Page 1: Introduction to the Blueprint for Careers for CLCs Presented by – Date – Career is increasingly being viewed as something every human has, for a lifetime

Introduction to the Blueprint for Careers for CLCsPresented by –Date –

Career is increasingly being viewed as something every human has, for a lifetime (Gysbers, 1997)

Page 2: Introduction to the Blueprint for Careers for CLCs Presented by – Date – Career is increasingly being viewed as something every human has, for a lifetime

Aim and objectives


To introduce the Blueprint for Careers (England) and its



By the end of the session participants will be able to:

• Analyse the support and skills needed to manage careers

• Explain what the Blueprint for Careers is

• Relate it to their own context

• Identify how they might use it themselves.

Page 3: Introduction to the Blueprint for Careers for CLCs Presented by – Date – Career is increasingly being viewed as something every human has, for a lifetime

Your career path

Work in fours – preferably with people you do not know well

Look at the quotes about careers – select ones that represent your views and values. If there are none that appeal to you write your own!

Discuss what this means for careers and the support required for individuals in developing their careers.You have 10 minutes for this exercise.

Page 4: Introduction to the Blueprint for Careers for CLCs Presented by – Date – Career is increasingly being viewed as something every human has, for a lifetime

What is a career?

• A career is defined as the combination and sequence of roles played by a person during the course of a lifetime Super (1980)

• How does this compare to your definition?

• What is your scheme’s/organisation’s definition?

Page 5: Introduction to the Blueprint for Careers for CLCs Presented by – Date – Career is increasingly being viewed as something every human has, for a lifetime

What is career development?


• Preparing for the world of work

• Gaining the skills and experience to find one’s vocation in life

• Improving one’s employability.Currently:

• A lifelong process that influences all aspects of a person’s life

• The knowledge, skills and attitudes that evolve through the lifelong process

• Continually developing relevant skills for both personal life and work.

Page 6: Introduction to the Blueprint for Careers for CLCs Presented by – Date – Career is increasingly being viewed as something every human has, for a lifetime

What’s changed?

• Changing and fragmented labour market

• Less employer support for career development

• Less career support for young people and adults

• Complex choices and limited funding for learning

• More transition points: individuals need to recognise transferable skills

• Individuals need the competence to manage their own careers.

Page 8: Introduction to the Blueprint for Careers for CLCs Presented by – Date – Career is increasingly being viewed as something every human has, for a lifetime

Skills for the journey?

• Focus, on who they are, what they have to offer, and what is important to them

• Direction, knowing their options, what appeals to them, and how to qualify for suitable learning and work opportunities

• Adaptability, the skill of making the best of ever-present change

• Healthy self-esteem and self-knowledge, to counter uncertainty and doubt.

Richard Froeschle (2003)

Page 9: Introduction to the Blueprint for Careers for CLCs Presented by – Date – Career is increasingly being viewed as something every human has, for a lifetime

Blueprint for Careers

The Blueprint for Careers is a framework thatcan be used to help people to manage their approach to their life, learning and work.

Page 10: Introduction to the Blueprint for Careers for CLCs Presented by – Date – Career is increasingly being viewed as something every human has, for a lifetime

What is it?

• A framework of 11 career competencies for individuals with indicators describing outcomes

• It is flexible and can be adapted to different settings and circumstances

• It is suitable for all ages.

Page 11: Introduction to the Blueprint for Careers for CLCs Presented by – Date – Career is increasingly being viewed as something every human has, for a lifetime

The Blueprint: versions developed

• 1989: Guidelines developed in the USA with focus on employability skills

• 1996: Canadian version developed with focus on on life / work design

• 2005: Australian version

• 2009/10: Work began to develop versions for Scotland / England

• 2011: Version for England produced.

Page 12: Introduction to the Blueprint for Careers for CLCs Presented by – Date – Career is increasingly being viewed as something every human has, for a lifetime

Developing the Blueprint for England

ICT skills

Healthy living

Employability skills


Building self efficacy

Social Media


Financial Planning Mobility

Building self-reliance

Environmental AwarenessEnterprise skills


Cultural diversity

The Big Society



Page 13: Introduction to the Blueprint for Careers for CLCs Presented by – Date – Career is increasingly being viewed as something every human has, for a lifetime

The Blueprint for Careers (England)

Page 14: Introduction to the Blueprint for Careers for CLCs Presented by – Date – Career is increasingly being viewed as something every human has, for a lifetime

The Blueprint – a version for England

Exploring life, learning and work• I learn throughout my life.• I find and utilise information and the support of others.• I understand how changes in society, politics and the economy

relate to my life, learning and work.• I understand how life, learning and work roles change over time.

Understanding and developing myself• I know who I am and what I am good at.• I interact confidently and effectively with others.• I change, develop and adapt throughout my life.

Developing and managing my career• I make effective decisions relating to my life, learning and work.• I find, create and keep work.• I maintain a balance in my life, learning and work that is right for me.• I plan, develop and manage my life, learning and work.

Page 15: Introduction to the Blueprint for Careers for CLCs Presented by – Date – Career is increasingly being viewed as something every human has, for a lifetime

Blueprint activity 1: Using it yourself

(1) Which of these competencies have you developed? (2) What helped you develop them?(3) What changes in circumstances might affect your competence?

You have 10 minutes for this exercise

Page 16: Introduction to the Blueprint for Careers for CLCs Presented by – Date – Career is increasingly being viewed as something every human has, for a lifetime

Blueprint activity 2: Using it with individuals

(1) How could you use the Blueprint with individuals in your role as a CLC?

(2) What activities could you develop to support your clients to develop the Blueprint competencies?

You have 10 minutes for this exercise

Page 17: Introduction to the Blueprint for Careers for CLCs Presented by – Date – Career is increasingly being viewed as something every human has, for a lifetime

A learner perspective

‘The Blueprint covers what you want from a career, how hard you are prepared to work/study for it and how much it will cost you to train/study. It challenges your own work values and the probability that you will not have a job for life and that there may be several career changes. I wish I had received this when I was at school.’

An adult learner. pg 31 Career blueprint: supporting an all-age guidance Strategy. LSIS 2010

Page 18: Introduction to the Blueprint for Careers for CLCs Presented by – Date – Career is increasingly being viewed as something every human has, for a lifetime

What are the benefits?

• Individuals learn how to manage their own careers throughout their lives

• Individuals know where to get information and support

• Providers have a common framework for planning, development and measuring progress

• Providers have a shared language and consistent practice

• One flexible framework for many careers and transitions.

Page 19: Introduction to the Blueprint for Careers for CLCs Presented by – Date – Career is increasingly being viewed as something every human has, for a lifetime

Blueprint: What is the philosophy behind it?

“Career management is not about making the right occupational choice. It’s about equipping people with the competencies (skills, knowledge, attitudes, character, emotional intelligence) to make the myriad of choices with which adults are confronted, in all aspects of their lives and throughout life to become confident, healthy, self reliant citizens, able to cope with constant change in the labour market and maintain balance between life and work roles.” Phil Jarvis

Page 20: Introduction to the Blueprint for Careers for CLCs Presented by – Date – Career is increasingly being viewed as something every human has, for a lifetime

The Canadian high five messages for career development

• Change is constant

• Follow your heart

• Focus on the journey

• Keep learning

• Build relationships.

David Redekopp, the National Life / Work centre

Page 21: Introduction to the Blueprint for Careers for CLCs Presented by – Date – Career is increasingly being viewed as something every human has, for a lifetime

Blueprint activity 3: Action planning

(1 Which of the activities discussed today do you think you would like to take forward?(2) What resources will you need?(3) What will you do immediately?

You have six minutes for this activity

Page 22: Introduction to the Blueprint for Careers for CLCs Presented by – Date – Career is increasingly being viewed as something every human has, for a lifetime


1. How has the concept of career changed?

2. Where was the Blueprint developed?

3. What is the philosophy of the Blueprint framework?

4. What are three main areas in the Blueprint for careers (England)?

5. What are you going to do next with the Blueprint?

Thank you for attending, please complete an evaluation form

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LSIS, (2009) Career Learning for the 21st Century: the career blueprint – a competence approach.

LSIS, (2010) Career Learning for the 21st Century: Careers Blueprint supporting an all-age guidance strategy

LSIS, (2010) Career Learning for the 21st Century: mapping the Blueprint against other frameworks

LSIS, (2011) Career Learning for the 21st Century: The Blueprint for Careers – evidence of impact

LSIS, (2012) Career Learning for the 21st Century: A guide to the Blueprint for Careers

LSIS (2012) Blueprint for Careers: Brief guide

LSIS (2012) Blueprint for Careers grid

LSIS (2012) Blueprint for careers and its implementation (available May 2012)

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References continued

Canadian Website:

Australian website:

LSIS Blueprint materials

Career Learning for all – free on-line CPD module produced by LSIS

Froeschle, R. (2003) Cost of Market Indecision: The Economic Effects of Insufficient Career Information, Texas Workforce Commission, Career Development Resources, Austin, TX.

Gysbers, N.C. (1997) Involving Counseling Psychology in the School-to-Work Movement: An Idea Whose Time Has Come. The Counseling Psychologist, 25(3), 413-427.

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