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Writing Programs You Can Keep in Your Pocket

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Why is programming fun?

What delights may its practioner expect as her reward?

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The programmer, like the poet, works only slightly removed

from pure thought-stuff.

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She builds her castles in the air, from air, creating by exertion of

the imagination.

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Yet the program, unlike the poet's words, is real in the sense that it

moves and works.

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It prints results, draws pictures, produces sounds, moves arms.

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The magic of myth and legend has come true in our time.

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One types the correct incantation on a keyboard, and

a display screen comes to life, showing things that never were

nor could be.

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-- Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.

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You can do it! *

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* A Mac

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$99/year **

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**· Build your app on a real device

· Publish apps to app store· Use Swi! before this fall

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Cocoa Touch

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What Kind of Stuff Can I Build?· home automation apps (HomeKit)

· health tracking apps (HealthKit)· photo/video processing apps (CoreImage)

· audio processing (CoreAudio)

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What Kind of Stuff Can I Build?· kid trackers (CoreLocation)

· apps that talk to bluetooth / iBeacons (CoreBluetooth)

· apps you can plug into MIDI instruments (CoreMIDI)

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What Kind of Stuff Can I Build?· plugins to be used by other apps

· custom keyboards· continuity / handoff

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What Kind of Stuff Can I Build?· apps with great touch/interactions support

· drawing apps with stylus support· apps with great animations· games (SpriteKit, SceneKit)

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What Kind of Stuff Can I Build?· plus anything a front end web application can


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$$ Getting Rich $$

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the app store gold rush is mostly over

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Businesses, not apps

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Lots of jobs!

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Plus, it's still fun and rewarding.

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Objective-CNSDictionary *animals = @{@"cat": @"meow", @"dog": @"woof", @"fox" : @"Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow!"};

for (NSString *animal in [animals allKeys]) { NSString *noise = animals[animal]; NSLog(@"The %@ says %@!", animal, noise);}

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Swiftlet animals = ["cat" : "meow", "dog" : "woof", "fox" : "Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow!"]

for (animal, noise) in animals { println("The \(animal) says \(noise)!")}

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Community & CultureThe community in Utah++

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Utah Valley· BYU Cocoaheads - 1/mo.

· NSCoder Night - Every weekSearch for BYU Cocoaheads in

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Salt Lake Valley· SLC Cocoaheads 1/mo

· UICoder Night - Every week

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Resources· Free Swi! Book in iBook store

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Stack Overflow

Page 38: Introduction to iOS - Girl Develop It!· Documentation

· Demo Apps· WWDC Videos

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Me· Twitter ( @jarsen )

· I'll give you my email

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Program lots! It takes practice!Don't be a perfectionist.

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