Page 1: Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture...Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture Jesse Tack, Rulon Pope1, Jeffrey LaFrance2, Timothy Graciano3, and Scott Colby4 Abstract



ISSN 1441-5429


Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture

Jesse Tack, Rulon Pope

1, Jeffrey LaFrance

2, Timothy Graciano

3, and Scott Colby


Abstract Agricultural production is subject to supply risk. Expected and realized farm outputs

and output prices are unknown and unobservable when inputs are chosen. Crop and livestock

production decisions are linked over time. Producers’ expectations are particularly difficult

to model. This paper presents the necessary and sufficient condition to allow input demands

to be specified as functions of input prices, technology, quasi-fixed inputs, and cost in

place of planned/expected outputs. These are all observable when inputs are committed to

production. Next we derive a flexible, exactly aggregable, economically regular econometric

model of input demands. This model is consistent with any dynamic von Newman – Morgenstern

expected utility function. We combine this framework with a model of the life-cycle

production, investment and savings, and consumption decisions of owner/operators who face

output and output price risk, and who have opportunities to invest in a conditionally risk free

asset, other risky financial assets, and farm assets. The econometric framework allows for

location specific technological change and production processes, cross-equation, interspatial,

and intertemporal correlation among the error terms, and structural simultaneity between inputs

and outputs, input and output prices, investment in durable goods used in agriculture,

consumption, savings, and wealth. The result is a consistent dynamic structural model of inputs,

outputs, savings, investment, and consumption under risk. We apply this model at the

national-level to crop and livestock production for the years 1960-1999.

Key Words: Aggregation, consumption, ex ante cost, expected utility, functional form, investment

JEL Classification: C3, D2, D8

1 Department of Economics, 154 Faculty Office Building, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, 84602

2 Department of Economics, Monash University, Room E856 Building 11, Wellington Rd, Clayton VIC 3800, Australia

3 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, 355 E Street SW, Washington DC, 20024

4 School of Economic Sciences, PO Box 646210, 101 Hulbert Hall, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, 99164

Please address correspondence to:

Jesse B. Tack, Department of Agricultural Economics

314 Lloyd Ricks Watson Building 255 Tracey Drive Mississippi State University

Mississippi State, MS 39762 Email:[email protected] phone: 662-325-7999 fax: 662-325-8777

© 2012 Jesse Tack, Rulon Pope, Jeffrey LaFrance, Timothy Graciano, and Scott Colby

All rights reserved. No part of this paper may be reproduced in any form, or stored in a retrieval system, without the prior written

permission of the author.

Page 2: Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture...Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture Jesse Tack, Rulon Pope1, Jeffrey LaFrance2, Timothy Graciano3, and Scott Colby4 Abstract


1. Introduction

Farm and food policies affect crop acres, asset management, intensive and extensive margin

decisions, and risk management choices in agricultural production. For example, in 1991, less

than 25% of cropland (82 million acres) was covered by a Federally subsidized crop insur-

ance contract, with $11.2 billion in total liability, $740 million in insurance premiums, pre-

mium subsidies of 25% ($190 million) of gross farm premiums, and total indemnity pay-

ments of $955 million. Relative to premiums paid by farmers ($550 million), for each $1.00

in premiums paid by the typical insured farmer, $1.75 in indemnity payments were received.

Even with this relatively profitable insurance program, farmer participation rates re-

mained quite low. This outcome is likely due to the race to the bottom problem in a pooling

equilibrum (LaFrance, Shimshack, and Wu 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004). However, Congress re-

sponded to the appearance of an incomplete insurance market with increased subsidies and

many new forms of insurance.

The 1996 Federal Agricultural Improvement and Reform Act and the amendments to the

1938 Federal Crop Insurance Act that are commonly known as the Agricultural Risk Protec-

tion Act of 2000 mandated higher subsidy rates, the development and marketing of new in-

surance products for virtually every crop and livestock product produced in the U.S., and

substantial subsidies for crop insurance marketing firms and large private reinsurance com-


This change in farm policy greatly expanded the Federal crop insurance program. In

2003, the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) provided insurance products for more

than 100 crops on 217 million acres (2/3 of all cropland). The total insurance liability was

$40.6 billion, with $3.4 billion in insurance premiums, subsidies of almost 60% of gross pre-

miums ($2.0 billion), and total indemnity payments of $3.2 billion. The current program in-

cludes subsidy payments to private companies marketing Federal crop insurance equal to

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24.5% of gross premiums for administration and oversight (A&O), and to private reinsurance

companies equal to 13.6% of gross premiums. Reinsurance companies also have the right to

sell up to 50% of their contracts back to the FCIC (that is, to the taxpayer) at cost. The

FCIC’s Risk Management Agency’s (RMA) book of business shows that 20% of the insured

farms account for nearly 80% of indemnity payments. This suggests substantial adverse se-

lection, as well as moral hazard, since the majority of the Federally subsidized crop insurance

products calculate premiums based on deviations from county-level yield trends. That is to

say, FCIC insurance products are based on a pooling equilibrium established at the county

level, and in some cases larger areas known as risk regions.

The net effect is that for each $1.00 in premiums actually paid by farmers they receive an

average of $2.40 in indemnity payments, insurance marketing firms receive $0.40 in A&O

subsidies, and reinsurance companies make in the neighborhood of $0.45 in profit due to the

combined direct subsidies on premiums and their reinsurance rights with the FCIC, which

allow them to cream, or high grade, the insurance pool.

In 2004 the RMA issued an RFP to develop subsidized pasture and range insurance for

440 million acres of private, public, and Native American pasture and rangeland in the coun-

try. Many agricultural economists at land grant universities across the country actively con-

sult with the RMA and private insurance companies to develop new and expand existing Fed-

erally subsidized crop insurance products.

Although this is only one example of the ubiquitous nature of Federal intervention in U.S.

agriculture, there is a large literature on the impacts of subsidized crop insurance on variable

input use and the intensive margin (Nelson and Loehman 1987, Chambers 1989, and Quiggin

1992, Horowitz and Lichtenberg 1994, Smith and Goodwin 1996, and Babcock and Hen-

nessy 1996). The effects of subsidized crop insurance programs on the extensive margin also

has been the subject of considerable analysis (Gardner and Kramer 1986, Goodwin, Smith

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and Hammond 1999, Keeton, Skees and Long 1999, and Young, Schnepf, Skees, and Lin

1999, and LaFrance, Shimshack, and Wu 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004), all of which conclude that

subsidized crop insurance results in additional of marginal crop acres. Williams (1988), Tur-

vey (1992), Wu (1999), and Soule, Nimon, and Mullarkey (2000) examine the impacts of

subsidized crop insurance on choices of crop mixes and acreage decisions. Empirical results

in this component of the literature suggest that economically marginal land also is environ-

mentally marginal. These results all suggest that subsidized crop insurance tends to increase

environmental degradation. Even so, very little of the previous work in this area uses struc-

tural models, or takes into account the dynamic nature of agricultural decision making under


To better understand these and many other longstanding issues in U.S. agricultural policy,

this paper develops a comprehensive structural econometric model of variable input use, crop

mix and acreage choices, investment and asset management decisions, and consumption, sav-

ings and wealth accumulation in a stochastic dynamic programming model of farm-level de-

cision making over time. This model develops and establishes clear and intuitively appealing

relationships between dynamic life-cycle consumption theory, the theory of the competitive

firm subject to risk, and modern finance theory.

We present, discuss, and apply a new class of variable input demand systems in a multi-

product production setting. All of the models in this class can be estimated with observable

data, are exactly aggregable, are consistent with economic theory for any von Neumann-

Morgenstern expected utility function, and can be used to nest and test exact aggregation,

economic regularity, functional form, and flexibility. Implications of monotonicity, concavity

in prices, and convexity in outputs and quasi-fixed inputs are developed for a specific subset

of this class of models. We apply this model to multiple variable inputs in U.S. agriculture

over the sample period 1960-1999 using state- and national-data.

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This variable cost model is then used to help develop a structural model of the dynamic

decision problems faced by a generic agricultural producer in each state. In this life-cycle

model of agricultural decisions under risk, farmers create income and wealth through savings,

investment in risky financial assets, own-labor choices both on- and off-farm, and agricultural

production and investment activities. This disciplines the economic theory of agricultural

production over time and under risk, and helps to better identify risk preferences and other

model parameters.

2. The Production Model and Two Results

Five longstanding questions in economics, econometrics, and agricultural economics are the

choice of functional form, the degree of flexibility, the conditions required for and regions of

economic regularity, consistency with aggregation from micro- to macro-level data, and how

best to handle simultaneous equations bias, errors in variables, and latent variables in a struc-

tural econometric model. In this paper, we attempt to deal with all of these issues in a coher-

ent framework for the analysis of a life-cycle model of agricultural production, investment,

consumption, and savings decisions.

Analysis of multi-product behavior of firms is common in economics (Färe and Primont

1995; Just, Zilberman, and Hochman 1988; Shumway 1983, Lopez 1983; Akridge and Hertel

1986). A large literature on functional structure and duality guides empirical formulations

and testing based on concepts of non-jointness and separability (Lau 1972, 1978; Blackorby,

Primont and Russell 1977, 1978; Chambers 1984). Non-joint production processes reduce to

additivity in costs (Hall 1973; Kohli 1983). Separability in a partition of inputs or outputs of-

ten results in separability in a similar partition of prices (Blackorby, Primont and Russell

1977; Lau 1978).

The neoclassical model of conditional demands for variable inputs with joint production,

quasi-fixed inputs, and production and output price risk is

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( , , ) arg min : ( , , ) 0 ,F x w y z w x x y zT (1)

where xn x X is an nx–vector of variable inputs, xn

w W is an nx–vector of varia-

ble input prices, yn y Y is an ny–vector of planned outputs, kn

z Z is an nz–vector

of quasi-fixed inputs.1 :F X Y Z is the joint production transformation function,

which is the boundary of a closed and convex production possibilities set that is characterized

by free disposal in inputs and outputs. Let the variable cost function be denoted by

( , , ) ( , , ).c w y z w x w y zT We assume throughout that the production process is subject to

supply shocks of the general form

( , , ), ( , , ) | , , .E y y h y z ε h y z ε x y z 0 (2)

In either a static or a dynamic setting, it is a simple matter to show that (1) is implied by (2)

and the expected utility hypothesis for all von Newman-Morgenstern preferences (Pope and

Chavas 1994; Ball, et al., 2010).

Planned output is a vector of latent, unobservable variables in production with supply

risk. Hence, to estimate the demand system in (1) directly, one must either identify and esti-

mate the expectations formation process or address the errors in variables problem associated

with using y in place of y in the demand equations (Pope and Chavas 1994). One branch of

the literature advocates specifying an ex ante cost function where planned output is replaced

by cost, which is observable when the variable inputs are committed to the production pro-

cess (Pope and Chavas 1994; Pope and Just 1998; Chambers and Quiggin 2000; Chavas

1 In this section, we use yny to denote the ny–vector of planned/expected outputs to simplify notation. In

later sections, we modify this notation to ,Y a y where a is the ny–vector of acres planted to crops, y now

is the ny–vector of expected yields, and is the Hadamard product. We also define z explicitly below.

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2008; Ball, et al. 2010; LaFrance and Pope 2010). In a joint production process, this requires

making assumptions such that the input demands are functions of input prices, the levels of

quasi-fixed inputs, and the variable cost of production,

( , , ) ( , , ( , , )).cx w y z x w z w y z (3)

This approach makes particular sense in agriculture where outputs and output prices are ob-

served ex post. The main result of LaFrance and Pope (2010) on this question is as follows (a

proof of this result is presented in Appendix A of this paper).

Proposition 1: The following functional structures are equivalent:

( , , ) ( , ( , , ), );cx w y z x w w y z z (4)

( , , ) ( , , ( , ));c c w y z w z y z (5)

( , , ) ( , , ( , )).F F x y z x z y z (6)

In other words, outputs must be weakly separable from the variable input prices in the varia-

ble cost function. This, in turn, is equivalent to outputs being weakly separable from the vari-

able inputs in the joint production transformation function.

This is a tight result – separability is both necessary and sufficient for the variable inputs

to be estimable in ex ante form. Hereafter, we will call any such demand model an ex ante

joint production system.

A common issue in the empirical analysis of agricultural supply decisions is that some

level of aggregation is virtually unavoidable. Micro-level data needed to study input use,

acreage allocations, and asset management choices at the farm level does not exist. Aggrega-

tion from micro-level decision makers to macro-level data has been studied extensively in

consumer theory.2 This has received less attention in production economics (Chambers and

2 An important subset of the literature on this topic includes: Gorman (1953, 1961, 1981); Muellbauer (1975,

1976); Howe, Pollak and Wales (1979); Deaton and Muellbauer (1980); Jorgenson, Lau and Stoker (1980,

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Pope 1991, 1994; Ball et, al., 2010; LaFrance and Pope 2008, 2010).

Recently, LaFrance and Pope (2009) obtained the indirect preferences for all exactly ag-

gregable, full rank systems of consumer demand equations. Their result extends directly to

production in the following way. Let {1,2,3,4}K and define the smooth real-valued func-

tion, : , by

( ) 2


, if 1, 2, or 3 and ( ) 0,( ( ), )

( ) ( , ) , if 3, 4, and ( ) 0,

K K s

s s ds K s

ww (7)

subject to (0, ) and 2(0, ) (0)s , where : W and : are

smooth, real-valued functions, and is 0 homogeneous. A class of full rank and exactly ag-

gregable ex ante production systems can be characterized as follows.3

Proposition 2: Let : W , , C be strictly positive valued, increasing, con-

cave, and 1 homogeneous; let : , W , C be positive valued and 0 ho-

mogeneous; let , { , , },a b a b W , , C be 0 homoge-

1982); Russell (1983, 1996); Jorgenson and Slesnick (1984, 1987); Lewbel (1987, 1988; 1989, 1990, 1991,

2003); Jorgenson (1990); Diewert and Wales (1987, 1988); Blundell (1988);; van Daal and Merkies (1989);

Jerison (1993); Russell and Farris (1993, 1998); and Banks, Blundell, and Lewbel (1997), LaFrance, Beatty,

Pope and Agnew (2002), LaFrance (2004), LaFrance, Beatty and Pope (2006), and LaFrance and Pope (2009).

The focus in the literature has been interior solutions and smooth demand equations. We remain faithful to this

approach throughout the present paper.

3 This result is consistent with exact aggregation as defined by Gorman (1981). One part of our ongoing work is

to extend this class to Lau’s (1982) definition of exact aggregation, generalizing the left-hand-side of (8) to

( , , ) ,f c w y z z , wherein cost and quasi-fixed inputs vary across individual economic agents.

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neous and satisfy 1 , 1 ; and let :f , ,f C and 0.f

Then the variable cost function for any full rank, exactly aggregable, ex ante joint

production system is a special case of

( , , ) ( ) ( ( ), ( , )) ( )

.( ) ( ) ( ( ), ( , )) ( )


w y z w w y z w

w w w y z w (8)

LaFrance and Pope (2009) present a complete proof of necessity in the case of consumer

choice theory. Their proof applies to the current problem with only minor changes in nota-

tion. Sufficiency is shown here by considering the structure of the input demands generated

by (8). This is accomplished simply enough by differentiating with respect to w and applying

Shephard’s lemma. To make the notation as compact as possible, let a bold subscript w de-

note a vector of partial derivatives with respect to the variable input prices and suppress the

arguments of the functions { , , , , , } to yield (after a large amount of straightforward

but tedious algebra, which is presented in Appendix B):

2 2

22 2

1( )

2( )

( ) .






ww w w

w w w w w

w w w



Thus, (8) generates input demands that have the finitely additive and multiplicatively sep-

arable structure of any full rank, exactly aggregable system (Gorman 1981; Lau 1982; Lew-

bel 1989). Note that there are potentially up to four linearly independent variable cost terms

on the right with four associated linearly independent vectors of input price functions. Hence,

any system generated by (8) will have rank up to, but no greater than four, the highest possi-

ble rank (Lewbel 1987, 1990, 1991; LaFrance and Pope 2009).

Another issue when estimating a system of variable input demand equations such as (9) is

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the fact that quasi-fixed inputs, planned outputs, variable input prices, and total variable cost

all are jointly determined with the input demands. Consistent estimation under these condi-

tions is addressed in the empirical application below.

3. Nested Test for the Rank Three Cost Model

The dynamic structural model developed later in this paper requires the researcher to specify

the appropriate rank for the input demand system in (8). In this section, we demonstrate how

one can test the appropriateness of the rank three model using state-level data on farm labor,

fuels and energy, agricultural chemicals, and materials for the period 1960-1999. This data

has been compiled by the USDA/ERS and is described in detail in Ball, Halahan, and

Nehring (2004). Hereafter, this data set is called the Ball data.

Due to the way that several variables are constructed in the Ball data, it is necessary to

modify and augment this data for empirical implementation. First, we define the replacement

cost of owner-operator labor by the farm wage rate. This implies that the return to owner-

operator labor in the Ball data due to management skill is treated as a part of the residual

claimant’s quasi-rent. Second, we use a direct measure of the value of capital obtained from

the ERS rather than the measures constructed in the Ball data. Third, estimates of the price of

farmland are taken from state-level surveys conducted by the National Agricultural Statistics

Service (NASS), rather than the constructed measures in the Ball data. Finally, we adjust the

measure of agricultural land. The Census of Agriculture has reported land in farms in four- to

five-year intervals for 1954, 1959, 1964, 1969, 1974, 1978, 1982, 1987, 1992, 1997, 2002,

and 2002. These are the total farmland numbers used in the sample years that match the Cen-

sus years. ERS reports the harvested acres for all major crops by state and year since 1947.

This data is used to adjust the farmland measures in the Ball data as follows. First, the differ-

ence between total farmland in the Ball data and harvested acres is calculated for each non-

census year by state. Second, in each period between adjacent censuses, the average of this

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difference is calculated. This mean difference is treated as fixed in each of the three- or four-

year intervals between census years and added to harvested acres to obtain the measure of

farmland used in this study in those years of our sample period.

The specification is a full rank three model adapted from LaFrance and Pope (2009) to

variable costs in joint production,

,, ,

, ,

( , , , ), , , , ,

t n t t t t tt n t t n t t t t t

t n t t n t

w A Kf c w w A K

w w

w a Yw a Y

w w


where ( ) ( 1) , ,f x x

, 0 1 2 0 1 2 ,, , , , ( ) ,t n t t t t t n t n t n t t t n tw A K A K t A K t w w a Y g w T

with 1 1( ) [ ( ) ( )] ,xng x g x g x T ( ) ( 1) , , ,j jg x x j

2 1, x g x Bg x g xT T

and ,n x g x T

where tA is farmland, tK is the value of farm capital, 1 2[ ]yt t t n ta a aa T is the ny–vector of

acres planted to crops, 0 ,t t tA a a T with 0ta denoting farmland that is not devoted to crop

production, 1 1[ ]y yt t t n t n ta y a yY T is the ny–vector of planned crop production, with each el-

ement defined as the product of acres planted to the crop times the expected yield per acre,

and the vector 1, 2, 1,[ ]xt t t n tw w w w T are the first 1xn variable input prices. The th

xn var-

iable input is farm labor. We treat this input asymmetrically from the other inputs in both the

conditional mean and the stochastic part of the model. The translated Box-Cox functions f

and g are observationally equivalent to the standard Box-Cox transformations. If 1 , then

we have ( ) ,f x x while if 0 , then we have ( ) 1 ln .f x x The same results apply to

( )g x for 1 or 0, respectively. For all other values of 2( , we have functional

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forms of the PIGL class in input prices and cost, allowing us to nest this class of demand

models with a rank three generalized translog and a rank three generalized quadratic produc-

tion model. To conserve on and simplify the notation from this point forward, we drop the ~

over the first 1xn input prices and omit the ratio notation for cost and input prices by defin-

ing 1xN n .

Applying Hotelling’s/Shephard’s lemma to (10) gives the variable input demands for en-

ergy, chemicals, and materials in per acre expenditures for state i in year t as

10 1 2


( ) , ,

( ) , ,, 1, . , 1, , .

it i it itit it ijt i t i t i it


it i it itit itN it

it it

f c k tc w A K t

f c k ti I t T

we Bg w


wBg w g wI u

w w



Given consistent estimates of the parameters, one can test the appropriateness of the rank

three assumption by testing the null hypothesis . To make this test as credible as possi-

ble, we utilize the following GMM procedure that is robust to simultaneity among the farm

decision variables (cost, land, and capital), as well as errors correlated across equations, time,

and location.

3.1 GMM Estimator for Rank Three State Level Cost Model

Using the additional notation j to index variable inputs, the state-level variable input de-

mand equations can be written as

( , , , , ; ) , 1, , , 1, , , 1, , ,ijt ij it it it it ijte f A K c t u i I j N t T w (12)

where is a K1 vector of parameters to be estimated and ijtu is a mean zero random error

term. Let iZ denote the matrix of instruments for state i and let 1( )i i i i i Z Z Z Z T T the as-

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sociated projection matrix.4 Let [12 ]T T , and stack equation (12) by inputs and time.

First, we use nonlinear two-stage least squares (NL2SLS) to estimate consistently,




argmin ( , , , , ; ) ( , , , , ; ) .



i i i i i i i N i i i i i ii

e f w A K c I e f w A K c

T (13)

This consistent estimator of is then used to generate consistent estimates of the errors,

2̂ˆ ( , , , , ; ), 1, , , 1, , , 1, , .ijt ijt ij it it it it SLSu e f A K c t i I j N t T w (14)

Second, for 2, ,t T , we estimate an unrestricted NN intertemporal correlation ma-

trix, , by linear seemingly unrelated regressions (SUR) methods,

11 1

1 2

ˆ ˆˆ ˆ ˆ ˆarg min ( ) ( ) .N T

i t i t i i t i ti t

u u u u

T (15)

One can complete this stage of estimation with ˆi N iI and iterate once on the state-

specific cross-equation covariance matrices. Alternatively, one can start with the ˆi s calcu-

lated from the NL2SLS estimates for with [ ] 0 . Either approach gives consistent esti-

mates for the elements of since the weight matrix does not affect consistency. The first

method is robust to departures from the assumed covariance structure. The second method

can be more efficient if the model is correct. We apply the first method in the empirical ap-


As a brief aside, note that we are assuming that the errors for the equations estimated fol-

low an unrestricted AR(1) process,

1 , . . . ( , ), 1, , .i t i t i t i t ii i d t T u u 0 (16)

It is perhaps worthwhile at this point to explain the way in which the Nth input labor is treated

4 In the empirical application, we use the same instruments for all states, so that 1, , .i i I

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asymmetrically in the stochastic part of the model. Let the N random variables,

[ ]i t i t iNtuu u T T , satisfy iNt i tu u

T , where 1Ni t

u is an AR(1) stochastic process,

1 ,

( )

( ) [ ] , ,

( ) .

i t i t i t

i t i t i

i t i t s

i t i t i i i

E t

E s t

E t

u u


u u










( ) ( ) ,

( ) ( ) ,

iNt i t i t

iNt i i i

iNt i t i i i


E u

E u









and the full NN error covariance structure is


( ).

( ) ( )

i ii t i t iNt i t

i ii t iNt iNt

i i i i

i i i


u u

u u u








The NN AR(1) Markov process satisfies

1 1



i Ni t i t i t

iNt iNt iNtiu u

u u0



The eigen values of this singular stochastic process satisfy

1 1 1

1 0.0



0 0

T T (21)

Hence, one eigen is 0 and the remaining eigen values are precisely those for . Since labor

is the Nth input, we model it’s time series properties through those for iNtu and the adding up

condition. This allows the AR(1) matrix of parameters, , to be fully flexible – i.e., there is

no requirement that it is symmetric or otherwise restricted.

Third, we construct consistent estimates of the spatially correlated error terms,

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1ˆˆ ˆ

Nijt ijj ij tj

v (22)

where 11ˆˆ ˆ ˆ

Nijt ijt jj ij tj

v u u and , 1,

ˆˆ [ ]i ijj j j N L satisfies 1 ˆ ˆi i i L L T . We then calculate

consistent sample estimates for the cross-state spatial correlations as,

1 2

ˆ ˆ ˆ ( 1), , 1, , .N T

ii ijt i jtj tN T i i I


We then use the ½ ( 1)I I spatial correlations to estimate the relationship between the spatial

correlations and the geographic distance between states using robust nonlinear least squares

to obtain ˆ ˆ ( )iid R . In this study, we use a third-order exponential specification for the

spatial correlation function,

3' 0 '1

( ) exp .ii k iikd d


Fourth, let 1 R QQT , where Q is a lower triangular Choleski factorization of the inverse

spatial correlation matrix, and write 1

Iijt ii i jti

q . Now, the random variables ijt are

mean zero, unit variance, and uncorrelated across inputs, states, and time. Replacing the un-

known parameters and error terms with the consistent estimates developed with the above

estimation steps, and substituting backwards recursively, we have


1 1

111 1

ˆ ˆˆ

ˆˆ ˆ

ˆ ˆˆ ˆ ˆ



ijt ii i jti


ii i jj i j ti j


ii i jj i j t j j i j tji j



q v

q u u


with 2' ' '( ) 0, ( ) 1, ( ) 0, ( , , ) ( ', ', ').ijt ijt ijt i j tE E E i j t i j t A final NL3SLS step of the


Page 16: Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture...Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture Jesse Tack, Rulon Pope1, Jeffrey LaFrance2, Timothy Graciano3, and Scott Colby4 Abstract



ˆ ˆ ˆarg min ( ) ( )I

SLS i i N ii


T (26)

gives consistent, efficient, asymptotically normal estimates of . White’s heteroskedasticity

consistent covariance estimator can be used for robustness to heteroskedasticity beyond the

state-specific input demand covariance matrices.

3.2 GMM Results for Rank Three Cost Model

The instruments we choose are the national averages of cost per acre, capital per acre, and

normalized variable input prices lagged two periods, and the following general economy var-

iables: real per capita disposable personal income; the unemployment rate; the real rate of

return on AAA corporate 30-year bonds; the real manufacturing wage rate; the real index of

prices paid by manufacturers for materials and components; and the real index of prices paid

by manufacturers for fuel, energy and power. Per capita disposable personal income is deflat-

ed by the consumer price index for all items, while the aggregate wholesale price variables

are deflated by the implicit price deflator for gross domestic product.

There are far too many parameters to present and discuss in detail in this paper. Thus, we

focus on a relatively small number of parameters of interest. We first present and discuss the

properties of the error terms. The estimated 33 intertemporal autocorrelation matrix ̂ , with

White/Huber robust asymptotic standard errors in parentheses, is reported in Table1. For all

four variable inputs, the implied dynamics are stable with the largest Eigen value of the 44

difference equation equal to 0.7. In addition, the estimated error terms ijt from equation (16)

above show no statistical evidence of further serial correlation.

The estimated spatial correlation function, with White/Huber robust standard errors in pa-

rentheses, is:

3 7 2 10 3' ' ' '4 7 11

ˆ ( ) exp .583 1.80 10 8.86 10 1.42 10 .(2.49 10 ) (2.48 10 ) (6.81 10 )(.066)

ii ii ii iid d d d


Page 17: Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture...Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture Jesse Tack, Rulon Pope1, Jeffrey LaFrance2, Timothy Graciano3, and Scott Colby4 Abstract


A 2-dimensional plot of the empirical data, estimated correlation function, and 95% confi-

dence band are presented in Figure 1.

There is no statistical evidence of remaining spatial correlation or heteroskedasticity in

the cross-state error terms. Hence, we conclude that this estimation procedure reasonably cap-

tures the properties of the spatial/temporal error terms. One interesting property is that the

spatial correlation is very flat from a distance of approximately 800 miles out to 2,500 miles,

so that the errors of states as far apart as Washington and Florida or Maine and California

remain positively correlated. Failing to account for this property would lead to biased and

inconsistent statistical inferences.

We turn next to a subset of the parameter estimates for the structural model. Table 1 pre-

sents the estimates of the parameters in the functions ( ) w and ( ), w along with the Box-

Cox parameters, ( , ).

It is clear from the table that the additional flexibility of the power functions in prices and

variable cost due to the Box-Cox transformation is very important. Indeed, the industry

standards of logarithmic or linear transformations of both of these sets of variables are reject-

ed at any reasonable significance level. This is consistent with results we have found in the

area of consumer choice behavior. On the other hand, rank three appears to seriously overfit

this data, as evidenced by the insignificance of all of the j parameter estimates. Indeed, a

Wald test for the joint significance of these coefficients produces an asymptotically 2 (4)

test statistic of 2.11 with an implied probability value of 0.716. As a result, we focus on sim-

pler rank two models in the following section.

4. Rank Two Variable Cost Model

The variable cost specification presented in this section imposes the rank two restriction

0 on the more general model in (10) above. We also disaggregate the four variable input

variables into thirteen classifications: pesticides and herbicides; fertilizer; fuel and natural

Page 18: Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture...Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture Jesse Tack, Rulon Pope1, Jeffrey LaFrance2, Timothy Graciano3, and Scott Colby4 Abstract


gas; electricity; purchased feed; purchased seed; purchased livestock; machinery repairs;

building repairs; custom machinery services; veterinary services; other materials; and labor.

The cost of disaggregating across inputs on the ability to estimate the econometric model is

immense as it adds 432 additional equations to the system (9 additional equations for each of

the 48 states), so we focus our attention on a national level framework. Preliminary results for

this the rank two national level model also suggested that imposing is a reasonable

assumption, simplifying the model to,

10 1 20 2( , , , , )

2 1 ( , , , ),

t t t t t t t t t t

t t t t t t t

c A K A K


w a Y w w

w Bw w a Y




4.1 Regularity Conditions for the Rank Two Variable Cost Model

We assume constant returns to scale, so that ( , , , )t t t tA K a Y is 1° homogeneous. Define

1 10 1( ) ,t t w w T 2 20 2( ) ,t t w w T and ( ) 2 1t t t t w w Bw wT T . The necessary

and sufficient conditions for the variable cost function to be increasing and concave in the

variable input prices throughout an open set containing the data points are as follows (see

Appendix C for a complete derivation of the cost function and ):

Monotonicity in w:

1 2

1 21 2

( , , , , )( )

( )

( ) ( )( ) ;

2 1

t t t t tt t t


t t t t tt t t

t t t

c A KA K

c A KA K

w a YBw

w w

w wBw

w Bw w0



Concavity in w:



1 2

( , , , , )( )( )

( ) ( )

( , , , , ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ),

2 1 ( 2 1)

t t t t t

t t

t t t t t t t t t t t

t t t t t t

c A K

c A K A K

w a YB Bw Bw

ww w w

w a Y w w Bw BwB

w Bw w w Bw w






Page 19: Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture...Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture Jesse Tack, Rulon Pope1, Jeffrey LaFrance2, Timothy Graciano3, and Scott Colby4 Abstract


symmetric, negative semi-definite. Setting B LL T T , where L is a (lower or upper) tri-

angular matrix with nonzero main diagonal elements implies

1 1 1 1




T T T T (31)

is positive definite. It follows that ( )( )

( 2 1)t t t

Bw BwB

w Bw w


T T is positive semi-definite and


11 2 1 0 .11

xt nt t t t t

B ww w Bw w w


T (32)

Given this, the variable cost function is concave in w if and only if

0 1 2 2( , , , , ) ( ,t t t t t t t t t tc A K A K w a Y w w T T (33)

(LaFrance, Beatty, and Pope 2006). Hence, we impose B LL T T during estimation and

check the monotonicity conditions (29) at all data points once the model is estimated, and

find that they are satisfied. We develop the specification for ( , , , )t t t tA K a Y in the section on

life-cycle consumption and investment decisions and Appendix C.

Applying Shephard’s Lemma to (28) and rearranging terms then gives the empirical vari-

able input demand equations in normalized expenditures per dollar of capital as

1 21 2

( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ,

2 1t t t t t t t

t t t tt t t t

A c K A K


w we W Bw u

w Bw w

T T (34)

where [ ]t jtwW diag is the diagonal matrix with ,j tw as the jth main diagonal element and

te is the ( 1)xn -vector of normalized expenditures per dollar of capital on all inputs except

labor, and we follow standard practice in the empirical analysis of demand systems that apply

the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) and add a vector of random errors to the right-

hand-side to obtain the empirical model.

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4. Dynamic Structural Model of Behavior Under Risk

Although the organizational form of farms can vary widely, a recent report by Hoppe and

Banker (2006) finds that 98% of U.S. farms remained family farms as of 2003. In a family

farm, the entrepreneur controls the means of production and makes investment, consumption,

and production decisions. In this section, we develop and analyze a model of the inter-

temporal nature of these decisions. The starting point is a model similar in spirit to Hansen

and Singleton’s (1983), but generalized to include consumption decisions and farm invest-

ments as well as financial investments and production decisions. The additional variable def-

initions required for this are as follows:

Wt = beginning-of-period total wealth,

bt = current holding of bonds with a risk free rate of return rt,

ft = current holding of a risky financial asset,

,F tp = beginning-of-period market price of the financial asset,

, 1F t = dividend plus capital gains rate on the financial asset,

ai,t = current allocation of land to the ith crop, i = 1,…,nY,

At = total quantity of farm land,

pL,t = beginning-of-period market price of land,

, 1 , 1 , ,( ) /L t L t L t L tp p p = capital gain rate on land,

,i ty = expected yield per acre for the ith crop, i = 1,…,nY,

yi,t+1 = realized yield of the ith crop,

, 1iY tp = end-of-period realized market price for the ith farm product,

qt = vector of quantities of consumption goods,

,Q tp = vector of market prices for consumer goods,

mt = total consumption expenditures,

Page 21: Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture...Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture Jesse Tack, Rulon Pope1, Jeffrey LaFrance2, Timothy Graciano3, and Scott Colby4 Abstract


u(qt) = periodic utility from consumption.

As with all discrete time models, timing can be represented in multiple ways. In the mod-

el used here, all financial returns and farm asset gains are assumed to be realized at the end of

each time period (where depreciation is represented by a negative asset gain). Variable inputs

are assumed to be committed to farm production activities at the beginning of each decision

period and the current period market prices for the variable inputs are known when these use

decisions are made. Agricultural production per acre is realized stochastically at the end of

the period such that

, 1 , , 1(1 ), 1, ,i t i t i t Yy y i n , (35)

where i,t+1 is a random output shock with E(i,t+1) = 0. Consumption decisions are made at

the beginning of the decision period and the current market prices of consumption good are

known when these purchases are made. Utility is assumed to be strictly increasing and con-

cave in qt. The total beginning-of-period quantity of land is t tA a T , with denoting an nY–

vector of ones. Homogeneous land is assumed with a scalar price, ,L tp .

To simplify our derivations, we require an uncommon piece of matrix notation. The

Hadamard/Schur product of two nm matrices A and B is the matrix whose elements are el-

ement-by-element products of the elements of A and B, , .ij ij ijc a b i j A B C This

definition assists the derivation of the arbitrage conditions present in what follows.

Revenue at t + 1 is the random price times production

1 , 1 , , , 1 , 1 11

( (1 )) ( ) ( ).Y



t Y t i t i t i t Y t t t ti

R p y a

p a y T (36)

Wealth is allocated at the beginning of period t to investments, the variable cost of produc-

tion, and consumption,

, ( , , , ) .t t t L t t t t t t t t tW b f p A K c K m w a Y (37)

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Although some costs occur at or near harvest (near t + 1), we include all costs in (37) at time t

because they are incurred before revenues are received. Consumer utility maximization yields

the indirect utility function conditioned on consumer good prices and consumption expendi-


, ,( , ) max ( ) :QnQ t t Q t t

Rm u m

qp q p qT . (38)

Realized end of period wealth is

1 , 1 , 1 ,

, 1 , 1 1

(1 ) (1 ) (1 )

(1 ) ( ) ( ),

t t t F t t L t L t t

K t t Y t t t t

W r b f p A


p a y ι ε T


where , 1K t is the proportional change in the value of capital held at the beginning of the

production period. Thus, the decision maker’s wealth is increased by net returns on assets and

farm revenue. The owner/operator decision maker’s intertemporal utility function is assumed

to be


( ,..., ) (1 ) ( )T

tT T t


U u

q q q . (40)

The producer is assumed to maximize von Neumann-Morgenstern expected utility of the dis-

counted present value of the periodic utility flows from goods consumption.

By Euler’s theorem, constant returns to scale implies linear homogeneity of the variable

cost function in capital, land, and output. For the variable cost function derived and estimated

in this paper, this implies

( , , , , ) ( , , , , )( , , , , )

( , , , , ) ( , , , , ).

t t t t t t t t t t t tt t t t t t t t


t t t t t t t t t t t tt t

t t

c A K c A Kc A K A


c A K c A KK


w a Y w a Yw a Y a


w a Y w a YY





The vector of expected crop outputs satisfies

,t t tY y a (42)

Page 23: Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture...Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture Jesse Tack, Rulon Pope1, Jeffrey LaFrance2, Timothy Graciano3, and Scott Colby4 Abstract


where ,j ty is the expected yield per acre and ,j ta is the number of acres planted for the jth

crop. The variable cost function might depend on time due to technological change or other

dynamic forces, and the subscript t indicates this possibility. To distinguish quasi-fixed from

variable inputs and to account for the possibility of hysteresis in agricultural investments, we

allow for adjustment costs for total farmland and capital,

2 21 1 1 1( , ) ½ ( ) ½ ( ) ,Adj t t t t A t t K t tC A A K K A A K K (43)

with , 0.A K

This problem is solved by stochastic dynamic programming working backwards recur-

sively from the last period in the planning horizon to the first. In the last period, the optimal

decision is to invest or produce nothing and consume all remaining wealth, i.e., T Tm W .

Denote the last period’s optimal value function by 1 1( , , )T T T Tv W A K . Then

1 1 ,( , , ) ( , )T T T T Q T Tv W A K W p is the optimal utility for the terminal period. For all other

time periods, stochastic dynamic programming yields the Bellman backward recursion

(Bellman and Dreyfus 1962). For an arbitrary t < T, the Lagrangean for the problem at time t


1, 1 , 1

, 1 , 1 , 1 1


2 21 1

( , ) (1 ) (1 ) (1 )

(1 ) ( ) ( ), ,

( , , , , )

½ ( ) ½ ( ) ( ),

t Q t t t t t F t t

L t t K t t Y t t t t t t

t t t t t L t t t t t t t t t t

A t t K t t t t t

m r E V r b f

p A K A K

W m b f p A K c A K



p y a

w a y a





where ( )tE is the conditional expectation at the beginning of period t given information

available at that point in time, t is the shadow price for the beginning-of-period wealth allo-

cation constraint, and t is the shadow price for the land allocation constraint. The first-

order, necessary and sufficient Kuhn-Tucker conditions are the two constraints and:

Page 24: Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture...Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture Jesse Tack, Rulon Pope1, Jeffrey LaFrance2, Timothy Graciano3, and Scott Colby4 Abstract


0, 0, 0;t t tt t t

t t t

m mm m m




0, , 0;t t tt t t t

t t t

VE b b

b W b


1 1, 1


(1 ) (1 ) 0, 0, 0.t t tt F t t t t

t t t

Vr E f f

f W f


1 1 1, 1


, 1


( ) 0, 0, 0;

t t tt L t

t t t

t tt L t A t t t t t

t t

V Vr E p


cp A A A A



1 1 1, 1

1 1


(1 ) (1 )

1 ( ) 0, 0, 0;

t t tt K t

t t t

t tt K t t t t

t t

V Vr E


cK K K K



1 1, 1 1


1 ( ) ( ) 0,

, 0;

t t t tt Y t t t t t t

t t t t

tt t


V c cr E


p y ya a Y

a aa




1 1, 1 1(1 ) ( ) ,

, 0.

t t tt Y t t t t t

t t

tt t


V cr E


p a ay Y

y yy





We also have the following implications of the envelope theorem:




( );

( );



tt A t t


tt K t t









Page 25: Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture...Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture Jesse Tack, Rulon Pope1, Jeffrey LaFrance2, Timothy Graciano3, and Scott Colby4 Abstract


where the variables { , , }t t tA K are all evaluated at their optimal choices.

Combining the Kuhn-Tucker conditions with the results of the envelope theorem and as-

suming an interior solution for consumption, bonds, and risky financial assets, we obtain the

standard Euler equations for smoothing the marginal utility of consumption and wealth,

1 11

1 1

( ),t t t tt t t t t

t t t t


m m W W


and the standard arbitrage condition for excess returns to risky financial assets,

1, 1


( ) 0tt F t


VE r



The complementary slackness of the Kuhn-Tucker condition (51), implies that for each crop

we have the supply condition under risk,

1, 1 ,

1 ,

(1 ) 0, 1, , .i

t tt Y t i t y

t i t

V cE p r Y i n



For each crop produced in positive quantity, this reduces to the well-known result that the

conditional covariance between the marginal utility of future wealth and the difference be-

tween the ex post realized market price the marginal cost of production must vanish. The

multiplicative factor 1 r is multiplied by ex ante marginal cost so that these two economic

values are measured at a common point in time – in the present case at the end of the produc-

tion period.

To obtain the arbitrage condition for the level of investment in agriculture, we combine

the linear homogeneity property of the variable cost function in ( , , , )t t t tA Ka Y from equation

(41) with complementary slackness in Kuhn-Tucker conditions (49)–(53),

0 ,t t tt t t

t tt






which, after considerable rearranging and combining of terms, gives

Page 26: Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture...Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture Jesse Tack, Rulon Pope1, Jeffrey LaFrance2, Timothy Graciano3, and Scott Colby4 Abstract


1 1 , , 1 , , 1 1

, 1 1

, 1 1

( ) ( )

(2 ) (1 )

(2 ) (1 ) 0,

t t t K t K t L t L t t

K t K t t t

A t A t t t

E V W s r s r

s K r K r K

s A r A r A


where , ,( )K t t L t t ts K p A K is capital’s share of the value of the investment in agriculture

in period t, , , ,( )L t L t t L t t ts p A p A K is land’s share of the value of the investment in agri-

culture in period t, , ,( )A t t L t t ts A p A K is the ratio of the quantity of land to the value of

the investment in agriculture at the beginning of the production period, and



(1 )t tt

L t t t

R r c

p A K


is the ex post net return to crop production over the variable cost of production relative to the

ex ante value of agricultural investment, so that it is measured as a rate of return to agricul-

tural production. The first 3 terms inside of the square brackets of equation (57) represent the

total sum of the excess returns to agriculture, including the rate of net return to crop produc-

tion over variable costs. The last two terms in square brackets capture the effects of adjust-

ment costs for farm capital and farmland. This has the standard one-period ahead and one pe-

riod behind 2nd–order difference structure common to quadratic adjustment cost models in

dynamic optimization problems.

To implement this system of Euler equations, we assume that the indirect utility function

for consumption goods is a member of the certainty equivalent class,


( , ) ½( ) ( )

t tQt t

C Qt C Qt

m mm


p p, (59)

where 0 ( )C Qt tm t p and ( )C Qt p is the consumer price index (CPI) for all items.

Then the marginal utility of money in each period is

Page 27: Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture...Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture Jesse Tack, Rulon Pope1, Jeffrey LaFrance2, Timothy Graciano3, and Scott Colby4 Abstract


1 ( )

( )t C Qt

tC Qt



p. (60)

This allows us to identify the effects of risk aversion separately from those of adjustment

costs and hysteresis in agricultural investment decisions. We assume that the preferences of

agricultural producers are of the same class as all other individuals in the economy. This al-

lows use of the observable variable per capita personal consumption expenditure, rather than

the latent variable wealth, to model the empirical arbitrage equations.

4.1 Empirical Arbitrage Equations

Let yn n be the number of crops included in the empirical model. The specification that we

choose for ,t i tc Y is (see Appendix C for a complete derivation),



( ) , with

ˆ ˆ( ) 2 1.

xnj tt

t i ijji t t

t t t t




w w Bw wT T


The 3n empirical arbitrage/Euler equations therefore are

1 1, 1,

1 , 1 2, 1

, 11 , 1 , 1


/ :

: 1 ( ) ,

: 1 (1 ) ( ) ,


t t t

t F t t

nij j t

t Y t t i i tj t

Consumption Bonds m m u

Risky Assets m r u

YCrops m p r u



1 , , 1 , , 1 1

, 1 1

3, , 2,

: 1 ( ) ( )

+ (2 ) (1 )

t K t K t L t L t t

A t A t t t

i n

Agriculture m s r s r

s A r A r A

, 1 1 3, 1 (2 ) (1 ) .K t K t t t n ts K r K r K u


Note that in the above equations the risk aversion parameter is while ( )t w relates to

the marginal cost specifications in (61) above. In theory one can estimate these marginal cost

parameters simultaneously with the other parameters contained in the arbitrage system (62).

Page 28: Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture...Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture Jesse Tack, Rulon Pope1, Jeffrey LaFrance2, Timothy Graciano3, and Scott Colby4 Abstract


However, this approach gives little insight into whether the underlying variable cost model

has been specified correctly. Thus, we proceed by estimating the system of variable input

demands given by (34), and then constructing an estimate ( )t w to be plugged directly into

the empirical arbitrage equations for crops. This allows us to evaluate the credibility of the

underlying cost function specification ex ante to estimating the arbitrage conditions.

5 Empirical Results

First we present results for the system of variable input demands derived from the national

level rank two cost function specification. Then we present and discuss results for the nation-

al level system of arbitrage equations.

5.1 Rank Two National Level Cost Model Results

Since this model is estimated using national level data, we no longer are concerned with er-

rors that are correlated across space. Thus, we employ the same estimation approach as in

section 3.1 except that we impose the restriction ' 1i i I which in turn implies jt jt .

The instruments are variable cost per unit of capital, land per unit of capital, and variable

input prices all lagged two periods, plus the following general economy variables lagged one

period: real per capita disposable personal income; unemployment rate; the real rate of return

on AAA corporate 30-year bonds; real manufacturing wage rate; real index of prices paid by

manufacturers for materials and components; and real index of prices paid by manufacturers

for fuel, energy and power. Per capita disposable personal income is deflated by the consum-

er price index for all items. The aggregate wholesale price variables are deflated by the im-

plicit price deflator for gross domestic product. The real rate of return on corporate bonds is

calculated as the nominal rate of return minus the midyear annual inflation rate.

Table 1 presents the estimated 1212 AR(1) matrix for the serially correlated errors for

the 12 equation system of variable input demand equations. The Eigen values of the implied

autocovariance structure are well within the stability region, with two real roots and five

Page 29: Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture...Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture Jesse Tack, Rulon Pope1, Jeffrey LaFrance2, Timothy Graciano3, and Scott Colby4 Abstract


complex conjugate pairs:










0.7594 0.2998 , modulus 0.8165;

0.4104 0.5273 , modulus 0.6682;

0.3056 0.3371 , modulus 0.4550;

–0.4222 0.0832 , modulus 0.4304;

–0.0863 0.2638 , modulus 0.2776.


A system of 12 linear first-order difference equations has the same dynamic structure as a

single 12th-order linear difference equation. This implies that the time series properties of this

model are quite complex. No evidence is found for any additional serial correlation in the da-


Table 4 presents the parameter estimates for the structural part of the model. To obtain a

positive definite B matrix, the lower 4 main diagonal elements of the Choleski factor L were

restricted to 0.01 and the off-diagonal elements in the last four columns were restricted at 0.0.

In other words, the estimated symmetric but not curvature restricted B matrix has four nega-

tive Eigen values. As a consequence, the standard errors in table 2 are conditional on these

inequality restrictions.

The estimated structural parameters reported in table 2 generate a variable cost function

that is increasing and weakly concave in all variable input prices throughout the data set. In

addition, the single equation and system-wide 1st - and 2nd-order Brownian bridge tests for

specification error and parameter instability developed in LaFrance (2008) provide no evi-

dence of misspecification or parameter instability. (Appendix D presents and discusses this

set of within-sample residual test statistics.) Thus, we conclude that this is a coherent and rea-

sonable model of the short-run cost of production in U.S. agriculture.

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5.2 Empirical Results for the Dynamic Structural Model

We estimate the system of arbitrage equations given by (62) using the same estimation ap-

proach as the national level demand model above. We analyze acreage and supply decisions

under risk for 10 crops with the greatest value in the U.S. in 2006: soybeans; corn; cotton;

hay; potatoes; rice; sugar beets; sugarcane; tobacco; and wheat. Crop revenues includes the

value of government payments that is imputed in the Ball data, to at least partially capture the

effects of farm-level price, income, and other subsidy and stabilization programs on the dis-

tribution of realized farm revenues. The 10 crops analyzed in this study account for 94–95%

of total farm revenue from crop production and an even larger share of crop acreage. In addi-

tion to the 10 crop production decisions under risk, we estimate Euler equations for the ex-

cess return to investing in agriculture, personal consumption expenditures, and the rate of re-

turn to stocks as measured by the S& Poor 500 index.

To ensure a consistent definition of real values in this component of the model, we deflate

all nominal prices, revenues, costs, and other values by that year’s consumer price index for

all items. We scale all aggregate economic data – e.g., the total value of agricultural invest-

ment in U.S. agriculture – by the U.S. population to measure these variables all in per capita

units. As noted above, real per capita personal consumption expenditures represents the Euler

equation for the marginal utility of money over time.

Table 5 presents the unrestricted 1313 AR(1) coefficient matrix. Similar to the variable

cost function model, Eigen values of the implied autocovariance structure are well within the

stability region, with five real roots and four complex conjugate pairs:

Page 31: Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture...Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture Jesse Tack, Rulon Pope1, Jeffrey LaFrance2, Timothy Graciano3, and Scott Colby4 Abstract












– 0.5510;



– 0.0471;

0.2966 0.6058 , modulus 0.6745;

0.5789 0.0674 , modulus 0.5828;

–0.0048 0.5157 , modulus 0.5157;

–0.4497 0.1827 , modulus 0.4854.


Also similar to the properties of the cost function estimates, there is no evidence of any addi-

tional serial correlation in the error terms, and all of the system-wide and single equation

Brownian bridge tests fail to reject the null hypothesis of no model specification errors or pa-

rameter instability at all standard levels of significance.

Table 6 presents the parameter estimates for the conditional mean components of the arbi-

trage model. To obtain a positive definite matrix, the lower 6 main diagonal elements of

the Choleski factor Q were restricted to 0.01 and the off-diagonal elements in the last four

columns were restricted at 0.0. In other words, the estimated symmetric but not curvature re-

stricted matrix has four negative Eigen values. As a consequence, the standard errors in

table 6 are conditional on these inequality restrictions. The estimated structural parameters

reported in table 6 generate a system of 10 linear marginal cost functions that are increasing

in planned output levels throughout the sample period. We conclude that this is a coherent

and reasonable model of U.S. agricultural production.

The point estimate for the curvature parameter in the quadratic indirect utility function is

–5ˆ 6.571 10 , with an estimated classical Gaussian asymptotic standard error of 2.79310–

7 and an estimated White/Huber robust standard error of 5.91410–7, both implying a highly

significant risk aversion parameter. On the other hand, the point estimates for the quadratic

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adjustment cost parameters are mixed. The point estimate for adjustment costs on farmland is

6ˆ 4.455 10 ,A with an estimated classical Gaussian asymptotic standard error of

1.98510–6 and an estimated White/Huber robust standard error of 1.47710–6. In both cases,

this is statistically different from significant at the 5% significance level, although economi-

cally, the sign is not what we would expect a priori. The point estimate for adjustment costs

in farm capital is 11ˆ 4.012 10 ,K with an estimated classical Gaussian asymptotic stand-

ard error of 2.73810–11 and an estimated White/Huber robust standard error of 2.38310–11.

While this has the expected sign, the classical standard error implies this is not statistically

different from zero at the 10% level of significance, while the robust standard error implies

that it marginally is significant at the same level. We suspect that either this level of aggrega-

tion across agents cannot capture these effects or else there is at most only a small level of

adjustment cost in the farm sector. On the other hand, if there is no adjustment cost mecha-

nism in U.S. agriculture, and if the quadratic indirect utility model is correctly specificed,

then the Euler equations estimated here are theoretically and empirically correct even with

national aggregate data.

6. Conclusions

This paper has developed a new structural model of variable input use, production, acreage

allocations, capital investment, and consumption choices in the U.S. farm sector. The theoret-

ical framework identifies and incorporates the restrictions that are necessary and sufficient to

estimate variable input use using only observable data, and to aggregate from micro units of

behavior to county-, state-, region-, or country-levels of data and analyses. We defined, speci-

fied and estimated a dynamic life-cycle model of decision making under risk. We disciplined

the model and associated parameter estimates for risk aversion in agricultural production and

investment decisions with the interactions that naturally occur among the available alternative

investment and savings opportunities in the economy.

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Current work applies this to state-level data, which should mitigate issues related to ag-

gregating across different production regions, climates, and output choice sets. We are also

incorporating input and output specific technological change into the empirical model, which

should help address issues due to specification errors and structural change that cannot be

captured in the aggregate setup. We are specifying and estimating the variable input use deci-

sions and the asset management choices simultaneously to exploit cross-equation parameter

restrictions and increase the efficiency of our parameter estimates. And last, the data set is in

the final stages of being updated to the 21st century, which will make the model and empirical

analysis more timely and relevant to current farm policies.

One of the central issues guiding agricultural policy is how risk affects choice and wel-

fare. Here, that is manifest in the movement towards general equilibrium found in the cross-

moment equations in (46) and the cost structure in (45). This provides a rich mechanism for

policy analysis. The conventional agricultural focus is how policies affect the risk environ-

ment and thereby production choice and welfare. Thus, for example, in a partial equilibrium

model of the farm sector, one often studies the effects of a particular policy on the risk envi-

ronment on the portfolio of crop choice (Chavas and Holt 1996). Here, it is clear that the evo-

lution of wealth and income in all forms, and consumption, “cause” production choices. Alt-

hough this point is not new (e.g., Wright and Hewitt 1994), it has not been formally modeled

and estimated.

With the results of this analysis, one can trace the effects of any policy altering the distri-

bution of agricultural crop income on the choices which restore equilibrium. More specifical-

ly, it means that significant responses may be outside of agriculture by changing non-

agricultural investment and consumption. These responses likely will alter the normative and

positive conclusions of the effects of policies substantially.

Indeed, returning to the example of crop insurance discussed in the introduction, the so-

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cial value of public insurance will likely be reduced as more margins for adjustment (arbi-

trage conditions) are included in the analysis. In contrast, an increase in uncertainty (the co-

variance term) in non-agricultural investments as witnessed recently could increase the de-

mand for risk reducing agricultural instruments. The key point is that unless one has a model

that provides for these interactions, one will not obtain reasonable policy conclusions.

The second general policy insight that can be obtained here is a distinction between long-

run and shorter-run effects which has been one of the foundations of agricultural policy anal-

yses, preceding the seminal work of Nerlove. Yet models in current vogue can only be inter-

preted as long-run analyses where adjustment costs are zero. This means that one has a natu-

ral structural way in the current model to distinguish short-run and long-run elasticities. For

example, this implies that policies that raise the return to insurance (e.g., through public sub-

sidies) have larger responses in the long-run than in the short-run.


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Table 1. First-Order Autocorrelation Parameters for State-Level Costs.

Other Materials

Fuels and Energy

Agricultural Chemicals

Other Materials


(0.054) 0.110

(0.176) -0.055 (0.070)

Fuels and Energy

0.0095 (0.010)

0.700*** (0.047)

0.030 (0.026)

Agricultural Chemicals

0.022 (0.013)

-0.116*** (0.062)

0.711*** (0.044)

White’s heteroskedasticity consistent asymptotic standard error is in parentheses below each point estimate. *, **, and

*** indicate significantly different from zero at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level, respectively.

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Table 2. Estimates of the B, δ, and Box-Cox Parameters for State-Level Costs.

Coefficient Estimate Standard Error T-Ratio P-Value

11 .14118 .04877 2.89 .004 12 -.11310–2 .00191 -.595 .552 13 -.30010–2 .00350 -.856 .392 14 .38002 .06544 5.81 .000 22 -.40610–5 .38610–4 -.105 .916 23 -.49710–5 .72310–4 -.069 .945 24 -.35510–2 .50910–4 -.696 .486 33 .18210–3 .14610–3 1.25 .212 34 -.82210–2 .96810–2 -.849 .396

1 .71410–3 .54010–4 1.32 .186 2 -.98410–5 .11910–4 -.825 .409 3 -.19710–4 .21910–4 -.901 .368 4 .17010–2 .00120 1.417 .158

.327 .0320 10.233 .000 .409 .0346 11.824 .000

Standard errors are White’s heteroskedasticity consistent asymptotic standard errors.

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Table 3. First-Order Autocorrelation Parameters for National-Level Costs.

Pesticide Fertilizer

Fuel & Nat. Gas

Electricity Purchased

Feed Purchased

Seed Purchased Livestock

Machinery Repairs

Building Repairs

Hired Machinery

Vet Services

Other Materials

Pesticide -.235 (.230)

.280** (.139)

-.556** (.242)

-.199 (.141)

-.188*** (.070)

-.291 (.281)

-.029 (.057)

-.029 (.223)

-.341 (.290)

-.283 (.206)

.690*** (.254)

.040 (.068)

Fertilizer .333

(.259) .699*** (.161)

-.265 (.256)

-.664*** (.191)

.062 (.121)

-2.01*** (.459)

.154 (.101)

1.22*** (.324)

-1.50*** (.399)

.704*** (.273)

-.339 (.412)

.046 (.075)

Fuel & Nat. Gas

.256*** (.072)

.193*** (.047)

.503*** (.085)

-.263*** (.071)

-.040 (.039)

-1.11*** (.132)

.034 (.029)

.577*** (.107)

-.159 (.117)

.321*** (.093)

.131 (.135)

-.048** (.025)

Electricity .066

(.178) -.147* (.087)

-.168 (.155)

.455*** (.107)

-.052 (.055)

.049 (.227)

-.061 (.046)

.254*** (.088)

.120 (.209)

-.268* (.141)

.067 (.259)

-.064* (.035)

Purchased Feed

-.463 (.376)

.252 (.257)

.199 (.433)

-.404 (.253)

.066 (.181)

-.018 (.483)

.308** (.157)

-.770** (.351)

-.016 (.625)

.345 (.282)

.025 (.625)

.220** (.098)

Purchased Seed

-.120 (.217)

.185 (.121)

-.282 (.234)

-.303* (.155)

-.043 (.070)

-.447* (.236)

.012 (.068)

.607** (.245)

-.296 (.328)

-.185 (.190)

-.139 (.273)

-.019 (.055)

Purchased Livestock

.0450 (.399)

-.244 (.226)

-.577 (.391)

-.332 (.312)

.073 (.176)

-.222 (.600)

.362** (.158)

.615 (.402)

-.769 (.603)

-.951*** (.328)

-.975* (.562)

-.296** (.118)

Machinery Repairs

.030 (.162)

.135 (.090)

-.359* (.187)

-.008 (.139)

-.045 (.059)

-.616** (.246)

.064 (.059)

.657*** (.127)

.0763 (.206)

-.003 (.136)

-.024 (.195)

-.048 (.049)

Building Repairs

.084 (.112)

.064 (.065)

-.079 (.144)

-.007 (.083)

.011 (.047)

-.105 (.132)

.009 (.041)

.376*** (.119)

-.071 (.162)

-.041 (.094)

-.337* (.175)

-.021 (.031)

Hired Machinery

.113 (.252)

-.097 (.124)

.011 (.200)

.032 (.150)

-.043 (.083)

-.119 (.304)

-.123 (.079)

.239 (.197)

-.060 (.324)

-.060 (.219)

-.209 (.416)

-.043 (.047)

Vet Services

.041 (.076)

-.089 (.059)

-.006 (.110)

.135*** (.049)

.004 (.035)

.096 (.122)

.021 (.020)

-.129 (.079)

.329** (.132)

-.356*** (.084)

.602*** (.152)

.023 (.019)

Other Materials

-1.45** (.622)

-.062 (.355)

-.085 (.568)

.272 (.473)

-.188 (.272)

2.46** (1.09)

.178 (.232)

-2.37*** (.881)

-.409 (1.01)

.477 (.633)

.986 (.841)

.211 (.140)

White’s heteroskedasticity consistent asymptotic standard error is in parentheses below each point estimate. *, **, and *** indicate significantly different from zero at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level, respectively.

Page 47: Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture...Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture Jesse Tack, Rulon Pope1, Jeffrey LaFrance2, Timothy Graciano3, and Scott Colby4 Abstract

Table 4. Estimates of and B Parameters for National-Level Costs.


Pesticide Fertilizer Fuel &

Nat. Gas Electric

Purchased Feed

Purchased Seed

Purchased Livestock

Machinery Repairs

Building Repairs

Hired Machinery

Vet Services

Other Materials


Land -55.21 (74.23)

-64.95 (81.50)

-21.99 (29.73)

-15.54 (23.17)

-67.00 (101.7)

-44.30 (58.38)

-51.87 (77.94)

-20.32 (31.02)

-9.286 (11.61)

-19.31 (28.14)

-8.374 (12.76)

-114.7 (171.2)

36.84 (30.43)

Capital 3.554

(3.854) 4.140

(4.233) 1.515

(1.572) 1.001

(1.223) 5.044

(5.314) 2.837

(3.040) 3.808

(4.102) 1.615

(1.637) .6197

(.6152) 1.362

(1.479) .5819

(.6678) 8.634

(8.920) -1.564 (1.596)

Pesticide 3.695*** (1.288)

2.995* (1.824)

.9374 (.8018)

.7107 (.6566)

5.042*** (1.800)

2.558** (1.179)

2.832 (1.851)

1.020 (.7793)

.3742 (.3850)

1.201* (.6345)

.4549 (.3043)

7.442** (3.324)

-1.390*** (.5430)

Fertilizer 2.995* (1.824)

5.119*** (1.390)

1.469** (.6455)

1.388*** (.4419)

4.709** (2.284)

2.480* (1.364)

3.806** (1.671)

.5221 (1.116)

1.332*** (.2998)

1.425** (.5894)

.5213 (.3355)

6.914* (4.174)

-1.501*** (.5742)

Fuel & Nat. Gas

.9374 (.8018)

1.469** (.6455)

1.027*** (.2538)

.3949* (.2106)

1.303 (1.068)

.8504 (.6167)

1.764*** (.5496)

.7740*** (.2860)

.5493** (.2480)

.7398*** (.2268)

.0858 (.1824)

2.189 (1.736)

-.6180*** (.1851)

Electric .7107

(.6566) 1.388*** (.4419)

.3949* (.2106)

1.372*** (.4332)

1.559** (.6354)

-.4480 (1.038)

1.129** (.5554)

-.2855 (.7581)

.7367* (.3984)

.0407 (.4945)

-.0248 (.2198)

1.322 (1.547)

-.4507** (.2276)

Purchased Feed

5.042*** (1.800)

4.709** (2.284)

1.303 (1.068)

1.559** (.6354)

7.302*** (2.414)

3.229* (1.736)

4.087* (2.426)

1.382 (1.111)

.4051 (.4920)

1.857** (.7602)

.6293 (.4126)

9.850** (4.878)

-2.067*** (.6721)

Purchased Seed

2.558** (1.179)

2.480* (1.364)

.8504 (.6167)

-.4480 (1.038)

3.229* (1.736)

5.547*** (1.135)

2.694** (1.305)

1.608 (1.032)

-.2849 (1.027)

2.494*** (.8282)

.9234*** (.2894)

4.455 (3.182)

-1.408*** (.2930)


2.832 (1.851)

3.806** (1.671)

1.764*** (.5496)

1.129** (.5554)

4.087* (2.426)

2.694** (1.305)

4.303*** (1.638)

1.161 (.9572)

.3629 (.4089)

1.424** (.5827)

.6567** (.3026)

7.340* (3.950)

-1.585*** (.5396)


1.020 (.7793)

.5221 (1.116)

.7740*** (.2860)

-.2855 (.7581)

1.382 (1.111)

1.608 (1.032)

1.161 (.9572)

6.508* (3.475)

-2.860 (1.825)

2.635*** (.8530)

.2365 (.3453)

3.098** (1.528)

-.8805*** (.2250)


.3742 (.3850)

1.332*** (.2998)

.5493** (.2480)

.7367* (.3984)

.4051 (.4920)

-.2849 (1.027)

.3629 (.4089)

-2.860 (1.825)

7.456** (3.378)

-1.735* (1.032)

-.6479 (.4479)

.4392 (.9521)

-.4085*** (.1467)


1.201* (.6345)

1.425** (.5894)

.7398*** (.2268)

.0407 (.4945)

1.857** (.7602)

2.494*** (.8282)

1.424** (.5827)

2.635*** (.8530)

-1.735* (1.032)

2.493** (1.055)

.3542* (.2006)

.8858 (2.280)

-.8651*** (.1362)

Vet Services

.4549 (.3043)

.5213 (.3355)

.0858 (.1824)

-.0248 (.2198)

.6293 (.4126)

.9234*** (.2894)

.6567** (.3026)

.2365 (.3453)

-.6479 (.4479)

.3542* (.2006)

.2980*** (.1159)

1.410** (.6818)

-.2534** (.1150)

Other Materials

7.442** (3.324)

6.914* (4.174)

2.189 (1.736)

1.322 (1.547)

9.850** (4.878)

4.455 (3.182)

7.340* (3.950)

3.098** (1.528)

.4392 (.9521)

.8858 (2.280)

1.410** (.6818)

21.99*** (6.588)

-2.845** (1.374)

Labor -1.390*** (.5430)

-1.501*** (.5742)

-.6180*** (.1851)

-.4507** (.2276)

-2.067*** (.6721)

-1.408*** (.2930)

-1.585*** (.5396)

-.8805*** (.2250)

-.4085*** (.1467)

-.8651*** (.1362)

-.2534** (.1150)

-2.845** (1.374)

1.000 (––––)

White’s heteroskedasticity consistent asymptotic standard error is in parentheses below each point estimate. *, **, and *** indicate significantly different from zero at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level, respectively.

Page 48: Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture...Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture Jesse Tack, Rulon Pope1, Jeffrey LaFrance2, Timothy Graciano3, and Scott Colby4 Abstract

Table 5. First-Order Autocorrelation Parameters for National-Level Arbitrage Equations.


Corn Cotton Hay Pota-toes

Rice Sugar Beets

Sugarcane Tobacco Wheat Agricul-

ture Financial

Asset Consump-


Soybeans -.418** (.202)

.696*** (.203)

-.813 (.587)

.027 (.049)

.162 (.130)

.065 (.121)

-.062 (.057)

.036 (.065)

-.670 (.536)

.396** (.190)

-1.25 (3.30)

-.037 (.940)

-.078 (1.54)

Corn .341** (.140)

.277** (.122)

1.46*** (.470)

-.025 (.034)

-.0044 (.089)

.074 (.080)

-.085** (.033)

.045 (.054)

-.383 (.298)

.0085 (.129)

1.90 (2.45)

-1.36** (.629)

-1.38 (.986)

Cotton -.054

(.055) .022

(.051) -.261

(.206) .014

(.014) -.045* (.027)

-.064 (.038)

-.00012 (.013)

.013 (.018)

.070 (.131)

.011 (.055)

-.558 (1.10)

.070 (.210)

.436 (.361)

Hay -1.71** (.788)

2.62** (1.08)

-3.11 (2.54)

.244 (.177)

.302 (.459)

-.824 (.559)

.167 (.359)

.103 (.318)

-1.40 (2.37)

1.67* (.983)

27.6 (21.2)

2.55 (3.57)

-12.2* (7.16)

Potatoes -.081

(.230) .146

(.182) 1.06

(.712) .159*** (.041)

.238 (.162)

.033 (.125)

.036 (.051)

.139* (.079)

-.904* (.484)

-.191 (.233)

1.61 (3.45)

2.99** (1.17)

.696 (.799)

Rice .092

(.295) -.428

(.312) 1.72*

(1.02) -.104* (.054)

.230 (.167)

-.021 (.186)

-.148 (.092)

-.067 (.083)

-.188 (.800)

.216 (.326)

-1.19 (6.26)

.396 (1.42)

-2.34 (2.07)

Sugar Beets -.044

(.707) -.693

(.749) 6.03*

(3.63) -.065

(.156) -.793* (.462)

.492 (.529)

.072 (.277)

.0049 (.283)

1.15 (2.44)

-.172 (.976)

13.9 (10.33)

2.15 (4.02)

-1.80 (7.27)

Sugarcane -.404

(.413) -.658

(.518) 4.33** (2.21)

-.083 (.067)

-1.17*** (.342)

.367 (.339)

.413** (.191)

-.482** (.196)

.135 (1.69)

.148 (.562)

-4.40 (7.58)

-6.93*** (2.25)

-6.35 (4.90)

Tobacco -.0075 (.050)

-.096 (.045)

.866*** (.183)

-.0052 (.0078)

.018 (.028)

-.028 (.024)

.00048 (.011)

-.0051 (.018)

.103 (.135)

-.175*** (.047)

.240 (.912)

.467*** (.175)

-.881*** (.311)

Wheat -.377

(.200*) .095

(.173) -1.59** (.682)

.020 (.044)

-.099 (.095)

.138 (.095)

-.090* (.051)

.018 (.068)

.085 (.520)

.572*** (.181)

-3.57* (2.00)

-.909 (.973)

3.15*** (1.22)

Agriculture -.0015

(.0067) .0092

(.0091) .047*

(.025) -.0014

(.0014) .010**

(.0044) -.00046 (.0045)

-.0035 (.0023)

.0040 (.0030)

.048* (.026)

.018** (.0089)

.505*** (.151)

.032 (.040)

.0077 (.040)

Financial Asset

-.036 (.031)

-.082** (.036)

.114 (.099)

.0011 (.0057)

.0021 (.016)

.048 (.021)

.0016 (.012)

-.0057 (.011)

-.235 (.102)

-.010 (.039)

.761 (.787)

.383 (.143)

-.191 (.222)


.016 (.017)

.027 (.012)

-.054 (.048)

.0017 (.0035)

.015 (.0067)

-.010 (.010)

-.0012 (.0038)

.010 (.0048)

.022 (.045)

.017 (.013)

.119 (.227)

-.033 (.081)

.392 (.134)

White’s heteroskedasticity consistent asymptotic standard error is in parentheses below each point estimate. *, **, and *** indicate significantly different from zero at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level, respectively.

Page 49: Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture...Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture Jesse Tack, Rulon Pope1, Jeffrey LaFrance2, Timothy Graciano3, and Scott Colby4 Abstract

Table 6. Estimates of the θ Parameters for National-Level Arbitrage Equations.


Soybeans Corn Cotton Hay Potatoes Rice Sugar Beets Sugarcane Tobacco Wheat

Constant 0.448*** (0.0366)

0.2167*** (0.0245)

0.0825*** (0.0112)

3.612*** (0.197)

0.459*** (0.0383)

1.048*** (0.0645)

2.336*** (0.1724)

1.5843*** (0.161)

0.1458*** (0.0135)

0.4092*** (0.0338)

Soybeans 78.34*** (10.913)

-21.45*** (3.992)

-1.803 (4.006)

387.3*** (88.54)

-32.58* (17.18)

41.713** (20.36)

-248.5*** (61.531)

-207.1*** (52.65)

3.799 (2.398)

-0.081 (7.1956)

Corn -21.45*** (3.992)

10.15*** (2.021)

-2.015 (1.236)

-83.64*** (31.098)

0.0285 (4.755)

6.208 (6.176)

79.675*** (17.036)

65.14*** (17.90)

1.879** (0.7674)

-4.102 (3.1394)

Cotton -1.803 (4.006)

-2.015 (1.236)

35.56*** (10.44)

-15.46 (59.45)

115.61*** (19.987)

-77.25*** (29.06)

-215.3*** (70.02)

-369.4*** (65.29)

-3.231* (1.6702)

0.829 (2.3662)

Hay 387.33*** (88.54)

-83.64*** (31.09)

-15.46 (59.45)

3920.2*** (839.78)

13.57 (205.90)

-532.8** (265.51)

523.72 (593.90)

876.7 (765.7)

-106.7*** (30.213)

101.20* (55.11)

Potatoes -32.58* (17.18)

0.0285 (4.755)

115.61*** (19.98)

13.57 (205.90)

406.33*** (110.5)

-353.1*** (80.829)

-427.1* (239.1)

-916.1*** (247.4)

-27.15*** (7.104)

16.575* (8.869)

Rice 41.71** (20.36)

6.208 (6.176)

-77.25*** (29.06)

-532.87** (265.51)

-353.1*** (80.82)

577.86*** (155.4)

-421.6* (253.3)

-196.9 (271.07)

77.805*** (12.01)

-67.54*** (11.23)

Sugar Beets -248.5*** (61.53)

79.67*** (17.03)

-215.3*** (70.02)

523.7 (593.9)

-427.1* (239.18)

-421.6* (253.3)

3761.9*** (1065.6)

4775.8*** (1221.0)

-124.25*** (21.47)

112.59*** (30.83)

Sugarcane -207.1*** (52.65)

65.14*** (17.90)

-369.4*** (65.29)

876.7 (765.7)

-916.1*** (247.4)

-196.9 (271.07)

4775.8*** (1221.0)

6539.3*** (1500.0)

-132.38*** (16.05)

135.57*** (31.36)

Tobacco 3.7992 (2.398)

1.879** (0.767)

-3.231* (1.670)

-106.7*** (30.21)

-27.15*** (7.104)

77.80*** (12.01)

-124.2*** (21.473)

-132.3*** (16.05)

12.703*** (1.405)

-11.949*** (2.3031)

Wheat -0.081 (7.195)

-4.102 (3.139)

0.829 (2.366)

101.2* (55.11)

16.575* (8.869)

-67.54*** (11.23)

112.59*** (30.83)

135.5*** (31.36)

-11.949*** (2.303)

12.133** (5.2913)

White’s heteroskedasticity consistent asymptotic standard error is in parentheses below each point estimate. *, **, and *** indicate significantly different from zero at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level, respectively.

Page 50: Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture...Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture Jesse Tack, Rulon Pope1, Jeffrey LaFrance2, Timothy Graciano3, and Scott Colby4 Abstract

Figure 1. 48 State Spatial Correlation, Rank 3 State-Level Variable Costs.

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
















Sample Correlation

Predicted Correlation

95% Confidence Band

'( )iid

Page 51: Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture...Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture Jesse Tack, Rulon Pope1, Jeffrey LaFrance2, Timothy Graciano3, and Scott Colby4 Abstract


Appendix A

Let xn x X be an nx–vector of variable inputs, let xn

w W be an nx–vector of var-

iable input prices, let yn y Y be an ny–vector of outputs, let zn

z Z be an nz–

vector of fixed inputs, let :F X Y Z be a transformation function that defines the boundary of a closed, convex production possibilities set with free disposal in inputs and out-puts, let : , X W Y Z X be an nx–vector of variable input demand functions, and let

:C W Y Z be a variable cost function,

( , , ) min : ( , , ) 0, ( , , ),c C F x

w y z w x x y z x w X w y z0T T (A.1)

where the symbol T denotes vector and matrix transposition. The purpose of this appendix is to prove that short-run cost-minimizing variable input demands, ( , , )x X w y z , can be writ-

ten in the form ( , , )cx X w z if and only if ( , , ( , )) ( , , ( , ))c C F w z y z x z y z .

The neoclassical model of conditional demands for variable inputs with joint production, fixed inputs, and production uncertainty is

( , , ) arg min : ( , , ) 0, ,F X w y z w x x y z x 0T (A.2)

where x is an nx–vector of positive variable inputs with corresponding positive prices, w , y is an ny–vector of planned outputs, z is an nz–vector of fixed inputs, F is the real valued transformation function that defines the boundary of a closed, convex production possibilities set with free disposal in the inputs and the outputs, X maps variable input prices, planned outputs, and fixed inputs into variable input demand functions, and

( , , ) ( , , ),C w y z w X w y zT is the positive-valued variable cost function. By Shephard’s Lem-ma, we have

1( , , ) ( ) ( , , ) .xnC C w C w wX w y z w, y, z T (A.3)

X is homogeneous of degree zero in w by the derivative property of homogeneous func-tions. Integrating with respect to w to recover the variable cost function, we obtain

( , , ) ( , , , ( , )),c C C w y z w y z y z (A.4)

where : Y Z is the constant of integration. In the present case, this means that is

constant with respect to w. In general, is a function of y and z and its structure cannot be identified from the variable input demands because it captures that part of the joint produc-tion process relating to fixed inputs and outputs that is separable from the variable inputs.

Under standard conditions, the variable cost function is strictly decreasing in z, strictly in-creasing in y, jointly convex in ( , ),y z increasing, concave and homogeneous of degree one in

w . We are free to choose the sign of so that, with no loss of generality, 0.C

Since C is strictly increasing in , a unique inverse exists such that ( , , , )c w y z ,

Page 52: Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture...Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture Jesse Tack, Rulon Pope1, Jeffrey LaFrance2, Timothy Graciano3, and Scott Colby4 Abstract


where : W Y Z , is the inverse of C with respect to . ( , , , )cw y z is called

the quasi-indirect production transformation function, analogous to the quasi-indirect utility function of consumer theory (Hausman 1981; Epstein 1982; LaFrance 1985, 1986, 1990, 2004; and LaFrance and Hanemann 1989). For all interior and feasible ( , )y z , the function is strictly increasing in c, strictly decreasing and quasi-convex in w, and positively homoge-neous of degree zero in (w, c).

The following two identities are simple implications of the inverse function theorem:

( , , , ( , , , ));c C c w y z w y z (A.5)

and ( , , , ( , , , )).C w y z w y z (A.6)

This lets one write the conditional demands for the variable inputs as

( , , , ).C c wx G w y z (A.7)

Equation (A.7) gives the rationale for writing the factor demands as a function of c as well as ( , , )w y z . Thus, given the above regularity conditions for F and C, one can always write the system of factor demands as functions of cost.

Now define the quasi-production transformation function by

( , , ) min ( , , , ) .


x y z w y z w x 0

T (A.8)

The terminology quasi-production transformation function indicates that ( , , )x y z only re-veals part of the structure of the joint production process. It cannot, and does not, reveal

( , ).y z This is analogous to the situation where one only recovers part of a direct utility function when analyzing the market demands for a subset of consumption goods.

The identity ( , ) ( , , , ( , , , ( , )))Cy z w y z w y z y z implies

( , ) ( , , , ( , , , ( , ))) min ( , , , ) ( , , ),C


y z w y z w y z y z w y z w x x y z 0

T (A.9)

for all interior and feasible ( , , ).x y z This inequality follows from the fact that ( , )y z is fea-sible but not necessarily optimal in the minimization problem. The part of ( , , )F x y z not con-tained in ( , , )x y z is given by (Diewert 1975; Epstein 1975; Hausman 1981; and LaFrance and Hanemman 1989),

( , , ) ( , , , ( , )).F Fx y z x y z y z (A.10)

The quasi-production transformation function is the unique solution, ( , , ) x y z , to the

implicit function, ( , , , ) 0,F x y z in other words, ( , , , ( , , )) 0.F x y z x y z

The function ( , , )x y z in (9) conveys full information about the marginal rates of substi-tution between variable inputs but only partially so for outputs and fixed inputs. This is again

Page 53: Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture...Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture Jesse Tack, Rulon Pope1, Jeffrey LaFrance2, Timothy Graciano3, and Scott Colby4 Abstract


analogous to the situation in consumption theory when one analyzes only a subset of the goods purchased and consumed. This can be shown by applying the implicit function theorem to ,F which gives

( , , , ( , , ))( , , ) ,

( , , , ( , , ))

( , , , ( , , ))( , , ) ,

( , , , ( , , ))

( , , , ( , , ))( , , ) .

( , , , ( , , ))










x y z x y zx y z

x y z x y z

x y z x y zx y z

x y z x y z

x y z x y zx y z

x y z x y z


This demonstrates that conveys full information on marginal rates of substitution between variable inputs,

( , , ) ( , , , ( , , )) ( , , )

, , 1, , ,( , , ) ( , , , ( , , )) ( , , )

i i ix

j j j

x F x F xi j n

x F x F x

x y z x y z x y z x y z

x y z x y z x y z x y z


but only partial information on marginal rates of product transformation between outputs,

( , , ) ( , , , ( , )) ( , , , ( , )) ( , )

( , , ) ( , , , ( , )) ( , , , ( , )) ( , )

( , , ), , 1, , ,

( , , )

i i i

j j j



F y F y F y

F y F y F y

yi j n


x y z x y z y z x y z y z y z

x y z x y z y z x y z y z y z

x y z

x y z


and marginal rates of substitution between fixed inputs,

( , , ) ( , , , ( , )) ( , , , ( , )) ( , )

( , , ) ( , , , ( , )) ( , , , ( , )) ( , )

( , , ), , 1, , .

( , , )

i i i

j j j



F z F z F z

F z F z F z

zi j n


x y z x y z y z x y z y z y z

x y z x y z y z x y z y z y z

x y z

x y z


This background leads directly to the following result.

Proposition 1: The following functional structures are equivalent:

( , , ) ( , , );c x X w y z X w z (A.15)

( , , ) ( , , ( , ));c C C w y z w z y z (A.16)

and 0 ( , , ) ( , , ( , )).F F x y z x z y z (A.17)

Proof: (A.16) (A.15). Differentiating (A.16) with respect to w, Shephard’s Lemma im-

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.C wx (A.18)

C is strictly monotonic in and has a unique inverse with respect to , say ( , , )c w z . Sub-stituting this into (A.18) obtains

( , , ( , , )) ( , , ).C c c wx w z w z X w z (A.19)

(A.17) (A.15) (A.16). If the representation of technology has the separable structure in (A.17), then

arg min : ( , , ( , )) 0, ( , , ( , )).F w x x z y z x X w z y z0 T (A.20)

This implies that the variable cost function has the separable structure

( , , ( , )) ( , , ( , )).C w X w z y z w z y zT (A.21)

(A.16) (A.17). Given (A.16), the quasi-production transformation function satisfies

( , ) min ( , , ) .


x z w z w x0

T (A.22)

This implies that

( , ) ( , , ( , , ( , ))) ( , )C y z x z x z y z x z , (A.23)

for all interior, feasible ( , , ) x y z X Y Z , with the boundary of the closed and convex pro-duction possibilities set defined by equality on the far right. Since is independent of y, equations (A.11) and (A.13) imply

( , , ) ( , )

, , 1, , .( , , ) ( , )

i iy

j j

F y yi j n

F y y

x y z y z

x y z y z (A.24)

Hence, the marginal rates of transformation between outputs are independent of variable in-puts,

( , , ) ( , )

0, , 1, , , 1, , ,( , , ) ( , )

i iy x

k j k j

F y yi j n k n

x F y x y

x y z y z

x y z y z (A.25)

Thus, y is separable from x in the joint production transformation function (Goldman and Uzawa 1964, Lemma 1), that is, ( , , ) ( , , ( , ))F F x y z x z y z .

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Appendix B

Sufficiency Algebra for Proposition 2

Define the function : by


0( , ) [ ( ) ( , ) ] ,

xx y y s s y ds (B.1)

where : is an arbitrary smooth function and w is subject to the pair of initial condi-

tions, (0, )w y y and 2(0, ) ,w y x y to ensure that the definition is unique and smooth.

Given two arbitrary smooth functions : xn and : ,yz

nn by Leibniz’ Rule

of differentiation, we have

2( ( ), ( , )) ( )( ( )) ( ( ), ( , )) .

w z y w

w w z yw w


Given a monotonic, smooth function : , 0,f f define the relationship be-

tween f and by ( ) ( ) ,f , , , : ,xn and 1. Let the

cost function be : qx znn nc and denote an arbitrary positive-valued, 1 ho-

mogeneous, increasing, and concave deflator by : .xn The projective transfor-

mation group representation of any exactly aggregable ex ante cost function is

( , , ) ( ) ( ), ( , )) ( )

.( ) ( ) ( ), ( , )) ( )


w z y w w z y w

w w w z y w (B.3)

Hereafter, suppress all arguments of all functions and use bold italics subscripts to denote

vector-valued partial derivatives. For example, rewrite (B.2) compactly as 2( ) . w w

The inverse of (B.3) with respect to w is ( ) ( ).f f Combine this with the identification normalization 1 to obtain the following:


,f f f

f f f


or equivalently, 1 ( ).f Multiply each side of this by the corresponding side

of equation (B.3) to obtain 2( ) ( ) ( ) .f f These relationships are used in what follows to simplify expressions.

Our task is to differentiate (B.3) with respect to w, combine terms, and rewrite the expres-

sion that results so that the elements of 2{1, , }f f appear on the right. Differentiating gives

Page 56: Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture...Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture Jesse Tack, Rulon Pope1, Jeffrey LaFrance2, Timothy Graciano3, and Scott Colby4 Abstract


2 2

2 2

( ) ( ( )

( (

( ( ) ] ( ( ) ].

c cf

w w

f f f

w w w w w w w w

w w w w w w


The second line follows from 1 ( ) f , 2( ) ( ) ( ) ,f f and 2( ) . w w Group terms in on the second line of (B.5) to obtain


2 2

( ( )

( ( ) ( .

c cf f f

f f f

w ww w w w

w w w


Substituting ( ) ( )f f into the second line of (B.6) now leads to




( ( )

( ( ) (

( ( ) ( )( ) ( ) .

c cf f f

f ff f f

f f

f f f f f

w ww w w w

w w w

w w w w w w w


Expanding the quadratic forms and grouping terms in f in the last line of (B.7) gives



2 2 2


2 2 2

2 2

( )

( )

( )

( 2 )

( ) ( 2 ) ( )

( 2 ) ( )

( )


c cf f f


f f

f f

f f

f f

w ww w w w

w w w w

w w w w


w w w w w w

w w w w w w w

w w w

2 2 2

2( )

( ) .



w w w w w

w w w


Grouping terms in w as well gives

Page 57: Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture...Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture Jesse Tack, Rulon Pope1, Jeffrey LaFrance2, Timothy Graciano3, and Scott Colby4 Abstract



2 2

( ) ( )

( ) ( ) .

c cf f f

f f

w ww w w w w w w w



Finally, solving for c w x gives


2 2

( ) ( )

( ) ( ) .

c f ff

f f

ww w w w w w w w




Page 58: Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture...Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture Jesse Tack, Rulon Pope1, Jeffrey LaFrance2, Timothy Graciano3, and Scott Colby4 Abstract


Appendix C

Specifying the Cost Function

The first 1xn variable input prices, w, and total variable cost, c, are normalized by the aver-

age wage rate for hired farm labor, .xnw We consider the following transformation of normal-

ized variable cost, which nests the PIGLOG and PIGL class of models,

( ) ( 1) ,f c c ( ) ,f c c 2( ) ( 1) ,f c c .

This includes all of the real-valued Gorman functional forms, with ( )f c c when 1, and

lim ( ) 1 ln .f c c

Therefore, the highest rank that the variable input demands can achieve is

three (Gorman 1981; Lewbel 1987; LaFrance and Pope 2009).

Previous empirical work considered translated Box-Cox functions of input prices,

( 1) , [0,1], 1, , 1,i xw i n to nest models with that have log prices, power

functions of prices, and are linear prices. In the national model 1 is optimal on this inter-val and for our data set. Hence, we restrict attention here to normalized input prices. Our pre-vious empirical results using this data at state- and national-levels of aggregation and various levels of aggregation across inputs, suggests quite strongly that rank three over-parameterizes this data set (Ball, et al., 2010). Hence, we focus here on rank two:

10 1 20 2

1 1

( ( , , , , )) ( , , ) ( ) ( , , , ),

( ) ( , , )( , , , ) ,

( )

( , , ) ( ) ( ) ,

( ) 2 1,

[ ] ,y yt n n

f c A K A K A K

f c A Kc A K


y a y a

w a Y w w a Y



w w w

w w Bw w

Y y a





where iy is the expected (planned) yield for the ith crop, ia is the acreage planted to this

crop, and the symbol denotes the Hadamard/Schur product for matrices and vectors. This

appendix identifies restrictions on the parameters in (C.1) that are necessary and sufficient for economic regularity of the variable cost function.

Monotonicity in w:

1 2

11 2 2

( )

( ) ,

cc A K

fc A K


x Bw




Page 59: Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture...Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture Jesse Tack, Rulon Pope1, Jeffrey LaFrance2, Timothy Graciano3, and Scott Colby4 Abstract


where 1 1[ ]xnx x x T is the (nx–1)–vector of the first nx–1 input quantities, excluding labor.

Concavity in w:

22 1



2 2

( 1) ( )( )

1 ( )( ),

c c cc c

c fc


B Bw Bww w w w

Bw Bwxx B

w w







The first matrix on the right-hand-side of the second line is rank and is negative semi-definite if and only if 1. The matrix in square brackets on the far right of the second line will be

positive semi-definite if B LL T T , where L is a triangular matrix with nonzero main di-

agonal elements. This makes the following nxnx matrix positive definite:

1 1 1 1





, (C.4)

since it give a Choleski factorization of the matrix on the left. It follows from this that

12 1 [ 1] 011


B ww Bw w w w


T, and

( )( )

2 1

Bw BwB

w Bw w


T T is pos-

itive semi-definite, by the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality in nx–dimensional Euclidean space. Given this, the second term on the right-hand-side of the second line of equation (C.3) will be negative semi-definite if and only if .f

Constant returns to scale (CRS):


a Ya YT T


We believe that we have a much more accurate measure of capital than we do of land. Hence, we normalize by the value of capital rather than land in farms.

Monotonicity in ( , , , ) :A K a Y

10 1 20 20, 0,

, .

c cc c


c cc c

w w

a a Y Y0 0



Joint Convexity in ( , , , ) :A K a Y

Page 60: Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture...Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture Jesse Tack, Rulon Pope1, Jeffrey LaFrance2, Timothy Graciano3, and Scott Colby4 Abstract


2 2 2 2


2 2 2 2


2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2


c c c c c cA A K A A A Ac c c c c c

K A K K K K Kc ccc c c c

A Kc cc c c c


a Y

a Y

a aa a a a a Y

Y YY Y a Y Y Y





2 2 2 2


2 2 2 2


2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2



K A K K Kc



a Y

a Y

a a a a a Y

Y Y a Y Y Y







The first matrix on the right is rank one and will be positive semi-definite if and only if 1. Therefore, ( , , , , )c A Kw a Y will be concave in w and jointly convex in ( , , , )A K a Y

more than locally if and only if 1. We estimated the rank two model using the Box-Cox transformation on cost. The NL3SLS/GMM point estimate for is 1.124 with a classical (Gaussian) asymptotic standard error of .152 and a White/Huber heteroskedasticity consistent standard error of .111. We can not reject a null hypothesis of 1 in either case at the 25% significance level. Hence, in this paper we restrict our attention to 1.

Given this restriction, the cost function will be jointly convex in ( , , , )A K a Y if and only if the Hessian matrix for ,

2 2 2 2


2 2 2 2


2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2






a Y

a Y

a a a a a Y

Y Y a Y Y Y






is positive semi-definite. Given these considerations, the specification for employed in the paper is


5 6 71 2 3 4( , , , ) ½ ,t t t t t

t t t t t t t tt



a a Y Ya Y a Y


T T (C.9)

where 1 2 5, , 0 , 3 4, , 0 and 6 7, are symmetric and positive semidefinite. The im-plied constraints for monotonicity can be written as

Page 61: Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture...Intertemporal Risk Management in Agriculture Jesse Tack, Rulon Pope1, Jeffrey LaFrance2, Timothy Graciano3, and Scott Colby4 Abstract


0 11 5

25 6 6 7 2 3

2 2

6 63


0 min max ,( )

0 min ½ max ,( )

max ,

min .

t t t

t tt t

t t t t t

t tt t


tt t

t t

t tt

c At


c At







0 0





a a Y Y w





These can be imposed iteratively in estimation, if necessary (LaFrance 1991). In this paper, we checked for the monotonicity conditions at each data point given the parameter estimates obtained without imposing monotonicity.

Also, given that 0,tK the implied curvature conditions are that the matrix

25 5

25 5 6 6 7 6 7

26 6 6

27 7

( )y y

y y y

y y y

t t t n n

t t t t t t t t t t

n t t n n

n t t n n t





a a Y Y a Y



0 0

0 0

0 0




is positive semidefinite. This can be imposed during estimation with the Choleski factors,

6 6 6 TL L and 7 7 7, TL L with 6L and 7L lower triangular Choleski factors for 6 and

7 , respectively, and the inequality 5 0. In this paper, only the matrix 7 7 7 L L T is esti-mated as part of the arbitrage conditions.

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Appendix D

Specification Errors and Parameter Stability Tests

Many diagnostic procedures for testing parameter stability and model specification errors have been developed. Few are designed for large systems of nonlinear simultaneous equa-tions in small samples. These properties preclude using recursive-forecast residuals or Chow tests based on sequential sample splits to analyze specification errors or non-constant parame-ters Brown, Durbin, and Evans 1975; Harvey 1990, 1993; Hendry 1995). It is desirable to test whether the data are consistent with the model specification and constant parameters. LaFrance (2008) derived a set of specification and parameter stability diagnostics for this class of problems. These test statistics rely on the estimated in-sample residuals and have power against a range of alternatives, including non-constant parameters and specification errors. The purpose of this section is to discuss briefly the main ideas that underpin this class of test statistics.

If the model is stationary and the errors are innovations, then consistent estimates of the model parameters can be found in any number of ways. Given consistent parameter esti-mates, the estimated errors converge in probability (and therefore, in distribution) to the true

errors, ˆP

t t . Therefore, for each 1, , 1,xi n by the central limit theorem for stationary

Martingale differences, we have






, (D.1)

where 2 2( )i itE is the variance of the residual for the ith demand equation. Moreover, for

any given proportion of the sample, uniformly in [0,1],z

[ ]


1(0, )

zT D


N zT

, (D.2)

where [ ]zT is the largest integer that does not exceed zT. The variance is z because we sum [zT] independent terms each with variance 1/T. Multiplying (D.1) by z and subtracting from (D.2) then gives

[ ]


1( ) (1) ( )

zT D

it iti

W z zW B zT

, (D.3)

where W(z) is a standard Brownian motion on the unit interval, with ( ) ~ (0, )W z N z , and

( )B z is a standard Brownian bridge, or tied Brownian motion. For all z [0,1], B(z) has an

asymptotic Gaussian distribution, with mean zero and standard deviation (1 )z z

(Bhattacharya and Waymire, 1990). For a given z – that is, to test for a break point in the model at a fixed and known date – an asymptotic 95% confidence interval for B(z) is

1.96 (1 )z z . To check for an unknown break point, a statistic based on the supremum


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sup ( )T Tz

Q B z


has an asymptotic 5% critical value of 1.36 (Ploberger and Krämer, 1992).

We can use consistently estimated residuals and consistently estimated standard errors to obtain sample analogues to these asymptotic Brownian bridges. This gives

[ ]


1ˆ ˆ( ) ( ) ( )


zT D

iT it iti

B z B zT

, (D.5)

also uniformly in [0,1]z , so long as the model specification is correct and the parameters are constant across time periods. This statistic is a single equation first-order specifica-tion/parameter stability statistic since it is based on the first-order moment conditions,

( ) 0 ,itE i t . A system-wide first-order specification/parameter stability statistic can be

defined by

[ ]

1 1

1 1 ˆ ˆ( ) ( ) ( )qnzT D

T itt ix

B z B zT n

, (D.6)

where ½ˆ ˆ ˆt t

is the tth estimated standardized error vector and 1 1

ˆ ˆqT n

it xt in T


Similar methods apply to second-order stationarity and parameter staibility. We focus on system-wide statistics. Let be factored into LLT , where L is lower triangular and nonsingu-lar. Define the random vector t by t t L . In addition to the assumptions above, add


,sup ( )it

i tE . Estimate the within-period average sum of squared standardized residuals by

11 1ˆ ˆ ˆˆ ˆˆt t t t tn n T T , (D.7)

where t̂ is the vector of consistently estimated residuals in period t and 1ˆ ˆ ˆT

t ttT T is

the associated consistently estimated error covariance matrix. The mean of the true t is one

for each t, and the martingale difference property of t is inherited by 1.t A consistent

estimator of the asymptotic variance of t is

2 2


1ˆˆ ( 1)



. (D.8)

A system wide second-order specification/parameter stability test statistic is obtained by calculating centered and standardized partial sums of ˆt ,

[ ]


1 ˆ( ) ( 1) ( )ˆ


T tTt

B z B zT

, (D.9)

uniformly in [0,1]z . The limiting distribution follows from the identity 1ˆ ˆ 1T

tt T .

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