  • 8/14/2019 Internet and Www Infrastructure


    Internet and wwwInternet and www

  • 8/14/2019 Internet and Www Infrastructure


    Learning Objective The Internet Technology Concepts

    Internet II: The Future Infrastructure

    The World Wide Web

    The Internet and The Web features

    Security Environments and Threats

    Technology Solutions

    Payment Systems

    Digital Payment System in B2C Arena

    Digital Payment System in B2B Arena

  • 8/14/2019 Internet and Www Infrastructure



    An interconnected network ofAn interconnected network of

    thousands of networks and millions ofthousands of networks and millions of

    computers linking business, educationalcomputers linking business, educational

    institutions, government agencies andinstitutions, government agencies andindividuals together.individuals together.

    The largest collection of networks in theThe largest collection of networks in the

    world, interconnected to allow them toworld, interconnected to allow them tofunction as a single virtual networkfunction as a single virtual network

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    Early history of InternetEarly history of Internet

    In the 1950s the U.S. Department of DefenseIn the 1950s the U.S. Department of Defense became concerned that a nuclear attack couldbecame concerned that a nuclear attack could

    disable its computing (and thus planning anddisable its computing (and thus planning and

    coordinating) capabilities.coordinating) capabilities.

    By 1969 the Advanced Research Projects AgencyBy 1969 the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANet) had been constructed.Network (ARPANet) had been constructed.

    The first computers to be connected were ones atThe first computers to be connected were ones at the University of California at Los Angeles, SRIthe University of California at Los Angeles, SRI

    International, the University of California atInternational, the University of California at

    Santa Barbara, and the University of Utah.Santa Barbara, and the University of Utah.

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    AA hypertext serverhypertext serveris a computer that storesis a computer that storesfilesfiles written in hypertext markup language (HTML)written in hypertext markup language (HTML)

    and lets other computers connect to it and readand lets other computers connect to it and read

    those files. It is now called athose files. It is now called a Web serverWeb server.. AA hyperlinkhyperlinkis a special tag that contains ais a special tag that contains a

    pointerpointer to another location in the same or in a differentto another location in the same or in a different

    HTML document.HTML document.

    HTML is based on Standard Generalized MarkupHTML is based on Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), which organizations haveLanguage (SGML), which organizations have

    used for many years to manage large documentused for many years to manage large document

    filing systems.filing systems.

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    Local Area Network (LAN)Local Area Network (LAN)

    A link-up of workstations andA link-up of workstations and

    peripheral equipment in an office,peripheral equipment in an office,

    building, or locality so users maybuilding, or locality so users may

    communicate and share equipmentcommunicate and share equipmentand information.and information.

    LAN lets you share the resources ofLAN lets you share the resources of

    other computersother computers LAN can be further characterized byLAN can be further characterized by


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    Topology describe the manner inTopology describe the manner in

    which various computer nodes arewhich various computer nodes are

    interconnected to each otherinterconnected to each other

    In this context LAN have threeIn this context LAN have three

    prevalent topologies:prevalent topologies:




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    Bus TopologyBus Topology

    Consists of nodes connected to a singleConsists of nodes connected to a singlebus made up of a long cable.bus made up of a long cable.

    A thick coaxial cable may serve as the busA thick coaxial cable may serve as the busand all computer nodes are connected toand all computer nodes are connected tothis running coaxial cablethis running coaxial cable

    The computer nodes directly receive andThe computer nodes directly receive andinject data from the bus in full duplexinject data from the bus in full duplexmode of operation. Data traverses in bothmode of operation. Data traverses in both

    directiondirection Endpoints of the bus have terminators andEndpoints of the bus have terminators and

    absorbs all signals reaching them.absorbs all signals reaching them.

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    Ring TopologyRing Topology

    Nodes are organized to form a ringNodes are organized to form a ring


    The first node is connected to secondThe first node is connected to second

    using linkusing link Second is connected to third and so onSecond is connected to third and so on

    The last node is connected to first usingThe last node is connected to first using

    point to point link.point to point link. Signals travel internally around theSignals travel internally around the

    network from one node to othernetwork from one node to other

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    Star TopologyStar Topology

    Each computer node is connected toEach computer node is connected toa central devicea central device

    Nodes are located at one end of theNodes are located at one end of the

    segment and other end is terminatedsegment and other end is terminatedin a central device, usually a hub orin a central device, usually a hub ora switcha switch

    Reliable topologyReliable topology If one node is down, others onIf one node is down, others on

    network are not are not affected.

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    PacketPacket: Parcel into which digital messages are: Parcel into which digital messages aresliced for transmission over the internet.sliced for transmission over the internet.A sequence of data, with associated controlA sequence of data, with associated control

    information, that is switched and transmittedinformation, that is switched and transmitted

    as a wholeas a whole Packet SwitchingPacket Switching: A method of slicing digital: A method of slicing digital

    messages into packets, sending the packetsmessages into packets, sending the packets

    along different communication paths as theyalong different communication paths as they

    become available and then reassembling thebecome available and then reassembling thepackets once they arrive at destination.packets once they arrive at destination.

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    Packet TransmissionPacket Transmission In packaged switched networks, firstIn packaged switched networks, first

    messages are broken down intomessages are broken down intopackets. Appended to each digitalpackets. Appended to each digitalcodes that indicate:codes that indicate: Source addressSource address


    Sequencing InformationSequencing Information

    Error Control InformationError Control Information

    In a packet network, packets travelIn a packet network, packets travelfrom computer to computer untilfrom computer to computer untilthey reach their destinationthey reach their destination

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    I want to chat with you00101101000010010010000

    01101101 10101000 11000011

    0011001 10101100 11000011

    Packet Switching

    Original Message

    Text Message digitized

    into bits

    Digital Bits broken into


    Header information added

    to each packet indicating

    destination, and other

    control information such as

    how many bits are in thetotal message and how

    many packets

    Digital messages are divide into fixed length

    packets of bits, Header information indicatesboth the origin and destination address of

    the packet, the size of the message, and the

    number of packets the receiving node

    should expect.

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    Special purpose computers thatSpecial purpose computers that

    interconnect the computer networks thatinterconnect the computer networks that

    make up the internetmake up the internet

    Route packets to their ultimate destinationRoute packets to their ultimate destinationas they travel the they travel the internet.

    Routing AlgorithmRouting Algorithm: Computer program that: Computer program that

    ensures that packets take the bestensures that packets take the best

    available path toward their destination.available path toward their destination.

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    A set of rules for formatting, ordering,A set of rules for formatting, ordering,

    compressing, and error checkingcompressing, and error checking

    messages. It may also specify themessages. It may also specify the

    speed of transmission and means byspeed of transmission and means bywhich device on network will indicatewhich device on network will indicate

    they have stooped sending and / orthey have stooped sending and / or

    receiving messages.receiving messages.

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    Internet ProtocolInternet Protocol

    Protocol that provides the InternetProtocol that provides the Internetaddress schemeaddress scheme

    Internet address is expressed as 32Internet address is expressed as 32

    bit numbers that appears as a seriesbit numbers that appears as a seriesof four separate numbers marked offof four separate numbers marked offby periods such as periods such as

    Each of 4 numbers can range from 0Each of 4 numbers can range from 0 255. This dotted quad scheme 255. This dotted quad schemecontains up to 4 billion addresses.contains up to 4 billion addresses.

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    IP AddressIP Address

    All the host connected to InternetAll the host connected to Internet

    have an officially address.have an officially address.

    It is 4 bytes long and written inIt is 4 bytes long and written in

    dotted decimal notation.dotted decimal notation.

    For example IP AddressFor example IP Address

    10000001.1000000.00000100.00000110000001.1000000.00000100.00000101 can be written as can be written as

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    Transmission Control ProtocolTransmission Control Protocol

    Protocol that establishes theProtocol that establishes the

    connection among sending andconnection among sending and

    receiving web computers, handlesreceiving web computers, handles

    the assembly of packets at the pointthe assembly of packets at the pointof transmission and their reassemblyof transmission and their reassembly

    at the receiving the receiving end.

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    TCP / IP LayersTCP / IP Layers

    Network Interface LayerNetwork Interface Layer: Responsible for: Responsible forplacing packets on and receiving themplacing packets on and receiving them

    from the network medium, which could befrom the network medium, which could be

    a local area network (Ethernet) or Tokena local area network (Ethernet) or TokenRing or other network topology.Ring or other network topology.

    Internet LayerInternet Layer: This layer is responsible for: This layer is responsible foraddressing, packaging, and routingaddressing, packaging, and routing

    messages on the Internet.messages on the Internet.

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    TCP / IP LayersTCP / IP Layers

    Transport LayerTransport Layer: Responsible for: Responsible forproviding communication with theproviding communication with theapplication by acknowledging andapplication by acknowledging andsequencing the packets to and fro fromsequencing the packets to and fro fromthe application.the application.

    Application LayerApplication Layer: Provides a wide variety: Provides a wide varietyof applications with the ability to accessof applications with the ability to access

    services of the lower layersservices of the lower layers

    Some of the best applications areSome of the best applications areFTP,SMTP and HTTPFTP,SMTP and HTTP

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    Domain Name: Most people can not remember 32 bit address. IPaddress can be represented by a natural language convention called domainnames

    Domain Name System: for expressing numeric address innatural language

    Uniform Resource Locator: Address used by a web browserto identify the location of content on the web


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    Domain Name SystemDomain Name System

    DNS SERVERS: Are databases that keeptrack of IP addresses and domainnames.

    ROOT SERVERS: are central directoriesthat list all domain names currently inuse. DNS server consult root servers tolook up unfamiliar domain names whenrouting traffic

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    Client Server ComputingClient Server Computing

    A model of computing in which veryA model of computing in which very

    powerful personal computer arepowerful personal computer are

    connected together in a network withconnected together in a network with

    one or more or more servers. Internet is a giant example of clientInternet is a giant example of client

    server computingserver computing

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    Client, ServerClient, Server

    CLIENTCLIENT: A powerful personal computer that is: A powerful personal computer that ispart of a network. That is capable of displayingpart of a network. That is capable of displaying

    rich graphics storing large files and processingrich graphics storing large files and processing

    sound and graphic files.sound and graphic files.

    SERVERSERVER:: Networked computer dedicated toNetworked computer dedicated tocommon functions that the client machines oncommon functions that the client machines on

    the network need, such as storing files, softwarethe network need, such as storing files, software

    applications, utility programs such as webapplications, utility programs such as web

    connections and printersconnections and printers

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    Hyper Text Transfer ProtocolHyper Text Transfer Protocol

    The set of rules for exchanging files (text,The set of rules for exchanging files (text,graphic images, sound, video, and othergraphic images, sound, video, and othermultimedia files) on the World Wide Web.multimedia files) on the World Wide Web.

    Runs in the application layer of the TCP/IPRuns in the application layer of the TCP/IPmodel. An HTTP session begins when amodel. An HTTP session begins when aclients browser requests a web page fromclients browser requests a web page fromremote internet serverremote internet server

    When the server responds by sending theWhen the server responds by sending the

    page requested, the HTTP session for thatpage requested, the HTTP session for thatobject endsobject ends

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    SMTPSMTP: Internet protocol used to send mail: Internet protocol used to send mailto server (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)to server (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

    POPPOP: Post Office Protocol, a protocol used: Post Office Protocol, a protocol used

    by the client to receive the mail from anby the client to receive the mail from aninternet server.internet server.

    IMAPIMAP: a more current e-mail protocol that: a more current e-mail protocol thatallows users to search, organize, and filterallows users to search, organize, and filter

    their mail prior to downloading it from thetheir mail prior to downloading it from theserver (Internet Message Access Protocol)server (Internet Message Access Protocol)

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    Simple Network ManagementSimple Network Management


    SNMPSNMP is the protocol governingis the protocol governing

    network management and thenetwork management and the

    monitoring of network devices andmonitoring of network devices and

    their functions.their functions.

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    FTP Internet service that allow you to transfer file

    from one computer to another computerusing client/server technology

    You run a client program on your computerwhich connects to a server program on a

    remote computer When you copy a file from remote server we

    say that you are downloading and when youcopy a file from your computer to remote oneyou are uploading the file

    In FTP terminology your computer is LOCALHOST, the other computer is REMOTE HOST

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  • 8/14/2019 Internet and Www Infrastructure


    TelnetTelnet Telnet is a internet service that allow you to logTelnet is a internet service that allow you to log

    in to a remote internet computerin to a remote internet computer To utilize this service, you need a Telnet clientTo utilize this service, you need a Telnet client

    on your machine. Client uses internet toon your machine. Client uses internet to

    connect to the remote computerconnect to the remote computer

    Once the connection is made, the client acts asOnce the connection is made, the client acts asintermediary between remote and yourintermediary between remote and your


    Every thing you type on your machine is passedEvery thing you type on your machine is passed

    on to the remote computeron to the remote computer Everything the other computer displays is sentEverything the other computer displays is sent

    to your computerto your computer

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    Finding People on the Internet. YouFinding People on the Internet. You

    can find out who is logged on to acan find out who is logged on to a

    remote network by using Telnet toremote network by using Telnet to

    connect to a server and then typingconnect to a server and then typingfingerfinger at the the prompt.

    Finger can tell you who is logged inFinger can tell you who is logged in

    and how long they have beenand how long they have beenattached and their user nameattached and their user name

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    Testing address. You can ping a hostTesting address. You can ping a host

    computer to check the connectioncomputer to check the connection

    between your client and server. Thebetween your client and server. The

    Ping will also tell you the time itPing will also tell you the time ittakes for the server to respondtakes for the server to respond

    giving some idea of the internetgiving some idea of the internet

    speed at that time (Packet Internetspeed at that time (Packet InternetGroper)Groper)

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    Ping CommandPing Command

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    One of the several route tracingOne of the several route tracing

    utilities that allow you to follow theutilities that allow you to follow the

    path of a message you send frompath of a message you send from

    your client to a remote computer onyour client to a remote computer onthe internetthe internet

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    It is the glue that ties the applicationIt is the glue that ties the application

    to the communications networks andto the communications networks and

    includes such services as security,includes such services as security,

    authentication. Addresses andauthentication. Addresses andstorage repositories.

    Users rarely become aware ofUsers rarely become aware of

    middleware that operate in themiddleware that operate in thebackground.background.

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    Network Access PointNetwork Access Point: One of the hubs: One of the hubswhere the backbone intersects withwhere the backbone intersects withregional and local networks andregional and local networks and

    where the backbone owners connectwhere the backbone owners connectwith one another.with one another. Campus NetworkCampus Network: LAN operating within: LAN operating within

    a single organization that leasesa single organization that leases

    access to the web directly fromaccess to the web directly fromregional or national carriersregional or national carriers

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    Internet Service ProviderInternet Service Provider

    Firm that provides the lowest level ofFirm that provides the lowest level of

    service in the multi-tiered internetservice in the multi-tiered internet

    architecture by leasing internetarchitecture by leasing internet

    access to home owners, smallaccess to home owners, smallbusiness, and some large institutionsbusiness, and some large institutions

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    BroadbandBroadband: Refers to any: Refers to anycommunication technology thatcommunication technology thatpermits client to play streamingpermits client to play streaming

    audio and video files at acceptableaudio and video files at acceptablespeeds generally anything abovespeeds generally anything above100 kbps.100 kbps.

    DSLDSL:A telephone technology for:A telephone technology for

    delivering high-speed access throughdelivering high-speed access throughordinary telephone lines found inordinary telephone lines found inhome or business.home or business.

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    Cable ModemCable Modem

    Cable ModemCable Modem: A cable television: A cable television

    technology that piggybacks digitaltechnology that piggybacks digital

    access to the internet on top of theaccess to the internet on top of the

    analogue video cable providinganalogue video cable providingtelevision signals to a home.television signals to a home.

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    Intranet and ExtranetIntranet and Extranet

    IntranetIntranet: A TCP/IP network located: A TCP/IP network locatedwithin a single organization forwithin a single organization for

    purpose of communication andpurpose of communication and

    information processing.information processing.

    ExtranetExtranet: Formed when firm permits: Formed when firm permitsoutsiders to access their internaloutsiders to access their internal

    TCP/IP networks.TCP/IP networks.

    L i Obj ti

  • 8/14/2019 Internet and Www Infrastructure


    Learning Objective The Internet Technology Concepts

    Internet II: The Future Infrastructure

    The World Wide Web

    The Internet and The Web features

    Security Environments and Threats

    Technology Solutions

    Payment Systems

    Digital Payment System in B2C Arena

    Digital Payment System in B2B Arena

  • 8/14/2019 Internet and Www Infrastructure


    Limitations of Internet ILimitations of Internet I BandwidthBandwidth: Slow service and a very limited: Slow service and a very limited

    capacity to handle video and voice traffic.capacity to handle video and voice traffic.

    Quality of ServiceQuality of Service: Packets take circuitous: Packets take circuitousroot to reach destination. This results inroot to reach destination. This results in

    latency. With streaming video andlatency. With streaming video andsynchronous communication, latency issynchronous communication, latency is

    noticeable and user perceives jerkiness innoticeable and user perceives jerkiness in

    movies and delay in voice communication.movies and delay in voice communication.

    LatencyLatency: uneven flow of information: uneven flow of informationpackets throughout the networkpackets throughout the network

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    Limitations of Internet ILimitations of Internet I

    Network ArchitectureNetwork Architecture: A thousand requests for single: A thousand requests for singlemusic track from a central server will result in amusic track from a central server will result in a

    thousand efforts by the server to download thethousand efforts by the server to download the

    music to each requesting client. This slows downmusic to each requesting client. This slows down

    network performance.

    Language DevelopmentLanguage Development: HTML the language of the: HTML the language of theweb pages is fine for text and simple graphics butweb pages is fine for text and simple graphics but

    poor at defining rich graphic and communicatingpoor at defining rich graphic and communicating

    rich documents such as databases, business rich documents such as databases, business

    documents, or graphics.documents, or graphics.

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    Internet2 ProjectInternet2 Project

    It is a consortium of more than 180It is a consortium of more than 180universities, government agenciesuniversities, government agenciesand private business that areand private business that are

    collaborating to find ways to makecollaborating to find ways to makethe Internet more efficient.the Internet more efficient. To create a joint test bed where newTo create a joint test bed where new

    technologies can be tested with outtechnologies can be tested with out

    impacting the existing Internet.impacting the existing Internet.

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    Features on Internet2Features on Internet2

    Advance Network InfrastructureAdvance Network Infrastructure

    High performance backbone networksHigh performance backbone networks

    with bandwidth ranging from 2.5 Gbpswith bandwidth ranging from 2.5 Gbps

    to 9.6 Gbps that interconnect a 9.6 Gbps that interconnect a gigapop. Gigapop is regional gigabit point ofGigapop is regional gigabit point of

    presence, or point of access to thepresence, or point of access to the

    Internet2 network that supports dataInternet2 network that supports data

    transfers at the rate of 1 gbps or higher.transfers at the rate of 1 gbps or higher.

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    Larger Technology EnvironmentLarger Technology Environment

    Fibre-optic CableFibre-optic Cable: Consists up to hundreds of: Consists up to hundreds ofstrands of glass or plastic that use light tostrands of glass or plastic that use light to

    transmit data. It is frequently existingtransmit data. It is frequently existing

    coaxial and twisted pair of cables.coaxial and twisted pair of cables.

    PhotonicsPhotonics: The study of communicating with: The study of communicating withlight waveslight waves

    Dense Wavelength Division MultiplexingDense Wavelength Division Multiplexing: An optical: An optical

    technology to increase bandwidth overtechnology to increase bandwidth over

    existing fibre-optic backboneexisting fibre-optic backbone

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    Technology EnvironmentTechnology Environment

    Big BandBig Band: Can accommodate upwards: Can accommodate upwardsof 1 Gbps applications.of 1 Gbps applications.

    GSMGSM: Mobile communications that: Mobile communications that

    uses narrowband Time Divisionuses narrowband Time DivisionMultiple Access.Multiple Access.

    CDMACDMA: Uses full spectrum of radio: Uses full spectrum of radio

    frequencies and digitally encryptsfrequencies and digitally encryptseach calleach call

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    Technology EnvironmentTechnology Environment

    GPRSGPRS: Next generation technology carries: Next generation technology carriesdata in packets, just like the Internet, butdata in packets, just like the Internet, butover radio frequencies that makes wirelessover radio frequencies that makes wirelesscommunications possible.communications possible.

    WAPWAP: A relatively new protocol that can: A relatively new protocol that cansupport virtually any wireless network andsupport virtually any wireless network andis supported by every operating supported by every operating system.

    Wireless Mark up LanguageWireless Mark up Language: Programming: Programminglanguage for devices using WAP.language for devices using WAP.

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    Technology EnvironmentTechnology Environment

    iModeiMode:: Wireless standard that isWireless standard that ispropriety service of the Japanesepropriety service of the Japanesecompany NIM DoCoMocompany NIM DoCoMo

    3G3G: New generation of cellular phone: New generation of cellular phonestandards that can connect users tostandards that can connect users tothe web.the web.

    BluetoothBluetooth: New technology standard: New technology standard

    for short range wirelessfor short range wirelesscommunication under 100 metrescommunication under 100 metres

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    Technology EnvironmentTechnology Environment

    Wi-FiWi-Fi (wireless Fidelity): Also refer to(wireless Fidelity): Also refer to802.11B wireless standard for Ethernet802.11B wireless standard for Ethernetnetworks with greater speed and range thannetworks with greater speed and range thanBluetooth enabling:Bluetooth enabling:

    Handheld device can become multi-functionalHandheld device can become multi-functionalunits, serving as a credit cards, identificationunits, serving as a credit cards, identificationbadge and key all in one.badge and key all in one.

    Documents can be printed by any printer withinDocuments can be printed by any printer withinrange or faxed via a local machine.range or faxed via a local machine.

    Highway toll can be paid via PDAHighway toll can be paid via PDA

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    Internet AppliancesInternet Appliances Internet II infrastructure will make it possible to connectInternet II infrastructure will make it possible to connect

    nearly all the electronic devices to internets and intranets.nearly all the electronic devices to internets and intranets. User will be able to activate or deactivate virtually anyUser will be able to activate or deactivate virtually any

    device that can be connected to Internet, such as TV, AC,device that can be connected to Internet, such as TV, AC,

    Security System etc.Security System etc.

    Where the receiving device is relies totally on the InternetWhere the receiving device is relies totally on the Internet

    server to handle all information processing; the deviceserver to handle all information processing; the deviceitself has no processing ability, is calleditself has no processing ability, is called Thin Client.Thin Client.

    Thin clientThin client also refers to PC with out hard Disk.also refers to PC with out hard Disk.

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    IP MulticastingIP Multicasting

    A set of technologies that enablesA set of technologies that enables

    efficient delivery of data to manyefficient delivery of data to many

    locations on a network.locations on a network.

    Multicasting initially just sends oneMulticasting initially just sends one

    message and does not copy it to themessage and does not copy it to the

    individual recipients until it reachesindividual recipients until it reaches

    the common closest point on thethe common closest point on

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    Guaranteed Service LevelsGuaranteed Service Levels With Internet II, it will be possible toWith Internet II, it will be possible to

    purchase the right to move datapurchase the right to move datathrough the network at a guaranteedthrough the network at a guaranteedspeed in return for higher fees.speed in return for higher fees.

    Low Error LevelsLow Error Levels: Improve quality of data: Improve quality of data

    transmission reducing error rates.transmission reducing error rates. Declining CostsDeclining Costs: Availability of broad band: Availability of broad band

    will significantly reduce the cost. Morewill significantly reduce the cost. More

    users means lower cost as product andusers means lower cost as product andtechnology catch on in the masstechnology catch on in the

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    New Network CapabilitiesNew Network Capabilities

    Developing the IPV6 addressing protocolDeveloping the IPV6 addressing protocol Developing and implementing new qualityDeveloping and implementing new quality

    of service technologies.of service technologies. Developing more effective routingDeveloping more effective routing

    practices.practices. Coordinating the interconnection ofCoordinating the interconnection of

    different component of the Internet2different component of the Internet2infrastructure Backbone, LAN, Campusinfrastructure Backbone, LAN, Campus

    Creating an infrastructure to efficientlyCreating an infrastructure to efficientlyhandle one-to-many communications overhandle one-to-many communications overthe Internet.the Internet.

    Learning Objective

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    Learning Objective The Internet Technology Concepts

    Internet II: The Future Infrastructure

    The World Wide Web

    The Internet and The Web features

    Security Environments and Threats

    Technology Solutions

    Payment Systems

    Digital Payment System in B2C Arena

    Digital Payment System in B2B Arena

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    HypertextHypertext It is a way of formatting pages with embeddedIt is a way of formatting pages with embedded

    links that connects documents to one another, andlinks that connects documents to one another, andthat also links pages to other objects such asthat also links pages to other objects such as

    sound, video, or animation files.sound, video, or animation files.

    When you type a web address in you browser suchWhen you type a web address in you browser such

    asas http://www.imt.edu, your browser sends an, your browser sends anHTTP request to the server requesting theHTTP request to the server requesting the

    home page of imt.eduhome page of

    HTTP is the first set of letter at the start of everyHTTP is the first set of letter at the start of every

    web address followed by the domain name.web address followed by the domain name.
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    Uniform Resource LocatorUniform Resource Locator

    The directory path and documentThe directory path and documentname are two more pieces ofname are two more pieces ofinformation with the web addressinformation with the web addressthat help the browser track down thethat help the browser track down therequested page.requested page.

    Together the address is called a URL.Together the address is called a URL.When typed into a browser, a URLWhen typed into a browser, a URL

    tells exactly where to look fortells exactly where to look forinformation. For example:information. For example:
  • 8/14/2019 Internet and Www Infrastructure


    Mark Up LanguagesMark Up Languages

    SGMLSGML: Standard Generalized Markup: Standard Generalized MarkupLanguage. The purpose of SGML wasLanguage. The purpose of SGML wasto help very large organizationsto help very large organizationsformat and categorize largeformat and categorize largecollection of documents.collection of documents.

    It can run independent of anyIt can run independent of anysoftware program, but it is extremelysoftware program, but it is extremely

    completed and difficult to learn.completed and difficult to learn. An early version of GeneralizedAn early version of Generalized

    Markup languageMarkup language

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  • 8/14/2019 Internet and Www Infrastructure


    Extensible Markup LanguageExtensible Markup Language

    XML is a new Markup languageXML is a new Markup languagespecification developed by W3C. It is aspecification developed by W3C. It is a

    Markup language like HTML but with aMarkup language like HTML but with a

    different purpose. XML is designed todifferent purpose. XML is designed to

    describe data and information.describe data and information. XML can be used to define databaseXML can be used to define database

    records and this will enablerecords and this will enable

    organizations to put most of theirorganizations to put most of theirinformation processing functions intoinformation processing functions into

    an Internet processing environmentan Internet processing environment

    W b S S f

  • 8/14/2019 Internet and Www Infrastructure


    Web Server SoftwareWeb Server Software That enables a computer to deliver webThat enables a computer to deliver web

    pages written in HTML to client machines onpages written in HTML to client machines ona network that request this service bya network that request this service by

    sending an HTTP request.sending an HTTP request.

    Two leading brand of the software areTwo leading brand of the software are

    Apache, which is the free web serverApache, which is the free web server

    shareware that accounts for 60% of theshareware that accounts for 60% of the

    market, and windows NT Server softwaremarket, and windows NT Server software

    that accounts for 20% of the market.that accounts for 20% of the market.

  • 8/14/2019 Internet and Www Infrastructure


    Other ServersOther Servers

    Database ServerDatabase Server: That access specific: That access specific

    information with a database.information with a database.

    Ad ServersAd Servers: Designed to deliver: Designed to deliver

    targeted banners ads.targeted banners ads. Mail ServerMail Server: That provides mail: That provides mail


    Video ServerVideo Server: That serves video clips.: That serves video clips.

  • 8/14/2019 Internet and Www Infrastructure


    Web ClientsWeb Clients

    Any computer device attach to theAny computer device attach to theInternet that is capable of makingInternet that is capable of makingHTTP requests and displaying HTMLHTTP requests and displaying HTMLpages, most commonly a Window orpages, most commonly a Window orMacintosh PC with various flavour ofMacintosh PC with various flavour ofUNIX machines.UNIX machines.

    However the fastest growing webHowever the fastest growing web

    clients are PDAs and cellular phonesclients are PDAs and cellular phonesfitted with wireless web accessfitted with wireless web

    Learning Objective

  • 8/14/2019 Internet and Www Infrastructure


    Learning Objective The Internet Technology Concepts

    Internet II: The Future Infrastructure

    The World Wide Web

    The Internet and The Web features

    Security Environments and Threats

    Technology Solutions

    Payment Systems

    Digital Payment System in B2C Arena

    Digital Payment System in B2B Arena

  • 8/14/2019 Internet and Www Infrastructure


    Electronic MailElectronic Mail

    The most used application of theThe most used application of theInternetInternet

    Uses a series of protocols to enableUses a series of protocols to enable

    messages containing text, images,messages containing text, images,sound and video clips to besound and video clips to betransferred from one internet user totransferred from one internet user toanotheranother

    AttachmentAttachment: A file inserted with in the: A file inserted with in thee-mail message.e-mail message.

    SpamSpam: Unsolicited e-mail.: Unsolicited e-mail.

  • 8/14/2019 Internet and Www Infrastructure


    IntelligentIntelligentSearch Bot

  • 8/14/2019 Internet and Www Infrastructure



    AgentsAgents Or SoftwareOr Software

    Robots (bots)Robots (bots)are softwareare softwareprograms thatprograms thatgather and / orgather and / orfilter informationfilter informationon specific topicon specific topicand then provideand then providea list of resultsa list of results

    for the user.for the user.


    Shopping Bot MySimonDealTime

    Update Bot UrlyWarning

    News Bot WebClippingSportSpider

    Chatter Bot eGainNativeMinds

  • 8/14/2019 Internet and Www Infrastructure


    Instant messagingInstant messaging

    Displays word type on computerDisplays word type on computer

    almost instantaneously. Recipientsalmost instantaneously. Recipients

    then can respond immediately tothen can respond immediately to

    sender the same way, making thesender the same way, making thecommunication more like a livecommunication more like a live

    conversation than is possible throughconversation than is possible through


    Ch tCh t

  • 8/14/2019 Internet and Www Infrastructure


    ChatChat Enables user to communicate via computer inEnables user to communicate via computer in

    real time, that is simultaneously, unlike Instantreal time, that is simultaneously, unlike InstantMessaging chat can occur among severalMessaging chat can occur among several


    CookiesCookies: are a tool used by web sites to store: are a tool used by web sites to store

    information about a user. When visitor entersinformation about a user. When visitor entersa web site, site sends a small text file to thea web site, site sends a small text file to the

    users computer so that information from theusers computer so that information from the

    site can be loaded more quickly on future visitssite can be loaded more quickly on future visits

  • 8/14/2019 Internet and Www Infrastructure


    Streaming MediaStreaming Media

    Enables music, video and other largeEnables music, video and other large

    files to be sent to users in chunks sofiles to be sent to users in chunks so

    that when received and played, thethat when received and played, the

    files comes through uninterrupted.files comes through uninterrupted. Streamed files must be viewed live,Streamed files must be viewed live,

    They can not be stored on client hardThey can not be stored on client hard RealAudio and RealVideo are the mostRealAudio and RealVideo are the most

    widely used streaming tools.widely used streaming tools.

  • 8/14/2019 Internet and Www Infrastructure


    IP TelephonyIP Telephony

    A general term for the technologyA general term for the technology

    that use VOIP and the Internet packetthat use VOIP and the Internet packet

    switched network to transmit voiceswitched network to transmit voice

    and other forms of audioand other forms of audiocommunication over the Internet.communication over the Internet.

    VOIP Protocol VOIP Protocol: Protocol that allows: Protocol that allows

    transmission voice and other forms oftransmission voice and other forms ofaudio communication over theaudio communication over the


  • 8/14/2019 Internet and Www Infrastructure


    Digital LibraryDigital Library

    As bandwidth capabilities of theAs bandwidth capabilities of theInternet increase, digital librariesInternet increase, digital librariesand software applications willand software applications willemerge as companies and individualsemerge as companies and individualselect to rent software rather thanelect to rent software rather thanbuy it.

    Accessing a web server will enable aAccessing a web server will enable a

    user to download the desireduser to download the desiredsoftware by paying a subscription feesoftware by paying a subscription feeinstead of purchase priceinstead of purchase price

  • 8/14/2019 Internet and Www Infrastructure


  • 8/14/2019 Internet and Www Infrastructure


    Learning Objective

  • 8/14/2019 Internet and Www Infrastructure


    Learning Objective The Internet Technology Concepts

    Internet II: The Future Infrastructure

    The World Wide Web

    The Internet and The Web features

    Security Environments and Threats

    Technology Solutions

    Payment Systems

    Digital Payment System in B2C Arena

    Digital Payment System in B2B Arena

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