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School Review and Improvement Report


St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School North Mackay

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Table of ContentsIntroduction


School Profile – Including general school information


School Review and Improvement Team

External Validating Team

Catholic Ethos and Relationships



Leadership and Relationships



Teaching and Learning and Relationships



Resources and Relationships



Improvement Processes and Relationships




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IntroductionIn 2011, St Joseph’s School participated in the School Review and Improvement Process developed by Catholic Education in the Diocese of Rockhampton. The process utilised various strategies to collect data such as audits, surveys of staff, students, parents and the community, as well as meetings of particular focus groups.

As well participating in the School Review and Improvement Process, St Joseph’s School used the data collected as well as other information to assess its performance against the accreditation criteria identified by the Non-State Schools Accreditation Board. A separate report has been produced to address the Accreditation criteria specifically.

St Joseph’s is committed to continuous review and improvement and to ensuring that it meets all of the legislated requirements for accreditation. St Joseph’s School welcomed the opportunity to participate in this process to demonstrate that it is reaching high educational and administrative standards.

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MethodologyThe Principal of the School with the Assistant to the Director Schools for the region, provided the school community with information about the School Review and Improvement Process. The principal then formed a School Review and Improvement Team who managed the process through regular meetings and with the assistance of a number of key staff members. The membership of the Team is as follows:

Mr Nicholas Hurley – Principal Mrs Veronica Tomerini-Smith – Assistant to the Principal Curriculum Mr Paul Krause – President of the School Board Fr Peter Tonti – School Chaplain Mrs Zoe Rippingale – Preparatory Teacher/ WH&S Officer Miss Marguerite Doolan – Year 4 Teacher Mrs Jo Cannon – Teacher’s Aide Mrs Melissa Fahl – Administration

The School Review and Improvement (S, R & I) Team took responsibility for the overall implementation of the review, including the collection and analysis of data, organisation of the validation phase and production of the review report. The team utilised the expertise of community members as well as external personnel with specific skills and expertise in key areas of the review. The S, R & I Team met regularly during 2011 to fulfil specific tasks.

The Team invited several external persons with expertise to assist it with the process of collecting, analysing and interpreting data. The Team organised a number of validation sessions to consider the data collected in the review process. They also invited an external team to visit the school to validate the commendations and recommendations contained in this report. The members of the External Validation Team were:

Mr Paul Murphy (Assistant Director – Schools in the Northern Region) Mrs Gayle Cunningham (Assistant Director – Curriculum) Mr Tim Franzmann (Principal – St Joseph’s Blackall) Mrs Robyn Bourne (Acting Diocesan Consultant - Religious Education)

The external Validation Team played an important role: ensuring that the review process was authentic and thorough; affirming the successful achievements of the school; and identifying any areas for further improvement.

The Validation Team enjoyed the privilege of sharing in the life of St Joseph’s School for three days. They appreciated the welcome and consideration offered by the staff, students and parents. As well as studying the draft report and examining the documentation supplied by the school, the Validation Team spent many hours listening to members of the school community – teaching staff, support staff and representatives of students and parents, as well as significant people in the wider community. They received many insights into the achievements of the school from members of the school community and offered some possible future directions for the school to consider.

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The following report has been prepared by the School Review and Improvement Team and presents the findings of the School Review and Improvement Process. The data gathered has been organised into five sections based on the key result areas identified in the Diocesan School Review and Improvement Handbook:

1. Catholic ethos and relationships2. Leadership and relationships3. Teaching and learning and relationships4. Resources and relationships5. Improvement processes and relationships

To a large extent, this Report follows a simple format of Commendations and Recommendations. It celebrates the many commendations that the review process highlighted.

Although framed as recommendations, we regard them as a series of challenges and questions for the school to consider. We will now prioritise the recommendations and use this report to inform the writing and implementation of a School Development Plan. The plan will be the result of true consultation involving the Staff, Parents & Friends, School Board, Leadership Team and appropriate members of the community. We hope that the School Community will take the time to reflect upon this report.

We believe this report will be the basis for reflection, discussion and collaborative decision making for the future. We believe that with genuine staff ownership of decisions, and strong and supportive leadership from the Principal, the Leadership Team, parents and students we have the essential ingredients for purposeful and successful development in the future.

We appreciate the support of the Diocesan Catholic Education Office to assist us in this task.

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School ProfileHISTORYSt Joseph’s opened in August, 1936 under the guidance of Sr. M. Thecla as principal and Sr. M. Fabian, with 78 pupils enrolled on the first day. At this time, North Mackay was part of St. Patrick’s Parish. On February 2nd, 1937, the church school was blessed and dedicated to St Joseph by his Lordship, Bishop Hayes. Despite the poverty and the traumas of the war years, the school established firm foundations during the first decade. The enrolment in 1945 was 100 pupils.

The inauguration of the new Parish took place on August 19th, 1946 with the appointment of our first Parish Priest, Fr “Barney” Cahill. The next important milestone was on August 28th, 1955, when a new modern school hall was erected. The building consisted of four airy rooms downstairs suitable for classrooms and a fine hall upstairs, which would be suitable for parish functions, or for the use of the school children when engaged in class singing or folk dancing lessons. This development meant that the top floor of the original building could be used solely as a church. At the end of the second decade the school enrolment had grown to 230.

In the years 1966 – 1969, the school enrolment increased to over 400, partly due to the closure of the Habana School, necessitating the erection of eight additional classrooms. The 1970’s saw such additions as awnings and new toilet blocks.

The new church opened on November 7th, 1976, making the old church available as a hall. The existing hall was converted into a classroom and a library. During the late 70’s and 80’s, classrooms were carpeted and modernised and a new tuckshop, staffroom and office were constructed.

In the early years, the Parish Priest and the Sisters of Mercy administered the school. With the growth of many Catholic schools in our diocese, a centralised system of administration was established in Rockhampton.

The 1990’s saw more change as Federal and State Government funding, with the support of the School Building Fund, enabled the continual upgrade of the school plan. Two new classrooms were built and refurbishments to the Administration Block, Pre-School, car park, lining of the verandahs, relocation of stairs and major landscaping were completed. At the beginning of 2007 a brand new Preparatory Building was completed, so as to provide two new Prep classrooms and amenities for the introduction of the Prep Year which now replaces Pre-School.

Throughout 2008/9 the school was successful through the State Government QCEC Block Grants funding application for a brand new Administration Building. Also of great benefit to our school was the removal of the Old Convent which has now been prioritized by our Diocese as land for educational use for the future. The Diocese also purchased the old ‘Pro Pool’ block of land adjoining Malcomson St on behalf of the school, which provided a wonderful opportunity for the school to expand physically. The purchase of this land came in very handy with the Federal Government’s ‘Building the Education Revolution’ funding which has been a once in a lifetime budgetary opportunity our school has grasped with both hands. This BER funding has allowed the construction of a new Multi Purpose Hall, Library and Double Storey GLA. The next phase of the School’s Building Masterplan will be the construction of a new car park at the Canberra St entrance to St Joseph’s. This

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funding was accessed again through the State Government’s Capital Assistance Scheme.

Through the changing facets of school life, St Joseph’s has consistently been regarded as the ‘Family School’ with a genuine connection made to our Patron Saint – St Joseph and the ‘Holy Family”. As our Mission Statement suggests, our school attempts to nurture the development and growth of each child in an atmosphere of care and concern, whilst still providing an all round excellent education through positive partnership with our school community.

Today, St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School is one of three primary schools and one secondary school that are part of the St Joseph’s Parish. We offer children from Preparatory to Year Seven a Catholic education in an innovative, progressive and holistic environment. As our school mottos emphasise – ‘With Christ We Grow’ whilst ‘Aiming Higher and Achieving More”.

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We strive to nurture the development and growth of each child in an atmosphere of care and concern with Jesus Christ as our model and guide.Our love of Christ and respect for His teachings finds concrete expression in our Religious Education Program and by the witness of our whole school community - pastor, staff, parents and children.Within this spiritual context, we aim to provide an excellent education, working in partnership with parents, so that all children can attain their full potential academically, socially, culturally and physically.


St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School strives to be an innovative learning community by

providing a rich Catholic educational experience for all members of the school


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St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School with the Holy Family as our role model strives to be an innovative learning community providing a rich Catholic Educational experience. St Joseph’s wishes to equip young people for the future to enable them to contribute to a socially, economically and cultural vibrant society. It is vital we incorporate technology into all Key Learning Areas so learners can focus on real-world issues and problems.St Joseph’s wishes to engage in a forward-looking curriculum by fostering learning that results in our learning community having:

Capacity for higher order thinkingProblem solving abilitiesSelf-assessment capabilitiesA predisposition to transfer knowledge

across spheres of interest A demonstrated capacity to apply

knowledgeStandards of performance in core

curriculum areasAn ability to link real-world/life tasks

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An appreciation of our Catholic Faith and Heritage

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School shall be true to our school learning motto: AIMING HIGHER - ACHIEVING MORE

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Self and Others

Model Christian Values

Look at Jesus as our role model and follow in his ways

Show respect for and have pride in your faith

Respect yourself Take pride in yourself and your appearance

Learn all you can

Pay attention in class Complete assigned tasks Be involved in school activities Try to develop your skills with

the help of your teachers Come to school regularly Do homework

Have pride in our school

Show respect to staff, peers and visitors

Wear your school uniform correctly and with pride

Behave on excursions and sporting trips

Play sport fairly Do your best in all school

activities Behave on school buses


Bring the correct equipment to school and into the classroom

Bring the necessary equipment to class every day

Leave inappropriate material at home

Safe and Fair Play

Act safely at all times

Special care to be taken on the stairs and in corridors

Take care handling and storing sports equipment

Always wear your hat outside at play time – No Hat – No Play

Play safely on equipment in the playground

Avoid rough and dangerous play

Play with others in your grade, do not exclude others


Be in the right place at the right time

Never miss school or a lesson without proper permission

Be on time to class and other school activities

Play in correct areas Do not leave school without

permission Do not be in classrooms

before/ after school recess/lunch break without

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supervision of the teacher

Move around the school quietly and safely

Protect yourself and others by walking on cement areas

When riding your bike to school, get off your bike and walk it in the school grounds

Walk quietly when moving around the school so you do not disturb other classes

Environment, Property and Equipment

Look after our school

Take care of the buildings, furniture, grounds and all our property

Help keep everything clean and tidy

Respect the property of others

Care for other people’s property

Respect and care for our environment

Put your rubbish in the correct bin

Stay out of the gardens when playing and walking

Look after our plants and gardens

Language Communicate respectfully

Use respectful language when talking to others

Say ‘hello’ to everyone you meet for the first time in the day

Use other’s names when talking to them

Use your manners at all times Do not use name-calling,

teasing or put-downs when talking with others

Problem Solving

Solve problems peacefully

Resolve conflicts by using appropriate words and without using your hands

Let a staff member know if there is a problem you can’t solve, so you can have help

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Principal Mr Nick Hurley

APRE Mrs Anne Marshall

APC Mrs Veronica Tomerini-Smith

Prep R Mrs Zoe Rippingale(WH&SO)/ Mrs Maureen Pierpoint (Prep Assistant)

Prep J Miss Peta Jauncey / Mrs Lynda Cook (Prep Assistant)

1H Mrs Barbara Hair

1C Miss Ellen Carey

2V Miss Michelle Vella

2L Mrs Sarah Large

3SM Ms Emma Stewart & Mrs Anne-Maree Mitchell

3T Miss Yoon Turner

4D Miss Marguerite Doolan

5TF Mrs Veronica Tomerini-Smith & Miss Joanna Ford

5GG Mr Brian & Mrs Terri Grundy

6B Ms Nichola Byrne

6D Mrs Christine Davies

7B Mrs Dianna Bailey

7S Mrs Hollie Seibold

HPE Mrs Carla Hinschen

TECHNOLOGY Mr Brian Grundy



LIBRARIAN Ms Sheree Morrison

TEACHERS ASSISTANTS Mrs Jo Cannon Mrs Ann-Marie Reitano

Mrs Lynette Harris Mrs Theresa Hills


GROUNDSMAN Mr Edward De Thomasis




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St Joseph, foster father of Jesus,we ask you to bless our school and

everyone in it.Guide us towards Jesus throughout this

school day.Help us to always remember the good

things in our lives -

our families, friends, school community and our beautiful world.

May we always turn to you in good times and bad

and remember that you will always love and care for us.

We ask this in Jesus’ name.


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St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School underwent its last School Review and Improvement or Catholic School Renewal as it was then called in 2006. Since this time the school has experienced immense changes in a variety of areas including Curriculum, Behaviour Management, Information Technology, School Buildings and general site expansion.

St Joseph’s continues to be a school that takes great pride in our history and tradition, but also in innovation and ensuring our students are equipped for the future. As we celebrate our 75th Anniversary later this year, it is a very pertinent time to reflect how we are going and look particularly at where we have come from throughout the last five years since the school’s previous validation process.

Our School Management/Development Plan over the past five years has emphasised the areas of Recommendation from our last Report and hence our revitalised Focus Areas, general areas, outcomes, related strategies and amended timeframe were re-established within this updated Plan. Our Focus Areas of Curriculum, Organisation, Safety and Technology (COST areas) have been paramount to this plan. These areas have been fleshed out through COST groups at various times throughout each year and at the end of the day the whole staff will come to consensus on where we need to head to be an effective school. Before and as part of our S, R & I preparation over the last year these COST group focuses were then aligned with our five Key Result Areas.

The specifics of these Focus Areas have been initiatives such as National Partnerships incorporating Professional Learning Communities within our Curriculum learnings, our 7 Values Behaviour Management Policy and Plan, revised wet weather procedure and staff induction process relating to Organisation, a revised W, H& S audit and schedule, drop off/pick up and car parking improvements within Safety and our new interactive whiteboard and lab PC purchasing under the Technology banner.

The inclusion of St Joseph’s as a National Partnerships School has been a real blessing for our school over the past two years. In response to NAPLAN results primarily, the program has allowed us the opportunity to re-evaluate our Literacy and Numeracy teaching strategies so as to ensure continuous school improvement across these areas. Whole school strategies have been developed and actions implemented to support high quality teaching and learning including effective use of data, a review of literacy routines and practices with a specific focus on reading and a review of spelling routines and practices. Curriculum initiatives over the last five years including QCAR Partner School unit development and QCAT trials, NAPLAN data analysis, CTJ, Plain English Reporting and our current National Partnerships Literacy and Numeracy Project have all acted as opportunities to evaluate our current teaching practices and build upon our engagement with the curriculum and associated project or trial strategies to improve student outcomes.

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Our new and improved Behaviour Management Policy and Plan has been very effective in the way it has promoted a consistent approach to behaviour

management in class, the playground, as well as whole school situations. The Planning and Lunch Rooms are also essential elements within this consistent approach. The erection of Seven Value Signage on each building as well as 7 Value Principal Awards and SWAP groups (Peer Support Program) during terms 2 and 4 has also been a real positive. Another Behaviour Management initiative beginning in 2011 has been the implementation of the Rock & Water Program with the Year 6D Class.

The duty of care of our children is paramount and as such, a real issue for the school has been the maintaining of the Drop Off/Pick Up area behind the church. Through the introduction of road markings, fence signage, surname cards and communication through newsletters and the School Calendar of how this area operates, I believe we have come a long way in ensuring the safety and well being of our children, particularly over the past three years.

Technology at St Joseph’s is an area I am personally very proud of and believe we do well. Our Tech Lab itself has recently been refurbished with new furniture, an interactive whiteboard and even more recently fitted out with 30 new PC’s. The continual checking and general maintenance of our lab’s hardware and software is also something I believe is done well. Even more important than these physical assets within our Technology Planning is the fact that we have a Technology Program that also works very positively for the students from Prep to Year 7. Our program is sequential, practical, but best of all authentic.

Each of our classrooms is also fitted out with at least three or four PC’s as well as interactive whiteboards (including teacher PD) and most with teacher amplification systems. This commitment to be at the forefront of technology is due to a very conscious effort on the part of our whole staff and is something we are very proud of.

Parish relations have also been more positive over the last few years with a greater bond significantly evident between School and Parish through a variety of initiatives from both groups. Most notably, the improved communication and co-operation between both regarding not only formal events such as masses and our Sacramental Program timetabling and structure, but also relating to school liturgies, feast days, fundraisers, school or parish visitors, finances, building and maintenance issues and even sharing in each other’s celebrations and social events throughout the year. NORFAIR is a great example of positive parish/school relations.

I honestly believe our S, R & I KRA’s are alive and well at St Joseph’s and most importantly our data gathering process, primarily through the associated surveys, reinforce and support this notion and of our right to be called ‘The Family School’.I would hope that the Validation Team enjoy their visit and come to believe in the mission and vision of St Joseph’s as much as all of our stakeholders do, whether that be staff, parents, children, parish or the wider community.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our S, R & I Internal Committee for the hard work, dedication and honesty they have given to their roles throughout this process.

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This is a wonderful school and our school motto is very apt in relation to everything that’s occurred here over 75 years and particularly over the past few with the amazing visual transformation of our school site.

‘With Christ We Grow’. Nick Hurley

Assistant Principal – Religious Education

The distinctive purpose of St Joseph's Catholic Primary School is to create a Christian educational community where human culture and knowledge, enlightened by faith, is shared among teachers and children.

To achieve this purpose, St Joseph's organizes its curriculum, its staff and its physical facilities to:

Make known to each student the person and message of Jesus Christ, and the teachings and traditions of the Church.

Provide all children with opportunities to develop moral and spiritual values, ethical standards of conduct and basic integrity.

Assist the children in developing an understanding of the Church of Christ. Develop in all children a respect for the rights of others as individuals and as

groups. Help children develop a spirit of prayer and worship. Assist each student in his/her efforts to make a place for himself/herself in the

neighbourhood community and in a larger society. Assist children in acquiring a sense of responsibility for the community in

which they live and the world community.

Religion Program

The key learning area of Religious Education, as per the Diocesan and St Joseph’s Curriculum Framework is a discrete curriculum program. However, at St Joseph’s Religious Education is seen as more than an additional subject in the school curriculum. It is viewed as the means of giving the fullest meaning and greatest significance to all human knowledge and skills. Religious Education permeates all key learning areas and brings a Gospel perspective to the planning, organization and provision of educational experiences. Religious truths, values and attitudes are the basis for the everyday life and activity of the school. Every effort is made toward making this view a reality in practice. At St Joseph’s the Religious Education Program is valued as a means of providing relevant and meaningful opportunities to achieve grounding in the foundations of Catholic faith, beliefs and practices. The whole school Religious Education Program ensures a comprehensive and sequential development of Religious Education outcomes.

Religious instruction is provided within the classroom following the time allotments and course of study specified by Rockhampton Catholic Education Office. The school Religious Education Program has been written and accredited by DCEO. As a staff and in consultation with the Regional Religious Education Coordinator, adjustments have been made to the program (Scope and Sequence) in order to cater for the composite classes that have been part of St Joseph’s up until this year. This has involved working an alternating (Year A Year B) Scope and Sequence to accommodate composite classes.

Liturgy, Prayer and Faith Experiences

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Children are exposed to and have the opportunity to participate in a variety of prayer forms both within the classroom and as a school community including attendance at Mass, special all-school liturgies, seasonal devotions, and community prayer. All classrooms have a prayer table as a focal point for daily prayers and faith discussions and each class has a ‘prayer box’ with a cross, rosary, coloured cloths for the Liturgical year, Liturgical calendar, candles and Holy Family plaque. Students

are encouraged to use the prayer space to reflect the focus of Religion lessons and the liturgical calendar. Students pray at the beginning and end of each day and prayers may be traditional or other chosen prayers. Classes are also encouraged to pray before leaving the room at lunch break.A number of books of children’s prayers have been purchased and are available from the library. This year it is planned to compile a school book of prayers written by the students for various themes and this will be made available to all classes in their prayer box. The placement of the St Joseph icon at the entrance to the school and the placement of the cross from the old church building along with crosses made from recycled timber from the old buildings placed in all rooms clearly signifies the religious dimension of St Joseph’s School.

Provision is made for staff prayer at Administration Meetings on a Monday mornings and at Staff meetings on Tuesday afternoons. Teachers are rostered on for these prayers and all staff are invited to attend these prayer times. During the Lenten season use is made of the Diocesan Lenten program for staff prayer times and reflection. All staff have also been made aware of the website ‘Pray as you can‘ which is available through mysuite. Resources have been bought to support ‘Staff Prayer’. At least once a term a longer prayer reflection/faith development session is held for all staff members. Information is given to staff members regarding other Professional Development events that may be provided by the Parish or the Adult Faith Centre. At times opportunities are given for professional development provided by DCEO personnel eg Diocesan Regional Consultant. All staff attend the Bishop’s Inservice Day. Teachers are responsible for maintaining records for inservices attended and all teachers undertake the mandatory 20 hours inservice over 4 years - to teach Religion in a Catholic School.

St Joseph’s provides a multitude of opportunities for our community to celebrate our faith. With the diversity of faith experiences that are brought to school, it is essential that our Religious Education program provides a varied approach to cater for such differences.Teachers are aware of our expectations of ensuring our children participate in a variety of prayer celebrations. From spontaneous to traditional to creative gesturing, our children enjoy the celebrations. With the completion of the building projects, hymn session are once again able to be held on a regular basis and an extensive library of hymns is currently located in the library. We are presently in the progress of converting our collective memory of hymns into powerpoint form for ease of use both in the classrooms, the hall and the church. Each year we have a musician who specializes in religious songs visit the school. This enables us to refresh our collective memory of hymns and provides valuable professional development for all staff in this area.

Liturgy and Prayer has always played a key role in the life of St Joseph’s School. While as a school there is a set liturgy roster our school community enjoys a balanced program of whole school and class based liturgies. These include First Friday mass which are attended by St Joseph’s and MacKillop schools, Holy Week activities, Lenten Challenges, Special Memorial Services like Anzac and Armistice Day, NAIDOC Week, Project Compassion, Missions Week, Vocations Week, Mary MacKillop, Mercy Day, Peace Liturgy, Spirit /Motto Days and Parish Healing Masses.

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Inclusive Partnerships

As APRE I am a member of the Parish Sacramental Team and I liaise with Parish and parents and students regarding the sacramental program. A family approach is used to prepare children for the first reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation

and Holy Eucharist. Parents are responsible for the specific preparation of the children and for the decision regarding readiness of the child for the first reception of the sacraments. The school supports the parish program through the organization of ‘special’ liturgies for all candidates during Sunday masses and general preparation of the children in the classroom. Our year 6 and 7 students attend anointing masses twice during the year and assist those attending both during the mass and later at morning tea at the Parish centre.Children’s Masses are held on a monthly basis and St Joseph’s School students take on some of the ministry roles. We are fortunate to have some very talented staff members who provide the music for the children’s masses. Regular contact is maintained with our Parish Priest, Fr Peter and he is invited to our special celebrations throughout the year. Parish notices and relevant dates are included in the APRE News section of the school newsletter when the need arises. Special feast days and Liturgical Seasons of the Church are also highlighted through the newsletter. The Church Fair – NORFAIR – is held in St Joseph’s school grounds and the school assists in the coordination of this event each year and is responsible for the running of a stall. A number of St Joseph’s School staff assist with church cleaning and are rostered on each month as part of the church cleaning roster.

Social Justice

At St Joseph’s opportunities are provided for the students to support social justice initiatives. Each year the whole school participates in various activities in this area. Money raised from our Pancake Tuesday goes to support the Project Compassion Appeal. This year several of our Year 7’s were able to attend a Leadership Day and they have been working to highlight the Caritas appeal. Every second year our year 6 students also complete a service project whereby funds are raised for the Mercy Works. Our school also supports several community appeals throughout the year – Red Nose Day, Relay for Life, Jeans for Jeans Day and Mission Partners.Each Year during Missions Week a mini fair is organized. All staff and students are involved in running stalls to raise funds Mission Partners.During the last two weeks of term 4 support is given to the SVDP hamper appeal. Families donate items for the Christmas hampers to be distributed to the local needy families. An initiative begun several years ago is the Wishing Tree Appeal. Students select a gift tag from under the Christmas tree in the foyer and then buy a gift to be donated to a needy family. These gifts are donated to Saint Vincent De Paul Appeal and distributed to local needy families. Arrangements are made to have visiting speakers from Caritas, Mercy Works, SVDP, Red Nose Day organization and MS Readathon visit the school most years to speak to the whole school community. Through the Religious Education Program St Joseph’s School provides the children with the knowledge of the Scriptures, Church Doctrine and Tradition. In the light of our school motto, ‘With Christ we Grow’, the community of Joseph’s School believe Religious Education is an ongoing process in the classroom that is central to all learning experiences. Religious Education at St Joseph’s School involves not only doctrinal instruction but also evangelisation and catechesis. Concrete expression is found in our Religious Education Program by the witness of our whole school community.

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Anne MarshallAssistant to the Principal – Religious Education

DATE LITURGY ROSTER 2011 TEACHER / CLASS4/2 Week 2 Opening Mass 9.30am M - APRE’s - MacK & St.J8/3 Week 7 Shrove Tuesday Liturgy Class based liturgies9/3 Week 7 Ash Wednesday L – 6D / 1C12&13/ Week 7 Rite of Enrolment Confirmation APRE & Year 4 teachers17/3 Week 8 St Patrick’s Day Liturgy L – 5TF / 2V18/3 Week 8 St. Joseph’s Feast Day Liturgy L – 6B / 1H

20/3 Sun Week 9 Children’s Mass St. Joey’s to lead26 & 27/3 Week 10 Rite of Enrolment – Confirmation Parish based – APRE’s1/4 Week 10 Mass M MacKillop12/4 Tues Week 10 Palm Sunday Liturgy L – Prep R / 7S13/4 Wed Week 10 Holy Thursday Liturgy L – Prep J / 7B14/4 ThursWeek 10 Stations of the Cross – Church 9.15am APRE + all classes

27/4 Wed Week 1 ANZAC Day LiturgyAnointing mass 9.30am

APRE & Year 7’s

28/ Friday Week 1 Easter Liturgy L – 3SM / 3J

6/5 Week 2 First Friday Mass – St Joseph’s to lead M - 6D / 1C

3/6 Week 6 First Friday Mass M MacKillop

11/7 Week 1 Michael Mangan – pupil free

12/7 Week 1 NAIDOC WEEK L – 3SM / 3J

13/7 Week 1 Liturgy of the Word - Eucharist APRE

25/7 Week 3 Catholic Education Week - APRE /Whole School

5/8 Week 4 First Friday Mass - MacKillop feast day mass at MacKillop

M MacKillop

Week 5 Vocations Week Class based liturgies

15/8 Week 6 Assumption Liturgy L – Prep R / 7S

24/8 Week 7 Anointing Mass year 6’s

2/9 Week 8 First Friday Mass 9.30 – St Joseph’s to lead

M – Prep J / 7B

16/9 Week 10 Mercy Liturgy - Friday L – 5GG/ 2L

7/10 Week 1 First Friday Mass M - MacKillop

13/10 Week 2 Bali Peace Liturgy - L – 5GG / 2L

28/10 Week 3 Mission Day Liturgy L – 5TF / 2V

4/11 Week 4 First Friday Mass – St Joseph’s to lead M - 6B / 1H

11/11 Week 6 Remembrance Day L – APRE – School Leaders

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25/11 Week 8 Graduation Mass 6pm. M – APRE & YEAR 7’s

29/11 Week 9 Advent Liturgy (Tuesday) L – 4D

2/12 Week 9 Closing Mass 9.00am. M - St. Joseph’s- APRE Yr 7’s

Assistant Principal - Curriculum

At St Joseph’s, the role of assisting the Principal to deliver a structured curriculum that is relevant and meaningful in an atmosphere that reflects our school motto, ‘With Christ We Grow’, while encouraging all students to ‘Aim Higher and Achieve More’ encompasses a genuine shared vision and detail to practice. Practice that is active and collaborative in its support of improvements to teaching and learning; realistic and goal oriented in approach, with a shared moral purpose that is understood by all. Since my appointment to this role in 2007, embracing this approach to practice has developed a professional life-long learning culture, with respect to curriculum development, that reflects the vision that evoking life-long learning skills and attitudes in students, requires those same skills and attitudes to be developed in the teachers who teach them.

At St Joseph’s, the collaborative development and sharing of action plans to promote transparency of key curriculum initiatives in response to School, Diocesan, State and National initiatives has enabled our school to identify challenges, review practices and create a strong collegial collaboration as evidenced through: School Program development and accreditation (2006 – 2009) QCAR Partner School unit development and QCAT trials (2006 – 2008) NAPLAN data analysis using the Sunlanda tool (2008 - current) Diocesan CTJ Practices (2009 - current) Plain English Reporting – review of reporting processes (2009 - 2010) National Partnerships Literacy and Numeracy Project (2009 – current) School Curriculum Framework Review (commencing 2011) Australian Curriculum Learning Area overviews development – in response to

phase one Australian Curriculum (2011 - ongoing)

Our accredited School Curriculum Framework provided the structure from which our School Curriculum Programs for English, Maths, HPE and Integrated Curriculum (incorporating SOSE, Science and The Arts) were developed and accredited between 2007 and 2009. As these documents were developed in response to Diocesan Guidelines and QSA Syllabus documents, they were subject to extensive auditing throughout 2008 and 2009 to align with QSA Essential Learnings and Standards, as well as A-E Plain English Reporting. During 2010, a review of whole school literacy teaching and learning practices commenced in response to National Partnerships and Australian Curriculum initiatives.

Our school’s involvement in the National Partnerships project has provided a vessel through which to create a shared focus that all students can learn and all teachers can teach to a high standard to ensure continuous school improvement. Throughout the project, we have drawn on contemporary research to develop our teacher’s expertise to promote classroom practice that is organised in a practical, precise and highly personalised manner for each student. Specifically, we have endeavoured to create a professional learning community that provides staff with the pre-requisite knowledge of the components of high quality instruction, and the high yield strategies that support these components, with the intention of improving learning outcomes for all students. Whole school strategies have been developed

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and actions implemented to support high quality teaching and learning including the:

Use of data to inform instructiono Data walls using Probe and DRA data (Terms 1 and 3)o NAPLAN analysis through Sunlanda

o Spelling Inventories (Terms 1 and 3)o Teaching Learning Critical Pathways (TLCP) – Six week learning

blocks focusing on an area of greatest need in individual classes/year levels as informed by data

Review of literacy routines and practices with a specific focus on reading:o Timetabled literacy learning blocks inclusive of non-negotiable program

components as outlined in the school based components of reading, writing, speaking and listening

o Shared, guided, modelled and independent practices as part of regular classroom routines

o Active comprehension strategies – development of whole school anchor charts

o Planning sessions with APC to support teaching practices within literacy blocks (Terms 2 and 3, 2010)

o Centralisation of reading resources to the library allowing teachers to access readers from across levels to support differentiated instruction

o Purchasing of reading resources Review of spelling routines and practices:

o Explicit teaching of spelling included in literacy learning blockso TLCP - Six week learning blocks focusing on an area of greatest need

identified using spelling inventories and supported by word sorts (Words Their Way).

As with past curriculum initiatives, we have used our involvement in the National Partnerships project to build our teacher’s capacity to engage with curriculum change in a confident and proactive manner, with an intended outcome being the increased literacy and numeracy outcomes for all students. Strategies to support whole school sustainability of literacy routines and practices developed through the project have been included in a ‘curriculum timeline’ and are clearly identified within our curriculum goals. During 2011, we have trialled Professional Learning Community Groups (PLC groups) in the place of fortnightly staff meetings. Although a new initiative, the groups highlight the commitment of leadership to providing professional learning that supports staff at a whole school level as well as at a personalised level.

Throughout 2011, our school is undergoing an intensive review of our School Curriculum Framework in response to the 2010 Diocesan Learning Framework and the introduction of phase one of the Australian Curriculum. As our School Programs emanate from this Framework, these will also be reviewed and used in the development of Learning Area Overviews that are reflective of phase one Australian Curriculum (English, Maths and Science). Maintaining consistency of planning practices has been identified as a high priority for our school as we transition to an Australian Curriculum. Therefore, we have reviewed processes and implemented strategies to support teachers during this period including: Whole school planning templates (currently under review) Overview of core planning documents for each learning area Year level curriculum folders Curriculum timeline – outlining goals and initiatives to sustain whole school

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practices Formalised planning meetings with the Principal and APC

Interactive Whiteboards (IWBs) were introduced into several classrooms towards the end of 2009. These proved to be a valuable resource to enhance teaching and learning practices, as well as encouraging the integration of ICTs into daily

classroom routines. Throughout 2010, all classrooms were fitted with IWBs and teachers were involved in professional learning activities to enhance their skills in using the devices, as well as professional sharing sessions to mentor others in this area. As we transition to an Australian Curriculum, identifying avenues for connecting the learning environment to the outside world through the use of technologies will continue to be a priority.

The transition to Essential Learnings and Standards and the introduction of A-E Plain English Reporting necessitated the review of assessment and reporting processes. At St Joseph’s, whole school tracking processes and devices (e.g. Outcomes trackers, portfolios, A-E comparative data, standardised testing) and the report card format have been reviewed to ensure that they are effective and relevant within our school context, while also meeting mandated systemic requirements. The exploration of evidence based assessment techniques to support our teaching staff to make professional judgements about student learning using achievement standards continues to be a priority. Diocesan CTJ initiatives were embraced enthusiastically by our staff and their participation proved to be a valuable tool to support the development of consistency practices and to deepen their understanding of assessment using achievement standards. Parent/Teacher and 3way (Parent/Teacher/Student) interviews have continued to provide opportunities to report about students’ demonstrations of learning outcomes as well as to set learning goals with students, parents and carers.

Currently, our school has commenced the numeracy phase of the National Partnerships project and key initiatives are being considered in conjunction with our planned strategies to transition to an Australian Mathematics Curriculum. We are continuing to identify strategies to ensure the sustainability of whole school literacy practices developed throughout 2010 to improve learning outcomes for all students. Although our school’s transition to an Australian Curriculum is guiding the planning of our school and class curriculum programs, our review processes are ongoing and collaborative, and ensure that a dynamic and relevant curriculum is maintained that is responsive to the changing teaching and learning needs of our all in our school community.

Veronica Tomerini-SmithAssistant to the Principal - Curriculum

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LEARNING SUPPORTOperation of the Learning Support Program

Currently our Learning Support centre is staffed by a Learning Support Teacher (15 Hours), 1 full time Teacher Assistant, 2 part time Teacher Assistants, a part time Indigenous Teacher Assistant and a part time Pastoral Care Worker. Our school is supported in a number of different ways from a variety of support people whose job it is to assist with the education of all our children. These needs may be physical, intellectual, emotional, social, etc. Special needs may take the form of needing extra assistance to cope with certain aspects of class work, extra assistance to extend the capabilities or special programs to strengthen a particular skill or talent.

St Joseph's strives to provide opportunities for our children and to ensure all children are catered for. Part of this provision includes tapping into specialised support services.It is through the discussion with the class teacher, learning support teacher and principal that specific programmes are developed.

Rockhampton Catholic Education Office

St Joseph's is an integral component of the Rockhampton Catholic Education Office. Utilising the consultancy services of the Catholic Education Office, our school has access to experts in Curriculum, Instructional Support and Special Needs, Aboriginal Education Officer, Professional Counsellor and Information Technology.

Individualised Reading Programme R.A.P. (Reading Assistance Program)

Our school has developed a specialised reading programme, called RAP (Reading Assistance Programme) for children needing extra support. This programme utilises extensive parent support and has shown very clear benefits for the children on the programme. Students considered for inclusion in this program are identified using several screening measures. These include SNAQ, class records, anecdotal records, continua mapping, standardised tests and NAPLAN Testing. Currently a total of 34 children are catered for via this program.In this program students who are experiencing difficulties in reading and comprehension receive one to one tuition for 30 to 40 minutes per week working with a parent tutor. Tutors attend an inservice program prior to commencing work with the students. This program is planned and implemented by support personnel with input from the class teacher. Students work on an individualised program tailored specifically to their particular needs. The focus of the program is to assist students develop effective reading strategies by using cuing systems and not relying on totally sounding out. Accordingly, a range of strategies is used. These include book orientation, supported reading, paired reading, use of the tape recorder, cloze activities, word matching, sight word activities, flashcards, puzzles, sequencing activities, word sorts and activities to develop metalinguistics awareness. Texts that allow for a high degree of success on the part of the learner are chosen for the program.

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The tutors keep careful records for each session. These records are reviewed with support personnel and any necessary modifications are then made to the program.

Individual / Group Literacy Support

The Literacy Program also involves one to one and small group support sessions conducted by the support personnel. This support may be either in the classroom or in a withdrawal situation. This part of the program is centred on focused teaching episodes derived from meaningful texts that are relevant to the classroom context. The instructional program is co-ordinated with the classroom teacher. Again the focus is on assisting the students to develop effective reading and writing strategies.

Students identified for in intervention via validation are catered via small group intervention twice a week. Again goals are set in collaboration with class teachers. Strategies used include book orientation and familiarisation, supported reading, shared texts, independent reading, word matching, word sorts, transformations, cloze activities, metalinguistics awareness activities, word banks, language experience activities, word recognition and sight word activities, flashcards, visual and auditory discrimination activities and story maps. Students identified in Year 2 usually continue with some intervention during year 3 also.

Depending on the demand for aide time from other areas these students also read 2 or 3 times a week with the teacher aide in a 1: 1 situation.

Numeracy Intervention is conducted in a small group situation with identified students working on key indicators as a result of evidence gained from in class assessment and validation.

Evaluation is continuous and throughout the program observation of the student’s performance serves as an ongoing diagnostic tool for determining program effectiveness. Pre and post tests are conducted for some aspects of the program. Checklists are used to monitor error types in reading for some students. Running records are also used to monitor student’s development of reading strategies. Anecdotal records are kept for all sessions.

In addition to this, students in Years 2, 3 and 4 (who have been identified via NET processes or Teacher Identification) are also catered for via an individual reading program whereby students work with the Learning Support Teacher in a small group situation each week on a basic reading skills program.

Speech and Behavioural Services

With the support of the DCEO our children are provided with expert consultations in many areas including speech, auditory and behaviour modification.Speaking Clearly Programme. This programme utilises the services of a Teacher Assistant - Speech and is supported by the Learning Support Team.

Assessments are conducted by a Speech Pathologist on recommendation from the classroom teacher and Learning Support Teacher. Parents are requested to meet with the Speech Pathologist following the assessment. An effective partnership is formed between school, home and Speaking Clearly Co-ordinator to ensure that the student’s activities are followed through at home as well as school.

Numbers and Distribution of Children – EAP process

As part of the Equity programmes offered at St Joseph’s and in keeping with the school mission, an education programme is individually devised for students who

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have been through the EAP process. Currently there are 2 students in the category of Intellectual Impairment and 4 students who have a diagnosis of ASD and one student with a diagnosis of HI. These students receive targeted funding.

There are also two students who are currently receiving special funding from DCEO in order to enable their special needs to be catered for in the classroom. Two students are currently going through the verification process for II and HI.These students work on an individualized program in the regular classroom with additional assistance given in a 1:1 situation either within the classroom or on a withdrawal basis.

In addition to the individualized programs developed for students who have been through the EAP process a number of other students with Learning Disabilities work on modified programs within the regular classroom. These are developed in consultation with learning support and classroom teachers.

Homework Support

A number of students are catered for via a homework assistance program. A total of 5 students work on an amended homework program and 6 students receive assistance to complete the class homework program.

Indigenous Children

There are 14 families (for a total of 21 children, 13 boys and 8 girls) who have nominated an indigenous heritage upon enrolment. With the support of specialist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander liaison personnel, our children are given a holistic education. A Teacher Assistant is currently employed to work with indigenous students within the classrooms for 15 hours per week. We also have access to the services of the Indigenous Liaison Officer.

Languages Spoken by the Children

St Joseph’s has a predominantly an English speaking background. However there are families where English is a second language. They include Filipino, Chinese and South Africa. A Teacher Assistant with experience in this area is employed on a part time basis to assist with ESL program.

Student Support System

Teachers are expected to deal with a multitude of social and emotional behaviours and as such are often over stretched (especially in terms of knowledge, expertise and resources) to deal with such issues. Opportunity for staff to now refer a student to the Pastoral Care Worker enables the teacher to deal more effectively with the day to day issues.

St Joseph’s boasts a comprehensive student support system ranging from the Learning Support Program through to a proactive Parents & Friends Association. Currently the Learning Support Program, through its various programs (eg RAP, Support-A-Maths/Reader, small group referrals, Speaking Clearly Program, Pragmatic Speech, Homework Program, and Pastoral Care Program is able to assist over 60 students per week.

Behaviour Management – Planning Room/ Lunch Room

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As part of our Behaviour Management Program students are involved in the Responsible Thinking Program. Once students reach Planning Room stage via any of the four Rule Areas (Classroom, Assembly, Playground, Movement) they will be

given a Behavioural Plan Proforma to complete at that particular time in the Learning Support Room under the supervision of the learning support teacher - or come back the following day, until this plan is completed. This plan will then be signed by the Supervising Planning Room Teacher, Principal, as well as the child’s parents, on completion of this plan.

Role of Student Welfare Personnel

The duties of our the Pastoral Care Worker include liaising with the Principal and class teachers to ascertain the needs of individual children and groups of children, assisting children who have behavioural difficulties to review behaviour, examine consequences and attain new skills, supporting children who experience hardship and worry and providing individual and group sessions to cater for specific needs of children eg Self-esteem, confidence bullying and teasing co-operation social skills conflict management self-discipline, behaviour modifications

Anne MarshallLearning Support Co-Ordinator

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St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School is clearly an evangelising branch of St Joseph’s parish. The school leadership needs to be commended for the active role they take in the wider parish. Although the percentage of school families who participate in the church on the weekend is a concern the leadership of the school continues to provide opportunity for the students to participate in school masses and liturgies.

The school is active in supporting the sacramental program of the parish. This support includes meetings with the parents and the students, children’s liturgies on the weekends, assistance with the preparation and presentation of the various sacraments and the interaction with the government school parents and students.

The school promotes a family atmosphere and I am always made to feel welcome. The children appear to be happy to be part of the school and are generally courteous and respectful. I greatly appreciate the most hospitable nature of the school staff and the invitations to be part of the community.

Mr Nick Hurley and the school leadership team and I enjoy a sound working relationship. The communications between the school and the parish is open and meaningful. There is a real attempt to maintain and develop this relationship.

The school appears to be well resourced and the parents appreciative of the learning and supportive environment. As a member of the school board I see the ongoing endeavours to develop the resources and environment of the school.

In an attempt to promote the relevance of the wider church to the students and their parents I would suggest exploring the opportunity of inviting parishioners into the classrooms to tell their stories, the possibility of class masses and liturgies and open forums similar to the “Q and A” format. The expected arrival of a second priest to the parish may make this opportunity more practical.

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Mr Nick Hurley and the teachers and staff for their pastoral emphasis and their vocation of bringing the Good news of Jesus Christ alive to the young people of our community.

Father Peter TontiParish PriestSt Joseph’s North Mackay

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I have been involved with St Joseph’s for over 8 years now and have been an active member of the Board for around 5 – 6 years.

I was lucky to be asked fill the Board Chairman’s position 2 years ago and it is a position that I hold with great pride.

I am truly passionate about the school and have my personal mottos in the “everything we do... we do for the children”!!

Our Board endeavours to meet monthly but sometime schedules don’t permit this.

The Board consists of key school staff, the Parish Priest and a group of likeminded parents who all possess different skills in their business and professional lives.

I consider us to be a proactive Board and not a reactive one. We try and discuss relevant contemporary issues such as bullying and the proper use of modern social networking tools such as Facebook, mobile phones and messaging sites. We even arranged for the Crime Prevention Unit to talk to the Grade 7 class last year about this very issue.

On a regular basis we review school policies to ensure their relevancy to reflect current society attitudes.

We work closely with key Rockhampton based personnel and heed their advice regarding budgeting, school master plan revision and capital works management.

We also work closely with all school personnel to engage them on matters that relate to them so we as a Board can gain their perspective regarding the issues we are discussing.

Finally we work closely with the P & F committee for the collective good of the school to ensure the best resources for the learning and environment of “our” children.

Paul KrauseBoard Chairperson

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2010 was an enjoyable year, although at time a little hectic. St Joseph’s P & F Association played an essential part in bringing some of the school’s events to fruition. The ‘Welcome BBQ’ in conjunction with the Parent Information Night early in Term 1 continues to be a successful event. It allows families the opportunity to familiarise themselves with their children’s education curricula followed by a social gathering in a relaxed atmosphere.

There were three social events during the year. We had our Opening of the School Building social night in August. It was an immensely successful evening and an enjoyable time was had by all those in attendance. Our family and community spirit continues to grow with your valued support. A huge thank you goes to Paul Krause and Shane Bowman for donating the terrific auction items and prizes; Darren Williams for volunteering to be auctioneer; Karen Bishop, Di O’Connell, Brian Grundy, Nichola Byrne and Fr Peter along with all the dancers and drama students for providing the entertainment.In addition, we had social evenings at Outback Jack’s in July and the other with the Board members at Marsala Indian Restaurant in November.

There were no working bees organised for 2010. This was largely due to the employment of Mr Edward De Thomasis by the school. He has done wonders though establishing and maintaining the school grounds. A landscape committee has been formed with two members from the P & F. Deb Weston and I have volunteered to partake in beautifying the school once renovations are complete.

Tuckshop profits were down this year. This is due to the relocation and the period that it was closed. Thank you to Janine MacDonald our previous convenor who ran the tuckshop efficiently and effectively for many years. Of course, the tuckshop could not run smoothly without all the volunteer work from the parents. Thank you to all who volunteered this year and we appreciate your continuing support. We welcome Linda Coleman, our new tuckshop convenor who has made a great start in her position. The P & F purchased two stainless steel trolleys as well as two larger foot pedal bins for the tuckshop in 2010.

Thank you to Maureen Pierpoint and Lynda Cook for their time and efforts in the uniform shop. The St Joseph’s backpacks remain successful with many sold at the beginning of the year. Although profits continue to be minimal, this service remains popular within the school community.

A big thank you to Veronica Tomerini-Smith for her time and effort in researching and sourcing out a new supplier for our book packs. offers an online facility and free delivery to the door. It also gives the P & F 12% rebate. From the book orders we obtained $1580.98. This money has been put towards resources for the school curriculum.

The P & F Levy balance remains healthy. The P & F contributed to purchasing Spell Write Program for P-3 $3200.00 Fridges for the Year 2 rooms $604.55 Washer & Dryer Combo Sheets and Pillow cases for Sickbay Several small items for tuckshop

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The P & F Committee has approved funds to be donated to teachers for each grade to help with cost of excursions or other resource materials.

Thank you to Atlas Insurance Brokers for providing the BBQ at the Athletics Carnival. To Margie Coburn for organising the coffee van, Linda Coleman for stepping in for Janine MacDonald and running the tuckshop and all the many helpers on the day.I would like to thank all those parents, friends and other family members who have been so active in showing their support for the P & F. Attending meetings, volunteering their valuable time at events such as swimming and athletics carnivals, or tuckshop and donating homebakes. Without them our children would not have so many opportunities to develop and grow.

My role as President was made much easier with the support of Anne Marie Reitano for her efforts as Vice President, Mozzie Pierpoint as Secretary for ensuring minutes and agendas are organised and Rohan May as Treasurer. Rohan’s efficiency and organisation of money, receipts, cheques, bank accounts and audit materials has made my role a pleasurable one. There is of course Melissa Fahl in Administration. Mel is always ready to help and make suggestions. She helps coordinate paperwork to place in the newsletters, answer queries for events and help with distribution of information.

I’d also like to thank Nick Hurley and his staff for their continual support. Nick does an outstanding job steering the ship at St Joseph’s. Amongst many other things he did a fantastic job coordinating the school’s redevelopment, allowing minimal disruption to the normal activities.

In closing, I would like to express my gratitude to all that have helped me in my role as President over the past year and that I have been proud to be able to contribute to the school in this role. I wish the new executives all the very best for 2011.

Tina KirkwoodP & F President 2010

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OUTSIDE SCHOOL HOURS CAREOSHC Staff 2011 Position Qualifications Number of Years at OSHC

Helena Reitano Co-ordinator Study BLM 14 monthsMalinda Cameron Asst. co-ordinator Dip. Children services 2 monthsAlice Graham Supervisor Study BLM, Cert 3

children services6 months

Leonie Lange-Hodgson Supervisor Cert 3 Children services

3 years

Erin Carberry Assistant Study BLM, Cert 3 children services

6 months

Danielle Gibson Assistant Study Diploma of Children services, Cert 3 children services

5 months

Rebecca Smyth Assistant Cert 3 children services 6 monthsRachael Wall Assistant Study BLM 6 monthsLynda Cook Assistant B. Edu (primary) 3 monthsMaureen Pierpoint Assistant Studying Cert 3

Children Services3 years – Vacation care


St Joseph’s Outside School Hours Care service has been in operation for over eleven years. We hold a certificate of Accreditation from the National Childcare Accreditation council; we are currently undergoing the process of renewing this certification to be assessed in December this year. Our service is licensed to care for up to seventy children per session through the Queensland Department of Communities. We provide before school, after school and Vacation care, excluding public holidays.

Our service is growing in many positive ways through the support of the staff, parents, children and school. We have many varied options and activities for the children to take part in such as: Active After School Care – This is a government funded physical activity program

designed to encourage students to embrace sports, develop fine-motor and gross-motor skills, be part of a team and learn the social skills that are part of that experience. The program requires a minimum of two one hourly sessions per week. The grant allowance entitles us to hire additional coaches for specific sports to come in and teach. This is a really good experience for the students as they can gain specific knowledge and skills from a trained professional. All of the new staff are currently in the process of becoming qualified Active After School Care coaches registered with the Australian Sports Commission.

We have recently introduced a new ‘Children’s Choice’ daily program – the students are given the choice of what games, activities, arts and crafts they wish to do each day, there is also an optional cooking day planned each week for the students interested in becoming the next Masterchef. This is receiving a lot of highly positive feedback from both students and parents involved in the service.

Our vacation care programs offer excursions to places including the Mackay Harbour Beach Parks, John Breen Park, Indoor Sports Arena, the Cinema, Cape Hillsborough and many other places in the surrounding areas.

We have experienced a high turn-over staff in the past year, however we have gained new members and this has allowed for a fresh approach and new ideas for our centre. Our aims for the future include continuing to provide high quality care for

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the students and families, an upgrade of equipment to allow for a wider range of choices for the students and to maintain a safe environment. We wish to attain a permanent residence for our service that will allow us to set up a home base for the staff and students. This will give us access to the many facilities we have and make them more accessible.

At our service, we encourage student and parent feedback to ensure that we are catering for the students’ needs and interests; we appreciate their involvement in the planning of aspects of our program and the service in general. We are committed to providing a safe caring environment for the students of this community that fosters individual personal development in all areas.

Helena ReitanoActing OSHC Co-ordinator

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The Catholicity that exists here at St Joseph’s is something we should all be very proud of. It is authentic and life giving and permeates through all that happens inside and outside of our classrooms everyday. Our School Mission Statement is central to what we believe in as community and we take great pride in our School Prayer and Motto- ‘With Christ We Grow’.

Our SR&I survey results reinforce the fact that we are a very pastoral and caring school in which our families feel very supported through relationships and the Religious experiences provided. The Prayer experiences provided at St. Joseph’s are meaningful and always liturgically respectful, reverent and relevant. The fostering of Catholic traditions through prayer, rituals and teaching of Religion are paramount to all at our school.


Internal Team

The atmosphere that exists - every child is treated respectfully and the school acts as an extended family.

The welcoming and respectful atmosphere shown to families from a variety of religious and cultural backgrounds.

Very approachable Principal, teachers and staff.

The importance that is placed on daily prayer in the classroom via a variety of spoken prayers, hymns and special intentions as well as through the resources provided such as appropriate symbols and icons.

The relevant prayer experiences provided at a staff, P& F and Board level particularly during important liturgical times such as Lent, Easter, Feast Days and Christmas.

Whole School ‘Holy Week’ celebrations which are a wonderful experience for all involved, particularly our ‘Stations of the Cross’ liturgy on the final day of Term 1.

The promotion of social justice, compassion and service focuses at St Joseph’s, including Caritas initiatives, Red Nose Day, Jeans for Genes, Shave for a Cure, and a variety of natural disaster fundraisers.

The Mercy charism that still links strongly to our St Joseph’s environment particularly on east days, official openings and anniversaries. The efforts of our own Sr Margaret Graves is also central to this.

The strong link between school and parish in regards to the promotion of the ‘Sacramental Program’. Our APRE has been central to this positive relationship.

Catholic Ethos and Relationships

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The involvement of our Parish Priest Fr Peter Tonti at both formal and informal school functions and particularly the presence he creates through school visits.

The extremely positive contribution of our Pastoral Care Worker and the healthy relationship she then promotes between our School Counsellor, staff, students and families.

The resources provided and websites made available to all teachers promoting effective RE teaching through our APRE.

The introduction and implementation of 7 Values, its associated awards and SWAP groups.

External Team

The school is acknowledged as displaying Christian Values based on the teachings of Jesus. Members of the school community are welcoming and strive to live out the Gospel values.

The school has maintained the atmosphere often referred to as “The Family School” despite the increase in enrolments.

Staff morale is high and all staff feel valued by each other and by the members of the leadership team.

Staff functions and the social events outside of school hours promote collegiality and enjoyment.

The commitment of the APRE in supporting staff in the implementation of the school Religion program and the emphasis placed on prayer/liturgical celebrations.

The involvement of the school in attending and leading the first Friday parish Mass.

The witness, enthusiasm and leadership shown by the principal, APRE and APC in the faith life of the school and parish.


Internal Team

A greater variety in regards to prayer celebrations, different liturgies and new more modern hymns for school masses and liturgical celebrations. Possible discussion with the parish priest to consider the liturgical celebrations and masses in the classroom.

More frequent religious/spirituality PD for staff, at least twice a year.

More open and accessible links between school and parish through avenues not already explored both formally and informally. One idea is to extend invitations to parishioners to share their faith story in the classrooms.

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Greater attendance at weekend mass by staff, particularly during St Joseph’s Children Masses.

External Team

Reflect upon how you could provide information to parents on the history, teachings and sacraments of the Catholic Church. This would assist families in developing their knowledge and understanding of what the children learn in religion eg items in school newsletter, parent information evenings.

In discussions with all in the school community, review the current school crest.

Consider naming the new hall using a religious title suitable to the faith tradition of the school.

Review how the charism of the Mercy Sisters is taught, represented by icons/symbols across the school and documented in handbooks.

Leadership and Relationships

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St Joseph’s is a family orientated school that promotes family values and a Christian culture through the example provided by leadership, staff, P & F, Board and student leaders.

Our staff, led by our leadership team, is both professional and approachable and demonstrate a supportive and collaborative approach within their various roles. These qualities assist in fostering both the positive relationships and wonderful community spirit that exists within our school.

Students are encouraged to lead by example and through their involvement in various activities such as the Peer Support Program, Student Representative Council and Leadership Camps, our school endeavours to develop and nurture leadership qualities in our students.

The role of the School Board and Parent and Friends Association is positive in promoting strong partnerships between parents, school and the whole community.


Internal Team

Great feeling of community spirit within the school.

The Leadership team are supportive, understanding and approachable.

Staff are always welcoming, approachable and professional.

The traditions that have been created at St. Joseph’s over many years have continued even with changing leadership and staff. These include solid academic foundations for students, a strong family atmosphere and positive links to the parish.

That the principal and staff know most children by name and use respectful methods of communication with students.

Communication between school and parents is open, honest and frequent through both formal and informal avenues.

The children in higher grades look out for the younger children through the buddy system and via SWAP groups in Terms 2 and 4.

Our Year 7 School Leaders and in particular School and House Captains and SRC provide an authentic voice for younger children at the school.

The School Board and P & F have been extremely supportive of school leadership, teachers and staff in general. Both the Board and P & F are strong advocates for our parent body at large and work St Joseph’s in doing the best we possibly can for our children.

External Team

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Staff meetings are effective with quality and relevant input provided.

New families to the school are made to feel welcome and they become part of the school community very quickly.

The leadership displayed by many during the extensive BER building projects.

The presentation of school documentation is of a professional standard.

The school newsletter is an effective tool for communication. Parents feel that the newsletter keeps them informed about what is happening.

The commitment of the Workplace Health and Safety Officer in implementing effective WH&S practices that contribute to the safety of all in the school community.

The commitment of the support staff (teacher assistants, library co-ordinator, administration secretary, finance officer, groundsman) is greatly appreciated by all in the school community.

The enthusiasm of the SRC members and the important role that they have in the school community.

The commitment of the Principal who is highly regarded by all members of the school community for his dedication and pride in St Joseph’s.

For the way the school community responded to and worked together through the adverse weather conditions experienced in Term 1 2011


Internal Team

Increased opportunities for parental involvement for those parents who work eg book covering to be sent home for parents who want to assist.

Greater opportunities for parents to assist in classrooms through more structured timetables.

Improved communication to staff regarding aspects of the school decision making process.

Newsletters and OSHC information to be posted on the school website.

The school website to include more up-to-date information.

A school SMS service/system to be made available for families particularly regarding sporting cancellations and extreme weather patterns.

External Team

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Whilst the internal communication appears to be quite effective, publish an electronic “News of the Week” bulletin and distribute this to all staff.

Plan regular leadership team meetings and make this time a priority in each member’s calendar.

In this the 75th year of the school, consider implementing a consultative process that will lead to the naming of the three sporting houses beyond their current ‘colour’ only title.

Consider opportunities for support staff to meet as a group on a formal and regular basis. This should be facilitated by a member of the leadership team.

Clarify the use of the lunch room, planning room and administration foyer area in relation to the Behaviour Management procedures. There appears to be an inconsistency in their use.

As a leadership team develop a term plan that outlines the focus for staff meetings.

Ensure that the recommendations identified in the WH&S audit are addressed.

Teaching and Learning and Relationships

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St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School strives to be an innovative learning community by providing a rich Catholic Educational Experience for all members of the school community.

Our school programs have been developed in accordance with Diocesan Guidelines, and outline an approach to curriculum delivery that recognises the uniqueness of each individual. In order to meet the diverse teaching and learning needs of all students at St Joseph’s, our Teachers develop programs that maximise the learning potential of all students. This approach to teaching and learning promotes enjoyment and a sense of competence and accomplishment, in an atmosphere that explores ideas that go further than the school experience, and assists students to develop understandings of themselves and others.


Internal Team Genuine commitment of staff to providing a quality education to children as

well as values and respect in teaching and learning environments that are shaped by Gospel values.

Collegial relationships that promote a collaborative and supportive working environment eg the introduction of fortnightly professional learning communities to increase teacher professional dialogue and the sharing of skills.

Commitment of leadership and teaching staff to the development and review of school frameworks and programs that support innovative and creative planning, teaching and assessment practices in response to changing systemic and student needs.

Curriculum support offered to staff that promotes quality teaching and learning practices and ensures that professional development opportunities are made accessible to all staff in response to curriculum initiatives and personal need.

Explicit focus on literacy and numeracy through professional and positive involvement in whole school National Partnership initiatives.

Inclusion of specialist lessons within curriculum delivery eg HPE and Technology.

Equal opportunities given to all students to participate in social, academic, sporting and cultural pursuits as part of regular school routines and as extra curricular activities that encourage all students to ‘have a go’ and always give their best.

Communication with parents that is supported by weekly school newsletters, a school website and Mysuite page, and via fortnightly class newsletters.

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Availability of leadership and teaching staff to meet with parents both informally and formally. Three way reporting is valued by parents.

Respectful relationships between staff and students that are a positive influence in supporting children to develop to their fullest potential and create a ‘great school spirit’.

Acknowledgement of academic and social achievements of students through Principal and Student of the Week Awards, as well as recognition during assemblies and in the newsletter.

Promotion of a culture of acceptance and tolerance of all in the St Joseph’s community through positive role modelling by staff, inclusive classroom programs, active prayer life and whole school initiatives including the Seven Values and Buddy Systems, and SWAP groups.

Modernisation of facilities and resources that enhance teaching and learning environments eg dedicated computer lab, interactive whiteboards, classroom design, centralised reading resources.

External Team

The staff and students on the presentation of attractive and colourful learning environments, including displays of student work that complement classroom teaching and learning.

The students’ enthusiasm for what they have learnt, and the way they demonstrate pride in their learning.

Commitment of teachers to upskilling in the use of IWB’s to enhance teaching and learning.

Collaborative planning undertaken by teachers within the same year level.

Commitment of the entire staff to the National Partnerships program and the leadership provided to this initiative.

The use of and analysis of a range of data about student performance to inform the teaching and learning program.

The opportunities provided by the provision of Instrumental Music and Drama lessons which helps to promote the importance of cultural activities in the school.

The commitment of the APC in supporting staff in the implementation of the school curriculum programs and the support provided to individual teachers through the National Partnerships program.


Internal Team

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The Arts (in particular Music) and Languages are considered as part of the regular curriculum.

We support the statements regarding learning support as presented in the internal report, and we offer the following as a suggested way forward. With an increase in enrolments and the diverse range of students requiring additional assistance it is timely to conduct a review that considers –

o Shared philosophy on Inclusive practiceo Staffing and budgetary implications o Establishment of programs to identify and offer early intervention for

students with learning difficulties and gifted and talented that target their specific learning needs

o Effectiveness of teaching approaches for students with learning difficulties

o Allocation of teacher assistant timeo Collaborative development of IEPso Communication processes between learning support, teaching staff

and parents

Continued exploration of formal and informal assessment processes that support the monitoring and recording of student progress that is evidence-based and promotes consistency within and across year levels.

Investigations into timetabling options are explored that support uninterrupted instructional time for numeracy and literacy (eg reorganisation of specialist lessons including Drama and Music, as well as HPE and Technology).

Library resources are reviewed and updated regularly ensuring students are able to access a variety of modern and appealing resources.

Avenues are explored for continuing to integrate technologies into regular classroom teaching and learning practice in response to the digital curriculum content within the Australian Curriculum.

An interactive school website is developed that is regularly maintained and used as an authentic communication tool between school and home.

External Team

In light of the teaching and learning program and the impending implementation of the Australian curriculum, review the role of the specialist computer skills lessons from Prep to Year 7.

Review the number of weeks devoted to the swimming program and Jump Rope for Heart as part of the Physical Activity program.

Review the purchase of student textbooks to ensure that they complement classroom teaching and learning.

Publish minimum expectations regarding the use of mysuite and myclasses.

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Review the report card to ensure that it provides an easily understood, comprehensive analysis of student progress.

Resources and Relationships

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The transformation of St Joseph’s via BGA, BER and Diocesan Funding has provided a drastic physical change, the type of which the school has never before experienced, with St Joseph’s now looking ‘Brand New’.

These physical changes have also reinforced the fact that we must not only look good but must ensure our core business ‘Teaching and Learning’ continues to be the best it can be. The successful quality of education provided to students has been greatly contributed to by the general morale and effective working relationships between staff members at St Joseph’s School.

An integral part of life at St Joseph’s is the quality relationship between students, staff and parents. The high standards of communication have played a major part in this valued relationship and given it a feeling of belonging to a small community. However, these levels could be enhanced through updating our school website to be used as a more effective communication tool. Our website is an area we continue to improve upon.

Resources in classrooms have recently been updated with the purchase of class reader sets and math resources along with the introduction of inter-active whiteboards in all rooms with associated PD also available for teachers. Our next resource focuses are centred within the library and learning support structures we have in place.

While buildings at St Joseph’s have practically provided us with a new look school, concern still surrounds the drainage and lack of covered walkways to provide shelter from the rain and sun, along with the need for more trees and seating throughout the school.

Out of School Hours Care provides a much-needed service at St Joseph’s however it is felt that a separate facility from which to operate would enhance this service.

Safety of our children at pick-up time is paramount and many new initiatives have been implemented including a revised duty roster, as well as improved communication to our families regarding pick up/drop off rule and regulations. Notwithstanding this, some concern still remains around the lack of car parks provided and the traffic congestion flowing into surrounding streets.


Internal Team

A positive community atmosphere lends itself to St Joseph’s continually being termed ‘The Family School’.

Positive and accessible communication methods between all stakeholders at St Joseph’s.

Staff are familiar, friendly and approachable.

The respect for each other and the general morale that exists amongst staff members.

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The level of care provided by staff to students within all classes at all times is widely recognised and appreciated.

The new buildings, facilities and grounds in general are wonderful.

Updated classroom resources, including class readers, maths resources & interactive whiteboards have complimented the excellent teaching that happens in classrooms.

The provision of out of school care with after school and vacation care are a real asset for parents choosing St Joseph’s.

External Team

The outstanding welcome that is given to every person the moment they set foot in the administration area.


Internal Team

A separate facility for OSHC.

An improved, more organised system for assistance with IT problems.

Continued updating school website.

Ongoing updating of technology resources.

Greater provision required for library and learning support resources.

A real need for better drainage and covered walkways between blocks.

Improved areas for student lunch times.

The provision of more shaded outdoor areas and seating.

More toilet facilities for upper years.

Improved traffic flow management of after school pick up.

Improved parking for school staff.

More frequent maintenance of the learnscape garden.

External Team

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Explore the process for using e-mail as another form of communication between parents and teachers.

Consider replacing the sand in the play equipment areas to a softer, safer material.

To support the ever increasing challenges and additional IT equipment, consider the employment of a part-time IT Technician.

Ensure that extra-curricular, individual classroom events, sporting trials and competitions are communicated to all staff.

In consultation with the students, review the opportunities, resources and facilities provided at lunch time play so that the children have access to engaging and entertaining activities.

Improvement Processes and Relationships

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At St Joseph’s we value the sense of family very highly and as a community we strive to continually reflect, challenge and improve to make our school the best it can be.

Collaborative partnerships are vital between students, teachers, family and the wider community in whatever we do. These partnerships are the building blocks towards innovation and change which in turn allows us to plan together for the future.

We always endeavour to keep open lines of communication with our wider school community and are continually seeking ways to improve.


Internal Team

St Joseph’s is viewed as a supportive and caring community with initiative and drive to constantly improve.

The continued review and implementation of our School Development Plan, which focuses on areas of need, including catholic ethos, curriculum, resources, grounds and facilities.

The school community as a whole; students, parents and staff feel that we are a “small school that work as a family” (Small School, Big on Families).


Internal Team

Continue to identify areas for growth and development and keep the school community involved in the future processes to achieve these goals.

The development of a strategic plan for integrating ICT’s in the classroom from Prep to Year 7.

Future works projects to be considered include: covered walkways, better drainage, more car parking.

Continue to review and update the School Development Plan which is then communicated to the school community on a regular basis.


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We would like to congratulate and thank the School Review and Improvement Team for their work in co-ordinating the process and in preparation of this Report.

We would like to thank all participants for the willingness, openness and honesty that they demonstrated throughout the process. We value their insights, appreciate their thoughtfulness and will respect all confidences. The positive and optimistic attitudes of everyone in the community offer us great encouragement and we believe we will be enthusiastic in taking this process of Review and Improvement forward.

We have confidence that we have the ability and expertise to continue the process and believe that significant possibilities for continued individual and community growth are at its heart.

We now submit this report to the Director of Catholic Education in the Diocese of Rockhampton with the Accreditation report for the Non-State Schools Accreditation Board.


NameChairman of School Board

NamePresident of the Parents & Friends


Assistant Director – Schools(Northern Region)


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