Page 1: Introduction -  · Web viewCleeren, van Heerde & Dekimpe (2013, p.71) state that: " Even though previous studies have discussed the impact of both crisis characteristics

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Page 2: Introduction -  · Web viewCleeren, van Heerde & Dekimpe (2013, p.71) state that: " Even though previous studies have discussed the impact of both crisis characteristics
Page 3: Introduction -  · Web viewCleeren, van Heerde & Dekimpe (2013, p.71) state that: " Even though previous studies have discussed the impact of both crisis characteristics



1 Introduction............................................................................................................1

2 Numbered subtitle level 1......................................................................................2

3 Numbered subtitle level 1......................................................................................2

3.1 Numbered subtitle level 2..............................................................................2

3.1.1 Numbered subtitle level 3....................................................................2

4 Numbered subtitle level 1......................................................................................5

4.1 Numbered subtitle level 2..............................................................................5

4.1.1 Numbered subtitle level 3....................................................................5

5 Bibliography...........................................................................................................6

Appendix 1......................................................................................................................... i

Appendix 2........................................................................................................................ ii

Press release................................................................................................................... iii

1 This document might contain (parts of) texts from earlier submitted documents within the same educational programme, related to the Master’s Thesis process of the same author as the author of this work.

Page 4: Introduction -  · Web viewCleeren, van Heerde & Dekimpe (2013, p.71) state that: " Even though previous studies have discussed the impact of both crisis characteristics


Abstract text (min. 100 words -- max. 150 words)

An abstract is a concise summary of the Master's thesis. It must describe what you have done, why your study is relevant, how you conducted your study, and what the most important results or conclusions are.

This is a template. All styles that must be used for titles and text have been selected in advance. You can find them under the 'Home' tab (in the top right corner). Use the Title style to type the word Abstract in the title.

Page 5: Introduction -  · Web viewCleeren, van Heerde & Dekimpe (2013, p.71) state that: " Even though previous studies have discussed the impact of both crisis characteristics

Acknowledgements (optional)

You may include brief acknowledgements, for example to thank family and friends for their support, your supervisor for his/her feedback, or individuals or institutions because they helped you with collecting data. Acknowledgements are not compulsory. Use the Dankwoord style to type the word Acknowledgements in the title.

Page 6: Introduction -  · Web viewCleeren, van Heerde & Dekimpe (2013, p.71) state that: " Even though previous studies have discussed the impact of both crisis characteristics

1 Introduction

Type the introductory text here. Below are a number of practical guidelines.

The individual final report should be submitted electronically. See the Student platform for the submission deadlines and procedure.

The suggested length of the individual final report (including figures, tables, and references, exclusive of appendices) is 9000 words.

A table of contents must be included (see page 1). There are no indexes of tables and figures to be included. The table of contents is already part of the present template. If you use the styles correctly, the table of contents will always show correctly. To update the table of contents, select it and press F9, then check the 'Update entire table' box. The titles and page numbers will update automatically. Note that using wrong styles may generate errors.

Page margins: 3 cm to the left and right; 2 cm to the other sides. The margins of this template are the correct ones.

Use the Heading 1 style to type the word Introduction.


Page 7: Introduction -  · Web viewCleeren, van Heerde & Dekimpe (2013, p.71) state that: " Even though previous studies have discussed the impact of both crisis characteristics

2 Numbered subtitle level 1

Add text here. The standard font is Arial. The subtitle and regular text styles are: Heading 1, Heading 2 and Heading 3.


Page 8: Introduction -  · Web viewCleeren, van Heerde & Dekimpe (2013, p.71) state that: " Even though previous studies have discussed the impact of both crisis characteristics

3 Numbered subtitle level 1

Use this style for numbered titles in your thesis. Pages are numbered to create structure. We advise to use no more than three levels. If you use more levels, there is a chance that your text becomes overly structured. This is the first level. If you work with styles, you will see that the numbers are automatically added to your text.

3.1 Numbered subtitle level 2

This is the second level.

3.1.1 Numbered subtitle level 3

This is the third level.

Normal font. Normal font is Arial 10. Line spacing = multiple 1.15. Justified paragraphs. No indent at the start of the paragraph. White space in front of the paragraph = 0 pt., after the paragraph = 12 pt. If you use the 'Normal' style, those two settings are automatically applied.

The font for mathematical formulae is Cambria Math 11. This looks as follows: A=π r2.

Page numbers (in the middle, below) start on the page with the abstract.

Footnotes2 must be numbered and placed at the bottom of the page. They must be numbered consecutively throughout the text. The font used in footnotes is Arial 9.

Layout of figures and tables:

Add a number and a title to each table and figure (use Arabic numerals). Write the title and number above the table or figure.

Tables and figures must be numbered separately, i.e. there is a Table 1 and a Figure 1.

Tables and figures must be numbered consecutively.

Make sure that the title is short and it clearly describes what the table or figure demonstrates.

Tables and figures must be made in such a way that the reader is able to interpret them easily and without having to read any additional explanation. It should be clear to the reader which unit you use (numbers, shares, euros, dollars, etc.) if you use numbers; which dependent variable you use in your analysis; which independent variables and control variables you use; which method you use; what the level of significance of the relations is, etc.

If the figure or table is a representation of your own work (e.g. the conceptual framework that you designed yourself or the expression of the results), than you need not mention any source.

If the figure or table is a representation of someone else's work or is partly based on someone else's work, mention the source clearly under the figure or table.

2 This is a footnote.3

Page 9: Introduction -  · Web viewCleeren, van Heerde & Dekimpe (2013, p.71) state that: " Even though previous studies have discussed the impact of both crisis characteristics

Perceived effectiveness in the role of...

Strategic partner

Change agent

Administrative expert

Employee champion

Generally perceived

effectiveness of the HR department







Consistency of HRM messagesConformityDistributive justice

Procedural justice


Tables and figures must be placed in the text near the place where they are discussed in that text.

Avoid copy-pasting output tables generated with econometrics software. They sometimes contain superfluous information and the lay-out is often below the desired level. It is therefore advisable to compile your own tables with only relevant information and results.

Also avoid scanning and copy-pasting existing tables or figures. Try, if possible, to create your own figures.

Below are two examples. The Caption style is used for the title of a table or figure.

Figure 1 Conceptual framework

Source: based on Bowen & Ostroff (2004) and Ulrich (1997).

Table 1 Response of the respondents by age and sex

Entrepreneurs with staff

Entrepreneurs without staff Total-30

years30-49 years

+50 years

-30 years

30-49 years

+50 years

Male 35.9%







Female 12%







Total 47.8%








Page 10: Introduction -  · Web viewCleeren, van Heerde & Dekimpe (2013, p.71) state that: " Even though previous studies have discussed the impact of both crisis characteristics

4 Numbered subtitle level 1

4.1 Numbered subtitle level 2

4.1.1 Numbered subtitle level 3

Normal font.


Page 11: Introduction -  · Web viewCleeren, van Heerde & Dekimpe (2013, p.71) state that: " Even though previous studies have discussed the impact of both crisis characteristics

5 Reference list

Use the Heading 1 style to type the word Reference list.

Referring to sources in the text must be done as follows:

Referring to sources with two authors

As subject of the sentence:

Bowen and Ostroff (2004) conclude that…

If you summarise results or conclusions of existing research but you do not mention the authors as the subject of the sentence:

Previous research shows that... (Bowen & Ostroff, 2004; Delery & Shaw, 2001).

If you refer to several articles, the enumeration between brackets must be arranged in alphabetically.

Referring to sources with several authors

As subject of the sentence:

Parasuraman et al. (1998) noted that …

If you summarise results or conclusions of existing research but you do not mention the authors as the subject of the sentence:

It appears from previous research that ... (Parasuraman et al., 1998; Wright et al., 2001).

If you refer to several articles, the enumeration between brackets must be arranged in alphabetically.

Referring to two different sources but with the same author(s) and a different year

As subject of the sentence:

Shaw et al. (1995.1998) noted that…

If you summarise results or conclusions of existing research but you do not mention the authors as the subject of the sentence:

Previous research shows that ... (Shaw et al., 1995, 1998).

Referring to two different sources but with the same author(s) and from the same year

As subject of the sentence:

Shaw et al. (1998a, b) noted that …

In his Memorandum, Muyters (2009a, b) writes that ...


Page 12: Introduction -  · Web viewCleeren, van Heerde & Dekimpe (2013, p.71) state that: " Even though previous studies have discussed the impact of both crisis characteristics

If you summarise results or conclusions of existing research but you do not mention the authors as the subject of the sentence:

Previous research shows that ... (Shaw et al., 1998a, b).

It appears from several memoranda that ... (Muyters, 2009a, b).

Referring to a source that is mentioned in another source:

As subject of the sentence:

Paauwe (2007) (quoted by Thunnissen et al., 2013) refers to ...

If you summarise results or conclusions of existing research but you do not mention the authors as the subject of the sentence:

It appears from previous research that ... (Paauwe, 2007, quoted by Thunnissen et al., 2013).

Both sources must be included in the reference list.

The explanation below clearly shows how you can include quotes in your text. It is of great importance that these guidelines be adhered to. Not meeting these guidelines shall be considered plagiarism (see article 16 of the Master's Thesis Guidelines).

Quoting sources, i.e. words pronounced by others taken verbatim from the text, must be done as follows:

Words taken verbatim from a text, must be placed between quotation marks and be put in italic.

A reference must be made to the page or pages of the original article where the verbatim text can be found.

If certain parts from the text are left out because they are not relevant for your Master's thesis, add [...] to make that clear.

Quoting is only possible if the quotation is written in the same language as the text you are writing in. Consequently, a quote in English has to be from a text written in English. So if you translate Dutch text to English, that text is in fact not a quote but a translation and therefore should neither be italicised nor put between quotation marks.

Some examples:

Bowen and Ostroff (2004, p.204) define an efficient HRM system as "an HRM system that sends signals to employees to make clear what is expected from them".

The authors come to the following conclusion: " Increased media scrutiny increases the price sensitivity of the category, making across-the-board price hikes to protect sales revenue more likely to backfire. However, in line with the theorizing of Berger et al. (2010), we find that an increase in post-crisis advertising becomes a more attractive option, both for the affected brand and for the category as a whole." (Cleeren, van Heerde & Dekimpe, 2013, p.65).

Cleeren, van Heerde & Dekimpe (2013, p.71) state that: "Even though previous studies have discussed the impact of both crisis characteristics (blame and publicity) on post-crisis consumer attitudes and/or behavior, they remain agnostic to what extent managers should adjust their marketing variables depending on these crisis characteristics."


Page 13: Introduction -  · Web viewCleeren, van Heerde & Dekimpe (2013, p.71) state that: " Even though previous studies have discussed the impact of both crisis characteristics

A reference list must be added at the end of the text. This list gives an overview of all sources that are quoted in the text. The references must comply with the mandatory requirements of the Academy of Management Review. This reference style is present in the EndNote Web. If you have used the EndNote Web to organise and manage your literature, it is easy to generate the reference list quickly according to the formal requirements below.

To that end, draw up one single list arranged alphabetically, without breakdown by type of source.

If two sources have the same authors but are from a different year, arrange the sources chronologically, first the oldest and then the more recent sources.

For example:

Huselid, M. 1995. The impact of human resource management practices on turnover, productivity, and corporate financial performance. Academy of Management Journal, 38(3): 635-72.

Huselid, M. 2003. Special issue on small and medium-sized enterprises: A call for more research. Human Resource Management, 42(4): 297-297.

If two sources have the same authors and years, you should add a, b, c, ... to the year. ‘a’ is assigned to the source with the title that comes first alphabetically. You list these sources alphabetically by placing them in the right order, i.e.: ‘a’ before ‘b, b before ‘c’, etc.

For example:

Muyters, P. 2009a. Beleidsnota Financiën en Begroting 2009-2014. (17/09/2013).

Muyters, P. 2009b. Beleidsnota Werk 2009-2014. (17/09/2013).

If two sources have the same first author but different second authors, arrange the sources alphabetically by second author(s).

For example:

Delery, J., & Doty, H. 1996. Modes of theorizing in strategic human resource management: Tests of universalistic, contingency and configurational performance predictions. Academy of Management Journal, 39(4): 802-835.

Delery, J., & Shaw, D. 2001. The strategic management of people in work organizations: review, synthesis and extension. Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management, 20: 165-197.

Take the type of source into account. Each type requires a different reference style. Examples of articles from journals, books, chapters in books, working papers or internet sources (websites) are given below.


Page 14: Introduction -  · Web viewCleeren, van Heerde & Dekimpe (2013, p.71) state that: " Even though previous studies have discussed the impact of both crisis characteristics

Articles from journals

Becker, B., & Huselid, M. 2006. Strategic human resources management: Where do we go from here? Journal of Management, 32(6): 898-925.

Delery, J., & Doty, H. 1996. Modes of theorizing in strategic human resource management: Tests of universalistic, contingency and configurational performance predictions. Academy of Management Journal, 39(4): 802-835.

Delery, J., & Shaw, D. 2001. The strategic management of people in work organizations: review, synthesis and extension. Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management, 20: 165-197.

Huselid, M. 1995. The impact of human resource management practices on turnover, productivity, and corporate financial performance. Academy of Management Journal, 38(3): 635-72.

Huselid, M. 2003. Special issue on small and medium-sized enterprises: A call for more research. Human Resource Management, 42(4): 297-297.

Huselid, M., Beatty, R., & Becker, B. 2005. "A players" or "A positions"? The strategic logic of workforce management. Harvard Business Review, 83(12): 110-117.


Groen, T., & Vasbinder, J. W. 1999. Kennis, mensen en organisaties. Groningen: Kemper Conseil Publishing.

Sharma, S. 1996. Applied Multivariate Techniques. United States of America: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Saunders, M., Lewis, P., Thornhill, A., Verckens, J. P., & Booij, M. C. 2011. Methoden en technieken van onderzoek (5de ed.). Amsterdam: Pearson Education Benelux.

Chapters in books

Wengenroth, U. 2003. Small-Scale Business in Germany: The Flexible Element of Economic Growth. In K. Odaka, & M. Sawai (Eds.), Small Firms, Large Concerns: 117-139. Oxford, US: Oxford University Press.

Working papers

De Pauw, A.-S. 2010. Relational orientation of negotiators: a study of the effects on negotiation outcomes in dyadic negotiations, Vlerick Leuven Gent working paper series: 26: Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School.

Internet sources (websites)

Muyters, P. 2009a. Beleidsnota Financiën en Begroting 2009-2014. (17/09/2013).

Muyters, P. 2009b. Beleidsnota Werk 2009-2014. (17/09/2013).


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Appendix 1

Use the Title style to type the word Appendix 1.

Any contributions (or appendices) must come after the reference list and must be numbered in Arabic numerals (Appendix 1, Appendix 2, etc.). The pages of the appendices are numbered from B.1.

Tables and figures in the appendix are numbered as follows: Table B.1, Table B.2, Figure B.1, Figure B.2, etc.

Limit the number of appendices to an absolute minimum, i.e. limit them to crucial background information that is necessary to better understand your research topic or methodology, or use them to report additional results (e.g. robustness testing for which there is not enough space in the text).

Once again, publishing raw output taken from a statistical software program is not allowed. You must select the relevant information and draw tables in the same way as in the main text.


Page 17: Introduction -  · Web viewCleeren, van Heerde & Dekimpe (2013, p.71) state that: " Even though previous studies have discussed the impact of both crisis characteristics

Appendix 2

Add your second appendix here.


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Press release

Press release text (min. 300 words -- max. 500 words)

If you have news that you want to share with the press, send out a press release using the appropriate channel. A press release is a short, informative and accessible communication for the general public that the press can use to turn into an article or report.

There are no specific formal requirements for the press release. Be creative and also follow the session about the press release organised in the course of the academic year.


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