
Introduction to ES6Introduction to ES6Tommy Cresine

What is ECMAScript?What is ECMAScript?

ECMAScript is the underlying core language of JS. The features for ES are defined in a standard knownas ECMA-262. Supersets of ES including Node.js, io.js, and client-sideJS add capabilities on top of the core capabilities. ES6 also known as ECMA Script Harmony is the latestversion and reached completion in 2014.

Current Compatibility Current Compatibility BrowsersBrowsersFF 36 - 65%

Chrome 41 - 45%IE 11 - 15%

RuntimesRuntimesio.js - 43%

Node - 25%PJS - 5%

Compilers & PolyfillsCompilers & PolyfillsBabel + core-js - 76%

Traceur - 64%Closure - 33%

es6-shim - 21%JSX- 16%

TypeScript- 9%

Object Literal ChangesObject Literal Changes

let first = 'John';let last = 'Doe';

let obj = { first, last };

// equivalent tolet obj = { first: first, last: last };

Property Value Shorthands

Method Definitionslet obj = { myMethod() { return 'foo'; }};

//equivvar obj = { myMethod: function() { return 'foo'; }};

let propKey = 'foo'; let obj = { [propKey]: true, ['b'+'ar']: 123};

Computed Property Keys

let obj = { ['f'+'oo']() { return 'bar'; }};

console.log(; // bar

ClassesClasses// Superclassclass Person { constructor(name) { = name; } describe() { return 'Person called ' +; }}

// Subclassclass Employee extends Person { constructor(name, title) { super(name); this.title = title; } describe() { return super.describe() + ' (' + this.title + ')'; }}

//Subclass built-in classesclass AppError extends Error { ...}

Arrow FunctionsArrow Functions// More compact syntaxlet arr = [1, 2, 3];let squares = => x * x);

// `this` is picked up from surroundings (lexical)// Therefore: no more `that = this` or bind()function UiComponent {

let button = document.getElementById('myButton'); button.addEventListener('click', () => { console.log('CLICK'); this.handleClick(); // lexical `this` });}

ModulesModules// lib.jsexport const sqrt = Math.sqrt;export function square(x) { return x * x;}export function diag(x, y) { return sqrt(square(x) + square(y));} // main.jsimport { square, diag } from 'lib';console.log(square(11)); // 121console.log(diag(4, 3)); // 5

Variables, Assigning & ParamsVariables, Assigning & Params// block-scoped let (write) const (read)function order(x, y) { if (x > y) { let tmp = x; x = y; y = tmp; } // ReferenceError: tmp is not defined console.log(tmp===x); return [x, y];}

//spread operatorlet arr = [-1, 7, 2];// 7let highest = Math.max(...arr);

// 2011, December 24, 00:00new Date(...[2011, 11, 24]) // Non-destructively concatenate elements// [-1, 7, 2, 9, -6]let arr2 = [...arr, 9, -6];

//default param valuesfunction initGrid(x=0, y=0) { // ...}

//destructuringlet obj = { first: 'Jane', last: 'Doe' };// f = 'Jane', l = 'Doelet { first: f, last: l } = obj;

//named params/optionsclass Person { ... displayName({ first: this.fname, last: this.lname } = {}) { ... }


let person = new Person();person.displayName({ first: 'Joe', last: 'Dirt' });person.displayName({ last: 'Smith' });

//rest paramsfunction foo(pattern, ...params) { return params;}// [1, 2]console.log(foo('bar', 1, 2));

Iterators, Loops & GeneratorsIterators, Loops & Generators//for-of looplet arr = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'];

for (let element of arr) { console.log(element);}/* Output: foo bar baz*/ for (let [index,element] of arr.entries()) { console.log(`${index}. ${element}`);}/* Output: 0. foo 1. bar 2. baz*/

// Generator function, iterating over objfunction* objectEntries(obj) { for (let key of Reflect.ownKeys(obj)) { // pause and return a value yield [key, obj[key]]; }}

let obj = { first: 'Jane', last: 'Doe' };

for (let [key,value] of objectEntries(obj)) { console.log(`${key}. ${value}`);}

/* Output: first. Jane last. Doe*/

Template StringsTemplate Strings

let name = 'Jane';let str = `Hi ${name}! 3 plus 4 is ${3+4}`;

let text = `This is a textthat spansmultiple lines.`;

//use tags and tag handlerssafehtml`<a href="${url}">${text}</a>`

SymbolsSymbolslet obj = { data: [ 'hello', 'world' ], [Symbol.iterator]() { const self = this; let index = 0; return { next() { if (index < { return { value:[index++] }; } else { return { done: true }; } } }; }};

for (let x of obj) { console.log(x);}// Output:// hello// world

ProxiesProxieslet target = {};let handler = { get(target, propKey, receiver) { console.log('get ' + propKey); return 123; }};let proxy = new Proxy(target, handler);

/** In console **/> get foo 123

Utility MethodsUtility Methods//Object.assignclass Point { constructor(x, y) { Object.assign(this, { x, y }); // ES6: { x, y } is abbrev. for { x: x, y: y } }}

//Array.prototype.findIndex> [6, 8, -5].findIndex(x => x < 0) 2> [6, 8, 5].findIndex(x => x < 0) -1

//Array.prototype.fill> ['a', 'b', 'c'].fill(7) [ 7, 7, 7 ]> new Array(3).fill(7) [ 7, 7, 7 ]

//new String methods> 'hello world'.startsWith('hello') true> '*'.repeat(5) '*****'

CollectionsCollections/** Arbitrary values Map keys **/ > let obj = {};> let map = new Map(); > map.set(obj, 123);> map.get(obj) 123> map.has(obj) true> map.delete(obj); true> map.has(obj) false

/** Sets are unique collections **/let arr = [5, 1, 5, 7, 7, 5];let unique = [ Set(arr)]; // [ 5, 1, 7 ]

PromisesPromisesfunction httpGet(url) { return new Promise( function (resolve, reject) { var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.onreadystatechange = function () { if (this.status === 200) { // Success resolve(this.response); } else { // Something went wrong (404 etc.) reject(new Error(this.statusText)); } } request.onerror = function () { reject(new Error( 'XMLHttpRequest Error: '+this.statusText)); };'GET', url); request.send(); });}//implementationhttpGet('').then( response => { console.log('Contents: ' + response); }, error => { console.error('Something went wrong', error); });

Using ES6 NowUsing ES6 NowNode v0.12.x using --harmony flagio.js v1.x ships with stable ES6 featuresAngularJS 2.0Aurelia FrameworkBabel ES6 to ES5 transpiler

Aurelia FrameworkAurelia Framework

Next generation JS client-side frameworkfeaturing Web Components, ES6 andmore.

Written with ES6 & ES7, no dependencies exceptpolyfills.Modular architecture: use-at-will or as full-featured.MV* with conventions over configuration.Dependency Injection ContainerAdvanced Routing / Child RoutingGulp Dev Pipeline & JSPM client-side packages

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