action and diplomatic

    agreements such as treaties and conventions. International and national security is invariably

    linked. In fact, the international security is the national security or state security in the global




    The international political and security system has been a very influential factor of a country if

    the problem is internationalized. Those are reviewed on the paper of Global politics and

    political economy/IDN written by Mr H.M.G.S Palihakkara. By going through the factdrawn in the paper, we can point a few realities why this internal problem was

    internationalized. The Tamil expatriates or asylum seekers backed the internal situation to be

    brought to international stage with reluctance of the government to conduct reasonable inquiry

    on the issue. In the three-decade war, firstly India, our closest big neighbour in proximity

    assisted the Tamil separatist by providing shelter, training, and financial assistance. Due to

    intervene of India, the domestic problem was started to stage in international arena. When we

    consider all the facts, India was the main contributor who brought this internal issue to

    international level. Most of Sri Lankan Tamil people migrated to India, that created huge social

    and economic problems for the local government of south India, and that was an important

    catalyser to intervene the ethnic issue of Sri Lanka.

    In late 80s we were able to observe a military intrusion in Jaffna Peninsula in The North Of

    The Island by dropping food and other necessities by the Indian Air force, thus breaking the

    blockade the Sri Lankan government had imposed there. Even in the period of 30s and 40s

    Sinhala political leaders had a commotion on the issue of Tamil migrants who came workers in

    plantation sector. Therefore, India longed for involving the ethnic conflict in order to bring

    reciprocal action for the issue of Indian Tamil workers in Sri Lanka. When the ethnic problem

    was raised up to international level local leaders attempted to solicit in foreign countries in

    hope of acquiring a political gain. In the shrinking world, there is nothing to be inevitable,

    nothing to hide in the information technology. Hence, any event that seems important spreads

    out all over the world within a split of a second and it helped to increase the internationalconcern on the ethnic issue.

    Renowned Indo-Sri Lanaka accord (ISLA), Indian Pease Keeping Force (IPKF) and the

    thirteenth constitutional amendments were the offsprings of the influence of India. The dismal

    failure of the IPKF operation and the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi forced India to assume a

    handsoff approach and to remain on the sidelines and that had changed everything about

    their assumption over the L.T.T.E. That was a valuable strategical point that helped Sri Lanka



    to win the war. If India did not help Sri Lanka, it could have been impossible to win from the

    war because India protected their land and ocean borders so that none of L.T.T.E cadres could

    come to India within the war period, curbing favourable situation not within the state but also

    outside the country. As the giant of Indian Ocean Region (IOR), Sri Lanaka cannot neglect the

    power of India in terms of international security. Throughout the 1980s, external threats to the

    nation's security were long term rather than immediate and tended to involve the rivalrybetween regional and world superpowers for influence over the Indian Ocean. The port of

    Trincomalee, one of the best natural harbours in the world, has long been attractive to foreign

    nations interested in Indian Ocean basis. India has expressed a determination to prevent either

    the United States or the Russia or China from establishing a naval presence there, and the Indo-

    Sri Lankan Accord helped confirm the Indian claim of regional leadership. Being the mid of

    Indian ocean Sri Lanka has become a strategical key point for emerging super powers of the

    world. The factor of India is the biggest key actor in the international security context of the

    Sri Lanaka.

    The other most influential factor of the international security is UN Security Council because

    this has the authorization of giving legal binding directives under the mandate of chapter sevenof UN charter. There are 15 members of the Security Council, consisting of five veto-wielding

    permanent members (China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) and

    10 elected non-permanent members with two-year terms. Its preliminary role and its main

    activities are as follows.

    Investigate any situation threatening international peace; Recommend procedures for peaceful resolution of a dispute; Call upon other member nations to completely or partially interrupt economic relations

    as well as sea, air, postal, and radio communications, or to sever diplomatic relations;

    Enforce its decisions militarily, or by any means necessary; Avoid conflict and maintain focus on cooperation

    At the latter part of war, the issue of Sri Lanka was discussed for the first time since from its

    independence. When the L.T.T.E exploiting the civilian Tamil people by throwing underage

    and un-trained soldiers in the battle and did not let go the people who wanted cross over to

    government lines, international bodies cautioned about the imminent blood bath. Tamil

    diaspora staged huge campaign against Sri Lanka While threatening a mass suicide. This

    triggered to bring up the issue of war between the government troops and L.T.T.E in to the

    Security Council.

    Any decree under the mandate of Security Council could have been a huge burden whilst war

    was continuing. Because, any mandatory intervention would adversely affect the sovereignty

    of the Sri Lankan community and issuing any decree may give possibilities for enemies to re-

    arm, re-group and bring reinforcement. Even if opponent bodies wanted to define the internal

    war as a threatening to international peace, with the skilful craft of diplomacy of Sri Lanaka



    and the multi-pronged actions managed to meet the principles and necessity of the Security

    Council. Hence, no resolution or decree was passed against Sri Lanka.

    The ideology of the imperialist/neo-colonialist west is another influential factor that affects

    the international security of Sri Lanka. One major dictum of this critique of the West is the idea

    that the Western powers continue to dominate the economic, cultural and intellectual life of

    the people in the non-Western world. Particularly the European Union (EU), Canada and the

    United States, have throughout Sri Lankas ethnic war emphasized the importance of a

    negotiated settlement that would produce political reform package for power-sharing with the

    Tamil minority. Those countries are attempting to meddle with ethnic issue by highlighting

    human rights standard and its obligations notwithstanding the sovereignty of Sri Lanka.

    When Sri Lanka thinks deeply about the international security of country, the governance of

    the country must not allow internal problems to go to the international arena and those

    problems are addressed wisely and cautiously. If the governances failed to do so, it may create

    fertile situation to outsiders. Most of them want to manipulate or destabilize the country. Up to

    this point what Sri Lankan have experienced here were the outcomes of those failures.

    The sovereignty and territorial integrity are vital concepts and found stones on which an

    independent nation foreign policy and security policy are formulated for the stability of a

    country. The concept of sovereignty is something that cannot merely be preached but must be

    exercised. Sovereignty carries with it duties towards a countrys own citizens. Where there is

    failure to discharge such duties, fertile ground is created for unwelcome intervention. The

    reality why a country needed to adapt international security policies would be maneuvered to

    the utmost achievement of sovereignty and territorial integrity, which may bring the stability to

    the country in every manner.


    As a multipolar super power is emerging into the world, each super power seekers showed

    rivalry action to overcome one another directly or indirectly. Our closest neighbour India is

    also acquiring the super power status in the region of Indian Ocean. Even if we like or dislike

    we cannot alter where India locates. Therefore, we have to survive with the India while keeping

    up good relationship while we secure the core values of our national security. Since the

    beginning of the history, we cannot disregard that we had co-relationship with India culturally,

    socially, religiously and anthropologically.

    The initial insecurity perception toward India of the Sinhalese political class, who became the

    rulers after the political independence of 1948, was shaped by both external and internaldimensions that were interestingly linked to India. Sri Lankas smallness as an island state with

    a giant neighbour, India, in proximity seems to have created a specific psychology of insecurity

    in the country. In order to address this security threat from India, Sri Lankas first Prime

    Minister Senanayake relied on the outgoing colonial power and, a little before independence,

    signed a defence agreement with Britain. This fear syndrome that motivated Sri Lankan

    policymakers even in the 1970s to develop countervailing forces to balance the Indian threat by

    building a Sri Lanka-China in addition to a Sri Lanka-Pakistan. The Sinhalese political



    leaders had developed an uneasy relationship with India in the 1930s and 1940s on the question

    of the presence of a large population of Tamil plantation workers of recent south Indian origin

    in Sri Lanka. Some nationalist termed that Sri Lanka was going to be as the Indian stat es fifth

    column operating in Sri Lanka.

    India initially played a significant role in this conflict as Sri Lankas dominant neighbour. In

    the early 1980s, the government of Tamil Nadu and the central government under Indira

    Gandhi had supported Tamil rebel groups by providing them with military assistance and

    training, and this all on Indian territory (Dixit 2003: 55; dos Santos 2007: 54). Therefore, the

    importance of role of India seemed multifarious. Because they greatly assisted Tamil militant

    group come to the scenario. On July 29, 1987, secret negotiations between the Indian and Sri

    Lankan governments led to the signing of the IndoSri Lanka Agreement (ISLA) and, shortly

    thereafter, India deployed its Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) in the North and the East of

    the island with the task of supervising the ceasefire and disarming the LTTE. Implementation

    of ISLA was not successful because that was not done through proper studying the factors,

    which were involved in the ethnic issue. The ISLA ignited resurrection of JVP insurgencies

    then the country became a torch with both sides on fire. The debacle of IPKF and theassassination of Rajiv Gandhi in May 1991 pinched India to think their limitations of the role

    in the region and they change their policy to conflict management and to neutral stance. They

    formulated the policy nonintervention and nonreciprocity in relations with regional

    neighbours just a few years later

    It has long been assumed that if any country could encourage Sri Lanka to seek a sustainable

    political settlement to its ethnic conflicts it would be India. Certainly, no lasting settlement is

    possible without Indian acceptance. As the traditional regional hegemon, India has been willing

    to impose its will on its neighbours, or to derail policies it opposes. With Indias rise as a

    global economic super power and its growing ambition to play an influential role

    internationally, many analysts and Western diplomats, continue to hope that India can help

    influence Sri Lankas post-war policies.


    Defence and security are of the most vital and sensitive issues in the world. In present day

    context, several conflicts can be seen in various parts of the world. Wars and conflicts are

    almost dangerous, as those do not produce positive results other than devastation and the

    human suffering. It was clearly visible during the first and second world wars and even in the

    present context. Military means is not always the only solution for conflicts resolutions andpolitical mediation and solution should be included in the process in order to have sustainable

    peace in the country. It also has identified wars or conflicts in one part of the world could have

    adverse effects for the other parts of the world as consequences of those could be resulted in

    failure states including poverty, socio economic problems, violation of human rights, drug

    trafficking, terrorism, refugees or IDP populations and migrants and asylum seekers.

    Therefore, prominent international actors like the EU, the UN and US including donor agencies

    have identified threats of conflicts and wars including consequences of them for their region



    and taking every possible steps to mediate with an intention to resolve problems aimed at

    establishing democratic governance and preventing future conflicts. It is worldwide paradigm

    that the prevention is more advisable than the cure.

    In Post conflict situations, it is necessary to pay more attention on rebuilding socio economic

    states including capacity building of democratic institutions, enhance and strengthen civil

    administration, enhance democratic governance while conducting confidence building and

    stabilisation measures in order to establish democracy and to restore the rules and law.

    Destructions, which have been manifested, should be rehabilitated and reconstructed in order to

    regain economic, social developments. Therefore, this is an urgent issue; this should be

    addressed speedily, and urgently

    Post conflict initiatives should be able to strengthen the existing government capabilities

    including, obtaining the lead in the process while the international community and other actors

    provide supportive roles as this would help governments to take the lead in the process of

    rebuilding the nation and support their affected communities. Therefore, the post conflict phase

    is very vital as stability of the state would depend on effectiveness of initiatives and theapproaches adopt during the process. It is also, evident that, role models of post conflict

    initiatives and approaches are not available, it really depends on the nature of the problem in a

    particular country, and to what extent devastation has affected the democratic governance.

    Effective post conflict rehabilitation approaches may be a great advantage to prevent future

    wars and to establish the rule of law including respect for human rights aimed at establishing

    democratic governance.

    As initiatives and approaches in post conflict, rehabilitation it is essential to Building effective

    and efficient democratic institutions. After insurgencies in 1983, G.O.S.L created special

    organization called R.E.P.P.I.A (rehabilitation of persons, properties, industries, Authority) in

    order to solve the problem of rehabilitation and reconstruction. Later on, another organ wasestablished for rehabilitation and reconstruction called R.R.A.N (resettlement and rehabilitation

    authority) for working in five districts in Northern Province.

    It has been controversial what happened in the war between government troops and the

    L.T.T.E at the last stage. So many nations and international bodies asked the government to

    investigate in to human right violations, accountability, the question of compliance with

    International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and so-called war crimes. This is the point, which can

    be argued in such a way that can tarnish reputation of a country and legitimate the presence of

    external body to conduct third-party investigation. If the Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL)

    failed in conducting impartial investigation, it may be presumed that G.O.S.L as democratic

    government, intentionally degrading the rule of law and encouraging those violations or so-

    called war crimes. For addressing, those issues came up at the end of war government

    establishedLessons Learned and Reconciliation Commission (L.L.R.C)

    L.L.R.C investigated for a considerable period and hand over its report to the Parliament. The

    international community is vigilant on what would be the response of G.O.S.L.



    It may look as if economics and politics are different realms, without much to do with each

    other. Nevertheless, the wrong political policies can ruin an economy. If Sri Lankas economy

    is to be put back on track, demilitarisation, human rights and democracy are essential.


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