Page 1: Introduction to Objective Caml. General comments ML is a purely functional language--there are (almost) no side effects There are two basic dialects of

Introduction to Objective Caml

Page 2: Introduction to Objective Caml. General comments ML is a purely functional language--there are (almost) no side effects There are two basic dialects of

General comments

• ML is a purely functional language--there are (almost) no side effects

• There are two basic dialects of ML– Standard ML– Caml (including Objective Caml, or OCaml)

• ML is interactive• ML is case-sensitive• ML is strongly typed

Page 3: Introduction to Objective Caml. General comments ML is a purely functional language--there are (almost) no side effects There are two basic dialects of

Using Objective Caml

Page 4: Introduction to Objective Caml. General comments ML is a purely functional language--there are (almost) no side effects There are two basic dialects of

Programs on files

• Save your program file with a .ml extension– As always, use a decent text editor

• To load a program:– Choose File -> Open...– Click OK (to clear the input pane)– Navigate to your file and open it– Hit the Return key in the terminal input window

Page 5: Introduction to Objective Caml. General comments ML is a purely functional language--there are (almost) no side effects There are two basic dialects of

Two kinds of Enter!

• The Enter key on the main keyboard sends your expression to Ocaml to be executed

• The Enter key on the numeric keypad just gives you a new line in the input pane

• If you copy and paste code from another source, you may get mysterious errors– Replace each newline with the keypad kind!

Page 6: Introduction to Objective Caml. General comments ML is a purely functional language--there are (almost) no side effects There are two basic dialects of


• Comments are enclosed in (* and *)• Comments can be nested• Nested comments are useful for

commenting out a block of code that may itself contain comments

Page 7: Introduction to Objective Caml. General comments ML is a purely functional language--there are (almost) no side effects There are two basic dialects of


• Identifiers are composed of letters, digits, underscores ( _ ), and primes ( ' )– Normal variables must start with a lowercase

letter– "prime" = "apostrophe" = "single quote" = "tick"– Only "type variables" can start with a prime– An underscore all by itself, _, is a wildcard

Page 8: Introduction to Objective Caml. General comments ML is a purely functional language--there are (almost) no side effects There are two basic dialects of

Primitive types

• int 0, 5, 42, -17, 0x00FF– Negative ints often need to be parenthized: (-1)

• float 0.0, -5.3, 1.7e14, 1e-10– Cannot start with a decimal point

• bool true, false• string "", "One\nTwo\nThree"• char 'a', '\n'

Page 9: Introduction to Objective Caml. General comments ML is a purely functional language--there are (almost) no side effects There are two basic dialects of

Trying things at the prompt

• End expressions with a double semicolon, ;;# 2 + 2;;

- : int = 4# let five = 5;;

val five : int = 5# 2 + five;;

- : int = 7• Caml shows you the type because it's important

Page 10: Introduction to Objective Caml. General comments ML is a purely functional language--there are (almost) no side effects There are two basic dialects of

Operations on bools

• Comparisons give a bool result < <= = <> >= >

• Standard operators are not, &&, ||• # (1 < 3) && (3 <= 5);;

- : bool = true• && and || are short-circuit operators• There is an and, but it's something else entirely

Page 11: Introduction to Objective Caml. General comments ML is a purely functional language--there are (almost) no side effects There are two basic dialects of


• Arithmetic on integers: + - * /2 + 2;;

# - : int = 4• Arithmetic on floats: +. -. *. /.

# 2.0 +. 2.0;;- : float = 4.000000

# 2.0 + 2.0;;# Characters 6-9:

This expression has type float but is here used with type int

Page 12: Introduction to Objective Caml. General comments ML is a purely functional language--there are (almost) no side effects There are two basic dialects of

No mixed-mode arithmetic

# 5 + 3.0;;# Characters 4-7:

This expression has type float but is here used with type int

# 5 +. 3.0;;# Characters 0-1:

This expression has type int but is here used with type float

Page 13: Introduction to Objective Caml. General comments ML is a purely functional language--there are (almost) no side effects There are two basic dialects of

Numeric coercions

#float 5;;- : float = 5.000000

# truncate 3.8;;- : int = 3

# floor 3.8;;- : float = 3.000000

# ceil 3.8;;- : float = 4.000000

Page 14: Introduction to Objective Caml. General comments ML is a purely functional language--there are (almost) no side effects There are two basic dialects of


• Comparisions < <= = <> >= > can be applied to any type– Comparisons have their usual meanings for primitive

types (int, float, bool, string, char)– Their meaning is undefined for more complex types

• The comparisons == and != test whether two things occupy the same storage locations

Page 15: Introduction to Objective Caml. General comments ML is a purely functional language--there are (almost) no side effects There are two basic dialects of

Operations on strings and chars

• ^ is string concatenation• String.length s returns the size of string s• String.index s c finds character c in string s• String.sub s p n returns a substring of s of

length n starting from p• String.uppercase s uppercases all letters in s• String.capitalize s uppercases the first

character in s

Page 16: Introduction to Objective Caml. General comments ML is a purely functional language--there are (almost) no side effects There are two basic dialects of


• Lists are semicolon-separated and enclosed in brackets

• # [3; 5; 7];;- : int list = [3; 5; 7]

• All elements of a list must be the same type– Note that the type above is given as int list

Page 17: Introduction to Objective Caml. General comments ML is a purely functional language--there are (almost) no side effects There are two basic dialects of

The empty list

• The empty list is represented by [ ]• The empty list has a type• When Caml doesn't know the type, it represents

it with a type variable 'a, 'b, 'c, ...• # [ ];;

- : 'a list = []• Sometimes Caml does know the type of [ ] !

Page 18: Introduction to Objective Caml. General comments ML is a purely functional language--there are (almost) no side effects There are two basic dialects of

Operations on lists

• hd returns the head (CAR) of a list• tl returns the tail (CDR) of a list• :: adds an element to a list (CONS)

– Example: 1 :: [3; 5; 7] gives [1; 3; 5; 7]• @ appends two lists (APPEND)• List.length l returns the length of l• List.nth l n returns the nth element of l

Page 19: Introduction to Objective Caml. General comments ML is a purely functional language--there are (almost) no side effects There are two basic dialects of


• Elements of a tuple are separated by commas• Tuples are usually enclosed in parentheses• # ("pi", 3.1416, [1;2;3]);;

- : string * float * int list = "pi", 3.141600, [1; 2; 3]

• Notice the type: (string * float * int list)• [(3, 5.0); (3.0, 5)] isn't legal--why not?

Page 20: Introduction to Objective Caml. General comments ML is a purely functional language--there are (almost) no side effects There are two basic dialects of

Tuples of different sizes

• Notice the types in the following:• # (1, 2, 3);;

- : int * int * int = 1, 2, 3# (1, 2);;

- : int * int = 1, 2# (1);;

- : int = 1 (* Why is this an int? *)• For x of any type, (x) is the same as x

Page 21: Introduction to Objective Caml. General comments ML is a purely functional language--there are (almost) no side effects There are two basic dialects of

Operations on tuples

• A pair is a tuple of two elements• fst t is the first element of a pair t

snd t is the second element of a pair t• That's all!• You can define additional operations on

tuples by using pattern matching (more about that later)

Page 22: Introduction to Objective Caml. General comments ML is a purely functional language--there are (almost) no side effects There are two basic dialects of

The unit

• The empty tuple is represented as ( )• The empty tuple is called the "unit"• There is (obviously) only one value of this

type, but it is a value• There are a (very) few places where we use

the unit because we need to provide a value but don't care what it is.

Page 23: Introduction to Objective Caml. General comments ML is a purely functional language--there are (almost) no side effects There are two basic dialects of

Defining a simple function

• # let add (x, y) = x + y;;val add : int * int -> int = <fun>

# add (3, 5);;- : int = 8

• Notice the type of add: int * int -> int = <fun>• The -> indicates that this is a function• The value (function body) is abbreviated to <fun>

Page 24: Introduction to Objective Caml. General comments ML is a purely functional language--there are (almost) no side effects There are two basic dialects of

The End

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