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Short  intro  to  HTML5  

Jussi  Pohjolainen  Tampere  University  of  Applied  Sciences  

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•  Fi#h  version  of  HTML  standard  by  W3C  •  SCll  under  development  but  lot  of  browsers  support  the  proposal  of  the  standard  

•  Simple  markup  that  can  be  wriFen  either  in  HTML  or  XHTML  syntax  

•  PotenCal  candidate  for  cross  pla0orm  mobile  apps  

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•  "Replacement  for  Flash"  –  See  comparison:    

•  hFp://  

•  HTML5  must  be  supplemented  with  other  technologies  like  CSS3  and  JS  – HTML5  recommendaCon  specifies  html  markup  and  APIs  for  that  can  be  used  with  JS  

•  Plan  is  to  have  HTML5  recommendaCon  by  the  end  of  2014  

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HTML5  vs  XHTML5  •  XHTML5  is  XML  serializaCon  of  HTML5  

–  internet  media  type:  applica&on/xhtml+xml  or  applica&on/xml  

–  <!DOCTYPE  html>  •  HTML5  

–  <!DOCTYPE  html>  opConal  •  HTML5  uses  polyglot  markup  

–  valid  HTML  document  and  well-­‐formed  XML  document  –  Certain  elements  are  wriFen  using  minimized  tag  <br/>  –  And  certain  not:  <p></p>  –  hFp://­‐xhtml-­‐author-­‐guide/html-­‐xhtml-­‐authoring-­‐guide.html#empty-­‐elements  

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Minimal  HTML5  document  <!-- XML declaration is required --> <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title> </title> <!-- UTF-8 is recommended --> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <svg xmlns=""> <rect stroke="black" fill="blue" x="45px" y="45px" width="200px" height="100px" stroke-width="2" /> </svg> </body> </html>

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What  is  New?  

•  New  elements,  aFributes  – SemanCc  elements,  HTML5  Forms  

•  Video  and  audio  – Lot  easier  to  show  <video>  and  <audio>  

•  2D/3D  Graphics  – <canvas>  -­‐  element,  inline  SVG,  CSS  2D/3D  

•  New  APIs  – Data  storage,  SQL  Database,  JS  workers  

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Video   <video width="320" height="240" controls="controls">

<source src="scroll_indicator.mp4" type="video/mp4">

<source src="scroll_indicator.ogg" type="video/ogg">

Your browser does not support the video tag.


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SemanCc  Elements  

•  Before  – <div  id="header">..</div>  

•  Now  – <secCon>,  <arCcle>,  <header>,  <nav>  

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•  Implement  HTML5  document  and  use  the  new  features:  – header,  footer,  video,  arCcle,  secCon,  hgroup,  aside,  figure,  figcapCon,  Cme,  mark,  wbr,    

•  See:  – hFp://www.html-­‐5-­‐  

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•  APIs  and  DOM  is  fundamental  part  of  the  specificaCon  

•  APIs  – Offline  Web  apps  – Drag  and  drop  – GeolocaCon  – Web  SQL  database  – …  

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GeolocaCon  API  

•  GeolocaCon  API  SpecificaCon  – hFp://­‐source.html  

•  To  detect  the  locaCon  of  the  client  •  In  mobile:  GPS,  in  desktop  IP-­‐address  or  Wi-­‐Fi  locaCon  

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Browser  Support  

•  IE9  •  Firefox  3.5  •  Chrome  5  •  Opera  10.6  •  Safari  5  •  iPhone  3  •  Android  2  •  WP  7.5  

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function setText(val, e) { document.getElementById(e).value = val; } function insertText(val, e) { document.getElementById(e).value += val; } var nav = null; function requestPosition() { if (nav == null) { nav = window.navigator; } if (nav != null) { var geoloc = nav.geolocation; if (geoloc != null) { geoloc.getCurrentPosition(successCallback); } else { alert("geolocation not supported"); } } else { alert("Navigator not found"); } } function successCallback(position) { alert("" + position.coords.latitude + ", " + position.coords.longitude); }

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Showing  Map  on  Google  API  

•  hFp://<laCtude>,<longitude>&zoom=10&size=200x200&maptype=roadmap  

•  See:    – hFps://  

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Wunderground  +  GeolocaCon  +  Google  staCc  map  

•  Wunderground  provides  JSON  API  for  weather  informaCon  

•  Get  locaCon  of  the  browser  and  AJAX  request  to  wunderground  

•  Aqer  receiving  the  result,  parse  it  and  show  results  in  html.  

•  Problem:  AJAX  does  not  work  cross  site..  You  can  implement  middleware  (PHP)  

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Mobile  App  (iPhone)  

Web  app!  

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Mobile  App  (iPhone)  

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•  “The  canvas  element  a  resolu&on-­‐dependent  bitmap  canvas,  which  can  be  used  for  dynamically  rendering  of  images  such  as  game  graphics,  graphs,  or  other  images”  

•  Image  is  drawn  in  JavaScript  using  typical  vector  graphics  drawing  primiCves  –  drawImage(),  lineTo(),  arcTo(),  bezierCurveTo(),  fillRect(),  scale(),  rotate(),  translate(),  createLinearGradient(),  shadowBlur(),  …    

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Simple  Drawing  using  Canvas  and  JS  

<canvas id="mycanvas" width="200" height="200">



var canvas= document.getElementById('mycanvas');

var context = canvas.getContext('2d');



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PossibiliCes  •  Simple  shapes  (Rectangles)  •  Complex  shapes  (Paths)    •  Lines  •  Shadows  •  Text  •  Images  •  Pixel  manipulaCon  •  Colors  and  styles  •  ComposiCng  •  TransformaCons  •  Canvas  state    

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ImplemenCng  a  Game  

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main  function main() { createCanvas(); // Original position reset(); // Millisecs elapsed since 1970. then =; loadImages(); setEventListeners(); //The setInterval() method calls a function or evaluates an expression at //specified intervals (in milliseconds). setInterval(gameLoop, 1); } window.onload=function(){ main(); }

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Game  Objects  and  Global  Variables  var keysDown = {}; var bgImage = null; var canvas = null; var ctx = null; var then; var monstersCaught = 0; // Game objects var hero = {

speed: 256, x: 0, y: 0, myImage: null

}; var monster = {

x: 0, y: 0, myImage: null


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Game  Loop  function gameLoop () {

var now =;

var delta = now - then;

update(delta / 1000);


then = now;


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Create  Canvas  function createCanvas() { // Create canvas element canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); // Get the canvas object that you can use to draw ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); // Set size for the canvas object canvas.width = 512; canvas.height = 480; document.getElementById("here").appendChild(canvas); }

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StarCng  point  function reset() {

hero.x = canvas.width / 2;

hero.y = canvas.height / 2;

// Throw the monster somewhere on the screen randomly

monster.x = 32 + (Math.random() * (canvas.width - 64));

monster.y = 32 + (Math.random() * (canvas.height - 64));


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Load  Image  function loadImage(imageSrc) {

var image = new Image();

image.src = imageSrc;

return image;


function loadImages() {

hero.myImage = loadImage("lib/hero.png");

monster.myImage = loadImage("lib/monster.png");

bgImage = loadImage("lib/background.jpg");


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Key  Listeners  function setEventListeners() {

// If keydown, then add the key to the array and set it true

addEventListener("keydown", function (e) {

keysDown[e.keyCode] = true;

}, false);

// If keyup, remove it from the array

addEventListener("keyup", function (e) {

delete keysDown[e.keyCode];

}, false);


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Update  function update (modifier) {

if (38 in keysDown) { // Player holding up hero.y -= hero.speed * modifier; } if (40 in keysDown) { // Player holding down hero.y += hero.speed * modifier; } if (37 in keysDown) { // Player holding left hero.x -= hero.speed * modifier; } if (39 in keysDown) { // Player holding right hero.x += hero.speed * modifier; }

// Are they touching? if ( hero.x <= (monster.x + 32) && monster.x <= (hero.x + 32) && hero.y <= (monster.y + 32) && monster.y <= (hero.y + 32) ) { ++monstersCaught; reset(); }


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Render  function render() {

ctx.drawImage(bgImage, 0, 0);

ctx.drawImage(hero.myImage, hero.x, hero.y);

ctx.drawImage(monster.myImage, monster.x, monster.y);

// Score

ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(250, 250, 250)";

ctx.font = "12px Helvetica";

ctx.textAlign = "left";

ctx.textBaseline = "top";

ctx.fillText("FB Monsters caught: " + monstersCaught, 20, 20);


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