Page 1: Introduction This is my PowerPoint about my day at Gordano school. By Megan


This is my PowerPoint about my day at Gordano school.

By Megan

Page 2: Introduction This is my PowerPoint about my day at Gordano school. By Megan

Getting up

I get up very early (when its still dark outside!). I usually have cereal for breakfast, my sister hazel comes down a bit later then me (because she doesn’t have an alarm clock). Hazel usually has cheerio's for breakfast. After breakfast I get dressed into my Gordano uniform, I get my coat and bag and walk to the bus stop which is across the road from my house.

Page 3: Introduction This is my PowerPoint about my day at Gordano school. By Megan

Going To School

When I arrive at the bus stop I have to wait awhile for the bus to come. The bus doesn’t look that nice (tickets are £3) and most year 10/11 are swearing, playing music on there phones or causing mayhem. I don’t like the bus.

Page 4: Introduction This is my PowerPoint about my day at Gordano school. By Megan

Tutor Time

When the bus arrives at school I go to tutor time ( sometimes I have to run ) our tutor room is MA9 which is a maths classroom.

Miss Michelle is our tutor. In tutor time everyone gets out their books and starts reading.

Page 5: Introduction This is my PowerPoint about my day at Gordano school. By Megan

1st Period – French

French is kind of confusing , there are loads of different ways just to say one thing. Our teacher speaks French most of the time and I sometimes don’t understand what she is saying.

Page 6: Introduction This is my PowerPoint about my day at Gordano school. By Megan

2nd Period – Ict

In ict we are making power points (actually its this PowerPoint) I like ict its fun and we get to play about with making power points.

Page 7: Introduction This is my PowerPoint about my day at Gordano school. By Megan

Break time

At break time me and Brandon usually walk to where our next lesson would be. Brandon normally eats a roll thing I don’t know what it is called but Brandon likes it.

Page 8: Introduction This is my PowerPoint about my day at Gordano school. By Megan

3rd and 4th Period – R.E Double

R.E is okay I don’t like it as much as some lessons . One of the reasons I don’t like R.E is because I hate religions which is all R.E is about. We had an R.E test the other day.

Page 9: Introduction This is my PowerPoint about my day at Gordano school. By Megan


Me and Brandon have packed lunch but because Brandon always brings money and goes to the canteen to buy a fruitina.

Page 10: Introduction This is my PowerPoint about my day at Gordano school. By Megan

5th Period – P.E

I hate P.E its so annoying I cant even hit a ball with a racquet and everyone else is better than me even Brandon!!

Page 11: Introduction This is my PowerPoint about my day at Gordano school. By Megan

6th Period – English

English is funny sometimes, something really happened one English lesson but Mr. Grimmet said we are not aloud to tell anyone else what happened!

Page 12: Introduction This is my PowerPoint about my day at Gordano school. By Megan

Going home

Going home on that bus again! Fortunately Avon mouth is the first stop after I get off I walk the rest of the way home.

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